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8304022 No.8304022 [Reply] [Original]

I bought my friend some meme glassware for his birthday
what beer should i buy for him to compliment the glass
he likes dark beers/ales

>> No.8304045

Do you live in murica or Europe?

>> No.8304050

USA, Tennessee to be exact

>> No.8304130

Any beer by Rogue. That entire company produces nothing but meme beers. None of them are that great though, so I'd buy something way better alongside it.

>> No.8304136

Then just piss in the glass, it's still better as your shitty "beer"

>> No.8304153

Now that we got that gripe out of the way, let's have a useful thread for once.

If you're legitimately looking for meme beer just buy PBR.

>> No.8304172

>meme glassware
Are you even old enough to buy beer?

>> No.8304182

>meme glassware
i want to be mad at you, but somehow your image made me laugh

>> No.8304188
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Obviously something from hoppin' frog in Ohio.

>> No.8304191

PBR was the meme beer of 2014
Nowadays it's something like Arrogant Bastard Ale or Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA

>> No.8304356

Buy the most highly hopped IPA you can find. Google it. That will be the meme beer of all meme beers to go in your meme glass.

>> No.8304370
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>not making a beer called Hoppy Boi

What a waste of a brewery logo

>> No.8304396


I googled it and came up with Dogfish Head's Hoo Lawd. 658 IBUS

But you should really just shove a whole bunch of fresh hops up your ass, follow it with a Hoo Lawd enema, and then piss it through a strainer into your meme snifter.

You'd pretty much become a meme beer legend after that.

>> No.8304563

>658 IBU

Obviously you realise just how bad that would taste. That's what the IPA meme has done to beer. It's like edgy kids playing with Ghost peppers. How can I fry my tastebuds more macho than you? You're correct. Make a high AAU hop salad, eat it, and piss in the meme glass.

Absolutely no appreciation of good beer.

>> No.8304643

OP here im back from work.
I didnt want a legit meme beer. I just wanted to downplay the fact that I got a fucking pepe engraved on a glass for this fucker and save some embarassment.

IPAs are out of the question. He hates that shit. Looking for something DARK that suits the glass

thanks cu/ck/s

>> No.8304792

Although I hate to admit I know this, that's called a "tasting glass."

But just get a Bock, Dunkel, German Alt, or something like that. They're dark and malty but without too much hops.

>> No.8305712


Get him oatmeal stout or dessert stout or something that is a stout. he will know that you are trying.

>> No.8305728

Guinness extra stout.
The answer to every question.
It's always Guinness extra stout.

You go to mcdonalds, and they ask you if you want a combo, your answer is "Guinness extra stout."

Follow this rule and you will never have to start another thread on 4chan ever again.

>> No.8305761

If you can find dark trappist beer, that's the way to go.

>> No.8305762

Complement, you fucking braindead retarded piece of shit

>> No.8305809

Founders Breakfast Stout

>> No.8306094
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Let them have their fun. It's like medical marijuana. Did it stay in bud form? Hell no - they had to make 90% THC concentrated wax that you have to heat with a blow torch in order to consume.

Pushing the envelope is the natural progression and evolution of anything. Craft beer is no exception, and IPAs certainly aren't the only exception. You have 5-6% stouts, and then you have 13% double chocolate oatmeal imperial stout aged in kentucky bourbon barrels with fucking pecans added. Care for a nicely spiced belgian ale? Fuck that, here's a 16% octupel ale brewed with monk piss. Porter? Just double the grain bill and put "baltic" in the name.

If you don't like hop forward beers, that's fine, but don't pretend like it's the only style of beer that has been whored out by radical memers.

>> No.8306335

>entry level stout for a engraved pepe glass to an experienced beer drinker

Fucking hell no. At least get some semi-local imp stout and hope he hasn't tried it.

>> No.8308302

wow rude

>> No.8308369


>> No.8308371

That's adorable.

>> No.8308375
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A cool, refrigerated Bud.

>> No.8308496

this desu famalam

I think imperial stouts are the biggest meme of all

>> No.8308502

>I think imperial stouts are the biggest meme of all
I think you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8308512
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>> No.8308573

Currently drinking a ballast point sculpin. It's pretty amazing for an IPA. I thought it would've been a bit more fruity, however that is what the fruit versions are for

>> No.8308588

Where can I get this beer cup?
I want it for laughs with my mom

>> No.8310393

biggest meme beer right now is alcoholic root beer. If you live near a bevmo or something they will have it,