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8325245 No.8325245 [Reply] [Original]

What is your best-loved sort of tea, anon? How do you steep it? Let's share our experiences!

>> No.8325253
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Stick it in a mug with milk and two sugars.

>> No.8325270 [DELETED] 

>drinking tea with milk and sugar
How come you haven't died yet, brits?

>> No.8325280

A spoon of sugar and a splash of milk is nothing compared to other elements of one's diet.

I stick with a sweetener tablet myself. They're good at balancing the flavour without actually adding that indicative sugar taste. Also, I deserve cancer.

>> No.8325289

chai is pretty good desu

>> No.8325297

Actually if you try to put a spoonful or two of honey in your cuppa it does taste a lot better than just sugar or some sweetener.

>> No.8325310 [DELETED] 

And coffee sure sucks ass. Only PC faggots can be partial of it.

>> No.8325357

But honey is a lot higher in calories...

>> No.8325368

>But honey is a lot higher in calories...
oh no, 10-15 more calories in your coffee...

>> No.8325374

>What is your best-loved sort of tea, anon?
Cool, sweet and black, like your wife's boyfriend.

>How do you steep it?
Coffee pot. Fight me.

>> No.8325391

>Cool, sweet and black, like your wife's boyfriend.
>tfw no waifu

>> No.8325569

Last thread was made the 17th, was thinking of making it a weekly, or in case of last time where it lasted 2 weeks without 404ing every two weeks on thursdays.
Here's the pastebin btw http://pastebin.com/SWNA0rLX
there are some things to be changed(some anon posted some sites), ill post the latest version tomorrow or something

>> No.8325869

weekly sounds good desu yo.

waiting on my white2tea samples. Need to buy a cheap gaiwan first though since i only have a kyusu. Might order a cheap amazon one for quick shipping

>> No.8325883

Does anyone smoke weed and do Gongfu?

>> No.8325901

ALL things considered, honey is a much smarter option.

>> No.8325956

the turkish tea is my favourite tea

>> No.8325959

Did it a few times, pretty chill, dont really feel like it adds anything though, the weed high kinda ofuscates the tea high. Dont really smoke anymore, I get super hazy the days after

>> No.8325998

>Wife and family all love tea
>Constantly getting new types to try, new ways to brew etc.
>I've got the most sure hands and am heat resistant so I end up making at least half of the tea for them.
>I'm also allergic to Tannin so 90% of tea makes me ill with just the scent, and drinking any is as good as taking ipecac.
I wish there was something I could do to join in on the enjoyment.

>> No.8326084

if you don't like tannin, try some rightly steeped (around 20-50 sec) green tea

>> No.8326190

>What is your best-loved sort of tea, anon?
Dong Ding Oolong

>How do you steep it?
Infuser Basket

>> No.8326324
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How long do you steep it for? Anything more than 3 minutes is usually too much.

>> No.8326327
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>> No.8326419

Even for black tea?

>> No.8326430

Well it depends on how you steep.

If you're going gongfu style then 30 seconds is usually good enough. But if you want a dank cuppa tea then 3 minutes is usually perfect. 4 minutes it begins to have that tannin taste, and at 5 the bitterness really shows.

6 minutes is literally fucked.

>> No.8326513

Just found an awesome website.


>> No.8326742

Been there a couple of times but forgot about it. Gonna read that Dianhong article later tonight. Thanks.

>> No.8326868
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Got the Dinosaur Gushu set from Chinalife today. The Pip Killer is amazing. Anyone else tried any of them?

>> No.8326885

Darjeeling First Flush, 2 mins, longer than 2:30 and it's ruined

>> No.8326891

pretty much any tea in 70C water.

>> No.8327057

Is it a meme to boil the water at 100C for black?

>> No.8327058

Yes it is.
It's definitely an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means

>> No.8327097

I had a feeling, because I can quite literally hear the tea becoming singed which makes me wonder if it's being damaged.

