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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 835x557, busy kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8632617 No.8632617 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like working in a kitchen?

>> No.8632623


overworked and underpaid. servers make more money than you sitting on their ass while you're slaving away complaining about how long it's taking. then at the end of they day they bitch about their tips in front of you.

fuck servers. got a real job and never looked back.

>> No.8632939

I prefer shifts BoH to FoH though, in the kitchen you can be yourself rather than the facade you have to keep up when waiting tables.

Plus, we split all tips with BoH 50/50 in my restaurant.

>> No.8632945

>Plus, we split all tips with BoH 50/50 in my restaurant.

50/50?! Damn, that's fucking awesome. I assume the servers make a higher than usual wage (and still bitch about having to split their tips)?

>> No.8632946

I dont work in a kitchen

>> No.8632973
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I mow lawns
When you get fast, you can make 40-60 bucks an hour if you do small lawns. You also can cheat on taxes. You also get a 4-5 month vacation when the grass doesn't grow.

>> No.8632976

stop being ugly

>> No.8632977

I kind of have to agree with him. But, some people just can't handle kitchen life. He's obviously one of them.

>> No.8632978

I love hard work, it's satisfying and as for the pay I don't want for much. What I can't stand is the disrespect and not from the customers but from the front. Ungrateful, shiftless, greedy, incompetent niggards every one. They make me sick. Worse yet they're running our business into the ground. No one wants to eat here because the staff is so shitty and fewer still would ever work here because of their iniquity. It's intolerable.

>> No.8632997

Working in a kitchen almost turned me off cooking entirely. Never again

>> No.8632998


This made me laugh harder than I think it should have.

>> No.8633013

Ten years and I know I've wasted my life. I need a new degree, but I see how colleges are now (just saw some shit on the local news yesterday about how one of our local universities is letting people pick their gender on their ID cards).
so, my life has been wasted, and now seeing all this shit, I'm just waiting to die.

>> No.8633014

It sucks ass. The work is hot, exhausting, and dirty. I come home smelling like fucking grease and onion every day. I work like a fucking slave for pennies while listening to the owner go on and on about how much money he's making. On top of that, the new crop of dishpit shitters is fucking incompetent and none of them can stay past 10pm so I end doing all the fucking closing myself.

If it wasn't for my coworkers (other than most of the dish shitters) I would probably quit and go back to doing retail (which sucks too, but at least the work is easier).

>> No.8633034

>letting some shitty newscast deter you from bettering your situation

You really need to leave 4chan

>> No.8633039

the Mexican landscapers American dream playbook

>> No.8633058

That image ain't a busy kitchen. That's a lull.

Anyway, no I don't like it. Not anymore. Mostly for the reasons already stated (low pay, low respect from anyone but coworkers/FoH in the know, too many hours, fuck FoH in general, etc etc.) I'm decent at it, and that's the shitty part. I also hate customer service, and so I don't fancy going back to retail. I'm entertaining the idea of going into a trade, even though I'm sort of old for that. I like working with my hands and making things, and don't mind hard work. Plus I can be my own boss, which is a great thing, because fuck owners. I have yet to work for an owner I truly respected who was a decent human being. Most of them view the BoH as their personal money printing machine. At least the dude I currently work for does shit by the book and honestly, but he's still a prick who admits he'd fuck any one of us over to make sure his family had an extra dime.

>> No.8633134

Not to late to go into a trade. Join the IBEW and make 40 bucks an hour in 5 years. You start at something like 15-16 and get raises as you go through the apprenticeship.

>> No.8633152

I liked it but terrible coworkers (niggers) ruined the atmosphere and made everything bad so I quit.

>> No.8633153

Coons always ruin everything.

>> No.8633159

Some of them were fine but what made everything even worst were the white dudes who acted like niggers. Everyone always tried to be funny too much and never worked enough, just barely scraping by. Pissed me off enough that I work FT at a grocery now.

