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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8450581 No.8450581 [Reply] [Original]

New one because old one is almost at bump limit. Currently drinking some nice cold Russian Standard neat. I hate myself, I hate this world, I don't want help. Come on anons get in here.

>> No.8450591
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Good ol skol

>> No.8450593

/ck/ is not your blog and is not /da/ - Depression & Abuse

alcohol is welcome but no one cares that you pretend to have a problem

>> No.8450600
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>> No.8450603


Hi Welcome to /ck/. I see you are pretty new here and don't realize that al/ck/ threads have a special place on this board. I encourage you to browse more but post less until you are not a shitty fedora fuck pissing on everyone's bonfire :^)

>> No.8450605
File: 273 KB, 266x560, knob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other alkies been drinking Knob Creek? Got a bottle earlier Satuday and it's mostly gone.

>> No.8450610


gibs me pls that looks delicious

>> No.8450620


Fuck outta here faggot

>> No.8450622


Where do you think you are dick face? Leave and never come back.

>> No.8450656
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you can't even drink 18 beers a day anymore without some johnny come lately telling you what kind of drinker you are. Pish Posh

>> No.8450675
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Last of it and some trash chicken.

>> No.8450692

>tfw taking tonight off drinking

Feels kinda good, kinda bad, man

>> No.8450711


Exactly you tell that faggot

>> No.8450713

>5. But who was on the phone?!?!
i'm more pissed than i care to admit about that line being wrong

>> No.8450728

I can sympathize. I don't have any liquor in the house, so I'm trying to stay put until the store closes so the option isn't there anymore. Feeling kind of edgy.

>> No.8450756

On nights I don't drink, I go from feeling incredibly bored and anxious, to being proud of myself.

>> No.8450801

I am in the same boat. 2 blocks from home slam a pint of vodka and then nurse a six pack through the night. Help anons what do I do?

>> No.8450811


not only did I not notice it in the pic, but I also didn't notice it in your post until like the fourth time rereading

>> No.8450820


You do that so your family doesn't think you have a serious problem right? Yeah I remember your thread.

>> No.8450830
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i am to drink jagermeister, how do i store it? refrigerator, freezer? what temperature?

>> No.8450844


You need to be 18+ to post here

>> No.8450939


Please try to read this though. Are you able to answer yes to any question? If so please take a minute to think about it. How does it make you feel?

>> No.8450987


it's not all that applicable to alcoholics for the most part. at least, I'm at a point where I'm struggling to keep my drinking in check and all but maybe a few of those completely don't apply.

>> No.8450991

Steel Reserve, because all the liquor stores close really early in my town.

>> No.8451196

The first night not drinking is always the hardest

>tfw feeling like a space shuttle reentering the atmosphere now

>> No.8451262

I been a hard drinker for 3-4 years and I dont want to stop but part of me, albeit very small, feels I should just give it up competently . I feel like im always on the fence either to stop completely or just be really destructive and drink constantly. Is there any way tojust be a functional drunk or drink on the weekends or am I doomed to be an al/ck/ if I try to keep drinking at all?
Thanks for any words of wisdom Guild Of Drunks.

>> No.8451284

Are any of you guys severe alcoholics? I've felt hopeless for a long time, but I'm just now beginning to legitimately get scared. I think I will have delirium tremens if I stop. Do you guys think I will?
>29 years old
>have been severe alcoholic since 21, but drank heavily since 17
>once i turned 21, quickly developed a pint of vodka a day habit, which escalated to a fifth a day by the time i was 22
>haven't gone more then 48 hours without drinking atleast a fifth from between ages 22-now
>began losing appetite for food at age 23, only ate one meal a day
>from ages 27-now, only eat one meal every 3-4 days
>am now up to a fifth and a half a day with little food
>have to drink literally 24/7
>jerk awake about 4 times throughout the night from horrific lucid dreams and compelled to take two shots
>every time i try to stop, at the 8 hour mark without a drink, my whole body shakes violently, hands cramp up, can't see straight, feel like i can barely breath, and am absolutely compelled to take shot
>recently tried to quit, made it to about 30 hours, and had above listed symptoms as well as inability to think straight, severe vomiting that i didn't even know was possible, thought i heard opera music blasting, body soaked in sweat, extremely fast heart rate
>attempted to sit on couch after vomiting, and every single sound, no matter how quiet would make me jump out of my skin
>thought i saw various members of my extended family come into my living room, encouraging me to take a drink
>i then slammed about half a fifth, and was relieved

and now here i am, about a liter in. i can't go through that again. and i know that wasn't the worst of it. if i couldn't even stand that, i know i will crumble under delirium tremens which i think were approaching. i just need some advice. i can't do it anymore

>> No.8451295

yes youre fucked. go to a hospital while the ACA is still in place

>> No.8451315

Damn son, i feel bad for you. Yeah if your riding like that maybe a few weeks somewhere to dry out would be good.
If i were in your shoes I would.

>> No.8451323


You are very far into alcoholism man. Serious advice here, get into a rehab program or something as soon as possible.

>> No.8451339

i think inpatient may be the route i have to go, but i'm absolutely terrified of not being able to drink. i hope they don't make me ride out the withdrawal, even if i am supervised. i just can't stand it. not even sure if benzos will relieve me at this point. i also have a full time job that depends on me. i may be fired if i take a lot of time off. (line cook at local italian place)

>> No.8451347


I don't think they will try to make you go cold turkey dude. If your alcoholism is so severe quitting just like that can kill you. Regardless get in there because you are definitely one of more serious cases here.

>> No.8451350

theyll give you just enough to stem serious physical symptoms(if you need it) but still ween you off it.

