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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8301742 No.8301742 [Reply] [Original]

Chipotle and Guacamole

What was 2016's meme food?

>> No.8301746


>> No.8301748

honey sriracha

>> No.8301756

old news, brussel sprouts are on an upswing, but may already be old news tho

>> No.8301758


>> No.8301760

fried brussel sprouts are good, im surprised quinoa hasnt gotten a mention

>> No.8301764

The McChicken.

>> No.8301765

2012-2015, I disagree with this list entirely aside from the neverending bacon trend, which was a thing. Sriracha peaked long before any of these years but the movie about it was in 2013. I'd sub in kale, coconut water, kombuncha, and the wild crazy pumpkin spice month products, from pumpkin spice shredded wheat to pumpkin spice rum for 2015
>What was 2016's meme food?
Might be savory yogurt flavors like noosa blackberry w/serrano or , yogurt with ancient grains mixed in already, or maybe it won't catch on like wildfire until 2017, I gotta say though I love some lebnah in a restaurant, I'm not ready to buy sun dried tomato basil yogurt.
Maybe 2016 was avocado toast?

>> No.8301771

Look at Google trends guy, these are real food trend peaks based on the year.

>> No.8301772
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>> No.8301774


>> No.8301780

Creme fraiche is definitely on the meme comeup

>> No.8301783

Big Red and Barbacoa, mark my words.

>> No.8301786

Sushirrito/poke. I've seen a good 4-5 places open up in the last month or two.

>> No.8301787

Hi Tieu is where it's really at.

>> No.8301788

It is the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8301792

This. At least in California. 4 new places in my area now serve bowls of raw fish. And Mexican snack shops that sell the kind of shit in all those horrible webms along with juices and sweets. Three of those in my area in the last six months

>> No.8301848


It was way before that.

I'd say 2015 was adding an egg to everything

>> No.8301855

Go za

>> No.8301866

>Look at Google trends guy, these are real food trend peaks based on the year.
It's just your interpretation of the data. Don't forget Sriracha was a documentary movie long after it was a food meme.

>> No.8301869

>I'd say 2015 was adding an egg to everything
Indeed. And, a good example that a google search trend is nothing to do with restaurant menus.

>> No.8301882

kale, hands down

>> No.8301886



PROTIP: If you see anything on those shitty facebook cooking videos, it's a meme.

>> No.8301890
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Just you wait and see.

>> No.8301903

maybe if you live in the midwest like me. I took my mom out for it this year and it was the first she had heard of it

>> No.8301928


Not really a food, but those shitty facebook videos of people mixing shit in bowls.

I fucking hate them, and often for no good reason.

>> No.8301947

Poke Bowls. You'll always have 1 that's mind blowing but for the most part they are underwhelming and over priced.

>> No.8301948
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Kale is more 2013. I'd actually say it's dying a bit this year, it's half the price of romaine in my city now.

Kohlrabi is rising up, though.

>> No.8301951

Sorry, meant moringa*

>> No.8301953
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Fucking mango

>> No.8301958

It's definitely avocado, what're you talking about

>> No.8301962
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>> No.8301964
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>> No.8301966
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>> No.8301969
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You guys are all so behind.

>Coffee In A Cone Is About To Be The Next Big Food Craze

>> No.8301970

pho, 'go 'za, or anything that was not originally a burrito that has been made into a burrito

>> No.8301972
File: 359 KB, 680x1020, Sweet-potato-toast-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike avocado toast, you don’t simply slather mashed sweet potato on a slice of organic sprouted multigrain. The sweet potato IS the toast. Kinda trippy, huh? But I’m a skeptic, and the idea of popping a slice of raw sweet potato directly into a toaster or toaster oven and ending up with something remotely good sounds like wishful thinking.

>> No.8301977
File: 162 KB, 900x565, Unicorn-Melt-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems the newest trend in food as arrived and it’s multicolored. With the debut of the Rainbow Grilled Cheese a few weeks back, folks were bummed it was only available in Hong Kong. Not so much the case any longer as Chomp Eatery has unveiled their own version of the colorful dish.

