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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8215810 No.8215810 [Reply] [Original]

What to eat if you have severe anxiety disorder? I have panic attacks and memory loss along with loads of other issues. Meditation and exercise is part of the recovery process, but what should I eat?

>> No.8215813


>> No.8215831

the healthier the better. cut caffeine and sugar as much as possible, except for weekend treats. limit salt intake if you don't have a thyroid problem. I like warm broth when I'm anxious and find it hard to eat, the warmth is calming.

>> No.8215834

stereotypical healthy diet. Low glycemic carbs, vegetables, protein. Healthy fats. Fish. Nothing new under the sun

>> No.8215851

How about fruit?

>> No.8215854

stuff you cooked yourself
i find cooking is a great distraction from any shit i've got going on
not only that but you'll be eating real food and not shit
if you can't cook then youtube
it can be like a new thing/hobby

>> No.8215861

If I told you I was going to sneak into your house tonight at stare at you while you slept, would it affect your level of anxiety?

>> No.8215884

Bless you heart, I feel your pain.
I've been dealing with panic disorder since I was 19 (and I'm much older now).
Diet most definitely can play a very effective role in keeping it at bay, BUT, you should always have back up meds as well (I hope you do).
What works for me is keeping my diet very clean - no alcohol, low carb (getting my carbs from only fruits, vegetables, and the occasional whole grains like wild rice, oats, and ancient grains), low dairy (the only dairy I usually have is a dollop of milk in my tea some days, but I'll have cheese occasionally), no coffee - only tea and herbal teas, lean meats, and healthy fats. And I stay as far away from excess sugar as possible. I also take specific supplements that help with anxiety and stress, like fish oil (twice a day), a GOOD multivitamin (don't buy some cheap crap brand), and a supplement that is supposed to help with cortisol.
Exercise really, really helps too, although it can be hard if you're in the middle of a panic episode. I don't know how other people feel when they have panic attacks, but I can't leave the house, even though I go into full "flight or fight" mode. A really bad panic attack turns me into a raging agoraphobic who wants to run away (from the invisible tiger, if you get that metaphor) and can't. Ugh. Anyway, I do yoga every morning and try to walk at least 5-7 miles a day, even if I'm having a bad day and can only pace around the house.

>> No.8215890

You'd be getting shanked, m8.
You shouldn't ever fuck with people with a high anxiety or panic disorder. They'll fuck you up.

>> No.8215901

Buy a gigantic package of mini m&ms and you are only allowed to eat after you classify them by colour
After you are done you mix them again

>> No.8215914
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They have anxiety and panic attacks, not OCD, dumbass.
>yfw people still think all mental illness is exactly the same thing

>> No.8215919

>implying they don't collapse in a corner and piss themself

Nice try to sound imposing, though.

>> No.8215923

Doing a repetitive or simple task like organizing mom's or coloring in a coloring book relieves anxiety and stress very well in many people.

>> No.8215927



Thanks autocorrect.

>> No.8215928

>how to tell someone who's never known people with panic attacks

You're an idiot, m8. People like that go into full blown fight mode. Retard strength. They'd pick your skinny little body up and throw it across the room like a rag doll, and then you'd get tasered, shanked, or worse. Most people I know with the anxiety based disorders all carry some type of personal protection on them at all times.

>> No.8215941

>organizing mom's

Nice kek.

That (repetitive tasks) only works for certain people, though. Sure, OP can try it, but it can also make the anxiety worse, because they're not allowing the adrenaline rush to get out of their system, they're holding it in.
Deep breathing exercises work better, because it helps your body reverse what's happening chemically. However, not everyone can do that while having an attack, either.

>> No.8215949

Hahaha, you're OP aren't you? Trying to intimidate me because I upset you. So cute.

>> No.8215963
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Nope, just someone who actually has experience with people with these issues, trying to talk sense to a moron (that's you, in case you didn't realize it). But nice armchair tough guy bullshit, too bad it's completely unbelievable in any way.

