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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8515074 No.8515074 [Reply] [Original]

Is this too rare? I say no, wife says yes and post to random strangers for their opinion.

>> No.8515083

If I were her I'd be more concerned about your dirty finger nails.

>> No.8515088
File: 120 KB, 694x685, 1482380533398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you trust your butcher.

i would never eat rare hamburger meat from say wal mart.

>> No.8515090

that's the perfect amount of red imo
also wash your hands. with soap this time

>> No.8515092

Too red for ground beef imo

>> No.8515103

It's good and I'm constipated so hopefully it makes me shit

And yeah I need to wash my hands been playing in that booty too much today

>> No.8515146

Your wife is right. (If you want to ever f#ck her again)

>> No.8515148

You finger fuck yourself in the ass?

>> No.8515153

Could maybe use another minute, but better undercooked than overcooked if you ask me.

>> No.8515155


>> No.8515157

It is fine, but I personally prefer my hamburgers a bit more done. I'd still eat it though.

>> No.8515186
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>tfw too colorblind to tell if meat is fully cooked or not

Good thing I'm vegan, I guess.

>> No.8515221

I'm not convinced that color blind people cannot tell the difference between black(well done) and raw red/blue.
I will do some more research if that is the case. What kind of color blindness do you have that means you can't tell it's colored to not colored based off doneness.

>> No.8515229

enjoy your botulism

>> No.8515233

Clean your fingernails.

>> No.8515247
File: 160 KB, 500x464, 1480315097217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes rare burgers
>disregards wife's opinion
>dirty finger nails
>finger fucks self in ass

Jack, you need to leave

>> No.8515270


>too rare

Fucking hell, is your wife some kind of woman? If anything, it's over cooked! It's not really over cooked, but certainly not too rare!

>> No.8515271


It's called "working man's hands." You NEETs wouldn't understand...

>> No.8515273


It's called fucking "soap".

>> No.8515404


I'm aware of what soap is. You are unaware that there are things only time can wear off a mans hands. Even using sugar and fast orange, my hands look dirtier than yours have ever been. But again, I wouldn't expect a NEET to understand these things...

>> No.8515412
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>You are unaware that there are things only time can wear off a mans hands. Even using sugar and fast orange, my hands look dirtier than yours have ever been. But again, I wouldn't expect a NEET to understand these things...

>> No.8515417


Not even remotely close. Nice try tho faggot.

>hurr I better post a pic of a fedora wearing faggot so no one realizes I'm the fedora wearing faggot

>> No.8515423
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>there are things only time can wear off a mans hands

>> No.8515429


Ya, like oil that gets in the little cuts, which is what op has. I'm not the least bit surprised this is what you assume of me. The idea of someone actually having a job must be so completely foreign to you that you assume I must be some fat fedora wearing larper. It makes perfect sense really. You're a lazy cunt who has never done a days work in your life. Congratulations I guess. Hope your stepdad is at least a good cook...

>> No.8515438
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>there are things only time can wear off a mans hands

>> No.8515468

>Hope your stepdad is at least a good cook...

Nice one haha

>> No.8515559
File: 3.63 MB, 5952x3348, IMG_20170128_115234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats disgusting

>> No.8515571

You wife is probably just trying to lower her risk of catching something from your unwashed hands, OP.

>> No.8515642

>He does it for <$20/hr
Tell me more, iron man

>> No.8515648
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>there are things only time can wear off a mans hands

>> No.8515674

I would never eat rare hamburger that wasn't from somewhere like Fuddruckers or a serious steak restaurant that has a good local reputation, a place they're butchering off a primal, and grinding at intervals throughout the day. I would have no issue getting a burger at Berns in Tampa, or at Shulas. Nicking GI guts (which is easy) and then combining tainted surfaces in meat, in a grind, and then not cooking or freezing it fairly soon, allowing bacterial colonies to double, triple, and exponentially grow? Yuck. There is like a perfect storm of aeration and blending of untrimmed meats that causes hamburger to be insidiously dangerous, and nothing at all like rare steaks.

