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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8352487 No.8352487 [Reply] [Original]

How did sriracha become such a meme?

>> No.8352495

You did it and you're still doing it right now.

>> No.8353345


>> No.8353382

>Tacky, cheap looking plastic container
>Bland flavor
>Lacking any kind of spice or punch to it
>Was originally supposed to be for seafood but now the west just slathers it on absolutely anything
>Uses the atrocious fucking Nickelodeon logo font
>Big picture of a cock in the middle
It's a complete fucking mystery to me. I'm assuming trendy types took to Sriracha "ironically" but now the meme has gone too far, it's in all of the major chain restaurants and everyone is just still pretending they actually like it so they can save face.

>> No.8353414

American exceptionalism

>> No.8353459
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Let me be honest here! I frankly don't know...

>> No.8353480

I had this shit for the first time last week after hearing people rave about it for years

I don't fucking get it at all. Why the fuck do people like it. It has no fucking taste except vinegar and is only slightly hot.

>> No.8353493

It goes well on chicken and seafood. It's also spicy, you just don't feel or taste it because you've burnt out your mouth.

>> No.8353519

I don't know. It smells like underarms so I prefer to stick with hot sauce

Blame the weebs maybe?

>> No.8353528

Sriracha is Thai. It's all just hipster shit

>> No.8353538

>It has no fucking taste except vinegar and is only slightly hot.
Either your tastebuds are literally broken or you didn't actually have any sriracha.

>> No.8353540

Shit is absolutely delicious, I put in on my eggs every morning. I fall for the sriracha meme every day and I'm happier for it.

>> No.8353542
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>It's also spicy, you just don't feel or taste it because you've burnt out your mouth
I'm not even a spicefag. I can hardly handle any hotter than a Medium-hot peri peri chicken from Nandos (bong here), I would not consider myself to have "burnt out my mouth" at all. Sriracha simply isn't very spicy. I guess it'd be spicy if you squirted a shitload of it on something, but I don't understand why anybody would do that in the first place because you'd mostly just be covering your meal with the overwhelming taste of too-much-vinegar.

>> No.8353544
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It was because of theoatmeal, which got popular thanks to reddit.

same reason why bacon is a meme as well.

>> No.8353579

>Sriracha is a hipster sauce
>Now that it's popular I don't like it anymore
>But I'M not a hipster though

Really activates the old almonds

>> No.8353581

By being delicious and cheap

>> No.8353596

I can't tell if you're trolling.

Siracha was popular despite never being marketed so technically it was always a meme.
However it seems in the last while it has been commercialized like crazy. Subway, Doritos all sorts of shit are hyping siracha. It makes me wonder if an umbrella company bought into it and is now selling it out.

As for bacon being a meme started by Reddit? It's been a meme since before Reddit. Bacon has been getting hyped since before the days of the Baconator.

>> No.8353597
File: 58 KB, 301x452, sriracha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any1 know where i can get that big-jug-value-buy?

>> No.8353600

>theoatmeal...got popular thanks to reddit.

Theoatmeal was around before Reddit even existed.

>> No.8353621


The most cringey meme to come out of this god damn sauce is now every high end sushi joint has a number of rolls with sriracha on it

>> No.8353622

>age has anything to do with popularity.
4chan wasn't popular until reddit started talking about it.

>> No.8353626

Internet wasn't popular, before I posted my thought nuggets.

>> No.8353627

Probably have to be a distributor or something.

>> No.8353633


/ck/ is too cool for school

in some ways its a lot like /mu/

>> No.8353637

Can Reddit stop talking about it so I can go back to enjoying my shitty boards the way they used to be, instead of the new shittiness?

>> No.8353640

I don't care, I just want it to return to wherever it came from.

But that's not likely to happen is it? I went shopping today and I saw Hot Pockets with sriracha sauce in them on sale.

>> No.8353649
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>> No.8353661

I instantly lose respect for anyone who says they genuinely like Sriracha....

>> No.8353663

The stupid as shit mass populace thinks it's a fun name to say. Also the meme of wanting to appear to like ethnic shit.

>> No.8353666

I'm sure your respect is very important to... someone.

>> No.8353672
File: 94 KB, 500x500, god_is_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White bread is meme, freshly ground pepper also. Slurpping noodles is a new meme.
meme is dead.

>> No.8353679


Speaking of, when the fuck did expensive ass Ramen Noodle Restaurants and dishes become a thing?

