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File: 1.66 MB, 4160x2340, fucking beans on toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8319879 No.8319879 [Reply] [Original]

So I just tried beans on toast for the first time... is this just a Bong meme or do they really eat this shit regularly?

>> No.8319883

Did you add cheese and worcestershire sauce and stick it under the grill?

>> No.8319887


>> No.8319893

Stop just adding random shit to it. It's beans on toast, literally called BEANS ON TOAST. Is it
????? Because that sure doesn't sound like BEANS ON TOAST

>> No.8319904

Stop being autistic. You're the kind of guy who wants literally every ingredient listed on the menu, aren't you?

>> No.8319919

Not ONCE have I seen beans with/on toast with fucking CHEESE. You can't just start adding shit when something doesn't turn out and say
>well you didn't do it right
Fuck off with that no true beans on toastmen

>> No.8319940

>Not once

I have literally never seen t without cheese you fucking moron

>wahhhh I cooked it wrong british food is shit

same level as ja/ck/

>> No.8319948

>Beans on toast
Does it say cheese toast? No? oh well I guess I just made beans on toast then

>> No.8319951

It's delicious as is but some cheese and a poached egg on top only helps things.

>> No.8319956

That doesn't sound like beans on toast to me

>> No.8319958

Ah so I was right you are an autist

>fish and chips? wait who said you could batter the fish???

>> No.8319961

Correct sir. It is beans, egg and cheese on toast. Cracked pepper is another option you could use to jazz your meal.

>> No.8319962

The different between fish and chips is that those are two parts, while beans on toast is one thing that needs a specifier

>> No.8319968

Cheese is an integral part of beans on toast, just because you didn't know that doesn't make it wrong.

Just like batter is an integral part of the fish in fish and chips.

Just like cheese is an integral part of pepperoni pizza

>> No.8319978

>he eats cheese on his pepperoni pizza
haha wow

>> No.8319986

when i visited england it was mostly muslim people and balding guys with big beer bellies wandering around in funny looking elf shoes and small pants. i believe sincerely that they would and do eat this

>> No.8319991

This, colonial here and few people have them without either cheese or keens curry

>> No.8319992

Do britbongs eat the beans cold or something?
Because I like beans but I always eat them cold because I just pull them from the fridge

>> No.8320001

whoa there friend.
You might need to pull your head out your ass.

>> No.8320512

That isn't toasted bread though, it looks like cake

>> No.8320515

'muricans are funny.

>> No.8320519

Drop the beans and use some 'dines

>> No.8320525

>when i visited england it was mostly muslim people and balding guys with big beer bellies wandering around
You have never been to England - Why lie?

OP you have beans on bread, try it with buttered toast, it makes a good lunchtime snack.

>> No.8320543

ITT: beans on toast are compared to fucking fish and chips

>> No.8320562

heat them up in a saucepan, bit of worcestershire sauce and reduce the liquid down a bit so it's less runny

>> No.8320567

I can go with this.
Americans have very different beans though, they are much sweeter.

I think you can get British Heinz Beans in America but they are on tins marked 'British Export' or something like that.

The was a British Expat in American that found a Brand of beans that tastes like British beans . . . .but damned if I can remember the brand ! ! !

>> No.8320573

>is this just a Bong meme
>or do they really eat this shit regularly?
Do you even know what a meme is?

>> No.8320586

You can get heinz beans pretty much anywhere in the imports/uk section, but they're outrageously expensive. Like, $5+ for one can

>> No.8320607

>Like, $5+ for one can
Fucking Jesus.

A 3 pack is £1.69 ($2.11) works out as £0.56 ( $0.70) per tin.

Own Brand stuff is often far cheaper, more watery though. about £0.25 ($0.31)

>> No.8320614

What's that???? Lettuce in my burger? Mustard??????? I asked for a burger not a poorly dressed salad

>> No.8320629


This is what the working class eat. It's like having Sausages and mashed potato for dinner.

This kind of food is cooked solely by people who have no education or single mothers who got knocked up at 19

>> No.8320645

I think you are being a dick.
It's a common lunch in Britain and to deride Bangers and mash is to throw the whole of Central and Eastern Europe into a seizure.

Sausages, mash (maybe some pickled cabbage) is pretty much a staple dinner in that part of Europe.

>> No.8320653

>never had fucking beans and toast

Jesus fucking christ where the fuck were you born? No its not some artisanal culinary masterpiece, its the definition of mediocre. Its what you make if you have no time or are inbetween shops or something and need to shove some food down your throat.

What were you even expecting? They eat it because its easy not because its some great culturally significant dish. Its not even just a british thing, people make baked beans and dip buttered toast in them all the time

>> No.8320664
File: 66 KB, 600x423, 1416774951477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We post these all the time on brit threads you faggot

>> No.8320665


No hes right.

>> No.8320673

ITT: Someone gives advice on how to improve something and gets shit for it.

>> No.8320683

>No hes right.

>> No.8320685

you can literally put cheese on fucking anything and make it taste better.

>> No.8320687

>Not ONCE have I seen beans with/on toast with fucking CHEESE.
Do you live in a fucking cave? Everyone here has cheese on the beans.

>> No.8320689

no he isn't.

