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8590598 No.8590598 [Reply] [Original]

Sobriety edition

>> No.8590603

6 days sober. you faggots jelly?

>> No.8590612


>> No.8590628

clonazepam vs lorazepam for making the seizures stop?

>> No.8590630 [DELETED] 

I haven't had anything to drink since 10:00 last night

>> No.8590856

clonazepam. longer half life

>> No.8590870

How much a day do you guys drink that get siezers? I need to take a break and you guys worry me.

>> No.8590906


>> No.8590926

4 months here on my third big try to get sober forever

Try 1 lasted one year
Try 2 lasted 6 months

life is as shitty as always but i'm not hungover, anxious, depressed, and bloated

>> No.8590930
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I bought this on Thursday.

I'm at about 3 handles a week now

Don't drink

>> No.8590959

just pounded a leftover bell's two hearted bottle from last night.... delicious. paired nicely with these bacon strips.

>> No.8590991
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>he actually pours it into a glass

>> No.8591006

I like to keep it classy

>> No.8591045

Stuck in a situation where I only have 4 hours to drink as much as possible, enjoy my buzz and then get sober.
Usually on a Saturday morning, I'll drink a bottle of wine and some whiskey, but since I was in such a time crunch today I just had a 40 oz. and a glass of wine.
It... sucks.
A big part of me (the alcoholic part) wants to believe that I could drink as much as I usually do on a Saturday and then pull myself together in just a few hours, but I know that's not going to be what happens.

So at this point I'm just going through the motions and sipping on a glass of wine that I know isn't going to make me feel anything.
It's funny to me that people have reputations as being an angry or a mean drunk, but I'm really much meaner and angrier when things prevent me from getting as drunk as I want.

>> No.8591112
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>> No.8591138

I recently started actually measuring units in a shot glass and it definitely helps with moderation. Helps keep perspective of how much you're really consuming.

>> No.8591152

On day 7. Decided I would reward myself for every 2 weeks sober with a bottle for the minibar. Which I never stocked because I drank everything right away.
Am I retarded?

>> No.8591165

U are an alcohol

>> No.8591178

3:00 am here, going strong

>> No.8591186

Why are you still up? Do you need a drink?

>> No.8591194

Okay seriously though, how does this happen? Can someone elaborate as to how they became an alcoholic? When you knew it was a problem?

What would you say is a budding sign of alcoholism?

>> No.8591247

drinking 'til you're drunk but not waking up hungover

>> No.8591250


drinking most days, no matter how much, to feel better about life is a sign that you are using alcohol to deal with your problems

from then on it's just one big life issue away from turning into a gigantic crutch

and then once you can't sleep at all without it, you're as good as done and the hospital is waiting

>> No.8591276

>puked all over bed
>slept in it
>woke up room smells like musty ouke and alcohol
>shower and puke
>nibble on bagel and puke
>water and puke
>shit, bidet, puke
>shitpost on /ck/, start to feel better

wa la

>> No.8591337

alcohol provides oblivion for its users and what ends up happening is people start to use alcohol as a coping mechanism. your brain psychologically rewires itself as a result and you pretty much think about alcohol any time you need to cope. eventually your life progresses so far down the spiral that you constantly are trying to avoid the realities of your situation so you're stuck in a cycle of drinking (coping).

this actually isn't a problem in itself. the problem is that alcohol is habit forming so you also become dependent on it to both cope and physically to function at one point.

this also isn't a problem (outside of prioritizing alcohol over things like relationships/jobs/etc...) in itself. the issue is that alcohol is poisonous in large quantities so you end up fucking up your body in the process.

so basically it's one big cluster fuck cycle

>> No.8591369

do i have to just accept that life is kinda boring without drinking?

>> No.8591373

no, there's always heroin

>> No.8591436

>drink some alcohol
>teeth feel funny

what does it mean

>> No.8591446


>> No.8591476


Being bored mostly.
Alcohol completely removes the feeling of boredom

>> No.8591489

I just got off a week long bender a couple days ago and have had really bad withdrawal symptoms. I'm already thinking about having a drink even though the intention was to stay sober for a while.

>> No.8591501

just turned 21
what's the best beer i can get at walmart or publix?

>> No.8591516

How does it feel when you consciously have the drink you know you shouldn't have? What are the thoughts crossing your mind?

>> No.8591529

your heart hurts all the time and sucking on big plastic jug of rum makes it hurt less

>> No.8591547

as i tilt the bottle back, my mind begins rushing with thoughts
>you must stop
>is this who you are?
>is the n-category of framed n-tangles in n+k dimensions (n+k)-equivalent to the free weak k-tuply monoidal n-category with duals on one object?
>what would your parents think?

>> No.8591549
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>> No.8591560


"fuck this life anyway, being sober isn't worth it. anyway i'm not going to REALLY go completely day-drunk, week-long-bender alkie this time."

>> No.8591573
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Sometimes I'll think of my family, Sometimes I won't think of anything.

I would rather die drunk then sober any day.

>> No.8591595

Should you really have any drink? Everyone knows it isn't good for you but it makes you feel good so we drink.

>> No.8591643
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i can drink tmrw. the prospect of getting blackout at the end of the week is the only thing that keeps me going throughout it. hopefully it won't turn into another 3 day long ordeal but once i'm drunk i stop caring about myself entirely. i'll order a pizza and eat the whole thing and then wake up and start drinking again.

>> No.8591666

Thank christ I'm a pussy and can't stomach the taste of alcohol

>> No.8591674

always taper in that kind of situation. go get a 24 pack of regular beer and try to only drink enough to make your symptoms manageable. you dont want to go cold turkey. im a binge/bender drinker too. here is a site for you


at a certain point its just too dangerous to go cold turkey

>> No.8591675

Am I still an acoholic if I only drink 2L of cider a day? At least I don't get black out drunk on vodka all the time anymore.

>> No.8591707

I feel a lot better today but last night was the worst.

>> No.8591713


>> No.8591735

Nah but youre probably still addicted to sugar

>> No.8591759

It's 7% ABV cider. America is the ony country that calls unfiltered apple juice "cider". So it's like I'm drinking 6 strong beers a day. I drink it all in an hour.

>> No.8591776

No I understand. We have that shit too. It's just very sugary

>> No.8591780

Do you guys have things that break your sobriety?

If i see a cute enough 3.14 I just lose it, say in my head 'why do i even bother with life ill never have that' and start drinking within the hour

>> No.8591781

So other than it possibly making me fat, I can go ahead and keep doing it and I won't end up with alcohol withdrawal or liver failure?

>> No.8591785

Waking up int he morning and realizing I'm still alive.

