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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 507x146, Costco_Logo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8411635 No.8411635 [Reply] [Original]

I went to Costco with my mom, and everything I wanted was more expensive than regular grocery stores. Is Costco a scam? Am I just not fat enough to shop there?

>> No.8411668

Yes americans are fat and dumb AND lazy, hahaha Costco, more like, CostsmoreCo.

>> No.8411697

You can technically save like 15 cents over your entire lifetime if you shop with an Excel spreadsheet that gets updated every 5 hours with the prices of everything in every grocery store within 100 miles of you. Otherwise Costco is a bullshit scheme.

>inb4 Ameriflabs huff and puff their way into this thread to tell you that the prices on meat are half the price elsewhere (keep in mind they have never verified this) and that the samples cover the cost differential, oh and that you should gorge yourself on Costco hotdogs because where else can you get a full greasy 12 inches of salty meat for a dollar fifty?!

>> No.8411749

>being this mad at a store you've never been to in your life

stay jelly and mad, poorfags

>> No.8411770
File: 61 KB, 500x375, 20110107-costco-pizza-pepperoni-slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Costco Pizza so good, /ck/?

>> No.8411772

Costco is only good for very specific things.
If you're buying a 50# bag of pinto beans, its probably better. If you're buying a package of 3 Heinz ketchup bottles that have been shrinkwrapped together, you're not getting a deal.

>> No.8411844


Stupidity, the posts. I shop at Sam's, because it's closer, but I've been to Costco and what follows applies there as well.

Their meat is of higher quality (pork and chicken don't have added solutions, beef is angus) and significantly cheaper. Other bulk items like beans, rice, coffee, oils, cereals, flours, eggs, potatoes, fruit, toilet paper, and paper towels are significantly less expensive. I've never thought their green produce was very good quality, so I can't comment on that. I also can't comment on heavily processed crap because I don't use it. The issue is you have to store bulk. For example, pork shoulders and rib slabs come 2 per package.

Bottomline, you will save a lot of money if you have room for storage and eat limited processed food instead of garbage.

>> No.8411851

I eat only whole plant foods and I'm not seeing many deals there. All the fruit costs more than at my local supermarkets. I think you'd save the most at Costco buying high profit margin shit manufactured from dirt cheap ingredients.

>> No.8412074

>where else can you get a full greasy 12 inches of salty meat for a dollar fifty?!

your house, i heard

>> No.8412138

Yes, it's basically just a racket that tricks soccermoms and retards

>> No.8412186

What part of my post did you fail to understand, weirdass whole plant vegan? Just because you don't eat grains, legumes, eggs or meat, or use oils, potatoes or paper products doesn't mean they're not significantly cheaper. And I've found oranges, apples, grapes, bananas, and avocados significantly cheaper at times because I shop elsewhere for green produce so I can compare. As I said, I don't use highly processed garbage, but my guess is those would be more expensive.

>> No.8412201

they have good produce. Celery sticks and broccoli are the only reason i go there
its garbage, the cheese and sauce are bland and have to be drowned in parmisan cheese and red pepper flakes

>> No.8412231

>I eat only whole plant foods
Sorry to hear that, faggot.

>> No.8412471
File: 7 KB, 154x154, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all warehouse store groceries memes?

>> No.8412472

If you dont like the usa quit posting on OUR internet boards.

>> No.8412504


RD is the shit.

I buy 50 pound bags of flour from there, cheap produce, primal cuts, and pasteurized egg yolks that come in a carton. Sometimes I go in on a whole wheel of cheese with a few other people.

>> No.8412506 [DELETED] 

Your a faggot reeeeeeeerreee3erreeerreeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.8412512 [DELETED] 


>> No.8412517 [DELETED] 


>> No.8412533

who /BJs/ here

>> No.8412591

costco and sams club are a massive meme with the exception of prescriptions usually cost less there

>> No.8412612

costco reaffirmed my faith in capitalism. it's almost like the mom-and-pop tier of old.

