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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 583 KB, 651x1201, 1471856349315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8431723 No.8431723 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /ck/. For years I've lived with bad eating habits, and usually ate not as much as I should have, since I was living in quite bad conditions. Recently I kind of put myself together, and decided to improve my diet, but I've encountered a problem; Not only I cannot cook, but also I don't even know what to eat. I just have no fucking clue, and everytime I enter a store, I just cannot decide what to buy. I usually buy a couple of rolls, rice, macaroni and then I eat the rolls dry, and survive on the rice/mac until I'm left with no supplies.

Do you know any good recipies I could use to make shitton of food that could last long, so I could always have a light snack, and olso some good, nutritious dishes that are quick and easy to make? I also should mention that I have only a functional oven plate at this moment, a soup pot, a small metal mug, and a cooking pan. Also, I live in Poland, so I might not recognize or have access to some brands you guys might recommend to me

Also, general food infographics thread

>> No.8431733

Fuck off

>> No.8431770

What is with the sudden resurgence of these shitty rage comics on /ck/ lately? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

>> No.8431795

Fuck this le plebbit meme shit. Kys

>> No.8431822
File: 662 KB, 1024x728, guests-take-food-from-a-recordsetting-buffet-at-the-las-vegas-hilton-picture-id57203217[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to a huge buffet and sample everything.

>> No.8431824

How about a delicious McChicken from McDonald's?

>> No.8431835
File: 1.14 MB, 1404x3804, 1437690483061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is baking mix?

>> No.8431895


It's just a goddamn recipe presented in a childlish way ffs. The way it's presentes in no way changes the value of the information stored in that picture

>> No.8431939

Hope you've enjoyed your first day at 4chan, please leave now and never fucking come back faggot.

>> No.8431958
File: 697 KB, 928x5977, carnitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

austists gonna aust?

>> No.8431979

Fuck back off to 9fag. Your lot ruined rage comics.

>> No.8431981

pancake mix, they illustrate in that panel.

>> No.8431987

agree with this

if you guys get bent out of shape over what was common place a few years ago then you're either newfags or have anger issues. what memery is in vogue changes with the times and old pictures like the op post serve as relics of days gone by.

>> No.8432001

Woah guys, we've got a meme philosopher here!

>> No.8432006
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 1483004266288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


then why didn't they call it pancake mix?

don't bother answering i'm just being a drunk idiot

>> No.8432011
File: 711 KB, 476x9300, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nothing wrong with rage comics

2am chili is bad because it is a bad recipe

cartoons are fine even though they can clutter and distract

I prefer they not be there but I don't sperg about it

>> No.8432015

Because you can use it for all sorts of things. It's pretty much just fancy flour. If you ever buy a box of plain pancake mix, it'll most likely say, "Pancake and Baking Mix" on it.

>> No.8432016

Rage comics were popular here for a few months before every 10 year old on the internet hijacked it and turned it into shit like OP

>> No.8432017

Right, you just sperg about people sperging about it. Maybe shut your cunt face?

>> No.8432038

i'm not sperging I'm just saying such comments are unnecessary but do what you want, this is 4chan after all

>> No.8432048

Because you decide which comments are "necessary" and which aren't? And when others make judgements they are "sperging", but of course when you do it you are not. What an oblivious dimwitted fag.

>> No.8432051
File: 175 KB, 818x503, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what? are you butthurt that something fun became popular elsewhere? that is a pretty strange thing to complain about

>> No.8432057
File: 182 KB, 720x960, 1406410044270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez man stop shitting up the place with "unnecessary" non-food criticisms. All you are saying is you don't like rage comics, I get it, but it's not worth getting all assblasted on a Laotian book-binding collective

>> No.8432064

And all you are saying is that they are fine. But I'm "ass-blasted" and you're just being sensible, right? Like I said, you're a moron with no self awareness. Fuck right off.

>> No.8432071
File: 6 KB, 640x480, 1465662922127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are upset and it amuses me

>> No.8432073

I'm having a laugh at you and wondering how long you'll reply to my shitposting. Nice "u mad" though, you really are a meme wizard.

