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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 548x974, 7777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8301955 No.8301955 [Reply] [Original]

Checked the catalog and didn't see a beer thread, so, I decided to make one

What are you drinking? What are you looking forward to? Post anything and everything related to beer in this thread

Pic related is what i'm drinking at the moment; a classic Dunkel from a brewery that has yet to let me down

>> No.8302042

Recently started to get into Witbier. I like the clean crispness, the citrus and spices, the vaguely weed-like smell. Call me a faggot but Witbiers just make me really happy. I've had some of the basics like Blue Moon - what are some others I should be on the lookout for?

>> No.8302095

Bumping, let's talk beer you co/ck/suckers

>> No.8302153

A 12-pack of Yuengling Black & Tan. For $6. Not bad at all.

>> No.8302167

Tonight I had Prairie Americaner. Delicious and vaguely reminiscent of a tart cider. Love it in the 4 pack but the single has better art. Sitting on Dinosmores from Off Color, barrel aged Ten Fiddy, Surly Darkness, Dogfish Head 120 minute, and Half Acre Navaja. Navaja will go quickly but I don't know when I'll break open the others.

The benefit of working at a Binny's is I get all these things saved for me, even though I only work two days a week. I constantly get great beer. This Friday I'll be getting Goose Island's Bourbon County line just waiting for me. I don't know which to buy, since they're all expensive as fuck. I'll be there before the place opens and I'll be barging past the people waiting at the door since 6am to clock in and pick and choose who gets what and how much. It's strange, alright.

Which bourbon county should I save for myself?

>> No.8302173

Who /VB/ here

>> No.8302182

Oh, and we've been sitting on it since last Friday. I helped load it into our warehouse. It's always fun sitting on a beer until it's released. All the bourbon county just sitting there all pretty. We got cases on cases of it. I just don't like blowing over 20 dollars a bottle on principal, but how do I say no to such a rare beer?

Did you know if you buy local rare beers, you can travel to distant breweries and trade up? A guy at another binny's was talking with me about how he took a few cases of Pipeworks and Three Floyds beers across the county with his son. They traded at every brewery they visited and got ridiculous deals. I definitely want to do that over the summer. Gotta get the popular shit, not the good shit though. A case of zombie dust will net you a fuck ton of good beer, even though it's not that great itself.

I really don't get the appeal of Three Floyds. They're assholes when I met em. Really up their own asses.

>> No.8302264
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Posted this in the last thread but it had hit bump limit on the pruning train.

>> No.8303054

>I really don't get the appeal of Three Floyds. They're assholes when I met em. Really up their own asses.
Somehow that doesn't surprise me

>> No.8303790

This is sometimes true but the experience and Beer are phenomenal. I live within literal walking distance (although I would rather take a 3-5 minute drive) from 3F and go all the time. 90%~ of the time the servers are great and attentive. The bad experiences I have had are always with the same person.

>> No.8304193


>> No.8304214

Recently had a Green Man Porter, and within my admittedly limited beer experiance, it was phenomenal. Smooth, viscus, it was like liquid silk. Plus it was at a bar that didn't card me.

>> No.8305723

puked VB a few weeks ago so switched to MB. Pretty good.

>> No.8305819

Bought sol hunter from Toppling Goliath yesterday. Will probably open it up this weekend sometime. Their beer and labels are rad.

>> No.8306486

Anyone here gonna grab Bourbon County Stuff on Black Friday this year? I'm debating it considering how Goose Island fucked up with their infected batches and the recall.

>> No.8306499

I'd grab founders lizard of koz before I picked up a BC.

>> No.8306994
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>> No.8306996

>A saison winter bro

the absolute fucking madmen

>> No.8307347
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Interesting beer. Pours like orange soda. Tastes like a pumpkin flavored amber ale. Not much head. 8.4% ABV is just enough to feel it but not enough to taste it.

>> No.8307440
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Based North Carolina. Green Man makes some pretty great beer. Currently drinking Cold Mountain from Highland. I always stash several 12 packs when it comes around since it sells out like crazy.

>> No.8307448

Pumking is tasty, but so is a lot of beers from Southern Tier. Creme Brulee fucking rules.

>> No.8307451

I don't care what anyone says, I enjoy this stuff. It's the one dessert beer I'll buy.

>> No.8307456

As a lager drinker, I've only started dipping my toes in ales. Gone through 20 different brands so far, but apparently ale supposed to be room temperature.

I tried that, it sucks. I drink my ales cold as I can get them, only problem is if I want an ale when I'm out it'll always be warm. I can't be the only one?

>> No.8307475

Allagash White is my personal favorite (8/10 from a bottle, 10/10 on draft).
Dogfishhead's Namaste is 7/10
Lagunitas Stoopid Wit is 6/10

>> No.8307486


What do you think of Lagunita's IPA?

>> No.8307489

S'okay. For the money ($10/6) I prefer Sierra Nevada (kinda wish they'd do a wit)

>> No.8307515

It's the first one I've had from them, I liked it but I probably wouldn't have it as a daily drinker. Definitely fits the season for dessert though. Nice flavor and strong enough to get a little buzz going.

I've had other pumpkin beers and I agree this one is the best I've had yet.

>> No.8307528

My favorite beer of all times is Alaskan White on draught. The bottle I had of it was nowhere near as good for some reason. Ballast Point's Wahoo is pretty good as well.

>> No.8307529
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Tastes just like last years.

>> No.8307530

Namaste was weird. I guess it's because I didn't know what to expect from it. Not bad, just weird.

>> No.8307549


>> No.8307553
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>A winter saison

fucking ballsy

it's not bad tho, heavy banana notes

>> No.8307560


Never understood the appeal. Cold Mountain was always way too sweet, and I like a little bit more booze in my winter beers. Not exactly a bad beer, but the recipe could use some tweaking.

