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File: 56 KB, 400x400, animation revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

reddit told me there's an animation revolution going on. Can I see it?

>> No.8484

fuck you

>> No.8485
File: 729 KB, 2602x1952, BTC1511_Map_Graphic_EUROPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't looking the right way.

>> No.8486

Are they any newer Animators putting out work? SpeedoSausage, David Firth, Felix Colgrave, and Golfinho Still upload animations every so often.

>> No.8487

Isn't Irelands animation industry going through a massive boom right now?

>> No.8488

Is this the power of CalArts?

>> No.8489

none of them is calarts

>> No.8490
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>> No.8491
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Why so many people watch this hack?

His artstyle is atrocious and he isn't even funny or anything

>> No.8492

It is, but not in America

>> No.8493

Because his audience is mostly kids and they like the way he explains things and friendly personality?

>> No.8494


Half of this people don't do animation anymore. Hell, I think only Harry is still putting out YouTube animations but like 2 videos a year.

>> No.8495

I remember Tomm Moore saying that Irish animation really started with Don Bluth's studio, but it leaving allowed him to focus more on regional mythos.

>> No.8496

More like the power of newgrounds has-beens that barely even draw stuff any more.

>> No.8497

kaptainkristian used to post here before he got super popular, fuck.

>> No.8498

>psychic pebbles does a shitty podcast now with the worst interviewer voice I have ever heard
>oney just does lps now
>Arin has only done lps for years after the OoT sequelitis embarrassment
>harry and ross at least still do animations

where did everything go wrong

>> No.8499

>OoT sequelitis embarrassment
wha happen?

>> No.8500

He still puts out stuff? I thought he was also working on Game Grumps

>> No.8501

Making cartoons doesn't pay on Youtube. Because of the way the ad system works, a 5-minute cartoon that could take months to make will make as much money as a 5-minute vlog that some guy makes in a day.

>> No.8502

he does but he does streams on working on Gamerverse all the time at least

more than you can say of Arin and the rest, sadly

>> No.8503

Those shows you don't like?
Yeah turns out they actually have influence.

Want proof of revolution just look at Toonami on Saturday for 10pm. Or 11pm fuck I dunno just watch the streams.

>> No.8504

They pretended that their loose connections with post-2007 studios meant that they were "professional" and would get legitimate jobs.

>> No.8505

He didn't like OoT like everyone else. I haven't seen it personally, but seeing his other sequilitis videos I really don't trust him knowing anything about game design.

>> No.8506

He said a bunch of stuff that made him look like a retard, and it pretty much exposed him that he's not a knowledgable about games as he thinks he is.
It also showed everyone that he has trouble problem solving basic puzzles and paying attention to important details (probably ADD)

>> No.8507

I've been unfollowing them all lately. Tired of them whining about YouTube's policies.

>> No.8508

>tfw Wolfwalkers won't even start production until 2018, if it even begins production at all

>> No.8509

He actually hasn't been doing much for Game Grumps recently aside from their new show Doodle Doods.

>> No.8510

well he's kinda professional in communication I have to give credit to him
but you can't learn anything usefull from him
better watch Aaron Blaise instead because he is the real professional and you can learn a lot from him and he's a good friendly teacher

>> No.8511

it just really highlighted how his ADD affects how he plays games

any kind of waiting, what so ever, is the worst thing in the world and the fault of the game because he get's bored/distracted easily

>> No.8512

True but kids don't know any better.

>> No.8513
File: 61 KB, 2000x2000, 2000px-Canada_Maple_Leaf.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in Canada, ...

>> No.8514

How dare creators use their platform to air grievances they have with said platform.

>> No.8515

I'm glad you agree

>> No.8516

>5-minute vlog that some guy makes in a day.

15 minutes is the ideal time for videos like that. But the longer viewers watch the more you get, 15 minutes is just the maximum a lot of viewers will keep the video on before clicking away.

Unrelated note, but I don't know if to admire or hate Matpat for, first bothering to research this, and then to start padding his videos with unrelated shit and longer awful jokes in his 'theory' channels. Christ mate, at least don't reveal your secret and then use it to milk every last cent.