Eating rare hamburgers is a sign of profound willful ignorance of microbiology and the realistically pretty awful statistics of just how often it is tainted and people do fall ill, sometimes with deadly consequences that can take a while to appear. e.coli poisoning can cause weeks of lost wages when it becomes difficult to treat. People who don't think their life is worth much value are the first to take risks with it and laugh at others who do not, so that can shame you in judgement too, lest you think it makes you somehow better or smarter, it doesn't. It makes you stubborn and in the wrong. There's a myth that chefs laugh at people who order things well done when good chefs know the customer is always right and they prepare tasty food either way if they have the skill, but let's take a look at chef intelligence, and just how many are in the highest level of IQ, and how many were dropout risks in high school or charged with felonies. Which are you? top of your class? Were your parents the same? Who shaped your ideas of rare burgers are absolutely fine? It wasn't a food safety expert. It wasn't an infectious diseases physician or a Gastroenterologist. They don't order rare meat anywhere, but I guess they hate food or something, or they're too cautious and obviously stupid, right?

>> No.8515702

that is to rare.
steak can be eaten rare because the inside doesnt have bacteria growing on it.
simply because the inside never been intoutch with the outisde.

your burger there is made from ground beef.
so the inside has more bacteria in it than a steak would.

you can eat it like that if you feel like it.
but its just a bit more hazerdous

>> No.8515726


For ground meat, yes, that is too rare. bacteria is all about surface area and when you grind meat you greatly increase the surface area and therefore the possibility of bad bugs. That's why you should cook ground meats to 160F.

>> No.8515753
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, blue_burger_bison.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8515770

Jesus Christ kill yourselves. I was a mechanic at a bowling alley through high school and college. When you get old grease and oil on your hands, that shit does not come off for days. There's literally nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8515771
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>> No.8515781
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>> No.8515799

The memes are true. Americans are so degenerated that they have devolved to eating raw meat. Cooking meat releases more nutrients to fuel brain power. It all makes sense now.

>> No.8515810

Like dissolves like. Put a little WD-40 on the stain, then use a pumice hand cleaner.

>> No.8515819

>I'm aware of what soap is. You are unaware that there are things only time can wear off a mans hands. Even using sugar and fast orange, my hands look dirtier than yours have ever been. But again, I wouldn't expect a NEET to understand these things...
No, it's simply lack of proper grooming and etiquette. Get a nail brush or fingernail file near your sink when you soap up. Visible dirt or invisible dirt, your hands are still dirty. Surgeons scrub in. They also wear gloves. Dirty hands are gross, especially while eating. Or wear gloves at work.

They should embarrass you, not from blue collar work, but your class to take it off when you're done working, if that is your regular look. If your nails are holding it, consider getting a higher quality nail file that smooths the edges better than your teeth. Use a cuticle trimmer to keep the rough bits around the nails from being hangnails, and slather up some lotion at bedtime to keep the callouses at bay and cuticles well moisturized.

>> No.8515952

Somethings just dont leave no matter how much soap I use. They leave with time. When using PL you get some on your hands and whatever else you touch will fucking stay there.

>> No.8515958

Looks fine

>> No.8515976

Red usually looks brown to them.

>> No.8515982
File: 185 KB, 900x675, 1419297317979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are things only time can wear off a mans hands

>> No.8515997

If you ground it yourself and you trust the cleanliness of your kitchen and tools, it's fine.

If it's store bought Giant, Kroger, Walmart, etc etc. Then I would make sure to cook at least to medium and probably medium well.

I just don't trust they handled the meat appropriately.

>> No.8516064

kek /thread

>> No.8516150
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1394598400385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatcha dabbin on OP?

>> No.8516153
File: 1.88 MB, 2333x3110, 2016-11-03 10.23.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but it looks sorta how I get mine.