You may get fired but some bosses are open to it as it makes for better employees. especially if you get offsite help and can continue to work

>> No.8451357

Hospital. Tell them you want to ween off of alcohol. Life threatening to stop while not under medical supervision

>> No.8451394

think about how happy with your life you are right now, and then think of how enjoyable your day-to-day life was as a kid before you got involved with alcohol. I hope that you can realize that it is worth it to go to the hospital and get help. when you are so deep into drugs, its hard to remember what it was like beforehand, but reclaiming just a fraction of it is totally worth it. promise

>> No.8451399
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Heres a story for you
>be nurse
>work in ICU, nights
>Patient with headwound comes in
>got drunk. Fell down his stairs. Ems saw him bleeding out of his ear and thought he was fucked
>just a skull fracture, but send him to us anyways to watch
>patient starts to go into dts within hours
>shot of geodon keeps him down
>next day
>hes on an ativan DRIP 1 mg/hr
>im the lucky winner that gets him
>fine at first, ativan is holding him down
>starts asking where his whiskey is
>hallucinating that the nurses outside are drinking
>demanding a drink and to go home
>hes fucked himself so badly hes swaying and falling while SITTING in bed, more than 24 hours dry
>acting for all the world like hes still drunk
>starts trying to get out of bed
>too unstead to even stand properly
>gets violent when we get him back in bed
>have to call a code strong to get extras to hold him down
>we fight with him on and off for four hours, and during this time weve given him 3 shots of geodon, some 8 extra mg of Ativan in addition to the drip
>wont go down, throwing punches, screaming at the top of his lungs
>at one point yhere are 9 people holding this bull of a motherfucker down
>final decision is made to intubate him for the sole purpose of being able to sedate him with propofol after weve called the doc some 5 times

He rode out the worst of his d/ts sedated. He was still fucked though, he developed Wernike-Korsakoffs syndrome cause hes fucked his liver so badly his liver decided to pickle his brain. He will probably always be an unstable addled jackass, and never be able to take care of himself
This guy was in his late 30's
Take care of this now anon. Inpatient is the way to go.

>> No.8451400

Well you can quit, and destroy your health and cant work, or you can go to inpatient. Im sure there are other italian restaurants. If i were you i would do it. Ive gone over 4 months without a drink. Its in your head but i promise its better than living that way

>> No.8451405


you work with a lot of doctors so I feel like you can give me advice. how do I into med school?

ps: I drink a lot thanks

>> No.8451438
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Go premed at a decent 4 year college, make friends with doctors and your professors to get good reccomedations. Find a field that interests you the most, do some research, find something nice to do a thesis on and then apply to a decent med school.
Get board certified, for the love of god. We need more of those.
Thats about all i got. I know how to work on your RN to NP since im going that route for critical care but pre med and then med school is sorta not something ive researched
Im not too sure honestly, im RN working on my NP.
Heres some food. Dont drink too much.
I drink a lot on the days im off to cope with the shit i see on the job, but i make sure not to overdo it.

>> No.8451443

Thanks for the advice all of you. I'll ask my boss for 2 weeks off a pray that he will give it to me, although unlikely. Scared to tell him I'm such a horrible alcoholic, although he may already know. Not sure. Its just so disappointing as I'm expecting to getting promoted to sous here pretty soon. our sous is old as fuck and retiring. the ICU nurses post scared me though. i think i'll opt to save my health rather then keep the job. i definitely dont want to end up like that guy, though i may already be there. i'll definitely think about it.

>> No.8451446


Thanks anon, good luck.

>> No.8451451

much love dude. good luck. i don't see why your boss wouldn't let you come back once you are back on your feet.

>> No.8451455

dont do it if you like the idea of making money. Insurance costs are just ridiculously high and the hours suck.

Try to volunteer at an ER or other intense med system and see if you can do it

>> No.8451463


I'm not. I fucking hate my life, I need to dedicate my life to a higher purpose and need to feel like I am doing constructive. I want out of this society. If I manage to get into med school I want a family medicine residency and when I am done/certified I want to join MSF, go to whatever war torn shit hole. I couldn't give a fuck about money believe me I have enough of it.

>> No.8451479

People choose many professions for a variety of reasons that all fall under the purpose of "doing something constructive"

kick ass in school and do some internships/volunteering to see if you can hack it

>> No.8451483


Cheers much appreciated

>> No.8451499

np np.
I did my stuff at an ER from midnight to 4am. I'd rec the same. It shows dedication and a willingness to be exposed to certain hardships.

Know that if you can't or it doesn't feel right, Medicine stems from research and those researchers are in demand. The whole chain contributes to patient health.

>> No.8451509


Serious question. How excellent do you need to be in the hard sciences/math to be a doc? For reasons I won't bother going into I dropped out of hs, went to a CC, but then transferred to a top 40 uni and I'm in my 3rd year. I have some sciences but not all and definitely nothing chem related. I plan to take the courses in the upcoming semesters but I could use some advice. Not in the US either btw.

>> No.8451512

are you going to do some post-bac pre-med sci courses? If so, you will need to do very well in those, but not worry until you take them.

I only know for the US but here, math and the harder sci courses are p important

>> No.8451518


Not really post bac. In Canada you can just take the courses during your undergrad which I plan to do. I have already taken 2 but I still need gen/organic chem and bio chem.

>> No.8451537
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Just be honest with your boss. If youre that worried get some job offers lined up ahead of time before you detox, that way if he kicks you then youll have other options.
Make sure you have good people to support you before and after the process my friend. Thats one way to make sure you dont relapse, because even once dts have passed its gonna be hard not to go back.
That guy was asking for drinks three weeks after the fact. Of course he was addled as fuck, and I think drugs played into it too cause he was offering one of my coworkets 5 grams of coke in exchange for a bottle...
But yaknow. Best of luck, for real. Youre the only person out there thats gonna protect yourself and your health.

>> No.8451539

Ochem is important. It is usually used to weed out people that are aiming for med school. All of those harder sci classes are still important so just know that.

Biochemistry is becoming a more important section of the medical system(this is where I work). If you can really kill in the bioinformatics/genetics courses, that will help a lot, but you still need to do well in pretty much every single class.

I don't know if Canada uses the MCAT but biochem was recently added and is heavily weighted.

>> No.8451549

You could always take my route if time is of the essence for you.
Doing something like MSF is great, but you can do it as an NP too. Pay isnt as high, but you can go anywhere, and it takes less time. Get your RN, then work while you get your masters (soon to be a PhD rumors say). You do most of what a doc was, but work more closely with patients, which is what I like about it.
It just depends on what you wanna get out of it. MDs can get to interact with their patients a lot, but an NP gets to do that quite a bit more as a hospitalist or in-house in an ICU or ER

>> No.8451559

this person knows what theyre talking about as well. I can't speak to MSF but the RN route is common

>> No.8451575


Thank you. MCAT in Canada is used for majority of the schools but there are 3 schools that do not require it and 2 others but they are in French. And one school only looks at the CARS sections so no sciences.


I'll keep this in mind as well. I am already 3 years into my degree program so I don't know if I could just switch to a nursing program but I'll look into it.