>> No.8633180

I'm thinking about HVAC. Air conditioners just seem so important and my family has always had air conditioning problems, like almost every summer. It seems like a really profitable trade, and the best part is you don't have to worry about automation.

>> No.8633183


They aren't necessarily the problem as individuals (at least in my experience). It's when they start creating their own little sub"""culture""" that disrupts the flow of the work place

>> No.8633190

I like it. Been doing it for 15 years now. My advice is to work hard and find a nice returant to work at. If you are working at IHOP with a bunch of niggers and hardcore drug addicts, then yeah you are going to get burnt out fast. You can also get decent pay, but you gotta work for it.

>> No.8633198

>Uni lets some shitters put something irrellevent on their entry passes
Whatever dude unless you want to do an arts degree these people aren't going to effect, college/uni is not like highschool just go to lectures and hand up assignments

>> No.8633202

Is working in a kitchen a good way to meet drug dealers? I've wanted to try heroin for so long. I need to know if it's redpilled or bluepilled.

>> No.8633233

Man that sucks. You're in the wrong restaurant bro. I own a restaurant. I'm a hands on owner/chef though. Before owning a restaurant I was mainly a BOH guy. I get where everyone is coming from. First off I pay my kitchen staff more than any other restaurant in our small city. Only people that make minimum wage for me are servers in training. Servers are not allowed to complain about shitty tips or brag about great tips in our restaurant. Two years ago I made a change in policy. ALL FOH people have to learn and work the kitchen for two full weeks before they are allowed to start training on the floor. They do this for minimum wage. They start washing dishes then move to prep then to the line briefly. Servers are not even allowed to talk to the cooks during service. If they have a question or comment or refire on something they speak to the expediter only. The minute they start acting entitled to those tips I shut them down. For every shitty tip there is the next guy that makes up for it. Our kitchen is hot a hectic but I also reward my cooks when I can. I'm not a greedy person so if I'm making money I make sure everyone that helped me make that money gets a little piece of it. After making money so long for other people, I wanted to create an atmosphere where my employees feel appreciated. Honestly I went through over 200 applicants before I hired my crew. We've been open almost 4 years now and have been very successful. I have a great crew. Even the ones that started off shitheels are doing great. We never really had a high turnover. Most people that were fired were fired withing a few days of starting. People can typically prove their worth in a matter of a couple of days. Plus if you're an unlikeable idiot you gotta go. I know this sounds like smoke being blown but it's the truth. I have a very respectful crew. I value them as people not just employees. Those that get the big picture and make me money, get to get a little piece of that pie too.

>> No.8633241

do you need to go to culinary school to get a job in a kitchen, like an actual decent kitchen and not some shithouse

>> No.8633249

No you don't. No experience can be just fine. With the right people running that kitchen you can be molded to be a great cook/chef whatever. Unless you're a complete dipshit

>> No.8633256

I've worked with people who have graduated from this culinary school or that culinary school and I could run circles around them.
My opinion is if you're going to go to culinary school, get some experience first. Make sure it's what you want. Explore your creativity because NO ONE or SCHOOL can teach you to be creative. To really benefit from culinary school it needs to be the next step in your career not the first step.

>> No.8633264

ok, thanks for advice friends

>> No.8633291

Yeah it is a great place to buy and sell drugs. BOH are usually the ones that have it. I wouldnt recomend heroin though, you WILL fuck your life up on it.

>> No.8633347

That's a greattrade too, dont be afraid to look for an apprenticeship somewhere, even if it means taking a little pay cut until you are fully fledged and making lots of money

>> No.8633360

I was thinking about going to a local trade school beforehand but I don't really have the cash. Do you think it's possible to land an apprenticeship by just self studying? Or are businesses willing to take in apprentices who have no knowledge and experience?

>> No.8633365

>Is working in a kitchen a good way to meet drug dealers? I've wanted to try heroin for so long. I need to know if it's redpilled or bluepilled.
How could you possibly apply the rudimentary concept of "redpilled/bluepilled" to heroin and why would you ever think heroin is "redpilled"?

