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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 480x320, matsusaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8606764 No.8606764 [Reply] [Original]

Have you eaten matsusaka beef? How to get it in America?

>> No.8606882


>> No.8606896

If I knew that was the source of my beef, I'd have it cooked extra well done to get all of that nasty fucking fat out of it....what is wrong with you idiots and why do you fall for memes?

If you like "fat/flavor" so much, why not just eat lard?

>> No.8606898
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>> No.8607336
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>still eating memefood

>> No.8607350

But it looks fucking delicious?

>> No.8607711

That's fucking nasty.
You might as well eat a brick of lard.
Cook it blue rare, it'll probably taste the same.

>> No.8607719

America is just now really getting Kobe in any meaningful amounts. Give it some time

>> No.8607721

Whats the fucking point?

>> No.8607730

>the name Kobe Beef has become so deluded that another weebshit town needs to make their own beef

>> No.8607757
File: 64 KB, 797x538, spotted cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When they have no appetite, they are fed beer to stimulate their eating, and receive regular massages.

What beer would you feed your cows /ck/?

>> No.8608126

It looks like some weird american bacon.

>> No.8608153

Only like 9 restaurants serve authentic Kobe beef in the US. Everything else is wagyu

>> No.8608166

Fuck off you hack fraud. When is the next plinkett review?

>> No.8608171
File: 157 KB, 640x640, d7212dbabe2e0b69e65532776063f78e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only choice

>> No.8608853

what if i told you that kobe is actually wagyu

>> No.8609955

I really hope it becomes a popular trend here, because that would make lean beef so much cheaper

>> No.8609968

>Only like 9 restaurants serve authentic Kobe beef in the US

I only know of 8 restaurants in the country legally allowed to serve kobe. Less than 15 heads of cattle are imported per year to the US.

>1. 212 Steakhouse Restaurant, New York, NY

>2. Alexander's Steakhouse-Cupertino, Cupertino, CA

>3. Alexander's Steakhouse-San Francisco Restaurant, San Francisco, CA

>4. SLS Las Vegas - Bazaar Meat by José Andrés Restaurant, Las Vegas, NV

>5. Jean Georges Steakhouse, Aria Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, NV

>6. Nick & Sam's Restaurant, Dallas, TX

>7. Wynn Las Vegas – SW Steakhouse Restaurant, Las Vegas, NV

>8. Teppanyaki Ginza Onodera, Honolulu, HI

>> No.8609974

You're wrong, but that's okay.

Many restaurants will label it as kobe even if it's Wagyu, and they're wrong.

>> No.8609977

Wagyu is so good though.

>> No.8609981

Matsutaka has been around almost as long as Kobe, if not longer.

It also tastes much better in my opinion. Worth it every now and then. It practically melts in your fucking mouth.

>> No.8609983

You'll get no argument from me, Wagyu is certainly fine beef for steaks, but it is not Kobe, and marketing it as such is disingenuous.

Real Kobe is so rich with fat that having a 10oz+ steak would be sickening.

>> No.8610001

I bought a delicious wagyu other day in Brazil. Not this extra fancy thing, a regular beef but from wagyu. It was delicious, the marbling was very nice and so.

But I think when I see this meats that are all marbling, all fat, if it is not past the best balance of meat/fat

>> No.8610076

I was looking up where to eat it in Japan. thinking about going to steak house satou in tokyo, any other suggestions?

>> No.8610131

Yes because the Japanese market is now favoring a leaner, American style steak.

>> No.8610526

Use to work there they serve Kobe patties

>> No.8610532


that must be horrid if it isn't fresh

what do they do to those cows to get that to happen?

>> No.8610586

fold them a million times

>> No.8610612

top zozzle

>> No.8610647

theres a place near my house that sells "kobe" hot dogs. Its literally a hot dog with alot of flavoring and toppings put on it so you dont realize its a normal fucking hot dog

>> No.8610653


Full disclosure, I've never had Wagyu, Kobe, Matsusaka, etc beef. Why does one try so hard to get deep muscular fat? The first thing in trimming the steak is removing excess fat. Wouldn't that fat in the muscle fiber be chewy like the fat on the outside of the muscle?

>> No.8610663

>Kobe patties
It's Wagyu that they're calling Kobe, real Kobe would never be used for a burger like that.

Not to mention, the entire US only imports like 15-25 Kobe cattle per YEAR. The japanese have VERY strict laws on export.

A REAL kobe burger would cost ~$200-400 for a very small ~4-5oz portion.

>> No.8610725

Kek. Saved

>> No.8610735

>real Kobe would never be used for a burger
You realize the cow has a lot of parts, not all of which are suitable for steak. Well, ok you didn't, but now you do.