>> No.8451578

Im assuming MSF is doctors without borders.
Nurse Practitioners are also able to work with them.

>> No.8451581

Oh if you're already 3 years into pre med then theres no reason to switch. BSN RN is a four year program to begin with. Go for that doctorate anon, unless you feel youd like NP better and your credits all transfer towards an RN. However, last two years of RN are heavily clinical based, so youd still be behind i think.
Id assumed you were just starting out

>> No.8451582

RN route being that to being a full fledged MD. I just know that MSF is relatively selective with drs. and im sure with RNs abut I would assume so as well.

Im a little drunk, sorry for not being 100% clear

>> No.8451587

its also been a little while since I've been directly involved in the clinical side. I pretty much exclusively do research now

>> No.8451595


No worries, I appreciate it anyway. I honestly don't know if I will be able to get into a Canadian med school. I may consider going international and just staying somewhere in Europe (I have EU citizenship too)

>> No.8451608

so out of curiosity, what are you doing now? RN i presume

>> No.8451610
File: 387 KB, 718x399, Screenshot 2016-11-12 at 1.40.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant this

>> No.8451616


ya'll niggas really should do talks like this in highschools

>> No.8451637

So today was day one of "No drinking on weekdays" it's gone pretty well, been able to keep myself busy. Plus my mom gave me this grip of pills for pain, I don't remember what they are, but one of their uses when I looked them up was to prevent shaking an other detox type side effects. I have about a dozen of them, so I think I can do this. I am structuring my life more, and trying to save money.
I think I was just drinking out of boredom, but I have been depressed the past few months, so io feel like I have to get my shit together.

>> No.8451649
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keep it up bro

Here's my blog entry:
>busiest day of the week in Sunday, always get blackout drunk on Sunday evenings as a consequence
>for once I manage to resist the urge to drink on this bitch of a day
>feel great Monday morning, have a good day at work
>reward self by getting blackout drunk
Damn it.

>> No.8451653
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2 real

>> No.8451658

Still RN, working ICU nights while I finish up my degree for NP. Im actually at work right now, but things are chill so I have time to shitpost. I enjoy nights like this when I get em.
I plan on transferring to a bigger hospital to do critical care in either an ER or ICU once I get my degree, csuse NPs dont have much of a place in a small hospital like mine. I could work in an office but ICU is kind of where my heart is. As much as if gets fucked it at least keeps me interested. And busy.
I saw anons post and thought it wouldn't hurt to share. We get a lot of frequent flier drunks that come in every other week with a skull fracture or something of the sort, and every time we see them its like theres a little less of them in there.

>> No.8451659

Awwwww, almost good.

>> No.8451667

well, I don't think it will mean much as I am sure you already know but you ICU and ER RNs are some of the only ones that get universal respect. Ya'll are important.

You can follow your dreams anon. You seem smart enough

>> No.8451861

You know what I just learned? I learned that you can vomit through your nose.

Now I always try to avoid vomiting because it's unpleasant but just now I have reached a new plane of unpleasantness.

>> No.8451912

I''m getting towards the vomit phase. I only drink at night so I really have to go hard for a long time to get there, but I'm at the bad alcoholic place. Almost puked last night and I'm really fucking full all the time. I think it's an ulcer.

>> No.8452074

I'm working towards moderation instead of excess every night, been trying for about a month or so. Already I have noticed more energy throughout the day and my tolerance going down. Will hopefully be able to stick to it. I knew things were getting bad when I drunk a bottle of gin in the afternoon and felt pretty much fine, maybe a little tipsy. Don't want to go back down that road

>> No.8452354

How much do you drink in moderation?

I am down to about 2 shots of whiskey every night whereas before I was getting hammered 3-4 nights out of the week. I don't know which one is better. I don't really get hammered though with my current approach, just a chill head buzz that keeps me happy

>> No.8452498

>I don't really get hammered though with my current approach, just a chill head buzz that keeps me happy
That is pretty much what I am aiming for. Currently drinking about 4 gin and tonics a night, or 3-5 shots of whisky (sipped over a long period instead of straight down the hatch). Still a fair bit I suppose, but its miles less than than what I used to drink and so far no negative effects. Some of the stories on here scared the shit out of me

>> No.8452561

Why are alcoholics so goddamn pathetic?
And why are they mostly white males?
Is there a correlation between having a small penis and being a pathetic loser??

>> No.8452564

Fuck off, loser.

This thread is reddit incarnate.

>> No.8452568
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These are the "alcoholics" that you get on 4chan.

4 days to drink a bottle of whisky.

>> No.8452592

you have to start off somewhere, you ever see old drunks in run down bars that have those huge bulbous noses and rosacea...they started off drinking a bottle every couple of days.

>> No.8452598

Where do the alcoholics dwell on Reddit?

I don't really give a shit what platform I chat to fellow alkies on, I just like doing it anonymously.

>> No.8452601
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pic related, you don't wanna end up like this

>> No.8452632

There is a stopdrinking subreddit which is home to some seriously fucked up people. I was frequenting their IRC channel but got banned for posting beer ASCII.

I am really not a mean-spirited person but seeing people get so mad over something like that is just too fucking funny to pass up. I also love posting vague puns

>ah, what a long day. time to crack open a cold one
>everyone freaks out
>relax guys, a cold diet coke!
>get banned

fuck them

>> No.8452644

>>Rhinophyma is a condition causing development of a large, bulbous, ruddy nose associated with granulomatous infiltration, commonly due to untreated rosacea.[1]
>>Alcoholism is mistakenly attributed as a cause of this issue.
>mistakenly attributed

>> No.8452662

Go to a hospital m8. They will help you. Effects of dropping alcohol in your stte could be lethal, without medical help. Good luck

>> No.8452705

Basically white people have no charisma and are very bland in general. You can see this blandness in their food, their music, how they dance and the way they have sex. This turns them in to social misfits who have to rely on booze to fill the emptiness in their lives.

>> No.8452714


>> No.8452733

Alcoholism is one thing that unites all races

>> No.8452737

Are you crazy Smirnoff guy? What happened to him?

>> No.8452768


>> No.8452778

can somebody translate this from Ape?

>> No.8452788

I just broke up with her. It felt like the best moment to buy a bottle of Laphroaig, any tips on how to enjoy it the most ?

>> No.8452820


You need proffesional help detoxing and likely tapering to. Cold turkey at the point your at sounds dangerous, you probly need ot taper then detox with PROFESIONAL HELP.

