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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 384x313, oldmanwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8571605 No.8571605 [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ fat?


>> No.8571617

I even added kg conversions so the yuropoors wouldn't scream.

>> No.8571619

Your metric of "fatness" doesn't take height or muscle into consideration.

Should've used BMI or just trusted people to admit they're skinny, athletic, chubby, obese etc. It's an anonymous poll so they'd have little motive to lie.

>> No.8571627
File: 44 KB, 314x295, squeek - squeek squeek squeek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less fat than /fit/ fatter than /lit/.

>> No.8571628

Dude, BMI is autistic and I was considering adding a male/female option but I didn't care.

If you feel like you're okay at the KILL YOURSELF level, post a picture of you standing at 7'4.

>> No.8571647

I'm 90kg.

Am I an obese manlet/woman? 5'10 and overweight? A 6'4 bodybuilder? Your poll doesn't work as a measurement of "fat."

>> No.8571649

No one knows their BMI, this is simple.

>> No.8571656


If you're muscular and over 200, just put normie. This is about who is fat, not beefcake.

>> No.8571657

I'm 190 and 5'11 but I workout but my BMI is telling me that I'm a fat fuck

Is BMI a meme?

>> No.8571659

On my second day of water fasting to kill my appetite. I haven't weighed myself in over a week, but I was at 240 last time I saw.

Started at 270 a few months ago. Goal is 180 pounds.

>> No.8571661


Absolutely. It's something vegans use to try and make themselves sound healthy. I'm 5'11 and 180, and supposedly I should be concerned with my weight even tho I have abs and a v...

>> No.8571669

bmi is a measure of populations

it was never meant to be applied to individuals

>> No.8571670

>9 people/43% are over 200 pounds

jesus christ seriously

I mean come on guys it's not hard to stop eating a bit

>> No.8571704

4 people are at KILL YOURSELF tier. This is bad.

>> No.8571711
File: 15 KB, 220x392, Hulk_Hogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is 137kg (over 300 pounds). Call him fat, I dare you.

>> No.8571714

Fatty, sit down. I said kneel bitch, kneel.

>> No.8571717


I worked with a guy who was that big. He ended up having to stop working and killed himself a few months later. It's fucked up man. He broke down on a job site one day and they put him on an indefinite leave of absence. Dude hated his life so much because he was a big fat fuck but he just couldn't stop eating...

>> No.8571721

He should have railed meth instead. I don't get why fatties just keep eating after that point when you can just go to SPEED CITY and lose all your appetite.

>> No.8571723

>I worked with a guy who was that big. He ended up having to stop working and killed himself a few months later.
>this is what it feels like to chew big red gum

>> No.8571736

>2 metres tall
>Dubya Dubya E Super Champ
Checks out

>> No.8571735

No part of my post implies that I'm fat. If anything, my post implies that I'm tall and muscular and feel left out by your shitty poll not reflecting that.

I'm actually slightly overweight, but I see no point in adding that stat to your useless poll (which describes me as "normie").

>> No.8571743


Ya, the dude was a fucking prick. Always harping on his assistants, getting them to do everything while he ate and napped in the truck. He had his breakdown because a project manager showed up on site one day and gave him shit for sending his assistant out by himself in -35 Celsius. I just think the fucked up part was how he couldn't stop eating even tho he hated himself for being so fat. I don't know how people can let themselves get that way. It literally takes more effort to be fat than not be fat. I'm not talking about being someone like me where I work out a lot either. I just mean it literally takes more effort to consume twice as many calories as you need every fucking day of your life.

>> No.8571751

I was calling him fat, not you.

Well it's a good thing he killed himself then.

>> No.8571756


I didn't shed any tears over it...

>> No.8571761

I wouldn't have either. He sounded like a horrible person that wanted to fill the empty void with krispy kreme instead of love. Did he have any senpai or was he basically forever alone?

>> No.8571777

I'm 68kg at 5'3 so I'm apparently a 'skinny fuck'?

>> No.8571847

You should've used BMI.

At 40.5kg / 89lbs and 4'10", I'm not even on your scale.

>> No.8571855

Are you a fucking oompa loompa? This strawpoll is for humans only.

>> No.8571863
File: 84 KB, 640x636, i5XmfPcT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5' 11" and weigh 185 pounds. In college I was under 150. Feels bad.

Pounds would melt away if I could only stop drinking and start running in the mornings like I used to in college, but then I wouldn't be a lazy alcoholic, would I?

>> No.8571864

i want women to leave

>> No.8571892

I'm 5'8'' and when I went over 200 lbs, I said enough is enough. The amazing thing is that I meant it this time.

Everyone has their breaking point, and you're on your way to yours. Why not start now and save yourself the trouble?

>> No.8571894

I don't

>> No.8571896

Ironically, I have a better body-image now than when I was super skinny, but yeah I've maintained the same weight for the last year so at least I stopped transforming into a fat fuck.

How much do you weigh now?

>> No.8571905


>> No.8571909


I identify as a human, but thanks.

>> No.8571916

Use to be 260, In my late 20s and just finally got tired of seeing myself fat. started eating at a calorie deficit plus physical job and have lost 100 pounds a year later.
I still feel/look fat though don't my know if it's cause I'm physically weak or if I have a small body frame, I do have bitch wrists/hands

>> No.8571945

Good work, and good luck

>> No.8572942

How tall are you?