>> No.8517

Pebbles was working in TV until middle of last year, now he just does his podcast.
Oney pretty much does nothing but LP's and fuck around with personal projects (he posted some 3D animation stuff he was working on for Oney Plays), he did recently post about working on two separate cartoons and the possibility of revisiting Leo and Satan.
Arin only does LP's, he can't do anything else.
Ross is doing Gameoverse.
Harry is almost certainly working on a new cartoon.

To add a few more...
Felix Colgrave has been working on a new short film since last year.
Stamper lent his voice to The Behemoth's Pit People.
Ricepirate has been doing quite a bit of VA work.
Corey has a patreon and draws porn.

>> No.8518

It's animation vs a autistic LETS PLAYER

I bet it's fucking minecraft let's player

Apparently he has a son...

>> No.8519

What's wrong with complaining about YouTube's shitty algorithms?

>> No.8520

Dante plz, we're trying to have a discussion here

>> No.8521


He makes great videos. But yeah he got the wrong people as a example of 'animation revolution', most old animators today just turned into LP, podcasts, or just stopped, and keep complaining about the algorithm of Youtube. Harry Partridge is the only one on that pic that still animates for the internet...every 100 years or so when the planets are perfectly aligned.
New animators are the ones that are inovating, people who are inspired by the old ones and still don't have such a problem with money right now. Some are still young enough to not have to worry about money, others have gained a big following and opened patreon or stuff like that

>> No.8522

Not sure, I just think anon doesn't like complaining in general (which is ironic since he's complaining about it)

>> No.8523


What other newgrounds era animators are still around? I know Filmcow and Ebolaworld/Tacoman are still kicking around but their work is barely animated comedy skits.

>> No.8524

small obscure animators from hyuns dojo and other asian and hsipanic forums. these animator. do it for fun.

>> No.8525

Speaking of Harry, is he still continuing Starbarians?

>> No.8526
File: 16 KB, 450x362, 42348949-young-woman-with-finger-raised-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it hard to make animation because I want to make one and became famous youtube animator

>> No.8527
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>Hi, I'm Punky

>> No.8528

Are you seriously calling the Kaptain reddit?

>> No.8529

First you got to learn how to draw.

>> No.8530

Unless you got a team or gain a ton of recognition VERY quickly you're likely shit out of luck. Best I can recommend is being one of those 'story time' youtubers that does light animating.

>not loving pebbles voice

>> No.8531

Why didn't he put in max? hes a better animator then most of them in this picture

>> No.8532


>> No.8533

Arin, Chris, and Ross all gave up animations to be let's players

Zach does a podcast

Zach and Chris hate each other now (apparently)

Hellbenders is dead in the fucking water

>> No.8534

>Zach and Chris hate each other now (apparently)
Aw that sucks, they're both funny dudes. Didn't they used to be roommates

>> No.8535

Chris now lives in Arin's basement and subsists on Arin and Suzy's leftovers.

>> No.8536


>if they haven't uploaded something to youtube then that means they're not doing it at all

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8537
File: 894 KB, 310x233, Max G - PPG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man. I stumbled upon him back when Wacky Game Jokes for Kids! was his current thing. His Brain Dump on nu-PPG was just so great. It touched on a lot of things I felt, but just couldn't put my hands on. Max really does deserve great things.

>> No.8538

take that with a grain of salt, it's something I heard here so it might be bullshit.
people like you have been saying that since game grumps started "Arin will animate while he does it!"
let's plays are just a death kiss, once they understand they can do something that takes 90% less effort they never go back.

>> No.8539
File: 164 KB, 1099x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf no they don't.

Also, Zac x Nikki is best ship.

>> No.8540

>once they understand they can do something that takes 90% less effort they never go back.
That and the guy's pretty busy running his company and touring his shitty live show hither and thither

>> No.8541

He's working on a TV show pitch. It's why he doesn't show up on Game Grumps hardly ever anymore.

>> No.8542

Yeah I am going to need to see where you are getting that.

I am super bummed Chris decided to just jump into Let's Plays though. I think at one point he even said he never really wanted to do animation for a living any way, same goes for Arin.