>The LA-based restaurant is calling this one a Unicorn Melt.

>> No.8301979

Why the fuck does it matter?

Are all of you underaged facebook tourists?

>> No.8301980
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>Trendinista: Foodies’ latest find: tinned fish
>Sushi joints and raw bars still rule, but some serious eaters now get their kicks from cans

>> No.8301983

im not underaged

>> No.8301984


>> No.8301990


Definitely poke.

>> No.8302001



>> No.8302004

Good. He'e is fuggin delicious. There's an Italian place that does amazing seafood salad near me that started making poke since he already had the ingredients. It's off menu but he gives it to me for free since he's buddies with my cousin. Heading over there after lifting weights makes being a full time student with a demanding part time job bearable.

>> No.8302006


>> No.8302010
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>Bugs — It's What's for Dinner
>A pot luck–style dinner at the house of local edible-bug blogger Aly Moore served as an introduction to eating insects for about a dozen people. The menu featured mealworm Massaman curry, smoked cricket avocado toast, cricket powder–infused lentils and dessert-ish cricket-cajeta cookies.

>> No.8302014

Is it good though?

>> No.8302017
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>> No.8302025

(desu i kind of hope eating bugs takes off, i've heard nothing but good things about them nutritionally and would love to get in on this trend without being ostracized by my friends)

>> No.8302027

Fuck tacos. All year long I've seen normies on Facebook posting about HURR TACO TUESDAY and I WISH SOMEONE WOULD BRING ME TACOS and GET YOU A MAN WHO'LL FEED YOU TACOS.

>> No.8302028
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>> No.8302033
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>> No.8302036
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>> No.8302047
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>> No.8302051
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>> No.8302054





>> No.8302055
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>> No.8302061
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>> No.8302070
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easily Poke. i'm from bumfuck, nowhere with about 5 chain restaurants that's it and even i've heard a bunch about them. i bet its insufferable the big cities.

>tfw i complain but still wanna try it

>> No.8302077

jesus fucking christ. whoever writes those taglines should be drawn and quartered

>> No.8302093

Get it from a good place with fresh seafood and you'll be good. I live in the Chicago area but the Italian place I spoke of earlier gets shipments of fresh seafood from the east coast so I go on days I know it arrives. Gotta be fresh.

>> No.8302096

Poke bowls

In the past months several poke bowl joints opened in my area and 3 of which are less than five miles apart from each other it's ridiculous.

>> No.8302097
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You're all too blinded to see what's been in front of you the whole time

>> No.8302101

I swear to Jesus I'm going to actually order a couple of those and see what the fuss is about.

>> No.8302103

I'm a /ck/ noob. What the hell is poke?

I'm so sick of hearing about tacos, I really am.


>> No.8302113
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For me its the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8302134
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>> No.8302144

2016's meme food is veganism as a whole

>> No.8302164
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Which year was the year of the cronut? Here in Nashville people went apeshit over these things this year but I feel like cronuts were a thing long before then.

>> No.8302165

hahaha there are so many spelling errors in that search query :D

>> No.8302170


underrated post

>> No.8302190

How do you order a shitpost?

>> No.8302195

never seen a meme of it but this year in los angeles that hawaiian poke was really popular.

>> No.8302199

everything made of cauliflower

apparently it's a decent source of "dietary fiber", a "vital nutrient".......AKA monsanto chemtrail vitamins

>> No.8302217

What the fuck if you replaced the 1 in any of these with a 0 it might have been semi-accurate.

This board has always been "foods I found out other people like once I turned 18 and now I'm going to call them hipster while everyone just eats them because I prefer chicken nuggers"

Anyways if you wanted hipster shit that actually regained popularity all around America

2012: Asian-Mexican fusion
2013: Vegan/veggie fast casual
2014: Middle Eastern Street Food
2015: Cuban-fusion which was the 2nd place runner the previous 3 years
2016: Standard Burger and Hot Dog place without pretension +5 dollars

>> No.8302219

>meme food thread
>full of suggestions from years ago
Do you people live in caves?

