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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 1646x1646, deep.fried.pizza.rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8523300 No.8523300 [Reply] [Original]

Deep fried pizza rolls. You can never go back.

>> No.8523305


Yeah they're better deep fried than nuked or heated in the oven. But they're still just pizza rolls.

Make some real food.

>> No.8523313

Damnit now i have to try this.

>> No.8523317

Any batter or coating or just toss 'em in the oil?

>> No.8523462

They already come with the outer coating. I don't know why you would even ask this. Do you batter a frozen french fry or a frozen premade corn dog before frying it?

>> No.8523492

do americans really eat this?

>> No.8523498


i've done all of that

>> No.8523499

I do.

Deep fry them fuckers and dip it in ranch or melted cheese. Wew.

>> No.8523504

I put a frozen corn dog in 375 degree F oil once to fry it and it had freezer burn and small bits of ice on the outside. Bad times indeed. Oil sprayed all over the stove top and counter and started smoking bad but luckily didn't catch fire.

>> No.8523521

i've never actually eaten pizza rolls

>> No.8523529
File: 36 KB, 450x450, a189737b-a0a4-4407-9586-31e79b5f37a3_1.13f2aa03aaf7c8d4f0784fad63e3612d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy these ones. Just cheese and garlic flavor inside. Like garlic bread but in a roll.

>> No.8523564

I haven't had these in ages, but recently bought a BIG bag of them for a party due to fond memories.
Jesus, they were fucking awful. Must be only children's food because they were seriously unappealing. Bland, greasy, bad texture, bad taste. We cooked them on a pizza stone in the oven and at least half of them burst open and made a huge mess.
Fucking never again. Also the large bag of them was ten dollars, what a mistake.

>> No.8523573

If you don't over cook them, they don't explode and spew their guts out. You're one of those that says these mozzarella sticks suck because I over cooked them and the cheese went out into my oil and wrecked it. Blame yourself, not the product.

>> No.8523574
File: 14 KB, 200x200, 1480797845986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dipping stuff in ranch or melted cheese.

jesus christ, amerifats are disgusting blobs of lard.

>> No.8523576

>filthy terrorist jealous of our food

What cuisine is your shithole known for?

>> No.8523602

Stop trying to defend the diet of the 12th fattest nation in the world, you simpering fatass, and start criticizing the garbage that makes us that way.

>> No.8523611

Sick dodge, not answering the question.

>> No.8523620

Arab semen and the soccer ball (provided your team won that day).

>> No.8523626

I too, like you, prefer my tortilla chips plain with no cheese dip or salsa. Same with my wings and celery. I just gnaw on them like a bunny as the great almighty Lord intended us bunnies to do.

>> No.8523639

Okay, ignore the ones that exploded. Pick the most perfectly cooked one.
Bland, greasy, bad texture, bad taste. Just like I said the first time.
What are the redeeming qualities?

>> No.8523648

>Bland, greasy, bad texture, bad taste

Don't like looking in a mirror, huh anon?

>> No.8523652

>sick dodge
> post states I'm from the US with the use of the term "us," meaning "a part of" in the last sentence.

Learn to read. They have remedial reading courses for morons.

>> No.8523658

I read it, I don't believe that you're actually from the US.

>> No.8523662
File: 292 KB, 1423x2136, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great defender of pizza rolls, I'm sure you're a real beauty yourself.

>> No.8523666

Most of them suck in some of the fry oil and hold it inside of them, meanwhile oozing some of the filling out to be scorched as shit and/or contaminate your remaining fryer oil

>> No.8523672

There are none, but they did explode because you over cooked those ones. There is however, no way to cook them all evenly and they taste like shit.