>> No.8516167

there is no point in having that much pink in ground beef. there is no gain in taste or texture

>> No.8516178


What a fucking pussy. Keep callouses at bay? Do you not realize they serve a purpose? That they develop because we use that part of our hands over and over? That without them we will get blisters or tear the skin off? You think everyone gives a shit about hangnails? Or a little bit of dirt under their nails? Have you ever tried to get fucking tree sap off your hands? Of course not. You've never done anything except ask your fucking mommy to get you what you want. You aren't classy because you keep your fucking nails clean either. Classy people aren't fat fucking unemployed losers. That's called delusions of grandeur. You should probably just kill yourself. At least then your stepdad can have his basement back again... fucking Nancy faggot

>> No.8516194


>everyone who isn't a minimum wage manual laborer with eternally shit stained finger nails is a basement dwelling neet

Wew. You should just drop it already, OP.

>> No.8516200

didn't read a word of this

>> No.8516218
File: 1.27 MB, 270x180, 142336133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the furious unwashed manual-laboring hands of OP

>> No.8516236

>there are things only time can wear off a mans hands

I'll tell you what time won't wear off: the hilarity of that sentence you tremendous faggot.

10/10 embrassing

>> No.8516249


It's not a philosophical statement. I get tree sap on my hands, and I rub dirt in it so it stops being sticky. It takes at least a week to wear off. There's no way to scrub it. I'm not embarrassed.

>> No.8516257

It's too rare. Doesn't even look cooked in the middle. Looks raw.

>> No.8516263

plus his hands look disgusting

>> No.8516265


Give him a break, there are things only time can wear off a mans hands.

>> No.8516276

for a hamburger it is. for a steak it's probably spot on.
ground products should be treated differently due to the process by which they are produced and formed.

>> No.8516278

ah i didn't realize, because i belong to the only group of people who don't have faeces permanently encrusted all over their manual-laboring fingers, the fat NEETS.

>> No.8516291

unless you're grinding yourself or getting it ground by a decent butcher.

If it's handled properly then there is no issues of contamination.

>> No.8516336

Was your hands you disgusting cunt

>> No.8516341

Bam. I get dirt joined into my calluses. It's weird, but that dirt ain't Goin nowhere unless I rip\cut off my calluses!

>> No.8516359

>he rubs dirt on himself to clean up
I am laffin at the edgy chinchilla

>> No.8516360

Lmao, this is insanity. Doing that everyday would leave your hands raw and unable to work and no, gloves don't fix the problem. Mechanics can't always wear gloves, especially when dealing with tiny little pieces!

It seems, whoever keeps posting about this, is a hypochondriac!

>> No.8516385

Enjoy your cancer and low class protection of your health and etiquette. Stop making excuses. Wear gloves.

Doctors wear 25 or more pairs a day of latex (you should use solvent-resistant nitrile) gloves. You're uniformed, lazy, too cheap to protect your health, too lazy to take them on and off (oh god, 5 seconds), whatever you want to call your reasoning. Mechanics and anyone else working with dangerous solvents that contain heavy metals, hepato-toxic substances, and any pH affecting chemicals should wear gloves. You have a protective layer on your skin and when you don't have it anymore you're absorbing more chemicals. You shouldn't need to scrub the heck out of your skin, just protect it from getting in contact with things you shouldn't.

>> No.8516398
File: 24 KB, 375x250, Mettbroetchen_100520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely overdone!

>> No.8516424

>Mechanics can't always wear gloves, especially when dealing with tiny little pieces!
You do know rubber gloves exist? The skin tight ones that enable you to work with anything your hands would be able to normally?

>> No.8516441

Skin grows back, you piece of human garbage.

>> No.8516449

bout to hit the gym then ill meet up with your wife while you're at work.

bye :)

>> No.8516583

>takes at least a week to wear off. There's no way to scrub it.

Running water on you isn't scrubbing. Sap is very easy to take off your skin.

>> No.8516626

he washes with dirt though

>> No.8516782

Mineral oil will safely remove anything, and I mean anything, from your hands. I've installed wood floors with glue and by the end of the day my hands were thick with glue that no soap and water would remove. Came right off.