Are people addicted to prescription opiates who are effectively reduced to slaves "redpilled" in your opinion?

>> No.8633376

I need to know if it's possible to resist addiction and if druggies just have no willpower and discipline. So many drugs used to be sold in drug stores but I never read anything about it like it's never been a problem in the past. I believe there are people who take drugs but are able to control themselves and are only occasional drug users.

>> No.8633392


You seem to think this is a black-and-white issue. It's not. It depends entirely on the individual involved.

About the only thing that can be said is that pretty much anything that's pleasurable has the possibility of being psychologically addictive. That includes drugs (any), alcohol, gambling, sex, shopping, video games, overeating, internet..... Willpower and discipline have a big effect here.

Certain drugs are chemically addictive in addition to being possibly psychologically addictive. That includes alcohol, opiates (i.e. heroin), nicotine, benzodiazapine, etc. Willpower and discipline don't matter much in this case. No matter how much a Heroin addict might want to quit they will still suffer physical withdrawals (that's where the term "going cold turkey" comes from)

>> No.8633400

How old are you and why is this so important to you?

If you want to try to "control" or be a casual opiate user you're literally retarded. Try to find healthy and positive ways to fill the void in your life and draw self-confidence from.

>> No.8633417

You're all weak faggots you probably don't even go outside because of the possibility of being hit by a car. I'm going to be a writer one day and my philosophy of life is to try everything once because you can't write about what you don't know. So just fuck off I'm not the pathetic loser degenerate you think I am or the pussy beta cuck you are. I've taken opiates before and it's literally nothing. I need to do the end of the line most extreme shit and come out of it so that I can experience what it's like. You think movies like Trainspotters or Requiem for a Dream were written by some domesticated chair jockey? I'm a fucking man, so quit your bitching.

>> No.8633430

If you are looking to get into HVAC try for plumbing, pipefitting, sheetmetal etc, as well. Just go apply everywhere you can, and present yourself well. If you get some work related to one trade it could help you get experience for HVAC. I don't recommend trade school. There are places that will hire you without experience if you seem like you could learn/have a good attitude. Look into unions as well. I'm not sure how they all work but the Electricians union provides schooling as well as work, which costs you nothing.

>> No.8633465

ahahahaha grow up kid.

Writers who take your approach to writing are usually hacks. Look at Kerouac, that guy was basically a transcriber not a writer. And it killed it, because he was always confronting his fear that he wasn't actually a writer in the strictest sense. He became the drunk who thinks he has to stay drunk to keep people entertained.

A writer writes, and uses their imagination, they don't have to experience everything to write about something.

Do you even write, as in be disciplined enough to sit at your computer and write for X amount of hours every day?

No. You are just some candy ass middle-class white kid who likes the idea of slumming it under the pretense of his "art". I bet you tell everyone about your plans too, thinking it impresses them. You probably show up to a party with a worn copy of Catcher in the Rye or Big Sur under your arm, a bottle of cheap wine, and a calculated air of coldness and teenage angst, talking about your writing plans.

Keep palming your mom's percocets and valium and dreaming about being hard, you suburban-in-denial underachiever.

Even your big dream and path to get there is a cliche. I'm sure your generic edgy street experiences clumsily written in a self-absorbed, pretentious travelogue fashion will go over huge.

>> No.8633474

I love it, and couldn't really imagine doing anything else. The pay does suck though. Good thing I'm single and don't have any desire to get into a relationship or start a family. I live with my parents rent free anyways, so I'm actually saving lots of money to live comfortably when my folks aren't around anymore.

>> No.8633486

Stop being unemployed

>> No.8633494

I might be a shit writer but at least I don't reddit space my posts.

>> No.8633510

>reddit space my posts.
Im tired of this meme

>> No.8633511


>I've wanted to try heroin for so long. I need to know if it's redpilled or bluepilled

As someone who has witnessed the heartbreak of families whose children have died from ODing (which is REALLY easy to do when it comes to H), I don't recommend it.