>> No.8302237

>Gender Reveal Cake
Do I want to know what that is?

>> No.8302247
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food in tender form

>> No.8302261

You invite a bunch of people over and cut into the cake to show either blue or pink on the inside to reveal your coming child's gender.

It's fucking stupid.

>> No.8302269

that sounds fun idk what your issue is

>> No.8302293

Are we forgetting Pizza?
Haven't we all seen those countless memes on Facebook on the lines of "I may be single, but at least I have pizza"

>> No.8302400


I'd put money on 2017 being:

Bibimbap, kimchi, pho. Otherwise:

French food as a whole will make a very big come back in 2017 or 2018. Compared to the current trend of bowls, poke, burritos, etc. I think a lot of people will gravitate to french food because it is tasty, wonderfully coloured, and cultural (you gotta look sophisticated ya Bohemians).

>> No.8302880
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Cold brew. Cold brew everywhere.

>> No.8302884


Pizza is versatile though. All of the aforementioned items are pretty standard and there isn't much that can be done with them

>> No.8302888


I haven't seen that meme forced on anyone, though.

FWIW, cold brew is waaaay better tasting and more effective at perking people up than those high-calories Basic Bitch drinks (PSLs)

>> No.8302933

That looks pretty good though 2bh.

>> No.8302942


It seems like that was mainly an east coast thing.

>> No.8302964

In the UK the meme foods are a toss up between:

The whole "Clean Eating" thing, championed by Hemsley and Hemsley and Deliciously Ella et al. Things like organic bowls with kale, black beans and tahini, and raw energy snack things made with dates and almonds and stuff that are actually pretty nice. Lots of cafes and books based around this.

Burgers. Every city has a million new burger places...that and pulled pork. People in the miserable grey urban UK trying to constantly replicate a Jack Daniels advert. Does my head in. Its fucking ubiquitous.

>> No.8302974
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Liquid nitrogen ice cream, but I think it'll be bigger in 2017.

>> No.8302976
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That looks pretty good. Those pickled (?) carrots are usually just the perfect sweetness, and crunchy too.

>> No.8302987
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>The whole "Clean Eating" thing, championed by Hemsley and Hemsley and Deliciously Ella et al. Things like organic bowls with kale, black beans and tahini, and raw energy snack things made with dates and almonds and stuff that are actually pretty nice. Lots of cafes and books based around this.

This and poke bowls are memes that I don't mind too much. Lighter and healthier food are nice, it's good to have more options around and encourage people to eat more veg and grain.

>> No.8303005

poke or "artisan" fried chicken

>> No.8303009
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>> No.8303025

You got the orders and years wrong but your heart was in the right place
>2008 Cupcakes
>2009 Nutella
>2010 Bacon
>2011 Sriracha
>2012 inception food / food indie of food, plus cupcakes Nutella bacon and Sriracha are still all reigning supreme
>2014 Ramen (remember ramen burger? remember how much ramen we all ate in 2013?)
>2015 Pumpkin Spice

>> No.8303026

the fuck, this is just wrong and never happened.

>> No.8303031

if you can list 16 of them there none of those were trends.

>> No.8303039

thanks for posting these btw

>> No.8303045


>> No.8303047
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>half slice of cheese

For me it is the McFish, the cuckolds choice of fast food sandwich.

>> No.8303083

Sushi/gyoza here
everyone and their mothers trying to make them themselves/shitty joints opening everywhere

awful stuff

>> No.8303116

isn't it called Filet o Fish?