>> No.8591803



i have been thinking about this recently

the first is being a wagecuck in general. on most days it's somewhat bearable but it's right on a razor's edge, really. if my boss acts just a LITTLE more like a cunt than usual, or if some extra project gets shunted my way, or if there's weekend work, or if the commute is more fucked than usual, i absolutely SNAP and start drinking

like you said getting rejected by girls is another big one

i have a receding hairline and when i think hard about that i get triggered like a motherfucker

just general things that remind me of my lack of control over life and the futility of it all i guess

work-related interpersonal horseshit that i am forced to put up with is the biggest

>> No.8591823
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When I see her, or think about her, if her instagram pops up on my timeline or she texts me

It's been over a month, she won't talk to me or come over because she cheated on her boyfriend for six days last time

>> No.8591860

You're probably still an alcoholic (you definitely are) but it sounds like you're doing better than you were, so that's good. Ideally you would be able to only drink on weekend nights as a treat. Everyday is still bad.

Of course complete sobriety is probably best for those that have had issues in the past

>> No.8591930


I make my own cider from apples, they're near ~6-8%

I get pretty buzzed from drinking 2L of it, but then again I'm not that heavy an alcoholic

>> No.8592011

I'm upset at how undrunk I am and am thinking of going to buy a bottle of vodka. Should I or not?

>> No.8592017


Do it.

>> No.8592030

>Lose ability to see with both eyes
>Literally have to close one eye so I wouldn't see double since the eyes can't focus


>> No.8592069

Holy fuck no.

>> No.8592072

>tfw I made a gin/lemon/basil cocktail and I'm halfway through and buzzed.

What a life

>> No.8592076

This is what I used it for.
I'm in the military and gutting myself on beer and wine made me fat. Giving it up for a while to try to bring the weight down.

And also, so I don't end up using it as a crutch to deal with stress. Doing good so far, but my fuse is definitely shorter than it used to be.

And goddamn I can't tell you how bored I am most nights.

>> No.8592088


I applaud you for killing terrorists and/or sandniggers

I have nothing else to add.

>> No.8592103

been sober for 2 years, so no

>> No.8592384
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Kill me please.

>> No.8592392


>> No.8592406

Tank yew fore you're cervix.

t. Chair Force

>> No.8592444
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>tfw you remember the texts you sent her last night

>> No.8592469
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>> No.8592495

11B killing half a bottle a night for a buzz, whole bottle to get fucked up but that's for weekends. Kinda realised i had a problem when ppl stopped chilling with me and i started buying Everclear instead of whiskey

>> No.8592588

This says Sobriety Edition. Don't think this is for me.

But hey, I'm only 5 and a half beers deep right now. My "just right" is kinda starting to kick in. But I was hungover this morning at work and eventually had a 10 inch Italian from Wawa when I got off work at like 3. Haven't eaten yet tonight. Plan on getting kinda drunk and then eating leftover 'za and crashing.

>> No.8592608

Faaaaack. I think I'm just starting to get there now.

>> No.8592695

Man I'm bone sober right now and I feel good physically and mentally which means I'm prime for a good drinking session. Some nice whiskey to start the waves of euphoria

>> No.8592712

I did 13 AA meetings in the last week and a half, trying to impress a judge on tuesday.

my head fucking hurts and I smoke a lot of cigarettes now

>> No.8592840

i was drinking about 2 bottles a wine or a 1/2 bottle of whisky a day for the last 3 years.

I'm 15 days without a drink, experienced intense insomnia, anxiety, irritability and i still get about 10 to 15 "cravings" a day but i didn't experience any seizures or tremors or delirium.

Obviously, I'm not a doctor and you're mileage may vary. If you are concerned about detox talk to your doctor because the shit can be dangerous and everyone is different.

>> No.8592861

2-3 of these beauties every 24hrs.
My bin is only collected every 2 weeks. That's a fuckload of glass. Embarrassing af watching the bin men struggle to move the thing, and hear the clinking then noise of smashing glass as they empty it. The whole street knows me as 'that guy who drinks Smirnoff'.

>> No.8592866
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He's a drunk, not a degenerate.

>> No.8592870
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>these beauties
Now with said beauties. Forgot pic.

>> No.8593098


>> No.8593115

Don't drink Pepsi.

>> No.8593440
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Jesus fucking Christ I'm bored. There is NOTHING to do while sober. This shit is making me feel suicidal.

>> No.8593555

going to AA tonight

>> No.8593566

This. Once you start to not get hungover anymore, you will be tricked into thinking that is how it will be forever, and you have become a master drinker who drinks to oblivion and doesn't have to deal with the consequences the next day. You might go like this for about a month, but then withdrawal typically begins to settle in. Then you are trapped, and undeniably an alcoholic.

>> No.8593579

Aaaaaand I'm drunk again.
Plus my Doc says my spleen is heavily inflamed thanks to booze. Shit is getting too real.

>> No.8593756

Day 7. you faggots jelly?

>> No.8593773

Yup. Got like 30 seconds of not drinking under my belt ATM, and vodka in hand.
Spoke with some AA gril at 7am though. Gonna meet her this coming Friday. Something to look forward to.
Bet I get aids.

>> No.8593780

I'm coming off a 5 day bender, slept through all of yesterday and feel like complete shit. Really craving something sweet and refreshing.

What would you guys recommend I get at the store to feed myself and not feel like a digested raisin?
>inb4 more booze

>> No.8593782

Everyone is different but I Honestly wouldn't recommend AA unless you are truly at rock bottom. Maybe it's just my autistic/introverted/egotistical tendencies but I felt really out of place at AA meetings. I just kept thinking to myself how retarded all these people are and ironically being around those people is what made me quit

>> No.8593792


I haven't been to a meeting in a while but I always remember the lads putting emphasis on not dating for the first year of sobriety

then again, I'm drinking at 6 in the morning so who gives a shit

happy fucking anon

>> No.8593795


I'm a Canada fag and I wonder if its different abroad but I find most of them to be very clique ish. and I hate the faggots that are happy to be there.

"i love AA and being sober!"

fuck off faggots.

>> No.8593799

Jesus WTF seriously? What has happened to /ck/? All of 4chan is in meltdown. /pol/ is investigating the government for pedophilia, /ck/ is sober, /mlp/ has stopped posting spread asses, and /b/ doesn't have any good porn any more.

>> No.8593815

I'm in the same boat and gave it some thought. I assume you also don't have any hobbies except sitting at the computer? I haven't and that's the main problem I think. Everything I did for fun since I was 15 involved either alcohol or the computer.

>> No.8593833
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I used to go fishing and hiking, or meet grils from the intersmurfs. Lost my drivers license for the second time after getting arrested for drink-driving last year, that was seven months ago, and since then I've pretty much just stayed in bed drinking.
Used to vidya too, but in my hyper drunken state these last few months, I've managed to throw one laptop at the wall for reasons unknown, drop one, smashing the motherboard, and piss all over one while asleep. Closest thing I've got to computer now, is my phone. I spend maybe 23 hours and 50 minutes a day, every day, in bed. Barely even got enough muscle left on my legs to walk up the stairs, so I'm laying on the floor in my lounge, waiting around to kil.