>> No.8452823

Assuming you don't drink much scotch, pour a shot into a glass. Sniff, and take a small sip. It will probably burn a bit, so add a touch of water until the burning goes away and you are left with all the flavour. If you add too much, top it up with more whisky. Rinse and repeat.

I recommend having a beer along side it to sip away at, or at the very least a glass of water. Enjoy! I remember doing a similar thing not too long ago

>> No.8452834

Holy shit what a bunch of faggots.

>> No.8452868

Thanks, any idea of food to pair it with ? I'm having japaese grilled beef tonight, but something else for tomorow would be fine.
The beer acts like a palate cleaner right ?

>> No.8452875

what if he's really tough and has a nihilistic sense of humor? Could he quit cold turkey then?

>> No.8452893

Not sure about food, I tend to drink scotch after dinner as opposed to with it.

Beer pretty much does, yes. I find it something nice to sip on as I drink the scotch and the whole experience is very enjoyable. I would recommend investing in a Glencairn glass if you don't have one, not essential but makes smelling it a lot easier and for some reason I need less water when I drink from one. A wine glass with a tapered mouth works reasonably well too

>> No.8452906

He mad that white people have ruled the world for the past 800 years and makes things up to feel better about himself despite sitting on 4chan all the time like the rest of us.

>> No.8453145

yah well, thats why were on 4chin

>> No.8453153

He was just punking you.

>> No.8453167

>wake up from my friends floor
>realize that i remember absolutely nothing of what happened after we started to leave for the bar
>"wew crazy time last night"
>"hehe yeah"

>> No.8453173
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Here's a frog that represents my feelings at the moment.

>> No.8453175

Better check to see if there's something lodged up your butthole

>> No.8453189

My life was fucking shit before I started drinking.

>> No.8453190

I want to believe I'm making a step in the right direction. My family begged me to curb my drinking, so I'm waiting a month and 5 days (basically holding out until Valentines day) from any drinking.

My drinking has gotten worst over the last 4 years, and the last 8 months I've been packing away about a 750ml of tvarscki, cutting it with flavored water, and a six pack or two everyday. It was starting to get bad where I felt like absolute shit every single day, and felt like I couldn't do anything with friends (online or IRL) without also drinking.

I decided two days ago to stop drinking, until Valentines day, and see what happens. The first day was the hardest, and ended up throwing out my liquor. I wanted to go buy some more so bad, but after a few smokes I calmed down.

Second day hasn't been as bad. I've noticed I'm enjoying hanging out with my friends in a new way now, a way I haven't enjoyed it for years.

Work is also more bearable. Luckily, I don't feel the strong urge until night comes around, or I'm dicking around with friends. I'm trying to resist it by picking up a couple of hobbies and gaming.

Wish me luck. I'm hoping i can last it.

>> No.8453363

Mall drinker here

Doing well today. Still shaking, hands and feet randomly cramp up. Stomach doesnt hurt, can keep food down. Asshole doesnt feel like its turning inside out.

Have a good 24 fellow anons.

>> No.8453468

Was that mall bathroom guy? I haven't popped in these threads for a minute but thought he got kicked out or banned from the mall last I heard.

>> No.8453475


I was btfo by mall security yeah. I dont fully remember desu

>> No.8453480

I should learn to read before posting.

>> No.8453488

Try /r/CripplingAlcoholism. More fun there.

>> No.8453526
File: 9 KB, 288x350, 1325749824148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can all you """alcoholics""" go to reddit or /adv/ or something? I just want to discuss pairing food with drinks and shit but a dozen of you blogging faggots completely ruined alcohol discussion on /ck/ with your ebig greentext sob stories. It's so obvious too that half of you don't even drink regularly and just use this as an excuse to blog about your boring ass lives. This is a cooking board. Fuck off.

>> No.8453535

fuck off this has been a staple of /ck/
something we permit as its confined to one thread you flying faggot

>> No.8453543

No worries m8

>> No.8453549
File: 40 KB, 330x391, 1477167305491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8453559


Fuck off fag lord. Go to a beer/whiskey general thread. Alck is an addict thread.

Go be pretentious with your shit box of wine and walmart steak somewhere else

>> No.8453598

These threads are great. Just ignore them if you don't like them.

>> No.8453604

Good luck anon. You can do it and your life will be better

>> No.8453802

At least if I'm a white guy I can live life on easy mode. Everyone trust me and I have every advantage in life. Funnily I eat Asian food and my gf is Chinese. I took dancing lessons. All my problems can be solved. Lol
Pity I'm addicted to alcohol but you can't have it all

>> No.8453826


You are the one who belongs in reddit, reddit

>> No.8453840
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Serious question...

How do people sleep sober?

>> No.8453846


A long streak of sobriety, very heavy excersize and lots of reading of actual books (not screen) before bed . Im still struggling with this but doing those things has made it better. I still wake up after 4-5 hours every night tho, cant sleep a full 7 to save my life

>> No.8453905

Was 10 days sober but broke last night and picked up some beers on the way home from work and then sat out back in the sun drinking a few.

Thankfully only drank 6. I was planning to quit completely for 3 months before going to moderation but maybe I could just go straight to moderation.

>> No.8453929

It took me a VERY long time before I was able to fall asleep completely sober. After coming off, I immediately started using diphenhydramine (150mg) and stayed on that dose for about three years. My sleeping habits were shit and it took me over an hour usually to fall asleep but fast forward to today and I can fall asleep in under 30 mins usually and without any DPH

>> No.8454466

I really need to get some sleeping pills. I can never make it past day 1 sober because I don't sleep at all and my chest starts to hurt and I drink just so I don't die.

>> No.8454950

that's pretty sad, anon. hope you can find happiness at some point in your life

>> No.8454962


Haha faggot.

>> No.8454974

>tfw three weeks clean and just started drinking tonight
wish me luck lads

also, is russian standard any good? i really want to try it because the price is right in my price range but not sure if it will be "ok".

>> No.8454985


OP here. Best vodka you can buy.

>> No.8455290

update: i'm drunk. will buy russian standard tomorrow since i just finished my pint of nikolai.

>> No.8455307

Craving a Bloody Mary right now because of >>>8455242

I think I'm going to run grab some mix and a jar of olives this afternoon.

>> No.8455547

I haven't had a solid stool in weeks, wat do?