>> No.8303296

1. It's when the actual masses picked up on the trend because the restaurants caught on later than the vocal minority did
2. It's when it peaks on Google Trendsso I'm right any way you look at it

>> No.8303316

>cone gets all soggy until coffee gets to drinking temperature
>chocolate at the bottom of the cone melts and leeks out
>pointy bottom so it cannot be put down


>> No.8303334

I think you mean sex, not gender

>> No.8303339

There's a burger place which literally adds fucking Cheerios and popping candy to their burgers

Most retarded fucking thing ever, and they charge way too much for the privilege

>> No.8303342

hey man, halal food never gets old

>> No.8303346

It's a shitty excuse to pressure people into coming over to act like they care about whether some unborn seed has a dick or not so they can shower you with more free shit and gifts. It's called a reveal party.

>> No.8303357

depends what country you're in

>> No.8303380

just do it secretly, like when you browse estonian aboriginal clothing messageboards

>> No.8303385

Cold Brew is actually not a meme because it's way less acidic and won't disturb your stomach if you're sensitive to that kind of thing

>> No.8303389
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>> No.8303408
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>2017's BUZZWORDS: Horseradish. Radishes everywhere including fast-cas places. Celery. Newfangled, reinvented cottage cheese. Fake cheese options on regular menus. Matcha jumps the shark. Jackfruit. Upscale ramen noodle shops. War on waste ... pickling vegetable flotsam that used to go into the trash now becomes condiments, relishes and burger toppings. Clean label cold cuts. Cauliflower. French dip sandwiches for some reason ... but if you want to take a leap, try the zesty Mexican version called torta ahogodo (photo, right). Chefs playing around with aging 21 meat ... in whisky, in sake lees, quick-aging with miso powder. Grain bowls. Breakfast transformed ... more ethnic flavors, heavier brunch-type items. Verging on too many food halls ...with negative impacts on mom-and-pops. Caccio e pepe on non-pasta dishes ... as a steak sauce, on asparagus, brussels sprouts, spiralized vegetables. Robots in restaurants. Salted egg yolks. Asian bakeries. Some commercial stabs at 3-D food printing. Sophisticated soda. Everything's going to become a snack.

>> No.8303417
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>> No.8303422
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>> No.8303442
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You haven't a fucking clue, retard.

>> No.8303458

Cayenne pepper

>> No.8303530


both restaurants and the instant packages.

new ramen ships keep popping up in my city, i can't complain

>> No.8303588
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>jackfruit may be 2017's memefruit
I'm fucking ready for the sudden spike in Jackfruit dessert recipes.

>> No.8303594

How is it sealed? What edible sealant can withstand coffee temperatures?

>> No.8303598

I don't know what counts as 2016's trend but 2017 is looking like sourdough.

>> No.8303599

This may come as a shock, but some people eat new things simply for the experience or because it amuses them.

Rainbow cake doesn't taste any different from normal cake, but that doesn't mean it's not cheerfully colored.

>> No.8303601
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I honestly wished bugs would've been this year's meme food. There are shockingly few recipes out there beyond "dried" or "fried and drenched in butter". I want something that compliments the flavor. Not to mention the rise in popularity might convince some more risk-taking grocery stores to start supplying them.
It depends on the bug. I'll tell you now crickets are just awful. They taste like they smell. Most grubs are good and nutty though. Grasshoppers have a somewhat unique taste to them. Scorpions taste like some sort of cross between lobster and beef but they don't have enough yield to be worthwhile so they may wind up being as expensive as lobster. Roaches are sort of shrimp-like. It's also nice.
If we're lucky some day in our life this stuff will be a meme food. It'd be nothing but a blessing after the "BUGS for BREAKFAST?!?!" reaction dies out and it gains social acceptance.

>> No.8303604

Avocado has been blogloved for years but it crossed over this year, my mother and average mid-twenties men started eating it

2k13 m8

>> No.8303606

Guys, it's 'GO'ZA


>> No.8303611 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 623x414, nostradamus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard it here first: Finger limes will be the meme fruit of 2019.

>> No.8303629
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You heard it here first: Finger limes will be the meme fruit of 2019.

>> No.8303662
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For the past few years mason jars have dominated the alternative glass ware game, what's next? I nominate light bulbs.