>> No.8593885


I think if you recognize your life is really shitty and/or falling apart, going to AA is worth a shot. The people there are not there to reprimand you, they are, for the most part, decent people. Most people are there because they have to go, usually because of criminal cases, but there is a sort of satisfaction in not drinking for at least a brief period of time.

Also yeah, the 'proud to be sober, look at me' types are fucking annoying.

>> No.8593943

Things have taken a turn for the surreal. Old values don't mean what they once did. People are scared. Life as we knew it has altered and I'm afraid we are all just going to have to travel down this rabbit hole together.

>> No.8593972

Day 3

This sucks ass but I feel better than yesterday.

My problem is that I wont be able to escape réality, which is depressing af. I have a heart disease that results in crippling shortness of breath. There is no treatment except chirurgical operation but for that I need my symptoms to get worse, Id say in 10 years or maybe more.

That plus im addicted to benzos and codéine (automédication).

I can't live like that. Lifes too hard, it really is.

Is there a God? Is he hearing me?


>> No.8594001

I managed to stay sober for 2 hours today before picking up the bottle
This is the longest this week, maybe there's hope for me yet

>> No.8594013

jesus christ dude

>> No.8594039

Smirnoff bro? is that you?

>> No.8594053

At your service anon. 4pm, 1.5 bottles down and feelin' good.

>> No.8594093

Sober for 172 days now after a 6 year liter of vodka a day habit.

Going to military training soon, so I've got at least another 150+ to look forward to unless I learn to brew my own, prison style.

Wish me luck

>> No.8594170

stay strong friend, you are a good man and can do whatever you put your mind to

>> No.8594187

I got wasted last night and drunk dialed every single family member in my contacts, what the fuck. Makes me want to drink more ironically.

>> No.8594211

I did that two days ago. Immediately facepalmed when I woke up, having remembered calling a girlfriend from over a decade ago. I had to go through my call logs to see who else I phoned. It was something like 14 people, some multiple times, including extended family and people I haven't seen in years, a church (fucked if I know, not religious) and the rspca.
WHY benzobooze lizardbrain? Why does this shit happen? Fuck.

>> No.8594244

For me it's because when I'm drunk I'm not afraid of social contact anymore. So embarrassing though.

>> No.8594276 [DELETED] 

For me it's the opposite, if I drink around people I get severe anxiety because it's more difficult for me to pretend I don't dislike them

The only people I like being drunk around is my family, otherwise I drink alone

Not that other guy who drunk dialed his family, I know better than to do that

>> No.8594302

Never understood alcoholics. Just get a shitload of xanax or something at least it isn't poisonous and it literally does the same thing to the brain. God you cunts are retarded.

>> No.8594305

Other positives:
you generally don't throw up, not really dehydrating, nobody can smell it on you, no methanol even potentially involved, other retarded byproducts of fermentation are totally absent etc. etc.

>> No.8594316 [DELETED] 

>never understood

it's called practicality. dunno about you but where I live xanax requires a prescription and generally speaking possession of xanax without a prescription is a criminal offense.

I can walk into any bar, restaurant, or grocery store anywhere I'm likely to go and pick up some alcohol.

even in the worst possible case (like when I had to go to the persian gulf for some work stuff), alcohol is still pretty easy to find and exceptions exist for us filthy kuffar, you just have to go where the westerners go. meanwhile if you have a poppy seed stuck to the sole of your shoe they'll throw you in jail.

>> No.8594332

>where I live xanax requires a prescription
Dude doctors give out this shit like candy

>> No.8594335

>commit a crime and pay a bunch of money or lie to doctor
>might get fake shit if commit a crime
>gigantic hassle either way for a limited amount

>walk across the street to CVS
>fucking unlimited supply
>on sale: 1.5 Liters of smirnoff for $20.00

never understood druggies myself

>> No.8594349 [DELETED] 

>I have grown comfortable lying to my criminally negligent doctor and I'm probably addicted to oxycontin, I'm so much better than people who legally purchase wine and beer

>> No.8594357

Why not just drink methanol?
Also the controlled substances act is unconstitutional :'(

I don't use drugs anymore but alcohol is, like, really bad okay?

>> No.8594447

My doctor refuses to give me xanax because my liver is already royally fucked from over a decade of heavy drinking everynight. So I keep drinking fml

>> No.8594467


Holy fuck. I seriously fucking hope I never ever do that shit

>> No.8594483

One more day until I can drink again, boys
It's like Christmas

>> No.8594497

Don't do it son

>> No.8594502

Nah, it's my last hurrah.
It's all planned out

Last big one.

>> No.8594506


>muh last hurrah

...surely you understand by now that it never ends up that way...?

>> No.8594509

Famous last words

>> No.8594514
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whoa whoa whoa we got a last hurrah here boys

>> No.8594521
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I had the scariest waking dream/lucid dream or whatever.

I walked to the kitchen, and felt like I was losing balance. Then I totally lost my balance, my head spinning. Within two seconds, I had the thoughts of calling an ambulance, then I said to myself, this is it, I am done for. And felt a totally real hit on my head hitting the floor.

Then I woke up, it all felt real.

>> No.8594522

I'm having my last hurrah too. In about 5 minutes I'm going to the liquor storea nd then I'm going to drink all day. Then I'm going to get sober.

>> No.8594556


You're going to get a big surprise when you get drunk tonight

>> No.8594575
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Plz no scary bully

>> No.8594585


Tick tock

>> No.8594598
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>> No.8594614

Oui allo ?
>I wont be able to escape réality
I think the problem isn't that you won't be able to escape reality. It's that you want to escape it.
We all do, it's the point of drinking. One of them anyway.
We have to face reality to be sober, and it's fucking terrifying.

You could try cannabis. Edibles/vape, not smoking. It can be slightly less worse than booze and codeine.

To be honest, when I read that you were out of the hospital right after the withdrawals ended, I didn't think you'd last long. Over 20 days is already a lot considering your history. You can be proud.
You need to spend longer in, at least long enough to sleep and, simply said, get used to being sober. Take 1 to 3 months.
It sounds horrible to spend that long locked in a hospital, but they don't usually do it in a regular hospital. And you're not locked, spending some time outside is part of your "training to sober life".

>> No.8594639

I know anon, if I'm honest with myself I knew I was going to relapse soon. I didn't even complete the full course in hospital, I simply walked out one day because it was so unbearable, and frankly I'm amazed I managed 23 days. Second longest I've ever managed.
Appreciate the kind words though mang. I can tell that you know these feels. You're not just another tourist.
We'll get better bruh. I've lost this battle but the war rages on. I'm not quite ready to lay down arms just yet. As for tonight though, I'm gonna get monumentally plastered. Onto my third bottle. Chin chin.