A lot of the NewGrounds guys did pave the way but they really have just given up on animation and kind of just dump on it now.

>> No.8543

At least Sexualobster still animates. Dude puts out a cartoon every month.

>> No.8544

I love ya Kaptain, but I must digress by the end of the video. If these animators are the future of 2D animation, then its deader than I thought.

Seriously were there no better examples?

>> No.8545

Sexualobster is getting paid by the Aussie Gov. to post his visual shitposts.

>> No.8546


Arin said that he din animation mostly to be a voice actor in them.
Same thing with Kirbopher, the guy that animated the smash brothers brawl shorts. Now he is a VA for funimation.
I dunno what Chris plans to do when inevitably LPs stop being profitable.

>> No.8547

haven't these guys had like, almost 20 years to be the "future of animation"? I'm pretty sure it's clear they're not by now. I fucking love the old newgrounders and I still realize that.

>> No.8548

Chris seems unable to adjust to adult life. on sleepycast he would bitch about the most trivial shit like his washing machine breaking or people bullying him for wearing a halo shirt.

If I remember once they were asked the question "what do you want to do in five years" and he said he was done with animation, and just wanted to "direct shit" whatever that means

>> No.8549

>Chris seems unable to adjust to adult life.
Maybe that's why I find him so relatable

>> No.8550


Chris and Zach are done, anon. They don't follow each other on social media and Hellbenders is dead.

>> No.8551

Chris is literally Arin's adopted child by this point.

>> No.8552

When you think about it, solo animation just doesn't fucking work (unless its done in a very limited manner akin to Sick Animation). Animation is classically a team effort. There was an appeal of seeing what people could do individually with Flash in the mid/late 2000s, but those days are gone.

>> No.8553

Living the dream.

>> No.8554
File: 57 KB, 508x678, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zach and Oney both did streams through the majority of 2016 of the new Hellbenders episode, sometimes even with eachother
>They moved to other sides of the country but still talk now and then
>Zach and Chris are done

>> No.8555


and where are those streams now, anon
also if they still talk now and then, why don't they follow each other on twitter anymore

>> No.8556

This. The smallest amount of animation of any quality takes fucking forever. Even if it's shit. So to make high quality, good looking animation, quickly, you NEED to have multiple people. If you were the best animator ever, and wanted to make a movie length animated film, it would take you years and years, and you'd probably give up. The only things that work solo are shitty two minute videogame parodies. And even those are mostly created by companies now.

>> No.8557


Newgrounds was good for that. It brought people together to work on videos as either animators, voice actors or even writers.

If you are talking about animation needing inbetweeners, that's harder to do though the Internet without sharing the files quickly between the lead animator and others. Specially in the early 2000s. That's why collaborations were animators doing just shorts and then handing them to the guy that put them all together.

>> No.8558


to be honest most of the prominent animations on newgrounds made heavy/practical use of tweening (like everything johnnyutah made). i don't understand the obsession with frame-by-frame. looks great when done right, but it's so fucking time consuming if you're tackling it solo.

>> No.8559

>Looks great when done right

That's it, though. That right there is the reason for the obsession. I agree with you though, it takes ages. It's just so good to look at.

>> No.8560
File: 118 KB, 928x881, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because they don't really do art streams anymore or follow eachother on twitter means they aren't friends anymore
Imagine you had a good childhood friend but had to move to a different state. You'd promise to keep in touch, but you don't talk to him as much as you did when you were together. That doesn't mean you aren't friends anymore.

>> No.8561

Zach and Onet weren't childhood friends first of all

Second they don't talk, at all, since the election over Zach talking about politics constantly and Chris just tired of listening to it. It's on his twitter if you look for it.

>> No.8562

to be honest that's what I thought sleepycabin was going to be, instead it turned into a bunch of guys doing their own solo animations IN THE SAME HOUSE!!! It's not shocking it died but I would still like the last five episodes of the podcast

>> No.8563


chris and zach were more than just 'good childhood friends', they were practically business partners/work colleagues.

everyone in the sleepycast circlejerk follows each other aside from chris and zach. it's clear as day.

