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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8220512 No.8220512 [Reply] [Original]

Why do obese people hate vegetables and salad so much?

>> No.8220517

Why do you think they're obese? It is not normal to ever become that fat no matter how shitty your genes are

>> No.8220533

i am fat as fuck and i only eat,: eggs, salat, bbq and tuna

>> No.8220534

Well, OP, if they didn't, they wouldn't be fat, now would they?

>> No.8220537

Most fat people I know love salad, albeit with bacon, eggs, blue cheese dressing and cheese on top. My obese roommate used to eat 1000 or so calorie salads for an appetizer.

>> No.8220548

Never have met too many "ew vegetables" type of fatties, but I will say they tend to love the junk more than the veggies. Picky eaters tend to be thin in my experience, which is ironic.

>> No.8220574

even the ugliest and fattest pig would like this salad:

>> No.8220824

My former roomate is obese. She wasn't that big when we lived together but at that time she ate vegetables and fruit three (3!) times during two whole years. Her 'homecooking', which she was proud of, consisted of mixing together different processed foods in flyover style. An example is mac'n'cheese sausage casserole using double cream and loads of cheese. I clocked it on about 6-7000 calories and she ate it in one sitting.

She claims to this day that she got fat on 'meat and potatoes' and blames genes.

>> No.8220855

sounds a bit like me desu... pulled pork croissant for breakfast today... not even american :(

>> No.8220889

Fat people are mostly poor. Veggies are expensive per calorie.

>> No.8220918

>per calorie.
How does that justify buying and eating 8 times the calories they need?

>> No.8220925

It doesn't.

He asked why they don't eat vegetables, not why they overeat.

>> No.8220948

That shirt is doing its absolute best. Much respect.

>> No.8220949

On a possibly related note. Could it be they are just addicted to gorging themselves, pretty much like alcohol addicts, but with food instead of booze?

>> No.8220962
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Isn't it ironic that the fattest people I know also happen to be the most picky eaters?

>> No.8220969

theres a show that tells about peoples addictions. there are people who are addicted to eating toilet paper.

>> No.8220972

like, the whole thing? with charcoal and all?

>> No.8220977

That's like me, honestly. I mostly make junk food, because it's simple and tastes really good. I can't even remember the last time I ate a vegetable. Actually I ate a carrot salad the day before yesterday, but I really need to up my vegetable game.

But I won't blame my genes. I'll blame my gut microbiome. That will catch on with fatties, trust me.

Does anyone have any tips for simple meals that contain a lot of vegetables?

>> No.8220987

>Isn't it ironic that the fattest people I know also happen to be the most picky eaters?

Vegans are the pickiest eaters and they tend to be very skinny.

>> No.8221080

Vegans usually have pretty high variety in their diet, though, if counting the diversity in stuff they do eat (different fruits, vegetables, grains)...

Sure they are discriminatory, but they aren't pickier than the fatty who only eats chicken tendies and white bread.

>> No.8221089

Stir fry, my man

>> No.8221104

I love reading these picky eater threads. When I was younger I used to be a little shit when it came to trying new foods, then I think of where I am now, and am proud of how diverse my tastes are.

>> No.8221105

Roasted veggies are pretty simple and tasty.

Chop up a few different kinds of roots/tubers and throw them all in the oven together with a little butter and seasoning. Carrots, beets, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. A little minced onion and garlic mixed in is nice too. A little rosemary is pretty nice too.

If you live where quality produce is hard to find, this is pretty much a go-to strategy since root vegetables tend to be plentiful.

>> No.8221137

I'm fat and i do eat salads, with drissled olive oil and a pinch of salt instead of ranch dressing.
Its actually healthier than most salad dressings would you believe, i just need to hit the gym.

>> No.8221164

No. You can be a quadruple amputee and still be slim.

You just need to eat less.

>> No.8221174

>Does anyone have any tips for simple meals that contain a lot of vegetable
I have pretty much replaced all pasta with cauliflower since I started dieting. 1200 calories worth of pasta or rice in a casserole can instead be 200 calories worth of cauliflower. It's pretty great for people who like to binge eat like me.

>> No.8221184

Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely try making some roasted veggies and replacing some of my pasta with cauliflower. Not a huge fan of stir-frying, though. It always gets so oily.

>> No.8221325
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It's not so much that they hate a particular food, they just never tried because their parents were either too easy on them or they were neglected.

Obese people are also very bad at controlling their emotions. No exceptions.