>> No.8327106

Black tea should be brewed at 90-95 depending on the size of the leaves. 90 for buds and small leaves.

>> No.8327141

Lets not be dogmatic here, experiment with different temperatures before finding your go to way, in my experience teas at lower temps are more sweet and floral but lose some of the texture and earthier darker notes which are pleasant too

>> No.8327154

Well it's not written in stone, just guidelines. It's hard to be scientific about it anyway if you're not having one of those temp fixed kettles.

>> No.8327189

how the fuck do you deal with loose leaf tea?

>> No.8327191
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Easy as fuck.

>> No.8327294

Sencha. A few steeps in a kyusu usually no more than a minute each.

>> No.8327317
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>> No.8327323

You insert a sound into your urethra? How does that help at all?!

>> No.8327354


For a single cup a paper coffee filter works in a pinch.

>> No.8327533

i like the guy from youtube but i would not trust their puers since they always claim ridiculous age like 1000-1600 year old trees
their other stuff is fine generally

>> No.8327546

you deal with loose tea leaves by getting fucked up on meth?

>> No.8327552

>Mate straws

nigga you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8327567

lemon tea, best tea.
boil water, pour in a mug, add lemon tea (or tea + lemon), add a teaspoon of honey,let it stay for 5-10minutes. done.

>> No.8327757

They have taster packs you can taste ot for yourself no need to trust

>> No.8327988
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Drinking this with milk and honey right now. Fucking recommend that you buy it and give it a try.

>> No.8328024

The only tea I can say I loved without adding anything to it was three years ago when I visited Sri Lanka. Their tea is next-level and is worth every rupee I spent on it

>> No.8328087

Yeah, you just drank good quality tea which you can find easily online. No need to stop drinking just because you went home m8.

>> No.8328101

Are you not supposed to steep green tea more than twice?
Somehow the third steep always tastes kinda bad

>> No.8328130

Agreed, I only do two steepings when I brew greens western style (which is almost always). But that's kind of nice as well, I feel bad when I don't want to drink more than two steepings of other teas because you don't really want to waste and throw it away

>> No.8328137

Poppy Tea

>> No.8328141

Depends on the tea and how you're steeping it. If you brew it hotter or longer you'll start to get more bitterness.

>> No.8328469

Can a cup of black Ceylon tea have higher caffeine content than a cup of coffee, I wonder?

>> No.8328564

my nigga

i have been enjoying lapsang souchong lately, smoked black tea, crazy strong taste but rather pleasant if you're into islay whisky and such

>> No.8328623
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Where do you buy good quality?

>> No.8329009

what country are you from?

>> No.8329271

Just got into tea. Made some masala chai, tasted exactly like how I remember back on the trains in India.

Anyone experiment with the ratios of spices? I'm doing 500ml water/.5inch cinnamon/3 cardamom/2 clove/1inch ginger, wondering how I should try mixing it up next. Also, has anyone tried adding fennel, mint, or nutmeg?

I'm thinking I want to do a hyperparameter search over a few years. Maybe I can assume a convex surface and run gradient descent?

>> No.8329354

United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands.

>> No.8329402

On a related note I was really horny the other day and was fucking around with sounding and I also had a cup of lukewarm tea so I figured why not funnel some of this into my dick through a pen case?

Of course there was no pressure so it didn't even go into my dick but I was far too horny at the time to think of that.

>> No.8329452

Cold steeped osmanthus tea for summer.

>> No.8329513

Get a French press, I make tea in mine, but on the odd chance I'm wanting some coffee it works for that too. Works so much better than any tea infuser and pot I've ever used.

>> No.8329554

If you lived in Europe it'd be a lot easier to get ceylon tea for you because everyone drinks it over here

>> No.8329612

Looks like you can't buy tea from AliExpress anymore starting next year. I'm thinking of getting either that 30 Puerh sample or the communist cake from Oleg now.