>> No.8516790

boigahs should not be rare at all

>> No.8516794

Or you could just not live in the third world and enjoy raw meat.

Nitrile exam gloves are not the kind for mechanics nor lumberjacks. Work gloves are thicker (and more expensive).
Still not a reason not to wear any glove.

Sap is easy to wash, I think he was thinking about resin. It's sticky as fuck, if you don't put your hands in dirt they'll stay sticky until it finds dirt anyway. And almost unwashable without trichloroethylene, usually not found where you put resin on your hands (thus the dirt trick until you go home and can wash your hands.)

>> No.8516797

>Nitrile exam gloves are not the kind for mechanic
for small detail work you mentioned, sure they are

>> No.8516805

He said tree sap, not maple syrup.

>> No.8516806

>you mentioned
I'm not OP, >>8516794 was my first post ITT.

>> No.8516815


Im a musician and i do alot of finger picking. The tips of all of my fingers are like rocks

>> No.8516867

It's a beef burger not a steak, shouldn't be that red.

>> No.8516892

Don't eat rare burgers, ground meat is risk for bacteria because the shit's all ground up. It's mixed together. A steak is a solid piece of meat. The interior of a steak is not exposed to bacteria the same way ground beef is. Right? You sear the sides and it's good to go. Not the same with a burger, the burg needs to be cooked thru.

>> No.8516916

I grind my own meat. I eat my burgers as rare as my steaks.

>> No.8516921

This type of thread is posted every week or so

As usual, the same answer applies:

1)It's not too rare if you ground it yourself or if your butcher ground it for you right before you bought it

2)otherwise, it's too rare

>> No.8516937

3) wash your filthy hands

>> No.8517673

as someone who has callouses, i must agree with this post. i was the fuck out of my hands and i use a pumice stone if i have to before a dinner out, but i've never seen anyone take notice of my hands. they get grease and oil and sap and epoxy that just will not scrub out in a day.

>> No.8517687


>but i've never seen anyone take notice of my hands

It's called people being too polite to say anything to your face.

>> No.8517689

It's not rare, It's literally raw. I didn't know ja/ck/ posted here.

>> No.8517869

Ground beef should never be red still, always needs to be at least pink and at most fully browned.
OP's pic seems slightly undercooked

>> No.8518330

it's because im not ugly or out of shape, and i have a little money, dumbfuck. no one cares how rough my hands are if i treat people well and look good. this tread must resemble your life.

>> No.8518693

>someone criticizes your disgusting shit-covered hands
>respond with how you definitely have money and a job and are good looking
why are filthy people who don't know how to wash their turd-crusted hands so insecure?

>> No.8519246

I want to agree with you, but hot damn - you're mad as fuck.

>> No.8519269
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>there are things only time can wear off a mans hands

>> No.8519710

Ask her son

>> No.8519791

Alright, it's been a day. Has your chronal washing technique cleansed the dirt and maple syrup from your pudgy proletariat fingers yet?

>> No.8520918

Health hazard right there m8 enjoy your hospital drip

>> No.8520942


He's already said that he eats with those hands every night.

Wife should probably get a checkup for a yeast infection, though.

>> No.8520955


I had a bad day. Company lost a contract. Thank god for Trump, he will be the best thing to happen to the Canadian oil industry since they found oil in Canada.

>> No.8520966


Also tired of these faggots who don't know the meaning of a hard days work being proud of their soft hands and living off their parents. This used to be a cooking board. Now it's just a neet weeb ramen mcchicken gummy candy discussion board...

>> No.8520971

>anyone who isn't a low grade manual laborer is living off their parents

wew lad

>> No.8520975

How will OP ever recover?

>> No.8520985

Baby Oil my man.

>> No.8520989


>implying manual labor jobs don't usually pay better than most office jobs outside of a third world country

I'm an engineer. I'm proud to work with my hands. Doesn't mean I don't need a brain to do it either tho.