>> No.8303673

fuck you tastey

>> No.8303676


>> No.8303696

Its measuring beakers and chemistry equipment it seems

>> No.8303704

>2016 was avocado toast
with sardines?

I started doing this because of redlettermedia

>> No.8303720

damn, I fell for a meme without even realizing other people were doing it too

It's amazing how propaganda gets you

>> No.8303781
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Scotch eggs with runny yolks

>> No.8303788

About 3 years behind the rest of the world.

>> No.8303804

""""tasty"""" recipe videos for sure.

>> No.8303820

Not even American my friend, I just don't pay attention to opinions on the internet

>> No.8303828
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Around here I'd have to say 'go 'za

>> No.8303836

How do you put it down? Is it served warm rather than piping hot?

>> No.8303854
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'go 'za

>> No.8303858


>> No.8303894

That was 2014. Now it's just a means of shitposting.

I vote aeolis, though I hope it winds up being bugs like we've been promised since 2010.

>> No.8303903


>> No.8303911
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Clearly Ramen

>> No.8303913
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>While Coffee in a Cone is becoming the latest internet food craze, the product was not an easy feat. Imagine what would happen if you took a steaming pot of joe and tried to pour it into your average waffle cone with a chocolate lining. Yikes. Levinrad tried to work around this challenge by buying a machine to make his own wafer cones. But, he was still met with hot coffee leaks worthy of a nice lawsuit. So, he finally found the perfect blend of four chocolates that were hard enough to hold coffee. Drinkers have 10 minutes to drink their coffee before the chocolate layers melt. Challenge accepted.

>Coffee in a Cone is not the first time an unconventional food has found success on Instagram. Sushirritos became a thing a couple years ago when photos of mutant sushi rolls began popping up on the photo-sharing app. The sushi burrito took our love for sushi and, as America loves to do, super-sized it for no reason, because who gives a damn about portion control. And, before the sushirrito, there was the ramen burger. Pictures of a burger with ramen noodles for a bun popped up online and had New Yorkers in a frenzy to get a bite. Now, with Coffee in a Cone, our drinks are beginning to get as creative as our food, and no one seems disappointed.

>> No.8303932
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Yea we have ramen houses flying up like ladders around here

100% 2016 is the year of ramen and pho
People are not saying it here because they part of the wave pushing this shit

Fucking SHI TPA TOWN irl

>> No.8303951

>yiffing the humans best friend

>> No.8303972
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2017 is going to be all about chipotle style copies

Blaze Pizza/PieOlogy/
Tasty Made/Habit/Smash/Lounge Burger
Middle east same shit like Semsom

Basically fast casual restaurants are going to take over in 2017

>> No.8304057

I just bought my first jackfruit, I'm riding the meme train.

>> No.8304079

There's a 24 hour diner in my town that serves great food, but all the drinks come in jars. It's infuriating.

>> No.8304083

Go back to tumblr faggot

>> No.8304183

My sister bought me a packet of salted chilli fried crickets with lime seeds from an organic produce company based in San Francisco
It could happen

>How were the crickets?
Tastleless apart from the seasoning, crunchy

>> No.8304197
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The tumeric trend is really weird.

>> No.8304207

pho is sooo 2010

>> No.8304216

How is it infuriating?

>> No.8304220

Red onion

That meme garbage vegetable has been propped up too long.

>> No.8304227

Is it even memed?
It seems like a tasty staple and doesn't make your eyes water like white

>> No.8304251

>meme garbage vegetable

Like most 4chan users, has know idea what meme even means, although it's posted in the FAQ section. Another information receptacle without a processing chip.

>> No.8304266

No memes here good buddy, just an example of a truly exceptional fast food sandwich. In fact, without reservation I would insist that it is THE best fast food sandwich, and at a price point that can't be beat. Not only that - only the finest chicken makes the cut. No nonsense, just pure 100% chicken.

>> No.8304267
File: 186 KB, 960x1280, rps20161123_172927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this for Thanksgiving tomorrow, suck a nut.