>> No.8610741

Sounds to me like you've never had steak better than choice.

>> No.8610785

...it really doesn't matter. Kobe beef is still WAYYY to expensive to use in a burger that costs $15.50. No matter what cut they're using.

Or it's 5% kobe and 95% normal beef.

But sorry, no $15 burger is fucking got real kobe beef in it you dumb cunt.

>> No.8611429

Can't answer except to say, how does one describe color to a blind man?

Get thee to a decent ribeye, young man!

>> No.8611596

Yea bullshit. All the grocery stores here still sell shit American "Angus" along with the aussie beef for 50% of regular ass wagyu. Its cheaper because it doesn't taste as good the only places you'll ever see import beef are all you can eat yakiniku places.

>> No.8612950

>Kobe patties
What in the fuck is the point?

>> No.8612961

It's just wagyu, and it's good makes a great burger. But it's not real Kobe beef from the Hyōgo Prefecture of Japan.

>> No.8613021

They even include two extra chunks of fat in the package.

>> No.8613062

You have no idea how retarded you sound right now.


>> No.8613071

Does that meat come with an angioplasty and shiney new stents ?

>> No.8613074

Yes, like I fucking said, it''s Wagyu which is four different breeds of cow, one of which is used for Kobe beef, just because you used the same breed as Kobe beef does NOT qualify it as Kobe, real Kobe beef ONLY comes from the Hyogo Prefecture as your article states.

Just because you want to call it kobe because it makes you feel better doesn't change the fact it's Wagyu and is not at all legally allowed to be sold in japan as Kobe.

Hell just go to the bottom of the page you linked moron.

>The proliferation of beef outside Japan marketed as Kobe beef is an issue for Kobe beef farmers. Due to a lack of legal recognition of the Kobe beef trademark in the United States, it is possible to sell meat that is incorrectly labeled as Kobe beef.[22][23] The Kobe Beef Marketing and Distribution Promotion Association planned to publish pamphlets about Kobe beef in foreign languages.[24]

>> No.8613096

Apparently this is a real soft fat that melts during cooking and soakes into the meat. Its supposed to be real soft and tender

>> No.8613137

>It came from a magical cow so it can't be ground up
lol ok weeb

>I'm rich because I have a job at Best Buy
Ok mr Buffett, tell us about your patrician bottle of Yamazaki 12 now

>> No.8613145

Awww, poor babby got his feelings hurt because he realized he can't afford real kobe and its obviously just a rich person meme and it's not ACTUALLY any better.

Keep making those patties kid

>> No.8614540

All Kobe beef is Wagyu but not all Wagyu is Kobe. Wagyu is any beef that is raised in Japan or in the Japanese style in term of American Wagyu beef but Kobe is its own thing.

>> No.8614564

You're the one boasting about how he's totally not impressed by a $15 burger, not me. Don't try and deflect now that someone called you out on your role playing

I'm not even the person you were originally arguing with, I'm just a guy who happens to be a little more informed than you, and I'm trying to help you understand that cows have other parts that aren't ribeye steaks and tenderloins, and many of those parts are likely to end up going into a meat grinder

Now carry on boasting about your impressive five figure salary

>> No.8614581

Literally no one disputed that, try and quote me anywhere. Someone else randomly started talking about
>well uhm you know burgers aren't made from steak cuts

when i never said they were. A REAL kobe burger will cost you more than $15 regardless what part of the anime you're using except maybe the urine.

>> No.8614589

dat auto correct.


>> No.8614594

>weeb thread

>> No.8614597

I don't even know where you got that $15 figure, but since I'm willing to admit I can make mistakes, I went through the thread and double checked. Nope. You just tossed it out there at random. It sounds to me like you're just doing damage control

>> No.8614602

>Nope. You just tossed it out there at random.
Fucking moron


Just use google you dumbfuck, they have a public menu

>> No.8614623
File: 174 KB, 600x800, ken_sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please spend hours every day fact-checking every random direct or indirect claim ever posted on 4chan just to avoid triggering some role playing weeb

I'm so sorry ken-sama, I wiru try to be moru on-na-ru-bu-ro

>> No.8614626

You're the one who admitted you aren't even the original person, you took enough time to shit on me for something you couldn't even understand because you didn't read the context and aren't even the original poster, just fuck off retard.

>> No.8614634
File: 339 KB, 500x667, ck_beef_expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bawww why won't anyone treat me like a 4chan celebrity for googling the prices on a list of restaurant menus

Calm down, man

>> No.8614639
File: 27 KB, 181x220, 1487985214148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaa he's rightfully treating me like a retarded aspie because I interjected in a conversation I wasn't a part of with irrelevant and useless information because I couldn't even bother to fully read the conversation to begin with waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa