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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8615863 No.8615863 [Reply] [Original]

g'day m80s! hows aboot we get dickered and do food related activities how nice!

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along, drink-along, pickle-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals post your hauls or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread

last thread >>8572200

>for me it's the McPatti...

>> No.8615864
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Post rare Patti's pls.

>> No.8615870

WTF is your sleep schedule my man. Let me guess, you've just gotten off work, haven't had a beer yet, and will probably be cooking/ drinking until high noon?

>> No.8615895

Are you a professional cook?
I imagine you could have a TV show kind of like Bob Ross but for cooking.

>> No.8615912
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im srry m8 that is not how rare pattis work you must go hunting in other OC threads, gotta catch em all :^)

my sleep schedule isnt even as sophisticated as that m8, my shit is all jacked and constantly changes due to work, this will all change to a more normie schedule in the next month or so hopefully permenantly

i am an unprofessional cook, i credit /ck/ for getting me into it and google is my sidekick, and thx m8 very flattering if I could gro dat fro like The Ross id maybe consider it

so im doing a bit of cleaning and having a beer and AN ENTIRE BOTTLE OF RUM while i decide about food habbenings

>> No.8615915

how many of those pogs can you fit up your loose abbo arse?

>> No.8615926

He hated the afro.

>> No.8615952
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4 years of college to learn that my hero was a lie...

>> No.8615959
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m8 i dont think youve been playing the correct way


so i seen a few anons in a different thread makin ribs and i needs me some too now, making an easy rub with brown sugar, some of Butterstix McGullicutty's special spice mix(salt pepper and garlic powdr) and some cayenne

also being very underwhelmed by this new stout from Arlington tx

>> No.8615989

noone has mentioned the poison pogs, why does noone mention the poison pogs?

>> No.8615991 [DELETED] 

lmbo you actually went to art school

>> No.8616021
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m8 that was my pog gang

>> No.8616032 [DELETED] 
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I like your pog collection.

I too trade in rare collectibles.

>> No.8616067
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been in the oven a while now kinda experimenting here since its hard to screw up ribs

>> No.8616072
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my special bbq sauce recipe is mix 2 bbq sauces together maybe add some of my new favorite mustard

Spoiler Alert: this shit is dank son

>> No.8616095

>Löwensenf extra
You have my german approval OP.
Löwensenf best Senf.

>> No.8616176
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ya its p good stuff, found it in the international section at HEB, they had a few other german kinds too

ok so im to the flipping and basting part, gonna keep this up for a while and get some sides going in a bit

>> No.8616183

holy fuck I kek'd

My parents just sold their house and I was there last week tossing/sorting my old stuff from years ago. I found my Pogs and Magic Cards. I kept all the Pogs and a few Magic Card packs for sentimental reasons.

Seeing the Pogs was a nostalgic trip. I actually remembered most of them, but I didn't see any of the slammers unfortunately, maybe they were in the bottom of the container.

What was that, 1994 or so?

>> No.8616331
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it was the same time as the OJ trial my friend had a slammer with a pic of OJ behind bars, "OJs in the slammer"...we are old

ok im trying something different with sprouts besides my usual

>> No.8616336
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yukon taters & 'lic

>> No.8616407

>this will all change to a more normie schedule in the next month or so hopefully permenantly
That's what I said 18 years ago. If you're like me, your internal clock is fucked for good from shift work and overtime.

>> No.8616428
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everything was really good, i fried up the shredded sprouts then tossed in some fresh spinach shit was dope, also used cream cheese in the taters shit was also dope

>> No.8616437
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yeah i live around my work schedule thats why im changing it to be more normal lol

>> No.8616446

I worked 3 different shifts and what we call 12-9 here, which is 12 days on 12 hours + eventual overtime, then 9 days off.

My sleeping patterns slide out constantly.

>> No.8616452
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looks very tasty

>> No.8616495
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fuck that looks good as shit OP. Love your threads. Give Patti a belly rub for me.

>> No.8616600
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I'm making rice and my cat does not hang out with me like patti

>> No.8616604
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30 min sitting in the sieve after rinsing a shit load of times. Feel free to tell me I make rice like an autist

>> No.8616637

are those... pogs?

>> No.8616725

i know it's pretty common in japan an probably many other countries to rinse the rice several times before cooking, but i honestly have no idea why

>> No.8616754
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Washes off the starch iirc, so it's not gluey. Here's the rice, doing a solid 1hr soak before turning the machine on.

>> No.8616808

Japonica is more starchy than other strains. It's really much better when washed, unless you make gruel.

>> No.8616906

good to know, thanks!

>> No.8617740
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A little wetter than it should be but the taste is ok. Maybe because it's a new crop I should use a smidgen less water than the pot suggests. Gonna eat it with some pickled cucumbers.

>> No.8619228

For sushi?

>> No.8619245

this is pure cringe

>> No.8619285

>Maybe because it's a new crop
I get that.

>> No.8619333

Nope just for eating with food

>> No.8619388

This. We need more McChicken and Jack and fast food threads. Fuck cooking and shit.

>> No.8619413

those are pogs

>> No.8619473
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>My parents...
Mine just cleaned out their crawlspace. Got a few nostalgie. I do remember pogs, but I was a bit too old to give a shit.
Pic related.
Dinner pic soon. Chilimac.