>> No.8564

They don't follow each other because Zachs twitter is really political and Chris talked about how he was getting sick of politics in one of the podcasts

>> No.8565

gosh they're just taking over the internet by storm, releasing beloved shows today such as...

>> No.8566

these are the people who still believe jon and arin are good friends, don't bother

>> No.8567
File: 143 KB, 545x524, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zack and oney weren't childhood friends first of all
It was a fucking example you retard.
Also, I saw that. I don't think he was talking about Zach, but if he was, friends don't always get along perfectly.

>> No.8568

I like how all of these people in OP's pic are slowly ending up as sad aging middle aged has been with no future.

>> No.8569


well, arin and ross are set for life (whether they're still animating or not). i believe harry partridge will eventually make something amazing, but he will need a lot of help.

>> No.8570

Only if you go to calarts or suck up to the game grumps and markiplier.

>> No.8571

When Youtube stopped giving animators fair treatment with adsense. It's not fucking worth it.

>> No.8572

does Harry live in a basement or something? How does he earn money?

>> No.8573


I'd really like if just one of them would try to leave their comfort zone of videogame parodies. Even Ross's Gameoverse is still, in the end, a videogame parody. I can't imagine they don't have some aspirations to make something different, they're artists, afterall.

>> No.8574

If I'm not mistaken his dad was a pretty famous rockstar in like the 80's so he's pretty well set

>> No.8575

He gave an honest review of Oot and nintenyearolds lost their collective shit because he dared to claim it was anything less than flawless.

>> No.8576

Except it was like the only correct interpretation of a game he ever had.

OoT was the beginning of the slump in Zelda games that Breath of the Wild only just now fixed.

>> No.8577

more like he shit all over a game because he was bad at it, if you want to see a well thought out and fair review watch this one instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o908SWJ8ulc

>> No.8578

The animation revolution isn't happening with a bunch of independent artists who either stopped animating or put out one three-minute animated short per year.

The real animation revolution is being led by mid-to-high-level studios with decent amounts of funding that are ignoring TV broadcasting and instead striking deals with online streaming companies or putting their work on their own site. Examples include shows like Voltron or RWBY, action shows that could probably never exist in their current form on TV.

>> No.8579


No, the only reason you disagree with him is because of your own biases.

>> No.8580

If RWBY is the future of animation I'd rather it die to be honest.

>> No.8581

Waste of quads
How is pointing out all the pointless waiting "being bad at it"? I have no doubt that egoraptor sucks at games but that observation is pretty independent of that.
Same thing for what he said about the game being linear and the puzzles being painfully obvious.

>> No.8582

Haha, I remember that.

>> No.8583

actually no, anyone with eyes can see Oot hasn't aged perfectly but Arin review was
A. filled with nitpicks that only bother an autistic person
B. clearly showed how he personally was bad at the game without it being the fault of the game itself
and C. missed some key problems that do fill the game.

The game should be criticized, but that doesn't mean that his pointless little nitpicks hold water.

>> No.8584

Aren't Zach, Ross and Johnny Utah the only ones who've actually worked as artists in the animation industry?

>> No.8585

seconded. I'd rather just have the memory.

>> No.8586
File: 7 KB, 100x100, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make a thread about it, but seeing there's this already I think there's no need to.

What's /co/'s opinion on Colgrave?

>> No.8587

I'll never understand the hate for rwby

>> No.8588


>> No.8589

here's an actually good review of oot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0XsRGEPDGg

>> No.8590

I know RWBY isn't a masterpiece. I was just pointing it out as an example of what I feel is the real revolution in animation, where shows can be serialized and more action-focused and not be beholden to fucktarded execs. Maybe if WB had decided to make a deal with Netflix or some other company, we'd be getting a Justice League Action Season 2 rather than CN killing it through idiotic scheduling decisions.

>> No.8591

I'll never understand how people like it. It's just not fucking good.

>> No.8592

Piemations still does stuff, but they've nosedived in quality.

>> No.8593

>What time is it?

>> No.8594

funny enough RWBY could probably benefit from some parent company's structure, at least in keeping production timely

>> No.8595

Incredible stuff.