>> No.8221327

>i am fat as fuck and i only eat,: eggs, salat, bbq and tuna
Why arnt u dead yet

>> No.8221402

I used to be the high rent version of that. I didn't eat junk food, but I was making good money so I just bought and ate whatever was delicious and convenient. That was mostly high fat food heavy on the meat and cheese. In a couple years I went from a little overweight to obese. And the doctor told me my cholesterol was super high.

So I stopped being so lazy, started cooking everything from scratch and going heavy on the veggies (and very light on the meat and cheese). And I started working out, which really sucked, but I managed to stick with it.

Today the kind of indulgent foods I used to eat every day are things I eat once a week or so. I'm trim and my cholesterol is normal. But I spend about an hour a day in the kitchen making good food, and about half an hour a day lifting weights.

>> No.8221413

Gotta pray big to get big cmon 5 prayers a day right babe

>> No.8221425

To be fair it's not surprising that the shit that's passed of as salad in schools and most homes turns people off salads.

>> No.8221436
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no food tastes good by itself

they add fat/oil/butter/salt/seasoning/spices/sweetener/breading to every form of food to make it bearable

these so called foods that are "good tasting" are not actually good

if u did the same process to vegetables they would taste incredible too

you have to make them taste good

nobody eats a unseasoned with no butter or olive oil brussel sprout on a table like this fat idiot >>8220962

theyre living in a alternative universe where all the unhealthy foods appear to actually taste good when they arent any better than the healthy food

>> No.8221443
File: 209 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_mkh0j0Bzfq1qitdj1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone eat plain chicken breast by itself?

no it tastes like paper / cardboard if you take it out of the freezer and eat it as is just the pink flesh

you will probably want to throw up and be bored of it in 2 seconds

they add mayonaise to tuna to make it bearable otherwise its horrendous....

no food on the planet is good tasting unprepared and unchanged but they have easy access to prepared shitty food

>> No.8221452

>you will probably want to throw up
Yeah that's not a normal reaction to bland food. You might want to rethink this statement.

>> No.8221462

>no food tastes good by itself
m8 wtf are you doing?
never had an apple? strawberries? c'mon

>> No.8221476

This is how I used to think before starting a healthier diet. The taste of raw veggies would make me gag, now I can't get enough of them. Spinach with no dressing tastes buttery and delicious, broccoli on it's own has complex flavors, etc. You don't like anything without sugar/salt/oil because you've ruined your taste buds. Try cutting down on those things and you'll slowly begin to enjoy actual flavour again

>> No.8221477

Not a fan of vinegar based liquids on my salad.

Would a light oil of some kind cut it?

>> No.8221479
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well of course apples and strawberries

im talking about the so called " good food" like hamburgers and chicken tendys and pizza

if you applied the same principles to a vegetable and it would taste just as good

>> No.8221488
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nah you have got to make some kind of sauce or dressing for your raw veggies

you will not last very long eating like that

be honest with urself

but its OKAY because i know that even unhealthy foods taste like shit without all the salt and the oils and the sweeteners and seasonings and everything else

so its really the same ball game

>> No.8221495
File: 65 KB, 640x400, 2016 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont buy grocery store salad dressings they have GMO canola oil which destroys your whole body its not edible

use 2/3 oil and 1/3 lemon or lime juice

>> No.8221496

>no food tastes good by itself
eggs? milk? fruits?

>if you applied the same principles to a vegetable and it would taste just as good
no, veggie burgers and pizzas don't taste as good as their meat counterparts

>> No.8221499

>so called " good food" like hamburgers and chicken tendys and pizza
the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.8221505
File: 575 KB, 2048x3072, pLKgcxX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive never eaten an egg by itself deliberately that sounds awful

without any salt or anything

think about what youre eating, youre not actually consuming untouched food in its natural state


i wasnt talking about natural foods retard. im trying to make a point against unnatural foods

>no, veggie burgers and pizzas don't taste as good as their meat counterparts

i disagree ive never had good meat in my life

i dont remember ever enjoying a piece of meat

maybe it was the salt that i was enjoying if i ever thought a piece of meat was good

cuz ur not aware of what ur putting in ur mouth

meat on its own , TASTES AWFUL.

>> No.8221551

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8

>> No.8221552

It's time to leave, please don't visit /ck/ again for the next 10 years or whenever you come to a point where you have to cook for yourself. It is obvious you have nothing of value to contribute.

