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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8201005 No.8201005 [Reply] [Original]

I've a 7yo daughter, She just picks at whatever I eat. The wife however eats everything - says it's great.

Typical meals:

>Friday - split pea soup with hamhocks, homemade cornbread. - Ate the cornbread and 3 bites of soup.

>Saturday - leftover soup with crusty bread/butter. - Ate the bread. 2 bites of soup.

>Sunday - homemade red sauce/pasta/fresh herbs. Was a small batch. - Ate some of the pasta on the bottom that didnt have "vegetables on it".

>Sunday - duck with crispy skin, oven roast potatoes and glazed carrots. - ate the carrots. thats it. wouldnt touch the potatoes.

>Monday - lentil stew with crusty bread. - ate bread. 2 bites of stew.

>Tuesday - same thing, - same thing.

Shit is retarded. After two years of telling her/forcing her to eat the entire thing, and fighting the entire time. We're sick of it. You eat what we put in front of you and the kitchen is closed afterwards. I'm afraid she's not going to grow enough. But fuck if I'm going to cave and start feeding her chicken nuggers and pizza.

Do I go back to forcing her to eat the meals? What did your moms do?

>> No.8201009

Starvation will make her eat, stop her snacking since this is surely keeping her full.

>> No.8201016

have some kind of reward kinda deal, like a bit sized snickers or dessert or some other little treat, and if she doesn't eat everything she doesn't get it

>> No.8201018

Also, ground her from Halloween this year.
And begin packing her school lunches.
(That way she has to eat what you make, and it can't be said you're starving her.)

>> No.8201024

Pack the shitty little brat's leftovers for her lunch the next day.

>> No.8201028

She has no snacks after school. She is legit hungry come dinner time.

I can't ground her from Halloween - that's cruel. We do pack her lunches and they come back half uneaten. Other kids have lunchables and whatever. She has a sandwich, ants on a log and yogurt for example. Whatever we provide isn't "cool" enough.

>> No.8201031

She is not hungry enough then or she is sourcing food from sources you do not know about, kids can be crafty.

>> No.8201032

>can't ground her from Halloween - that's cruel. We do pack her lunches and they come back half uneaten. Other kids have lunchables and whatever. She has a sandwich, ants on a log and yogurt for example. Whatever we provide isn't "cool" eno

Tried this. The screaming. The bitching. The fucking teachers complained to us. "Wtf are u sending her in with cold soup - wtf is wrong with you" She used to get her dinner leftovers for school lunch.

>> No.8201036

Hey op I had a brother with the same problem (hes 6 now) what you do is you set time for meals and create a schedule. example 8am-8:30 breakfast then take the food away if its not being eaten. Same thing for lunch and dinner that's how my parents did It with my brother and im guessing thats what they did with me.
As a kid and my brother peas and lentils were some of my most dreaded things because of its texture and color I cant say anything about the duck because its fucking delicious jesus how would she not eat that tell her its chicken next time

>> No.8201037

>I can't ground her from Halloween - that's cruel.
Are you serious?
I had entire birthdays revoked, a real shitty thing given two of my siblings had the same birth day. I'd be stuck n my room while there was a party downstairs. I sure did make sure to keep my living space/room clean and tidy.

Bribes don't work, terrorism does.
Change her phone to a flip-phone, deny her Halloween, change the wifi password, etc.

>> No.8201044

Oh no she may have been born with an awful brain condition called veganism I'm sorry
Take her to the doctor it may not be too late, if you don't she will grow up to smoke weed, lecture actual smart people on gender issues and live off goverment assistance

>> No.8201046


If you take her out to trick or treating then just hold the candy at bay and use it to blackmail her to eat your food op and use it for 2-3 weeks so she gets used to the food

>> No.8201050

Never reward children with food, they will learn to eat all the time
If you must reward them give them videogames, toys, extra play time, take them out to the movies or something like that

>> No.8201051

No offence but i wouldn't want to eat that dinner either, if your poor I understand. But maybe try to make things "fun". Once my dad made tuna helper me and my siblings sat at the table for 1.5hrs then he sat down and tasted it spit it out and ordered us pizza.

As her what she likes and once in a while make the homemade/healthy version of it. I would find out what kinds of food she has for brek/ lunch if its sugary cereal then pizza or a burger no wonder she doesn't want to eat vegetable soups

Also kids are way more sensitive to flavours, so while you may like the fresh herbs they could taste like soap to her.

>> No.8201052

This is actually a good idea. I like the time limit thing. Will talk to wife about this.

Also, lentils are better than brussel sprouts and frozen veggie mixes which I used to get as a child.

(I like sprouts a lot now)

>> No.8201060

Here is an idea maybe that food is too complicated for a kid with an over sensitive palate
Talk with her, ask her what she likes and make a compromise, if you just wanted something that does all you order and never expresses preference or opinions then you should have gotten a dog, a kid isn't something you fucking store to use later
>Milenial having kids

>> No.8201061

>(I like sprouts a lot now)
I do hope you're growing your own.

>> No.8201070

Who has time to garden?

>> No.8201074

I appreciate your input. However, we are slightly poor.

"Fun"? Yes. We will order a pizza about once a month and maybe once a week we will do something she loves - breakfast for dinner, tendies and green beans, etc.

>> No.8201075

My 7 year old daughter is the same way. She won't eat anything but starches hardly and only if they don't have any "real" vegetables near them. She IS under sized for her age as her 10 year old sister was about 17 pounds heavier and 8 inches taller at the same age of 7 and she eats just about anything. She will poke at the food and say she is full and not eat hardly anything at all then half an hour later she is hungry and wants snacks. I seriously don't understand it and am at wits end with it. We have tried making her sit there and eat but after 45 minutes or so, I have shit to do and can't just stay there for 56 hours trying to force her to eat her actual meals. I don't know what to do either.

>> No.8201077

i used to be a little bitch like that but my parents made a rule when i was like 7 which was i had to finish everything on my plate and i appreciate them doing that very much so today

>> No.8201078

You grow them on the windowsill, though?
I don't understand.
>Fr grow your own.

>> No.8201092

You sound more like a millennial than him. Your grandparents didn't coddle your parents that way when they were growing up, I guarantee you that

>> No.8201094

Thanks man. It's perplexing. Good luck with everything.

>> No.8201099

I don't think you grow brusells sprouts on the windowsill.

>> No.8201101

Why don't you just make Pizza yourself more often? It used to be fucking poor mans dish for a reason also your little loli can help kneading the dough and stuff, so she might actually get interested in kitchen stuff, something many young adults aren't these days.
Plus, if you make it yourself you can go easy on the cheese and let her try new things. One square tuna, one square paprica, one square ananas, etc.
That way you'll find out what your daughter likes, you can slightly adapt to it and you actually save money and maybe your little one will even learn something and be happy when it's lunchtime for once.

>> No.8201102

>Who has time to garden?
You cannot spare 2 hours a week?

>> No.8201108

gardening is a good idea in general. If your kid actually helped you around the garden she'll learn something from it, you save money and she's more likely to eat something she grew herself, or at least helped growing. Gardening some veggies is easy.as.shit. btw.
Seriously, there is no excuse

>> No.8201112

Thanks man. Pizza sounds like something we can do. Never thought of that. She does like helping me make stuff. She's great and measuring and leveling dry ingredients.

I'll get a stone or something to cook it on.

Thank you

>> No.8201116

Getting a vegetable garden started is hard work but once it is done it is piss easy to maintain, only today I harvested 24 large red onions that took me 3 months to grow and I only watered them twice a week.

>> No.8201127

these are retards who shouldn't have children.
1. Ask her what she would want for dinner. Then make a version of that that isn't disgusting. Homemade chicken nuggets and pizza isn't all that bad if you know how to make it right. Obviously it's not something you can do all the time, maybe once a week have meal that's her idea.
2. Make her help you with making food. You gain a lot of appreciation for food when you know how to make it and where it comes from. As she learns how to cook she will want to experiment.

>> No.8201130

>i have a 7 yo who picks at everything

This is normal she will get over it in a few years

>> No.8201132

First, make sure your food isn't nasty.

Second, YOU decide what the little fucker eats, put it on the plate, and don't let her leave the damn table until it's gone. Period.

Finally, make sure she's eating a proper mix of proteins, veg, and carbs, and not just carb, carb, carb, carb....

You're the parent, not her friend, so act like a damn parent and quit letting a 7 year old make decisions that YOU should be making.

>> No.8201136

That second suggeation is how you make habitually fat people

>> No.8201142

>taking Halloween away is too cruel

Nigga I had my BEDROOM taken away as a kid when I didn't clean it up. Longest was a month. Had to sleep on the floor in my brothers room.

Take the candy away, set make her try at least one bite of everything you make, and then she has to make herself a peanut butter sandwich if she won't eat it.

>> No.8201143

Expert opinion:

Food can be tricky. childhood issues with food can have lifelong repercussions. you can set her up for a good relationship with food or tumultuous one.