>> No.8594641

Juice gatorade tomato and chi ken soups

Also beer. You drank long enough you probably need to taper off rather than cold turkey otherwise seizures etc

>> No.8594648

Fuck. I bought 12 of a random pale ale. It tastes like shit. Alexander Keith's. It makes me gag. It's going to be hard to drink them all.

>> No.8594654


You won't care after a while, just drown the first few

>> No.8594670


My mom was pretty mad that I bought 12 instead of 6. "I don't want a repeat of last night". "you get too obnoxious when you drink" :(

>> No.8594679

well this is the saddest thing i've read all day

christ man don't drink around your parents even if it means just locking yourself in your room all night

>> No.8594694


Not him, but I live with my parents, mom has begged me not to drink so many times, I just can't care, I fucking hate myself

>> No.8594739
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>tfw you have tomorrow off

>> No.8594745

based canada

>> No.8594746
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My life in pictures, the last 12 months. I can't keep doing this.
I've set pic as my phones wallpaper, and printed copy which I've put in my wallet next to my credit cards. If I buy more tomorrow I'll have to see this first.
Which will probably just depress me more, make me buy more booze, and generally make things worse. Cool.
>out of ideas. Fug it all. Chug.
Run while you can, gents. My heart has already stopped once this year because of this shit. Half my family and several of my friends think I'm dead right now, because I'm too ashamed to admit to them that I walked out of hospital to get drunk. I simply disappeared.
Last try. If I still fuck it up and relapse, I'm just going to keep on drinking and accept the inevitable. Good luck all.
>that rly cheerful guy

>> No.8594758

i fuckin love you mate. you're my drinking idol

>> No.8594774

is that heroin next to the vodka

>> No.8594784

You're absolutely right.

Re: cannabis: I hate it, it makes me paranoid

>> No.8594796

why havent you just started buying handles

>> No.8594806
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Shop near me doesn't sell them.
yeh, crack and smack daily has been the norm, washed down with smirnoff or decent wines. i'm in so much debt it's comical.
thanks bruh. be careful though mang. shit is not glamorous.

anyway night all. rekt af and tomorrow i try that horrible sobriety thing again, perhaps for the last time.

>> No.8594832


How the fuck do you get money

>> No.8595076

Wheres the crack?

>> No.8595090

FUgggg I would love to rail that dope this fucking instant. DAMN.

Haven't lapsed in a year. Feel like i might need to hit the streets and sniff something out. SHite.

>> No.8595270

Quitting on you own? You're aiming for something hard. Especially for "the last time" you try.
Are you sure this isn't an excuse, to be able to say "I tried, fur realz"?

>> No.8595368

First day sober in over three years, it's not much compared to some of you guys that have weeks/months clean but I almost killed myself by accident yesterday(I self harm sometimes when I drink, and I cut too deep and nicked a vein or an artery and blood spurted out everywhere for hours on end) I almost went into shock from the blood loss, but I felt the fear of death for the first time, it was a terrifying experience. If I'd gone just a little deeper I would have severed the artery and bled to death. I should probably be dead, fuck.

>> No.8595390

how is this cooking?

>> No.8595439
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and then there's this fucker in every goddamn thread

>> No.8595512

I'm on day 2 of not drinking and I'm about to fucking snap. When does it get easier?

>> No.8595521

It doesn't unless you change your 'tude toward life overall

Don't ask me how to do that I don't have a fucking clue

>> No.8595532

I was hoping that at least from a chemical standpoint that my body wouldn't crave it as much. Obviously the temptation will always be there but I'm hoping the craving attenuates.

>> No.8595541

I'm right there with you. I'm not ready to snap but the itching at the back of my mind is setting in. I just want to get blasted drunk and watch youtube.

>> No.8595544

It does
I usually peak around 2/3 days in impatience
Coincidentally, that's also when your body wants the sauce the baddest.
If you're gonna get DTs, it's day 3

>> No.8595609

iv broken at leaast one by slaming it on the floor. broken two others by spilling beer on them

>> No.8595613

get on meds

>> No.8595615

same here
bout 2/3 days is the limit. ive been experimenting with drinking beer very slowly. like today i've had one and that was an hour and a half ago. yesterday i had 4-5 over about 10 hours. if you drink slower youll drink less

>> No.8595632

Psychedelics helped me quit.

you can say that I replaced my vices with another vice if you like but at least this one isn't killing me.

>> No.8595637
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>> No.8595650

I don't like it because when I went it was just a bunch of folks sharing war stories trying to one up each other on the shit they did. I started going to Smart Recovery meetings instead, they are more about talking about ways to keep your sobriety rather than than looking at the past.

>> No.8595675

You should probs move out, I just drink when my mums in bed and if she's awake I'll just abstain. Your mum just wants you to make the most of yourself, don't let her down anon bro

>> No.8595686

I like to pretend I am not an alcoholic. Realistically I am probably the type that is the biggest danger to themselves because I am not violent or a mess. I have a decent job that pays me enough to put away money while paying my bills. I don't get angry or destructive and the only people who know I drink excessively are people closest too me, I can save face towards everyone else.

Started in college and it kind of spilled over into real world (I'm 26). Little over a year ago I was 5 nips of Beam deep before the end of work. Cut that out awhile ago but still slammed 3-4 down before getting home, then I'd buy another 5-6, drink those maybe with 3-4 beers.

Stopped really understanding why I did it, just knew that when I was out of work a trip to the store was the next step, became habitual.

9 days off the sauce for me because of medication (I guess I am not dumb enough to drink through that) meds are all done but I am hoping to check myself and ride the wave of no alcohol at least for awhile, maybe I can come back and center myself.

>> No.8595700

Real mens drink from the bottle.
These shooters glass are gay af.

>> No.8595704
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Also when you pour youself a third glass and you just dont care anymore about taste anymore.

>> No.8595707


Drink guys, dont fall for the sobriety meme jewish trick.

>> No.8595713

Go fuck yourself. Other than the irritability my mind is the clearest it's been in so long and my eyes are focusing a lot better.

>> No.8595867

I've mainly stopped giving a shit. Ive been so used to hammering the instant gratification button for close to 10 years I've pretty much lost any sense of shame about doing anything.
I still know I should stop though.

>> No.8595880
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>> No.8595905

I drank as much as I wanted for 5 years, and then there came a day when I did a real hard binge, woke up the next day and started having psychological consequences like nearing a panic attack. I drove out to the bar feeling weird as shit and literally couldn't wait to get a jug full of beer to take home and drink.
Basically when my hangovers stopped being like "oh I have a headache or my tum tum hurts", and they became like existential nightmares of dread and fear for my health without booze.
Was absolutely awful for a couple years but the help I decided to get got me to cut back, but I still drink every day.

>> No.8595919

Yeah but now you're a joyless piece of shit

>> No.8595932

That hasn't happened to me in 5 or 6 years. There's no amount I could physically drink without puking that would cause that to happen to me anymore.