Losing weight =/= losing fat. You probably lost a lot of lean mass and that's why you still look fat.

>> No.8572956
File: 13 KB, 299x163, 1447154006711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15% of /ck/ is over 250 pounds holy shit

>> No.8572976


>> No.8572984

32 years old and I have yet to crack 150 lb

>> No.8572990

I dunno man, meth is pretty bad for someone whose heart is probably completely fucked from being a fatty.

>> No.8573002

6'2 and 210-220
I'm beefy but definitely carrying some extra flab. My goal is to bench 2plate by the end of this semester and not get obese after college.

>> No.8573054

I am a fatass girl but I am still normie according to this

>> No.8573086
File: 69 KB, 800x587, 1477617595922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google bmi calculator if you're really that lazy.

>> No.8573093

>200 lbs is normie
hahhahaah American metrics detected

And don't give me the, "hurrr it could be muscle". You fags aren't body builders, it's 200 lbs of FAT. Fucking FAT.

>> No.8573095

Why don't you retards ever include height and sex in your polls/surveys

>> No.8573203

5'7 and you may be right.

>> No.8573213

I went to the doctor last week. She comes in, looks at my chart, and goes, "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?"

1 year ago I weighed in at 190.
This trip I weighed in at 137 (and I was bloated from having drank the night before).

Crazy thing is I really don't know how I did it... it just happened (5'10" femanon, for reference).

>> No.8573229


>> No.8573266

would fuck btw

>> No.8573283

I'm 5'7 and 138 still isn't particularly skinny. Pretty average.

>> No.8573814

160 now, 138-145 for wrestling tournaments

>> No.8573819

Pretty pointless without considering height
Also I can never participate on these polls, I hit the button and nothing happens.

>> No.8573826

I'm 5'8'' tall and weigh 194 pounds.
Overweight bros where we at, my face is fat and my ass is thicc
I need to lose like 17-18 pounds atleast, something like 39 pounds would be a dream

>> No.8573836

I was 205 last year, and am at 185 now. I've also still got a fair amount of muscle so it's not too bad at this point.

>> No.8573838

im normie. slight belly. but 40 big boys here lel

>> No.8573841

how many months did that take you? did anything special? I'm just drinking shitloads of water and reducing my calorie intake, no sweets or potato chips and shit

>> No.8573844

I don't really know. I don't own a scale, but when I moved last March I just started eating one meal a day. At a friend's place for Christmas I checked my weight and it was 185.

I have pretty much cut soda out entirely, so that's probably a big deal.

>> No.8573846

Get a bike

>> No.8573852

I'm 6'3 and 155, I feel fat

>> No.8573853
File: 1.06 MB, 350x263, 1346085723140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100lbs being the lowest

Get on my level scrub

>> No.8573854
File: 175 KB, 490x368, Irony - Definition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm black... have type 2 diabetes. Fuck my genetics.

>> No.8573862

If you explicitly choose to put on muscle you can reverse your body dysmorphia and feel too thin

>> No.8573867

6'0" used to be 212. I started running a year and a half ago and watching my calories. Now I hover around 193.

still drink alot of beer so i know i can be doing better. maybe i should switch to vodka

>> No.8573872

>I'm black... have type 2 diabetes. Fuck my genetics.

Nigger... do you know what the definition of IRONY is?

>> No.8574614


>> No.8574624
File: 888 KB, 4514x5000, laffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8574628

I've been losing about 15 ibs every three months for year 1/2 our so? My arms,legs are starting to shrink, Be back to highschool weight soon.

>> No.8574644
File: 224 KB, 447x489, 1456091522523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought of something at work today and I want to see if it's true.
/ck/ fatsos get in here:

>> No.8574651

>200lbs is normie

Nigga 160 is the optimal weight for 6 foot tall male

>> No.8574658
File: 26 KB, 300x415, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 people are over 300lbs

>> No.8576419
File: 156 KB, 373x282, dnmfght.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 foot

good luck with that

>> No.8576425

I'm 155lbs at 5'8"
Which sounds like a normal weight but it's all fat, my muscles have wasted away after months in hospital beds and it's hard to build with all the long term surgical wounds

>> No.8576433

You aren't taking account the ladies, OP. Some would be fat at 130+

>> No.8576486
File: 313 KB, 389x867, 1452501547259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna compare wrists?
remember 2 stay hydrated senpai

>> No.8577857

>68 kg/150 lbs

>> No.8578206

5'5 weight 350 pounds last time I checked.
I'm a morbidly obese manlet that eats his depression away.

>> No.8578739


So we're taking our surface area or some shit?

>> No.8578750

Go buy some meth instead. Don't become boogie. Just think about it. Would you rather die a meth addict or as a humongous fatass? Just think of how they'd fit your body into a casket if you're 350.

>> No.8578778

Right on the border between normie and skinny fuck. Definitely not skinny though, just a small-framed 5'8 manlet. Actually still have a tiny bit of chub left over from the 30kg I lost last year but my muscle mass is above average.
Poll isn't that interesting without considering height.

>> No.8579145

Most fatties don't like food. They only like eating.

>> No.8579299

Skinny as fuck as I can't afford food this week, and when I can it's usually ramen.