>> No.8307562


Where the hell are you at? Here in the states, ales are always served cold. Even belgians should be served at a bit below room temperature, but never warm.

>> No.8307590
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all of them. if you don't want any just resell them for profit. the coffee and barleywine are both good. which binnys you at? hook a fu/ck/er up, I'll buy them off you if you're near the city

>> No.8307641

I can stand sweet in winter beers for some reason, but I can understand why it could be overrated, especially being that it needs more alcohol. They released a version which was an Imperial version at 8.0%, but only in a limited batch. Still, I like it. It's cozy to drink, but I won't hop on the bandwagon and say it's the best beer in NC.

>> No.8308039
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OP here, checking back in

Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. Drinking pic related, one of my absolute favorite beers; a robust vanilla porter with subtle coffee notes. It clocks in at 10% but it goes down smooth, highly recommended

>> No.8308557
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had the single malt BA version of that, tasted like straight whiskey

>> No.8308622

I have a thing for hobo quality beers, you know the ones with ridiculously low price you find in discount supermarkets.
I don't actually like them ofc, they're horrible, but I am addicted to the thrill of opening them, taking a sip without knowing how strange the taste will be.

Last week I found the masterpiece:
>75cl beer, 3.5% alcohol
>they knew so well the beer was shit that they didn't even bother with glass bottles or cans
>had a tin foil around the cap for some reason
>fill a glass with it
>faint ambered color, not like normal blonde beer, way more clear and watered down
>I take a sip
>tastes like fucking RUST
>no aftertaste, nothing, just rust
>tastes like licking a rusty nail
>leaves the same sensation of eating spinach or other Iron rich foods
>drink the whole glass just to be sure
>definitely rust, cannot identify any other taste
>throw the rest of the bottle away even if it's mostlu full
>mouth feels rusty all day
>intense stomach pain for the rest of the week
10/10 probably the beer that tastes less like beer than I ever found.
it even beat the banana beer I found last year

>> No.8308631

ITT: shit taste

>> No.8308636

here's your (you)

>> No.8308647
File: 208 KB, 1152x2048, unspecified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best canned beer there is!

>> No.8308744

Really? I found this beer severely lacking any qualities that should make it cost over 10$ a 6 pack.

>> No.8308814

This thread reminds me I'm a poorfag that can't spend 5 dollars on a small bottle of beer.

My favorite is probably Samuel Smith, an old English brewery.

>> No.8309032

more like "recht Kater"

>> No.8309034

Got some Hobgoblin Gold in the fridge for this evening, cheap as fuck and tastes way better than the usual offerings in that price bracket.

Beer and whisky is the best combination in life, going to get some Laphroaig 10 out too

>> No.8309078
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This was surprisingly good

>> No.8309184

Where did you get the glass?

>> No.8309203
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Is this a tea glass? And where's the head?

>> No.8309251
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Had some really good ipas tonight. Started with this straight Mosaic one. Very good!

>> No.8309350
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Latest batch of this one for me. Insane ipa.

>> No.8309423
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And last out in the trio is the most bitter one, still for an ipa not all that bitter, more sweet tropical fruits than anything else really!

>> No.8309476

>sweet tropical fruits
Tell me more. Is this a good summer beer?

>> No.8309481


Highland Cold Mountain is the epitome of "scarcity value"

I used to work at an Ingles in Asheville, and every year sometime late November we'd receive a shipment of Cold Mountain. Last year's shipment was a pallet of 12 packs and a pallet of 22 oz. bombers, totaling over 10k wholesale. Both pallets would be gone within 5 hours. We even had to put a limit on the amount you could purchase after this one chick bought 24 12 packs at $20.99 a piece.

Quite frankly, it became disgusting seeing people act the way they did about Cold Mountain. I'm a fan of capitalism and all, but I watched people halve their net worth over this fucking beer. It's ridiculous.

I work a few hours away from Asheville now, and our store received 3 cases of 12 packs and 3 cases of bombers. I put it out on the floor and went back to make a sign. By the time I brought back the sign, it was all gone.

>> No.8309489

It is almost 7% abv so not a thirst quencher for most people, but the taste is summery for sure. Like a light fruit drink, just with the twist of being beer.

>> No.8309494
File: 64 KB, 750x1000, Lakefront-Black-Friday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone go to any beer releases today?
Got some of this stuff from Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee

>> No.8309507

Heading to a local place now. They're tapping a 2015 keg of their imperial stout. It was pretty hoppy fresh so I'm curious to see what a year did to it.
Good grab, btw. Lakefront rules.

>> No.8310196
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We /pumpkin/ now

Get mad

>> No.8310304

never fan of o'fallons, they did however this year brew a "jack o latte" brew that was pretty good

hows the count orlock? never heard of it

>> No.8310379

So tonight I had a flight of
>Surly Hell
Reminded me of several German Pils I've had. Light with just a little bit of malt. Pleasant beer.
>Founder Harvest
Overwhelming hoppes bitterness. It was tolerable.
>Toppling Goliath Biter Double IPA
Bitter and tasted burnt. Not a big fan.
>Lakefront "My Turn" Latif
Dark and heavy. Chocolatey with toasted malt flavor. The heaviest at 10.4% ABV and you could feel it. Pretty nice stuff. Easily my favorite of the bunch.

Topping off the night with Willett Bourbon and a cigar.

>> No.8310399

Are there any good unhopped ales that can be commonly found in supermarkets?

Of beers, I've enjoyed Newcastle Brown Ale and some of the darker Belgian stuff. But I can't drink more than 3/4ths of a bottle before getting sick.

>> No.8310778
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Drinking this. 2014 Pugachev's Cobra, I accidentally threw the bottle away. Too lazy to get it from the trash bin. Really chocolate forward, small amount of vanilla, medium bourbon (two years of age does that I guess), some mole sweetness. It's pretty damn good.