>> No.8353730

>How did sriracha become such a meme?
Some stupid popular "nerd" web comic followed by every moron on the planet putting it on everything

>> No.8353737

>Some stupid popular "nerd" web comic followed by every moron on the planet putting it on everything

which one?

>> No.8353741

you could be right. Reason why I dont follow any social media. Got my news only from bbc and nyt.

>> No.8353747

The oatmeal was one of the first, some others followed. I remember shit about it being all over my facebook as well.

I don't mind Sriracha that much honestly, but when it gets put on everything it is stupidly annoying, not to mention it isn't even that good of a spice flavor.

>> No.8353758

>it isn't even that good of a spice flavor.

That'd be something to do with the fact that there's no spices in it?

>> No.8353772

Well, it's not very spicy, it just has some spicyness in it. I like to make a sauce out of soy sauce, honey, siracha and some spices. It goes really well over sauted shrimp.

>> No.8353778


Are you perhaps confusing "spicy" with "hot"?

>> No.8353784

I remember when it was only at a few pho places north of seattle ~17 years ago. Then all the sudden it was fucking everywhere.

>> No.8353786

Feel the burn, but here's a better answer:
>Ortega is the hottest mass "thicker sauce" around (3-4 bucks, depending)
>Seeking escapism from vinegar-water BS sauces on the market
>Most people love garlic, which Sriracha fans seem to worship
>Sambal Oelek is better, thicker paste, but Sriracha wins overall
>Why--yeah, marketing; also cheaper, less vinegar-water and garlic x2700

Start with Sambal Oelek, add diced whatever (serrano, jalapeños) then temper down with ortega and/or Sriracha. Heat back up with powdered cayenne to taste...if you want salsa add diced tomatoes, if sauce, leave it alone...

>> No.8353792

>>Bland flavor
Have you tried it? It's sweet as fuck, like ketchup.

>> No.8353793

The guy who made it didn't give a shit and didn't bother to protect his ownership of the name sriracha.

You can call anything sriracha flavor. Anything at all.

>> No.8353799

In English, those words are synonyms. Either way, it has both spices and and spicyness, so it's irellevant.

>> No.8353804

>to protect his ownership of the name sriracha.

You talking about Huy Fong? He didn't invent the name you idiot, it's been a common thing in SEA for decades. It's named after a city in Thailand.

only for retards.

Heat refers to that from capsacin only.
Spicy refers to other flavors other than "hot pepper".

>> No.8353811

hipster, shipster. they are

>> No.8353813

I'm a big enough man to admit it when I'm wrong.

But my point was you can call anything that. It doesn't need an endorsement.

>> No.8353816

>In English, those words are synonyms.


>> No.8353925

>In some ways its a lot like /mu/

That was a low blow, I'm nothing like the "music is muh life" kids.

>> No.8353935

I'm really interested in people who genuinely buy white bread on purpose and instead of other types.

Why do this?

It's usually tired looking, late-middle aged women at stores. I know because I always stare. What's going on in their heads?

>> No.8353937

Nothing is as bad as /mu/

Apart from /fa/

>> No.8353940

When you say "white bread" do you mean "Bread made from white flour" or "American cake-style 'Wonder' bread"?

>> No.8353946

It tastes pretty good, the heat level is medium-high and it comes in giant fucking bottles that don't run out for a long time

>> No.8353947

No they aren't, your English is just shit, or you come from some backwards place.

>> No.8353953
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>comma before or.
Your English is shit.

>> No.8353964

>No, they aren't. Your English is just shit or you come from some backwards place.

>> No.8353991

I love eating cock sauce. I love it on all of my food.

>> No.8354070

>4chan wasn't popular until reddit started talking about it.

Yes it was

t. 2005fag

>> No.8354191
File: 280 KB, 650x4472, howtooatmeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the creator isn't a clickbait whore who sluts it up for whatever the internet likes at the time

>> No.8354196

this is only true for /pol/

>> No.8354406

This is literally Frank's Redhot's slogan and people generally say this about all hot sauces.

>> No.8354532

Agreed. And it's also 20% sugar if you read the label. The Thai one is anyway. I bet the Yank made stuff is too.

>> No.8354535

Agreed. I live there and Thais don;t eat it. They just make their own from scratch or at least my wife does, anyway.
And it's 20% sugar in the bought versions as well.

