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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8229501 No.8229501 [Reply] [Original]

Do americans really put cheese on their apple pies?

what the heck

>> No.8229509

Are non-americans technically human?

>> No.8229512

I prefer ice cream myself, but I don't really see the problem with cheese (as long as it's quality cheese)

>> No.8229517
File: 256 KB, 500x500, kraft singles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only put the best quality cheese on my apple pies from walmart

>> No.8229532

Guy I used to work with at Tilt did this. I tried it once but it was stupid because I couldn't even taste the cheese. I didn't see the point and I don't know if it'd be better with better cheese.

>> No.8229538

A sharp cheddar pairs well with a good apple pie, or even just a good apple.

>> No.8229539

if you serve apple pie it is considered polite to put cheese on it

>> No.8229542


adds protein and cuts the sweetness of the apple pie

>> No.8229544


>> No.8229555

just to fuck with allaboutyouropoors, it's a publicity stunt like Cognac.

>> No.8229557

Britbong here, i bet it works though

>> No.8229558

Yep. I love a nice chunk of super sharp cheddar on the side to apple pie, but I normally don't like it melted on top. I find cheddars that melt nicely are kind of disappointing to eat off hand.

>> No.8229561

Is this bait or a /ck/ meme?

>> No.8229563

3 kraft singles for me. pie just isn't the same without it. i travelled to paris my senior year and they refused to add cheese to my pie. i couldn't believe it.

>> No.8229581

It didn't though?
I didn't taste anything else other than, there's some melty stuff on top. it was just a weird texture addition.

>> No.8229584

Not me

>> No.8229585

Only a very specific region of America does this. The rest all think it's disgusting or don't even know about it.

>> No.8229620

You know what I want to do with my DESSERTS? Make them LESS SWEET.

Holy shit you, and anyone that does this, is a fucking moron.

>> No.8229636

That pie looks fucking disgusting and the cheese double disgusting. What is that slop - a processed slice? Why not cheese from a block?
I could probably eat apple pie with some good strong proper cheddar, but a cheese slice? WTF?

>> No.8229640

Shut up, we only do this on Cheese Day.

>> No.8229641


>> No.8229642

Immediately thought of that scene from Taxi Driver upon seeing this thread.

I thought this was just one of those weird 70s things.

>> No.8229646

It's suppose to be done with real chedder. It's actually pretty good.

Anyone who puts fucking kraft slices on it deserves to choke.

>> No.8229665

What is Cheese Day?

>> No.8229765

if you just care about sweetness why wouldn't you just eat a stevia stuffed liquorice glaced with maple syrup for every dessert?

>> No.8229772

does X do anything is a meme on /ck/

>> No.8229774

The day after Sandwich Day but before Soup Friday.

>> No.8229789

>real cheddar
Not in the USA, anon.

>> No.8229799

>take bite of pie
>Take bite of cold, quality sharp cheddar cheese

It's alright

>> No.8229802

>Do americans really put cheese on


>> No.8229804


you're doing it wrong

>> No.8229820

Real Americans top their pies with freedom fries

>> No.8229824





>> No.8229827

Morbid curiosity is not obsession, my diabetic friend.

>> No.8229829


>> No.8229876

So do, many do not.

Who would have thought a country of 315 million people might do things more than one way.

>> No.8229884


t. Somalian immigrant

>> No.8230134

This is a French thing.

>> No.8230137

Awesome comeback!

>> No.8230144


thanks jamal

I appreciate it

>> No.8230148


>> No.8230149


>> No.8230155

>Do americans really put cheese on their apple pies?
It wouldn't surprise me.

Americans should be range-banned from a food and cooking board, unless it's a fast-food take away - America has nothing to offer.

>> No.8230195


you sound like a sisterfucking corn-toothed brit.

>> No.8230202

It's not just Brits that laugh at American """"""Cuisine""""""

>> No.8230205


>> No.8230211

Americans are still above a ton of other first world countries in terms of culinary ability. Britain, Germany (esp. Germans trying to cook Italian), Canada, and Sweden come to mind when thinking of worse overall dining options.

>> No.8230219

>Americans are still above a ton of other first world countries in terms of culinary ability
In you mind.

The rest of the world laughs at attempts by Americans to cook anything, you only have to view the threads to see that Americans get their food from packets or take-aways.

>> No.8230223

Why would I care how the world views Americans? My point was that I've been there, and the other places mentioned, and burgers are (overall) better at cooking than the places listed. Especially Sweden. Especially especially Sweden.