>> No.8201148

imagine for a moment if you were in her shoes. you're in an institution, you cannot leave, and you have no choice but to eat this SLOP. forget for a moment that YOU personally enjoy your cooking, and imagine it as horrid, disgusting, vile meals that are either bland or oversalted and make you nauseated. and now imagine that you have no control over other access to food after "dinner". can you imagine how that would feel? how powerless and upset you would be if the cafeteria lady screamed at you until you ate her gruel? i am sure that's a close representation to how she feels.

your cooking probably just isn't to her taste, dont take it personally. split pea ham soup and duck aren't exactly appropriate for a child's palette. why don't you try a new approach- something that doesn't involve being the big mean staunch parent who gets personally offended that their kid has sensitive taste buds- and teach her to cook her own food. force feeding and arguing is NOT the answer. that can form a really bad relationship with food and cause an eating disorder in the future. my mother was a single mom, and her cooking was atrocious (though she didn't realize it). i was a bit of an exception because my neurological growth was highly accelerated as child, so i had the capacity to articulate myself and be decisive- so i told her how i felt and asked her to only cook enough for herself, as i had decided to make my own meals from there on. so she did, and i did. it's worked wonderfully for me, and now i'm an exceptional chef. turn this into an opportunity to bond with her, and to become closer, rather than forcing her to eat food she clearly doesn't like.

>> No.8201150

Majority of vegetables are carbs so it's like you're saying a proper mix of protein, carbs and carbs. I get what you mean by it though. Well I assume you mean protein and carbs with a nutrient dense vegetable that is also carbs and not Kraft dinner or Beefaroni

>> No.8201153

No need for a stone, really. Maybe it ups your game a little, but a regular oven plate (whatever the fuck is the actual term, not my mother language, sorry) is good enough to make better pizza than like 80% of delivery services.
Another good way is to cook easy expandable dishes. Some chicken breast with rice for the princess and some dank saucewith shrooms for you and the lady, although that way she'll probably stay picky, so don't overdo it.
Maybe try stir frying veggies for once, I hate cooked ones to this very day, stir fried is the bomb though.

>> No.8201156

she must be on a diet

>> No.8201164

>The fate of a little girl is being decided by 4chan

>> No.8201166

this desu

try treating your kid like the small human she is, and talk to her with respect

>> No.8201170


You make habitually fat bastards by serving them SHIT food and not leading by example and incorporating EXERCISE into your life, and making them exercise with you.

Piss off with your horseshit, fatty.

>> No.8201173

Wok is on the buy list. I had one before and I'm p gud at stir fry.

Wtf is an oven plate?

>> No.8201175
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>> No.8201180

How about starch, instead....

>> No.8201182

nice child abuse meme

>> No.8201189

No fucking 7 year old in the whole world eats any of that shit you just described.

Just cook something fucking simple, like spaghetti. You can teach her to like that later

>> No.8201191

OP, how skinny is she?
She could be anorexic.
That may sound absurd because of her age, but there have been many cases of children as young as five developing an eating disorder. I was once in treatment with a nine year old. Have her weight and height evaluated to see if she's underweight. If she is, take her for a psych eval. Getting treatment early can make all the difference.

>> No.8201192

there are carbs, fat and protein as macro nutrients. Starch is not a macronutrient there fore carbs, fat and protein are not replaceable as "starch"

>> No.8201193

This so much.

I hope OP is a troll though, no parent can be that dense...

>> No.8201195

kids like bland food that's salted and has cheese or gravy on it, not fucking lentils and duck you insufferable gordon-ramsay-wannabe

>> No.8201197
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Your menu sucks, sorry but it does.

Sometimes lying works, my kid won't touch a sweet potato, but absolutely loves pumpkin potatoes.

Ask them what they want to have for dinner, try to get the healthiest combination of ingredients and invite the kid to help make it.

Find out what the kid likes and doesn't like, my kid hated onions, so I had to cook them down where they were near invisible in food. I never stopped using onions and would always wait till after dinner when my kid would tell me how good it was, then I would disclose that I used lots of onion. I did this to the point my child has grown to loves onions and wants them in his omelettes too.

t. Dad

>> No.8201204

A regular thing you put in the oven. Apparently it's called a baking sheet? The stuff to put food on, without any holes on the bottom.
Best of luck with your little one. Try to be not too hard and not too soft either, both won't help you reach your goals.
As other Anons suggested, work with her. She's a kid, not a retard. I'm sure you'll figure something out.
Oh and maybe try mushroom cream soup, I don't know anyone who doesn't like that stuff, not even people who dislike shrooms

>> No.8201206

for christ's sakes this

>> No.8201208

I think the most often used is a cookie sheet. I don't even know but that's what I use and it was called a jelly roll pan before that.

>> No.8201210

You're all fucked up, though. Just look at yourself.

OP it sounds like it's you/your food. Why do you give her so much stew and soup? Especially given the fact that every time you have it again the next day, I bet you're making her hate the stuff. You say she takes a couple bites, is she just eating the broth and trying to avoid chunks? Make it smoother, blend it more thoroughly, though not to the point that little pieces are just unavoidable as opposed to incorporated.

She likes glazed carrots, so make more vegetables like that. How did you do your oven-roasted potatoes? You didn't put herbs or parsley on them, did you? She doesn't like those "vegetables" yet, you should try introducing herbs uncut to her so she can look at them, feel them, smell them, and maybe even taste a little bit of it. Go for other orange vegetables like sweet potatoes, cut up chunks of that and roast those.

How do you act when you're trying to get her to eat? Do you put the spotlight on her and clearly watch her? You might be giving her anxiety about trying food. Maybe she's nervous not only that she won't like it, but that /you/ won't like that she doesn't like it. Be sure that your dinner table is a safe space for trying food, make sure they have the freedom and acceptance to put something new in their mouth, chew it, make a gross face and spit it out.

She sounds a lot like me when I was a kid, I ended up turning into a sort of food purist as an adult. To this day I'm obsessive about the ingredients and hate prepackaged mixes of things that I don't have control over. Break your dishes down more into their base ingredients. I don't mean serve her individual vegetables raw, but introduce her again to them in a tasty, simplified fashion. Let her taste the vegetables for what they are. Sometimes they don't need to love the taste, they just need to understand what it is they're tasting and what it means if the dish has that taste.

>> No.8201233

Yeah that's it. fwiw. it's Backblech in German
Just use that, you really don't need a stone to make some decent pizza. Your first few will probably suck anyway, as the dough can be tricky. No shame in that man

>> No.8201240
File: 206 KB, 960x662, backblech-emaille-schwarz-9303737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you make it fit the pan like this or make it round and put it in the pan

>> No.8201260

This to be honest. This guy knows how to breed someone who can cook.

>> No.8201268

I always do it like in your picture, called Blechpizza here. Makes it really easy to make different toppings for different people as well. One gets the left third, one the middle and one the right.

>> No.8201286

One of my friends Moms use to do it like that after making her own dough and everything. I'm going to have to try it. Thanks

>> No.8201292

No they didn't and my dad is a massive drunk with anger issues and my mother has crippling depression wich has been going on for about 30 years

>> No.8201296

I once refused to eat my broccoli one night. My parents said I couldn't leave the table till I ate it. I sat there until they got pissed off that it was getting so late.

They told me I needed to finish it and go to bed. I ended up crying because they were yelling at me at me about it. I got so upset while eating the broccoli I vomited all over the table and floor. They never made me eat broccoli again.

In my defense, I was 5, and my mom couldn't cook vegetables for shit. I had eaten everything else that she made that night though, before committing that is.

I guess the point in not really getting at is that sometimes kids just aren't going to fucking eat dinner. My opinion is that they eat what you make and don't get anything else. If they get hungry, they can have the dinner they didn't eat earlier. Also, I doubt your kids is going to have any problem "growing". That's really a genetics thing, not a good thing.

>> No.8201298

>Talk to her with respect
How about you talk to your kid with fucking affection?

>> No.8201300

This really makes me sad... I couldn't imagine having a life where food was this important to my parents. Please don't take parenting advice from 4chan, almost nobody here are parents.

And making her sit at the table and finish everything on her plate is a terrible thing to do and you're damaging her relationship with food. If she's not hungry, don't make her eat. That's how eating disorders are developed and that's how kids become overweight and obese as adults (or even as kids).

>> No.8201302

told me to fucking eat as it was the only thing we had

>> No.8201306
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don't take halloween away from her.

let her dress up and go out, then when she gets back, snatch that shit.

no candy until you've finished dinner.

>> No.8201307

this same thread again??? YOU THINK I WOULDN'T REMEMBER!?!


>> No.8201312

You seem to like cooking, especially sophisticated things. Understand that her tastebuds are different than yours and will continue to develop, even though it tastes great to you it might taste like vomit to her.

Why not plan some meals with her? You two can both compromise on it and you can add whatever healthy twists or whatever you like to it, but she'll be more likely to eat it if she planned it or helped in the planning of it.

>> No.8201315

Ding ding ding.
I was a picky fucker when I was a kid, until my dad took me into the kitchen and made me help him.
There's very little I won't eat now, except for mushrooms and asparagus because they're fuckin nasty.

>> No.8201320

if its vegetables hide them in the food. example wont eat broccoli? cheese sause usually fixes that. remember to tell them you get what your given or go without. and stick to the punishment otherwise she will wait till one of you caves in and gives her what she wants.

the thing is remind her that if she dont eat it its not going to go away. yes you are going to have your food battles.

the other trick is get her in the kitchen cooking with you if she helps she might have a more different view of the food if she makes it her self and or helps make the food.

>> No.8201321

Yeah, and my parents generation has STAGGERING levels of alcoholism, undiagnosed eating disorders, drug abuse, and depression.

>> No.8201322

My dad once threw away my soda
So I bought a 2 litter and drinker it all in one sitting, I just kept drinking until I downed it all
No I'm 300 pounds
My dad is an alcoholic
And my mom has money problems

>> No.8201339

i seriously doubt giving her unrestricted access to a metric fuck-ton of candy is a good idea, especially considering she already has an eating disorder.