Definitely one of the best BA stouts. People cream themselves over BCBCS but scoff at any Big Bag Baptist. It's better imo. Good taste.

>no Southern Tier in CA
I cri evertim

Have you tried the coconut variant yet? It's delicious.

>> No.8310823
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Bevog, any of them.


>> No.8311165

Hell is a Helles lager. I've never had a pilsner that tasted like Surly Hell.

>> No.8311350

Troegs Mad Elf.

>> No.8311353

Helles Lagers and Pilsners taste pretty similar, as most lighter lagers do

>> No.8311672
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Picked this up last night on a whim. I read about Gose a few months ago in an alcohol magazine while at work, so I had to see what it was like.

>> No.8312250


>posts pumpkin beers
>immediately defensive

Its like you hate yourself or something

>> No.8312266

No, they really dont.

>> No.8312275

I've been drinking a lot of St. Peter's cream stout, lately. Good stuff.

>> No.8312302

It's...interesting. I would describe it as sour lemon-lime beer. It had just a hint of saltiness I thought. 4.2% ABV was pretty light.

My uncle described it as "Theraflu Beer".

>> No.8312308

the difference is extremely subtle

>> No.8312368

Sierra Nevada otra vez is better

>> No.8312444
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I am in a sour mood right now. Breaking out some nice but not too expensive ones.

Paradox Mangozacca
Almanac White Label
Crooked Stave L'Brett D'Or Dry Hopped

This Almanac White Label has to be my favorite sour from them so far, just absolutely delicious. I may have to buy another one.

>> No.8312889

Quick question, should I get Allagash black, dubbel or trippel?

>> No.8312892

D - All of the above

>> No.8314184

Had Negra Modelo yesterday. Not nearly as bad as I was expecting.

>> No.8314270
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Why does beer look and taste so damn delicious?

>> No.8314288
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Is there anywhere to get good beer in England?

I've tried Brewdog but everything I've had form them just tastes of hops.

>> No.8314751
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This was on offer at my local shop, so I bought 10

Absolutely love it, probably my favourite beer

>> No.8314920
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>> No.8314961

Fuck 3 Floyd's. Their beer is good tier, but not that great. People only like it because it's hard to find outside of the area. Plus, the people that work in the brewpub are total dicks.

>> No.8314978

Three Floyds is pretty good, and easy to find in Milwaukee where I live, but their prices are absurdly high. I'll drink it on tap where it is usually more normal priced but its pretty tough to justify spending $12 on a 22oz bottle of their stuff at the grocery store when equivalent beer is being sold in $9 six pack

>> No.8314983
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It's good.

>> No.8315015

Favorite beer from them.

>> No.8315071

>Victory beer
Double plus good my fellow prole

>> No.8315874

Maudite is also top-tier beer.

>> No.8315910
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Hit up my current favorite brewery over Thanksgiving weekend (pic related).

Sucks it's almost impossible to find their good beers fresh even just a few hours away.

>> No.8316539

Soccer ball guy do you have a untapped profile? Just sayin id follow you.

>> No.8317843
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Bought some of this yesterday, pretty good, a little pricey though

>> No.8317917
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Yesterday I had pic related. Slightly weird hop. Didn't live up to the hype, but wasn't terrible.

>> No.8317922
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And after that I had this one. Sweet but yet light and fresh. A good winter / Christmas Belgian.

>> No.8317937

Maybe our palettes are just different but I got this a couple years ago and loved it. It had a surprising orange flavor to it.

>> No.8317946
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If you ever have the opportunity, try the Coco Loco Toasted Coconut brown ale from Kona Brewing. I had it on tap at their Kona brewpub a while back, and it was delicious. A little sweet for the style, but it was a really creamy, delicious, coconutty beer.

I think it may be one of their limited offerings only available on location though, so it might be difficult to track down. They have another coconut beer called Koko Brown that's available bottled on the mainland, so easier to get, although not quite as tasty. Still very good though.

>> No.8318400

I loved this weird ass hop. Loved it so much I bought the 22oz at a bar and split it with my sister.

Anyone try Pipeworks Pistachio Abduction yet? Holy fug man it's so good. Cocoa nibs and pistachios work so well together in a stout. They were restrained enough in their usage to keep the beer very interesting instead of punch your face powerful. 9/10.

>> No.8318423

anyone got any good Sour or sour-style reccomendations? Aunt Sally is my favorite beer but I cant seem to find it by me right now

>> No.8318436

Schell's berliner weiss

>> No.8318450

Any way to obtain this beer? tried using their beer locator and it didn't have the option for star of the north

>> No.8318512

Come to minnesota

>> No.8318561

b-but i like chicago

>> No.8318770

That's not too far. You could probably ask around if schells distributes that far out. Any decent liquor store employee/owner should know.

>> No.8318783

I've seen it in Wisconsin before, but never paid much attention to it

>> No.8318937

If you like sours, I highly recommend it.

>> No.8319468

Fuck, this shit is great. But I can't find it anywhere for less than $18

>> No.8319496

I really like Guinness, the kind with the widget. It's one of the only beers I truly drink for the taste.

Where can I branch out to, knowing that?

>> No.8319628

Over 20?! I snagged one at a local shop for $10.99! (I'm in CT).

P.S. the guy at my shop told me he heard a bunch of it was infected again like last years. You heard anything about that?

>> No.8319634

What state? There are a lot of better stouts readily available but the specifics depend on where

>> No.8319637

I love this beer. Brooklyn is really hit or miss for me though. I had a bottle of 2014 Black Ops I sat on for a year. Tasted like butthole, very disappointing.

>> No.8319664

I agree. I bought two this year, one to drink and one to cellar. I'm hoping I have strong enough will power to wait at least 3 years, but hoping for 5.

>> No.8319837

Better stouts.

>> No.8319996

Not yet, but I haven't been at work since Saturday and won't be back until Friday. One of my coworkers hated the coffee stout, said it tasted nothing like coffee. That might be a bad sign.

The over 20 one was the proprietary maple barrel one. I bought it anyway. Haven't opened it or my regular ones yet. Really hope they aren't infected. And yeah, the regular one is 10.99.

>> No.8320398

You wouldnt happen to be german, would you? The town of Aying is pretty close to where I live, beerpai. Breddy gud beer to boast.

>> No.8320980

I don't think it's fair to just say "better," seeing as Irish stouts are so different from other stouts. At least recommend an oatmeal stout or something (which is definitely better if you get the right one).

>> No.8320993
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>no results.
come on guys, do you not like getting drunk or something?

>> No.8321018

i mean, if i wanted to drink a steelie i might as well go find a bum and pay him 1.89 to glug his 8% abv piss

>> No.8321063

The cheapest I go is PBR

>> No.8321086

Not really.

>> No.8321466
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Having this right now because a guy at the store recommended it. It was ok/bellow average as I ecpexted. But far from the worst pale lager I've had.
Don't really drink these kinds of beers alot so it's hard to describe the taste, but I guess the best comparision would be Corona.

>> No.8321725

>recommended red stripe
What the hell did you ask for?

>> No.8321729

Cleaning fluid

>> No.8321752

See >>8320993

>> No.8321758

I didn't ask him for anything. I just picked up the bottle and looked at it and he said "I think that's a good beer. I recommend it"
btw >>8321729 is not me.

>> No.8321924
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What's the best Cigar City brew?

I've heard good things about them and I'm gonna buy a 6 pack soon.

>> No.8321934 [DELETED] 

pic related, now I have a 2012-2016 vert

jai alai and hunapu

>> No.8321940
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hunapu and jai alai

added to my bcs 2012-2016 vert

>> No.8322435
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Holy spiced toasted malt, Batman! Delicious. Smooth and no alcohol bite @ 8.1%.
>tfw $16 6-pack at BevMo
Worth it.

>> No.8323182
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What do you people think about Leinenkugel?
They have a great ipl

>> No.8323684
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>drinking to get drunk

>> No.8323686


Tampa-Style Lager

No one balks at their lager because its a perfect middle-of-the-road brew that isn't overwhelming in any one regard

>> No.8323688
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>Steel Reserve

Not all of us can afford Steel Reserve, anon

>> No.8323879

Ayinger is fucking amazing.
Every time I see it on a menu I have to get at least one pint.

>> No.8324662

delete this

>> No.8324763

>drinking alcohol without the intention of getting the benefit of alcohol.
why dont you just drink malta.

>> No.8324780

meme beer but i bet its p good

>> No.8324967

It tastes nothing like beer. At all. And non alcoholic beer is macro tier at best.

>> No.8324986
File: 365 KB, 673x680, 0be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPAs are the pepper extract hot sauces of the beer world. They're objectively bad; humans taste bitter things the way they do because most toxins are bitter. Macho fucks pretend to like them and engage in pissing contests to see who can drink the most bitter beer. Fuck IPAs.

>mfw IPAs

>> No.8324988


Not all IPAs are a silly dick-measuring contest, just as how not all hot-sauces are the absurd extract type.

Personally I don't care for IPAs in general. But it's ridiculous to assume that all of them are hop bombs trying to one-up each other.

>> No.8324991

Lol okay kid

>> No.8325037
File: 464 KB, 1387x1038, tongerlo-prior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying out every Belgian beer available for over a year since I moved close to the border.

So far this is my favorite.
Triples and doubles have my preference, and some blonds also very good, especially on a hot summer day.

>> No.8325046


The proles weren't expected to use newspeak.

>> No.8325051

12pk of this shit currently, probably gonna take a walk down to the beer store and mix-n-match myself a 6 pack of some good stuff.

>> No.8325066

>vegetables are bitter because they are toxic

>> No.8325102

Fucking amusing!!!

>> No.8325154

Got a pack of asahi from a friend who went to Hawaii as a gift. I thought I'd be happy since I wouldn't have to buy some beer for today and used my beer money for gas and pizza instead

It was too dry for my liking. I don't think I could finish the entire pack. Maybe I'll just bring it to the party next time

>> No.8325212

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.8325283

their IPL is actually ok, had it on tap at some sports games over the last couple years

>> No.8325294

Their doppelbock is actually pretty okay.

>> No.8325323

I decorate a Christmas tree with those little bastards.

>> No.8325341

are hard ciders allowed here?

>> No.8325620

>implying unseasoned vegetables taste good

>> No.8325833

what do you guys think about kirin ichiban though?

when i had it the first time, i thought "this is what a beer should taste like"

>> No.8325843
File: 374 KB, 1200x1600, Ommegang Rosetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OM NOM NOM. Deliciously tart. My new favorite fruit beer.

>> No.8326162

Anyone here had ginger shock top? It was the worst thing I've ever drank

>> No.8326753

>try to find something other than IPAs at the nearby likky
>everything looks like shit
isn't BC supposed to have killer brewz?

>> No.8327241
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>My local grocer is stocking St. Bernardus 12 this week

>> No.8327271

>got hammered off of PBR last night
>only feel fuzzy
This is why I love PBR

>> No.8327981

owa sicha...

>> No.8328699

Is it really that hard to get? I can find it year round here in Canada.

>> No.8328706
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Why does this smell and taste of sausages?

And how the fuck is it so nice?

>> No.8328785
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This. Miss the old label.

>> No.8328802
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good as h*ck

>> No.8329025

Damn nigga, Ballast Point's stuff is $13 here and I thought that was expensive. Still get it occasionally though.