>> No.8221561
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i prepare all my meals m8 im a raw vegan

but being a raw vegan eater includes making your food tastey! or else you will become a very sad person

if you use just a little bit of sea salt, its fucking nothing in comparison of what the average person is eating in a processed food diet

its like 1/10th

and if you use a high quality EVOO

nothing bad to say there

>> No.8221573

>anti-gmo naturalist fallacy faggot strikes again: the thread: the experience

>> No.8221593

>naturalist fallacy

naturalist is not a fallacy
ur whole body is running on nature

and to the extent that youve fucked with nature is the extent your body is operating subpar and having to filter out all these toxins

>> No.8221600

eat very much of tasty food, VERY MUCH

>> No.8221601

>and to the extent that youve fucked with nature is the extent your body is operating subpar and having to filter out all these toxins
If it's in your body, it is -- by nature -- in vivo.

Define toxins. Did you know CO2 is a toxin in a high dosage? It's all over the place, in our bodies too.

>> No.8221608

>Define toxins

rancid high heated cooking oxidized gmo oils on your fried batter

>> No.8221611
File: 60 KB, 986x450, Hydrogenation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trans-oriented lipids are not toxins. They are potentially deleterious, but not toxins. Try again.

>> No.8221616

so health problems dont exist

ignore all science and evidence that eating vegetables make you healthy and continue eat your fried chicken

you science nuts are so out there that it actually makes you dumb

>> No.8221622

How did you infer that from that comment? Trans fats are correlated with heart disease.

It doesn't make them a toxin. I don't think you know what those are.

>> No.8221628

nobody uses trans fats anymore

thats your big boogy man so you can justify eating toxins

theres conditioners in your pizza dough that arent even metabolized by the human body and preservatives in your bread that are confirmed toxic in a scientific lab (YES I AM DEFINING TOXIN) because it provides no benefit to humans

why dont you just go eat melted plastic and paper and see how long you live if theres nothing toxic. or try melted lead and mercury

perfectly healthy !

>> No.8221632

former fatty here

their brain is constantly on a fat, sugar and salt high

salad doesn't provide these things unless they drench it in stuff like ranch, it literally just a delivery mechanism for salad dressings for fatties

>> No.8221662
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>their brain is constantly on a fat, sugar and salt high

Can confirm. I too used to eat a lot of shitty food, not only because it was good, but also for that high.

Healthy shit like roasts and so forth taste great, no doubt. But deep fried food, burgers, and pizza give me a nice rush. Especially when chasing it down with soda.

>> No.8221671


shes clearly pregnant in her belly and her back, asshole

>> No.8221679


>> No.8221695
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Wow, nobody gives a fuck

>> No.8221706

Because they don't trigger endorphins

>> No.8221817


Because most far people have no palate for anything except salt, fat and sugar.

It also doesn't help in North America that a large percentage of supermarket vegetables are essentially totally tasteless without a lot of work at the cooking stage.

It also doesn't help that most restaurants are way too meat and carb centric and provide limited tasty vegetable options.

It also doesn't help that a high percentage of the obese are poor and vegetables have low caloric density. The chronic insecurity of poverty causes people to want to gorge on high caloric density food all the time in preparation for the subconsciously perceived threat of starvation.

I'm obese, but I have a very varied palate and prefer vegetable and carb centric dishes to meat-centric ones. I really keep an eye out for restaurants with good vegetable heavy options and it honestly takes an effort and expense to eat a highly varied diet of restaurant meals.

>> No.8221834

For me eating a lot of fried food only makes me want to fall asleep forever. But then again, I almost always feel a little sleepy

>> No.8221847

For me I'm skinny as fuck (55kg) and all I do is drink roughly 6 litres a coke daily and really unhealthy food

>> No.8221861

Because salads don't taste of much at all and aren't going to satiate their ravenous appetites. what a retarded question OP.
It's not like salad is really the solution anyways, my aunt legitimately ate beyond her TDEE from only leafy greens. fat people are just crazy

>> No.8221874

of course they would, since you can eat yourself fat in that salad if you have enough of it.

>> No.8222044

I am at 120kg but i love fresh/pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, esp with garlic. The thing is - i eat them after other foods.

>> No.8222079

a friend of me tol the same, how long do i have to eat completly sugar,salt and fat free to be "clean"

>> No.8222098

theyre too lazy to make a nice vinaigrette so they think salad just tastes like leaves

>> No.8222104

>how long do i have to eat completly sugar,salt and fat free to be "clean"
>completly sugar,salt and fat free
doesn't take long, only the rest of your suddenly very short life. better start right now!