>> No.8201381
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My parents fucked up a lot of things, but they didn't fuck up with teaching me smarter eating habits - this as a kid who didn't like to eat much, but loves food now.

Teach your daughter that there are times to treat yourself with food - and that in moderation, foods that are "bad," are acceptable. Prepare your daughter something more palatable by talking with her and exposing her to new things she might like, along with something she likes already.

My parents would let me have some things that made no sense, but I liked to eat. Egg sandwiches for dinner. Shrimp. Lima beans. The thing is, they talked and tested, even if it wasn't what sounded the best to them for dinner.

My aunt and uncle had 6 boys, and made them all sit at the table and "clean their plates," regardless of what was being served. I remember being forced to sit alone at the table and eat, eat, eat, because their portions were huge... and I'd want to puke.

Now their kids are all fat, and go fill up on 2-3 plates at Golden Corral because that's "dinner" for them.

>> No.8201715

Well you turds haven't surprised me.

I took two positive takeaways.

1. Continue to do a meal she loves every week. Whether it be breakfast for dinner or spaghetti. But it has to be home made and relatively healthy.

2. Involve her more in the cooking process. Like I said before, she loves to help in the kitchen and I probably don't give her enough roles. But she is seven. My knives are very sharp. I'll integrate her helping more. The pizza idea was great.

The rest of you. Thanks for contributing.

>> No.8201732

No matter how much my drunk parents beat or starved me because I didn't like beans, I wouldn't eat beans. Later in life, long after i moved out, I craved beans out of nowhere and I love them now. Your tastes change drastically over the years. Instead of giving your kid a complex, jst make a pbj and enjoy your time with your daughter before she grows up to spite you. Is what she likes to eat really that important?

>> No.8201737

I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter and we used to have the same issue with her. But she's a tiny little thing and she's a "grazer" so she eats small amounts more frequently during the day so those portions almost sound like a normal "meal" for her Haha. But to get her to eat whatever we prepared that night (or foods she initially hated) we started letting her help out in the kitchen with the cooking and baking. She loves it and readily eats or at least tries more things because she has a small sense of pride in it. Plus it's great bonding time and teaching her some skills. She also used to hate vegetables until I started making them more "fun" like comparing broccoli to little trees, calling brussel sprouts baby cabbage, and comparing carrots and lettuce to rabbit food. She got a kick out of those.

>> No.8201742
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>tfw no qt 7yo loli to cook for

>> No.8201763


kids usually dont like soup outside of chicken noodle or spaghetti Os. Before you prepare the food why dont you ask her what she wants you to make with the ingredients youre using for the familys meal? Basically what she will eat. You dont have to go far out of the way since you are using the ingredients already and she gets something she will eat. How would you like it if someone served you roast donkey dick every night? For example the younger kids in my family will eat just spaghetti noodles with some cheese on top but they would never touch spaghetti just pick through it and pretend to eat a few bites. It will get them eating maybe not the very nutritiously but you can always try to work meals around ingredients you know she will like healthier parts of.

>> No.8201769

>tfw even on 4chan everyone has kids and wives but me

>> No.8201772

>split pea ham soup and duck aren't exactly appropriate for a child's palette.

I was one fucked up kid then, as is my offspring. Pea and ham was one of my favourite foods. Duck is definately my kids' favourite protein.

>> No.8201776
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Stack 'em

>> No.8201780


I'd rather have a long term girlfriend and no kids. Which I do. Avoid children honestly they're for when you've already exhausted your selfish pursuits of happiness, which I don't see happening for me until I'm 40 or so.

>> No.8201786

>tfw no gf

>> No.8201789


do whatever you can to increase your attractiveness and income then hit online dating

>> No.8201790


>ITT: retard starving his children thinks he's ramsey when he's actually Jack

>> No.8201804

I wish I could have for dinner what you're making your child ;-;

>> No.8201807

>My wife's daughter has the same taste as me and my wife
There's your problem.
>split pea soup
>pasta with a sauce consisting of a complex combination of herbs
>lentil stew
None of those things scream "kid friendly" at you. She is close to the age where she'll start to appreciate them (probably 13+) but right now, even staring at your green text menu is enough to intimidate her. The other people in this thread have already got good suggestions for you. As they have said, simple is best. Aside from advertising and being hip, there is a reason why lunchables is popular.

>> No.8201809

It might be too late, you can correct the pickiness but there's some foods she is going to have an aversion to rain or shine. My goddaughter's parents corrected this at a very early age by exposing her to a multitude of foods so that she would have a better palate and be more open to different foods. I'd kill for some crispy duck personally but you gotta understand she's still a kid, she's gunna be finicky it isn't an indictment on your cooking by any means

>> No.8201812

Where do you live? I'll come over and eat your food for you, sound delicious. Kick out that ingrateful brat.

>> No.8201815

have you tried feeding her anything other than shit carbs, you fucking idiot?

i'd rather starve to death than eat soup and bread 4 times a week.

>> No.8201821


Ya im sure this dude wants his daughter to grow up and be a sperg on 4chan.

>> No.8201826

>However, we are slightly poor.
Then why did you have a kid? Surely, the thing the world needs is an ever growing underclass.

>> No.8201833

Why on earth wouldn't you eat that dinner? It sounds great, I'd be thankful to get to eat such food every day. For me it's usually just some premade processed stew or soup, eaten cold straight from the can.

>> No.8201847

>ctrl+f "hit the little bitch"
>0 results

Nice parenting.

>> No.8201877

your kid is a cunt, plain and simple

if you dont want her to be a picky eater, force her to eat it

my dad did this with my brother. He couldnt leave the table until he had finished the meal. after 3 nights of sitting at the table staring at his cold food until 10pm, he never got picky again

>> No.8201885

Why isnt your wife cooking all your meals?

>> No.8201920

i mean some kids will just not appreciate food no matter what you do man. parents did the whole 9 yards with me. "you cant leave the table until you eat", id sit there until the next morning. "im not making food if you dont eat", and i was 20 pounds, 20 POUNDS, underweight from normal most of my childhood. they would have to force feed me often because i would go days without food, id jsut pop my ADHD pills to not feel hunger.

Eventually, they caved, and i got whatever i wanted. by 12-13 i realize the food i was eating was horrifying, so i grew up and ate whatever the family made, even started cooking.

>> No.8201927

You're a fucking moron, OP. You're cooking all sorts of food with bitter flavours that are subtle and delicious for adults but to a child's palate scream "poison!"

Never demand that she eat more than one bite of anything, and if she says she doesn't like something, try to help her figure out what it is about the dish.

When you start eating, make eye contact with your wife and talk about how the food tastes and why you like it, and then ask your daughter what she thinks. This feeds off her curiosity and her desire to fit in.

If you stimulate an interest in food and make it out to be a mature, "big-girl" quality, you can encourage her to try new foods by eventually rewarding her with a no-kids-menu dinner at a nice restaurant to celebrate a special occasion. Kids love to feel included in grown-up activities.

>> No.8201939

Make a meatloaf for fucks sake

>> No.8201947

Because she has a bigger dick than him. How feminine is her penis, OP?

>> No.8201979

>split pea soup
>lentil soup

do you realize part of the problem is that you make disgusting food?

i sure as fuck hope you're shooting that duck because why are you eating impoverished people food and then duck?

>> No.8201980

Kids will eat based on what the food looks like, if it looks slimy, chunky, has dark or brown bits on it they probably won't eat it. Even spaghetti may not be eaten unless the sauce, noodles and meatballs are seperate.

They get over this eventually as long as you keep encouraging them to try things starting simple and dont force it. If not you will fuck it up.

>> No.8202013

All those dished taste great. The Wehrmacht smashed half of Europe to pieces on split pea soup.

>> No.8202024


>lunchables - like $2-3/each.

>> No.8202033


I use four fucking hamhocks in my split pea soup.

>> No.8202049

OP here.

When she was little she ate everything. No fucking questions asked. Wasn't until pre-K that shit got wonky.

We have tried the sit and eat it all until gone. But that devolved into "how many bites" or "am i done yet" or just sitting there.This also ate into homework time and bath time.Not to mention her play time. Did this for ~6 months.

Then we did "eat what you want" and whatever you don't eat is going to school for lunch. The fucking teachers gave her free hot lunch at school. We got a call cuz of it.

We fucking try guys. It's not always this stuff. But;

>pork loin and potatoes - eats sour cream/butter

>meatloaf, mashed, peas/corn - will eat bacon and ketchup off top of meatloaf

>pizza - says she wants chicken on it, we get chicken. picks chicken off, eats cheese, leaves bread and tomato sauce.

We tried dipping sauces for veggies - failed.

We tried rewards (dessert) and it just devolved into a fight for dessert, so we don't buy that stuff anymore.

It's beyond insane.

>> No.8202055

Worse part is she says she loves it with a smile on her face and will just pick at it.

Kid loves us too much to just say I don't like it. She's a real sweetheart and doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

But she can't end up like that cheesy potato woman.

>> No.8202061

did you try involving her in the cooking?

>> No.8202069

This. Talk to your kid and healthy alternatives. Engage her to join in the kitchen while cooking. Make cooking a bonding activity. Genuinely TRY to peak her interest, even if it means "bribing" her. Parenting is give and take. I'm not saying blindly give in and give her Mcdonalds every night, but instead find out what interests her and use that to your advantage. Ask her what she thinks would be good to eat and find healthy recipes or healthy alternatives. If you feel she isn't eating enough veg, then be sneaky about incorporating it in your meals. Find out what she likes and make careful note about her eating habits and gear your cooking towards that. Also consult your pediatrician about supplements. Flinstone vitamins or gummy vitamins is something I gave my kids while they were growing up.