>> No.8329217

Bell's Winter White is a great one

>> No.8329410
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*tips comb over*

>> No.8329819
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OP here

Checking in with a seasonal stout; the Xocoveza. Basically Mexican hot chocolate in stout form. 16 dollars per six pack but it's only available in the winter months and it's a great beer. Get it if you can find it

and to answer some questions...

That's a glass from Alaskan Brewing Company in Juneau, AK. The glass was from a promotional period advertising their pilot series of beers but it is still available on their website

I am not German. I am American and live in Alaska but I am big fan of German beers in general. Ayinger happens to be one of my favorites. Pretty envious that you live so close to it, to be honest

>> No.8330327
File: 14 KB, 330x440, n'ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was told I could only have one beer today, went with a 75cl N'ice chouffe which is at 10%, think i might have found a loophole

>> No.8330369
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>no exclusively drinking brewery only release sours

>> No.8330520
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Drank this last night, it's very nice.

>> No.8330595

that's some good shit senpai

>> No.8330601

Cucked by the wife or something?

>> No.8330635

yeah, something like that
But the beer is ok, even has a ok/good rating on ratebeer

>> No.8330723

I've never had a bad beer from them desu senpai. You picked good.

>> No.8331142

Anyone else think Ommegang is absolute shit and makes no good beer?

>> No.8331664
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Got some more St. Louis seasonals to try

I'm a fan of 4Hands' regular chocolate milk Stout, pretty pumped about this one. Not a big saison guy but it was on sale and haven't checked it off yet.

>> No.8331751

I love that beer. Modern Times is one of the best California breweries.

>> No.8331771
File: 32 KB, 680x525, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Had a discussion with my beer-expert friend about brown ales. I'm tired of all the IPAs and stouts and wondered why there are relatively few brown ales avaliable in comparison. He claimed this was because it was the most "boring" kind of beer and that you simply coulnd't do much with it.

This sounded odd to me, but he's way more into beer than I am - what's your take? I for one think it's a shame if I'm going to be limited to "slightly better than Newcastle" when it comes to brown ales.

Also, I feel like the American brown ales are pretty different from the English ones - they seem to lean more towards the stout direction. Is this a difference in style or the fact that the US has a more prevalent craft beer culture?

>> No.8331787
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Alright, since this is /ck/ after all:

What is your prefered cooking beer? Not as an ingredient, but what beer do you drink while cooking?

I go for Newcastle, especially if I'm doing something on the grill. Kind of a shit beer, but for some reason it's real comfy for cooking.

>> No.8331851
File: 144 KB, 600x800, smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love O'fallon beer. I live here.

O'fallon Smoke is the absolute best. Pumpkin was decent, had a few warm ones the next morning and they were still decent.

>> No.8331855


>artificial caramel coloring
>calls themselves a brown ale but you can see through it
>can see through it but literally adds artificial caramel coloring

Could you literally have found a worse beer to cook with?

>> No.8331859


I lived in o'fallon for two years and wanted to kill myself because there is literally nothing there.

>> No.8331863


I'm not going to drink a fancy craft beer while cooking, it'd be a waste of a good beer if I can't appriciate it properly.

Newcastle is simply the most readily avaliable non-lager, I guess.

>> No.8331866
File: 76 KB, 655x350, paul-roof-m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's got a little bit of beer-nerd(expert) bias against brown ales. Breweries here don't experiment with brown ales anywhere near as much as IPA's and I don't believe that brown ales are inherently boring.

This Follicle Brown was pretty cool and tasted unique among brown ales to me. It was hopped much more like an IPA but also had the roasty flavors of a brown ale. Overall it's not my favorite style either though. Free Will's Brown Beard is another exceptional and totally non-traditional brown ale and there's nothing wrong with simple well-executed drinkable beers like the average brown ale.

>> No.8331887

I've heard that it was a lot better originally, specifically when it was actually brewed in the Toon.

>> No.8331921

Thoughts on Samuel Adams Winter Lager, never had it and wanna hear opinions.

>> No.8331932

No, but I'm not a complete pleb

>> No.8331961

Went to Like Minds in Milwaukee, its fucking good, would recommend, impressed by both the food and beer

>> No.8331983

>IPA drinkers
pick 1

>> No.8331991
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking Boulevard's BBQ

It has incredible carbonation and head for a 12% abv barrel-aged beer and tastes great. I do think the cherries have an impact and there is virtually no heat or presence of alcohol in the taste, which is cool. It's one of the best quads I've had, along with St Bernardus but I wish this style didn't have so much sediment floating around once you get near the bottom of the bottle. I tried hard to decant but it wasn't possible to avoid the snow globe.

>> No.8332067
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Picked up some sets today. Popping the hazelnut later.

>> No.8332080

never seen this before, is the brewery called "Trademark Dispute"? What are they?

>> No.8332086

I just bought a bomber of the peppermint version of this today. I had it last year and it sounded silly but actually was fantastic. It's still rude of breweries to use the bomber format and charge so much but I liked this beer enough to buy it again.

The 6-pack of normal Victory at Sea that I bought last year still has 1 or 2 bottles left and that format is so much better for high abv beers.

Anyone tried Coconut Victory at Sea? That seems to be the other bomber variant but I didn't buy one because I opted for Death By Coconut which I already know is a killer beer.

>> No.8332180

Wow, honestly I despised this. I absolutely hated it. I did not taste the vanilla at all, but the coffee was very prominent in the worst way

>> No.8332192
File: 14 KB, 236x236, 05429d537d1973745a321e1fe15324cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently enjoying some of this.

>> No.8332346

No surprise there, young children like sugar. When you grow up you'll start enjoying bitter adult foods like beer, coffee and dark chocolate.

>> No.8332349
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, 1444661923864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a st bernardus christmas ale and watching the x-files

>> No.8332440

>live in Le Beer City USA
>every brewer is currently in a hops-based dick measuring contest
>indistinguishable levels of bitterness in ever goddamn beer that isn't a seasonal
When will the MUH IBU meme end?
Kill beard culture.
Kill beer culture.
Fucking idiots.