>> No.8412616

I dont know where u fags live but we have an H-Mart here and their produce is the bees knees and its cheap as fuck. I agree tho people who hate on costco are just mad they aren't members.

>> No.8412622

one opened by my work yesterday and my asian co worker said they have the best food court ever. i went there to eat and they told me everything i ordered was only cooked after 4 because thats when the menu changes even there is no indication of that anywhere on their menus or tv menus. after REEEEing pretty hard at the manager i told them to fuck off and left

literally 0/10 store

>> No.8412627

yes but its a grocery store more than it is a food court. literally 30 different kinds of soy sauce. open your eyes/10

>> No.8412628

i dont thin you understand, i sperged out like no other in a fit of autistic screeching. i can never go back there

>> No.8412634


>> No.8412756

Winco is far better
>Don't need to pay to shop there
>No club card, gas points, or people haranguing you to sign up for shit
>No crappy advertisements playing on the loudspeaker while you're shopping
>Good selection in their meat/produce sections, bulk product is super cheap as well
>Always open
Winco is the only store that I haven't really seen really shitty behavior or terrible things, come to think of it.

>> No.8412769

Life pro tip, you don't need a membership to use their Pharmacy. Just tell Shieneiqua at the door you're going to the Pharmacy.

>> No.8412814

im sitting here eating off-brand sour patch kids i picked up there as i type this lol

>> No.8412924

When I was a poor college student I loved Winco. Everything was cheap as fuck, could get a whole weeks worth of groceries for 20$.

The only time it sucked was near the first of the month, because it was swarmed with EBT families and checkout took years.

>> No.8413114

Even if I didn't buy food at Costco I'd go there just for the tp and paper towels.

>> No.8413139

worth it if you know someone who already has a membership and your buying long term items like coffee, beans, potatoes,rice, pasta, tea, paper towels, napkins, or if youre throwing a large party. also if you want to make filet mignon without being robbed of house and home ( alton brown has a good eats episode about this) also if you need any kind of pharmaceuticals costco is the bomb.also if you have a certain snack food you really like, like popcorn or cereal.

>> No.8413140

don't you still need the card at check out?

>> No.8413158

Coffee isn't long-term, unless you mean raw beans. Whole roasted beans are good for a couple weeks, and grounds a few hours.

>> No.8413180

i go to costco for beer and liquor because you save just a bit more. more bang for your bucks. the best part is u dont need a costco membership for their liquor. you should be able to walk right in.

>> No.8413210

It's a bulk store, retard. The large portions are meant to be shared between people or eaten over an extended period of time.

Costco is great for that role, better than Sams

>> No.8413303

I was looking at per-unit prices. All the fresh produce was priced higher per pound.

I have found a small number of worthwhile items since starting this thread.

>> No.8413318


Wrong thread, bud. Most of us are probably kissless virgins anyway.

>> No.8413432

Why do you sperg?

>> No.8413588
File: 323 KB, 603x504, Costco_halal_meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their meat is of higher quality
Just so you all know that ALL meat at COSTCO was blessed by Muslim imam and was dedicated to their god allah and has labels stating that the meat now is halal.

Do some google searches if that is an issue for you according to your faith.

a) Allah Most High says: “Eat not of (meats) over which Allah’s name has not been pronounced. That would be impiety.” (al-An’ am, V. 121)


Topic: Halal - Meat From Animals Sacrificed to an Idol (Read 4549 times)

I stopped buying meat at COSTCO or other places where they advertise and label meat as being halal.
You can find local butchers talk to them and make sure that they don't sell meat dedicated to muslim god allah.

Of course this restricts your choices where you buy your meat but if from your religion point of view you are commanded not to eat foods meats dedicated to idols
you must think about it seriously if you will ignore that or will you obey your God.

Of course we did eat halal meat before not knowing that was halal, but now that you learned about it you have different responsibility now, will you honor and obey your God or will you ignore your God.

Choice is yours from now on.

>> No.8413594

I understand that 4chan now is owned by Japanese guy
it's not American board any more, so relax anon

>> No.8413598

But Halal meat is much tastier.