>> No.8222124
File: 305 KB, 2249x1268, what-i-eat-in-a-day-with-nutriti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nearly impossible

1. fat-free completely retarded
2. but even if you go that route you biologically NEED salts, why do you think animals lick for salt
3. if you go a retarded high-carb route you're still probably gonna have fructose in your diet
4. you're gonna look like an even more sickly version of those raw vegans

>> No.8222146

Stop buying the other foods

>> No.8222161

As long as you eat whole foods and only homemade stuff from scratch, the cravings will go away after a bit. I'm 8 years clean and I never crave crap.

>> No.8222176


Losing weight and eating right isn't about getting "clean," it's about getting your calorie intake under control.

Eat too much and you'll get fat, eat too little and you'll binge.

>> No.8222223

Being clean means a lack of cravings and having everything in balance as a direct result from a good diet.

>> No.8222231

As Julia Child said, "Butter is better." But she ate in moderation. And se said ,"You need some fat in your diet, or else your body can't process its vitamins." Note a little fat, not like some McDonald binge.

>> No.8222243

so close, glad you didn't get the get

>> No.8222250

You eat salts. You eat fats. You eat sugars. Just because you stick to orthorexic habits doesn't mean you're devoid of that nutritional foundation.

>> No.8222261


>> No.8222268

Anons with brains aren't allowed here.

>> No.8222279
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>that huge fridge in the background

>> No.8222280

>Tfw you lose weight because you're so busy on the internet you forget to eat but one meal a day
feels good man

>> No.8222281
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You don't have to be "clean" to achieve balance and keep cravings under control.

I mean, with solid enough planning even a manlet can have a ~1,100 calorie burger with double patties and bacon on a daily basis, while still being at or under maintenance.

Want large fries and large sugary drink with that burger? That's what's gonna wreck you.

>> No.8222284

Please stop projecting your eating disorder onto the rest of us. Sincerely a man raised without seasoning

>> No.8222285

How can Koreans look so much worse than both Chinese and Japanese while being located right between them?

>> No.8222286

You know the producers set this up. They probably just boiled that brussel sprout so that all the bitter compounds are expressing themselves in force.

>> No.8222288

I'm not a fucking biologist or anything but I always assumed taste buds worked like my dick.
Like, I spent 3 years beating off to futa tenticles and then found 3d didn't appeal to me.
The same goes for food. If you eat high-fat, high-sugar shit every day you become desensitized and need a bigger hit to get anything out of it

>> No.8222295

salts, fats and sugars from good sources and in a proper context makes all the difference. The fructose in an apple is different from that in a juice because of the fibre, pektin and all the other things you ingest alongwith the fructose.

I'm mot talking about keeping shit under control, I'm talking about having no cravings or issues with food. You're talking about counting calories like it's necessary to restrain yourself. I'm saying that a 1100 calorie burger is pointless because it's just inconvenience and damage all the way. Why eat anything that you need to limit or compensate yourself for? When you remove yourself from pointless cravings like that you're free to build your diet around what you atually benefit from.

>> No.8222304

are you retarded? that's a professional kitchen, not someone's house. of course it's big

>> No.8222309

>I'm not a fucking biologist or anything but I always assumed taste buds worked like my dick
i'm gonna believe you about the not having a degree part

>> No.8222316

>I'm saying that a 1100 calorie burger is pointless because it's just inconvenience and damage all the way
you're not even trying to make sense anymore

>> No.8222329

I'm obese and actually vegetarian. I love veggies.

Food only plays one part in why so many people are obese. For me personally, I think it's the result of mental health issues (not that I'm making excuses, it's in my power to help myself despite anxiety and depression)- and I think a lot of obese people struggle in similar ways beyond just overeating.

>> No.8222332
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And yes, the booze analogy is true... that was me for a long time. I got over the drugs / booze but it's SO EASY to overindulge with fatty food.

>not a fatty... ...yet.

But I can see where when you're not in a 3rd-world country this is easily attainable.

>> No.8222339

i'm obese and i love vegetables and salads. i also make all my food from scratch.

>> No.8222347


that's a lot of fucking lettuce

>> No.8222348
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>Why do obese people hate vegetables and salad so much?

I've spent some time thinking about this. I'm not sure, but I have some theories.

1) There are a number of chemicals in processed foods that seem to act on the brain in a chemically addictive way. High amounts of refined sugar, MSG, etc., all start that dopamine cascade that is textbook addictive drug... and they also show signs of building tolerance. If you've consumed so much soda and candy that it's not really that sweet to you anymore, an apple isn't going to cut it. If you need the salt and fat of bacon, an avocado and a cucumber aren't going to cut it. It's kind of like how somebody might get a minor prescription for an pharmaceutical opioid, and years later when they're doing a dangerous amount of H every day, that vicodin doesn't really do anything any more.

