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8371613 No.8371613 [Reply] [Original]

Is this THE cheapest way to get drunk? $3 for a fucking bottle. How bad is it really?

>> No.8371619

Cheap bum wine is the only thing that can compete with cheap vodka when it comes to alcohol per dollar, but you would literally be saving yourself a massive headache by spending a little bit more for lower-middle shelf vodka.

t. alcoholic

>> No.8371620

>tfw the same bottle is probably 865 dollars in Canada

>> No.8371622

Boxed wine around the same price tastes much better. Vodka for slightly more per alcohols is far more easy to drink.

>> No.8371626


Not bad at all, but doesn't do the job very well. Last night I got a bottle of Five Oaks Merlot; your standard $3 bottle of wine. Wasn't that oaky, more of a grape juice taste. Finishing the bottle got my buzz rolling pretty good, but only what I would equate to about 3 shots or 4 beers. Just grab a couple bottles and have at them.

>> No.8371627

>Vodka for slightly more per alcohols is far more easy to drink.
Only if you add something like coke or juice, which adds to the actual price.

>> No.8371632

>Wine is worse for hangovers than vodka

Wait really?

>> No.8371635

I don't understand why people buy a $3 bottle of wine that barely does the job, when you can get a $6 bottle of whiskey. Canadian Whiskey is dirt cheap and will last you a while--or if you're me about 2 nights.

>> No.8371641


Gross, no. That makes it more difficult to drink.

>> No.8371643
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If you are a light weight maybe.

>> No.8371647

You don't need to buy expensive wine, but try wines roughly 20-40% more than bottom shelf price.
They're usually much, much better - try maybe 3-4 and see if you find one worthwhile.
Your hangovers will be much more tolerable.

>> No.8371657

wine is just about the worst thing for hangovers

>> No.8371661

What's reason for this, I don't drink wine.

>> No.8371679

idunno but if you look it up it's definitely true

clearer alcohols are generally better for hangovers

>> No.8371728

wine has a lot of sugar so the effects of the head ache come immediately and are much more brutal. I still get drunk off it tho

>> No.8371738

Sugar, basically.

>> No.8371823

Lmao. Here in Italy I can found a liter of shitty red wine in a box for 79 cents

>> No.8371829

Sugars and solphates and tannins. There aint just ethanol in wine as it is with vodka, wine is a more complex drink.
Reds have more hangover power than whites but if you drink a lot of shitty cheap prosecco or other sweet stuff you can get to decent hangover leves

>> No.8371831

the thing about cheap wine (I'm talking things like three wishes and charles shaw, not barefoot. barefoot is trash) over expensive wine is that it can often surprise you. If it's ok, or even really good, which is more often than you might think, then great! If it's bad, then oh well, it was $3.

>> No.8371838

lmao. here in Saudi ARabia I can found a gallon of shitty gasoline for five cents

>> No.8371848

>tfw pleb
>tfw won a competition to go to a wine tasting
>tasted wine from bottles worth £5000 etc
>honestly couldn't tell the difference between that and £10 wine
>I don't even like wine

send some (You)'s my way famillios

>> No.8371873

I used to get hangovers from wine, not anymore.

>> No.8371879

I don't understand discussions on the flavors of alcohol

All I taste is ethanol

>> No.8371881

That's not good. That's usually a sign of mouth/ throat cancer.

>> No.8371891


Seems more like a teenager with an unrefined palate and very little experience with alcohol trying to sound smart.

>> No.8371908

I like them, but I'm a pleb. The Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, and Merlot are the best IMO. If you want to go cheaper, I think those big jugs of wine are even cheaper, and you can use the jug to make prison wine. It's a good deal considering the empty jugs are like $10.

But as an alcoholic, I just get the cheapest vodka at $13 and mix it with water. It's a lot more cost effective than wine. Lower calories than with soda or juice, and like I said, I'm a fucking pleb. I usually buy cheap wine to treat myself.

>> No.8371912

Heh, I just noticed my favorites were the ones in the picture. The Sauvignon Blanc is equally as good, maybe better than Pinot Grigio. I forgot they made it, since I usually get reds.

>> No.8371994

That's because most wines with a price tag that big are highway robbery basically. Extraordinary wines can be cheapo those inflated price tags and the snobbery that comes with it disgust me

>> No.8372007

My local beer-wine shop has a 4 bottles for 10 bucks deal on a cheapo brand of wine. One of my preferred methods of getting wasted, but I once made the mistake of killing 2 bottles in one night. A fuckton of cheap red wine makes for a wicked hangover.

>> No.8372008
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here's another cheap way to get drunk

>> No.8372032

If you're a hobo or 12.

>> No.8372036

I once mixed some of the green listerine stuff with some vodka cause it was just too nasty to drink and I didn't have anything else to mix it with.

Wasn't too bad.

>> No.8372072

Not sure whether it's the actual cause, but for the last few months I've been drinking about a bottle of shitty wine a night and I've put on a stack of weight.

But now I hear vodka is better for hangovers I might have to switch. There's no such thing as really cheap vodka in Australia though unfortunately, it's at least $29AUD a bottle.

>> No.8372088

Isn't it alco free?

>> No.8372089

IIRC, a bottle of wine contains upwards of 500 calories and probably a fair bit of sugar too. Unless the rest of your diet is compensating for that, it's definitely contributing to the weight.