>> No.8202070

>When she was little she ate everything. No fucking questions asked. Wasn't until pre-K that shit got wonky.
Peer pressure. You have to convince her that her classmates are dumb babies for being picky eaters and that eating grown-up food makes her better than them.

>Then we did "eat what you want" and whatever you don't eat is going to school for lunch.
Why the fuck would you do that? If she doesn't like it the first time, eating it in public the second time isn't going to help, especially around other kids who'll just comment on how bad it looks. Send her a sandwich for lunch every single day unless she asks for something else.

>> No.8202071
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OP you have to make it 'fun'. Kids love fun food. Here are some ideas.

>Friday - split pea soup with hamhocks, homemade cornbread.
Replace the 'split Peas' with actual letter P's from alphabet spaghetti that have been sliced in half. It will be 'Split P' soup and will be fun for her. Everyone likes jokes. Also it will be tastier, split peas are disgusting.

>Saturday - leftover soup with crusty bread/butter.
This is LEFTOVERS. She won't be excited about that! You need to add something new to the soup. I would reccommend pouring in some Coco Pops. You can tell her that the 'Ps' split into 'Pops' which teachers her about evolution

>Sunday - homemade red sauce/pasta/fresh herbs.
Kids do not get excited for fresh herbs. So again you failed to make it interesting. Replace the fresh herbs with sugar and the pasta with alphabet shaped pasta (to remind her of the soup she liked). Also use Ketchup instead of red sauce, it looks the same but she will recognise the taste.

>Sunday - duck with crispy skin, oven roast potatoes and glazed carrots.
'I am poor' yet ypu buy duck? Your daughter probably doesn't want to eat duck due to cartoons having ducks. You need to make her sit down and watch Daffy Duck cartoons for the entire day until dinner, and she will see Daffy Duck is a dick and will eat the duck more willingly. Replace the carrots with Cheetos, and the potato with Skittles. This will make the dish more colorful like the cartoon and she will be reminded she hates Daffy Duck.

>Monday - lentil stew with crusty bread.
Kids don't like lentils. Use leftover skittles (saves money). Bread doesn't go with skittles so I don't blame her for not liking it. Replace the bread with cake.

Its not hard, OP. My mother used to force me to eat broccoli by making it out of candy floss and dotting it with smarties. It was still like eating a tree but a christmas tree.

>> No.8202080

I was forced. I'm a very picky eater. Certain flavors just don't register as "food" to some of us. For me it's cilantro, cauliflower, bananas and more. Imagine if someone asked you to eat a nice steak with a bar of soap shaved on top. You couldn't do it. That's how some kinds of "normal food" are to some of us. Find out what she doesn't like, and try to make it easy for her to remove/avoid them. The worst thing you can do is chop it up fine and hide it... The taste is there, and now can't be removed easily. "But it's so small, you'll barely taste it!" WRONG!!! It's all over the dish now, and I can't NOT eat it. Leave large pieces of the things she avoids, so she can pick stuff out, if necessary.

If it's any consolation, as I got older my tastes changed, and I'm starting to be able to eat things impossible in my youth (mushrooms, strong onions, raw tomato).

>> No.8202082

>For me it's cilantro, cauliflower, bananas and more.
Jesus Christ you're defective.

>> No.8202085

>Replace the bread with cake.

Yeah, this is my go to suggestion for all recipes, actually.

>> No.8202088

Just reading this made my teeth hurt.

>> No.8202091

You have failed so bad at making people laugh. I feel bad for you tbqh

>> No.8202100
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>> No.8202105

Enhanced. When the Apocalypse comes, I'll be able to taste what plants are poisonous. Advantage me. Sorry, non-mutant.

>> No.8202170

My boss had a similar problem with a niece he was looking after
>looking after niece for a few weeks
>she won't eat what they cook, only wants fast food and tendies
>fakes coughing to get out of eating
>boss doesn't stand for that shit
>starved her for three fucking days
>after that she ate everything he cooked
>problem solved, she's not a fussy eater anymore
Pretty drastic but hey, gotta let these kids know who the boss is and make them feel grateful for what they get

>> No.8202204

Sounds like you needed a fucking beating and those pills thrown in the garbage.

>> No.8202208

Your food sounds downright disgusting

Soup and bread almost every day? I'll be sick too

>> No.8202234

kids have sensitive tastebuds and can't handle anything that is strong tasting. i wouldn't change her diet and cater to her though or she'll grow up like those eating disorder freaks on tv that only eat french fries.all the eating disorder kids seem to start around kids with parents who start feeding them what they only want and they never end up trying anything new ever again. let her starve if you have to.

>> No.8202245

her future




>> No.8202261

That's actually not uncommon. There's a specific thing that some people have that makes cilantro taste soapy iirc.

>> No.8202265

>let her starve if you have to.
>let these kids know who the boss is and make them feel grateful

>i feel the need to assert dominance over children

>> No.8202272

Stop making her fucking soup
Jesus christ

>> No.8202278

your food sucks faggot, wouldn't eat that shit either

>> No.8202279

Stop feeding your kid faggot food.
Jesus wept

>> No.8202282

Is your daughter cute and can I kiss her?

>> No.8202283
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>caring this much about your wife's daughter

>> No.8202289

> She has no snacks after school. She is legit hungry come dinner time.

Kids won't starve to death when there is food on the table. I've heard this from three different nurses and a doctor and my kid is under two.

Like a pet; they'll eat whatever is in their bowl if they're hungry enough - I know the interim will probably suck though.

>> No.8202295

>Once my dad made tuna helper
Hey! Fuck you! This is /ck/! That menu sounds delicious. Advocating a kid should eat high-fructose, high-sodium shit in preference to home-cooked meals because one time your dad cooked a shit meal is fucking retarded.

Keep at it OP. Meals are meals, treats are treats. Don't let your kid confuse the two.

>> No.8202298

5/10 - had to read it in full after skimming past

>> No.8202303


Children are genetically predisposed to be picky about certain foods.


>1. Try and change the form the particular food item she won't eat comes in, i.e in the case of the oven roast potatoes, try mashed potato or croquet potato.

>2. Find alternatives, don't force the child to eat something they don't want to. Find types of food with the same nutritional value and vitamins as a substitute, experiment with preparing it in different forms until you get one they will eat. Remember if you try and force food on a child or make a big deal about their prickliness you could reinforce a complex in them which may affect them for the rest of their life.

>3. Be patient, they will eat enough of what they need out of sheer hunger eventually. Just don't give them junk food/snacks.

>> No.8202310

It's as simple as grounding her until she eats all of her food. No going out, no TV, no Internet and no toys until she has eaten. Give her a small, sustainable reward when she does eat.

If what you're claiming is you have done this consistently for years and it hasn't worked, I don't believe you.

>> No.8202314

A bunch of fucking shut-in manchildren whom have just discovered the joys of take-out sushi after watching some border-line pedo anime advise a real-life parent on what their child should eat based solely on their expert experience derived from three months worth of fryer duties at McDonalds, or two months on working the dishes in an Olive Garden.

>> No.8202335

what 7 year old goes out? Unless going out means something new now that I don't know about.

>> No.8202346

All of them? Did you completely forget your childhood or did you just have no friends to play with?

They aren't going clubbing they're going to their friends house right next door, unless they're, you know, grounded.

>> No.8202347

See my adult mind changed going out as to what you say as clubbing

>> No.8202532

>my neurological growth was highly accelerated

>> No.8202538

Yeah my dad used to make my clear my plate as well.
it's such a shitty, dangerous habit.

>> No.8202562
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Why aren't you running ten miles a day and eating an 8 ounce chicken breast one cup of whole grain rice and steamed vegetables everynight?

>> No.8202676

>more soup

I'd be picky too if I lived in a fuckin soup kitchen. Up your game you failure.

>> No.8202678


>> No.8202684

>this thread
>all this advice
>talk to your 7 year old and ask her what she wants for dinner
>7 year old
>making food decisions

New wave parenting is real. I bet you faggots think spanking is bad and only threaten to punish your children.


>> No.8202757

punish your children

Obviously, you aren't up on the latest trends. Even threatening to punish your child can cause irreparable harm to the tender developing psyche which will lead to severe PTSD, ADHD, serial killing, and generally severe maladjustment.

>> No.8202780

You're fucking retarded. Ask what she wants

>> No.8203072


Fuck these guys, I thought your post was funny.

>> No.8203229

>However, we are slightly poor.
might i suggest murder-suicide then?

>> No.8203240

Can't overemphasize the whole bitter thing. Kids are overly sensitive to bitter. That's why they latch on to sweet things.

>> No.8203370

Well I do remember when I was that age. You always wanted to have those "cool" foods everyone else had. Cave in and buy some of those every once in a while, otherwise I dunno just slap the kid.

>> No.8203384

shitty genes then I guess, my parents weren't coddled and neither was I, you eat what you were given or you went hungry, it instills gratitude and the concept of fairness, and they don't touch alcohol, and no mental problems in the entire family

>> No.8203395

This is why having a school cafeteria providing everyone with the same shitty food is a godsend. Makes them appreciate what they eat at home more. However what I hear about school lunches in the US could be even worse than kids eating their own shitty food.

>> No.8203408

You couldn't imagine having parents who don't let their kid eat whatevy they want? Who want them to have a healthy palate?

It's clear she's hungry, just picky and ungrateful with shitty priorities.

>> No.8203411

Eh lots of kids like that shitty food especially when it's chicken fries or pizza ordered out (every school used to do this on wednesdays as I recall)..not to mention the chips and cookies you can buy..it's the opposite of a godsend it's getting kids addicted to bad food.