2) Everything has so many artificial flavors, salt, and sugar now, that your tongue is constantly being blasted to death. Veggies are probably bland to them, in the same way a solo acoustic guitar performance is probably bland right after you get out of the death metal concert and can't hear anything.

3) I think some of them are emotional eaters, and there's some sort of comfort in being extremely full, be satisfied with a high amount of fat (usually present in "comfort food"), and be burning a large amount of calories. It is comforting, and it draws mental resources away from other feelings as well. You can't really get that with carrots and lettuce.

4) I think some of them secretly, or at least subconsciously, hate themselves. I think some of them must have some awareness that they are killing themselves, but they're doing the same thing that some people do with alcohol... just a slow death with enough plausible deniability. It's hard to do with light beer, just as with vegetables. It's easier to do with rum and whiskey, just like with cake and pizza.

>> No.8222373

Eh, I'm a vegan and I eat a huge variety of things.
Just not meat, eggs, and dairy.

I suppose I can see how it would seem like vegans must be so picky - if you look at the average restaurant menu, there's usually very little we can eat. But if a vegan learns to cook, there's just really no end to the amount of different dishes and flavors that are available.

>> No.8222374
File: 9 KB, 203x249, argh! cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true.
I can't fucking stand how my sister cooks up anything like this; cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc...
Always overdone and nasty sulfurous smell permeating the house.
Just roast or grill them until JUST DONE and you're golden.

>> No.8222379

Fuck I love brussel sprouts, spinach, broccoli, anything that people would consider disgusting.

I used to hate spinach with a passion but now I love it. It's especially delicious with cream cheese

>> No.8222388

Same here, but while I like not being a picky fuck, I also think I could have done without growing to like fattening foods.

As an 8 year old, I liked:
>poached eggs
>cottage cheese
>generally ate well

and I hated:
>whipped cream
>ice cream cake
>white chocolate

>> No.8222394

Stir fry doesn't have to come out oily.
There are a lot of veggies that are perfectly stir-fried in just a light mist of spray-oil, which isn't much.
There are some veggies that can actually be stir-fried in water.

If you throw chopped onions, minced garlic, chopped carrots, some cauliflower crowns, in a little water... and make sure you keep adding water as it evaporates, you can totally stir-fry them. They have the nice texture of a stir-fry, but taste like a mixture between steamed veggies and whatever seasonings you put in with it. Then you can add it to whatever sauce/dish you want, without having to make it oily.

>> No.8222397

>I used to hate spinach
i haven't eaten spinach in over 20 years because when i was a child, my mother always cooked frozen spinach which ended just as a blob and smelled and tasted terrible. i really need to get some fresh stuff and try a nice recipe with it

>> No.8222415
File: 244 KB, 1075x847, drive car - receive bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love the spinach (washed) with hard-boiled egg whites and a vinaigrette as a basic salad. My mom always added bacon bits, but I don't as it doesn't make a difference to the flavor.

I feel you with that blob of frozen spinach cooked improperly. Frozen spinach can be grandiose, you just gotta cook it up right.

>> No.8222434

>how long do i have to eat completly sugar,salt and fat free to be "clean"
Well, let's establish one thing -
You don't want your diet to be perfectly 100% sugar, salt, and fat free. You need salts and fats to function, and sugar in fruit and veggies is perfectly healthy.
You want your salt to be at reasonably low levels.
You want your fat to come from whole sources, and not add more calories than you'd like.
You want your sugar to come from whole sources, bound up with fiber, come with a lot of micronutrients, and not add more calories than you'd like.

But, I get what you mean. I cut out added sugar and added oils from my diet, and I get a lot less salt than I used to. How long does it take to reset your palette, to stop craving them and to enjoy foods that make you feel healthy?

For the sugar, it took me about 1.5 months or so. It was around that point that I noticed I rarely craved sweets, and when I did want something sweet that a piece of fruit was perfect. That was a couple of years ago, and the idea of a soda or candy now sounds nauseatingly bad. But that 1.5 months was consistent; I had tried multiple times before, but wasn't consistent about it, and my tastes didn't really change.

Oil and refined fats? Well, that ones a little harder to pin down. I cut out all added fats about 4 months ago, and while I am much more comfortable without them now than I previously was... I still find myself craving a lot of fat in general, and tend to get them from places like nuts, seeds, and avocados. Granted, those are a lot better for me than pizza or deep fried shit, but I still probably get more fat than I need.