>> No.8329689

Black tea being higher caffeine than other teas is a myth.

The things that mostly determine how much caffeine a tea has are the age of the tree and the location.

>> No.8329696

man why do teafags always take gay ass pics like this

tea fucking sucks

>> No.8329786

I really doubt it. Probably about half the amount or so.

>> No.8329790


>> No.8329791


>> No.8329810

I haven't bought tea from ali. Is it any good? Seems like you can get scammed easily. Is that Oleg guy selling good tea?

>> No.8329959

could you recommend a ceylon tea source?

>> No.8329974

more precisely i am searching for ceylon tea from the dickoya region. cant seem to find anything in the pastebin

>> No.8329994

Why do you have to have specifically ceylon? Try some Chinese or Taiwanese black teas

>> No.8330015


stick a bag Yorkshire in a mug, boiling water, splash of milk. Simple, proper, none of that foreign muck.

>> No.8330041

the tea will be a gift for my grandmother who once visited ceylon and cant find a source for the tea. that is why i am searching specifically for dickoya ceylon tea. help would be appreciated.

>> No.8330080


>> No.8330091

Alrite, I live in Euroland so I don't know American sites but Ceylon is really standard so just google and you'll find.

>> No.8330103

Anyone got a US source for whole handmade yixing pots?

Also suggestions for a nice Gong Fu tray? I'm doing some christmas shopping for my brother

>> No.8330115

Yunnan sourcing maybe
But fully handmade yixing pots are expensive as fuck, you're probably looking for semi-handmade

>> No.8330185

Yunnan sourcing has a few cheaper ones that are handmade but use clay blends, have one, like it a lot

>> No.8330187

I dont' mind dropping 2-300 USD, I was told that they should be around that

admittedly I don't know anything about this stuff

>> No.8330188

> I can quite literally hear the tea becoming singed


>> No.8330210

Fuck off Dawkins you brought this curse into the world.

kys and face the god you don't believe in

>> No.8330241

Alrite, just don't buy a too big pot if he drinks alone. Try 100-150ml
200 is too big for one person

>> No.8330396

i live in euroland too but i still cant find a good source. its not that simple i guess

>> No.8330418

Literally every regular teashop carries ceylon tea, just google "ceylon" with the grade you want and add "buy" I'm sure you'll find quite a lot of ceylon carrying teashops

>> No.8330489


Took me all of one minute ffs..



>> No.8330696

recently some 2008 ripe puerh I got as a gift and my favourite twisted dragon green tea. I have over 50 varieties though. I usually steep for a few seconds in my gaiwan if I'm at home, but at work I have one of those convenient cups that lets you steep it in the cup.

>> No.8331493
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What nation in Europe?

What's the tea culture like over there? I'm curious because here in America people are literally tea-tarded, most just drink ultra sugary iced tea from McDoodles or their pumpkin spiced chai "tea" with whip cream on top.

>> No.8331531

Regardless of the truth or otherwise of the tree age claims, the sacred owl shu cake makes a beautiful cup. My favorite tea this autumn.

>> No.8331872

I feel like watching an ancient Chinese documentary to better understand the origins of tea and why they created it.

>> No.8331908

>What is your best-loved sort of tea?
jasmine, hot, with nothing in it

>How do you steep it?
I steep the thermos/mug that I drink from and leave it in until I finish and pour more hot water in

>> No.8332836

Not exactly sure but it might be related to Chinese regulations.

I haven't bought one but I think an anon from a few threads back mentioned how he put his face there which makes him somewhat more legit.

>> No.8333206

Nana mint, lapsang souchong, ginger, chamomile. The ginger goes nicely with chamomile and the mint, too.

>> No.8333236

Drinking a 12 year old pu erh to start the day but more of a sencha guy

>> No.8333311
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Could someone tell me what is going on here with the tea brewing? This animu is supposed to be set 1930's Japan.

>> No.8333322
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>> No.8333331

He's pouring hot water over loose tea leaves in a small strainer.

