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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 230x199, IMG_0255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8445994 No.8445994 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody actually order these when they go to the burger dispensary? Do they actually eat the third bun?

>> No.8445995

Is that a food?

>> No.8445996


>> No.8445997

Burgers are prole vittles.
Try not eating with your hands in public, savage.

>> No.8445998

Suckers would order that.
The big macs actually used to have bigger patties so the third bun was needed to stability.
Now they jew you and only give you those tiny iddy biddy burger patties that go in cheap McDoubles.

So you can either embrace the small patty and order
>A McDouble
>No ketchup
>no mustard
>add macsauce
>add shredded lettuce
And get a big mac for a $1-$1.50

Or you can ask them to make you a big mac using the quarter pounder patties.

Either way because you are asking for a modified burger it is more likely that you'll be getting it freshly made versus a regular pre-made burger that has been sitting for hours

Sometimes when I get fast food I ask them to modify something (like asking for no ketchup) just so they have to make a new burger. then I put ketchup on after I get it.

>> No.8445999

Double cheeseburgers or nothing. The burger in your picture is for fatsos.

>> No.8446000


American "Food". No wonder your country is full of fat people.

>> No.8446001

>Do they actually eat the third bun?
Why the hell wouldn't you?

>> No.8446002


>not having the common decency to cook your own.

Do you not have a grill or a stove at least?

Goddamn savages going to the burger dispensary.

>> No.8446003
File: 2.42 MB, 2800x1620, mcd_mcchiken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me personally? I gotta order the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

>> No.8446004

Double quarter pounder with cheese for that bulk.

>> No.8446005


>> No.8446006
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The Muslims have better fast food than that Mc.Shit burger.

>> No.8446007

I prefer Culver's Butter Burger

>> No.8446008

>burger dispensary

They dont have those over in europe, OP

>> No.8446009

not tonight, breh. i'm going to the local pizza dispensary to take advantage of their 50% off deal and get myself a large pan pizza with alfredo/garlic sauce and extra cheese.

>tfw 6'5, 245 lbs adonis

gotta eat huge to fuel my tank as shit muscles.

>> No.8446010
File: 83 KB, 444x507, mcdonalds_chicken_salsa_cheese_2012_product_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close, but the best of all the mcburgers is the Chicken Salsa.

>> No.8446011

I realized a month that ago I had never gotten a Big Mac in my life so I ordered one. It was alright.

>> No.8446012

>Eating fast food
>Being redpilled

Pick one, fatties.
>b-but im just 500 lbs ((
Doesn't matter, fast food has so many health drawbacks it's disgusting how human beings can eat this garbage.

>> No.8446013


Like that's anything you get out of a skeezy midnight kebab shop.

Seriously, I can post gourmet burgers too, post some real late night slop.

>> No.8446014

As somebody whos had culvers and in and out, culvers is a better burger.

>> No.8446015


Spoken like a true European

>> No.8446016

Holy fuck Ahmed. A proper burger beats any kebab

>> No.8446017

>Buying halal food on purpose
Jesus christ, what kind of degenerate does that

>> No.8446018


Kosher in no different.

>> No.8446019


These fast food places put human flesh in their burgers. To eat at one is to participate in literal and ritual cannabalism

>> No.8446020

The big mac is shit, I just get the cheap hamburgers.

>> No.8446021

It's the only thing I order at mc dicks

2 big macs
4 cheeseburgers and some nuggets

And that would be my meal for the day

>> No.8446022

asshole. I have spit on every special burger ever made, and I'm not alone

>> No.8446023

>Be American
>Decide what to eat today
>KFC, McDonalds or Pizza
Do you know how to actually cook or is your whole food consumption pure grease?

>> No.8446024

All mcdonalds shit tastes the same to me so I just buy their cheapest sandwiches when I do go there.

mcdouble + mcchicken + small fry is my usual go-to

If I wanted to spend more than $5 on a meal then I'd go somewhere that wasn't McD's.

>> No.8446025
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>> No.8446026
File: 53 KB, 458x304, Israeli Kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its quite similar to a Jewish Kebab.

>> No.8446027

The new Grand mac is actually pretty good. it has the meat from the quarter pounder.

>> No.8446028 [DELETED] 

Eating that sandnigger goat meat.
You will be gassed with the rest of them when Geerd rules the country.

>> No.8446029

why the fuck would you have three buns
i've made some double patty burgers, they're pretty nice, but why would i want another fucking bun? it'd be impossible to have all the necessary things on it and still be able to consume it without unhinging your jaw

>> No.8446030
File: 145 KB, 757x468, AB7B5179-4C2B-4DC4-95378EE4088A6014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fast food in the world

>> No.8446031

the secret is the mayonaise

>> No.8446032

>not going to the grocery store and buying the stuff to make your own hamburgers

get a grill, plebs

>> No.8446033

I haven't had a Big Mac in .. what, maybe 8 years? In fact I can't even remember the last time I ate at McDonalds. Probably the one in Rapperswil, Switzerland IIRC.

