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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8314763 No.8314763 [Reply] [Original]

Homemade butter. You guys. If you're eating margarine you're wrong. This shit is superior in every way. Plus you get buttermilk from it. Slightly less cost effective than buying it outright, but I think the buttermilk you get makes it worth it.

>> No.8314773
File: 295 KB, 1800x1013, LURPAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kidding, right?
Buy a quality European butter, but making it yourself is wasted work. If that's your hobby, then fine. Maybe you live on a dairy farm or something.

>> No.8314831

I agree totally. 1 pint of heavy cream mixed on high with my kitchenaid for 10 minutes. Result? Great butter and buttermilk. I use local, grassfed cream. Really outstanding stuff. Almost like a soft cheese.

>> No.8314838

You're an idiot. Butter is butter.

>> No.8314850

Fight me you little bitch. Fresh made butter is better butter than boring ol bought butter you butt fucker.

>> No.8314852

if you make it at home is it cultured or sweet cream? how do you culture it?

>> No.8314856

Why on earth would I buy imported butter when I can make a better quality product from cream made here in the states? Get fucked.

>> No.8314864

Nah, you giant pretentious douche. Store bought Walmart butter gets the job done. Stop pretending like you can actually tell the difference.

We don't live in a world where you have to do everything yourself. Wasted effort. How 'bout you learn how to suck dick properly instead. I'll be waiting.

>> No.8314903

Lmao, Lurpak is just a normal everyday brand of butter in England
>American products are so bad that our average products are considered luxury to them

>> No.8314928

Ignore these imbeciles. As I said in >>8314831, use of a high quality cream for 10 minutes of effort produces a far superior product than you can buy.

Well worth the effort. Good job, OP. If some of these lazy ass basement dwellers changed out of their pajamas and got off of 4chan for 15 minutes, they could experience for themselves.

>> No.8314934

Who the fuck eats margarine these days?

>> No.8314949

A TV show I trust called "America's Test Kitchen" does blind tasting tests by both culinary experts and random people. They taste a wide variety of brands as used in different purposes (bread spread, baking, etc), evaluate pros and cons, and Lurpak won.
What brand do you consider premium?

>> No.8314960

>Lurpak is a luxury item

>> No.8314964

So do you just beat it and that's it, or do you do something else after to get the excess water out? I've wanted to try making my own butter for a while now and since I finally got a stand mixer I actually feel like it's reasonable.

>> No.8314989

Duchy Original is very high quality and delicious but I don't know if it's sold outside of the UK.
It's worth trying if you get the chance.

>> No.8314996

Just pour heavy whipping cream in the mixer and beat until it turns to whipped cream, a few minutes later it'll separate and you'll get butter and buttermilk.

>> No.8315003

I buy premium quality butter at the cheap store
It's way better than regular butter whole still being cheaper
Buy it on a hot day and it starts melting before you reach your home

>> No.8315038

>Buy bland basic cream
>Churn it into bland basic butter

White people sure love pretending to be trendy hip snowflakes. If you have access to good farm fresh cream you already have access to good butter

>> No.8315041

What >>8314996 said, but a couple things more. When it starts separating to butter and buttermilk it will start spattering the buttermilk all over, so you have to turn it down some until it's done, which won't be very long. Then I put the butter in a fine strainer and rinse with very cold water.

>> No.8315114

>this poster sure loves hibernating in mom's basement watching animes while dribbling cheetos dust into his scraggly beard and smearing it on his pajamas before typing.

>> No.8315163

Don't get upset, you can't afford to with all the bland butter in your arteries

>> No.8315190

This. Get over yourselves. Homemade doesn't automatically equal quality.

>> No.8315237

It's better than loving rape and dealing drugs, like black people.

>> No.8315241



>> No.8315306

When I make shortbread, I can tell...

>> No.8315311

Sorry about your education. The cholesterol in your veins is not the digested cholesterol from your diet.