>> No.8596

Maybe because he jumps on bandwagons all the time?
Btw. Does anyone know animators whom create orginal animations? Like original series or shorts.

>> No.8597

Well in the video these artists are supposed to be the 'foundation' for the new revolutionary animators (inspiration), so this shot was probably misguided.

>> No.8598

Which is funny, because he made a LOT of good points about Megaman in that Sequelitis. But in OoT he really dropped the ball and just harped on little things he didn't like that weren't even objectively bad design.

It mostly boils down to Arin is a spaz and hates reading. He thinks you aren't allowed to tell a story if it isn't all pictures.

>> No.8599

Granted it has majorly gone down hill since Monty's passing

>> No.8600

Not to mention his OoT playthrough was DSP levels of pathetic

>> No.8601

No he actually specifically compared them to CalArts graduates that control the animation industry (Lasseter and whoever)

>> No.8602
File: 42 KB, 495x636, 1466570899467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only harry releases animations, jazza made one last year, the rest don't matter anymore
i guess it's time to move on

>> No.8603

Its almost impossible to make money through animations on the internet solo, especially since youtube linked revenue with video length to fight those cancerous reply girls a few years back.

Combine all that with the fact that none of those people are socially capable enough to band together and form a studio and you get a situation were most of them just fall off on animating altogether as they grow older and have to start paying bills.

>> No.8604

Why didn't you just ask Reddit? They told you about it and you were already there.

>> No.8605

The retardation comes because he's expecting what is essentially the first 3d action adventure game to have the benefit of game design developments that came in the years after it came out.

>Le pointless waiting
One to two seconds at most.

Compared to what at the time, exactly? Sure aLttP let you do the dungeons in any order, but they wanted to give each dungeon in OOC a storyline associated with it. None of them were all that flashy but for the time it was pretty nifty. and to do that they had to put the dungeons into a certain order. Big fucking deal. You can explore all around the overworld whenever you aren't in one.

>Puzzles being painfully obvious.
Yeah, twenty years after it came out, sure.

>> No.8606

I wanted a second opinion, and /co/ is full of opinions.

>> No.8607

Back in 2014 RT got acquired by FullScreen, which is owned by Otter Media, which is owned by AT&T. FullScreen mainly helps them acquire distribution deals and resources more easily. RT actually now has a fully separate building for all of its animation projects, and a huge animation staff. It doesn't seem like FS has actively gotten any say in the development of any shows, though. The backlash that would happen if some FullScreen guy forced Miles and Kerry to change a scene or a whole season would be enormous.

RT's also been at the online video thing since 2003, so they aren't slouches; RWBY and RvB have been coming out in a timely fashion for a while.

>> No.8608

Dammit, meant to reply to >>8594

>> No.8609

>Youtube fucks them over, in a very direct way.
>wonder why they bitch.
Now if you'd said you're unfollowing them because they're unfunny hacks I'd agree with you. But if any group on Youtube has cause to bitch, its animators.

>> No.8610

The revolution died years ago.
I'm sorry I failed you Harry.

>> No.8611
File: 85 KB, 500x533, pondering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you legitimately autistic?

>> No.8612

Was it ever revealed what ended their friendship? All signs point to shit having gone down between them during e3 2013 last i recall

>> No.8613

I saw that and laughed about Egoraptor and Ross. I can deffo see Harry going somewhere though.

>> No.8614

>One to two seconds at most.
It's still bullshit, invincibility frames/animations are bullshit used to pad out play time and create the illusion of difficulty.
>Compared to what at the time, exactly? Sure aLttP let you do the dungeons in any order
There you go
I don't want cutscenes I want to explore at my own pace
>Yeah, twenty years after it came out, sure.
Are you mentally challenged?
Quick you are locked in a room wit four unlit torches and a single lit one in the center there is nothing else in the room, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE TO DO?

>> No.8615

Not the guy you replied to, but the way I see it, any algorithm change that decreases the viability of dogshit like Racist Mario is a good change.