There are just so many places in the US that have much better burgers. Even Culver's is much better.

>> No.8446034
File: 27 KB, 673x586, ,..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see Sven in our country white people are allowed to have jobs
And in these jobs we have things called lunch breaks
And sometimes people don't always have time to cook a meal beforehand for their lunch break

>> No.8446035

this. preach brother.
doubles are the way forward.
the protein of my maccies meal is always 2-3 doubles, personally i rarely add the lettuce (once i got charged 25p for this) but 50:50 go for vanilla doubles, or 'bigmac' doubles.

>> No.8446036



fast food exists solely to serve the lazy people who want a quick-eat meal on the go, the nutritional value is irrelevant if it's say 2pm and you forgot to eat lunch but you're already on the job and you only have a half hour break comming up and there's a mcdees across the road

>> No.8446037

You see Joe, you don't have to eat fast food for lunch. Don't you have decent lunch restaurants?

>> No.8446038

i keep reading this from americans in these threads but i don't understand
the very rare times i utilize fastfood i always get freshly made stuff right out of the pan, not pre-made shit

>> No.8446039

Five Guys >= Cookout >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MacDonald = Wendy's > Burger King.

>> No.8446040
File: 131 KB, 1000x750, my dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes twice a day. My usual order is a double meat (4 patties) big mac, large fries, 10 piece nuggets, a large shake, and a apple pie for desert. I also get a mcdouble sometimes for the ride home.

>> No.8446041

i'd imagine being a prick and ordering your special burger is a surefire way to get spit in it. or have it touch the floor. you're at a fast food restaurant for christ's sake. order your filthy food from the menu and move along.

>> No.8446042
File: 886 KB, 2048x1536, chickenfry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Macs will give you the shits faster than shoving a waterhose up your ass.

>not eating the superior Boom-a-rang

>> No.8446043

>fast food exists solely to serve the lazy people who want a quick-eat meal on the go
Yeah right. Most Americans probably eat that as their usual dinner.

>What we gonna have for dinner honey, pizza?
>No we had that yesterday, let's order a burger
The American dream.

>> No.8446044
File: 324 KB, 800x533, 8801222581_11e13909cc_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep munching on that toxic waste. I will enjoy my fresh herring sandwich.

>> No.8446045
File: 16 KB, 237x241, Cunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw an American next to me called Saint Cuthberts Bubbles a "soda"

>> No.8446046


Why is this /b/ thread?

>> No.8446047
File: 153 KB, 371x313, come on senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a restaurant for your lunch break

What the fuck?

How much fucking time do you have on your lunch break that you're able to sit down at a restaurant, wait until they cook the food, bring it over to you, eat it, tip and leave

>> No.8446048

I won't eat that shit until fast food is completely automated and disgusting, unsanitary nigger, spic, and white trash plebs aren't handling the ingredients. Chick-fil-a is the exception, because it's managed well and mostly staffed by wholesome white kids and retirees, even in the most pozzed areas where I've patronized one.

>> No.8446049

thank you for your service

>> No.8446050

Considering I get 30 minute breaks, no going to a sit down and eat restaurant isn't an option.

>> No.8446051

This proves my point >>8446040
You are right that it's for lazy people, but that's pretty much the same thing as American.

>> No.8446052
File: 528 KB, 1200x694, IMG_6234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living in a state that has Bojangles and Cookout Burger

Foolish mortals.

>> No.8446053

>tfw the mchicken is actually the best protein per dollar in fast food

>> No.8446054
File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8446055

>tip and leave


>> No.8446056

>willingly eating mayo

>> No.8446057

Waiters get payed 4.75/hr. The restaurant has the customer pay their salary.

>> No.8446058


>being this dumb

i cook all my meals, but if i'm in a pinch, have the extra cash, i will probably buy a $1 burger

i'm actually at the store right now buying ingredients to make pasta and meatsauce

(thank you walmart wifi, you help me cheat verizon's data cap!)

>> No.8446059

>not tipping your local restaurants which you pass by everyday

Waiters know your face idiot
I don't want spit in my food

>> No.8446060

I have 1 hour lunch breaks. At lunch restaurants they have like 4 options per days. Takes 5 minutes to get your food and it's not a fucking cancer burger. I can get fish with potatoes and remoulade for example. The fish is done on order aswell.

>> No.8446061

But it's made with the missing Dutch girl on the milk carton.

>> No.8446062

pretty sure the whopper jr without mayo has the best fat to protein ratio.

>> No.8446063

If you think waiting 10 minutes counts as "fast"

>> No.8446064
File: 102 KB, 746x717, 1479772619261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking sickening

>> No.8446065

how's your health

>> No.8446066

>Browsing /pol/ at walmart
Seems legit.