>> No.8432075

I've browsed 4chan solely since 2006, /ck/ included, and can confirm that while it's duration of generalized acceptance was relatively narrow before it was modified by other sites and therefore hated for being "other" and "muh sekrit club" (excluding troll face, which had a longer and more varied set of uses here), the reaction to comics like the one in OP's post was not overly hostile until maybe a year to two years after the inception of the content.

the point still stands that you're derailing a thread about something that doesn't matter and is irrelevant to the topic.


polite sage for samefag and nonsense

>> No.8432078
File: 20 KB, 500x292, 1437772293965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are confused because multiple people are calling you names and you think it is only one

but trust me, you are very mad about something silly

>> No.8432079

Welcome to 4chan. Where everyone is a contrarian faggot and pretends to have always hated something the moment it becomes popular.

>> No.8432081
File: 60 KB, 349x642, stop being stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just shitposting all along guise xD

>> No.8432084

>look mommy I memed again!

>> No.8432107

>a few years ago
Should I tell him that 2007 was a full decade ago?

>> No.8432125

>there is nothing wrong with rage comics
Where the fuck am I?

>> No.8432126

you must be 18 years old to post on this board

>> No.8432130

This dumb nigger can only speak in meme. Sad.

>> No.8432133

bad word

>> No.8432135


Good on you for trying to learn how to cook.

If your intent is to eat healthier, the first thing you'll want to understand is balancing your plate.

A typical lunch or dinner should be centered around some form of protein (meat, tofu, beans, etc), vegetables and some carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread, etc...).

The key is finding a balance. The protein and vegetables should make up at least 2/3 of a standard meal and the rest is carbs.

If you don't roughly follow this guide then you end up with meme shit like toast sandwiches and mac and cheese w corn.

As far as what you can do right away I'd reccomend mastering the following recipes:

Eggs (all styles)
Pan fried chicken
Pork chops / loin
Rice from a pot
Steamed Green beans, broccoli or whatever vegetable you like.

Hopefully you find some use from this and it isn't some meme b8 thread. Use google for any other questions.

>> No.8432140

You do know that rage comics are from /b/, right?

>> No.8432152

I've recently improved my diet and lost 70 pounds over a year.

Some things I've found helpful have been easy, quick snacks that are healthy. I like to keep plain nonfat Greek yogurt on hand with raw almonds, some sort of berries and chia/hemp seeds.

Fruit and vegetables are your friends. Sugar snap peas, green beans, avocados, bananas, apples, etc. are all convenient and healthy options.

>> No.8432154

Asking the same question OP is asking but any ideas on simple recipes for chicken thighs? Been thinking of doing some stir fry but I'm unsure of any sauce other than soy sauce.

>> No.8432169

By far the simplest is just salt, pepper and pan fry in olive oil till done.

Adding some veg like string beans, some fresh ginger will make a pretty decent stir fry.

>> No.8432183

It's the shit tier characters 9fag uses that makes it so terrible. Otherwise I agree.

>> No.8432187
File: 20 KB, 330x219, Bush is familiar with this bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that is a pretty strange thing to complain about

It's almost as if this is your first visit here...

>> No.8432312
File: 14 KB, 223x333, 7468f2f40136701c3cfa25fa41aad549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here, thanks, anon. I appreceate it. And I guess that's the best tip I can get here now.

Also, if I knew what kind of shitstorm I would start with initial picrel I'd just go with anything random, like this one, and kudos to everyone, who actually knows who this guy resembles (but it's not him, actually).
But on the other hand, seeing how this place got swarmed with pathetic faggots with their definitions of a true anon, their fucking imageboard ideology telling them what to love and what to hate, and with their ridiculous attempts to fit in automatically as oldfags through behaviour of an edgy, autistic hateful cunts since they think it's a proper and normal thing to do here cause true oldfags treated them this way, AND this projecting /b/tardness to every board around... I'm actually glad it ended this way.

>> No.8432318

Can I replace it with homemade batter? I never bought pancake mix and I don't really see any reason to start

>> No.8432323
File: 53 KB, 392x500, next time describe a dream you had a week ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432413

I enjoyed that surprisingly sensical rant.

>> No.8432421 [DELETED] 

>tastes like bitch nigga titties

>> No.8432928

Is that coming comically?

>> No.8433068

why is it a bad recipe?

>> No.8433117


>> No.8433136

Yeah. The mix is just for convenience.

>> No.8433762

>throws away a spice mix and replicates it with the exact same shit

>canned beans and corn

It's the type of chili recipe you get from someone who lives very far away from the southwest (or is a transplant), and yet he is really smug about it. It will taste alright but you could do a lot better

>> No.8433767

ayo is that the cockmongler?