>> No.8203413

We had the same thread a while back, so I'll give the same answer.

Hit her.

Hit her depending on the amount of food she has left uneaten. A full plate? Belt to the face. A few pieces left behind like some peas or a few bites left from a pork chop? Belt to the face. Or just starve them until they break and eat. If they do sneak in food from friends, then that just gives you another reason to hit her.

My father did to same thing to me growing up, and while we may not be on the best speaking terms, I did learn to eat the food prepared for me growing up.

>> No.8203440

dont have kids

>> No.8203453

do have kids

>> No.8203461
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I am obese. I am warning you - DO NOT LET YOUR DAUGHTER WIN!

I am obese because my mother was a coward who caved to my whims. I put my obesity down to 3 incidents from my childhood

1. On my mothers 30th birthday when I was 6 we went to a nice fancy restaurant. I refused everything on the menu and only wanted ice cream. They obliged. Then I threw the ice cream into my mothers pasta dish and made her feed it to me

2. On Christmas when I was 10, I just wanted to eat chocolate from a tub of christmas chocolates. I refused to eat christmas dinner. My grandmother intervened and spent 4 minutes chopping my turkey into the shape of reindeers. I threw my plate onto the floor and said 'THEY FELL OFF THE ROOF'

3. When I was 11 I hid from my mother in Wal Mart and ate 9 packets of Oreo cookies then told security that my mother told me I had to eat them or she would leave without me. She nearly got arrested.

I was NEVER punished for any of this and by the time I was 12 my parents made me what I wanted for dinner and never said no to me when I asked for food, at the store for example. Now I have a BMI of 32. Ironically at my mothers last birthday party and at the last christmas dinner I ate 100% more of the food than anyone else.

>> No.8203462
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Positive enforcement works better than negative.
however. odds are if she hates all vegetables you should just dump her in a god damn orphanage. If she can't learn to like good food then that's not your problem.

>> No.8203470

Stop being a worrying puss. Put the plate in front of her and ignore. When you and your wife are done eating, clean up. Do this everyday. When she needs to eat, she will.

>> No.8203484
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man this shit was long ago, and autistic as fuck memory to share, but to give you an example of positive enforcement. I was told sonic ate his cabbage. I instantly started doing it after the fact even if it was still awful. Basically find out what your daughter worships on a casual basis and get her to want to eat vegetables because of emulation. Kids do all sorts of the most retarded shit imaginable unthiningly for this sort of thing. I cut my long ass hair because I was a stupid fuck who thought it would help me make friends in elementary school. take advantage of it.

>> No.8203545

Pizza is fucking ridiculously cheap to make.

Don't buy the 'premade' mix, it's just the same flour that they sell in 1KG bags on the shelf below.

>> No.8204221

Are you the same guy who wrote that mac and cheese recipe for your nephew

>> No.8204231

She's a little girl. She burns almost no calories unless she's doing some serious exercise and thus doesn't eat much. Count her calories secretly and decide if it's only your perception of how much she eats that is off.

Put her in sports she will start eating more.

>> No.8204339

What >>8203072 said. I laughed on the inside.

>> No.8204345

My son used to do this, was a two hour ordeal every fucking night. Has just grown out of it really, eats heals more stuff now. I've found that if things aren't forced upon him, or sometimes even suggested, he will try it himself. He ate a shitload of kale chips the other day even, kale!

>> No.8204369

My mom used to let me eat anything I really wanted. For the most part I ate her food, but like maybe 1/15 meals would I ask to have something else (Always some frozen food/leftovers from a different night) Luckily I still grew up healthy.

Yet when I end up raising kids (Not keen on it, but I'm sure it will happen when I settle down) they will eat what is put in front of them, or they'll starve.

My mom's just lucky I didn't turn into a picky shit crawling for chicken nuggies and 'za.

Honestly fuck what the teachers think. If she makes a fuss, take her food from her plate and give it to someone else. Explain to her that this shit isn't gonna fly.

She should be thankful she's got a parent that can cook well. I was lucky to have a mom as a great cook, and I almost always cleaned the plates off, even if I wasn't a big fan of what she was making.

>> No.8204400

Sit her down and asked her what veggies/fruits she actually likes. Work with what she gives you. if she tells you she likes cooked carrots, pair those with some homemade tendies for a decent kids meals. Kids have sensitive pallettes and a lot of them have issues with textures. It's frustrating and annoying, especially when you're just trying to put food in their stupid mouth so they don't starve, but kids are dumb for lack of a better term. Kids tend to like very basic meals, so you might have to compromise on the menu.

If you don't actually get anywhere, try doing the timing thing people suggested.

>> No.8204427
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>I've a 7yo daughter
Now I'm sad.

>> No.8204449

Alright listen up you dumb fucking shits.
Children are not entitled to you being nice to them when they are violating what I call the Parent/Dependent Paradigm. Or PDP for short.

Your job as a parent is to raise a functional, nourished, stable being that will be able to sustain themselves. That is paramount above everything else.

Not to be their fucking friend, not to have them completely adore you 100% of the time, if they do, you are most likely neglecting these duties, and if you are neglecting them, you are being a shitty parent. If you can do both, great, but you cannot neglect the former in favor of the latter.

You are allowed to do anything within the laws of your country to accomplish this. And even in the US, this allows for quite a bit of manipulation or force.

Allow her no fun until she eats all of her food, there is no law against making a child sit in their room and read books. There is no law that forces you to allow your child to participate in holidays, birthdays, social events or otherwise.
There is no law against a great number of things that you can do to discipline your child.


>> No.8204468

You could adopt me, Anon. I can pretend to be a 7 year old girl, i'll eat all of your foods.

Also, don't cave in to the chicken nuggets and pizza, the kid will learn to eat properly eventually, given time.

>> No.8204490

Make her eat all of the eggs.

>> No.8204495

I have no idea if OP is still here, or whether people are sperging out and just recommending to starve her until she is forced to eat your meals.

It's worth remembering that kids have different taste buds. The things I love to eat now would literally make me retch as a child, and no amount of being forced to eat these things changed that I couldn't handle the flavor.

Other than that, remember kids are extremely susceptible to marketing, they absorb visual information like a sponge because they haven't learned to filter it out like adults have. Their ideas of food are based off Platonic ideals of what food should look like. A murky green soup is going to turn her off because she can't identify it as anything other than Nickelodeon slime (or whatever the modern equivalent is, I don't live in America anymore); it's no wonder she only ate the cornbread because she can at least "identify" what food that is.

Kids don't eat lunchables because they're popular, or tasty - let's face it, even with nostalgia, they never were. They eat them because they are easily recognizable food products, and safe. Childhood is fucking traumatic and kids live in a constant state of flux, food should be something they find comfort in. Mystery soups are just frightening.

Try having her help cook meals so she can see the parts that go into it. She can learn that there's nothing to be wary of, and the two of you can bond. If she doesn't have interest in cooking though, just remember that she's still a child and has potential to grow/change countless times before adulthood, and it's your job to guide her, not force her.

>> No.8204503
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>split pea soup
tastes like hot vomit to me

>> No.8204565

Sounds like you have some massive sensory issues.
Kids are supposed to respect you, as another Anon said you show them affection and nurture them to become an adult worth respecting.
This is best, along with a 3 bite philosophy. My parents would make me try 3 bites of a food. If I didn't like it, I didn't like it and the food was removed when dinner was done. No fuss, no punishment, no after supper snacks. It was ignored. No special shit done at restaurants. Don't want the tomato? Then take it off the burger yourself.

My sister is autistic and had sensory issues, so my family would cook healthy alternatives, or reheat leftovers. For instance, she did not like Chinese stir fry but likes broccoli with soy, so we'd just do that. Or give her leftover collard greens from the day before instead of the Caesar salad (she hated Caesar dressing, love collards. Don't ask me).

We were always involved in the kitchen. I would help mom buy ingredients in the store. Once I was 7 or 8 we'd make a game out of it, a race. She'd tell me the brand and/or the size and weight of an ingredient for dinner that night and send me on a scavenger hunt to go find it. She'd find other parts and we'd meet at a central part of the store. I'd have my little kids buggy, she'd have a normal one.

Helped me learn how to shop, made shopping faster for her, made me feel independent, and encouraged me to watch and assist her when we took the ingredients home and cooked them.

>> No.8204636

Wow OP, I never had this problem in my childhood and I was raised on the same sort of food. Maybe try some simple creamed corn and baked chicken breast? Sounds like her pallet isnt developed yet to appreciate complex recipes. You know she likes cornbread, maybe cook some greens (mustard, kale, collard or turnip greens). Boiled greens makes an amazing pair with cornbread and it's simple. You said she ate the carrots, so maybe make carrots and pair them with a green bean dish? But like, a simple green bean, like, with just a little bit of bacon for flavor. She ate the pasta... Try getting the pasta that has veggies added into it already? Your menu this week sounds delicious and the pic looks amazing, I can't understand either =/ Try a stir fry! I recall I went through a stage where I ONLY ate stir fry growing up.

>> No.8204767

Shit, you can't even cook right for a kid?

Stop making complex shit. Make simple food. Cooked / mashed potato and some cooked peas or carrots, no spicing. Spaghetti with passata, and only a tiny bit of oil/butter and cheese. Porridge with lightly sugared applesauce. Rice and veggies.

Stuff like that. Occasionally some fries & ketchup or other.