>> No.8333333



>> No.8333338


I mostly drink earl grey but I do try out various sorts of green/black/red tea that I happen to come across at the local tea store.

>> No.8333386

Tea strainer wins it!

>> No.8333393
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Nice get

Any idea what kind of tea was prominent around that time?

>> No.8333397


>> No.8333403

>t. roleplaying faggot

>> No.8333406

U bet I am

>> No.8333603

Does decaffeinated tea taste as good? How do they remove the caffeine? It just seems very unnatural to remove a compound deep within the plant.

>> No.8333607

Isn't that a chemical process? Don't know much about it but I've heard it's not good for you

>> No.8333621

Who here drinks coffee in the morning and tea in the evening?

So comfy.

>> No.8333625

sextuple check'd
Tea strainer confirmed for best tea brewing method

>> No.8333652

Tea in the morning
Tea in the afternoon

>> No.8333697

As for me, I don't even bother with strainers, infusers and what not. Just drink with leaves left inside the cup.

>> No.8333784
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>> No.8333831

Did you seer off the inside of you chub hole?

>> No.8333866

Gongfu porn.


>> No.8334170

I can't stop ordering tea. Fuck.
How do you guys restrain yourselves?

>> No.8334175

I dont, my bank account does it for me

>> No.8334208

>tfw spent more than £15k on tea this year

>> No.8334272

1.5k of course

>> No.8334275

Red tea. I don't care if it doesn't come from a "real tea plant" It's magical.

>> No.8334294

Spent about 500euro, its really easy to lose track with samples and teaware, for the last few months i've had at least 2 parcels at all times on the way to my house

>> No.8334300

Yeah, same here
Gonna drink up my shit now before my next order (just received one and already waiting for one more..)

>> No.8334323

What's your favorite black tea from what-cha?

>> No.8334798
File: 210 KB, 1500x1120, Gongfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about buying this for $15 on Amazon.

I want to enter the world of Gongfu.

>> No.8334890

have the same kit, got it for like 11euro from ali, only use the gaiwan, the cups are way too small and the faircup isnt very good(splatters a lot of water), if you can thrift a small milk jug from a western style tea set or a gravy boat you can get a much prettier(and more functional) faircup

>> No.8334906

I'm gonna get this kit plus a little gongfu tray, some wooden tools, and a doubled wall transparent faircup.

But are the drinking cups really that small? They look pretty average man.

>> No.8334920

is that teapigs' earl grey, son?

>> No.8334928

Lads I just had this great Chinese tea at a restaurant a while ago, what is the type they usually serve at Chinese restaurants? It was similar in colour to the two left tea's in OP's picture.

I tried Google but there are 1000 different types and I would probably choose the wrong one.

>> No.8334938
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bought this from a local tea shoppe

>> No.8334950
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>> No.8334954
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Yes, I think they are like 30 or 40ml l, here's a pic next to a usb and a 100 ml cup for scale, for drinking alone its a lot better to have a cup roughly the volume of the gaiwan so you can have a steep in the cup while other is cooling in the fair cup

>> No.8334960

>coffee mug


>> No.8334969

Just filled the bigger cup using the smaller one, it has 4 times the volume

>> No.8334980

I see your preference, but I could also pour the tea into 2 little cups for myself - 1 for me and the other for my spirit animal.

>> No.8334997

As you wish, just saying the cups are smaller than they appear to be on the pics. Also you should check yunnan sourcing's teaware section, they also have a .us website with cheaper shipping to the us (but less selection)

>> No.8335064
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Hi guys. Ill be going to la for 1 month and was wondering if there were some nice places to visit for good tea, stores and tea-serving shops are what im looking for.

>> No.8335113

Do you guys order tea from online? If so, where and what supplier? I'd love to buy tea online, but not knowing much I shy away from buying since I'm moderately worried about the pesticide bath the tea leaves may receive in China.