>> No.8619926

m8 i hope u plan to put that keyboard to use

>> No.8619947


>> No.8620913

I like kot

>> No.8620952

Oh god, Pogs, that brings me back. I had a bunch of Goosebumps ones. One of my friends took my favorite Pog with a beetle on it and I NEVER FORGAVE HIM.

>> No.8620995

What does "fml" stand for, what does it mean?

>> No.8621002

>my friend had a slammer with a pic of OJ behind bars, "OJs in the slammer"

>> No.8621927

it usually means "fuck my life"

>> No.8622077

baka desu senpai

>> No.8622090

Patti makes my heart melt

>> No.8622129 [DELETED] 
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i got you senpai.

>> No.8622268
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Doing a lunch prep for the week so this was dinner. Seasoned cucumbers from hmart are tasty. Cubes are fish cakes.

>> No.8622295
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Roasting sweet potatoes and sous vide some chicken thighs, both with a ton of rosemary just for fun.

Still not sure if I'm being memed on but I like the sous vide.

>> No.8622943
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Oi m8

>> No.8623677
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>he doesn't get a pump buddy

>> No.8624461


>> No.8625378

the fact that they're not sorted by colour makes me uncomfortable

>> No.8625419


More like belongs in the trash

>> No.8625446


it was a new imperial stout theyd just tapped, it was pretty decent desu but the backwoods bastard was my favorite Id been wanting to tryu it a while now, also had a broken sandal that was pretty dank

>> No.8625696

Can't be arsed to cook so just ordered a parmo lads

>> No.8625739
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>> No.8625757


>> No.8625765
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I made this

>> No.8625838

Looks okay, how was it?

>> No.8625913

that looks sad...

>> No.8625991

Actually it was pretty good what cant see in the picture is the sauce, it was some thai sheeit

>> No.8626008

It was really good sry for bad quality pic.
My gf enjoyed it too. In that pic you cant see dat sauce

>> No.8626883
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What the fuck. The mild had mumps like 2 or 3 years ago. Fuck you chinks

>> No.8626905
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Butter garlic sauteed shrimp with spinach and pesto spaghetti.

Did you know most shrimp is harvested with slave labor

>> No.8626998
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Looks slammin, OP. I posted these ribs a couple days ago and coincidentally I used that same sweet and spicy bbq sauce from HEB. Neat pogs

>> No.8627086

Hmmm wrong thread/board, oops

>> No.8627096

Most memes as well desu.

>> No.8628121

wish i had this

>> No.8628468


>> No.8628868
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oh shit sonny

moms gave me v day chocolates and took me to sams club! and I got the 3 newest DJ Screw albums(chapters 318-320) ITS A CELEBRATION BITCHES

>not pictured: 20lbs chicken, pallet of TP, 800lbs of cat products

>> No.8629500
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fuckin space shanties m80

bout to separate and vac seal some wangz

>> No.8629617

Please tell me you had your brithday recently. Do parents really give their kids so many presents for valentines day in Texas?

>> No.8629670
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fockin lol, let me explain better

my mom gave me chocolate cuz im a loser and we're corny like that

she has sams club membership so she helps me get things that are hard to transport on motorbike, and then i pirated new dj screw albums

>> No.8629711

That will always be an incredible song
I understand.

>> No.8629883

How about you fuck off mate. OP is doing gods work.

>> No.8629900
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spoiler alert

>> No.8629901

Cream cheese in spuds is the shit. Also try putting sour cream in your mashed spuds, its purty good

>> No.8631089
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Made some wings and sprouts nothing fancy

>> No.8631543

you sous vid the wings? boil em? Wot about crispy skin? cuz shit here >>8631089 looks likes its got some crunch

>> No.8632683

looks nice!

>> No.8632692

>Did you know most shrimp is harvested with slave labor

I just avoided it cause it's always from China/Thailand.

>> No.8632694

Beautiful, anon.

>> No.8634265

lol no I deep fried them, I vac sealed those to freeze


yeah i work a lot but i dont know id like doing a schedule like that

thx m8s:)

looks like good rice id have to mix something unhealthy with it

give that bitch some pogs bitches love pogs:^)



i need to start prepping lunches and shit im very lazy during the week

either yer hands are giant or id need like 3 servings m8

looks dank

those look much better than mine, heb has some decent sauces

yeah i do sour cream every now and then saw another anon say cream chz was good

>> No.8634679
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Jerk grilled chicken breast with homemade hummus and rocket

Hummus was good but not the right consistency; I don't have a food processor so had to crush the chickpeas by hand

>> No.8634824

>instant potatoes
Ultra pleb.

>> No.8634880

>>>8629901 #
>yeah i do sour cream every now and then saw another anon say cream chz was good

Pffft, sod that, try putting a spoonful of wholegrain mustard in mash. Will change your life.

>> No.8634904
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those are god tier instant taters so triggered omg

looks pretty good m80

hmm u might be trolling me but i may try it

>> No.8634918

Where is the best place to read all the Patti lore

>> No.8634920

so just mashed tater, some butter and a spoonful of wholegrain mustard?

>> No.8635233

Yep, obviously I mean just a teaspoons worth, it really just adds a lovely touch, and it makes the mustard look cool too.

>> No.8635263
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had random tapas for dinner so this is the cat that doesn't hang out with me in the kitchen

>> No.8635264

*Makes the mash look cool

>> No.8635323
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yesterday I didn't want to sear chicken on the stove and deal with the smoke and grease, but it was also raining, so I put my portable stove on a box outside my patio door (there's an awning) and cooked it while trying to keep the cat from bolting.