>> No.8595967


>> No.8595977

I went 3 times a week for 6 weeks to try it out. Everyone was nice, I had an easy time talking with them, and didn't feel out of place.

The thing with me is it just doesn't do anything.
Sometimes in speaker meetings the guy would have such a fucked up story that I just went straight to the drug store to buy a bottle of whiskey. This slowly devolved into getting drunk before meetings. A program leader talked to me privately after a meeting once and asked if I had been drinking. It was one meeting I barely spoke at as to not give myself away, but she just had that good of an eye. I kind of snapped internally after that, but thanked her for all her help and I went to one more meeting before never going back.

I think the program works for many people and is a positive experience by and large, but at the end of the day you are the only person who can determine whether or not you will choose to drink.

>> No.8596077

The people who it works for simply trade one addiction for another

But whatever. If it keeps them sober

>> No.8596085

I find I can shut people down easier when I'm drunk. I come up with these crazy troll-ish arguments that stop people in their tracks.

>> No.8596091

You are probably just overly obnoxious and hyper-persistent, which bores people after a while.

>> No.8596150

Only two days sober and I can't stop sweating.

Also what the fuck is with the nightmares?

>> No.8596153

give it a week bro youll feel right as rain

>> No.8596303

so like

can i get drunk and mix sulfuric and formic acid and just sit there and inhale and die peacefully?

like pass out shitfaced and never wake up?

sounds like a p good plan desu desu 2bh desu famsempie

>> No.8596305

Because some jew is trying to double jew me into being a good drunk goy?

>> No.8596366

you can try sucking down a few beers and some benadryl before bed to get some sleep

>> No.8596371

also alcohol withdrawal dreams are the weirdest most sinister. you are not wrong about asking. its well known.

>> No.8596395
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both hilarious and saddening coming back to these threads now.

been sober since Nov 24, 2016 after being (for the most part) drunk for the last decade straight 24/7/365 ... could go to work, family events, etc but never was awake without some degree of alcohol in my system.

i NEVER thought i'd stop drinking (although i wanted to). liver was fucked, massively high blood pressure ... decided that this was it. now or never. took a few days, weaned myself back, and then stopped.

withdrawals SUCK HARD but got through them.

i've got a lot more energy now, got a ton of cool stuff hobby and home-related projects done, lost weight, etc.

>> No.8596407
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Get the fuck out.

>> No.8596429


>lol le edgy alcoholic.meme

let me know where and when your funeral is

>> No.8596635

>sober since November 2016
Kek that isn't very long. And definitely Not long enough to be bragging and preaching on this board to stop as if you are "cured"

>> No.8596712


We probably shared a story or two before then.
Remember to keep a realistic view of your sobriety, seems like something smarter people than me would say.

But congratulations on making it this far. And I wish you absolutely nothing but the best of luck in the future.
...not that it's a good idea for you to be reading these threads, though

>> No.8596732


You're only paranoid until you are used to it. Afterward it's like gliding on a cloud. Everything is comfy and food just tastes good.

>> No.8596757

You ok vodka bro?

>> No.8596793

>Aspiring alcoholic
>Bank account can't keep up with the ever increasing tolerance

I'll never reach my dream like this

>> No.8596805

Not him but I was the exact opposite. Heavy use of it and I started getting paranoid whenever I smoked it.

Now I just steer clear.

>> No.8596869
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>> No.8596871

There are crates upon crates of vodka, Chateauneuf du pape and johnny walker 30 seconds walk from my front door. Been fighting the urge since 3am. Am I ok? Fucking kill me.

>> No.8596886

When and why did you start drinking?

>> No.8596890

I only have 2 gallons of homemade wine, but it's in the only room with a useful closet. My room. I only have a few hours.

>> No.8596903

I had my first drink aged about 10 or something, but didn't start drinking daily until I was 15.

>> No.8596944

been finishing work a hour or two earlier than average so noticed my drinking has been creeping up.
set up a limit for the first time in a while. no drinks before 6:30 on work nights, 7 on nights off.
life has been going extremely well all things considered past few months but i've noticed if i start drinking when i get home at 3pm or so i lack the motivation to do a fucking thing except maybe cook dinner for my roomies. holding it off for a few hours lets me get chores done and work out and shit because otherwise i'm literally dying of boredom and i can't relax at all and just watch a video or play a game if i'm 100% sober.

>> No.8596951

Seriously, what the shit do sober people do for fun? I am so. Fucking. BORED.

>> No.8596961

You were drinking just for fun or what? Also how are you now?

>> No.8596963

hang out with friends. my friends dont do anything (at least not with me) and my roommates are stoners.
have hobbies. i havnt had a hobby since i quit playing bass in 2012.
have a girlfriend. i could get one if i wasn't socially retarded because somehow i have managed to get fit and am quite good looking these days.

>> No.8596977

I was drinking because I thought I was dying. Long story. How am I now? Drunk. Always drunk. (did you mean how old? I'm 38)

>> No.8596983

>Wake up
>Drink for 5-6 hours
>Go to sleep
>Wake up in 6 hours

Is this hell
I stopped bothering to clean up my puke and piss months ago, I don't even notice the smell anymore
What the fuck am I doing

>> No.8597006

Same. My carpet ended up so rank that I had to cut it out, and my bed is covered in piss, curry and broken glass, so I've slept on the floor for almost a year.

>> No.8597007

Should I go to the corner-store to get some booze? It's 8.14PM and raining here, I drank a bottle of sake and feel like drinking more

>> No.8597016


You knew the answer before you even knew the question

>> No.8597019

yep, what should I get? I'm in Japan, they usually sell shitloads of whiskeys, but I don't wanna to have left-overs, because then I'll drink tomorrow, though beer is disgusting after drinking something strong, hmm maybe wine? Fuck I guess I'll figure on the way

>> No.8597020


You will know the choice the moment you step through the doors to the store and see the alcohol section.

>> No.8597024


>> No.8597041
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got a couple of these bad boys for ¥191 which is about 1.68 dollars, 9% 500ml, which is a pretty good deal in Japan, though their bottom shelf alcohol is the cheapest I ever saw in my life and I live in Eastern Europe

>> No.8597043


>> No.8597044

there is no "cure" nigger. it's a daily choice to not slip back into alcoholism

>> No.8597046

Without a doubt.

>> No.8597048

Nice anon

>> No.8597050
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reading these threads helps honestly.

i look at what people post, and identical to what i would've posted when i was in the same boat.

i see myself in the posts here, and i think "holy fuck i do NOT ever wanna end up like this again". i don't say this as a matter of judgement/condemnation, but unless you're shitposting here, you need to turn your life around (i know i did, at least ...)

>> No.8597056

it's very good, you literally can't taste the alcohol, completely, it's really easy to underestimate how much you're drinking with this, because you kind of treat cans as beers and this is double the strentgh

>> No.8597080
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Day 8. You faggots jelly?

>> No.8597084
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I'm new to beer and i've been tasting everything I can, could anyone give me some suggestions?