Reducing salt was a pretty continuous journey, no one point where I noticed a drastic change. Mostly, if I ate more salt, I tended to crave more salt later - in the same day, or perhaps the next day. If I ate less salt, I tended to crave less salt overall later, but still would have the occasional salty foods craving.

>> No.8222800

I find that I need to supplement my protein fiber-heavy diet with fats (usually from nuts, nut butter and some full-fat dairy) or else I start to get strong cravings and heightened appetitie.

>> No.8222849


minestrone. can't fuck it up. Just make a flavor base of onions, garlic, carrot, celery, add your liquid, and then add garnish vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, fennel, etc, etc., all cut in a nice even dice. Simmer 40 mins.

>> No.8222861


Same, my wife's roommate eats like a pig and he blames his genes because he's pudgy

>> No.8222872

Because hicks only eat meat and fat.

>> No.8222924

how much soda/soft drinks a day ?

would be hard to get fat off what you listed without a huge source of carbs

>> No.8222944

you can literally have the liver of a raging alcoholic if you eat/drink to much HFCS from soda.


>> No.8222951
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Jesus christ, that's no longer a salad, it's a hamburger sans buns.

>> No.8222961

I hate vegetables and I was fat ever since I was a kid, not "fat" as in overweight but always stocky and 'big' no matter what.

I lost weight by eating keto style and that went well for me, but I'm mostly fat because I simply eat too much.

I'm way too picky though, I'd never eat most vegetables, literally mushrooms & cucumber are the only ones I don't find disgusting. Like vomit inducing disgusting, I don't know why.

>> No.8222979

When you're used to eating salty, fatty food until you're full to bursting, vegetables do a really shitty job of satiating your hunger.

>> No.8222983

>no, veggie burgers and pizzas don't taste as good as their meat counterparts

M8, you need to seriously reconsider if you actually find this to be true. Because, if so, you got shit taste, my man.

>> No.8223001

lol this

>> No.8223005

the gym builds muscle
dieting gets rid of fat

>> No.8223021

>wife's roommate


Am j getting jimmied over here?

>> No.8223032

No, anon. It is a salad and salads are healthy. Remember? Remember what they said about the healthy salads?

>> No.8223052

This is funny cuz my friends just had a party they called brusselmania. Everything brussel sprouts.

>> No.8223362

They don't mingle very much with the other two if you haven't noticed.

>> No.8223367

No shit. between the whole avocado and fig there's enough fat and sugar there it may as well be desert.

>> No.8223368
File: 89 KB, 656x369, 55840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how a salad should look like.

>> No.8223378

Diet determines how much of you there is.
Exercise determines what your body does with it.

/fit/ uses the term "skinnyfat" for a reason.

>> No.8223385

Everybody who is fat and unhealthy needs fear in their life.

I don't understand how fat people and those who are malnourished from eating only microwave pizzas everyday are able to live with themselves.

You need to get scared that you WILL get devastating health problems if you continue living that way, so much so that you're motivated to branch out eating new foods and start exercising. That's how it was for me and it made me into a better person.

>> No.8223397


...and if you need a bit of saltiness a little bit of something like anchovy paste works nicely. For some reason, it adds depth of flavor and doesn't even taste nasty like fish (moderation is key here).

>> No.8223399

Hard to be scared of health problems when you want to die.

>> No.8223405

I'm not a vegetarian or anything but I can't stand any kind of meat on pizza. Veggie only. Made from scratch, nigga.

>> No.8223408

>Obese people are also very bad at controlling their emotions. No exceptions.

That's a wildly inaccurate statement
Eating disorders are not all emotionally based, many, and most, are psychological in nature.

I have a friend, he's 465 lb, and he's so afraid of upsetting people around him that he controls his emotions and behavior to almost a detrimental level.

>> No.8223411

I thought the same thing.
Maybe away for college or work?
I don't want to think about it more than that...

>> No.8223415

>I have a friend, he's 465 lb

It's you, isn't it?

>> No.8223416

Made from scratch might be good. There's only one chain I like an all-veggie pizza from.

>> No.8223419

i had a lady return a takeout order of grilled chicken BC it had veggies touching the chicken. She said she was allergic to vegetables. I shit you not. Such a bitch.

fwiw she weighed at least 300 lbs and had terrible personal hygiene. total shocker.