>> No.8204796

PS: Not saying kid will like it all. Just remember what simple food works and try more. Use multiple bowls if you introduce new food components. The fried tofu doesn't NEED to be in the rice.

>> No.8204825


Don't give little kids mixed textured stuff like soup or stews. If she's like me things with a slimy or soft texture are utterly nauseating. Give her simple firm homogenously textured foods that are separated out like rice, lettuce, carrots, chicken breast, simple sandwhiches, etc. No soups, stews, pasta with lumpy sauces, meat that has gristle.

>> No.8204835
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>>8201005 (OP)
Try taking her through the food process.
Take her grocery shopping, go to farmers markets, watch the food network (this is a big one)
And when buying food, don't go down the snack/desert ail until last, and use a lot of "we should." don't let her only get dessert but dont make her choose the vegetables. Make it clear that it's a family effort to make food.
And novelty. Try pulling a Japan to a mild degree.
You and your wife sound like great parents, OP. You'll do fine.

But don't EVER hit your daughter

>> No.8204863

>There's very little I won't eat now, except for mushrooms and asparagus because they're fuckin nasty.
I hope your dad killed himself when he realised how badly he fucked up.

>> No.8205457

>seeking parenting advice
>on 4chan
i weep for OP and everyone who is responding

>> No.8205469

You stupid cuck why would you force your kid yo eat shit they dont want thats going to make them not want to eat your cooking for your taste not hers i kinda wanna kick your fucking ass

>> No.8205498

Positive reinforcement>negative reinforcement, anon. It's good to have both but the former is more effective than the latter, which should primarily exist to show "Actions have consequences, think before you act."

>> No.8205508

>But don't EVER hit your daughter
Don't listen to this nu-male, a spanking now and again is necessary.

>> No.8205526
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This is about toddlers, but a similar vein, perhaps.


Alternately, putting myself in a seven year old's shoes, that menu is disgusting as fuck. Each kid is different. Maybe it's the differing textures of each food. Maybe the way the spices/ingredients interact. There is a reason most "kid" foods are bland as all hell.

Best I can tell you is communication is key. She may be a kid, but talk to her like she's a person. Getting her involved in the cooking process is also good advice.

>> No.8205651

man aspragus is kind of understandable since it kind of tastes like nothing anyway but mushrooms?

dang that is a hard hit, no idea how your family is coping with this one

>> No.8205666

Eat at specific times, and make it a rutine for the entire family. If the kid doesn't eat, there will be no food afterwards and the kid can only drink water, no sugary drinks or milk.

Ask what the kid likes, often it's simple starchy stuff like bread, chips, beans.
Try preparing food with that mixed in, in a way that it can not be detached. Home made pizza, bean stew, crusty breadcrumbs in soup, potato bits mixed with herbs and a little meat.

Have the kid help you in the kitchen preparing the food, no snacking of it before it's put on the table and everyone is there to eat.

Children who play outdoor and work out get hungry usually, and have much more appetite. Don't let her sit in front of a computer all day, take the kid out for a walk in the park/playground before dinner time.

Don't pour food on the plate for the child, put the pot on the table, and let everyone serve for themselves. Portion all the meat and bread though, but put it on the table still and let people take for themselves, if the kid takes all the bread then tell it to hold off and show some manners, because the bread is for everyone in the family.

Also don't talk about food and eating, because your kid is probably avoiding to eat to take control over you. That's basically what my brat of a cousin used to do, and her parents would beg her to eat ...at age 7, her dad would put food in her mouth and beg her to eat, tell her stories while he tried to feed her, give her presents, bribe her with junk food etc. just to have her eat something ...anything.

The only time I saw her eat normal, was when she visited my parents. I used to take her out to the park and let her be outside for 4+ hours sometimes, and I never spoke of food. Whenever we got home, she would run toward the kitchen and sit & eat everything a normal human - holding her own damn fork, spoon & knife.

>> No.8205669

have you actually talked to her about why she doesn't want to eat? is it the textures or certain flavours she doesn't like? don't force her to eat, that makes it worse, don't turn it into a negative experience for her no matter how frustrated you feel.

the foods you're feeding her seem to be more suited for adult tastes. duck, for a 7 year old? ham hock? I'm not saying give her nuggets and pizza, but maybe look into making her some more visually appealing food with conservative flavours. you can buy cutters in shapes and such

>> No.8205708

You can't hit a stranger
You can't hit your wife
Why the fuck is it okay to hit your defenseless elementary-school-aged kid?

>> No.8205721

Playing devils advocate for a moment here. I wouldn't really compare a spanking in many cases with punching someone out. It's enough to sting but not enough to bruise or break. Again, this is coming from someone who doesn't agree that spankings work.

>> No.8205790

Cut off snackin stuff and monitor food stuff so she only eats whats on the table. Pretty much make her hungry enough to not care about what she dislikes and just eats whatever you give her. Maybe try spinach and some meat to get the appetite started up.

>> No.8205808

She's a little girl if you literally make the food look "fun" and "cute" she will like it.

>> No.8205833

Your daughter needs more fat in her diet.

>> No.8205844

>You can't hit your wife
look at this beta numale cuck and laugh

>> No.8205846

>wouldnt touch the potatoes.
Don't blame her for that. Potatoes are part of the Solanaceae and they contain a toxin called Solanine.

>> No.8205857
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Yep, the answer is FAT

Everything you made sounds tasty but very low in fat. You daughter actually needs to be consuming a fairly large amount of fat at that age. Look at the stereotypical things kids eat:
>chicken nuggets
>spaghetti with butter
All have a lot of fat.

Try making something fairly fatty for her and see if she likes it. Plus every human knows that fat adds flavor to food. Don't use chicken breast, use thigh. Maybe try salmon with a simple butter sauce. Don't worry about saturated vs unsaturated or anything.

>> No.8205911
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>nu-male, a spanking now and again is necessary.
I'm not male.
Hitting your child in any way messes them up. Use non-abusive verbal punishment and the taking away of privileges.

>> No.8205974
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>feeding your daughter anything other than your precious semen

>> No.8206016

You only ever have to hit your children once if you do it right. After that the mere threat is sufficient. What you call damage used to be called discipline.

>> No.8206045

Really good advice here. Getting the kid involved is so important. But also being stern when it comes to snacks etc. I went shopping with my mum each week. I thought my reward was the chocolate bar but really it was what I learnt about food and getting to spend time with my mum.

If a child is just given food and expected to eat it, food becomes this thing that appears on the table from an unknown source and that is often strange and unexpected. Getting the child involved helps a lot.

My friends used to tell me how poor I was. My parents never stocked chocolate snacks or any crisps. I wasn't even allowed to have the fresh orange juice my parents had. Me and my three brothers always ate the same as my parents. Even though I still hate courgettes, me and my brothers all enjoy eating everything. Even though we all live apart (My older brother has a family now) we talk about food often and we all enjoy cooking a lot. I think my upbringing has a lot to do with that.

>> No.8206065


Are.. you autistic?

>> No.8206084

Stones cost almost nothing. Just get an unglazed ceramic tile from a hardware store. The costly part is the paddle or whatever you want to use to transfer the pizza on and off the stone. You have to keep the stone in the oven while it's being heated/cooled or it can break from thermal shock

>> No.8206098

Your menu is disgusting OP, as many others have said. What kid is going to ever like lentil soup and cornbread.

I'm trying to remember what I was fed as a kid and it was all relatively simple. Sometimes with a sauce. DInner was a routine and it was every day at 8ish. We ate things like:
beans (with margerine)
corn on the cob
Chicken breasts with a small amount of seasoning.
Lots of carrots on the side. No herbs or anything like that.
A kind of fish stew with cherry tomatoes that I hated but ate anyway.
Breaded chicken/fish (which I loved) always with lots of greens.
All the veg was served just steamed. It was never put in a soup.
Soup, when it was served, was always an optional addition. My parents always had it as extra before the meal and usually it was very good. I started eating it when the rest of my family ate it. Peer pressure is amazing (I'm a school teacher and I know all about this). Maybe you should have more children?
Sunday was always a day to look forward to because in England we often have a roast dinner. Roast chicken, gravy, peas, stuffing, crispy roasted potatoes. I loved it.
Desert was always a yoghurt or sometimes a fruit salad.
Drink, always water. I did the same as my parents and I'm fucking glad because I don't drink any fizzy drinks now. It's disgustingly sugary.

My parents also raised me to not be spoiled by guilt tripping the fuck out of me and being completely dismissive of my protests. Like the very fact i protested would offend them. I quickly realised where the boundaries lay.
I remember they would talk about children in Africa, or how they work hard every day to give me food or how it's their money.

My parents never asked me what I wanted to eat. I'm not sure that's a good idea. As a teacher I would never ask the children what they want to learn.

>> No.8206100

Man, I don't know why but my favorite shit in the world was pasta and tomato puree. I would eat the hell out of that.

>> No.8206148

lentil soup and cornbread sounds a lot better than beans and margarine.

>> No.8206154

Beans was just a side dish. There was usually a protein with it.

>> No.8206241

Why is it disgusting, I loved lentil stew and soup when I was a kid, and I thought pasta, cheese & McDonald burgers were disgusting stuff with weird texture. I would still eat it, if that's the food I was offered and I was hungry though.

Children aren't picky, some kids just learn that this type of behavior is a good way to manipulate and make their parents react in certain ways, give them treats or attention. Children eat their own boogers for fucks sake.

>> No.8206395


>> No.8206397

hey look its OP's picky kid from the future

>> No.8206408

>After two years of telling her/forcing her to eat the entire thing, and fighting the entire time.

Gee I wonder why she has problems with food.

