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File: 53 KB, 571x427, Oi14aVN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8253428 No.8253428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.8253452

All too often, some grocery stores are scenes straight out of Fat Max.

>> No.8253462

In those giant warehouse stores? Yes, people in poor health will ride a cart. It's something like 1-2 miles to do a whole store. Some employees walk an average of 17 miles a day to do their jobs when they wear pedometers. Imagine if you had fibromyalgia, or shit for knee replacements, and you did your monthly stock up of pantry items, and had to rest 2 days from the exertion. There are a ton of people out there that should be in wheel chairs, but instead use a walker at home, and take it easy, elevating legs and avoiding surgeries, etc. Or they get winded from poor lung function, etc.

People fat like that lady in the picture? Probably has a whole host of conditions. It makes her look lazy, but long ago was the lazy part, now she's simply one foot in the grave and damn tired all the time.

>> No.8253463


You Should


Kill Yourself


>> No.8253503

Fatty detected

>> No.8253523

>It makes her look lazy, but long ago was the lazy part, now she's simply one foot in the grave and damn tired all the time.
this is the god honest truth

I actually feel bad for people who can't lose the weight, they have a mental condition that caused them to get there. No matter how badly want to, they probably will never lose the weight. Trust me, no fat person is happy with their body. If I had to guess I'd say she's probably just as disgusted with herself as everyone else, she probably feels embarrassed to have to ride one of those things when she actually doesn't have a "real" need for it.

>> No.8253564

Indeed they do. Walmart is a magnet for the ultra fat, its really one of the few places where they are welcomed with open arms. They feel at home there.
Although their store design is stupid enough to put roof support columns right in the middle of the aisle, as pictured. You'd think they could hide the fucking things in the center of the shelves, but nope. My store has the exact same stupid design, and even though I'm not a huge fatass driving a wide load, I find it annoying they could overlook something so easily avoided.

>> No.8253576

all you gotta do is eat less, fat faggot

>> No.8253592

If that was all you had to do don't you think these people would've done it?

Look, I used to be 300lbs before I got in shape. It was easy for me because I don't have a mental obstacle to overcome about food, I just ate too much and didn't get any exercise. These people who are 500lbs in power scooters have all tried to eat less, this isn't new knowledge.

>> No.8253596
File: 60 KB, 640x360, Fit Nigger Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do Americans really do this?

The typical 30 year old american Nigger is 300+ pounds, diabetic, and has had 1.3 strokes.

Eating fast food 24/7 will do that to you.

>> No.8253597

Former fatty here, you're full of shit. Fat fucks are delusional, and until they have someone drag them into reality, they all think they aren't "that bad" and quietly mock people 50lbs heavier than them. Stop listening to that fat fuck apologist Boogie.

>> No.8253606

>Do Americans really do this?
Corral little children at the local Walmart and tag them and set them free in the wild?

Yes. All the time

>> No.8253609
File: 21 KB, 480x360, Black Obesity Epidemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The typical 30 year old american Nigger is 300+ pounds, diabetic, and has had 1.3 strokes.

Come visit Memphis sometime.

You won't meet any Nigger under 250lbs... and that's just the women.

>> No.8253611

I was also a fat fuck recently. I know how easy it is for people without a mental illness.

>> No.8253629

I was also a psychology major, yes I regret it, it's not a mental illness for 95% of them, just a lazy ass crutch. I feel genuinely bad for people with a physical impediment, or the very small percentage that have a legit mental condition. But then you have people like my mom, a diabetic that says she needs to get healthy then devours a 750 cal muffin 10 minutes later. Fat people just want to enjoy modern conveniences and then bitch when they suffer from their laziness and incompetence.

>> No.8253633
File: 90 KB, 650x175, Black Obesity Epidemic 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The CDC found Black Americans had an obesity rate of over 35 percent in 33 states. For Hispanics, the number dropped to 9 states, while whites had an obesity rate north of 35 percent in just one state.


>> No.8253644

Got a link for that pic? Can't read shit

>> No.8253657

> Got a link for that pic?

> The CDC found Black Americans had an obesity rate of over 35 percent in 33 states. For Hispanics, the number dropped to 9 states, while whites had an obesity rate north of 35 percent in just one state.

Numbers are from the US CDC (center for disease control).


>> No.8253663

>Puerto Rican


>> No.8253670

Anybody who lives in the American south and has eaten soul food knows "fit blacks" are only the ones you see on TV.

Literally every nigger here is obese as shit. The only ones that aren't are the strung out meth heads that weight 85lbs soaking wet.

>> No.8253671

I've heard it's genetic for them more than anything

but I'd also believe it's a mixture of being poorer (worse food choices more often being the norm) and fucking southern cooking. Have you seen that shit? Anyone would be a fat bastard the way they cook down south.

>> No.8253677


Sure. Take out puerto rico. Makes no statistical significance to the data set.

>> No.8253683

Visit Memphis regularly and I can say precisely the same thing about the whites I see there, too. And I'm white.

>> No.8253690
File: 2.63 MB, 500x281, 2016-09-30-18_40_03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped reading right there

>> No.8253691

>being poorer (worse food choices more often being the norm)

> be poor chink
> work 3 jobs
> eat rice & a few dishes
> fit as fuck

> be poor nigger
> collect welfare check
> eat nothing but McDonalds & butter dogs
> stage 3 diabetic and morbidly obese
> blames white people

There is a reason why niggers will never pull themselves up by their bootstraps like we asians have.

>> No.8253699

Guys, guys, relax. By the time this threads 404's, both those ladies will have passed away from either exertion, heart attack, or suicide by corn dogs.

There's no need to argue about them.