>> No.8304301

Never heard of it before, but I might actually try that.
I mean, I'm not going to put it in the toaster because I'm not a fucking savage, but it might be a nice way to use up some of these fucking sweet potatoes.

>> No.8304307

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.8304343

2013 and backwards was Sriracha, quinoa, cold-pressed juices, even hummus and kale and other foods that have now been integrated into hipsterised yet mainstream consciousness.

2014 was definitely the apex for Korean food, so BBQ, bibimbap, muh hallyu - otherwise probably how subscription services like Hello Fresh exploded into the public eye

2015 is difficult to really assign to one cuisine, but the general clean eating, pro-vegan, pro-local movement. Think poncy salads and calorie-lacking meals. A counter trend to this is something that has always been brewing in the back burner since like 2010: dirty burgers, pulled pork, over-the-top milkshakes, basically anything exaggeratedly unhealthy and animal-based to challenge all things green and environmental. This dichotomy really took off generally on social media through much anti-vegan/veggie sentiment and pro-meat eating.

I feel like poke is the stand-out meme cuisine of 2016, and generally protein-based foods like whey, soylent, barbacao, slow-cooked beef and obscure grains as the core constituent of day-to-day meals. This year the spotlight was also on basic semi-unhealthy foods like potato crisps, fried meat (in b4 fried chicken which is sooo 2014) and other sweet treats being dressed up as expensive, haute cuisine.

Next year and beyond, I'd like to see alternative proteins (Beyond Meat, plant-based meat substitutes) really take off as meme food but that might be a while away yet. Otherwise expect some other obscure national cuisine to be ransacked like Nigerian or Mongolian and even Scottish (to replace current Scandinavian meme). Someone screencap this just in case I'm right

>> No.8304359

I'll be so pissed if pho is the 2017 meme food. It's my wife's favorite food and I'll be damned if a bunch of hipsters who aren't even Asian incentivize people to charge 4 bucks a bowl more for it.

>> No.8304383

Cool in the summer and cozy in the winter.

>> No.8304485

When was the peak of nonsense like cereal cafes?

>> No.8304552

It's already massive in places with high concentrations of both hipsters and Vietnamese. It's only got to spread, and there's no stopping that now.

Pho is guaranteed meme food in the next couple of years.

>> No.8304627

Chick nuggers

>> No.8304804

The cheese looks nasty

>> No.8305104
File: 1.95 MB, 500x228, 1422247177410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spiralized vegetables
every time I see this shit referred to as "pasta" I want to stick a vegan's head in a fry daddy. this shit is cancer. I'm fine with spiralizing or whatever people gotta do to make healthy food appetizing, but dammit vegetables are vegetables and pasta is pasta.

>> No.8305119

2017 is the year of GOJUCHANG

>> No.8305141


psh, get your meme resolution right, cuck

>> No.8305348

Poke being a trend, are you dense?

>> No.8305356

Pho has been everywhere in Houston for 10 years or more now. Though we do have a lot of vietnamese here.

>> No.8305359

Should also mention that the new trendy thing here is vietnamese-cajun fusion, which is actually really good. Think crawfish pho and fried oyster bahn mi.

>> No.8305362

Activated Almonds.

>> No.8305522


The thing with Bibimbap is that most hipsters would eat it and not eat it like koreans would... which is by mixing the absolute fuck out of it.

>> No.8305534

On a related note: anything "bahn-mi inspired" is always shit. It never has pate, and if it's on a baguette it's never the right type. When I think bahn-mi I think pate, flaky crusty baguette. Putting cilantro on a burger doesn't make it taste like a bahn-mi. Do American's not like pate? I only see it in genuine sandwiches. Fucking pate on a hamburger would be good as fuck, too.

>> No.8305540


Most people who aren't in with korean food trends wouldn't know what Gojuchang is and even then most restaurants would use it in their sauces to make it a meme like sriracha.