>> No.8332448
File: 36 KB, 670x503, 1467729089287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every brewer is currently in a hops-based dick measuring contest
this is how it is everywhere right now. I'm from Canada and from looking at local breweries this summer, it seemed like maybe there would be a swing in the trend of style to sour beers. I had a couple sour style beers that were great, looking forward to the IBU meme to die just as much as everyone else that isn't a fedora.

>> No.8332453

feels god living in the upper midwest were the new guys are making an incredible variety of great beer

>> No.8332456


>> No.8332461

what city is this?

There are various beers in all cities in the US as far as I know.

>> No.8332481


>> No.8332489

Has to be San Diego

>> No.8332495


>i just had my first beer yesterday

>> No.8332497

I'd be fine with sour! I love shandies even though they're babbies first beer.
I just want a selection that isn't the taste equivalent of a Brawndo ad.

I'm in Grand Rapids, MI.

>> No.8332499

I'm 32.
We've had breweries around here since the 70s, but it's just within the last 6-7 years it's turned into 'You want a beer? Here's a glass of water and a flight of humulones, enjoy.

>> No.8332502

Just fucking drink Breakfast stout then, that shit'll never get old

>> No.8332507

A shandy isn't even close to the sours that beers can be. Ask a decent store to point you towards their sour beers and try one to see what they're like. Sour beers are unfortunately expensive usually but they can be extremely delicious and unlike what you expect from a beer.

>> No.8332513

Founders and Bells both make great non-hoppy beers of high quality and I don't even know what the smaller breweries in Michigan are like. I agree with hating beard IBU-obsessed culture but you've got good options there.

Try some Bells/Founders non-IPA beers if you dislike hops.

>> No.8332518
File: 79 KB, 1080x1380, 1463680985543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if it is available in the US but St Ambroise oatmeal stout is the best I've had.

>> No.8332521


Midwest beer scene sucks compared to NE and Bestoast; they might as well not even try to do hops forward beers.

>> No.8332558

Hoppes wars have gotten so bad I almost cry tears of joy when I drink a nice malty beer. I'm sticking to stouts until it blows over.

>> No.8332664


I supose it could be interpreted as Hobbesian, but you're right. Go into a microbrewery and your choices range from Tastebud Terminator to Unripe Persimmon Brewed in Piss.

So refreshing to run across the occasional Dunkel, Bock or Alt.

>> No.8332733

>Go into a microbrewery and your choices range from Tastebud Terminator to Unripe Persimmon Brewed in Piss.
Kek my fucking sides are gone
Sorry I'm drunk off Bud Light, Kraken, and High West Whsikey so my typing skills are diminished

It juts pisses me off man.
>Oh, a ""nice"" beer? Guess what 400 I.B.U motherfucker enjoy the bitters
Yea howabout I have a nice malty amber ale instead, pal.

>> No.8332758
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>> No.8332810
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OP here again

Bought pic related yesterday and drinking it now. It's the Horchata imperial stout by Belching Beaver. Really sweet, almost overtly, but pretty solid and really does have a strong horchata taste. Not sure if I can recommend but not bad. Clocks in at 9%, if you're curious

>> No.8332970

Holy shit, I just tried some Trappistes Rochefort 10, some Orval, and some Chimay Blue Cap

Literally better than every other beer I've tasted, how do those fucking monks do it?

>> No.8333039


>> No.8333275

I drank Nogne O # 500 the other time and found it pretty good, did anybody else try it?

>> No.8333505
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>> No.8333510

same price where i'm from, sometimes steel reserve is cheaper.

>> No.8333601

Anything perennial makes is bretty gud. Especially if you can find the Abraxas. Schlafly makes some good winter beers too.

>> No.8333661

>Midwest beer scene sucks compared to NE and Bestoast;
lol no

>> No.8333787
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x1125, aviary-image-1480730024707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had 3 of the 4 last night nothing out of this world but all where pretty good much better on the warmer side then when they were cold

>> No.8333972
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any ohio /b/ros here?

>> No.8333982
File: 203 KB, 1024x695, CpimF9UUkAA3Gom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

specifically dayton ohio

>> No.8333991
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20161203_140416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Columbus here. Celebrating our 3rd annual Quad beer day. Also a bunch of friends over to make gingerbread houses. I've made 6 batches of dough in the past 24 hours

>> No.8333993

second from the left is probably my favorite beer of all time

>> No.8334057

What is the difference between a dunkel and dunkelweizen?

>> No.8334074

dunkelweizen is a wheat beer, just calling a beer simply a dunkel is more ambiguous

>> No.8334093

The one without a label is a Trappist Westvleteren 12

>> No.8334094

Its from a St Pete brewery in Fl named Cycle. They have a trademark dispute going with sierra nevada for their "nooner" beer. They are very well renowned for their BA stouts. This is one of the 4 weekday series's that they have put out this year.

>> No.8334099

in ohio and not drinking hoof. wat?

>> No.8334109

no it isnt. no raised ridge at the base of the neck

>> No.8334141

I honestly don't care for hoofhearted. If I'm drinking Columbus beer, I like Actual brewing quite a bit.

don't know what to tell you, we got several bottles a year ago.give me a sec and I'll take a pic of the cap

>> No.8334143
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>> No.8334154

I actually see what you're saying now. The ridge is there but the glare and crappy photo hides it.

>> No.8334158

What is the average lifespan of a bottle of beer before it goes flat? I got these bottles that don't produce a head at all, I think this number on the side is the date it was bottled, but I'm not 100% sure. If it is then it was bottled back in August.

>> No.8334184

anyone here drinking some beer atm?
i just smoothly down a nice can of PUNTIGAMER beer, its Austrian. not the best of austrian beers by far, but its good enough for me.