>> No.8455553

Activated carbon tablets from any pharmacy. One a day is sufficient for me.

>> No.8455564


>> No.8455571

Freezer. But its very good at room temp as well. I usually mix it with rumchata.

2parts rumchata
1part jaegar
Add water/ice to taste.

Perfect horchata flavor.
Fuck this guy.

>> No.8455625

You're a faggot.

>> No.8455743

>Actually take the time to fill it out
>Everything you just did doesn't matter, it's about how you feel in your HEART

Great, I feel like I don't give a shit, guess I'm not an addict :^)

>> No.8455886

Whats a better drink? I need to expand my horizons. You can just keep shitposting otherwise.

>> No.8455916

not him, but try gin and cider

>> No.8456322
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>bragging about being a beta loser

>> No.8456326

Most people work for a living.

>> No.8456335
File: 167 KB, 331x500, tmp_30075-1483889644352-1034310026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Alcoholism Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Bottle Like Nigga Close Your Liquor Cabinet Haha

>> No.8456336

>Funnily I eat Asian food and my gf is Chinese. I took dancing lessons


>> No.8456359

My last stint of defended sobriety was about a year and a half ago. Took probably 8 months till I had a set sleep schedule. Requires going to bed consistently, water, working out long before you try to head to bed and getting off electronics at least an hour before bed. Personally can't do sleeping pills so I relied on tea (make sure it's herbal) and white noise (a fan by my bedside). Rubbing one out sometimes helps, but can also over stimulate.

>> No.8456407

I find happiness in drinking.

>> No.8456421

11 days sober and I just feel like shit. Am I supposed to feel better at some point?

>> No.8456428

>being a nigger
>being an alcoholic

>> No.8456441


Stop being lazy assholes and you'll sleep no problemo.

>> No.8456584

Plenty of people ITT are both. Who /Hennessy/ here?

>> No.8456635


Carnival songs in the Caribbean these days are all about drinking.

Drunk people on the road 365. Drunk people at work 5-6 days a week

Drunk people in my yard.

Drunk people on the beach.

There isn't much to do other than drink.

We got people with $200 bar bills every week and we are only one of their stops. Fishermen go out. Drink while fishing, go adrift, coast guard of another island picks them up 4 days later, opens the official coast guard ice chest and gives them a beer for the ride home.

>> No.8456655


I can only say yes to a couple of those but I know that I am an actual alcoholic. This obviously only relates to America.

>> No.8456678


Me too breh.

I was 100% sober and suicidal.

Now I am as happy as a clam during the day, even sober, as long as I drink at least 6 beers in the evening.

>> No.8456686

>tfw cant stand drinking any type of alcyhol
>tfw want to get drunk but end up vomiting in my mouth before finishing a bottle of before because of how fucking awful it tastes

>> No.8456709


>> No.8456832

What's a good substitute for low vol% stuff?

Water helps me to not drink on every other day but it's not really fulfilling.

>> No.8457267

You're going to die if you don't stop. Go and get help immediately, going cold turkey at this point isn't going to work for you. Good luck m8.

>> No.8457277

Go for Jack Daniels and coke.

>> No.8457283

>delirium tremens
That's a good beer though, you have great taste in beer

>> No.8457479

a week sober lads

>> No.8457495

Had some early times about 2 nights ago and got wasted. Trying not to drink for a bit since i need to lose my beer belly. Currently on day 2 of not drinking but if i find where my drunk self hid the early times ill probably have a drink

>> No.8457563



>> No.8457754

I'm sober and I have an exam coming up in 5 hours.

>Never learn to plan ahead with alcohol
>When I do plan ahead I just end up drinking it all at the same day anyway

>> No.8458052

Post drinking songs


>> No.8458419

Sounds awesome had my first gin in a long time last week. Mixed with dry cranberry and muddled orange. It was made for me dkno if that was right.

>> No.8458440
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This is what I'm drinking right now.

>> No.8458679

I've had people scoff at me for ordering my old fashioneds served up, and I don't see what the problem is. If I'm at home, I'll throw in an oversized chunk of ice, but if I'm out, I don't want the bartender throwing 10-20 ice cubes in my glass.

But maybe I'm just stupid, whatdyou think?

>> No.8458709

How can I lose my beer gut and still keep drinking? Im tired of looking like a boomer from l4d

>> No.8458745

It's called the Big Willie diet. All. You have to do is run 5 miles a day.

>> No.8458848
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so I've come to the realization that I cannot just drink one drink. Shit sucks

I start my new job/career on monday so I kinda need to be sober. well see what happens

let;'s start off with a good drunk story
>new years eve with my ex gf
>she knows my alc probs and is supportive of me not drinking
>assure her that I can stop at 1
>don't stop at 1
>get in a huge fight and pretty much tell her to fuck herself
>she leaves early in the morning

I won't include the accidental racist shit that i've said before. I live in californ-i-a so there was a lot

>> No.8459206

It's 4am and I have a work meeting in three hours and I'm drinking Tito's mixed with grape juice, fuck my life.

>> No.8459214

Before I turned 21 I promised myself I wouldn't drink since I have an addictive personality and feared I would be an alcoholic. Now I've been 21 for not even a month and I'm taking a shot of Luksusowa every time I feel even a little bit of anxiety or depression. Is it all downhill from here?

>> No.8459221

>4.5% "Beer"

Why in the fuck is this a thing? I know there's not a huge difference in alcohol content between non-faggot beer but my God, I cannot get even remotely close to drunk off this shit. It might as well be fucking light beer. All it does it make me feel full.

What a fucking waste of money.

>> No.8459243

Drink vodka and stop eating.

>> No.8459245

>Is it all downhill from here?

>> No.8459371

you'll be fine

tell us about your anxiety

>> No.8459416

mall drinker here

sober as fuck today m8's. have a good 24

>> No.8459422

Just drained a half of vodka, in about an hour. Now on the white cider. Got a dinner appointment in 3 and a half hours. Fuck it.

>> No.8459424

good going my man

>> No.8459428

Half in the British Imperial sense - 35 cl

>> No.8459434

I was exactly where you are a couple year ago, drinking the same amount w the same symptoms. I was 28. I rode out severe alcoholism as long as I could but ultimately called someone for a ride to the hospital and checked myself into detox. You need to do it now anon, there isn't any time left. Rides over.