>> No.8372098

Volsk is about $40/L but you are right. Mostly because of taxes on alcohol the cheapest is wine.

I think when I used to drink heavily I could get 2x4L cask wine for $25.

>> No.8372103

The alcohol free version is alcohol free.

>> No.8372115


Aldi has drinkable 4L boxed wine for $9, cheapest I've seen unless there's a Dan Murphy's near.

>> No.8372117

So that would be 8x0.12= 960ml ethanol for the wine vs 400ml ethanol for the vodka.
Basically $25 for 1L ethanol for the wine vs $105 for 1L ethanol with the vodka.

The difference being of course the shitload of sugar you have to chug with the wine where you can keep the vodka in the freezer and take a sip every so often.

Right but you have to gulp down a whole jug to get any good buzz

>> No.8372118

Do us a favour and rinķ it then please ...

>> No.8372120

THE cheapest?
Sugar. Potatoes. Water. A little yeast.
Grate the potatoes. Warm the water. Mix everything into a sludge. Leave in warm place for a week.
Absolutely nauseating to drink and induces hangover to end all hangovers. But will get you drunk really cheap.

>> No.8372122
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You probably shouldn't ever do that again, anon. But LOL what a retard for even considering doing it once. Fucking what?

>> No.8372125

Don't you need enzymes or malted grain or some shit to convert potato starches to alcohol? I make wine out of fruit, fruit juices, and sugars, but never grain or starches.

>> No.8372136

t. fedora

>> No.8372200


You need a still and all sorts of shit it's quite involved if you wanted to DYI a legitimate spirit

>> No.8372214
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>> No.8372217

Amy Form of starch ( or sugar) can be used to made alcohol ( even when you made bread, there is a bit alcohol in the dough )

>> No.8372303

Is that IKEA wine?

My favorite cheap as shit wine is winking owl from Aldi. $3 and not bad, granted I only get the Cabernet Sauvignon but I really do enjoy it

>> No.8372309

All about that Charlie Shaw yo

>> No.8372343

This senpai

Or the tree wishes if you're at whole foods

>> No.8372351

Funny thing is its $200 up here

>> No.8372684

Yes it's full of sugar and nitrites

>> No.8372688

It's actually good.

>> No.8372736

The moscato is good

just get a couple of antacids because they always give me heartburn

>> No.8372807

good vodka is just about the best thing you can drink, hangover-wise

and by good, I either mean Stoli-tier and above, or any old vodka passed through a charcoal filter to remove the nasty esters

>> No.8372976

It's "no name" brand. It's Canadian. They make basically everything and usually it's the most competetively priced, albeit possibly shitty.

>> No.8373007


This is not the Ethanol though, it is Methanol, a very different type of Alcohol, and one that will burn your liver to cinders.

As for Cheap wines, they often add nitrates and sugars to it in order to make it taste better, Ditto for any cheap Alcohols.

Sugar content is the primary driver of Hangover severity. The more sugar in something, the worse the hangover. Rum, Gin, and Wine will absolutely fuck you up if you drink alot of them. Conversely, Vodka, Whiskey and Beer not so much. Unless you buy flavored versions of them, or the bottom of the shelf versions that add sugar to the mix so they don't taste as bad.

>> No.8373023

>>>8371613 (OP)
> 3 shots or 4 beers
= 4 standard glasses of wine per 750ml bottle

>> No.8373052

make your own

>buy a glass bottle of apple cider
>buy a bung and airlock
>buy some yeast
>drink in a week

>> No.8373297

No. All this bullshit you hear about a certain type of alcohol being better or worse for hangovers is complete nonsense. It all boils down to ethanol content and there is zero difference in the metabolism between the beverage types.

>> No.8373383

Goddamn Italy is great. You can get 5L table wine for 5 euros.

>> No.8373564
File: 78 KB, 1280x600, recipe-for-disaster-diy-prison-wine-aka-pruno.1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I can make potato "wine" just by boiling shredded potatoes with nothing else and adding yeast to the potato water? And I can make flour "wine" the same way I make sugar wine (kilju) or the aforementioned potato wine? Should I strain out the potatoes?

I used to dumpster dive and would find sacks and sacks of potatoes that I'd never be able to eat before they rot, but if I can make alcohol out of them I'd have quite a lot to work with.

>> No.8373567

Bruh, it always takes me at least 2-3 weeks for fermentation to complete, no matter if I use wine, baker's, or turbo yeast. Same if I add sugar or a heat source(there's enough sugar that you don't need to add more IMO). And he doesn't need a bung and airlock, even though it's what is ideal and accepted. I've always just unscrewed the cap a little so it's loose but doesn't come off when you pull on it. It doesn't even need to be cider in glass, it can be plain juice in plastic.

>> No.8373570

Normally you'd be right, but wine is a different case. see:

>> No.8373955

Don't worry. There were probably 2 people there who could "taste" price differences. To be fair, different wines taste differently, but labels don't taste more or less expensive. This is the snobbery. Congratulations, the emperor is still naked.

>> No.8374083

I'm 23 and I've had wine and it tasted like dry grape juice with alcohol. Was hoping it would taste like ciders.

Unrefined palate means you haven't tasted enough to give yourself Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.8374447


>everyone else is just pretending to like it

>> No.8374496

You can naturally like it, but for me I would have to force myself to like it.