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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 269x187, beans on toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8386242 No.8386242 [Reply] [Original]

is beans on toast good? non brtiish here, interested in trying it. what kind of beans do they use?

>> No.8386263

canned 'Heinz' baked beans. I'd suggest buying online

>> No.8386273

Dipping bread in a bowl of beans in better. Toast becomes too soggy to eat unless you want to use a knife and fork. Don't get me wrong, bread + beans is a great combo...it's just not a sandwich.

>> No.8386284

That's why you toast the bread you mongoloid

>> No.8386287

thanks. I just ordered some on amazon.

>> No.8386301

Where you from and how much were they out of interest?

>> No.8386303

usa and 26 dollars for 12 cans

>> No.8386309
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before you order check your local supermarket. Mine has them in the international aisle.

>> No.8386325

Beans on toast is fucking GOAT. Top with grated cheese and black pepper.

>> No.8386335
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That's a lot of cans, but it means you can try the other GOAT baked-bean food: baked potato with cheese (shredded cheddar) and beans.

>> No.8386339
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I had to use branston beans once, disgusting

Heinz or nothing

>> No.8386345

grate some extra mature cheddar on top

top uni meal, lad

>> No.8386349

>beans on toast is a meal
good one guys

>> No.8386353

boston baked beans on ciabatta is divine.

>> No.8386357

It's mid-way between a snack and a meal; no different to a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.8386364

Grilled cheese sandwiches are for children.
You know what you have to do.

>> No.8386365

make some beans in a pressure cooker
simmer in water and tomato paste
there you go. beans.

>> No.8386369

>Grilled cheese sandwiches are for children.

I won't argue with you there, but we're talking about baked beans on toast m8.

>> No.8386375

wtf is spirit vinegar?

>> No.8386381

If only there was a global repository of information, complete with an easy way to search it for keywords or phrases which would provide relevant information on a subject?

>> No.8386384

Don't get lippy with me, mate.

>> No.8386388


>> No.8386389

That sounds terrible.

>> No.8386390

wtf is spirit vinegar?

>> No.8386393

Are you implying toasted bread doesn't absorb liquid? Are you fucking retarded?

>What is stuffing.

Please do us all a favor and take a nap on some train tracks.

>> No.8386394

>no citations
>scare quotes

I don't fucking trust it.

>> No.8386425

Why, because mommy still makes them for you at 13 and you want something to latch onto to act mature over?

>> No.8386437

Oh did I hurt your feelings?
I'll bet you're eating a grilled cheese right now aren't you baby?

>> No.8386479

Buy any cheap tinned baked beans but heinz are the best. Also you MUST grate cheddar cheese over it, maybe a sprinkle of black pepper.

>> No.8386541

>MUST grate cheddar cheese over it,
there you go again ruining a perfectly healthy meal with artery clogging cheese.

>> No.8386547

Oh for shame, his junkfood is slightly more junky, how awful!

>> No.8386555

No you cock mongrel. I'm inplying that toasted bread is a lot more durable than non toasted bread. So crawl back inside your mothers hairy arsehole before I cut off your head quicker than ISIS you no foreskin having Jew cunt

>> No.8386584

Well faggotmericans are lidrallt retaryrd so yah

Yjeu provany as 8000 cakerus od buttwe too it agyer

>> No.8386616

I was gonna make an OBSESSED post, but I think you're having a stroke, so jokes on you.

>> No.8386624

Toast is actually less durable and more absorbent when applied to liquids. You know jack shit...you don't even know how toasted bread works.

Please take a long walk off a short pier.

>> No.8386680

non-britbong here.
i enjoy the combination of fried eggs,bakes beans in tomato sauce,toast and bacon. sometimes i have some fried sausage and/or potatoes as well.
also partly this, heinz baked beans are good, the 2 other brands i have tried were shit tier and threw them on the floor.
don't see a point in buying them online though

>> No.8386711

>put beans on toast
>pick toast up with hand
>eat toast with beans on
>put beans on bread
>try and pick bread up but it collapses, spilling beans everywhere

>> No.8386716

>also partly this, heinz baked beans are good, the 2 other brands i have tried were shit tier and threw them on the floor.
don't see a point in buying them online though
I assumed they wouldn't be available in the US

>> No.8386724

>put beans on toast
>pick toast up with hand

...wait. You think you're supposed to eat beans on toast by hand? You fool.