>> No.8459509

I dunno, that shits helped me sober up from drinking a liter of vodka a day. I can't even get drunk on it if I try, I get full before I'm drunk.

>> No.8459564

It feels like everyone is miserable except for me. One (possibly two) of my friends is at risk of self-harming, everyone I know is depressed as fuck, and it has me on edge.

>> No.8459885

I only have 5.50$
What's the most liquor I can get for that you think?
It's been two days without a drink due to becoming a neet recently and I'm kinda sick

>> No.8460169

Ended up getting 2 375s of viaka
It's surprisingly good, albeit a bit on the sweet side
Very smooth for a 2$ vodka.

>> No.8460801

Go fuck, good luck.
On topic, how you guys holding up? I slipped after three glorious days.

>> No.8460822
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eight days

>> No.8460827

Are ur friends 13?

>> No.8460828

Just hit 7 years, get out now.

>> No.8460837

they're competing to be the most interestingly troubled.

>> No.8460865

wish i was at risk for that tbqh

>> No.8460868

You in America m8? I'm pretty sure you can't get fired for getting help with substance abuse here.

>> No.8461013

Not bad friend, I'll check those twos as well.

>> No.8461336

I actually used to run 5 miles every other day and after i stopped i got the gut

>> No.8461885

Question 13 is crazy. Of course I control my drug use. That's how I avoid ending up an addict. "Try" isn't the same as "try and fail".

>> No.8462041

It's insane that .5% makes such a huge difference.

>> No.8462452

Getting to the point where I can't stand my sober self.

He's always whinging and feeling sorry for himself.

>> No.8462606
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>be drunk every single day for last year and a half
>promise myself that when i get a job i will work on quitting
>just bombed another job interview

well, back to it

>> No.8462616

Sounds like you're looking for excuses not results.

>> No.8462638
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My best and worst friend.

>> No.8462642

what is it

>> No.8462786


>> No.8462795

>Spend eight years being a drunk yet getting the job done.
>Boss and I are super cool with each other.
>New hire complains to HR that I threatened to cut his balls off and feed them to my dog.
>Don't even own a dog.
>Get fired.
>Stay drunk.

>> No.8462812

The terrible movie with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock?

>> No.8462815


You gotta kick the habit, compadre

>> No.8462838

every morning when i walk into my local shop to get my daily booze the shopkeeper gives me that solemn look like he feels bad for me but can't say anything

you guys know that look from your guy?

>> No.8462901

>not having 3-4 local places to buy your alcohol so that they still have that look but they have no real idea the extent of your drinking
sometimes I get lazy and buy from the same place 4-5 days in a row and they start giving me that look you're speaking of

>> No.8463033
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I got 8 places in driving distance so its easy for me to hide

save for the one guy who runs the bottle redemption place, but I'm only another number in line on the Thursday morning alkie cash desperation run

>> No.8463059

be me
>Rejected from military for cyst on ass
>Laid off job at transfer/recycling center so old guy with seniority could come back after heart attack
>Left job at nursing home because couldn't afford the gas to do the 40 minute trip on minimum wage
>worked for father on contracting job, father does not like me and only has me do job site cleaning
>still waiting for response after three months from D.O.T.
>do odd jobs with skeevy guy moving people every now and again

hang in there anon

>> No.8463079

>Gf pissed at me
>Bottle of whiskey getting worryingly low

If I don't buy a new bottle that's good right?

>> No.8463107

good for now, I always found that its the morning drinking that creates trouble

as for GF not much I can with on that, been going stag for three years after last GF left me

>> No.8463137

Mall drinker here

Day #6 m8's. Have a good 24

>> No.8463161

y-you too

>> No.8463164

I'm drinking at work right now. Been here for 3 hours and haven't done a a single thing except check my email and make an appointment for next Monday. I have clients coming in at 1pm.

>> No.8463177

Hello fellow degenerate. I'm currently on my lunch break working on a six pack in my car. Gotta drink em fast before they get warm!

>> No.8463193

Taking speed and showing up to work straight from the party is easier than going to sleep and waking up hungover.

>> No.8463219

no Smirnoff dude is a british (pretty sure) guy who was in SUPER deep last I heard. Like, liters and liters of vodka all day every day for years, on the verge of death, eyesight failing shit.

He's either dead or in rehab, I'm thinking probably the former but idk

>> No.8463260

Assuming all the stuff he said is true, he is the worst I have ever seen. How anyone can drink that much and live is beyond me.

>> No.8463622

>go into mental health place to try to get alcoholism treatment
>everything goes fine finish paperwork and go to my room to finish assessment
>take my vitals
>BP is high but whatever I'm an alcoholic
>suddenly the nurse girl pulls out breathalyzer
>had like 5 shots immediately before walking into the place
>spill my spaghetti but do breathalyzer
>Blow .075
>they let me drive myself him because I am not obviously intoxicated despite reading
>go to bathroom to throw up
Someone should have told me they'd be taking my bac dammit

>> No.8463628

I'm confused
You tried to voluntarily check into a rehab/mental health clinic for alcoholism and they told you to go home because you didn't blow a 0.08?
Do you have to be shitfaced to get psychiatric help now?

>> No.8463633

i think its because he had alcohol in his system period

>> No.8463640

No I got admitted but they had to check to make sure I could drive myself home
I don't know what happens if you blow a .08 but I take it that whatever happens costs money I'll barely have after treatment

>> No.8463642

That makes even less sense

>> No.8463719


>> No.8463727

kill me

>> No.8463968

*kills you*

>> No.8464010

I'd love to drink every day, but I love money and not failing out more. Will this fuck me up after I graduate university and realize money isn't everything? Am I just over-worrying?

>> No.8464077
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this shit is so disgusting, can I mix it with anything? please help

got a bottle for christmas, i dont usually drink liquor

>> No.8464081

No because if you don't like to fail at school you'll hate failing at your job even more.
You'll probably still get fucked up regularly but you'll keep it within certain tolerances so you can spend your mornings hungover but working

>> No.8464085

I got today off and have been drinking lightly all day. Feels good, man :3

>> No.8464086

im developing the biggest fucking gut

>> No.8464090

Could anybody give me some yous? I'm a sad drinker today and never get yous.

>> No.8464095
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kot wishes you a blessed friday night

>> No.8464108

jager + red bull and do jager bombs?