>> No.8215977

You sound incredibly butthurt. Reddit-tier reaction image macros don't help your case, either.

>> No.8215988

You're still a human bean, OP
Eat people food

>> No.8215991

Really? Because all the people I know who have panic attacks start crying because their car stalls or their card gets shut off.

If you have anxiety you should be eating a diet high in protein and calories, in combination with picking up heavy objects and putting them down. Do this until you no longer have anxiety or snap some innocent bystander in half with your 'retard strength' gains.

>> No.8215992

>oh look mom, I have some new "disorder" shrinks made up to explain the fact that I'm a social Neanderthal! I fit in now! Yay!

>> No.8215998

I hope you get severe ocd and anxiety you little cuck

>> No.8216006

Oh god, you're from /fit/. Well, that's typical for your mentally stunted way of thinking. GTFO, you mental midget. Shouldn't you be thinking of ways to get your penis to grow back?

>> No.8216013

t. anally annihilated OP on the verge of passing their panties like the babby they are

>> No.8216017

I've had that image since you were in diapers, so fuck off with your bullshit. You're not contributing here, you're just another piece of shit on 4chan.

>> No.8216022

It's amusing you think everyone replying to you is the OP. The OP has probably left to go make their grocery list by now. You are pissing into the wind here, child.

>> No.8216023

Says the guy screaming about how he's gonna turn into superman and punch me into space when he has an anxiety attack, instead of pissing himself like the pussy he is.

>> No.8216028

t. rectally ruined OP

>> No.8216030

Good mental health is reliant on good bodily health.

I'm not so sure what's so 'mentally midgeted' about giving a perfectly good answer to such an inane question as 'What should I eat if I'm anxious all the time'.

>> No.8216033

Believe me, if you were in the room with me when I had a panic attack, and acted the way you're acting now, you'd be scrambling to try and get away, leaving a trail of piss and shit behind you. You're a class A moron. I've seen someone having a panic attack actually stab themselves in the leg with a chef's knife to try and make it stop. But by all means, keep being an uneducated Jethro.

>> No.8216047

>Really? Because all the people I know who have panic attacks start crying because their car stalls or their card gets shut off.

It's THIS that makes you sound like a mental midget. Those people aren't necessarily having a panic attack. They "could" be, because one of the symptoms of panic attack is crying without being able to control it. But, the amount of adrenaline that's coursing through their bodies is nothing to take lightly. What you're describing sounds more like an average anxiety attack.

>> No.8216050

>dude bruh I'm super tough
>I'm so tough I saw some idiot stab themself in the leg once

Wow, such a bad ass.

>> No.8216053

Low fructose is best, berries, avocado and tomatoes are best
vegetables are typically more nutrient dense and have less calories
everyones different though and ymmv so experiment and figure out your own "best" diet (satisfying, gives you energy, sustainable)

>> No.8216056

>you're just another piece of shit on 4chan.

Aren't we all? Did you get lost on your way to a social media site?

>> No.8216067

You still don't get it, and you never will, because you're not willing to LEARN.
No one is trying to sound like a badass, except the mincing faggot who keeps trying to claim people with panic attacks and anxiety attacks piss themselves in corners. That person (whether it's you or not) is ignorant trash who ought to try and fucking learn something instead of trying to be some kind of poseur freak on /ck/ of all places.

>> No.8216076

ITT: cu/ck/s take the bait

>> No.8216080

That would be because attempting to make a mental health issue seem 'cool' is a childish response and inherently discourages someone to make lifestyle changes to mitigate it.

OP says they need to meditate and exercise. If you are exercising you should be eating food that fits with exercising. Therefore you should be getting protein and calories.

>> No.8216103


so sad

>> No.8216113

>That would be because attempting to make a mental health issue seem 'cool' is a childish response and inherently discourages someone to make lifestyle changes to mitigate it.

I don't think ANYONE in this thread is trying to make a mental illness seem cool. If you think that having an uncontrollable adrenaline rush and feeling like you're losing control and/or dying is cool, you've got issues of your own.
Having ANY illness, mental or physical is a far cry from being "cool".