>> No.8230227

>and burgers are (overall) better at cooking than the places listed
Burgers can't cook at all, this is my point . . .unless it comes ready made or from a packet or a fast food 'restaurant' - America is totally devoid of anything.

>> No.8230233

I honestly don't get the point of your trolling. You and I and everyone else reading this knows what you say is complete bullshit.

>> No.8230236

I'm just going to have to assume you're a mongo who believes everything posted on /ck/ is genuine fact, and has never stepped foot outside of your own country. Please stop judging countries by internet memes.

>> No.8230237

I've always thought American breakfasts were pretty good.

>> No.8230244

>You and I and everyone else reading this knows what you say is complete bullshit.
It's not trolling, it's a fact.
America has NEVER been known for its cooking, it has nothing original and the rest of the world laughs at Americas attempts to try and claim something of it's own.

It's only Americans who deny this. There is NO American cuisine at all, it's just other countries food in larger portions.

>> No.8230246

Not going to lie, that looks good.

>> No.8230250

I reminisce fondly upon the times before this /int/-tier garbage when the worst things on this board were the countless fast food, ramen and "i got first apartment how i cook" threads

>> No.8230257
File: 60 KB, 860x650, 4db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a fact

>> No.8230268

>America has NEVER been known for its cooking
It's up for you to prove that America has a culinary history!

Good luck with that!

>> No.8230298
File: 40 KB, 521x521, 1470884280575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Succotash, clam chowder, jambalaya, London broil, sloppy joes, fried chicken, cornbread, tex-mex, Brunswick stew, chili dogs, chili con carne, creamed corn, French dip sandwich, doughnuts, lobster roll, lobster newberg, onion rings, Philly cheesesteak, popovers, etc etc etc

That's just dishes, and only a fraction of them. Doesn't even take into consideration the impact Americans have had on the way we dine out or the numerous variations they came up with like food served to your car.

Now go on and tell me how none of that counts like the faggot you are.

>> No.8230363

Different continent, different naming conventions for cheese.

>> No.8230461

I haven't done that but I do melt a a slice of American on a donut every now and then. I got that from a guy who liked to come to my dads store and get a honey bun and a slice of cheese to melt over it. Kind of like a cheese danish.

>> No.8230537

The first one to make an assertion is the one upon whom the burden of proof falls. You're obligated to prove that America has no culinary history before anyone else has to lift a finger disproving you, even though >>8230298 stepped up to do so anyway, you scum-sucking piece of shit.

>> No.8230570
File: 36 KB, 499x467, 1444569814559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese product

>> No.8230583
File: 78 KB, 600x450, citytavern-credit-danyahenninger-chefstaib2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasnt seen a taste of history
>he doesnt know who walter is


>> No.8230602


>> No.8230862

the practice of putting cheddar on apple pie started in england but came over the pond.

Here in Wisconsin there is a state law on the books that apple pie must be served with cheddar if you get it at a restaurant. My grandfather did this but I have literally never seen it done anywhere else

>> No.8230867
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>> No.8230869

cheddar on pie is a British thing dlilweed. They started this mess

>> No.8230873
File: 97 KB, 741x711, 1410235217280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230877

I studied in Sweden and was once fed spaghetti with mayo and ketchup as a "special treat"

They are shit in the kitchen

>> No.8230880
File: 694 KB, 838x573, crayfish etouffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Orleans begs to differ

>> No.8230946
File: 184 KB, 472x631, 1474747371615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do british women really pour break beans on their bosoms?

>> No.8230960

It's the only way they get attention from british males

>> No.8230964

Break beans?

>> No.8230971

I studied in America and was once fed hot farts piped through a bag of pot pourri as a "special treat"

They are shit in the kitchen

>> No.8230973

meant breakie but this stupid american site owned by a nip doesnt know british slang.

>> No.8230982

No one calls them that either. You mean "baked"


>> No.8230985

This is so true. When I was in England, all the single girls in the pubs carried cans of beans in their handbags. Since I have a bean/tit fetish, I was in heaven. Wish american women would pickup on that trend.

>> No.8230999
File: 33 KB, 546x567, 1420836224477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly doubt your claims

>> No.8231027

I never understood these types of posts, is it self-hatred?

>> No.8231104

Desserts can be overly sweet, do you also not understand what an overpowering flavor is? I bet you unload a whole bottle of steak sauce on your steak to make it "more sweet", because why not.