Addiction is a hard thing to break away from, especially with a substance that has taken control of your life.

Stay the fuck away from heroin.

>> No.8633514


>reddit space

I don't think the concept of readability came from reddit, but by all means, keep posting incomprehensible garbage that will get ignored

>> No.8633518

This.many of my friends are now dead because of this stuff. Even people just doing lines of it are ODing because a lot of shit around here is cut hard with fent

>> No.8633519


This looks like fresh pasta

>> No.8633523

Sounds like the world would be a better place if that faggot ODed. I recommend he try it by injecting it his first time like a real man.

>> No.8633527

You fucking faggot. I'm interested in doing it fucking ONCE HOW DO I EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH IT TAKES TO "TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE"
that sounds like bootlicking garbage anyway. Nothing ever takes control of our lives besides ourselves. Keep being weak.

>> No.8633530
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>> No.8633537

I work in a lodge for oilfield workers. Generally between 300-600 clients. Night shift 8:30pm-8:30 am 21 days on 7 days off. I basically just make sandwiches and I love it.

>> No.8633538

You also won't know how much to do which hopefully results in your death. If you smoke it or snort it, you're a giant pussy. Shoot it up or go home.

>> No.8633539
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also i used to abuse the shit out oxys and xanax. you can meme about muh self control but once you're hooked you're hooked and you will rationalize it to yourself all day. im not hooked, just one more.. im in control. im the one in charge here. no this cant be happening

>> No.8633548
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>> No.8633551

It's okay. Pay is reasonable enough and the place covers a meal while on break

When I'm working dishes though I become a bitter misanthrope. Eat the damn food you ordered, fuckers

>> No.8633553


>> No.8633559

Yuppies are so fucking wasteful. It's disgusting.

>> No.8633566
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>Nothing ever takes control of our lives besides ourselves

Diamorphine and other opiates bond more profoundly to painkiller receptors than anything your body can naturally produce. It's better than all the hot showers and warm cozy sheets you've ever snuggled into. Please don't do heroin.

>> No.8633570

You just want to keep all the warm sheets to yourself. Heroin is literally a gift from God.

>> No.8633605

II'm a college dropout who used to do coke. Had a few very different jobs out of school before I got into cooking, but I found it to be the only thing that really simulates the rush of coke. I'm also a clean freak so I have a blast when I deep clean the place. People complain but if you're good and work hard you get treated right. $14 isn't a lot of money to some people but I'm 24, single and I live in a small town in a cheap low population state and it's more money than I know what to do with.

>> No.8633610
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>chef that does coke

>> No.8633612
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>> No.8633624
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>I've taken oppiates before and its literally nothing.
>I want to be a writer [then people will listen to me]

You my friend are surely genius.
pic related, enjoy your search for enlightenment, down the rabbit hole you go.

>> No.8633651

Chef that did* coke. Clean for two years, don't even drink.

>> No.8634760

It's a jap restaurant, but more white people ordering than japs

3/4ths of the entire kitchen staff speak spanish except when talking to me or customers

I may very well be the only white guy in the kitchen

But they're all pretty cool, so it's not much of an issue except for when I can understand what's being fucking said which can make it a pain to be in concert

But before there I was working at a movie and you don't know dealing with shitheads until you have to block niggas trying to sneak in and tell motherfuckers to get off their phones while the movie is going, so I can't complain about any of it. Like I said, it's a pretty nice place, bitches just need to stop ordering plates of edamame and not eating a SINGLE FUCKING ONE

>> No.8634870

I don't work in a kitchen; I'm a software engineer. It's okay.

>> No.8634895

>wants to be a writer
>can't think of a better insult than "beta cuck"
wew lad

>> No.8635148

You'll make a great writer if you think paragraphs are "reddit space".

>> No.8635152

>I want to try something once to see if I can control myself
Yeah that makes a lot of sense.

You are an insufferable faggot.

>> No.8635304

Let's say I hardly know how to cook anything, would working in a restaurant help me to learn how to cook?
Obviously I'd start out as a dishwasher and work my way up. I don't think I could handle jumping straight into cooking or prepping.