>> No.8216119
File: 21 KB, 337x276, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only sad thing is that you keep trying to poke people. It says much more about you.
Pic related, it's how I imagine you look.

>> No.8216123

Agreed, mental illness is in no way cool.

So don't say that people who have panic attacks are going to lift people up and hurl them across the room, entirely in the face of biology and physics.

>> No.8216128

It's funny because you keep responding, you sperg. Come on, tell me more about how you're going to hulk out and put me through a wall instead of pissing yourself.

>> No.8216149

You don't know what you could expect. That's the point. That's why how this idiot >>8216128 acts is so fucking moronic. Sure, most people who have panic attacks aren't inherently dangerous, but anyone with a large amount of adrenaline going full force in them has the possibility of doing anything if they're goaded enough during it. Panic attacks come from the amygdala, and your brain actually trains itself to have them, once you've started having them. It's one reason why they talk about how people who have panic attacks are actually the fastest responders in times of crisis/danger.

>> No.8216193

>hey look mom, with my new popular shrink created "disorder," I might turn into my favorite comic book hero, "The Incredible Hulk." Cool. Thanks for taking me to that shrink, mom. I wuv you.

>> No.8216225
File: 393 KB, 2015x2560, don'tmesswithsyphilis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the giant genital wart on /ck/s crotch. Time to get you burned off.

>> No.8216230
File: 23 KB, 500x359, velma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, are you gonna turn into internet hulk and smash our modems?

>> No.8216281

Damn brah, I'm scared af now. I wouldn't mess with this guy, y'all. He seems like a real badass.

>> No.8216315
File: 207 KB, 997x748, chicken noodle soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am prescribed 6mg klonopin every day (3 doses of 2mg). For me, there are two foods I can think of that get me real comfy feelin and can let me watch a movie in peace.

>Mashed potatoes
Chef John style (shit load of butter)

>Chicken 'n dumplings
Best cooked by mommy, even if she calls them noodles. Very light, but filling.

>> No.8216325
File: 85 KB, 640x401, Chicken and Gnocchi Soup 047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will also allow chicken and gnocchi but usually it's more of a thick stew. Tastes amazing.

>> No.8216497

How does one achieve such a golden broth? Mine never look like that.

Looks good anon

>> No.8216516
File: 94 KB, 999x530, pappu-hi-grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retard strength.
halp i panik

>> No.8216541

literally this, helps with my severe depression. Just watching and doing the process of cooking.

>> No.8216550
File: 829 KB, 3096x1741, killyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy is so butthurt he can't stop posting
RIP, dude.

>> No.8216561

I'm not that anon, I just wanted an excuse to post an apu pepe

>> No.8216563

>this guy is so butthurt he's still replying to people making fun of him, and believes they're the same guy that originally replied to him

RIP your pants, because you pissed them.

>> No.8216565

Quit playing tough guy. Anxiety laden people are pathetic children who can't control their emotions. End of story.
Now go be triggered.somewhere else.you fat cunt.

>> No.8216610
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Everything's better when it's cooked by mommy

>> No.8216661

>Quit playing tough guy.

Oh the delicious irony of your post tickles my ass. Go rub your two brain cells together and see if you can get a spark under that hamster wheel.

>> No.8216667

So, you're obsessed with golden showers? I can see that. I mean, you must be because you keep talking about pissing. You must really like people pissing all over you. I'd guess your face is your favorite.

>> No.8216730


dont eat a bunch right before bed, especially stuff with garlic in it, if you have nightmares it'll make it worse

>> No.8216734

fad diets will not help you in any way

just eat normally, balanced and not in excess

>> No.8216757

That projection, though.

>> No.8216776

soup and milk shakes OP

avoid caffeine

>> No.8216959


Sometimes I get irrationally angry just before cooking. 2 weeks ago I hadn't ate in 48 hours and was in the kitchen trying to think of something to make. The next thing i knew I was punching things and screaming at myself.