10/10 autism would attempt again sans rain

>> No.8635920
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You're drunk anon. so am I. Let's go to sleep.

>> No.8635940
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>That wire set-up

>> No.8636766

very nice

>> No.8638171

how u cook chicken on turntable?

>> No.8639094
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gettin crunk

>> No.8639202
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With great relish

Actually it's a bit of a pain because it was windy and cold today and I think it fucked my sear, pan was not nice and hot, but thanks to sous vide, inside still ok

Pic relate

>> No.8639208

Thought the Windex was in that shotglass dude

>> No.8640285

color looks right

>> No.8640665
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How'd I do?

>Lamb shoulder steak on clearance, marinated overnight in Yasou Greek dressing and grilled.
>Green beans cooked in olive oil with shallots and garlic.
>Pilaf from a box.

Went a bit heavy on the garlic. But that's mostly aesthetic. It tasted good.

>> No.8641192

Looks nice, I have yet to attempt lamb at home but that's because I don't see it on sale as much

>> No.8641197
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look at me i made general tsos but ran out of time to make rice

>> No.8641840

looks pretty good, I plan to make a pretty strong charcoal filter built into a 5 gal bucket soon so that i can cook stuff indoors without smogging the whole place up, just figured out my hood isnt even evacuating it just has a filter lol

lol thats just coloring on the bottom of the glass, thats funny tho

Id tear that shit up m8, garlic looks about right

rice is overrated, thems some asian style nuggers now

>> No.8641885

how long past the due date is mayo good for if left unopened? my aunt works at a grocery store and she keeps giving my dad the expired mayo they take off the shelf and i'm kinda scared to eat it

>> No.8641928

I feel so bad for him now. If my hair goes one way or another for just an inch, I begin to think I look mentally retarded, so keeping it in a style you hate, permanently, for the rest of your professional life, would drive me insane. I think I'd legitimately quit after a few months of so.

Yo, I know I'm super late, but do you know how much per pound those chicken legs and thighs were? I'm from Hawaii, so I like to compare all the mainland prices with Hawaii prices, just so I can get a better understanding of what costs are like over-seas. I think a comparable tray of chicken drumsticks over here would go for about $2.50 a pound, so relatively speaking, I don't think it'd be too bad.

>> No.8641935

Is the whole "Butterstix" thing something you just invented? Or is "Butterstix McGullicutty's Special Spice Mix"an actual brand?

Just realized you're from Abboland...But still curious about your guy's prices.

>> No.8642126
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m8 just eat some and if u get the bubble guts throw it out, you just need to start making some heavy mayo recipes i fucking love mayo

Im in houston TX m80, desu I dont pay a lot of attention to meat prices, I have a pack of drumsticks in the freezer that were bought at $1.87/lb that my mom gave me after cleaning out her freezer, I just buy stuff i see on sale and vac seal it

the "Butterstix" thing is refering to Paula Deen, she is the ButterQueen who rules over ButterstixKingdom with a Butterfist, she is not to be underestimated and I did probably not invent that

So i installed a light under the cabinet, need to get a warmer bulb im not really feeling the hospital vibe

>> No.8642167

Where did you get the light from? Need to do the same in my dark ass kitchen.

>> No.8642187
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was just a cheap florescent i got from walmart for another project years ago, I have more I may use for a little herb box or shop lights

so im in a british mood so that means its time to bastardize cuisine from another culture how fun

>> No.8642236

Yorkshire puddings?

>> No.8642252


Please be Fish & Chips...please be Fish & Chips.

>> No.8642263
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>cat on side
>cat in the vicinity of food you will consume
>100 replies of samefag fuckery
>hide thread

>> No.8642465
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thats on my list m8 but i have to have roast drippings to do it right which is something i need to fuck with more

aww yeeaahh boi

so im making fish and chips loosely based around the homie Altons rrecipe, the secret ingredient here is semi crappy mexican beer which is probably not very popular in UK

>> No.8642478

>Reddit YouTube 'celebrity'

>> No.8642495
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>implying I'm not you jackposting about my samefaggotry

>> No.8642738

Should look at Heston Blumenthal's, he uses one of those soft drink maker carbon dioxide things to get loads of bubbles in the batter so it's super crispy. It's immense.

>> No.8642753
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making tartar sauce with a kick because i like it thats why

>> No.8642868
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>> No.8642886
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ok you scallywags i maybe had like 3 half-shots too many but im about to make things happen, oils a heatin and got the batter and tartar chillin in the fridge

bout to parboil these taters cuz i am constantly experimenting with taters

>> No.8643052
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overflowed the fry again i am a fire hazard lol

>> No.8643060
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shit is habbening

>> No.8643068

damn, I just bought like 10 3 packs of those heavy duty scouring pads

>> No.8643227
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what fish is that?