>> No.8635848

Most prepping is just following simple instructions. If you can follow a recipe, then you can do prep.

>> No.8636266
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>left the tasting spoons out on hot line in the flat rack
you ever realized you fucked up about a minute after you pull in the driveway?

>> No.8636279

I did, I worked FoH and BoH, did bussing, hosting, salad bar attendant, bar back, server and prep cook all in one building in 3 years.

Prep Cook was probably one of the comfiest jobs I've ever done, but i'd rather kill myself than work the line

>> No.8636331
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Has its ups and downs.

I'm extremely good at prep and line cooking, Worked almost every part of the industry, from dish to assistant chef and busser to server and bartender.
Like most people said, it's fairly low pay, but if you have ambition and aren't a retard, you can build yourself to a sous position at a decent restaurant for a not too shabby salary, better than most people in their early 20s. But you can expect very long hours and stress.
Recently made the change to go back to corporate. Little less pay, but it's a great atmosphere and culture and it's much more chill. Servers are hot as fuck and foh/boh both hang out after work. Helps to not be an ugly autist.
Think I'm going to settle down here, accept what I can and can't be, try to climb the corporate ladder, and plan for my future. Don't really have any money to switch fields

>> No.8636390

>local tv news
and there is your problem

you drank the kool-aid

college is as college has always been, ignore the melodrama your local news station stirs up for ratings.

>> No.8636431

I have a checklist in my kitchen specifically to prevent this because it'll drive me crazy otherwise.
>trying to get to sleep wondering if you left the oven on

>> No.8636438

I did when I was young and had a lot of energy and drive. Now, I'm too old for that shit. I wouldn't mind working in a small kitchen with just myself and one or two others, but in a full kitchen? Fuck that.

>> No.8636773
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oh man do i know THAT feel.

>> No.8636808

Sounds idyllic. Shame I'm about to get out of the life; a place like this sounds like heaven. I ain't afraid to work, so hot and crazy is fine by me as long as everyone has their heads on and keeps them down. Honestly sounds a bit too good to be true but the fact that you hold that opinion of yourself and that ideal means even if 50% of what you said is bullshit or imagined, enough of it is real that it'd be a pretty good place to be. Kinda hard not to at least follow through on some of that when you say it enough. Good on you for making it and good luck. I'm too neurotic to run my own place. I couldn't subject anyone to me as an owner or employer. I used to want to open a spot but now I'd rather just make shit outta wood.

>> No.8636966


Pretty sure you're trolling. Regardless, just letting you know that h will fuck you up man. Ham is no joke bro. That Horse will render you thoughtless.

>> No.8637050

Sounds like a plan. Get yourself nice and smacked up. There's bliss to be found in the needle

>> No.8637120

>this is still getting forced

>> No.8637411

It's pretty awesome but still not without stress and drama. It's still a kitchen man. People still get big heads but everyone got a little humbled this past Christmas season. So far every Christmas we've bonused everyone out. This time we only bonused the ones that went above and beyond, which was literally one person. When everyone realized after Christmas that they weren't going to get bonuses for just showing up and doing bare minimum, they came back around. Everyone can get complacent. I explained to everyone why they didn't get bonuses this year, they were a little butthurt because they just thought bonuses magically appear for doing their jobs. They will get them again maybe. Like I said those that get the big picture will always be rewarded. Those that just show up and do bare minimum will get bare minimum. I started out a shitheel just like most of them, but I eventually became a hard working respectable shitheel. I totally understand if we are just a stop on the way to bigger and better things. I work side by side with my employees. I'm not an absentee owner in any way shape or form. I am pretty sure that's why we have been successful. We have increased sales and profit every single year we've been open. I'm there all the time and I am a control freak, BUT I've learned to trust my guys and girls to do their jobs and not to micromanage them, which I have been very guilty of. It took some time but in the long run it's caused me way less stress to just manage them instead of micromanage them. People like working for us. What I've said here and my previous post is all true. It's not paradise but it is a great place. We are ranked #1 in our area on TripAdvisor and Yelp etc. We've bounced up and down in the top 40 to top 30 of over 6000 restaurants in the region according to TripAdvisor as well. It wasn't by accident. My family and my team have busted our butts to get there. We don't stick to a standard corporate formula of turn em and burn em.