>> No.8223421

holy shit sushi tastes so fucking good
better than its cooked counterpart

>> No.8223428

Man, the only thing worse than being overweight is having cushing's syndrome on top of that

>> No.8223431
File: 28 KB, 232x200, chefCat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?
Genuinely curious.
I like Round Table's (I'm in California) and any kind of Neapolitan restaurant. But I really do prefer to make my own. Got obsessed with the stone and paddle and flour type and toppings and I haven't given up on that obsession. Haven't done it on the BBQ grill yet but now that the weather is getting colder I can fire up the oven and warm up the house with that awesome comfy smell.

>> No.8223438

I do enjoy the occasional cooked cod and fish & chips but once I discovered sushi I was like, "Whaaaa? Where have you been all my life?"

> In the wild west there are no sushi joints as they're considered faggot-food.

>> No.8223442

One more reason 4to avoid the "wild" west.

>> No.8223443

the real problem is that its a thought pattern that loops

>i feel like shit because of X so i will eat this pint of icecream to feel better
>oh no i got fat now i look like shit
>i feel like shit because i got fat, so i will eat this pint of icecream to feel better

People have different things that make them happy, the obese unfortunately had food as their comfort factor.

Another problem is that such health problems don't happen rapidly enough for you to notice. You can feel you're dick getting bigger because it's quick, but what if the process was slow enough? You wouldn't notice a change at all.

The second when a fatty makes that sudden realization though is when they have a chance. That's how it was for me, I suddenly realized how big I was, how exhausted I felt all the time, and how it wasn't terrible to just walk 20 minutes when I was thinner. Unfortunately by this point the loop is also at it's strongest, because most fatties just push their epiphany deep down and slowly implode like a dying star.

>> No.8223444

My sympathies if you have that.
At least there's the possibility of getting purple boobs.

> Adrenochrome, my friend.

>> No.8223461
File: 40 KB, 576x432, hickCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-yup. [spit] Reckon so.

>> No.8223463

Toppers' (specifically, Toppers Pizza Place) is my favorite. Much better than Round Table's in my opinion. Not sure if they're in northern California, but they were reasonably common in southern.

Moved to upstate New York and haven't been able to have it, to my sorrow.

>> No.8223471

I don't mind vegetables and salad, my issue is from a young age I was nearly starved for food because I was homeless from ages 8-15, and pretty much lived on the streets because fosters homes are shit and the only one I ever stayed in was incredibly abusive.

Anyway, now that I have a job, and an apartment and can actually afford food, I pretty much just eat tons of whatever I get. I'm a fat fuck because of it, totally on me. I eat almost 3 cups of rice a day, and that's usually just dinner, and ends up being around 1800 calories I think. Add to that breakfast which is most of the time pan fried chicken (I know it's unhealthy) adding up to almost 5-600, then whatever I have for lunch, which is usually the lightest of my meals, most of the time whatever I remember to put in my bag, sometimes just a couple apples or a pear and an orange.

On the upside, besides the sheer amount of fat in my diet, i'm pretty healthy otherwise, besides, you know, being a fat fuck. Healthy blood sugar, cholesterol is good.

I really think I need counseling, i've come to accept that I have an eating problem, because I literally eat everything in my house when it's there besides stuff I have to prepare, but I just don't know how to fix it.

As for why fat folks hate vegetables and salad, it's not filling, and when you've adjusted to a diet where you eat thousands of calories a MEAL, it probably seems like a waste. Add on to that palettes adjusted by copious amounts of sugar and salt and something subtle or earthy can seem downright vile.

>> No.8223473
File: 95 KB, 500x600, God Wills It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh... Never seen one and I'm in northern California. Now I'm gonna have to check them out. Challenge accepted!


>> No.8223482

Anytime, catanon.

>> No.8223498

I'm not overweight personally, it's just that it looks like the woman in the OP pic might have cushing's (lots of upper body weight gain with a disproportionate lower body). Being fat is already an obstacle in of itself, but not even getting much of it distributed to your hips and ass is just insult to injury if you're a girl

>> No.8223593

all of the vegans I know are fat chicks who obsess over sugar and sweets (the reason they're fat).

I have never once met this mythical skinny vegan people talk about.

>> No.8223680


If you can't trust a woman on all her days, you don't deserve her on her best day

>> No.8223698

Yeah, I get that; it's just that most married couples live together.

>Unless, of course, she's got Cushing's syndrome and Anon married for $ and benefits.

>> No.8223839

Obese person reporting in.

I love veggies and salad and such. My obesity is threefold: genetics (no, seriously, I could go into blogpost-level detail if I need to but I don't think anyone cares), laziness, and portion control.

I eat healthy often, I just eat way too damn much.