>> No.8434455

so im making this and jeesus you fucking murricans with your shitty measurements and premade every fucking thing. will post pic and tell my story later.. FUCK

>> No.8434511
File: 79 KB, 750x1000, pancake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so we dont have bake mix or not atleast in my shitty small near shop. so google told me it was pancake. so being the retard i am i looked up pan cake recipe without much lookin at the amounts. i was wonderin 8 dl of milk?? instantly when i made the dough i realized its way too runnig for me to make any buns from it. also the amount was wayy too much. i used 1/3 of it on the buns..

so i decided to make pancakes from the left over dough. pic related. i put it back in the oven to heat up more so its not finished article in the photo.

>> No.8434521
File: 134 KB, 1000x1128, redlobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i put the buns on the paper i noticed it was way too liquidy. so i just poured all of it on it and filled it. after 12 min i took it out and noticed it was very slim. i buttered it and decided to roll it up to give it less a shitty look.

i also noticed the dough looked raw so i put it back in the oven. at this point the paper lit on fire abit cos i put it too up in the oven. anyways after about 15 more minutes i took it out and realized the butterin in the early part was a tiny mistake here is the finished product. i dont bake much so thats why i suck at it. they look abit like spring rollss, smell was and is great and they taste nice too. but what i thought was a simple and fast recipe turned out be a disaster. they taste great and i regret nothing. pic related.

>> No.8435972

what the fuck

>> No.8436880


Coconut oil is fucking gross if you're making chili

>> No.8437167

kek idk either.

>> No.8437188
File: 871 KB, 1126x1001, foodinfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll donate to the cause OP here is something to start with.

>> No.8437190
File: 1022 KB, 1616x2340, hamncheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8437194
File: 187 KB, 548x1176, brotein packed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8437195
File: 915 KB, 1000x3400, ramen!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shh no tears only recipes anon. OP I recommend maybe starting with ramen at first it's quite simple and easy to make awesome.

>> No.8437199
File: 1.97 MB, 1000x2088, pre-meals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8437201
File: 913 KB, 1218x2643, nothingtoeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8437206
File: 445 KB, 803x1125, mybroteinbars1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone still here?

>> No.8437208
File: 400 KB, 1296x672, breakfastburrito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8437210
File: 71 KB, 450x629, 20 dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8437216
File: 568 KB, 804x3028, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8437220

yes plz dont stop o god im so close.

>> No.8437230

if by few you mean 10 years.
come to think of it it has been 10 years hasnt it? fuck

>> No.8437240
File: 172 KB, 1024x1152, 1432768372784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't gotten to make this recipe yet but still really want to try it

>> No.8437259

this is probably one of the most baffling things i've seen here

>> No.8437357

>why is it a bad recipe?
>No actual chili in it

>> No.8437590 [DELETED] 


pls no bully

>> No.8437616


pls no bully

really? fastfood is more baffling to me

>> No.8437782

The last panel should have been the whole post.

>> No.8438952

Holy shit this poor Polish guy just wanted some cooking advice

>> No.8439273


How long does this kind of space food last?

>> No.8439402


>they taste great and i regret nothing

Well, I guess in the end that's all that counts

>> No.8439409

> Le oldfag meme
> Doesn't know announcing sage is illegal

Kids these days make it so obvious

>> No.8439440


He committed the cardinal sin of any imageboard: never make your picture more interesting than your topic

As to the OP, you might as well start with the ck booru which collects all these recipes, whether good or not


>> No.8439477

I agree with this completely but a couple of added suggestions.

One suggestion I have is educating yourself on general food prep.

Look up youtube videos on how to cut an onion. And Dicing food. And Mincing or chopping garlic. Try it out. Squeezing lemons and not getting seeds in that shit. Same with limes. Break down a pepper. Strips or chunks?
Learn to cut CONSISTENT SIZES. Very important.

Learn about the anatomy of the food you are consuming.

All this little shit you need to know will become automatic when cooking.

Use the right knife for the job...a fucking chef's knife. Sure you can cut an onion with a steak knife but you look like an asshole while doing it.


I would say learn how to cook every protein on a stove top or in an oven.

And learn how to cook hamburgers on a stove top or steaks. Everyone likes someone that knows how to cook a decent piece of beef.

Save vegetable scraps and freeze them for that vegetable broth you will get around to making in two weeks(look it up.)

Get to work dude!