>> No.8464131

from one sad drinker to another

>> No.8464136

stay sober kitty

>> No.8464248
File: 24 KB, 534x572, 1483803911098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on tinder date
>goes really well
>i drink a lot before because im nervous, and also an alcoholic
>have quite a few rounds at the bar with her
>bring her back to mine
>can't get it up because im trashed
>ask her if she'd like to watch a film and cuddle
>she gets really short with me and leaves
>text her the next day asking if she'd like to go on a second date
>3 days later no reply

kill me

>> No.8464485
File: 507 KB, 1404x818, 122457_-_Tourism_Tasmania___Andrew_McIntosh__Ocean_Photography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only lasted 8 days.

I used to live in Tasmania and vividly remember sitting out on my deck overlooking the ocean, drinking many beers. Good times. I miss those times.

>> No.8464495

You gotta be real careful on predate drinks. I used to do the same thing.
The trick is to catch just a light buzz, but be patient. Never drink enough to really get all the anxiety out. And then right before you leave, take another half-shot of liquor.

Then stick to beers on the date.

>> No.8464697

Mate I had a tinder date with a qt on Monday and it didn't go as well as it could. Texted her on Tuesday and it took like 6 hours for her to respond. Haven't heard anything since. I probably should have sent her something after she responded but I was preoccupied banging out a different tinder on Tuesday night and was hungover weds.

Now I'm here drinking heavy and sad I didn't have my shit together on Monday. Fuck dating in post cellphone America

>> No.8464924

wew lads the cravings are pretty bad

>> No.8465009


Fight em m8

>> No.8465209

Keep it up my friend. I've been working a lot these past couple weeks so I haven't been able to stop in and check on you lately. Glad you're getting back to trying sobriety

>> No.8465215


>> No.8465218

Keep at it man, I'm cheering for you

>> No.8465219


thanks anon. a lot of shit was looking pretty grim for a while. kicked out of work for a while but I'm allowed back soon.

at least I'm surrounded by people who give a fugg.

have a good night m8!

>> No.8465223

thanks man :D

>> No.8465239

me too but it sure as shit isn't from food. probably ascites. no yellow eyes or skin yet though

>> No.8465244

days i've been forced to be sober have been the best days of my life for the last twenty years. just don't fuckin do it, man, i know it sounds hard, and goddamn is it ever, but it's worth it. i just set a target of toughing it out until 2 am, that's all i have to do, then the stores close and i'm good until tomorrow.
watch a lot of tv, i haven't slept in my bed for months, just my recliner in front of the tv

>> No.8465255

>go to doctor for follow up
>I want to do some more blood work for liver function and check your levels

Welp... Cat is out of the bag, I guess.

>> No.8465265

just got done at the doctor for that, platelet levels to be precise
normal is 150, they used to be 60, now at about 120

>> No.8465475

took 1mg of klonopin to calm my urges, not sure if that counts against my sobriety. it is prescribed but not exactly in this manner. oh well better than losing myself in a week long alcohol induced haze.

>> No.8465489


Day 3 here. Struggling.

>> No.8465533
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>> No.8465981

To have a coffee or to not have a coffee?

Sometimes it kills the buzz but other times it makes it better.

>> No.8466165


>> No.8467048

Decided to see what vanilla extract was like after I ran out last night. Puked.

>> No.8467185

Damn dude that's like mouthwash drinking tier pathetic.

>> No.8467266


Howd the night go anon?

>> No.8467280

This is terrifying. As everyone here mentioned, get to a hospital.

>> No.8467378

I've already done that before so I just checked another off my list. I never really drink foreign stuff, it's just that I have.

>> No.8467529

I lived in a place once and less than a block away from it on the corner, they sold beer and wine. I'd buy from there every day and only one old chinese guy ran the store, I didn't even care. He saw me every day and we never talked to each other besides saying our thank you's. It's not even a big deal.

>> No.8467596

what do you drunks think of baileys, and how do I make those bottles last longer? shit's expensive and too easy to drink pure.
mix it with chocolate milk? maybe coffee but I don't like alcohol in warm drinks

>> No.8467620

I used to use it in milkshakes
It is low alc tho so just buy good vodca and make the same drinks

>> No.8467833

So I decided to get drunk tonight.

4 hours later and I'm barely through my second cider. Haven't even touched the wine. Keep forgetting to drink.

How do you lads do it?

>> No.8467846

I do it by enjoying drinking and being drunk.

>> No.8467869

How much did he drink daily? I only saw the pic of a huge case full of empty Smirnoff bottles.

>> No.8467984

Man, haven't you been reading these threads? I'm not saying go dry, but you shouldn't be trying to make yourself drink more than you do naturally.

>> No.8467990

I was trying to get drunk and forget my problems but dinner made me full up and gaming distracted me.

>> No.8468032

and yet, mostly alcoholics get this condition. i wonder........

>> No.8468219

what are my fellow drunks up to tonight?

>> No.8468245

No need to wonder. Medical science has it all figured out for you. You're simply wrong. You also lack awareness of confirmation bias and the dangers of anecdotal evidence. You have thus failed the society you live in.

>> No.8468301

watch netflix and do a drinking game

>> No.8468357

caved and bought a 15 pack of cheap beer
sayonara sobriety-kun

>> No.8468364

No single moment is unbearable.

>> No.8468972

Same. Coming off of a savage three day bender. I can't believe how much of that stuff I put into my body. Now I'm all jittery, but I don't think I can get out of bed to make it to the store. I probably couldn't even keep some whiskey down if I get it.

>> No.8469018

Well, I downed a pint of pinnacle vodka through the afternoon and opened a bottle of homemade wine in the back bedroom that I've been sneaking shots of. Feels pretty good really, as long as I don't think about waking up and starting it all over again tomorrow.

>> No.8469020

got drunk last night after a week of sobriety, when i had just started to feel halfway decent and human again. woke up this morning very hungover but i could get up and move around and get some water, then the fear hit me. been drinking all day to try to get it to go away since. this canadian whiskey is pussy shit. but i think it's gone. it's weird, last weekend i drank a handle of cheap vodka from friday till sunday and exercised and had basically no withdrawal symptoms at all, and im 2/3 of the way through this canadian whiskey this weekend and i'm going nuts as hell and about to jump out of my skin at every little thing and it feels like every bad thing i've ever done or heard of or thought of is going to come out of the past and eat me. Augh yeah folks alcoholism folks augh yeah folks :D

>> No.8469042

how do i know how much alcohol is too much??? ive had a good amount of beers. im tired and i have a headache but i want to maintain this feeling. i dont want to go to sleep and end it. i only feel happy when i drink. every other moment is misery.