>> No.8637443
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I've been an executive chef for 10 years now, cooking for 18.
On some days, I wouldn't be happier anywhere else besides the kitchen, it's home for me. The channels that I have for creativity as well as team building are the most satisfying thing I have found in life, besides getting my dick sucked.
On other days, I want to kill guests, servers, idiot cooks, and then off myself.
I mostly find solace at the end of a bottle. Then wake up and do it again for 12 hours the next day.
The worst part of a restaurant is definitely a disrespectful FOH.
When bother sides work together though, it can be a very rewarding and fun place to work.
The money can be good too, I make 86k a year. But I have worked VERY hard to get there. Always working better, harder, and longer than my peers.

>> No.8637492

I worked in a kitchen, no. Low pay, stress and hours.

No wonder there's a shortage.

>> No.8638487

Most days for me it is very rewarding. Others I just want to burn the mother fucker to the ground. With the staff in it. Our weakest links front and back are still on the higher side of average. Even the best of the best get on my nerves. I usually feel better the next day

>> No.8638586

I cooked and then studied accounting and then went back to cooking because I hated accounting by the end. I just need to be constantly moving my body or else i feel like shit. more likely to go all the way and be a chef than change careers at this stage in the game.

>> No.8638697


>> No.8638746

Me and a buddy used to do that. We offered limited lawn services so we could be quick about it and also ran a powerwashing business at the same time. Once you can get one sidewalk and driveway cleaned up it's pretty easy to convince their neighbors to follow suit since you just made their concrete look like shit by comparison.

>> No.8638795


I hope a shitposter like you ODs on fentanyl you fucking retard.

>> No.8639075

Have you ever tried cock..... On weed??

>> No.8639101

I mean fuck you kitchen guys of course, but as a headwaiter I actually really get on servers counting money and bitching about it in the kitchen. It's incredibly disrespectful when these talentless 20 somethings are make close to double what you are, when you work in a measurably more dangerous area, some of you actually trying to advance a career while they're just pissing away all their money in booze.

Again, fuck you guys as I'm sure that you piss away an equal amount on stupid stuff, but I do feel bad for you and I try to work for some respect for all of you.

>> No.8639136

It's mostly management's fault and liberal states that demand server's make minimum wage which defeats the entire purpose of tips in the first place while also ruining BOH's wages. These very same states will say "lol no you can't tipshare BOH only FOH can get tipshare xD"

Complete idiots in charge of legislation.

>> No.8639149

Gr8 b8 m8!

>> No.8639151

I'd rather see him OD on a little sunshine. Unhappy mother fucker.

>> No.8639161

Your writing is going to be awful

>> No.8639165
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Already is bro. This guy is like a 15 year old angry cutter. Misunderstood...

>> No.8639323

Stop taking this place so seriously go back to reddet and facebook my dude

>> No.8639333
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who the fuck is elaborate with fucking insults?

>> No.8639434

Angry 15 year old cutters? Last word freaks?

>> No.8639519

People with an imagination and sense of humor.

>> No.8639526

So... Not you then

>> No.8639667

>new degree
Don't tell me you went to le cordon bleu anon. You have nobody to blame but yourself for that fuckup

>> No.8639744

So why a kitchen and not a bakery for the people in this thread?

Feels like bakeries are less messy and stressful than kitchens, right?

Shame it seems the baking culture in America isn't as strong and stereotypical like it is in France.

I am not talking about bakeries located in grocery stores but stand alone bakeries though.

Is it because American media makes it seem like bakeries are mainly for female customers so if you don't know how to make pretty bread and other stuff, your bakery will fail?