>> No.8320695


yes he is

>> No.8320703

Single Mums would do more for their kids, even if it's only turkey dinosaurs.

And note my comments here about sausage and mash >>8320645

I understand you are trying to prove your point but you are wrong . . . I've done the Parent thing and I'm right in saying that beans on toast isn't a " no education or single mothers who got knocked up at 19"

Do you think Brits eat Organic Tofu and Hummus for lunch? .. . most of us don't kiddo.

>> No.8320707

I've never bothered with cheese.

Worcestershire sauce and cracked black pepper for me.

Yeah it ain't world class but it is ultimate comfort food. Pretty much how I feel about most of our food.

>> No.8320712

Oh and heavily buttered thick whole meal bread is what I use.

>> No.8320713

>Single Mums would do more for their kids, even if it's only turkey dinosaurs

Sticking frozen shit in the oven is not "more" you lazy fuck

>> No.8320715

He's just baiting, don't bother.

>> No.8320720

>I've never bothered with cheese.
I'm pretty much the same.

I can't be arsed with cheese most of the time, a bit of brown sauce or Lee and Perrins and that's it.


>> No.8320726

Are murricans actually like this?

>the name consists of two ingredients, so naturally that's everything I need to make it

I bet you literally just grill a slice of cheese to make grilled cheese too, don't you, you chucklefuck?

>> No.8320730


turkey dinosaurs are worse than beans on toast.

>> No.8320745

I don't know if you are the same same muppet that has been posting rubbish in the last few threads but I will explain.

You need to get the overall picture (it's not either/or) a simple lunchtime snack can be beans on toast but single mums (no matter how shit they are) would not regard this as dinner for their kids!

In any event, many countries seem to think the beans on toast thing is rather weird? . . . . To me it seems like a simple pairing; Aussies eat similar grub to us Brits, I wonder if the Aussies do beans on toast too?

Any Aussies around?

>> No.8320754


>its ok because its not dinner

ok lol

>> No.8320761

How old are you?

>> No.8320765

adding cheese to beans on toast is excessive.
however i have in the past added
cooked mushrooms
various spices
and i regularly top it with nutritional yeast.
baked beans go with many many dishes.

>> No.8320774

>but single mums (no matter how shit they are) would not regard this as dinner for their kids!

You seem a bit defensive about the single mum thing, any reason for that?

>> No.8320781

It's my fault for arguing with someone who is already pissing into the wind.

>> No.8320821

are u fucking retarded? adding cheese is a regular thing

>> No.8320834

to me it just seems like it should be equal to American chipped beef on toast. Something for comfort and on the cheap that you enjoy and in real life (off 4chan) nobody would even second guess it.

>> No.8320890

That is exactly what it is. Literally nobody thinks it's some kind of culinary delight, it's just a cheap easy meal

>> No.8320896

first of all butter your fucking toast. I would also have mine more toasted than that but thats personal preference.
Second, what brand of baked beans did you use? They look to be lacking in sauce.

>> No.8321055

I'm a bong and I hate baked beans

>> No.8321137

yeah the brand can't be emphasised enough

also do the beans on the hob and NEVER in the microwave

do them on a low heat for 10min so they mush up a little bit

>> No.8321154

i have never seen or heard of anyone actually eating chipped beef on toast though

>> No.8321197

this, i also hate tea as well ( all hot drinks in general desu )

>> No.8321233


Literally the ultimate poverty meal

I dare you to name an actual food/meal that is more poverty

>> No.8321240

Standard army mess hall breakfast food in the 80's. I never saw a mess hall breakfast that didn't have it.

>> No.8321243

toast sandwiches

>> No.8321247

Who the fuck visits England and only goes to Bradford?

>> No.8321252

No one had heard of them before 4chan.

>> No.8321254


i have also been to london, and he's right. muslims, niggers, and bald fat british people with funny shoes.

>> No.8321257

you asked for a more poverty food, I gave you one

put the goalposts back where they were

>> No.8321263

He said an "actual food", not one dragged out of a victorian cookbook then forgotten.

>> No.8321265

I said put the goalposts back where they were, not move them again

>> No.8321269

Beans on toast is like British ramen noodles but actually healthier. I grew up poor and we would often have it for lunch.

Nowadays I put chopped spring onion and thinly sliced mushrooms in the beans while they're cooking with a dash of hot sauce. Cook until thick and serve on a slice of very thick toasted bread. Salt and pepper. I ate this a lot through uni.

I've added cheese before and I can tell anyone who isn't from Britain it is very common just not standard.

>> No.8321937

I had it last night when I was pissed. It was amazing.

>> No.8321950
File: 503 KB, 2304x1728, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you just took it straight out of the can.

i think cooking it on the stove for 20-30 minutes improves it a lot. the sauce thickens and caramelizes a little around the edges of the pan. it's lovely.

man i love beans on toast. try differnt flavours too, like chipotle, or bbq, or maple.

>> No.8322038

that does look pretty gud desu

>> No.8322116
File: 326 KB, 1670x536, 1471828645229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in bongland is this considered normal.

>> No.8322123

>It's another "let me tell you about your country" obsessed thread

Seriously lads, it's baked beans on toast. It's comfort food. It's filling. It's quick. Move on with your lives.

>> No.8323203

Van Camp's