>> No.8386775

Seeing as though you've gone and ordered a dozen tins you should make it worthwhile and get some Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce as well.
Go for the full English breakfast at some point too. Sausages, bacon, eggs (fried if you're hungover), beans, black pudding, toast, and tomatoes. Mushrooms, hash browns, and fried toast are good additions although optional.

>> No.8386805

So what do the British beans taste like compared to American beans? I usually do Busch's bakes beans, which are a BBQ sauce base.

>> No.8386824
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this; just flick out the pork.

>> No.8386831

Good to know, thanks.
I will get it a go!

>> No.8386921

i have no clue but they are available in finland so i'd guess they are available in the US as well

>> No.8387190


Brantson beans are superior in every way you disgusting nigger

>> No.8387191

Baked beans but they're different than Americuck baked beans, they're haricot beans, as far as I know, drenched in a sugary "tomato" meme syrup (i.e. pig disgusting)

>> No.8387195

>what is a knife and fork?

>> No.8387197

they're pretty much the same

>> No.8387200

Extra dishes.

>> No.8387212
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They are firmer and that means the skin comes off easier and that the texture is absolutely vile you inbred cretin

>> No.8387227

The standard baked beans you can get here in the states is pretty sugary and tomato-y, I can't imagine the difference is that significant.

>> No.8387243

It's hearty but doesn't taste very good.

It's more of a poverty food that you would eat if you desperately needed the calories.

>> No.8387246

Actually it's quite a bit more sugary. Depending on your "standard" obviously. But if you look at a popular one, Bush's, per 100g, there is 9.2g of sugar, compared to Heinz in the UK which is 4.7g.

>> No.8387248

If you're from the USA, go to Kroger and hit the "British food" section. The irony is that "Heinz baked beans" was originally an American product that we now export to the UK.

>> No.8387256

It doesn't work with American baked beans - they're different and too sweet.

Beans on toast won't take you to Flavortown™ but it is homely and stodgy - like a hug on a cold day and you may even like it. I add butter, white pepper and a sprinkle of chives to mine.

>> No.8387259

interesting, why white pepper?

>> No.8387264

I ran out of black pepper once, tried it with white and liked it that way since

>> No.8387637

What do you think toast means, you mongoloid?

>> No.8387653


Bollocks. You're probably one of those fags that overcook beans

>> No.8387658


White pepper is hotter than black pepper

>> No.8387663
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They make a good burrito too. Reduce most of the liquid on the stove, add some rice and cheese to a tortilla, top with beans, roll and grill.

>> No.8387667

Couldn't you just add more black pepper instead of buying another kind of pepper? Is it a different heat?

>> No.8389012

No... After I butter the toast, I cut it with kitchen scissors into small squares, arrange on plate, then top with beans.

>> No.8389019


>> No.8389085

The U.S. stuff also usually uses a different kind of bean and the sauce is thicker. It's a very different flavor.

>> No.8389125

>A packet of instant noodles is a meal

Two can play this game, yank.

>> No.8389142 [DELETED] 

imho would feed to dog

>> No.8389152

American beans are made with a sugar sauce.

>> No.8389156
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Now I know what I'm having for Christmas breakfast

>> No.8389158


They're only Haricot beans with tomato sauce.

And no you can't just buy Haricot beans and cook them in tomato sauce, its not the same, Buy Heinz Backed Beans or not at all.

Pro tip: toast some wholemeal bread, butter, then a little marmite on.
Cook beans in saucepan for 10 min or so. Until they're kinda squishey but still have a little bit of firm about them.
Put on toast
Grate strong cheddar, Parmesan or gruyere cheese on top
Put under grill for cheese to melt

Orgasm...works with over stewed tea, milk and 2 sugars

>> No.8389169

Do Americans really eat beans on bready stacks?

>> No.8389182

100% this. Buttered toast, steaming hot baked beans, grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

>> No.8389340

m8 beans on toast is fucking carb city, youd get fat eating it all the time. Sprinkling cheese on it isn't going to make it much worse but it's going to make it taste twice as good.

Who the fuck eats beans on toast without grating cheese on top if they have actual cheese in their house? wtf lmao

>> No.8389350

Does anyone have a recipe for a homemade version of Heinz beans?

>> No.8389356

Impossible, Heinz is a brand so it would be like trying to match a McDonalds burger perfectly.

>> No.8389379

Forget the toast, beans with hash browns is the best

>> No.8389465
File: 309 KB, 1032x1600, dcs-560c_4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing special about haricot beans. In the US we call them white pea beans and are in our pork and beans.