>> No.8639748

>Feels like bakeries are less messy
Have you ever baked once in your life?

>> No.8639772

Wow thanks for the idea. I'm always looking for low skill ways to make easy money and pressure washers are pretty fun to use actually. Why did you quit? My long term goal is to learn enough IT stuff to become a sysadmin /g/ style. Might take a few years though.

>> No.8640175
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I can't even wrap a pretzel right.

>> No.8640185

Baking is fucking hard and really messy. It's way easier to cook. With cooking you can mess up and there's room for improv. But baking is like a science. You get one ingredient wrong and it's shit.

>> No.8640377

A lot of bakeries require you to come in at bumfuck o'clock AM

>> No.8640381

Boris Johnson

>> No.8640393

Just got a job as BOH at a buffalo wild wings. Haven't started yet. Any tips?

>> No.8640408

you're correct and this upsets the redditors

>> No.8640447

I am 23 and have been working in kitchens since I was 19. I'm going to be a great chef one day and will make lots of money through entrepreneurship.

Yes a lot of places will suck, you will feel like you're in hell or purgatory or something. You might even cry. You just have to hang in there until you find a great restaurant to work at. The most important thing IMO is to be passionate about food and cooking and to let that passion carry you through your tribulations. You know that you will rise above the co-workers you encounter who are assholes or unprofessional or whatever.

A piece of advice for those who are curious: pick your favorite restaurant in your area, go in to talk to the chef when they aren't doing service (this is important), and ask if you can do some apprenticeship. If you work hard and they like you, they will probably hire you on prep. Boom, you're in.

>> No.8640457

Sysadmin here, remember to git gud so they can't replace you with a pajeet. They burned through so many junior admins I would up getting reinstated at slightly higher pay.

>> No.8640864

Be brave

>> No.8641116

>FoH makes more than you
You must suck at your job

>> No.8641469

I helped open up the restaurant I currently work in 2 years ago. It's the best place I've ever worked in the 15 years I've been in the industry. We have a great crew, and the owners are awesome and actually give a shit about their employees. I'm going to be quitting soon to go on a bicycle tour though. I'm really going to miss working there, but I need to go on an adventure at this point in my life. I'm also worried that I will never find another kitchen as good as this one as I know there are more shitty kitchens than good ones. I kind of would like to try working somewhere else besides kitchens someday, but I don't really know what else I would want to do. I'm hoping I'll find the answer on my journey.

>> No.8641738

It's like that in almost every kitchen. That's why I don't work in kitchens no more. You have to cook a long time to make good money. You'd know this if you weren't a shitposting neet.

>> No.8641756

That's because you don't wrap it, you throw it.

>> No.8642460

I imagine restaurants have high turnover rates for dishwashers, right? Should I stop waiting around for job ads and just go straight to the restaurant and hand in a resume?

>> No.8642685

Unless they have their staff do various tasks simultaneously

But I figure it can't hurt much to ask

>> No.8643836
File: 81 KB, 640x480, birds can't cook spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't work in a kitchen, but my job involves cooking. The work, which takes place in a grocery store, consists of cooking meals for customers on site and dishing out samples to said customers. I've had the job since July of last year and have been lauded as a pretty good cook, but I know I'd never last in an actual kitchen. I wouldn't mind being someone's personal chef, but I have no idea how to find a job like that.

>> No.8644400

So a deli?

Crazy shit, this nigga I used to talk to while he was working a deli was working at the same kitchen I wound up at a long while later

>> No.8644467
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>> No.8644477

Pretty much any non-franchised low to mid-tier restaurant will be hiring. BOH is almost always understaffed. For best results, go to one that has an actual owner instead of some corporate crap. You could easily hired on the spot if they need someone.

My first kitchen job I got hired on the spot since I already knew how to chop. They just had me prepping for the rest of the day.