>> No.8520991

It's bordering on raw. Not that it's going to kill you or anything, but next time cook it for another minute or two.

>> No.8520995

>he fell for the MAGA meme

Because Trump knows all about dem workin man hands, amirite?

>> No.8520998
File: 2.87 MB, 4320x3240, ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this used to be a cooking board

I'm a sous chef and am on the line typically 6 night a week.

Usually my hands are a little more cut up and burnt, but notice the nails...

>> No.8521000

>>implying manual labor jobs don't usually pay better than most office jobs outside of a third world country
You fucking what? Are you seriously telling me that the guy picking up trash outside my office makes more than most white collar workers?

>> No.8521046

Actually, it's somewhat true. A lot of occupations that require both intelligence and manual skill pay a lot better than useless, vanilla office drone jobs. Many of them don't have student loan debt either.

>> No.8521052

That doesn't account for most manual labor jobs, which you said "usually" pay better than most office jobs. So now you're trying to narrow the field down to a specific subset.

>> No.8521090

do you cook the steak first and then grind it? If you grind it then cook it you just mix up the bacteria covered outside with the clean inside

>> No.8521091

>Not trusting a business elite that got his success from exploiting the lower class to be pro-working class

>> No.8521100

Too rare. I don't even worry about getting sick, I just think burgers that rare don't taste as good. Medium well is best burger.

>> No.8521112


I don't grind steaks. I grind roasts. I don't cook them first. I clean my grinder before and after each use. Everything comes apart, it's not difficult. A light coating of food grade mineral oil keeps it from rusting as well.

>> No.8521153
File: 41 KB, 500x347, this is what euopreans actually eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Yuropoor you don't even have your stereotypes correct anymore

Most Americans overcook the shit out of their meat because they think the pink part is "blood"

Now on your continent they eat raw everything even when it doesn't make sense not to cook it

>> No.8521187

a little on the 'still mooing' side

>> No.8521589

I love rare to medium rare steak, but I will never fuck about with ground beef. I wouldn't lick the surface of a raw steak, I sure as hell wouldn't leave a load of mixed up meat uncooked.

All it takes is one case of food poisoning to make you never want to take the gamble of weighing juicy deliciousness against days of debilitating sickness.

>> No.8523068

>I reverse searched the pic.
Kitfo sometimes spelled ketfo, is a traditional dish found in Ethiopian cuisine.
Kitfo consists of minced raw beef, marinated in mitmita (a chili powder-based spice blend) and niter kibbeh (a clarified butter infused with herbs and spices). The word comes from the Ethio-Semitic root k-t-f, meaning "to chop finely; mince."

Kitfo cooked lightly rare is known as kitfo leb leb.[2] Kitfo is often served alongside—sometimes mixed with—a mild cheese called ayibe or cooked greens known as gomen. In many parts of Ethiopia, kitfo is served with injera, a flatbread made from teff, although in traditional Gurage cuisine, one would use kocho, a thick flatbread made from the ensete plant. An ensete leaf may be used as a garnish. Though not considered a delicacy, kitfo is generally held in high regard.

>> No.8523100


>> No.8523145

Is that you ja/ck/

>> No.8523190


your a faggot

>> No.8523196


>> No.8523209
File: 892 KB, 300x300, fucked up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize that it's actually his mom taking the picture

>> No.8523255

How fat are you ?

>> No.8523282

>All these fags calling this guy filthy
Senpai I understand your point but honestly what you want is chlorinated brake cleaner. Haven't found something it was unable to get off my hands. Prolly font use it every day but if you needed to be shiny.

>> No.8523450
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>> No.8523489
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>there are things only time can wear off a mans hands

>> No.8523594

>guy calls neets out for not being hard workers
>neets imply he's a fedora wearing faggot
>neets are the fedora wearing faggots

>> No.8523619

Yes. Just cook your wife's burger more next time. There's no point in killing her over it just because you think eating a live cow is superior.