>> No.8354662

it's probably the cool contrarian thing to do to say you hate it but huy fong sriracha mixes with other sauces to make good stuff in Asian cooking

it's just like thick garlic hot sauce, I don't get the hate

>> No.8354697

Only person I've ever known who likes sriracha was an obese black woman and I think that says it all.

>> No.8354794

It makes white people feel exotic because they found a fancy ketchup to squirt all over everything.

>> No.8354806
File: 24 KB, 325x300, W-C-Fields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought a bottle for the novelty. its meh. when empty. not gonna go there again

>> No.8354823
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Reddit faggotry.

>> No.8354842
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>He has spent over a decade here

>> No.8354892
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What you mean is that YOU didn't know about it until reddit started talking about it.

You fucking faggot.

>> No.8354893

I fucking hate weaboos.
They ruin everything they touch.
just like hipsters, except instead of just being everything you like, it's literally everything japanese.

>> No.8354915


Leave it to weaboos to make a noodle fucking soup expensive.

>> No.8354924

It's like organ meats.
They were cheap and viable: then the fucking hipsters found out about ox tongue, and now that's fucking more expensive than normal meat, so they moved onto heart, liver, etc, and now nearly every organ meat is basically the same price as regular meat (where I live).
Even fucking chicken breast has doubled in price (literally) over the last two years - but gymfaggots are to blame for that one.

Why does every single thing I love that isn't expensive as all hell have to be taken from me?

>> No.8354961


The hipsters ruining prices thing is true, but gymfaggots haven't affected prices at all as far as I can tell. Eggs are cheaper than they've been in years where I live, same for milk and chicken breast.

>> No.8354977

yeah, eggs will always be cheap. Raise in milk price has mainly been the farmers being massive kikes.
>chicken breast went from ~7/kg to ~13-17/kg over the space of two years
>all of our good chicken and beef and lamb is exported overseas for cheaper than the price we buy the leftover trashcan tier shit for
>those greedy fucking kike farmers keep trying to raise their prices on milk and eggs even further, despite having special tax breaks because our previous liberal government were retarded as fuck
New Zealand is a nice place, but it really is just a second israel.

>> No.8355042


I was talking from an American perspective. Chicken and milk here are cheap right now (compared to previously). We had a period of several months a little over a year ago when eggs prices doubled, I think due to having to kill off a lot of diseased hens.

>> No.8355049


>> No.8355051

>tfw will never live in america
>will never be safe from the local farmers militia storming my house and slaughtering all of my illegal cattle because I paid the tribute a single day late
>will never be free from being tied to a wall and having to watch my entire lawn being paved over, including my pets being paved into the dirt, because the local farmers found out I was growing my own cabbages
>will never be free from paying extra tax because out jewish pm decided to give movie studios a tax beak so they could fund more tourism and pull in more stinky chinkies to shit up this country even more
m-maybe now that king kike has resigned, a new trump will take his place...

>> No.8355073

Weren't people down under getting arrested for having gardens just recently?

>> No.8355080

Yes. You're not allowed to grow your own food because it means the farmers get less money and the government less tax.
Because of this, they tend to let the farmers union act as it's own private mafia to enforce this law, which results in the things in >>8355051 happening.

>> No.8355085


>Can't grow your own food

Jesus Christ what sick dystopia is New Zealand?

>> No.8355087


>> No.8355089

It's more of a Vietnamese obsession. The only reason it's so popular is because the Vietnamese Americans use it in their pho and it was so cheap it was sold in every Asian grocery store in the US. And some hipsters got ahold of it and memed the fuck out of it.

>> No.8355090

It's a special kind of hell, and you can blame eight years of nee-liberal fascist government dictators for this getting so out of control.
National has been trying to slowly turn this around, but they're not doing enough, and there's too much resistance for them to do anything.

>> No.8355091

Siracha is pretty good desu. When my wife makes a bad meal I'll just throw a little on there and it makes pretty much anything tolerable.

This is the typical neckbeard "everyone else likes something so I have to hate it" thing that comes with anything that becomes really popular. These guys don't even realize they're being enormous cucks by letting other people dictate what they like in a roundabout way.

>> No.8355103

Keep in mind, some of this hate started from macho hot sauce connoisseurs who are having this sweet sauce shoved in their face. These are the same people that will complain that Tabasco tastes like vinegar (well shit it's a sauce) and want to smother their bowels with Hell's Fire Water.