I'm also the kind of guy who's always wanting to try new restaurants, new foods. My girlfriend calls me a foodie but I don't think I really am one.

>> No.8223873
File: 287 KB, 640x1952, fat-200calorie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 cal worth of veggies will make you completely feel full

>> No.8223877

>He asked why they don't eat vegetables, not why they overeat.

They overeat because they don't eat veggies.
If you want a snack eat a baby carrot

>> No.8223881

replace butter with live oil or coconut oil

>> No.8223897

to be honest i open up bags of baby spinach and just eat it plain like that and it tastes fucking good

>> No.8223904

Giving birth to twins is a bitch

>> No.8223918

she looks like fucking shit

>> No.8223934
File: 7 KB, 256x256, burger-outline-filled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hate with many veggies, fruits and other foods is their texture. I can not fucking stand slimy and crunchy hollow shit, makes me think about eating live insects or some nasty shit.

Flavor itself is not that big of deal, though I dont have many acquired tastes, for instance I can't stand grapefruit, while most other citruses are fine.

Anything remotely spicy send my tongue into overload during an entire week, and even after 3 months of 'tolerance therapy' its effects are not diminished at all.

tl;dr fuck whoever decided it was a good idea to slap a fucking shitty slice of tomate and onion on a hamburger, completely ruining that shit.

>> No.8223986

you mean sashimi
sushi is rice seasoned with mirin

>> No.8223993
File: 280 KB, 1200x630, spinach-fb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what you mean. To the point where I'm still that faggot who eats plain cheeseburgers at fast-food places despite not being a picky-eater anymore.

This doesn't really apply to burgers, but next time you go to make a sandwich, be it from Subway, Quiznos, or you're buying stuff at the deli for sandwiches. Get spinach added to your sandwich. It's delightful. Trust me.

>> No.8223994

I don't eat any veggies because I don't know how to add them to my meals without just dumping a pile of leaves on the side of the plate.

My main dish is roast chicken breast on rice because it's cheap, easy as fuck to make, and gains. What are good ways to incorporate veggies?

>> No.8224004
File: 37 KB, 700x466, kale[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a spinach-guy from right above you.

I mainly eat carrots and spinach because they're good and so cheap. I can buy 1pound bag of carrots for 70cents and a huge bundle of spinach for $1.20.

You can try Kale too, that shit is even cheaper than Spinach. I can get a bundle of Kale for $0.80, buy I hate the fragrant taste of it and the aftertaste. The kale stalks are alright, but the bushy leaves themselves are the fragrant part.

Potatoes are great too. A fantastic side that you can chop up, microwave, and eat like french fries.

>> No.8224015

Spinach is top tier, I agree. Salad, sandwiches, even burgers are good with spinach. Lettuce is shit tier desu.

>> No.8224019

>Lettuce is shit tier desu.

I concur completely with that sentiment. I hate lettuce.

>> No.8224026

What I do is buy whatever veggie is on sale, then use my recipe site to search for recipes with chicken + whatever I bought and just make that

>> No.8224030

>I have never once met this mythical skinny vegan people talk about
on most bigger running events, like half-marathons and up, you'll find a group of skinny or athletic people with the words "vegan runners" printed on their shirts. they really constantly have to tell everybody around them that they are vegan

>> No.8224039

Most fatties crave fats and sugars, vegeables don't have this

>> No.8224055


How can you hate lettuce it's so inoffensive I mean I can understand not caring for it but to have such a strong view either way is baffling

>> No.8224082

Because they are fucking fat.

>> No.8224358

>to have such a strong view either way is baffling

Dude, having strong views on lettuce makes perfect sense, to me at least.

It provides the perfect texture to a bunch of different foods. Gives a great crunch to sandwiches. You throw it into a mix of veggies with a good sauce, and all of the sudden it's a meal. And that's besides the fact that a lot of different lettuces are healthy as fuck.

Love me some lettuce.

>> No.8224369

>lot of different lettuces are healthy as fuck.

Which ones? Most lettuce has very little nutritional content at all. It's mostly water. Compared to other vegetables it contains very little in the way of vitamins and minerals.

>> No.8224370
File: 2 KB, 117x120, 1444708168719s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukin underrated

>> No.8224376

Romaine, Red Lettuce, there's a lot.
Sure, eating one leaf isn't going to give you a lot of nutrition compared to many other vegetables.

But, per calorie, most darker lettuces provide more micronutrients than most food.

>> No.8224378

admire your thinking style tho

we need to become pure

>> No.8224419

fuck off