>> No.8334186

Way too broad depending on the beer. Higher percentage, temp, type of bottle all come into play. A lot beer will go bad before it goes flat too

>> No.8334199

yeah, puntigamer is what it promises, a basic beer for drinking for fun.

>> No.8334201

hahah, you know puntigamer?
awesome. youre not from austria, are you?

>> No.8334206

I even live close to Graz, so I drive by the brewerey of puntigamer quite often.

>> No.8334212

oh cmon man i also come from graz! where exactly?
id say "lets go to the Mausefalle and get shitfaced while making out with rancid 40 year old chicks" but unfortunately im in germany atm

>> No.8334217


Drinking pleb swill. Never.

>> No.8334223

Twenty kilometres outside of Graz actually, but I study in Graz

>> No.8334232

thats interesting, It really looks like a standard American 12oz bottle. Every westy bottle ive seen is more rounded i thought. Ohh well. Thats my favorite quad

>> No.8334234

what do you study senpai?

>> No.8334243

Computer Science

How do you even get your hands on a Puntigamer in Germany?

>> No.8334253

im here for educational purposes, i drive back to graz like once a month. i bought a palette puntigamer when i was in austria the last time to rub the fact that we dont have dosenpfand in their faces.

still have a few but when im down in austria next time ill grab another one.

>> No.8334278

Ah, I guess its nice having something from back home with you.

Do they really have dosenpfand? like how much?

>> No.8334299

lol, its fucking RETARDED. their autobahns look slike shit because all the fucking turks throw out the trash without any second thought.

now hold on tight so you dont get whacked off your chair: the DOESNPFAND in germany is...

yeah, thats right. twenty five fucking cents for a single can.

>> No.8334316

thats really fucking retarded. Is there any reason for this? I mean thats like fifty percent price increase.

>> No.8334339

>Is there any reason for this?
yeah, a few
>Germans are autodestructive people
>Germans hate themselves a lot
>Germans need retarded laws to prevent people from throwing their trash on the street
>Germans love when the government tells them how to do things
>Germans actually think this system is superior
>One single german will always think hes way more intelligent than every other german, e.g.: "yes of course I PERSONALLY wouldnt just throw my cans out of the window, but what with all the others?? we need to force them to do this and that!! common sense isnt enough!!"

>> No.8334369

Well, I guess thats a lot stuff, you only get, when you actually are there, because I never heard of that.... but that would explain a lot of things you hear about germany.

Anyway, I still have to do stuff for university, was nice meeting somebody from Austria here. Have a nice evening.

>> No.8334399

yeah same to you, have fun

>> No.8334419

Prearis quadracinno. Not bad, would love if it were spicier and fuller-bodied.
Got some Lagunitas Sucks for the first time, well built APA that checks all the boxes.
Had Nickel Brook's '16 Cuvee because it's holiday season. Not bad, as usual too much bourbon flavor made it over sweet.

Gonna go grab some tasty brews in a bit here, probably a Beau's 2016 pack or some Fuller's IS.

>Looking forward to
I live in Ontario and haven't had a Winter Beard double chocolate stout from Muskoka this winter. Definitely that.
Also the next trip to the US so I can get some Ommegang.

>> No.8334572


>typical flyover delusion

>> No.8334629
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>> No.8334633

Even east coast biased websites like Beer Advocate strongly show the midwest's dominance in beer, just look at what a crazy high percent of the top 250 are midwestern, especially the upper midwest

It would be pretty damn hard to argue that most of the midwest doesn't have it really fucking good when it comes to beer

>> No.8334661

You know, maybe it's possible that we both have some great beers?

>> No.8334680


>beer advocate's (user rated) top 250

What a shitty, completely biased list.

>> No.8334696

more like meme mountain

>> No.8334698

normies get out

>> No.8334708

midwest definitely doesn't dominate. the entire country is in a beer renaissance right now. a year ago my city's beer seen was shit. now every brewery is making beer better than heady topper

>> No.8334727

Spotted the cucktrarian

>> No.8334744

certainly not biased toward the midwest

>> No.8334765


It actually kind of is...

>> No.8334809
File: 70 KB, 240x320, 56433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what a good pour looks like? this was seconds after i poured it. is there supposed to be more head

>> No.8334895
File: 41 KB, 429x345, 1472538355970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there supposed to be more head
Depends on the beer, really. Some stuff just doesn't give good head.

You are a faggot for using a shaker, though.

>> No.8334968

you should have at least 2 fingers of head on a pour, you need to tilt the glass earlier and maybe raise the height of your can/bottle

>> No.8335046

I still haven't had any perennial. Partial to 4hands though when it comes to STL beerd

>> No.8335084

the average IPA drinker is a numale

>> No.8336305


>> No.8336921

the average IPA drinker is just a normie, every man in their 20s drinks IPA now, its not some niche specific part of the subculture

>> No.8336929
File: 436 KB, 2088x1175, OmnipolloMangoLassiGoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice gose from Omnipollo, low abv yet fulfilling taste and mouthfeel. Nothing wrong with it!

>> No.8336994

This. IPAs are just normalfag "special beer" now.

>> No.8337028

I just had their double ipa finally and it was phenomenal. Glad I saw it in one of these threads or I would've missed out.

>> No.8337047

The Fatamorgana or the Nebuchadnezzar?

>> No.8337178
File: 449 KB, 1175x2088, FiftyFiftyElijahCraig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phenomenal Barrel aged stout.Probably just the right age on it for me i guess. The barrel is very on the nose yet subtle enough on the taste.
Very good beer!

>> No.8337356

What's the best reasonably priced light beer? I usually drink stouts (been enjoying evil twin imperial biscotti break), but I want to try something I can drink all day and not get completely hammered. I thinking stuff like pbr

>> No.8337377


>> No.8337380

Coors light, Michelob golden light, founders all day ipa, Oskar blues pinner, not sure if you wanted actual light beer or session ales.