>> No.8315467

Eat your heart out, lazyfuck. I'd be more than happy to put my homemade up against any on the market. It's not my skill, but the quality of the grass fed cream. If the dairy sells butter made from it, it wouldn't be as fresh and would be more expensive than a pint of the cream.

You do realize, of course, commenting about something you know nothing about is both ignorant and stupid.

>> No.8315750

That's exactly what I'm saying about you assholes, thinking you're better than you are because of BUTTER of all things.

I've had "homemade" butter. I've had quality expensive white people shit. I've had fake ass dollar store butter. If you're using it in something, I guarantee no one will be able to taste the difference.

Butter on toast? Maybe. But you're a snob either way.

>> No.8315798
File: 72 KB, 800x601, 800px-Bert_Williams_blackface_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expensive white people shit

I'se no's wat's I'se likes, an' i'se don'ts likes no wot peoples home dun butta'. Nah suh, nah suh!

>> No.8315803

>Fresh made butter is better butter than boring ol bought butter you butt fucker.
bet you can't say that 3 times fast

>> No.8316056
File: 611 KB, 780x720, 1447556563624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to produce butter by just whipping up heavy cream is like mixing flour, salt and water and calling that pizza dough. The real thing is a fermented product, you doofus. What you're producing is some kind of ersatz butter with no flavor other than the bare milkfat. Only a pleb would be unable to tell the difference. Then again I hear that Americans and assorted anglos for some reason consume a lot of sweet cream butter, which is unfermented, whereas in the rest of the world real, cultured butter is the only kind typically available. Uncultured butter for an uncultured people, how fitting. Perhaps OP has never actually tasted the real thing if he thinks that he's producing a quality product.

>> No.8316150

Not OP, but the other guy bragging about making butter. You're right. I've not had cultured. But based on your post, I'm going to add that 24 hour step prior to churning 1 pint and I'll compare it to a sweet cream pint from the same batch of cream. I'll be interested to see the difference.

If you hadn't been such a pretentious little arrogant cunt in your post, I'd say thank you. As it is, go fuck yourself.

>> No.8316159

where is your cow? is she a q.t.?
>tfw my cow got too old to make milk

>> No.8316171
File: 46 KB, 470x336, 1395699601532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes thread about actual food and not fast food or tv dinners
>gets shit on by basement dwellers

Great job, /ck/

>> No.8317279
File: 53 KB, 600x480, 1452030535783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt just leaving the cream out to sit will do much good. If anything it will make it taste a bit gross, assuming you're using pasteurized cream. You need to inoculate it with a lactobacillus culture. Raw, unpasteurized cream might undergo some not-gross type fermentation even without an added culture and be alright. Pasteurized products will just spoil because the pasteurization will have killed the good strains of bacteria that would otherwise naturally start fermenting the milk. I used to drink most of my milk raw and I can say the difference between soured raw milk and soured pasteurized milk is really like night and day, the former being sort of "pleasantly sour" and still edible and the latter being just disgusting.

I don't know what exactly they use to inoculate the cream with when they make butter industrially, but you could probably make do with any old fermented milk product, like yogurt. Try mixing a small part of yogurt or some other type of fermented milk product into the cream, then keep it warm for some time (look up the exact process for that type of milk product) and churn it to butter like you usually would.

Have this picture of a not-smug anime girl as amends.
t: smug butter anon

>> No.8317285

Have you tried making two shortbreads, one with your special butter and one with Walmart Great Value butter?

Then have a friend chop it up into 10 pieces, 5 for the special butter shortcake, and Walmart butter shortcake, then label them, mix them up, and have you taste them? Double blind

I did the same experiment with tap water and bottled water. My roommates couldn't tell the difference

>> No.8317424

>White people so extra senpai bla bla

Fuck off

Also nobody is advocating the use of "bland basic cream"

>pretending to be trendy hip snowflakes.

Unlike you who is the authentic hipster with your race bait.

>> No.8317445

Imagine the hand jobs she could give. Just imagine for a second.