>> No.8616

>I don't want cutscenes
>this game doesn't give me what I specifically want, therefor it is bad

It was one of the very first 3d games and it was made for kids, the fact that it still holds up so well is impressive when you take off your modern youtube critic glasses

>> No.8617

He shouldve mentioned Ukinojoe or whatever the fuck he changed his name to

>> No.8618

I never said Oot was bad, neither did egoraptor for that matter, the sentiment is that it is overrated.
Nobody is denying that it was revolutionary at the time.
>take off your modern youtube critic glasses
I'll do that when you take off your rose colored ones.

>> No.8619

His dad was in XTC, so yeah he's pretty well off.

>> No.8620


Hey now, Arin is working with Ross and helping him out with his show, from what I've heard.

>> No.8621

Reminder that Harry Partridge is descended from musical royalty

>> No.8622

Well if the rumblings I heard were true, we might have another internet animator renaissance.

>youtube demonetizing large accounts
>youtube wants to become like a television channel
>having more family friendly and reputable content creators
>this might lead to a pilgrimage to another video site

Might not be on youtube, but I really hope we get some more indie animators.

>> No.8623

well the hellbenders dream is dead least for now anyways. Zach said that adultswim had too many hell themed cartoons as is (mr.pickles and some other shit show) so they couldn't take up hellbenders.

>> No.8624

There definitely is, here I'll send you a pic. just let me unbutton my pants...

>> No.8625

>Nobody cares

>> No.8626

>did a voice for Ross back in the day
>see where he is now

>> No.8627


>> No.8628

I don't blame Chris. Zach is a fucking wackjob like Jontron these days.

>> No.8629


What did he do?

>> No.8630

How can breath be the fixer if between worlds existed for the old style lovers first?

>> No.8631



>Ever going back to animation when he can sit and make millions with Game Grumps


>> No.8632

He got really assblasted on Jon's behalf and said dumb shit like that a country should be outraged if a citizen won its beauty contest.

>> No.8633


Was that somehow related to that Destiny feud?

>> No.8634

I'm pretty sure he was arguing not that it ws just waiting that was the problem but that OoT used waiting as a form of difficulty instead of actually figuring out how to exploit an enemy's weakness, kind of like how you have to how Stalfos in OoT were just all about dodging and the attacking vs Stalfos in LttP where you had to figure out how to hurt tem even though they would jump over your sword, like getting them in a corner or hitting them with something like a bomb or boomerang if I recall. That and some aspects of design don't carry over well like the bats and how they're much more annoying and less fun to fight in OoT than LttP.

>> No.8635

Yep. He got into a real shitfit with Destiny following the infamous stream and went real personal, digging up shit like Destiny's regret at failing to stop his friend from killing himself and saying that Destiny encourages suicide. He also seemed baffled and upset that Destiny suggested that a million subscribers could be monetized fairly easily.

>> No.8636

So if something bad happens to someone they shouldn't get mad? Isn't that what you're doing now, only instead of complaining about how your job may become undoable for the pay you're getting mad at people for complaining that their job is losing sustainability?

>> No.8637

His argument really boils down to Arin doesn't like 3D games.

>> No.8638

All of Arin's arguments about waiting are defeated through deku nuts. You find a billion of them everywhere and they can be used to stun enemies so you can control the pace of the fight. Arin's just a tard who doesn't know how to play video games.

>> No.8639

Well that should be more based on likes than view time though. The problem is that this algorith actually encourages that kind of low quality garbage because view time over view number priority means quantity over quality. It encourages things like vlogs and LPs, which aren't inhierently bad but a lot tend to be, over more developement intensive stuff like animations and other writing intensive stuff.

>> No.8640

But a lot of things don't translate well in 3d? Like he loves dark souls and that often gets compared to Zelda for a reason so I don't think it's that nessisarily.

>> No.8641
File: 186 KB, 640x356, Njyaaaahthis+looks+like+egoraptor+_32f97b931ac32bf775852af3d3f56faa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flash animators is the same

>Egoraptor style and colors
>same bouncy movements all the time with no slow moments
>edgelord humor
>someone has to do that crosseyed-head-tilted-upward "retard" face at least once

And people complain about the CalArts style. Shame that Shmorky turned out to be a maniac, he's one of the very few that stood out. Harry's stuff's pretty good too and I have lots of respect for the Sleepycabin guys other than Shad

>> No.8642

This taste like Egoraptor!