>> No.8337384

they are almost exactly the same

>> No.8337389
File: 240 KB, 1024x1024, 20161204_162507-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had an okay share last night

>> No.8337395

Thanks, I was thinking any thing reasonably priced and very light, I'll try Coors light and Michelob golden light

>> No.8337400

not pictured: a Casey and a Huna

>> No.8337547

Nice, the better one for sure!

>> No.8337555

Take it from an old frat boy
>Busch Light
The least offensive, but also the most plain
Nice strong wheaty metallic flavor. My favorite "bar beer"
>Coors Light
Like Busch Lite but somewhat sweeter
>Keystone Light
The worst imo, strong nasty flavor and gives me the burps
>Bud Light
The luxury model of cheap beers
>Miller Lite
Inferior to Bud Lite in every way

>> No.8337557

I had 2 Alaskan amber ales. It's alright. I'm making some beef ribs in the oven, and I'm bored.

>> No.8337564

Yeah it was very unique compared to the DIPAs I've had in the states. I actually prefer it. It had a lot cleaner, crisper taste.
Michelob golden light is the better of the two, but I think it's only available in the midwest.

>> No.8337573

having an opinion between Miller Lite and Bud Light is dumb

>> No.8337579

They are very different. Only alcoholics with the most sensitive of palletes would be able to tell. You'll get there one day.

>> No.8337648

Miller lite tastes completely different you pleb.

>> No.8337661

they both pretty much just taste like carbonated water

>> No.8337668

Miller actually ain't that bad. Almost a pilsner so it does have similar characteristics. Bud light is just water.

>> No.8337686

Thank you!

I'll do a taste test between pbr, bud light and miller lite for my own palate

I'm in the south east, but I'll look for michelob golden light anyway
Thank you!

>> No.8337699

PBR will blow out any light beer, its not good by any means but the light beers are barely even beer
You should just try PBR, High Life, Schlitz and Yuengling, don't waste your time with anything with "light" in the name, they taste worse and have less alcohol for the same price

>> No.8337811

I don't think Schlitz and Yuengling are available where I am, but I'll keep an eye out when I travel.

I'll add high life and pbr, miller and bud light to my list to try and michelob golden lift if it's available

Thank you for your advice

>> No.8337833

Try Blatz

>> No.8338971
File: 157 KB, 842x595, Gage-Roads_Packaging_Low-Res_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out the entire Gage Roads line.

I have everything but the IPA, summer ale and the lager. Only really liking the session ale though, which surprised me.

This picture's missing their flagship beer, Little Dove New World Pale Ale, which is also good.

>> No.8339960

you posted this in the beer thread like a month ago tommy

>> No.8340347

Went out and got pbr and michelob ultra (all that they had). I'd say pbr is my favorite between the two. Micchelob ultra isn't bad, but it mainly tastes like soda water. pbr has a wheat like taste.

I also bought some founder's breakfast stout. Can't wait to try it.

>> No.8340366
File: 121 KB, 773x1030, Delirium_Tremens-773x1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michelob ultra is awful. If they ain't got golden light, don't bother.
Pic related is what I'm drinking tonight. Finally getting around to trying the standard belgian shit. Pretty tasty, but nothing mind blowing. Wouldn't buy again just because of the price. Not my picture btw.

>> No.8340376

I've had that stuff before, like you say good but nothing special. Mostly bought it because it was on clearance for like $3.50/bottle... Would buy again at that price lol, but I'd never buy it at the regular price, so many better options.

>> No.8340386
File: 179 KB, 778x658, 1442788609522nn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that stuff like $20 for a 4 pack?
I can't bring myself to splurge and get it.

Yeah the michelob ultra is a decent palate cleanser, had a few michelobs (bought it, gotta drink it) and then had a pbr. I can actually taste hops in the pbr now.

I actually had to go to a bigger liquor store to pick up some wine and they had othr michelob varieties, but no "golden light". Next I'll give bud and miller a shot, but I'm digging the pbr.

>> No.8340401

I got a bomber for 10$. I hate ending up with single bottles/cans of beers in my fridge from 6 packs I just stopped drinking, so with new stuff I'll usually just buy a bomber unless it's a brewery I know very well.

>> No.8340938
File: 448 KB, 900x1200, weihenstephaner-korbinian-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried this tonight, and I think it's my new favorite beer.

>> No.8340947
File: 41 KB, 504x786, bc095615089e35693590c380ca407137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I also got a 4 pack of this. Seems like they fixed whatever was wrong with the initial few batches because this is juicy as hell, tons of tropical fruit but a solid malt backbone to cover up the bitterness. I will buy this stuff again. Once again, not my picture. I'm lazy.

>> No.8340948

>tek syndicate tulip

sorry anon

>> No.8340958

liked the xocoveza but I feel like it didn't have enough spice to it. I concur though, I recommend it.

>> No.8341189

homeless-tier austrian mate

haben wir nur gesoffen als wir noch nix verdient haben, oida

>> No.8341197
File: 1.22 MB, 5312x2988, IMG_20161205_213453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current haul

>> No.8341518

Hoëgaarden is highly recommended by a few of my witbeer drinking friends

>> No.8342024

this looks amazing where to cop

>> No.8342222
File: 1.42 MB, 6481x3361, 1479179611595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations or recipes on how to brew a low carb, high protein beer?

I've brewed a few pale ales and stouts in the past, but nothing like this.

>> No.8342233


>low carb, high protein beer

>> No.8342242
File: 248 KB, 682x1024, 1478236369096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to rekindle an old hobby and not to turn into a fat cunt on a night out. Cut me some slack famalam.

>> No.8342270


>> No.8342276


Bump limit, dum dum.