>> No.8644619

I've only ever worked in kitchens. Started out as a server at one place, went on to another as a dishwasher, busser, and server, got promoted to prep cook and then moved to another place to be a line cook because prep turned into "prep, but also dishes." I'm still at this low end cook job, and I don't really know how to progress further up the ladder, I want to be a chef, but there aren't many opportunities around here. One chef I worked for went on vacation for a few weeks, the guy standing in was from out of state and asked me what good restaurants we had. Literally couldn't think of one.

There's a smokehouse around here that needs dishwashers, they have real chefs there, I'm thinking about asking for an apprenticeship, even if they just hire me as a dishwasher the extra money would be nice. Dishes are pretty fun as long as there's a lot of them.

>> No.8644782

How do you minimum wage workers afford health care or car insurance. Jesus it would be hell to be forced into these shit jobs.

>> No.8645573

>minimum wage
>health insurance
>car insurance
I take the bus

>> No.8645580

Sounds good, I think I'll go to some restaurants and just ask if they're hiring.

Nice digits

>> No.8645606

>go to culinary school
>move back to NYC in hopes of making it
>get shat on the the point I take up other jobs and never want to work in a kitchen again

...so whos hiring??!

>> No.8645635

Where are these types of jobs available?

>> No.8645672
File: 109 KB, 461x523, 1371606697051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smelling like fucking grease and onion every day
Every day. No matter how many times I wash my hands, the onion smell won't go away until I take a proper shower.

>> No.8645723

Obeezy care famalam

>> No.8645899

Working or getting a job in hospitality in NYC is fucking brutal.
and they check references. I had to apply at over 200 places before i got my current job

>> No.8645932

Even if you cook a long time you don't make good money. It's a very low paying 'career'.

>> No.8646750


what's it like being indian

it sounds terrible

>> No.8646761

You handle a lot of onions when you're making pizzas.

With Indians, I'm pretty sure their smell never goes away even when they do shower. It's embedded in their DNA.

>> No.8646781
File: 131 KB, 576x432, (B-A)Nuku_Nuku_OAV_-_05_(139E5C5E).mkv_snapshot_13.18_[2017.02.21_11.13.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to be a writer one day
Not gonna make it, lad. You have to actually write to be a writer. Buy some generic Modafinil from India if you want to take drugs that bad. At least then you'll be productive.

It'd be a big hit on /lit/, if it isn't already.

>> No.8647250

No, my store has a deli but I've never worked back there, it gets way too busy.

>> No.8647289

Dude, a few months ago I saw a kitchenworker rage thread and it was literally just people shitting on servers. Having worked BoH my whole life, I hate servers with a fiery passion. Imagine it: being able to be a fat, lazy bitch who sails into work half an hour late EVERY FUCKING DAY because muh keeeeeeeids muh booooooyfriend, and then bitch and whine about earning 20 and hour or more for bringing plates of food out to people. Oh wow, such a big fucking job.

I once worked at a place where a server was expected to work for about 25 hours and would being home between 500 to 1000 a WEEK. Imagine working 1000 hours a year and pulling 50k. That's absolutely fucking insane shit right there, and they then had the gall to whine to the rest of us about how slow we were going in the dishroom or whatever, while of course ignoring their duties elsewhere. No, fuck the FoH with a fiery poker.

>> No.8647307

>I'm going to be a writer one day

Haha, get fucked you pretentious faggot. Christ, I bet you enjoy getting railed up the ass and reporting people to OSHA for stupid shit. Leave /ck/ and take yourself to /int/.

>> No.8647344

FOH is why I refuse to work BOH and thus kitchen. They're overpaid thanks to having to get minimum wage in my state. It doesn't make sense.Tipping a minimum wage worker defeats the entire purpose (except shit like pizza delivery since they have actual expenses) of tipping. Your minimum wage base + a few dollars extra to stay competitive + tips put even anentry level server at 20/h. A good can rack 30/h. All for a 6 hour shift. Ridiculous.

BOH is suppose to make more than FOH hourly but not get tipped. That's the balance. But now FOH is overpaid and BOH is underpaid because legislation want to pass stupid feel good laws without breaking down the economics.