>> No.8389625

>Toast becomes too soggy to eat unless you want to use a knife and fork
You're supposed to.

>it's just not a sandwich.
Did you seriously put baked beans between two pieces of toast and try and pick it up?

>> No.8389636
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>> No.8389671
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>> No.8391654 [DELETED] 

Imho would feed to dog

>> No.8392240
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>heinz beans on toast topped with cheese

muh DICK

>> No.8392685

>being this much of a cuck

>> No.8392690
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>> No.8392706
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>is beans on toast good?

It's OK but nothing special.

It is the British equivalent of Beans and Rice, both bread and baked beans are sold as loss leaders in British Supermarket so it is probably the cheapest meal you can make in the UK. It is also quick to make because most people make it using a toaster and microwave.

The entire meal costs 25p to make (31 American cents) and takes 3 minutes to cook.

People eat it because they are poor, lazy or nostalgic. I eat it myself occasionally but I wouldn't cook it for someone else.

>> No.8392712

just put van camp's chili on cheese toast

my dad always made that when he was stoned

>> No.8392717

when it say kidney do it mean kidney beans or offal

>> No.8392749

>Cooking beans in the microwave

You managed to fuck up beans on fucking toast, only a shart can be that retarded

>> No.8392756


Kidney as in the organ

>> No.8392758

The organ

>> No.8392760

>both bread and baked beans are sold as loss leaders in British Supermarket

...that was true for about a week in about 1996


>> No.8392769

>falling for bait

>> No.8392770

The tinning process adds a lot of flavour, I an't imagine that could be reasonably replicated at home

>> No.8392900

WTF? Why have I not seen this for sale in Portsmouth?

>> No.8392911

Probably because they haven't made it for over a decade.

>> No.8392914

A decade ago was when I became a Submariner, I missed so much.

>> No.8392923


>> No.8392934

Sounds like it's full of fags

>> No.8392941


How life UNDA DA SEA?

>> No.8392945

Well the food is crap, curried lasagna was a shit idea.

>> No.8392963


literally nothing is for anyone

>> No.8392966

Yes, and i like marmite.

>> No.8392967


Why would do bunk up in a fucking metal tube for months on end?

>> No.8392980

For the money and training, an Able Rate Submariner earns the same as a skimmer Petty Officer.

>> No.8393070


Where do you fap?

>> No.8393073

It's the Navy. They blow each other.

>> No.8393084

Burgerland here. I tried it after hearing about it from a brit friend and it's pretty good. I eat it for breakfast more often than most other things.

>> No.8393086

Don't take that tone with me boy or I'll gi ya a clip roun't lug hole.

>> No.8393095


I'm pretty sure it is still true.


Either way they can't be making a profit on them. Asda own brand beans are 23p a can and a loaf of bead is 45p.

Excluding meme foods like the 'toast sandwich'. I think beans on toast is probably the cheapest meal in the UK right now.

>> No.8393481

>mfw the brits are as white trash as the american south
Literally dustbowl tier poor people food.

>> No.8395556

I wouldn't feed that to my dog. Those sausages are mouldy as fuck

>> No.8397223


>> No.8397230

There's no way in hell that Morrisons can sell a tin of beans for 27p and still make a profit.

>> No.8397260

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.8397626
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>> No.8397642

We have toilet cubicles but it is really tough to rub one out with people banging on the door telling you to hurry, most people just get blue balls until they get back to shore.

>> No.8397651

...but Morrisons do only barely turn a profit? Maybe that's it; if they raise the price of a tin of beans by 2p they'll become bigger than Tesco.

>> No.8397653

Bean paste on toast is good

>> No.8397705

I like to add bacon, mature cheddar and chives

>cooking beans
you managed to fuck it up. you reheat canned beans. inb4 muh home made beans on toast. we're talking about the british way here, which means you take it out of a can.

>> No.8398025

It's better in a pot on the hob though. You can cook them slow and even, reduce the sauce a bit and give the beans a semi-mashed texture. I also add Worcestershire sauce.

>> No.8399412

The trick is to put the grated cheddar on the toast before the beans. The cheese then melts. And the layer of cheese over the toast removes the need for butter.

Trust me, lads. It's the only way.

>> No.8399418

My nigger.

Also, Branston ketchup > Heinz. More tomatoey and superior texture.

>> No.8399712

I had no baked beans, so I had to make my own.

>> No.8399750


>Some one actually made this

I really hope this isn't you