>> No.8305556

I say Sriracha for another year just to see the butthurt

>> No.8305559

I agree about the pate. I used to bartend at a relatively upscale Vietnamese cafe and they originally put pate on the banh mis but everyone would ask what it was, then ask for it without pate. Eventually it became a by-request thing, then disappeared altogether. I've seen a similar trend at other places in the area. A lot of times the carrots aren't pickled either. Now you have to go to the Vietnamese part of town to find banh mis with pate and pickled carrots.

>> No.8305572
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I'll go with this. It's spicy, tasty, comfort food with spam and hot dogs for the retro ironic crowd. And it is fantastic with beer.

>> No.8305609

But good jackfruit is excellent

There is a weird no egg cake made in India that is absolutely delicious.

>> No.8305630
File: 1.83 MB, 5632x3755, yumitub_0560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017 will be the year of Thai Ice Cream.

screen cap this post/

>> No.8305635



>> No.8305662

>that and pulled pork

So much this for a couple of years ago. Almost overnight people started putting pulled pork on fucking everything.

Haven't really being paying attention this year, but it seems "rustic" cocktail bars have been popping up all over the place, and bourbon is becoming much more widely available.

>> No.8305664

I think I heard that they are serving it at Disneyworld in Florida now. That's a long way from Montreal.

>> No.8305668

>kimchi wasn't even big enough to be a meme food, just a hipster food

난 죽었으면 좋겠다..

>> No.8305672

Seems a little extreme. I love kimchi, but not so much that I want to die over it. In fact, I'm the one making budae jjigae for Thanksgiving.

>> No.8305681
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>> No.8305707


>> No.8305763

McChicken?! Big sandwich!! For me, or for you??!?!

>> No.8305768

>hating mango

Granted, it shouldn't be made into an abomination like Pillsbury cookies, but mango is a god-tier fruit.

>> No.8305769

>eating all those dyes

Anybody who does should enjoy their cancer in about ten years' time.

>> No.8305777


>> No.8305789

Yes, but the word "sex" makes puritanical estadounidenses uncomfortable.

>> No.8305914
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/ck/ is dead. Can't imagine what Moot thinks of this shithole now. It used to be a useful board.

>> No.8305922

Is Moot some old /ck/ namefag?

>> No.8305935

Jersey here, never heard of these things.

>> No.8306006
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current year +1 will be the year of the fermented cabbage meme

>> No.8306045

>meme food

>> No.8306057

For me, it is you! The best Big Guy!

>> No.8306418

I love that the Current Year will soon be over, and the Post-Current Age will be presided over by the God Emperor.

>> No.8306512
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>> No.8306521

That was like 2007

>> No.8306523

2016: The year everything was a meme

>> No.8306536

this about sums it up

i hope i don't even fucking see the word meme in 2017

>> No.8306580

Is "meme" going to be the meme of 2017?

>> No.8306655

I hate to admit it.

>> No.8306827

That's why that shit is on everyone's trendy shit box menus

>> No.8306840

No, that was this year's meme

>> No.8306897
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Try beating this.

>> No.8306972

End of 2014/start of 2015 - at least the most infamous one in London (Cereal Killer Cafe) opened then.

>> No.8307007

>shitty meme tacos that aren't just corn tortilla, carne asada, onions, lime, and cilantro

>> No.8307025

sex is yucky! gross

>> No.8307484

>tfw been using sriracha since the mid 1990s.

>> No.8307500

I always preferred the stuff in a jar. But then I stopped eating it because it's full of refined sugar and I'm better than you :^)

>> No.8307572

Five new meme ramen places are moving into my city, so this might be it.

>> No.8307598
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They're twins, but here's the thing, they're BOTH gay
What are the chances

>> No.8307602

everyone like immediately forgot about that black dude fucking that sandwich

>> No.8307610

funnily enough, my local grocery replaced all the tinned fish with stuff that comes out of maine and is real hipster-like

like I'm talking four dollar sardines here. must be one of those marketer-driven memes

>> No.8307612

this is practically a biography dude.

>> No.8307621

People have sex with food every day

>> No.8307645

The stuff in a jar is nice and I try to remember to pick it up but I forget every time.