Ruining your own diet because some priest told you to is bizarre.

>> No.8413602

fuck off shitskin

>> No.8413609

Typical ignorant racist.


>> No.8413616

>he's never had halal food
Spot the flyover

>> No.8413619

t. i hold no opinions centrist

>> No.8413621

Fuck off back to /pol/, ignoramus.

>> No.8413624

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all come from the same sado-masochistic Abrahamic tradition. As a member of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the one true religion, and dare I say /ck/'s religion, I ignore whatever incantations the false god worshipping Jews, Christians or Muslims spew over their food, and focus on whatever is best in terms of quality and price.

>> No.8413629

>Judaism, and Christianity
Judaism and Chistianity yes,
but not islam

>> No.8413653

Wrong. Every comparative religion study of any validity classifies Islam as Abrahamic. Just do a google on "Abrahamic religion." Start with wikipedia and go to their references.

Then head on back to /pol/ and join the other tards.

>> No.8413668

my last word to you
you are an idiot
only relation islam has with Abraham is that one of Abraham's son Ishmael was born to Abraham's and Sarah's handmaiden Hagar,
but the same religion connection is false.
Connection to Abraham as his earthly father is correct but religious connection is false.

you do your research before you embarrass yourself even more

Now fuck off, you are dog to me.

>> No.8413670

>t. Adherent to one of the 3 sado-masochistic Abrahamic religions.

>> No.8413675

Incorrect, kid.

>> No.8413680

They have a few wines I like not available on my local supermarket.
Buying bulk beer is great for small LAN parties.
Some of their frozen stuff is nice.
Other than that, they suck.

>> No.8413746

Winco buyer here.

They've been good to me. They have their own Winco brand too, which are cheaper than brand name shits.

>> No.8413749

>niggers are this ignorant and angry

>> No.8413757

ITT: retards who failed maths

>hurr why is Costco more expensive??
>durr they're a wholesale store shouldn't it be cheaper

Learn price per unit you turbo autist

>> No.8413764

So you eat dirt and cow shit?

>> No.8413778

>mega-permanent forever alone virgin discovers that buying wholesale isn't as cost effective when you're buying for one

>> No.8413791

This is actually the reason.
Costco is for normies with families who only want to go grocery shopping once a month.
If you're some forever alone faggot, just get a handful of shit at Walmart every week.

>> No.8413834

very true but very funny post
great sense of humor anon
give me kek

>> No.8413901

forever alone or no, costco can't be beat for fair trade organic whole bean coffee and cooking oil

those two things alone make membership worth it

even though i only go a few times a year

>> No.8414069

Well why did you do that? Are you a child?

>> No.8414287

I have a boyfriend and I shop for both of us because he works 12 hour shifts and doesn't want to do that on his days off. I looked at per-pound prices for the one and only volume they sell, and none of the fresh produce was cheaper than elsewhere. I have found a small number of other items to make a trip there worthwhile.

Once roasted, coffee beans are good for only a couple weeks. I buy raw beans in bulk and roast them at home. The per-pound price makes it look like a better deal than it is because there's so much water in them before roasting. I can drink it intermittently without them going stale and choose whatever roast I want at the time.

>> No.8414303

You shop there to not be around blacks

Dumb dumb stupidy head

>> No.8414362

my winco is 24/7 and dank, i buy tech stuff from costco

>> No.8414367

>shop there to avoid blacks

Not in Memphis.

>> No.8414379

Costco is really good for alcohol.

Lagavulin 16 for £38 a bottle? Yes please

>> No.8414395
File: 2.23 MB, 320x240, rbQ9-L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halal involves bleeding a critter out to death and that ruins the carcass with it. Kosher slaughter process is similar with different dune runes involved. Denmark has actually banned both on grounds of animal welfare.