>> No.8231390

Try it w some Velveeta and a dalup of mayo next time

>> No.8231398

full english breakfast but the brits like to be weird so they call it breakie.

>> No.8231411

>Here in Wisconsin there is a state law on the books that apple pie must be served with cheddar if you get it at a restaurant.

Urban legend; but a good one.

>> No.8231419

>adds protein
Yeah, because all Americans are power lifters who need to worry about protein intake.

>cuts the sweetness of the apple pie
>Desserts can be overly sweet, do you also not understand what an overpowering flavor is?
Instead of relying on cheese to somehow counteract your cloying dessert, why not just make less-sweet desserts?

Oh yeah, that would actually make sense.

>> No.8231439

uuh it is real numbnuts

I bet you live in LA where detonating a nuclear device has a fine of 500 dollars

>> No.8231447

I live in Wisconsin, faggot. Cite the law or fuck off.

>> No.8231479

americans will put disgusting vegetable oil masquerading as cheese on anything

>> No.8231483
File: 218 KB, 1417x1063, img_0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8231532

>americans will put disgusting vegetable oil masquerading as cheese on anything

In many ways this is true. Sadly, we do have actual good cheese as well. I am not claiming it is the best in the world or anything. The problem lies in the fact the only thing we export in any quantity of quality is weapons. We instead export our shit tier chains and industrialized fast food.

Our cottage industry food and drink is barely exported beyond a local city or state level, much less overseas. And with going on 400 million plus of people - many of whom are recent immigrants from brown parts unknown - the lowest common denominator prevails.

>> No.8231581

I know this is some new epin meem, and I agree it sounds kinda trashy and disgusting the first time I heard it.

But try it. It compliments the pie really well.

>> No.8231624

is that yellow plastic? why american eat that?

>> No.8231628

>only thing we export in any quantity of quality is weapons. We instead export our shit tier chains and industrialized fast food.

This. It's almost enough to make you wonder where ISIS is getting the weapons since they have no manufacturing infrastructure and I've never heard any conversation about that in any western or asian news source.

Any student of military history knows logistics are the root of an army. Apparently we can't find the root. I wonder why.

But yeah, fast food and weapons are our best export.

>> No.8231986

Bone app the teeth

>> No.8232320

I'll actually answer the question: cheese on apple pie is a Pennsylvania Dutch thing. I grew up in a rural part of the state called schwenksville and remember my parents doing this all the time. Putting cheese on things is pretty Dutch, in general; my mom still will to this day shave off a few slices of Jarlsberg and put them on top of a bowl of hot soup and has sworn by that her whole life.

>> No.8232323

Ha ha ah hahahaha

>> No.8232335


What if other people will be eating the pie too? You can't make the whole pie less sweet just for yourself. The optional slice of cheese is the way to go.

>> No.8233489

>yfw an Australian shitposter made this thread

>> No.8233615

no we dont

>> No.8233952


"n-no we d-dont" - Some Blimey Limey 2016

>> No.8233996

> eating melted cheddar off of your hands
You should be disappointed about more than the cheddar.

>> No.8234171

The day we all go down to Nandos for a cheeky lunch.

>> No.8234434

I think cheese is disgusting. Every single aspect of it. I hate the way it smells; walking past the pungent cheese section of Whole Foods is like being in a sort of agricultural locker room. I hate the taste of it, harshing on my tastebuds like some foreign infection. I hate the consistency of it, either the mucousy texture of brie or the creamy bite of Cheddar. I hate it all.

>> No.8234440


>> No.8234449

I bet you faint a lot and carry a silky pink handkerchief.

>> No.8234459

Well, guess what, not everyone likes blow jobs (shocking, I know) and not everyone likes cheese. It's simple: I just don't like it. Maybe you don't like broccoli or red wine or soup or sweets or Cadbury Creme Eggs or movie popcorn or the free lollipops they give out at the bank. For everything in the universe there is someone out there who doesn't like it.

>> No.8234462 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 955x793, photo_2016-09-03_22-47-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was implying that I eat it on the side, you know, as a chunk. Like I said in the post.

>> No.8234496


>> No.8234499

I bet you got the vapors after typing that out.

>> No.8234501

>Let me tell you about your country

>> No.8234534

>the free lollipops they give out at the bank
what the fuck, banks do this? What country?

>> No.8234545


>> No.8234557

United States. My bank (Chase) always has suckers or hard candy at each teller window.