>> No.8469049

too much is when you just wake up the next day and don't remember shit. also you are probably an alcohol already so take comfort in that.

>> No.8469126

could easily be something loosely associated with alcohol, like a nutrient deficiency

>> No.8469244

I just got my financial aid and want to get a nice bottle of unflavored vodka that's more expensive than Luksusowa. What get?

>> No.8469249
File: 374 KB, 968x1296, IMG_0791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tested the home made gun m8s

>> No.8469296

Work shitty job, have no social life, up to 3 40ozs a night of 211. Life is hell.

>> No.8469314

high five

>> No.8469321

any of you lads ever seizured before?
think i had one once while i was asleep, woke up with blood all over my pillows and my tongue so swollen i couldn't eat for 3 days. think i bit it during a seizure in my sleep. bad times.

>> No.8469326

Please see a medical professional.

>> No.8469360

yea once

it was cool

>> No.8469378

Stop drinking immediately, it's clear that you don't need to. Stop being such an impressionable bitch.
Do not drink more than you naturally want to.

>> No.8469397

Augh yeah...
Augh yeah folks.

>> No.8469411

already did, but was through withdrawals already

wasn't very cool for me imo

>> No.8469472

Well I'm not sure what you mean by this as the saying goes. What are you up to over there lad.

>> No.8469635

this is either gr8 b8 or the saddest thing ive read in a while

>> No.8469646

honestly, there isn't much bait in these threads

>> No.8469681

>head to gas station to pick up beer
>>Sorry bud it's after 3, i cant sell you that


>> No.8469716

Holy fuck is this thread depressing (not meaning it in a condescending way).
Needless to say I don't visit /ck/ often but I hope you get better anons.

>> No.8469733

You need medical help to quit at this point

>> No.8469967

Its 642 am

Any other anons browsing /ck/ with a bottle of booze in bed?

>> No.8470008


Day 5 now. I'm ok. Have a real craving but not going to break. Might have a beer later in the week with a friend though but will be staying away from the hard stuff.

>> No.8470024

>be me
>out for smoke with SO
> Shit, shes up
>try to go upstairs fast
> up stairs. Anon, whats that smell? Are you drinking again?
> n-no

>> No.8470052

What's the best whiskey for sours? Preferably affordable but not dirt cheap garbage.

>> No.8471198

hmm i ruined my couple weeks of sobriety
not sure if i should go get some more beers later or not

>> No.8471324

do it pussy

>> No.8471402

The trick is to put down as many as you can before dinner. I usually drink a lot (pint or so of whiskey) while I'm cooking. But then by the time I'm finished I'm not hungry and then just put dinner straight in the fridge. I don't recommend it, but inquiring minds want to know.

>> No.8471413


>> No.8471418

See which one you like more out of Jack and Maker's Mark. They taste very different but should apply to your price range.

>> No.8471422

A friend of mine had one while we were on a road trip. Luckily I was the one driving. I told him to just have a few beers, but I guess having another seizure was a better idea to him.

>> No.8471455

What was it like?
Did he say how he felt before hand? Were there any warning signs?

>> No.8471476
File: 57 KB, 430x430, george-dickel-no-12-tennessee-sour-mash-whisky__17589.1325887079.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George DIckel 12

>> No.8471548

we started off from my place and he had to have me drive because he was getting that crazy withdrawal anxiety. Then he got really delerious a few about four hours down the road and I suddenly just heard him choking and gagging in the back seat. He had blood and mucous running all down his shirt and it took about an hour for him to become coherent again. It was really fucked up. He's still alive and still drinks. He recently told me that he knows he's going to die from it and he doesn't care. His life though. I'll miss him when he goes.

>> No.8471578

Was sober since new years, then got a check in the mail randomly and couldn't resist, drank 3 days in a row and also did opiates every day as well. im now coming back to sober reality and it sucks so bad. wish i didnt fuck up

>> No.8471603

Same here! Well, minus the opiates. Lately I wish I just had 10 grand or so to properly go balls out "Leaving Las Vegas" style.

>> No.8471638

Damn, now I'm thinking about smirnoff guy. I doubt I'll ever know what became of him though.

>> No.8471649

Die welfare scum.

>> No.8471651
File: 59 KB, 395x395, IMG_2342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've cut down tremendously and I feel fantastic

No withdrawal effects whatsoever.

Tapering is the way to go.

>> No.8471653

probably in the hospital

>> No.8471660

My brother almost died this way, he got his second dui and the courts forced him into AA and probation in lieu of a year in jail and he seized up walking on the sidewalk and fell head first. Went into a medically induced coma, my parents were a wreck but he managed to pull through. First night home, he went to a bar and got hammered. Some people just don't give a fuck I guess.

>> No.8471674

Either dead or near death. Either way, do you think there'd be a happy ending to that story. He's on a nice farm upstate and he's very happy there, little Timmy. Better?

>> No.8471683

Get a credit card. If you're not getting about 2 offers in the mail/day you're really fucked.

>> No.8471693

A little, yeah. How do you know name?

>> No.8471709

That's a solid plan. Do you think they would take all my prized posessions post-mortem? I'm not sure I could die happy knowing I could be buried without my bootleg dvds and Malibu Barbie penis pump.

>> No.8471730

My weak spot is beer, i drink on an average 5 beers a day, i dont have any problems with work or family but when i get home from a hard days work i just fucking LOVEthe sweet taste of a nice cold beer, only time i dont drink beer is after i go swiming, seems pointless to work out and then fuck it up with beer... but its hard, i have to fight it every time.

>> No.8471742

I was phone.

>> No.8471758

for a guy fucked up all the time you sure do spell and type well

>> No.8472457

got a 36 pack of kokanee
was really loaded last night and kept shooting blank rounds out of my shotgun :/
wew lads

>> No.8472496

Almost done with day 6.
For some reason the withdrawal effects change every time I do it. For example, I still sweat a lot at night and also wake up having to frantically scratch my back. It was way worse years ago when I only drank 2-3litres of beer a night.
Tonight was also the first night I wanted a drink. Out of sheer boredom, though.

>> No.8473297
File: 853 KB, 2512x1990, 20170115_224811-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Are bitters a meme?

2. Where can I buy Absinthe?

rate my bar if you want, also