>> No.8414422
File: 29 KB, 500x318, 1462576921834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt listen to harold covington and move to the pacific northwest

>> No.8414452

Instead you're surrounded by Indians and that one elderly Chinese man that walks at .02 miles an hour but you don't want to yell at him because he's a nice old man that's not actually doing anything wrong so you take it out on Shaqueefa the cashier and then you get kicked out by security and you don't even get to grab a hotdog on the way out

>> No.8414462

Its called i moved to the pacific northwest and i maybe see 1 black a day if that.

>> No.8414465
File: 1.94 MB, 2560x1920, 1224161331a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there aren't any blacks at mine for the most part but I've seen more asians than anywhere else besides dong market

>> No.8414466

depending on the state you can. Some other things can be done as well depending on where you live. In Florida you can buy alcohol from any of these kinds of locations without a membership by law.

>> No.8414479

What about asians? I don't mind the law abiding working kind

>> No.8414494

Yeah theres nips at mine but they hand out samples. Rather it be whites though

>> No.8414496

never been, just googled and theres one an hour away. is it a paid member place like costco or can i just walk in?

>> No.8414507

>Learn price per unit you turbo autist

it's literally on the price tags at every grocery store i've ever been to

>> No.8414512

I like h mart. Expensive meat though.

>> No.8414523

>tfw two extensive normal grocery stores nearby with great regular prices/specials
>whole foods within walking distance
>trader joes within walking distance

can pretty much shop for best price or best quality ingredient for anything without much effort

>> No.8414531
File: 1.54 MB, 2200x1688, bowlpasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cousin and brother in law shop there. Its a fucking nightmare, cause they have 2 kids. and fucking shopping with kids. But they end up spending $300 no problem, and its just big loads of crap. Like, if they wanted to actually save, they would plan there meals better. They have the best poutine in Canada. Cheese curds the size of your dick head. So for some of you that is small, for me it is about average.

>> No.8414538

Why not, all non-parasitic races should work together lest they be surrounded and individually annihilated by dindus.

>> No.8414762

The last time I was there, one of the employees at checkout was roughly finger twirling the stuff I just bought. WTF?

>> No.8414775
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, winco-foods-phoenix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not shopping at superior WinCo
Employee owned, refuses debit cards, sources as much as they can locally.
Dirt. Fucking. Cheap.

$40 worth of groceries from Albertsons costs me about $25 at Winco and I usually end up leaving with more of it.
>Albertsons dozen eggs: $1.25
>Winco: $0.83

>> No.8414818

costco is good for half gallons of booze, paper towels, toilet paper, eggs, cheese, coffee, condiments, bulk spices. I get a small jug of garlic powder that lasts almost 6+ months for 4 bucks.

>> No.8415221

>Chinese man that walks at .02 miles an hour

hahaha I had serious laughter session reading your post (twice)

Anon your post is so funny but you are so correct, the chinese walk in such slow motion that it hurts watching it,
yet people are all over them how ancient chinese medicine is much superior to western medicine,
yet I'm asking how come when you look at their old population they are as fucked as everybody else,
yet their whole life they are eating all kinds of weird shit that stinks to high Heaven when cooked but does shit all for them at the end.

Next time if you really like to have fun get a recording on your phone of a loud car horn, or even car tires squealing and noises of smashed up cars in accident
and play that behind slow moving chinese shopper, that will get them to move to the side in a nano fucking second.

>> No.8415594

My Costco stocks local farm eggs and I get two dozen for $1.80
If you shop deals and get certain things, Costco can be worth it. But Winco is also great. I'm luck that I have both within a 5 mile radius of me

>> No.8415611

Well being a fucking faggot limits the amount of deals you get

>> No.8415620


They're like a costco, retard

>> No.8415704
File: 27 KB, 234x200, 1403227480246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck shops at Costco for cheaper food? I thought the point was to buy stuff in bulk? I buy from there because they sell gigantic quantities of the things I need. I wasn't even aware that people thought it was cheaper.

>> No.8415706

For some things, the price per item is cheaper than stores because of the size

>> No.8415713

>refuses debit cards

My Winco takes debit card? Why is not taking debit cards a positive thing?