>> No.8206429

>accelerated neurological growth
>exceptional chef

What fucking kitchen are you running asstard?

>> No.8206438

>all these people that think they know how to raise a kid
>all these people that think you can make a kid eat something they dont want to eat

You know what you need to do, OP?
You need to actually discipline your kids. I discipline my nephew all the time because his parents are retarded. His dad tells him to eat his food, the kid whines and does everything but eat his food. I tell the kid to eat his food, then I start a coutndown, and he starts eating. You know why? Because the kid fears me because he knows i'll punish him. Your kid doesn't fear or respect you, so you've already fucked up. You want to make some kind of change? Give your kid options. They can either eat the food you put in front of them, they can cook what they want, OR you give them what they want, in addition to a beating so that they associate things they want with pain, it'll make your future daughter a masochist though, so be careful with that.

But no really, your kid sees you as a chump, I did the same thing to my dad, except I took things a step further and would go on hunger strikes, and I would win because my determination to get what I want superseded my desire to eat. Worst case scenario make your daughter fear not eating. Play hardball and find people with eating disorders and have them terrify your daughter.

Just remember, everything you do,t hey will remember, and it will mold their future personality.

>> No.8206439

>op pic

Dude look at this from your kids point of view. You obviously invest a lot of effort in your cooking, and you're proud of it, probably rightfully so. But some things just aren't going to taste good or look appealing to children, and she probably feels awful that she's constantly hurting her dad's feelings by not liking it.

Imagine if your dad was an awesome jazz musician or something, and he was really passionate about it, but to you as a kid it sounds like absolute crap. You're not going to say that to his face, you're going to say "sounds good dad" and try to get the hell away as soon as possible.

Now imagine your dad forces you to sit through hour long performances every evening.

>> No.8206443
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She's just a kid, anon. Op, don't be this cruel, just be a little more strict and remember, you're the authority of the house, don't let her get away with things like this. Parenting is hard, although I'm sure you know that

>> No.8206501

She'll eat eventually or starve to death. At that age they're still nice and tender so I'd suggest you make good use of the meat, after all your wife's going to need proteins for her next baby.

>> No.8206515

My parents just screamed at me to eat

>> No.8206565

>we are slightly poor
>We will order a pizza about once a month

Make the pizza yourself then.

>> No.8206736
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>> No.8206795

OP, you're a fag for not responding to me. Give your daughter more fatty foods and you'll have success. Not dripping in grease, but not super healthy and dry.

>> No.8206909

Don't give her as much food. Human children mostly filter feed so they only eat solids occasionally

>> No.8206992

Forcing a kid will only get them so far, then eventually put them on the wrong path.

There is a thin line between being too lenient and being too tough, and it's a line that a good parent has to walk.

You are forgetting that kids do have a different sense of taste, compared to adults. Remember how things tasted as a kid that were gross? They are a lot more sensitive in their sensory input, and are not as developed, so taste and texture can easily be gross for them. Cook things that are light and easy. Here's some flavors most kids like

>Light fish, like haddock or Talipia just grilled
>Steamed Peas, Corn, or broccoli. Kids tend to prefer Steamed vegetables over raw or other methods of prep. Maybe a dash of salt and pepper
>Grilled Chicken (A whole chicken is really cheap, and fabricating a chicken takes only a few minutes)
>basic grilled meats with BBQ sauce
>Oven baked fries with a little salt or smashed potatoes with a little gravy or cheese does it well
>Good fruits, my parents always had berries and they did the trick for me
>NICECREAM. Now as much of a vegan meme as it is, it is actually pretty tasty and it is a great way to get some fruits to her, while disguising it as sweets.

Generally kids like more basic/bland flavors, and they also carry the notion that vegetables are gross, and that being cool is the most important thing ever. She is beginning to grow up mentally, and sadly your influence on her behavior is declining, as she is now in a social setting with peers, and they typically matter to her more. Finding a median resolve is a much better alternative to stressing. Plus you can find ways to make a kitten additive, or something to make your portion of the meal more enjoyable

>> No.8207037

>all this fighting and wirrying about kids eating
Jesus fucking Christ.
I have a tall, energetic, healthy 13 year old son. I NEVER fought with him about eating.
Meals always had a variety of healthy options, and he could eat as little or as much as he wanted. (Think main dish, bread and butter, raw veggies, olives)
I made sure that the items offered were as healthy as possible, so if he wanted to eat bread and butter for a week, it was damn good bread and butter.
Adults and kids eat healthy in our house, so junk food isn't even a possibility for someone 7 years old who can't go buy it for themselves.
Snacks are fruits, veggies, nuts, cheese and crackers, olives, pickles...

Remember what your goal is: a happy healthy kid. Not a submissive servant. There is no need to make meal time a power struggle. She eats/ she doesn't eat: you don't care! You provided food, and that is your job.

And there is no need or point to restrict snacks, imo. As long as she sits with the family at the table, is reasonable polite and helpful, that should be all that is expected of a child that age at dinner.

To conserve food, you could get smaller bowls and plates for her use. You might even find her asking for more.

>> No.8207152

>Remember what your goal is: a happy healthy kid. Not a submissive servant. There is no need to make meal time a power struggle.

This. The kid appreciating a variety of healthy food is the goal, not the rule.

>> No.8207853

Sounds like you have some kind of sensory issues then.

>> No.8208346

>forcing some retard under 10 years old to sit at the table
Let him run around and eat pastrami pasta or whatever kids do when not at the dinner table. Eventually she'll WANT to sit at the table, due to not wanting to be left out like. He can handle some peanut butter in the mean time.

>> No.8208422
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Why the fuck would you force someone to eat food? Just trying to experiment with eating disorders? I have this strange theory that humans are programmed to become hungry when they need food. Try encouraging some exercise and less TV advertising colorful sugar drinks. And a double dose of that for yourself, fatass.

>> No.8208834

You probably shouldn't be taking parenting advice from me, but still...

As a kid I absolutely hated soup and stews that didn't contain massive amounts of meat. I'm only starting to like soup now because I'm more appreciative of what goes into making one.

I remember my dad making some pretty complex soups when I was a kid, but at the time I really didn't appreciate it. It makes me feel like a dick now, but at the time I just couldn't do soup.

>> No.8209030

Suddenly springing "you didn't eat your dinners, so no Trick or Treating for you this year" will just make the kid unreasonably upset, and they are less likely to learn from it. It feels less like they were punished and only have themselves to blame, and more like their parents will pull punishments randomly from their heads for a given naughty behavior.

Punishment generally works best as a consequence for breaking established rules (the longer and more firmly established, the better), and when the kids know the set punishment for a given act well in advance. This shows the kid you're rules aren't all talk, you're serious about sticking to them, expect them to not slack off in following them, and that you don't forget to punish them for legitimate transgressions.

OP, tell your kid that if they don't eat their dinner, they will have to bed without any other treats, snacks, etc.

Another thing you can do is have her help you make some things. Get her to do simple things as you cook, have her watch you cook, talk to her about what you're doing and why, and have her feel like she had a part in making dinner. Once she sees how much work can go into making a meal, maybe she'll feel more obligated to try and eat some of it, because she now has personal involvement and pride in it. Also, it's always good to get kids interested in cooking at an age while you still can.

>> No.8209076

Try to get her interested in helping make dinner. She might be willing to try more foods if she's a part of preparing them.

If you have a yard, maybe try getting her interested in growing her own veggies or herbs.

>> No.8209119


Tell her if she eats crappy food and doesnt eat your food, then she will grow up ugly and fat and no boys will ever date her and all the girls will bully her for being ugly and she will never have any friends.
And leave her to starve. She will grow fine, and if she doesnt, then that is why you have more than one kid, incase one is dead end or dies or something.

>> No.8209134

Tell her if she doesn't eat what you prepare for her, Donald Trump will grab her by the pussy.

>> No.8209166

Have her get some exercise you fucktard. If you don't have her work out in some way she won't be hungry for more food because her body isn't trying to store anything right now. It only wants to develop and grow so it needs to be balanced with an equal amount of physical exercise. Ride a bike with her, go for long walks together, hell.. bring her to the gym with you.

>> No.8209216

OP have you asked her to cook with you?

>> No.8210887

my mother used to make me tiny pizzas on flatbread for lunch as a kid. I was never really fussy but I didn't like having a box full of vegetables when all the other kids had "cool" food. I agree with the other anons who spoke about compromise just find out what dishes she actually like and make them yourself with healthier ingredients. you can also hide vegetables in lasagne if you have to

>> No.8211040

I hated my grandma for forcing me to eat. Just let her eat as much as she wants

>> No.8211385

nope. no love for sanic now. as a kid he was a fucking cartoon animal and he had a side kick that could fly, and he had a video game that I liked to play. that was enough for me back then and I'm mostly a normal person, at least as far as development as a child goes.

>> No.8211419
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Buy a blender and blend all of the veggies into the soups/sauces, she will eat it as long as she doesn't know what she is eating.

Another thing you can try is rewarding her with sweets for eating a minimum amount of proper food. The point is getting her to actually try it and get used to it, then you can slowly remove the rewards over time.

And yes, if everything fails and she doesn't eat properly, then you will have to force her. Malnutrition in an early age can fuck her up for life, you are responsible for not letting that happen. Make sure she eats carbs, protein, fat and vitamins.

>> No.8211565

>be sure that your dinner table is a safe space

>> No.8211576

Eh mine did that too, but i was allowed to portion my own food. I think that's the key component some people forget. Less then just forcing me to eat, it was about learning not to be wasteful.