>>Tried to like higher IBU beers, just not enjoyable.
>>Have previously enjoyed: KC Pils (Boulevard Brewing Company, Cold Snap (Samuel Adams)

>>Pictured: Bretty good bear, loved the bottle and labeling. The Pale Ale and India were fine, but I don't have for a taste for those types so i'll defer. Lager was smooth, but it didn't have much of a taste. Golden Ale was the best.

>> No.8597088

okay another question, I'm quite boozed up now, should I go out for some smokes?

>> No.8597089
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dubs confirms it

>> No.8597091

oh well, gonna drink for half an hour more, if I don't pass out I guess I'll go. It feels like I can't even enjoy drinking no more, I just turn into a bundle of cravings

>> No.8597094

its 7 in the morning and I'm sitting at a girls kitchen table drinking beer and eating chicken thighs and potato salad

I could go smash but id rather get fucked up by myself

have your smoke anon

>> No.8597127

still up? wanna chat?

>> No.8597133


I'm up anon .I'm about half a fifth deep and a couple beers. just hanging out with a doggy

what are you up to

>> No.8597136

just drinking because I've nothing better to do, texted some girl on fb, see how that'll work out. You're from the states?

>> No.8597160


nope. Ottawa, Canada m8


>> No.8597162

I'm actually from Eastern Europe. Canada sounds pretty cool. Though the only things I know from it is Trailer Park Boys and French

>> No.8597164

i told myself i'd stay off for two weeks which i succeeded at.
i decided last saturday to go out as a final challenge where i'd drink but not enough to become pissed

i completely failed and i feel miserable.

how can i justify going cold turkey when i literally can't find reasons to limit my drinking when i'm actually drinking?

i mean, i would like to go out and drink with my friends and shit but how can i stop fucking drowning myself in it jesus flip

>> No.8597170

there is only method, it's called "le off urself"
not kidding, been thinking about that myself

>> No.8597187

How did you make the switch from low% to high% alc drinks?

I can't seem to enjoy anything above a cherry.

>> No.8597205

It's called stop being a pussy, not that I'm advocating alcoholism, but it's the natural progressions

>> No.8597217

funnily enough it worked out with the chick, now I just have to sober up in an hour

>> No.8597225


nice. you a commie? jokes aside whats the drinking culture like there?

I'm sitting at a kitchen table with a view on a river. its 858 in the morning.

pretty sure my girls neighbor just saw me sneak out and drink vodka while she was taking out her dog.

fuck it.

>> No.8597236

Not a commie, I'm from the Baltics so we generally dislike communism and the whole of USSR. But yeah we start drinking when we're young and just keep riding the train, shit's fucked but life goes on, you know. Is it dawn already? for me it's usually the sign to get my ass to bed

>> No.8597246

but yeah to expand on the whole drinking culture thing it's kind of accepted to be an alcoholic here, some scummy kids start drinking at 13, I started at 16, but still it's just something that everybody does

>> No.8597253

This is insane

>> No.8597284

Aaaaaand I'm drunk.
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.8597375

>Wake up from nightmare, shake, puke whatever emptiness my stomach contained, try to down vodka to stop the nightmares and the shakes, puke vodka through nose, still try to drink while crying.
So much joyful. Not a piece if shit at all.

>Also what the fuck is with the nightmares?
It's the delirium sneaking in. You could take some benzo or tapper with beer.

No, that's a shit plan. What is it with shit suicide methods in these threads?

>> No.8597409

After 2 days straight of drinking absurd amounts of vodka my body starts to reject it or something and just taking a sip will trigger my gag reflex unless I'm very careful. Didn't stop me from my month-long bender though

>> No.8597446

Eat some solid food. A small bite at a time.

>> No.8597450

I'm pretty sure there was a stretch where I didn't eat for three days

>> No.8597454

There's your problem. Your pancreas is complaining.

>> No.8597472

It needs to learn who's in charge

>> No.8597481
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Has anyone ITT not seen the movie Leaving Las Vegas? If so... uh... well, you suck.
Best time of my adult life was as an alchie drug addict, dating a hot af 19yo hooker.

>> No.8597513

Question for those who got sober: do you still drink from time to time, lets say on saturday a few drinks with your buddies (not hammered)

>> No.8597536

How do I get my doctor to give me benzos in the UK? I'm not likely to abuse them, I just need them to take the edge off in certain situations. I'm anxious 24/7, and struggle sleeping, but that I can live with. I don't turn to drink and I won't turn to benzos.

Main reason I ask is because I have a job interview, a wedding and a date coming up. I'm going to be a nervous wreck at all three without some sort of help. I can barely look people in the eye, and I compulsively stare at them through my peripheral vision. It makes everything extremely awkward, I've lost friendships because of it.

I can live with the general anxiety and I'm happy avoiding social situations, but it isn't always possible and I'm in desperate need of something. I don't want to be hooked on SSRIs since I know what they can do and I'm nervous about my mental health. I need something I can take as and when, and abstain for as long as I like.

>> No.8597547

Benzos are very hard to get in the UK in my experience. I buy them from the street.
Given that this is life or death though, under the NHS doesn't provide resources to alcoholics necessarily because of underfunding, for which you personally can't be blamed my opinion, I will tell you that it's rumoured that there are crates of the stuff available on dark market onions.

>> No.8597553

Oh wow. I need to stop using Siri. My posts are barely legible. Can only keep my eyes open for so long so it's hard to type, but these constant typos are driving me nuts and making my shit unreadable.
Try the street, anon. Failing that, derpweeb will happily furnish you with the horrific addiction you seek.

>> No.8597650

yea. obviously.
outline of the extent to which you've been alchie pls?

>> No.8597653

I juts relapsed after being out of detox/rehab for only two weeks.......no regrets, I want to fuckign die anyhow

>> No.8597727

is there a drugs general on this site buried in one of the forums I never go to? I think I have a worse drug problem than drinking problem but Ive never found a discussion thread on here about it

>> No.8597759

they pop up on r9k quite often

>> No.8597801


Let me guess, Latvia?

>> No.8597878

Doesn't look like one is active right now but I'll check it out again some other time thx.

Just fiending really bad right now because its "Family Day" and that brings up painful things. I've been drinking since Friday afternoon and its not helping.

>> No.8597892

theres also 420chan tho

>> No.8597898

>theres also 420chan tho

I thought they died years ago

>> No.8597903

seems pretty active

>> No.8597904

Wait, I was thinking of another one....not sure why

>> No.8598003

Welp, I'm now completely out of money until the next month
I don't even know how I'm going to get booze now.
Food doesn't matter I have some fat
>It's only going to get worse from now on

>> No.8598027

Methanol will kill you

>> No.8598039

Don't shower, just head out and panhandle. It takes long time but you can maintain an alcohol habit on panhandling alone. I did that when I was homeless.