I made some cod last week with like 1.5 lbs of little loins, sprinkled with no salt lemon pepper seasoning and some parsley

ate that with a trader joes rice mix and sprouts

I know it's boring and all but I was doing a low sodium thing so whatever

>> No.8643315
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celebrated my low blood pressure with some chinese buffet

>> No.8643330
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a normie couple came in and I had to school them on how the buffet worked

I guess all they could handle was one plate or so and they booked

for a second I finally thought I had some competition because everyone always just weighs the food out and eats in or leaves but never gets the buffet lke me

>> No.8643340
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wrong pic was tryhing to get a better angle there instead of standing above my food before sitting

>> No.8643360
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had a couple donuts for dessert

glazed & frosted flowers and sour cream cakes

>> No.8643371
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for lunch today I fell for the mcchicken meme

protip: get the mcdouble instead or now they are having 2 mcfish or 2 med fries mix & match for 4$

going to try to use the mccoupon again tomorrow for another free shamrock shake

>> No.8643384

>celebrated my low blood pressure with some chinese buffet

Thats now how good health works

>> No.8643389
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Indian buffet for me

Desserts were goat

>> No.8643390
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I really hope you start eating better soon, man

>> No.8643428

I'll be back on low sodium monday or sunday

I really don't think it's even possible to eat an unhealty low sodium diet unless you just eat tons of nuts, fruits, oats

what desserts do they have? that is the only thing missing from my buffet because it's just some tiny hole in the wall chinese place that doesn't even advertise a buffet

you should see all the tupperware things of rice and veggies (no sauce) that I've been eating for the past weeks/months compared to my splurging

I actually might make some bbq pineapple chicken with rice tomorrow which is actually quite healthy and low sodium except for the naturally occurring salt in chicken

>> No.8643466

Fucking love the indian buffet. Gulab jamun with that rose water...hnnnng

>> No.8643539
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Sorry lads was distracted

>> No.8643611

It changes but they have usually 3 different options. I've seen gulab jamun, kulfi, the shredded sweet carrot mash, the rice pudding soup ish thing, the rice soup with the weird thin noodles, ay I keep forgetting the names. The carrot one is amazing

>> No.8643799
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Looks comfy m8

I'm doin some gay nip pancake shit

>> No.8643948

I'm impressed. Looks tasty as all hell

>> No.8643980
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Using a carbon steel pan on an electric range is literally hell with the heat level. Hard to get it hot enough to rise but cool enough not to burn.

>> No.8644010
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Cooking up some sick day food.

>> No.8644017

is that cat lean or fatty

>> No.8644027

my condolences

>> No.8644098


Looks perfect. I guess that brand of malt vinegar is about the only one they sell here, cause' I got the same bottle and I'm in Cali...

>> No.8644103
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I'm doing my version of Kalbi. They're marinating atm....I'll post as soon as they're done broiling (It's late, and I don't feel like heating up the grill).

>> No.8644231

I like the true kalbi in korea where they butterfly the shortrib instead of crosscutting. But proceed.

>> No.8644346
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Just letting them cool for a sec...

>> No.8644468
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say it with me...

>> No.8644470
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>> No.8645088

what the hell man.

>> No.8645113


>> No.8645114


>Lutherburger that huge


>> No.8645483

My word

>> No.8645956

i try to limit myself to no more than 1 a month, they really have no bizness being so delicious

>> No.8646025
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End of the Month Pizza. Made it with some stuff I had laying around the fridge before they went bad. The orange stuff is pumpkin cubes. Made the dough with 40% durum flour and the rest with regular flour since that is what I had. It was edible.

>> No.8646077

I.....I don't even know what to say.

>> No.8646081

>Pumpkin pizza

Is this the ultimate white girl food?

>> No.8646099

Perhaps. Pumpkin, mushrooms and Italian sausage is usually a breddy good combination, but alas I had none at hand, just some old vegetables and a hot dog.

>> No.8646424

That is some next level poverty / miserly living. I applaud you anon. No sarcasm, just props to your dedication to wasting less.

>> No.8646510

pumpkin doesn't belong on pizza

first lunch was a mcfish and fry, also my coupon disappeared for the shake so didn't get one

>> No.8646518
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both were very fresh but the idiot could have taken 1/2 a second extra and assembled the sandwich properly

>> No.8646524
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second lunch was costco and donuts

wanted to get a bunch of jelly ones but someone must have had a party and wiped out all but one so settled for boston cremes 1 jelly and a chocolate cake with frosting

>> No.8646536
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do you dip that in ketchup or something?

>> No.8646589

What is the item in the middle please?

>> No.8646599

chicken bake - it's like a long hot pocket with chicken, bacon and some kind of sauce

>> No.8646605


>> No.8646770

why does malt vinegar smell like pussy?

>> No.8646792


>> No.8646897


>> No.8646905
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Having beers every where, this one was a mistake

>> No.8646932

why is it raw? do you want to get sick?

>> No.8647078

Has trolling on this board really become so lackluster? Sad!

>> No.8647684

>pumpkin doesn't belong on pizza

Sorry, opiate. But you have no business criticizing people's home cooked food, no mater how disgusting, when you post the nasty fucking food slop you pay money for here... That's just hypocritical.

>> No.8647770
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are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8647982
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Made a coconut cream pie today.

>> No.8648574

Yes my handa are big.
This is a medium sized serving in europe.

>> No.8648595

Yes my handa are big.
This is a medium sized serving in europe.

>> No.8648672
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helo friends
today I have special treat for you
because it is sunday here in ausland I have cooked braised leg of lamb

>> No.8648687
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first gotta make stuffing for the lamb
this is chopped parsley, rosemary, garlic, shallots and ginger powder + salt & pepper

>> No.8648696
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then you gotta debone the leg of lamb, trim the excess fat, stuff it and tie it up
once you done that, you gotta heat up your roasting tray/casserole dish, chuck some oil in it and brown all sides of the lamb

>> No.8648697

looks pretty good m8

>> No.8648700 [DELETED] 
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once done, put the leg on a plate and then fry up the bones and any other fat/meat offcuts from the lamb
chuck them on the same plate as the leg of lamb when those are brown and then begin frying up some onions and carrots
also for extra flavour you can fry up your lamb bones and and other fat/meat off cuts

>> No.8648706
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once done, put the leg on a plate and then fry up the bones and any other fat/meat offcuts from the lamb
chuck them on the same plate as the leg of lamb when those are brown and then begin frying up some onions and carrots

>> No.8648719

not many photos of the next couple parts, but ill type em anyway
once the veg is done, you want to deglaze the pan with about 2 cups of red wine
let the alcohol cook out of the wine and reduce it by about half its volume
then, stir in about 3 tbsp of tomato paste, 3 large unpeeled cloves of garlic and some parsley springs, 2 sprigs of rosemary and a bay leaf
add the lamb back with all the bones and off cuts too, and also add the cooked veg back
bring back up to the boil then cover in a lid or a couple layers of aluminium foil
put on the lower half of the oven at about 180 degree celcius
cook for around 3 hours in the oven, turning the lamb and basting every half hour
then take the lamb out and transfer it to a plate with all the bones and off cuts, then sieve the stock it is sitting, making sure to mash up all the garlic and other stuff in it and push that through
you then need to degrease the stock by scooping it off with a spoon
once done, add the stock back to roasting tray/casserole dish and add the lamb back aswell, bring to a boil and then simmer for another half hour

>> No.8648729
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alri, now to fun part
you want to cut your potatoes into big cylinder/elongated oval shapes about 1 inch high and pat them dry with a towel
then melt some duck/goose fat in a pan on a medium-high heat, or you can use clarified butter or butter mixed with oil if you cant find
add your potatoes and cook for about 2 minutes, constantly shaking them
because the potatoes arent pre cooked before sauteeing, they will stick very easily to the pan, so you need to move around a lot
flip em over after 2 mins and do the same on other side and then repeat another time for each side
you can add some garlic and rosemary in like i did
once thats done you want to cover the pan and cook on each side for about 4-5 mins, remembering to shake them every so often, however they wont stick as frequently anymore
flip over, cook for another 4-5 mins and then repeat again on each side

>> No.8648733
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when the lamb is done, you want to take it out and rest it for about 10 mins
meanwhile you want to reduce your sauce you cooked the lamb in and then season to taste
then once thats done its all ready to serve

i also served with some steamed broccoli potatoes also served with some freshly chopped tarragon, parsley and chives

the recipe is in julia child's mastering the art of french cooking if you guys want the full thing

>> No.8648762

very nice

thanks for sharing!

>> No.8649632
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From yesterday

>> No.8649692


Man I need to eat breakfast...

>> No.8649786

Its cozy as hell in Houston today, I hope you got something good planned

>> No.8650007


not sure what imma do just chillin around

>> No.8650078

Spent 2 hours doing some meal/food prep. Pictured are sous vide egg bites made with eggs, cream cheese, gruyere, bacon, capsicum. Realized after the fact I didn't grease the jars fml

>> No.8650086
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>> No.8650101
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Then seasoned and vac sealed split chicken breast and a ribeye for sv later this week. First time doing breast, hard as hell to find skin on breast desu

>> No.8650109
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Then spaghetto sauce, taking pictures of spaghetti sauce is never attractive so sorry bout that. Added creminis, bell peppers, fresh basil, ground beef and onions to this.

>> No.8650261

I thought you guys were supposed to have cheap lamb over there

>> No.8650305

I spent yesterday cooking down 10 pounds of onions and ginger/garlic paste to make chicken curry today in much 5 gallon stock pot.

Indian food is so damn labor intensive to make.

>> No.8650635

I'll give you some sauce advice, if you have a sauce with meat or chunky stuff don't use spaghetti, if you want to use a long pasta use tagliatelle, the sauce would stick better without leaving a lot of it in the plate, spaghetti are better with creamier sauces like plain tomato, pesto, carbonara and other stuff like that
>sauce: I'm italian

>> No.8650646

Can you go into more detail? Why were you cooking them down in advance?

>> No.8650660

u rite

I do love the curly pastas

>> No.8651441
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gonna fry up some chicken after i clean stuff a bit

>> No.8652096
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Threw a marinade together letting it chill out a few hours

>> No.8652102

>Why were you cooking them down in advance?
To make it so I can day drink alone all day while stirring the pot and reading books.

What did you want to know?

>> No.8652109

we do, I'm talking more about the effort it takes to make it which classifies it as a special treat

>> No.8652307

>recreating the most cancerous fast food at home

sous vide fags need to die

>> No.8652401

What were you reading, anon?

>> No.8652413

He's boiling the cans not cooking the shit.

>> No.8652435

..................... I..................
.... I don't.... I can't.....
.... I am utterly shocked by this...

>> No.8652469

really? Bob Ross was an amazing guy, he only did things to make people happy. It doesnt surprise me that he had to sacrifice part of his personal life to appease the public, he loved his audience.

>> No.8652479


>> No.8652482

Nero Wolfe mysteries by Rex Stout.

>> No.8652490

Is that anything similar to the Poe style of detective writing? I might want to check it out, but im not too much a fan of the Conan Doyle big reveal type thing.

>> No.8652498

Well the there are two main characters and the one who does all the thinking never leaves his house unless he must. So there is a big reveal in the end, if you want something you could actually solve yourself if you put your mind to it then Agatha Christie may be more your style.

>> No.8652549

Yeah its not so much about the "solve it yourself" as it is the big leap of faith or trust fall in the author and protagonist that I found annoying after reading too many Sherlock stories. I like detective books though... I gave New York Trilogy a try, but that was just too bizarre.

I just like Poe's style because he's very deliberate and allows your imagination to stretch further than the words, kind of why I like Columbo too I guess. He spends more time describing the facts of a case than extravagant red herrings I enjoy the simplicity in prose and situation, I think Agatha Christie is a bit too wordy. In any case, Ill probably check out Rex Stout.

>> No.8653156

Rex Stout is fairly wordy too, but also very humorous and wry.

>> No.8653844
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ok so fell asleep last night so this here chicken is gonna be a big lunch

trying to make the breading spicy

>> No.8653855
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this is first dredge, i will give it 15 or so minutes to chill before the second, i am keeping it covered because for like a week ive had a gnat problem and they are starting to drive me mental im running around chasing them with a vacume cleaner, the cats are not amused

>> No.8653870

>Gravy in packets
>mashed potato from packet

Kys and never post again

>> No.8653969
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m8 those instant taters are the shit when you are feeling lazy, also that gravy is good just have to season it a bit to taste

ok 2nd dredge complete, will let these sit at least another 20-30 minutes while i prep sides and chase gnats

>> No.8653973

Why not make a gnat trap

>> No.8653976

>Too lazy to make mashed potatoes
Literally 8 minutes in the microwave then add butter and salt.

>> No.8653993

Get one of these.
Peel potatoes, put into heavy pyrex covered cassarole dish.
Zap for 8-10 mins
Put into Mouil
Add butter/salt.

Never ever buy shitty packet potatoes again.

Also gravy i basically stock thickened with roux. Just get a pack of campbells and add it to your own roux instead.
Protip: Add chopped thyme/tarragon and it will literally taste like what you get in restaurants.

>> No.8653995
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Forgot pic. This is a Mouli.

>> No.8654023
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i did that shit dont work great, at this point it is like 3 gnats and they got that Kenyan speed

m8 i appreciate the advice, im about to make real mash right now, those are for after work when im tired, that particular brand is damn good and you boil water in a pot and its done, i dont really use the microwave much

>> No.8654030

Microwave is a real time saver if you use it for the right things.

There is literally no more energy efficient way to boil or steam things.

>> No.8654035

so you bred them to superiority eh

>> No.8654142
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>> No.8654158
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quartered some sprouts and got taters boiling

i may look into it more thx

i may have m8 i should start racing them if they werent the most retarded bug

>> No.8654296

its brussel sprout season aint it

I saw a lot at the farmers market

>> No.8655030
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>> No.8655110
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>> No.8655125

Does it normally take you 12 hours to cook a meal OP?

>> No.8655157
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Lol sometimes I'm at work I ran out of time after I ate

>> No.8655432
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So I'm on vacation in New York and visiting all the best restaurants in Manhattan. Can I blog post here since all my normie friends think fine dining is the ultimate meme?

>> No.8655445
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First class longhaul is mostly pretty good. Food is still shit though

>> No.8655452
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But caviar at 36000ft is pretty good regardless.

>> No.8655475
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Supposedly veal oyster blade. Its better than the microwaveable meals they serve in Economy I guess?

>> No.8655483
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Shitty microwaved ravioli.

>> No.8655491
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One of the most disgusting burgers I've ever eaten

>> No.8655518

did you eat all this on a plane?

>> No.8655586
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Yeah, food alone wasn't worth the ticket cost, but the free booze and bed made up for it. No idea if all airlines are so accomodating but the hostess didn't cut anyone off all flight even after the 10th or so

>> No.8655629
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Shake shack does bretty gud burgers

>> No.8655639
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A pilgrimage to flavour town. Mr fieri was not available for autographs

>> No.8655645
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Amuse-Bouche at Jean-George

>> No.8655649
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Caviar on toasted brioche with slow poached egg yolk. The egg yolk ruined it imo

>> No.8655652
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Raw Scallops on black truffle toast with chives. One of the better plates

>> No.8655656
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Rissotto with orange and black pepper

>> No.8655661
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Black Bass with a spiced apple jus. Normally not a huge fan of fish but this was wonderful

>> No.8655668
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Lobster poached in butter with a winter vegetable tapioca. Lobster was bordering on rubbery. Pretty disappointing for a restaurant of this calibre

>> No.8655683
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Lastly was venision with pickled cabbage and chestnut purée. There was supposed to be another two courses after this, but I had terrible diarrhoea and had to leave the restaurant early...

Total cost was $238 for the tasting menu + tips. Since I had to leave early they comped the drinks for me which was nice. Overall the food was something of a let down for somewhere that's supposed to have 3 Michelin stars.

>> No.8656142

I flew JFK-HKG CX F and the food was OK. Obviously probably catering is better ex HKG, but I flew NRT-JFK JL F and I prefer JL's style of service probably because I post on a flemmish pottery board but I digress. The breakfast into HK was excellent. They serve GOAT smoothies.