>> No.8643

What's Ukinojoe up to nowadays?

>> No.8644

I'm pretty sure it's less because of ego raptor specifically and more because people just loved making and watching super insane edgy stuff there since you couldnt' find animations like that anywhere else.

>> No.8645


He literally made a new animation today


>> No.8646

Oh yeah, Joe and Danielle's stuff are admirable too

They're still doing Great: the Show and Danielle's got a Made Ya Think! spin off going on

>> No.8647

Literally posted today. I think they're just random segments on the "great the show" playlists that involves a bunch of other artists.

>> No.8648

Cartoon Network having an April fools day shenanigans doesn't interfere with AS right?

>> No.8649


I thought he brought it up because, not only did Destiny say that Zach should off himself, but that he actually laughed about his friend's suicide at one point.

(I haven't dug hard enough on the laughing at suicide part, I could be wrong on that part, but here's a clip of his stream where he says he should off himself: clips,twitch,tv/HedonisticReliableSamosaKappaRoss)

>> No.8650

Kristian can make 10/10 videos with his silky voice, semi-objective mindset and godly editing skills but sometimes he produces duds like this.

It happened with the Childish Gambino one, where his fanboyism showed too hard, and on this one where you can see his optimism for a future that will never come.

>> No.8651

Nope, that's how we got Toonami back, isn't it?

>> No.8652

Isn't the schedule completely unknown for CN itself?

>> No.8653

who? im curious. never heard that.

>> No.8654


>> No.8655
File: 172 KB, 994x1020, 1485559038687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know ACFag was on /co/

>> No.8656

>and Danielle's got a Made Ya Think! spin off going on
Good to know. Made Ya Think! was always one of my favorite bits on Great: the Show.

>> No.8657

>reddit told me there's an animation revolution going on. Can I see it?

A revolution by these hacks? They are golden hammer animators, using the same animated methods over and over again that for years, the same goes to today academics. Nothing will come out from their asses until a cheaper, better and faster way to animate is on the sky.

>> No.8658

you should be glad, none of these people were funny or talented anyway. now they can fade into obscurity where they belong

>> No.8659

>Destiny's regret at failing to stop his friend from killing himself
Didn't he outright tell him to kill himself?

>> No.8660

I don't understand this reference

>> No.8661

Fuck you, Larry was good. Shame he essentially stopped doing anything other than working on that shitty game that will never come out and tutorials.

>> No.8662

>He also seemed baffled and upset that Destiny suggested that a million subscribers could be monetized fairly easily.
Of course Zach could make money off his subscribers if he went full jew, he just doesn't want to do that.

>> No.8663

I'll be honest, I have not liked any of his videos. I don't like his video editing nor opinions.

I do wish him luck though.

>> No.8664

It's fucking weeb garbage that looks like shit, that's why

>> No.8665

>The brothers chap have children
>Randy Solem of VGDC is ded

>> No.8666


>> No.8667

Why do people who avatarfag as themselves all have the same "look"?

Inoffensive haircut and clothes, you are making a cartoon of yourself and you are just giving it the same stupid real world features and clothes you have in real life? Is your hoodie that cool?

>> No.8668

Had there ever been any newgrounds animator that actually made it big?

>> No.8669

Why did you use a image from a flash cartoon that's making fun of people who say all flash animation looks the same to say all flash animation looks the same .

>> No.8670

>A hack

I am deeply upset

>> No.8671

Holy shit

>> No.8672

Another miss from him, the "animation revolution" owes a lot more to overseas webgen animators than anyone in OP's pic in the last ten years

>> No.8673

Anybody got the feeling that Gameoverse is going to be truly terrible? I can't shake it and I can't help but feel bad for him whenever he brings it up.

>> No.8674

That was 2 years ago, did you even watch his latest update video?

>> No.8675

I feel bad for Irish anons

>> No.8676

>after the OoT sequelitis embarrassment
You know what was even more embarrassing? Seeing him actually play OoT on GG. What a fucking shit show. No wonder he hates the game, he's absolutely fucking terrible at it.