>> No.8415714

Are you really saying you would buy things in larger quantities even if they were more expensive. This is neet super level 3 levels.

>> No.8415722

>refuses debit cards

That is like refusing cash. There is 0 cost from using a debit card. Do you mean a credit card? Sounds like a winco customer

>> No.8415723

I guess I don't really pay attention to whether it's cheaper or not. I go there when I want to stock up on large quantities of things. I have a pretty secure job, so I guess I've never had to worry of what things would be cheaper to buy

>> No.8415726

because after trying to order 5 dishes and being told those were not being made yet with literally 0 indication that they were not being made i assumed they were retardedly incompetent or fucking with me which made me very very angry

>> No.8415728

>whole plant foods
Forgive us, we didn't know you were a faggot.

>> No.8415731

this >>8413588


>> No.8415990


I shop there because I can buy large bags of stuff I can't get anywhere else. The fresh produce section also has seasonal items like Chanterelles.

>> No.8416010

Similar to Costco, but way more industrial feel. You will need membership, but you can do a first time guess. Memebership I think can have up to like 5 people.

>> No.8416030


>refuses debit cards

this child doesn't know the difference between debit and credit.

>> No.8416061

lol but costco sells pork

>> No.8416069

>I went to Costco with my mom, and everything I wanted was more expensive than regular grocery stores. Is Costco a scam?

Are you sure you weren't paying a little more, but getting at least twice as much? I had a little sticker shock the first few times I went to Costco. You have to look at the unit cost.

Not everything is cheaper at Costco, and they do make up their margins in some places - particularly anything that could broadly be described as 'processed food products'.

>> No.8416243

it is cheaper. i can get 18 boxes of kraft dinner for like $12. gallon of milk for like $2.25. two 12 packs of hotdog rolls for like $2.25. I could go on. I'm poor but it still is a giant savings when you piggyback off families membership.

>> No.8416247

where else can you get a supreme pizza that can feed three grown men for $10? and its really fucking good.

>> No.8416269

Meant credit.

Or is an adult and makes mistakes when shitposting on a polynesian beanie-baby enthusiast website.

>> No.8416284

there is no difference
first you must have credit so you can do debit

>> No.8416329

I don't see how it can be a meme when their gas and fitness subscriptions are clearly cheaper than anywhere else. They got stuff besides food.

>> No.8416342

Do go on, I can list item per item that can be bought cheap elsewhere.
>kraft dinner
2/$1 at 99 Cent Store
>Gallon Milk
Cheaper at Ralphs/CVS
10 pack / $1 at Albertsons/Vons

>> No.8416345

One has fees for the store which means more expensive merchandise, and the other is free. One builds credit, and one doesn't. I bet your FICO is sub 700.

>> No.8416587

I was looking at the price per pound and all the fresh produce was par or slightly over. I now have a list of dry/stable/frozen stuff that's cheaper, so I'll be going back for that.

>> No.8416646


get some help anon

maybe a job or a gf

>> No.8416654

slow walking old chinese prick detected

>> No.8416658

You think a Costco membership builds credit?
You're a fucking retard.

>> No.8416752

Credit card vs debit card, genius. Learn to read.

>> No.8416759

I bet in your adult self you confuse milk with whipping cream too. I mean they are both dairy so it is easy to confuse them :p

>> No.8418637
File: 247 KB, 1254x688, kn_20ramsay_20eating_20pizza.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pizza is so fucking greasy.

>> No.8419086

I don't know much about stuff like that, but why is it a good thing they don't accept credit?

>> No.8419115

helps them keep costs down. it costs them money to accept credit cards. aldi does the same thing.

>> No.8420146

whole veggie masterrace

>> No.8420295

Costco isn't worth it if you are single or just have a roommate.

I have a friend with a wife and two kids and it works for him, but he's feeding 4 people vs 2.

>> No.8420313

They refuse credit cards cards, not debit cards you fucking retard

>> No.8420376

Winco doesn't operate in my area.