>> No.8598139

>go to the liquor store at noon
>cashier asks if it's my day off
>I don't have a job
>come home
>mom asks me "are you drinking again?" with disdain in her voice

>> No.8598163

my posts are mainly in jest. my alcohol habit doesn't even shine a light to some of the dark souls in these threads. i had a serious substance abuse problem 5+ years ago which I came out of mainly because of the criminal implications but life is becoming more stressful and I began to turn to the bottle to cope since it's legal and available. For the last year I have been in this cycle of drinking one day, feeling terrible the next day, and then drinking again once I felt better. There were brief stretches of 2-3 days where I worked up the will power to not drink but I would always cave and end up drinking again and then I would end up doing it consecutively after my breaks. Somehow taking a break made me want to drink even more. Shit is fucked. I don't think I am even quitting for good right now, I am just taking a break to prove to myself that I can stop if I really need to and this in a weird way will make me feel better about picking up drinking again sometime down the road.

>> No.8598165

Leaving Las Vegas is a great movie. I remember when I saw it for the first time (I had been drunk, kept drinking during the movie). Ending really hit me hard..also my personal favorite: Barfly directed by Barbet Schroeder - probably best adaptation of Bukowski.

>> No.8598190

I have a question for you anons:
How is your personal (sex) life while being day to day alcohol addicts?

First of all, I am not sure whether I could be even considered "an alcoholic" since I dont drink on daily basis (or atleast not hard liquor) - I have maintained a regular pace with getting drunk 2-4 per week.

During Saturday night, I had suffered from ED (erection dysfunction) while having sex with some chick in a bar (of course, drunk so I could barely stand) for the first time.

Does it ever happen to you? Probably silly (casual fag) question but it really bothers me since then.

>> No.8598205

>How is your personal (sex) life while being day to day alcohol addicts?

Sex is not a part of my life

>> No.8598222

do you bathe or eat while you drink? I generally wait till I run out of booze to eat. I haven't showered in a month. My clothes are covered in ketchup stains from late night eating of fast food. I have no shame.

>> No.8598233


I just wipe my armpits with a towel and put on a new shirt when I have to go to class, which is once every 1-2 weeks since I'm skipping everything and staying home to drink
Shower like once every 1-2 months
I don't really care about the smell but I do want to keep up even a little bit of an appearance when outside

>> No.8598265

When you have pancreatitis you'll understand it is in charge of pain. Excruciating pain.

I wish I could, but I get hammered if I drink. And usually also drink the following day, and so on...

Being drunk cause whiskey dick. Being young probably helped you get hard while drunk, but you reach an age where you can get ED every now and then.

You should really eat.

>> No.8598278

Abandon all delusions of control.

>> No.8598328

how many shots of liquor can i have in a day before its detrimental to my health? usually i start the day off with some kahlua or baileys in my coffee, and start drinking in the afternoon...i weigh the alcohol out with a shot glass so i know how much im drinking, but how much is too much a day before i kill myself early?

>> No.8598340
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I broke my favourite glass yesterday. I wasn't even that drunk, it just slipped out of my hand while I was doing dishes.

Feels bad, man.

>> No.8598361 [DELETED] 

Did you fly into a rage, smash it and start shouting obscenities? Then poured yourself a double sized drink and immediately got plastered?

>> No.8598368

I know exactly what you mean
Whenever I break one of my favourite glasses, I feel real bad
It sucks

>> No.8598369

never heard the term "whiskey deck" before but it fits well.. As you said, I managed to get hard at first, and even have sex for couple mins but then I lost it and couldnt recover. I am curious whether it will happen even while being sober..

>> No.8598372

If you start drinking in the morning, you're already on the fast track to liver failure and addiction

Be a reasonable alcoholic
Get plastered only at night

>> No.8598373

I started crying when that happened to me, hadn't cried for a decade before that, don't really know what came over me, so I know how you must feel right now

>> No.8598390

Yes and no. I finished up the dishes (carefully), then made a drink and flopped onto the couch like a sad sack to watch old Disney movies and drink for the rest of the night.

>> No.8598437

Boy that sounds familiar. Keep at it.

>> No.8598451

>Doing stupid boring shit
>Start drinking because bored
>End up doing the same boring shit except now listening to the same 30 songs I always listen to

>> No.8598471

life is boring without being on some substance, but i guess i can cut back on it a little bit.

>> No.8598547

>I am curious whether it will happen even while being sober..
Sometime, due to stress and anxiety. It will happen home and more often as you age until you're an old grandfather in a nursing home and having a boner will be a yearly experience, or until you die in a car accident due to an alcohol.
As long as you don't get a phobia of it it should be OK.

French gov says 2340 : 2 units for females, 3 units for males, 4 for occasional times, 0 when in a risky situation. Used to be 0 drinks at least [number] days a week or something.
French units are 10g ethanol, aka about half a pint of light beer, 12.5cl of wine, 2 or 4cl of whiskey (whatever is usually served in bars)

Yeah, it's low. You are way over the limit as >>8598372 said.

>> No.8598612

I hate walking to the fucking store. It takes forever and i Get tired. But it's the only way I can drink because I can't afford to drive.

>> No.8598616

what about alcohol delivery?

>> No.8598617


>> No.8598633

Im court ordered to not drink, wish me luck anons, ill need it for the withdrawls.

>> No.8598801

II'm just out of their range :( only one store delivers here.

>> No.8598838

I've seen it many times. Even before I was full blown it was one of my favorite movies ever. The last time I tried to watch it I got so drunk that I couldn't even finish it and passed out. That was like a year ago.

>> No.8598862

Whenever someone asks you if it's your day off just say to them, "Yeah, today it is."

>> No.8598868

nick cage is my hero.

>> No.8598936
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hurrah presidents day

>> No.8599128

If you're really a total alchy, that may kill you
They'd never have ordered it without supervision

>> No.8599129

Just opened a new bottle
On the first drink

Aw yeaaah
Time for pizza and movies

>> No.8599181

had to give up muh alcholism cause i got a pinched nerve in my neck and waking up with a hangover aggrivated it and was in unbearable agony for a week. so i can't drink for like 3 or 4 months until this peice of shit heals. so i been sober for 21 days, can't wait to get back to my alcholism and for my arm and shoulder to quit fucking hurting all the time aughyeah folks :D

>> No.8599185

Don't let that bother you--it happens, even to young guys.

I'm definitely not an alcoholic, just monitoring the thread. But, from my experience, it happens from time to time if you're really drunk and hooking up with women.

There is a very shameful moment in my life where I was unable to have sex with this beautiful Cuban girl I know. God what a nightmare. Pro tip: if you're really trying to get laid, get buzzed or normal drunk.