Harissa is also good.

>> No.8308034

what kind of flyover crap do you live in? ramen has been done to death already

>> No.8308109
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Came here to post almost this.
2017 will be Mexican food. From authentic to "le fusion" hipster tacos and almost everything in between (tex mex will be shunned). It's basically going to be millennials's passive-aggressive response to all the immigration policy controversy.
Middle eastern cuisine could be a contender for the same reason, but I can't see that catching on as much.

>> No.8308139

Pumpkin spices.

>> No.8308183

2017 will be the year of gumbo. It won't come as classic gumbo, though. It will be only available in retarded forms like vegan or cold.

>> No.8308294

This or Brussels sprouts

>> No.8308307

Literally everywhere without asians.
I can smell the lube from here, you bay-area cunt

>> No.8308311
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Everything will be served in a wafer cone. With the little chambers to contain the melted ice cream/alfredo sauce/chicken stock.

>> No.8308403

>Literally everywhere without asians.
Houston, actually.
We've got Vietnamese here so any Ramen place need memes behind it to compete with the well-established Pho shops.

>> No.8308601
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>The Nutella craze was 2 years ago
Where did the time go

>> No.8308652


Brussel sprouts if normies workout what a maillard reaction is.

Otherwise: Tartines.

>> No.8308667

Europeans are still eating it on their various white breads instead of peanut butter.

I think Brussels sprouts are too familiar to become a meme food.

>> No.8308818


Keep your spic runes off this board.

>> No.8308821

kek sounds fuckin gay

>> No.8308833

Pumpkin spice flavor

>> No.8308929

This, haven't seen a single recipe in like 3 months without at least mentioning Avocado

>> No.8308948

>Chipotle and Guacamole
>What was 2016's meme food?

Here in LONDON its definitely pho / generic vietnamese streetfood as the memefood with so many shit popups and little street vendors peddling it and bahn mi

>> No.8308961

referring to it as pasta is just shorthand to refer to the fact that it has a noodly texture that you can twirl on your fork, and it makes a base for various sauces.

>> No.8308966

One has popped up near me but it sounds shit. Isn't it just tepid noodles? Fuck that. I could just order a Chinese and wait a while (though why I would do such a thing I have no idea).

>> No.8309659

100% this. Although it's been happening since 2014 where i live

>> No.8309691
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>No pate
>Carrots aren't pickled
I don't know why but this grinds my gears something awful.

>> No.8309695
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Banh mi without pate is like a BLT without the B.

>> No.8309741


>> No.8309789

>meme food

this forum is pathetic as all hell

>> No.8309794

avocado and sirracha have been the biggest meme foods for the past bunch of years

>> No.8309798

You seem lost

>> No.8309815

>getting baited this easily

you seem retarded

>> No.8309920

stop posting your graphic arts 101 portfolio ffs.

>> No.8309982


>being new
>being a faggot

>> No.8309997

Siracha's been a meme longer than 2015

maybe around here

But its been around on SA since '09

>> No.8310013

You do realize that people are just memeing this because of an autistic copypasta and a video of somebody fucking one, right?

...They're actually pretty all right. Order one with extra tomato, light mayo.

>> No.8310018

One anon recently had had a thread that took 4chan on a tour of his cave. It was a trip.

>> No.8310063

I actually love Asian food, vegetables, and fresh spices, so it feels like the meme train exists to make me happy. I don't know how long this string of coincidences will last, but it's great.

I know, it sounds silly, but even the weirder things I like have become popular. I can get cumin soda almost anywhere in my tristate area now.

>> No.8310084

because trends are interesting

>> No.8310110

There's bars like that in Spain or Portugal I think. Various canned fish in olive oil. Saw it on the Travel Channel way back when.

>> No.8310114

Those canned kippers and sardines you get at Trader Joe's are pretty nice.

>> No.8310279
File: 131 KB, 1024x682, dumplings-3-shutterstock_127563476-copy-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect a lot of fusion dumplings in 2017