>> No.8656171

Ha, I flew the opposite direction to you, but overnight. Their signature cocktails were really good at least. Normally I'm all Qantas because >muh patriotism (and muh status credits) but I ended up being in Hong Kong for work around the time

>> No.8656184

Did you get to try any of the F lounges? Since I went on to Japan from HK in J I didn't get to, bit of a shame, but I was in the qantas lounge since I was flying JL ironically.

>> No.8656202
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Both :)
Had dinner and slept in the wing then went to the pier breakfast, a drink, and a massage. Breakfast was some pretty terrible eggs benedict but dinner in the wing was pretty good esp considering it was free

>> No.8657506

>Overall the food was something of a let down
this is pretty much what is expected from NY cuisine, srry you fell for the meme

>> No.8658238
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Quick burger for lunch

>> No.8658394
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Eleven Madison Park was not a meme. EMP was goddamn incredible.

Some amuse Bouche to start. I've already forgotten every single one of these names, but they were all a delicious

>> No.8658399
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Eggs benedict Caviar. This is the most delicious thing I've ever had in my life.

Caviar with cheese and bacon, with an egg jelly underneat, served with mini English muffins. Indescribably good

>> No.8658410
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Foie gras on french toast with pickled ginger. Maybe the second most delicious thing I've ever had? This was actually the first time I've had foie gras so it was pretty unreal

>> No.8658440

did you do the wine pairing too

>> No.8658511
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Normally I would have, but I'm so jetlagged right now that wine would put me straight to sleep. Their cocktails are awesome though, and the waiters there are extremely good at helping you pick something you'll enjoy

Lobster tail was next. Nothing special here, it wasn't bad, but a bit disappointing after the first two courses

>> No.8658523
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Roasted squash with bone marrow. Anyone who lives even remotely close to NYC should make a reservation right now because this place is just next level

>> No.8658533
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Braised oxtail with mashed potato and black truffle. So tender that you eat it with a spoon

>> No.8658541
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There was a cheese course in between here that I didn't get photos of. It was some Connecticut cows milk cheese baked in some batter.

Then a baked Alaska they flambé at the table for you. Very cool stuff

>> No.8658547

>Anyone who lives even remotely close to NYC should make a reservation right now because this place is just next level

Yeah but it's $300 before wine, I mean uh... I've dropped $120 a head for meals before but this is just taking it to the next level

>> No.8658552
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I didn't see any other patrons get to go in, so I think this was a special treat for me, but I was given a tour of the kitchen, got to speak to Chef Daniel Humm for a bit, and then they made me some spiced apple cider

>> No.8658566

Sushi Nakazawa was $200pp after tips
Jean George was $550pp after tips
Le Bernardin was $410 after tips
This place was $300 and miles better than any of those. Fun fact, they have 31 chefs and 39 servers for 108 patrons a night

>> No.8658569

I would be more convinced if you weren't a non-drinker

>> No.8658570
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A game for end of the night. They bring 4 blocks of chocolate from 4 different animals (cow, buffalo, sheep, goat), and you have to guess which bar comes from which animal. They gave me a free cocktail because I got them all right

>> No.8658576

Don't drink and drive OP, I used to think nothing will happen and I got a DUI after 4 beers and lost my fucking CDL for a year.

Then to make it better while I was still on probation my friend was killed by a drunk driver while he was crossing the street and I couldn't drink the pain away for another year.

Fucked my life up family

>> No.8658582
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I do drink, and had wine pairings at jean george and Le Bernardin. EMP wine pairings are only another $120 or so if you choose to have it

>> No.8658585

Death would honestly be a mercy after drinking pbr

>> No.8658587

I probably couldn't do the wine pairings what with the wine allergy but that's not too bad price wise

>> No.8658595
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They gave me a jar of muesli for breakfast the next day as well?

Also, since I mentioned I was Australian, the bartender went and tried to make me a cocktail based on Peach Melba. It was a pretty good attempt as well

>> No.8658613

You're probably not missing too much. I like the champagnes at the start and the dessert wines at the end, but the dry wines they serve with the mains I only drink for traditions sake. I usually have to drink a few cocktails before I can choke those down

>> No.8659488

id fucks wif it

>> No.8660803

Rump bump

>> No.8660935

Can you describe more of what's going on in that tin?
What type of cheese is that? Is the yellow part the egg jelly? Is the caviar served hot?

>> No.8661000


At the bottom part of the tin, hidden in the photo is a thin layer of a kind of jelly made from egg yolk, then above that is a layer of bacon and creamed egg white. Finally the top is the actual caviar (royal ostera I think they said), with some grated American cheese around it. Finally it's topped with a dollop of hollandaise sauce. The whole dish is just warm creamy decadent goodness. Really, if you're ever in NYC go to EMP because It's honestly the best meal I've ever had. And somehow the foie gras for the next course was even better

>> No.8662075
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shoulda seared it all over but I was a bit lazy. sv chicken breast with some chicken rub, thyme, lemon and butter.

>> No.8662156
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A single potato chip, served in an eggshell

>> No.8662310
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Per Se is actually a very nice restaurant, meme chip aside. Easily the best decor of all the 3 star places in Manhattan

>> No.8662325



I was just reading the French Laundry cookbook in the bathtub yesterday on adderall and went over that exact recipe.

>> No.8662355
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>> No.8662424
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It came with some truffle custard. It was actually really good as well, but I still had to laugh at the lack of self awareness of it.

Per Se is one of the most beautiful restaurants I've been to and it's definetly another place in New York you must visit if you go. Fireplace and views of Central Park at sunset?