>> No.8211578

You cant be serious

>> No.8211588

My Mom/Step-dad went through phases of "you boys clean your plates!" but then would also not make dinner for several days in a row and us kids would make ourselves toast and mac-n-cheese.

Maybe get her in on the cooking process. Never too late to early to learn how to make toast

>> No.8211609

t. Zoidberg

>> No.8211616

Did you try asking her what's wrong?

>> No.8211699

As a kid I was a picky eater and would refuse to eat anything with onion, lettuce, tomato, Brusselsprouts etc. My parents knew this and either had me eat around the shit I hated, or just didn't make dishes that were exclusively that. Maybe you aren't a good cook. Maybe your kids taste buds haven't matured yet and it's a phase. But It would suck to be a kid and eat food you hated. Have her help you in the kitchen and find out what things she likes.

>> No.8211704

Make the food fun, given you don't sound like a shitty cook.
Tell her that brocolli are tiny trees or something, for example.

That worked with my brother and I, we used to fight each other of Orka for example because mom would make them look like old wheels from western movies.

>> No.8212206

>Another thing you can try is rewarding her with sweets for eating a minimum amount of proper food.
That is the worst idea.

>> No.8212501

Top kek m8, in ten years there is a 99% chance your daughter is a slut

How does that make you feel?

>> No.8212525

Just fuck her dude it's obvious she's craving for man made sausage

>> No.8212599

Like an American, I guess.

>> No.8212632

Leave er alone

>> No.8212638

One day they will grow up and realize you lied, they are not Western wheels. What are you going to do then?

>> No.8212716

dont tell her whats in her food, dont make her anything else if she doesnt eat dinner, watch less Jamie Olive-Oil and make some meals your child will actually like and you can afford. I mean who the fuck gives a children duck for dinner?

>> No.8212858

she is definitely eating other things if she isnt severely underweight.

find out what she is eating, and ban it

>> No.8213002



>> No.8213033

I was already hooked by then.
It's was a win-win situation.

>> No.8213046

ITT: People without kids having the audacity to give opinions on things they know nothing about

>> No.8214193

I was a very very picky eater as a kid. Now i have stomach acid like battery acid i can and will eat a roadkill.
But as a kid i had half an egg, two slices of bread with butter and cup of chocolate milk for an entire day.
Now i eat like sumo and have 52 kg (25yo fm)

>> No.8214698

Fuck snacks. Reheat her food that she left on the table. She probably wont eat at first. But you cannot cave. Consistency is key. She is not going to let herself starve. Pack her the same shit for school lunch.

My arents got me to eat everything they did by giving me the same food they ate at dinner, no kid food. They had a rule in which a had to try any new food. If i didnt like it, fair enough... But i couldnt replace it with other food. Ensured that i wouldnt just say i dont like x food, but i will take hotdogs instead. Eliminate junk food until a proper diet is established.

Let them choose option of food which you control. You will be surprised how a kid attitude changes when they are given the illusion of choice.

Cutting vegetables into fun shapes, drawing faces of soup, or arranging the plate into interesting configuration may help.

>> No.8214705

>having the audacity
Could you act a bit more entitled, please

>> No.8214713

>not super healthy

are you autistic

>> No.8214756

>which should primarily exist to show "Actions have consequences, think before you act."

Yeah this is kind of one of those movements.

>> No.8214761

>Suddenly springing "you didn't eat your dinners, so no Trick or Treating for you this year" will just make the kid unreasonably upset, and they are less likely to learn from it. It feels less like they were punished and only have themselves to blame, and more like their parents will pull punishments randomly from their heads for a given naughty behavior.

Yeah it probably could use a longer time frame to work, Christmas/shitty less awesome for children holiday is probably the next best bet. It's hardly random though. She won't eat her actual food why should she be allowed to get loads of candy?

>> No.8214768

>Tfw youre a stepdad to a 10 year old girl
>tfw she wants you to be her real dad
>wants to live with you instead of birth father
>always cries and hugs you the longest
>tfw its because youre fair while hes a helicopter parent/super try-hard

>> No.8214790

- Get the kid involved. Make her part of the process. Deciding, shopping and preparing together.
- Apply a strickt regime: 3 squares a day + 1 fruit + 1 snack (of her own choice)
- Get rid of all the other junk, candy, soda, etc
- Grow veggies together
- Have fun. Cook and bake together
- Never eat fast food, take out, TV dinners, etc. Except for special occasions.
- Always eat at the dinner table. Never in front of the TV
- It's OK if she doesn't like some foods. Do you like everything?
- She's old enough to plate up herself. Let her. But first come to terms about what is fair and reasonable
- It's OK to not finish the meal but that is also the last thing you eat that day. Do not put such restraints on fluid intake.
- Be patient. Only another 10 years or so and she'll be of to college.

>> No.8214832
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>split pea soup
>lentil stew
>leftovers for both

Many adults are going to avoid those, especially if it was served 4/6 meals. What's wrong with chicken soup/beef stew? Kid may still be a picky eater, but I'm not surprised when she's coming to dinner with nothing that has a chance of appealing to her.

>> No.8215146

Make shitty food for awhile wait till she complains then switch to the regular menu. It might make her appreciate it.

>> No.8215310

anana?where are you from

>> No.8215398

She is just being her age. My mom fed me all types of (what I thought was) crazy food. All I wanted was pizza and shit like that. But, when I grew older I realized it makes sense to do that. Giving them real food. She will mold into it, trust me. She won't " not grow " if that is all you are scared about. When she is old enough to be your daughter and friend, she will thank you.

>> No.8215416

>kids liking fish or steamed veggies
I find this not to be the case. The only times kids I know and knew when I was little that liked fish were when the fish was fried. Steamed veggies are bland as fuck and children hate them as much as canned veggies. When I was a kid, veggies most appealed to me when it was grilled or in nice big properly cooked hunks that you often see in Chinese American food. That stuff makes the veggies look and feel meaty, which makes it more appetizing.

>> No.8215818
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Sounds like you need to mix up your games a little.

Try sweet curries, you can find them relatively cheap in Asian markets.

They're easy to make and taste even better overnight.

Japanese style curry can hold a good balance of protein, carbs and starch. You can add a tiny amount of apple and honey to sweeten it up as well.

>> No.8215982

>I can't ground her from Halloween - that's cruel
I'm a few days late to the party and don't know if you'll see this, but you sure as heck can ground her from Halloween. You're her parent. You can ground her from whatever you want.

What you should not do is drop a major grounding with little to no warning. Find something that's still a ways off and threaten to ground her from that if she doesn't start behaving.

>> No.8216442


You're an idiot if you tolerate a picky eater.

I was going to expound, but that sentence says it all.

>> No.8216533

And what are your super secret tips for dealing with a picky eater in your care without starving them or force feeding them, champ?

>> No.8216544


Rape ofc, you can't be a picky eater if you're mentally damaged and psychologically scarred

>> No.8216597

Lets be honest, is it the taste or the color/texture/look of the food?

I was a picky eater and it mostly came down to taste for me, some foods just dont taste food. Nearly 30 and if you give me certain foods I will gag like hell, I still cant drink milk alone but if its in cereal then I dont have a problem if its plain.

If your kid isnt eating veggies just puree them and add them to their plate.

>> No.8216728

I wouldn't want to eat this boring ass food neither.


>> No.8216752

Have you perhaps asked your daughter what she wants to eat?

Maybe your food just isn't very tasty to her.

>> No.8216793

>you can't be a picky eater if you're mentally damaged and psychologically scarred

Sorry Anon, but I'm all of that and still a picky eater. Although I barely eat.

>> No.8216800

Try smaller portions. Much smaller.

>> No.8216808
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try giving her healthy foods that she actualyl likes and cooking and adapting to suit her needs

never try to shove something down someones throat and never give her junk food

those are both extremes

>> No.8216842
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>adapting to suit her needs

in other words, you are a special snowflake who should be catered to and believe that's how parents should treat their children.

If the kids doesn't want her belly button rubbing her spine, she'll eat whatever is put in front of her. Hungry people eat what's offered. Starving people will eat anything they can get their hands on.

Stop coddling your fucking kids.

>> No.8217105

what does this filename mean?

>> No.8217142

It's a T-shirt design from the company TeeFury, entitled "The Perfect Evening"

>> No.8217253


>don't let her leave the table until it's gone

both parents did this to me and all it did was teach me how to sit at a table for three hours

>> No.8217269

If she likes bread, just learn how to make bread and stick healthy things into it and onto it.

Tomato bread, home-made neapolitan style pizza, etc.

>> No.8217412

what the fuck are you doing on this board

>> No.8217425

Why don't you just let her eat as much as she wants so she grows up small and cute and low maintenance? Why does she have to be fat like everyone else in america

>> No.8217447

Are you fucking gay? Rape her ffs.

>> No.8217458

Kids have a different palate because they have different nutritional needs. Ignoring that and forcing her to eat whatever is fucking retarded.

>> No.8217480

Unironically award her GBP. Eating a full meal is 1GBP, doing her homework is 1GBP.She gets a meal of her choice the cost is 10GBP.

>> No.8217527

Kids below the age of 10 are fuckwit morons.
Anyone between the ages of 11 and 17 are self important morons.
Anyone from 17 to 25 are self righteous morons who should be sent to a shittier country to see what life is really like cause otherwise they just get stuck in petulant teen mode from never having to face real life and instead live the student life while decrying the system that allows them the life style.

Everyone under 30 is fucked and I don't know how the race continues. Perhaps it's got worse in recent years, though, and there was a time when people were less... "Empowered".