>> No.8599196

I'll have a drink for you, bro

I know the pain of nerve impingement

>> No.8599208

Haven't had sex in over a year and I live together with my gf. It seems like a barely have any sex drive at all... sure I get a sudden urge every now and then and I relieve myself.
On day 8 of being sober now... my goal is to revert back to social drinking, maybe once in a blue moon a session with me and my monkey. Sorted out my diet and next step will be exercise..
I really just want to find out if there's a physical reason behind that or if I'm not attracted to her anymore.
It eats me up knowing how she longs for me but not being able to do anything about it. In the past this led to even more drinking but that's over for now.

>> No.8599399

I haven't had sex in almost three months. I was having meaningless hook ups every month or so and realized recently how boring sex is without love.

>> No.8599403

I'm a 27 year old virgin.

>> No.8599408

Mein bruder

I blew all my chances because I'm a beta
Part of the reason why I drink
It's also a part of the reason why I'm trying to stop

>> No.8599410
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Pretty much - wife and I do it once a month or two.

>> No.8599430

Yeah, sounds like our situations are really similar.
I fell for the pharmaceutical jew a couple years back and I take an SSRI that fucks my dick up. So that's bad. I live in a place that I don't value at all and even the prospect of seeing someone here makes my stomach turn because who the fuck would want to get involved with someone's family when they're from a shithole like this. I'll be stuck here for at least several years once I start working again. I really am fucked and have lost everything that matters to me.
At least I have my family and my friends are still my friends even if they are spread out all over the country.

>> No.8599448

You can also strive for self-improvement
I've started going to the gym. It's going really well so far
I'm reading more and trying to broaden my knowledge

My life may be shit because my job prospects and future suck, but at least I can use what I have now to be better

There's a quote in Paradise Lost from when Satan realizes he's trapped in Hell
He says "The Mind is its own place. It can make a Hell of Heaven or a Heaven or Hell"
I really do believe that

>> No.8599453

Pretty much all of the sex I got was thanks to alcohol, even the relationship I'm in now. I'd be too shy otherwise.

>> No.8599467


Being in a party type situation is literally hell to sober me

>> No.8599471

Actually I think I've seen you in these threads before since you mentioned that quote.

All my real interests lie in art, so that's what makes my shit so impractical in the real world.
I still read about plenty of things and can pursue ideological interests easily enough, but my discipline is shit and so I don't lift or run or anything. I know I will try to again, but I've never gotten it to stick.
Anyway you have my well wishes.

>> No.8599486

I think it's my first time posting that quote in one of these threads, but the nature of this thread means perhaps I have and don't remember it

Regardless, never lose that interest in art. Art is very important despite the modern focus on STEM and utilitarianism. Art is why to life, not a how. People now often focus on that how without thinking about the why.

I think I'm breaking out of my rut now.
I hope you will do too

We're all in this together.

>> No.8599495
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Anyone else feel like being an alco is liking living with a flatmate you never see, i mean i have to check the house for weird shit ive done drunk, with no recollection of, i dont know how most of you can type drunk, when go at it its all out drinking till im animal like, then pass out...

>> No.8599500
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The problem i have is that I feel the need to drink every single night. I just sit on my couch and start drinking. I stop when the bottle is empty or I am way too drunk.

I keep convince myself that I can stop but I know inside of me I am addicted.

>> No.8599505

Your drunk self is an animal
And animals can be trained

Even to type.

I had the same anxiety when living with a flatmate. But I trained myself to be quiet and check to see if anything was amiss.

It's like being a werewolf
Gotta train that other half to be reasonable and so you can trust him even if you can never remember being him

>> No.8599511

That's how it is

But part of a need is also the ability to deny that need

I try to go at least one night sober between drinking sessions
If not for tolerance, but for the peace the second day morning brings

>> No.8599533

i can do alot when blind drunk, i dont spill drinks much or leave the doors open, somtimes when blind drunk i sober up abit for a minute and will be really confused by the situation, those are the worst bits, but i dont remember them too clearly thankfully

>> No.8599589
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Third glass already, not even 9pm.

>> No.8599590

Can kratom help with withdrawls?

>> No.8599598

Just finished number four, I think over here

Still good

>> No.8599604

Just drank a pint of vodka in 20 minutes. 8:45 here

>> No.8599652

I'm glad I'm not that far gone

>> No.8599878
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Third one done..

>> No.8599889

5 hours until the stores open and I can go and get booze

>> No.8599909

You will get there

>> No.8599992


I did the exact same thing about a month ago except it wasn't really my favourite, just one from my favourite set.

Sucks that there's only 5 now. Just doesn't seem right.

>> No.8600300

Thread is at the bump limit (auto sage). Page 6 right now. I'm not making a new thread or linking a new thread.

I have a question instead. Am I an alcy if I am closer to an existential understanding of myself when I drink rather than the opposite when I'm sober?

Yes, drinking now.

>> No.8600730

Well written. I sincerely wish u the best anon!

>> No.8600882

im turning 23 in a week but i think i might as well throw in the towel now. makes me not eat right, skip the gym, turns me into an asshole. i can't have "just one," it turns into a month along event that ruins me mentally and physically. ive drank two fifths of whiskey every day for the past month and that was after i swore i wasn't going to drink for at least four months. dont even ask me how ive kept my job as a pizza delivery driver because i couldnt tell you, i just wake up every morning feeling like there's an axe in my head with more money in my pocket

>> No.8600947

Does anyone have any normie friends who INSIST on buying mid-top shelf alcohol only to dilute it with a mixer or chase down a shot? Like what the fuck even is the point for spending 4-20x the amount on """"""premium"""""" spirits if you're not even going to attempt taste the difference??? if I'm paying more than 20$ a fifth you bet your ass I'm going to drink that shit neat and slow as shit to experience what the distiller wanted me to experience

>get gifted a bottle of johnny walker blue label for my birthday
>offer up neat shots to my family and friends
>they reluctantly gulp it down with a scouring look of disgust on their face they would make with any other spirit in a vain attempt to look sophisticated
>"Hmmm, yes, oh that tastes amazing"

Especially vodka. Like you're not going to tell any difference from any brand unless you're some sort of connoisseur. Even then, a few shots in you're going to be way to drunk to notice much less give a shit. People pay such a damn big premium for labels and image.

>> No.8600957

>Like you're not going to tell any difference from any brand unless you're some sort of connoisseur

Some vodkas taste really REALLY fucking horrible and even a few shots won't keep you from feeling like puking the moment you take a shot

>> No.8600964

Yeah this. Some vodka is so bad I'm practically having a panic attack now, imagining it. S'all about the Smirnoff for me.

>> No.8601030

day 4 for me.

>> No.8601087

Blacked out again. Called my sister, who knows what I said. Made a fool of myelf on facebook talking to an old friend I hadn't seen in years. Gonna quit today.

>> No.8601114

And that makes it easier how? A bunch of idiot alkies telling you to accept God in your life doesn't stop cravings.

>> No.8601123

I've made/said things I am not proud of when drunk.. yet I still drink the jew beverage

>> No.8601236

New thread faggots