>> No.8335132

I've never actually had tea before. Almost all of my contact with the stuff has been iced tea and all of those bulk types that smell absolutely disgusting, so I've associated tea with that smell for so long it's hard to break.
Add in the huge variety of tea there is and I have no idea where I'd even begin.

>> No.8335149


Good Japanese tea vendor there, all organically grown tea, some USDA-certified as well.

>> No.8335229
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Usually I recommend newcomers to try bagged tea at first, and over time as you learn to enjoy it then you start buying some loose bulk tea. You'll begin to see the difference between the 2 and how much better loose bulk is. It's a night and day different with full bodied, complex notes, and undertones of hinted flavors that all occur naturally without flavor enhancers.

>> No.8335904

Jasmine infused green tea maybe? Did it have a strong floral smell/taste?

>> No.8335957
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I do love Earl Grey... very much.
I'll drink any kind of black, green, white tea. NOT a fan of red.

>> No.8335967

hibiscus red and that jasmine tea i stole from my manager

>> No.8336022

please, stop posting fucking whores on here

>> No.8336245

Black Tea, preferrably either sri-lankan or Earl Grey. Bit of sugar and Milk. My Father married a persian woman, and her relatives send her Kilo bags of Tea every few months. No Idea what exactly it is, but it's good. Got that light rose flavour a lot of persian Food has, but only very slight.

>> No.8336260

Ceylon, not sri-lankan. Forgot the Name, just remembered.

>> No.8337730


>> No.8337993

Any recs for a gaiwan? Canadian here. Should I just grab the cheapest one I can find online or are the quality differences important? Also what materials should I look for? Glass, porcelain, clay? What are the differences? I'm still new to tea and trying out all the varieties, but I think I'll probably stick to the greens and maybe some Oolong's. I just want a nice gaiwan for all types though.

Some teapot recs would also be nice for when I'm drinking with others. Instead of just links to different ones can you please explain what to look for and what to avoid?

Additionally, should I have multiple gaiwans and teapots? Or will one of each be fine? I'm still new to this, but I've been enjoying myself so far. Thanks in advance to those who help.

>> No.8338041

You can get a cheap one, its just a lidded cup, there aren't a lot of things that can be wrong with them, id say you can get the cheapest one, porcelain seems to be the best material, its easy to burn yourself with glass and clay is porous so you might want to dedicate it to one kind of tea more down the line if you get interested in darker teas.

100 ml is my go-to for drinking alone, for drinking with others you can look into a 200ml gaiwan or one of those 200--300ml glass pots avaliable on aliexpress (or the site of your liking) for like 5$.

You shouldnt get a ton of stuff or a huge set, get stuff to fill a need, I felt the need to compare teas side to side so I got a couple of 50ml gaiwans

Yunnansourcing has some great cheap teaware, maybe check it out, they have a .com website with a wider selection and a .us one with cheaper and faster shipping to the us(or so I was told, im a europoor so only .com and long ass of shipping for me) check both and see which is better for canada

>> No.8338047
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Gonna roast some barley tonight and make barley tea

>> No.8338049

My favorite tea is the Turkish Tea.

>> No.8338210

Thanks, I appreciate it. So when a teapot ever be useful? Is it better to just buy bigger gaiwans?

>> No.8338258

Depends on your preference, usually ceramic teapots hold heat a bit better then gaiwans and usually they're a bit better ergonomicaly, teaware.house has a few nice gong fu sized ones

>> No.8339304

Google opium wars and enjoy your tea even more

>> No.8340395

Never done gongfu before, just western. How are those tiny little cups enough for you? Last thread I saw an Anon saying that a 500ml or even as small as 200ml gaiwan is too much for one person. I drink from a 16oz mug that I empty at least twice when I have tea and can't understand people saying that 1/4th of that is too much tea.

>> No.8340491

You do those 100ml 10+ times per session, it adds up, i've drank about 4 liters of tea today