Ended up chugging down 2 liters of water, then proceeding to freak out at the 4.4 pounds of water weight I just put on. So I said fuck it, taped up my bleeding knuckles and slept for 18 hours.

>> No.8216982

Jello or gelatin.

I remember during my last phase of my extreme weight loss 300 pounds to 140 in 5 and half months that I started getting these blackouts. Like I would get really dizzy, then start to shake, then forget what I was doing and really simple stuff. Like counting, It took me minutes to get past 10.

Worst case scenario, this happened and I would collapse. Once I stood up too quickly, fainted, hit stone and started seizuring out.

That was about time I decided to end dieting and maintain.

>> No.8217001

Magnesium supplement + coconut oil supplement before bed.
Alternatively, just swallow a corner of high quality butter; you need some kind of fat to absorb the magnesium

It will improve your sleep and decrease your daytime twitchiness.

If your sleep cycles get disturbed, better to use melatonin to sleep earlier than try to use alarms to wake earlier.

>> No.8217006

Sounds like you had legit brain problems.

>> No.8217007

Jesus Christ, nice loss though

>> No.8217041


Yeah, it took some time to recover. I would be out running and trying to think about what song I would want to listen to next and I just couldn't remember the title. I had to hum the song and search the lyrics to remember the song I wanted to listen to.

It's why I never recommend doing what I did to shed the weight as fast as I could.

>> No.8217790
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>> No.8218242


>> No.8218247

Fucking why though?

>> No.8218250

I'm looking for advice

>> No.8218258

You already got plenty of it, fuck off.

>> No.8218269
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>ancient grains meme

I can smell the vape from here, famalamborghini.

>> No.8218326
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>> No.8218332

You should apply that tutorial to your thread, you baby.

>> No.8218342

Do you even know what "ancient grains" means? Maybe they just didn't want to list the entire group of grains that encompasses, ignoramus.

>> No.8218345
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>some people on this board think this is a good idea

>> No.8218380


Thank you. This is really helpful. Why no/little dairy?

Does your food preferences change on meds? I find I lack appetite.

>avoid caffeine
Noted. I Already do this.

Why does magnesium help sleep?

>> No.8218545

>Some people on this board think its ok to eat grains for every meal and then complain about being unhealthy

>> No.8218584

I'd rather think that than assume our ancestors feasted on meat avocados mushrooms & nuts famigo. At least I would be wrong but not a complete american nutjob who has no grasp of what reality was at the time just as he has no grasp of what reality is now.

>> No.8218602

>Why does magnesium help sleep?
I don't know. What I do know is that you'll sleep like a stone if you take it before bed, provided it has fat to be absorbed with. Avoid magnesium oxide (again, absorption is key, and oxide absorbs poorly.)

>> No.8218875

Does ZMA have the same effect? I have a box laying around but it doesn't say what kind of magnesium it has. ZMA is for muscle recovery though.

>> No.8218893
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>grain strains generally unchanged through the test of time including progenitors of the common modern grains weer use today
>is mo healfy bcuz not changed :^)

If you wanna blow smoke go have a fucking dart, princess. Ancient grains are generally worthless from a nutritional standpoint and only have value in the making of very old recipes in as authentic a manner possible.

>> No.8218894

Hey OP, if you're still reading this thread check out the book "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" it helped me immensely.

>> No.8218919

Thanks. Why is she against complex amylopectin carbohydrates? Is it similar to treatments for IBS?

>> No.8220271

Quick google says it's probably magnesium aspartate. Basically anything other than oxide is good, so you may as well give it a go.

>> No.8220278

Just noticed the memory loss part. That's a brain issue, anon, not psychological.

Eggs and fish oil for the memory loss part. Choline is your friend.

>> No.8220650

I think it's better to see it as a physical manifestation of a psychological disorder. It is apparently typical in people who has experienced trauma, and panic attacks are also a physical (chemical) manifestation. Even so, I want to reduse any damage I can. Thanks for the tip.

Thanks. Awesome.