Some more amuse-bouche to start. Something something corenetto. I got a lot of free wine for reasons I'll explain later and am kinda drunk

>> No.8662482
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Hey look! More caviar, with oysters and tapioca sabyon

>> No.8662659
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Another dirty burger for lunch

>> No.8662677

That looks pretty greasy anon, sure you don't want to pat your patties dry next time?

>> No.8662716

Cheeseburger eatin muhfucka

>> No.8662784
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6 types of salt to eat with my foie gras

>> No.8662793
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Nova Scotia Lobster with spiced apple

>> No.8662803

how was it? it's like his most famous dish ever and no comments? did it live up to the hype?

>> No.8662804
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Lubina with clams and chorizo emulsion. I actually got a bone in my fish which is pretty much unheard of for a 3 star restaurant, and would've been pretty disappointing except

>> No.8662815
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For this.

Black truffle pasta. Normally an extra $125 for this dish, they gave it to me for free as apology for the fish bone. Also comped was a very good wine they selected to pair with it. That fishbone ended up being worth $185.

I've never had truffles before, and I'm not really sure what the fuss is tbqh. They tasted like a nice mushroom, but certainly not $100 nice

>> No.8662883




>> No.8662894


>> No.8662932
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Some dick breast with smoked ricotta and pine nuts

>> No.8662947
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>> No.8662961
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Dessert here was silly. They brought out 7 small dishes for you to try. I only managed a bite of each, and it was definitely quantity of quality

Compressed golden pineapple
Coconut ice cream
Swiss roll (pictured)
Mocha ice cream in an espresso glass
A donut
Chocolate coated hazelnuts

>> No.8662992


Thanks for sharing, anon.

I asked my mom if they could take me to the French Laundry for my birthday this year (they took my grandparents there something like a decade ago for a big anniversary) and she said it would cost something like twelve hundred dollars for three of us after alcohol, so I said, "nah, fuck it".

>> No.8663128
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Thanks for tolerating my blogposts anon!

If I ever find myself down in California I'll shout you dinner there anon.

Thomas Keller easily has the worst value for money fine dining restaurants (except Masa, but that's a whole other level again of bullshit price gouging). and those supplementary costs leave a bad taste in my mouth. $100 for a few mouthfuls of wagyu beef? When I could get the exact same grade as part of Le Bernardin's menu for no extra charge? Oh and if I don't pay up, then I have to eat some lamb instead? It's fucking extortion. Lucky the food is damn good

Fun fact, per Se has a big screen with live feed of the French laundry kitchen in theirs, so you can watch them on the other side of the country work.

Oh and since I'm finished in NYC, I'd give a final ranking of all the three star joints.

1. EMP: 10/10 literally the best meal I've ever had, all for $295
2. Per Se: 8.5/10 a few hiccups, but the food was of high quality and I got comped a bunch of crap. Oh and the dining room is just stunning $410
3. Le Bernardin: 8/10 if I liked seafood more, I'd probably rate this much higher. Food was impeccable $450 with a wine pairing after tips
4. Jean-George: 6.5/10 this is the only place I was served dishes I didnt enjoy. Their caviar and poached egg yolk tasted like just egg yolk, and their food was deserts were also pretty bad. $550, but $200 of that was alcohol
5. Masa: 2/10 fuck you pal, sushi shouldn't cost $800

>> No.8663159


>I got comped a bunch of crap

Yeah, the story of the French Laundry dinner was that they got brought so many little dishes and in between bites that weren't listed on the menu that their 9 course meal ended up being more like a 25 course meal.

The wine list also starts at something like $200, and if you bring your own wine it can't be from the region, and there's something like a $150 corkage fee.

>> No.8663711
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Clay pot chicken with roasted carrots and frozen fries

>> No.8663718
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Plated and threw on a shitton of parsley for absolutely no reason

>> No.8663735

made me hungry desu

>> No.8663751

Glad to hear

>> No.8664021

>Easily the best decor of all the 3 star places in Manhattan

Really.? Maybe we have different tastes, or that shot doesn't do it justice, but it looks a bit like you're in a mid-upscale hotel restaurant/lobby to me.

I'm not trying to be cocky it just doesn't seem like a notably impressive atmosphere, but maybe I'm missing something. Do you have any more shots of the dining room?

Your meal there looked quite nice, by the way. Thanks for posting.

>> No.8664167
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Hopefully this one is a little better. The place is right above Columbus Circle overlooking Central Park. I was lucky enough to be there just a sunset hit as well, so I might be a little biased about it.

There's also a huge fireplace against the wall which was very pretty

>> No.8665385
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Bump with panera

>> No.8665577

>not using one donut, slicing in half and toasting inside parts as outside part of bun

shadilay though, that looks fucking delicious

>> No.8665653

m8 those donuts were fresh from the shop so they would be impossible to slice, i have done that with less quality donuts tho

I want to thank everybody for the OC i have been too busy to comment much but i enjoy looking at it all, thanks to fancy restaurant anon, that stuff looks way too high class for me, i imagine it tastes wild but im too poor to be eating that, looks good tho, hope you enjoyed your trip to fattyclapistan

>> No.8665762

ah, yup fresh donuts that makes sense. god i bet they were super buttery. god im jealous right now. cheers mate.

>> No.8665876

Too poor? You literally eat steak every other day and drown in pussy every night. You must be Dan Bilzerian