>> No.8446067

that would be the mcdouble
maybe get one for the drive home next time you visit those golden arches

>> No.8446068

disgusting third world fucks

>> No.8446069

more like
>waiter spits in your food
>see it and report it to the manager
>waiter gets fired, you get a new free meal, and a full refund

>> No.8446070

>takes 5 minutes

Do you not have lunch rushes?

Also what kind of fucking autist sits at a restaurant by himself

>> No.8446071



>> No.8446072

Please don't shart in walmart

>> No.8446073

>>see it
Are you eating in the kitchen?

>> No.8446074

Tipping is not a thing in most of Europe

>> No.8446075


>> No.8446076 [DELETED] 


Overpriced niggerfeed. Same with KFC

>> No.8446077
File: 53 KB, 540x405, mcgangbang[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8446078

>Lunch is at 13:00
>Phone in order at 12:45
>I'll be there at 13:15
>collect delicious food

>> No.8446079

you know what spit looks like, yes?

>> No.8446080


Its healthy and tastes like food should. kys.

>> No.8446081

Well yeah I assume your waiters get payed more than 4.75 an hour

>> No.8446082

Thats nothing, they call frazzly spud-sticks "fries"

>> No.8446083
File: 144 KB, 450x600, X2TZs0o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, food is more expensive in Yurp.

>> No.8446084



>> No.8446085

>Do you not have lunch rushes?
Yes we do, but in Stockholm we have more than 1 restaurant. You can order vietnamese food etc. Literally takes them no time to fix it during lunch since they prepare for the rush.
>Also what kind of fucking autist sits at a restaurant by himself
You order it as take away you fucking clown.

>> No.8446086

>burger dispensary

>> No.8446087

>being this poor

>> No.8446088

unless they're spitting a thick mucus bomb no your not going to see it on your burger or in your soup.

Just tip you cheap bastard

>> No.8446089

Thats wrong, you take ouf the top bun of the mcchicken.

>> No.8446090

Yes you cuck...I had 10 the investors death day...rip

>> No.8446091

How do you show appreciation to the waiter then? Or anybody really if you don't tip?

>> No.8446092

and so does you know, regularly cooked fish.

>> No.8446093

just pay people a decent wage!!

>> No.8446094

Explain this concept, never seen it here in the US.

I love fish and chips, but it tends to be quite pricey here in MN. About the most reasonable you can do is around $15.

>tfw when you've never even seen fresh herring
Very jelly. All I can get around here is canned or herring cutlets in wine or sour cream.

>> No.8446095

that's prison food

>> No.8446096

Not for fast food but at regular restaurants you do. This is also why restaurants across europe hate German tourists, they never tip.

>> No.8446097

Those aren't tendies

>> No.8446098


I'd rather pay 5 dollars then 15 for some fucking food nigger

>> No.8446099

*western european, not all of us are cucks.

>> No.8446100


Its like sushi or sashimi fag.

>> No.8446101

I've never heard of cookout

>> No.8446102

>this fucking thread

>> No.8446103

If you honestly think getting payed that little is livable you're insane. I'm not asking for a minimum wage, but I am saying it's bullshit not to tip someone providing a service for so little pay.

>> No.8446104

Include me in the screen cap nigger

>> No.8446105


>McDonald's 4 times a week
>check flag

>checks out

>> No.8446106

>Make burgers at family cook out
>Never been the burger maker before
>Wife's sons Dad says they are restaurant quality and that I really stepped up to the plate when other men might not have

I done good?

>> No.8446107

Was a cook at MickyD's when I was working through college. About half of the people that order it request we don't include the third bun (which is fine, we give it to the homeless usually as a result), and a lot of the rest remove it themselves.

>> No.8446108

Man... Lunch doesn't costs 15 dollars, more like 8 dollars. Also I prefer regular healthy food for 3 dollars more as take away than a mac aids menu for 5 dollars.

>> No.8446109

It's pretty much the cheapest fast food that exists. Imagine the mcdollar menu, but 3 times as many items

>> No.8446110

Probably just humoring you while he goes for another child.

>> No.8446260

Why would you order it without mayo?

>> No.8446269

bullshit: the post

>> No.8446304

kek what

that looks shittier than average pita

>> No.8446360

I tried it once or twice, expecting more food than in the average burger. Disappointed.

I prefer the McDeluxe, but I never see you guys even mentioning this one, so maybe it only exists in yuroland.

In any case I always end up being disappointed with McD burgers. The food is clearly not high-quality, so I want to make up for it by eating a lot to make the quantity outweigh the quality, but then if I take two burgers it ends up being fairly expansive, for something that isn't much better than a giant pile of pasta with a fuckton of sauce and cheese.

>> No.8448252

Boo hoo, it must really suck to have to do the job you signed up for and are paid to do.