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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.59 MB, 3264x1836, 20161020_110506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8202734 No.8202734 [Reply] [Original]

How do you do breakfast?

Do you just shovel down some cold cereal or do you make a meal.

Pic related is my breakfast every day: eggs over easy, two strip of bacon, a cup of coffee (moka pot, sugar but no cream) and two slices of whole wheat toast.

Takes about 15 minutes and I have to get up early, but it's a great way to kind of ease into the day.

What do you do for breakfast?

>> No.8202742

I fry some bread in lard, dip it in ketchup and then eat it in bed.

>> No.8202747

An avocado on rye or roasted mackerel with lemon
I'm a meme faggot

>> No.8202751


I usually warm up some left-overs from the dinner the day before.in the microwave

>> No.8202777

Is that filling? I feel like I'd just be eating again in a half hour.

>> No.8202782

I just have 2 bananas

>> No.8202796

I weight 97 lbs so I don't need a lot of fuel

>> No.8202799

Holy shit I would probably crush you if I was dropped on you.

>> No.8202806

Please don't :(

>> No.8202907

I am literally three of you

>> No.8202923

>97 pound grown man

how is this even possible

>> No.8202928

Coffee from moka pot and a bun with cheese, maybe a glass of milk. That's about it.

>> No.8202932

I mostly do an omelette of either 2 or 3 eggs, depending on how hungry i am or if i worked out that morning.
Otherwise i'll often get 1 or 2 soft boiled eggs with a slice of rye bread with cheese on the side.
Rarely i'll do poached or fried eggs, but it happens.

>> No.8202933


>> No.8202941

During the week I do a couple cups of coffee to start the day and then a protein bar around 10:00 to hold me off until lunch. Weekends, I usually do some kind of a scramble or hash using any meats or produce that I have that are about to go bad.

>> No.8202953

On weekdays I usually go for two pieces of whole wheat toast with cottage cheese or hummus and some fruit, most of the times an orange.

On weekends I put in some more effort. I either go sweet (croissants/pains au chocolat, yoghurt, fruit) or savory (scrambled eggs, toast with various cheeses and charcuterie or fish)

>> No.8202955

Either dirty chai or twelve boiled egg whites and seltzer.

>> No.8202957

Senpai needs to diet

>> No.8202963

excuse me did you just assume their gender?

>> No.8202971

I...I'm just big boned...

No, yeah I'm a fat motherfucker.

>> No.8202973

he's probably skelly and 4'10"

>> No.8202974

Sometimes I eat muesli with fruit and honey
Sometimes I eat toast with jam or queso fresco
But most of the times I just eat two eggs and a cup of coffee

>> No.8202978

I'm 5'3 or 5'4 I think. But yeah pretty skelly. I'm trying to build muscle but it's slow works.

>> No.8203068
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Do these scrambled eggs look like shit?
Like, I think they they taste good, but I feel like they're not "fluffy" like they're supposed to be. I'm trying to go for that "cloud" look. Or am I just paranoid?

>> No.8203073


>> No.8203081

Welp. What's ideal? Like as soon as there's no more liquid in the pan?

>> No.8203098


>> No.8203105

how am I supposed to get gordon to cook them for me

>> No.8203122

Alright. Tomorrow morning I'm gonna have the best damn scrambled eggs.

>> No.8203124

hows life knowing the only women attracted to you are midgets?

>> No.8203125

you're a big bully

>> No.8203127

Ask him nicely.

>> No.8203136

My breakfast is something like this
-2 whole eggs
-2 egg whites
-1 whole grain bread with peanut butter n grape jelly

Eggs are scrambled and if I buy turkey sausage I'll cook a bit.

If I don't have time to cook, I just make myself a eanut butter n jelly sand which.

>> No.8203147

Home made plain yogurt with saute'd strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, apple, or banana, topped with a handful of uncooked rolled oats, and multiple cups of tea.

>> No.8203148

Don't trust that hack

>> No.8203152

right cunt he is mate

>> No.8203155

I have no problems getting women actually. Good looks and charm is more important than height.

>> No.8203161

>cup of dark roast french press coffee
>salted soft boiled egg
>33cl can of lager
>5 menthol cigarettes

>> No.8203166

healthy as fuck my dude

>> No.8203171

life is not happy atm, bro


>> No.8203199

Muesli is a god among cereals.

>> No.8203210

Look mom I did thing

>> No.8203222

Ok, rate mine
Oat flakes, table spoon of goiji berries, nuts, home made cherry jam mixed with 3 spoons of thicc greek yoghurt. Sometimes I add a banana or other fruit. Cup of black tea.
Quick, tasty and filling.

>> No.8203419
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Oats with a shit load of apples and blackberries for lots of fiber.

The cashew milk in the pic makes it look awful, but it tastes great.

Also coffee or tea.

>> No.8203436

I cook up some porridge on the hob with a mix of 2% milk and water. On occasion I stir in some honey, fruit, berries or nuts.
Dead simple, quick and the meal I enjoy most in an average day.

>> No.8203463
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>tfw skeletons posting in /ck/

>> No.8203465

two slices of fried spam, a piece of toast, three over easy eggs

>> No.8203472

Overcooked as fuck. A trick I found is to treat scrambled eggs like risotto in the pan. Constantly stir the mixture almost non stop. Also take it off the heat occasionally so no risk of overcooking.

>> No.8203629

You ever think that some folks like "overcooked" scrambled eggs?

Just because some people like theirs cooked to the consistency of snot, doesn't mean everyone does...

>> No.8203690
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I just eat two slices of bread with butter and drink a glass of milk or juice. Sometimes, I change the bread for a piece of cake or fruits.

>> No.8203788

Muesli with milk, yoghurt, and blueberries is truly a gift from god.

>> No.8205248

I prefer dinner for breakfast because I hate heavy meals in the evening.

>> No.8205317

that looks like vomit

>> No.8205354

Moka pot coffee (about half a mug of espresso)
Cod liver oil (in gel caps)
Vitamin C

If there are leftovers I generally eat them.
Otherwise I'm likely to make porridge.
If I were in a country with adequate bakers I would eat bread in the mornings.
(Somehow even the fresh stuff tastes like it's been in foil wrapper for the past six months, and could survive a nuclear holocaust. Such cheap, artificial ingredients.)

Sometimes dried banana or pineapple instead of oatmeal.

Tried the avocado breakfast thing a while back. I'd buy 7, eat the soft ones first, and have either bitter unripe or brown overripe ones left by the weekend. Breakfast shouldn't be dicy.

>> No.8205364

Cup of coffee, steak and eggs, a cup of oatmeal and Monster energy drink.

Then I go to the gym and shit in the pool.

>> No.8205367

Piece of bread, butter if I have time, and a piece of fruit.

Alternatively, whiskey and a handful of cheerios.

>> No.8205371

>whiskey and a handful of cheerios
Ah, the Boston Brunch. Very classy.

>> No.8205376

How much semen do you put in your post-workout shake?

>> No.8205382

>semen in a POST workout shake

You're fucking wasting your protein bro. You're fucking up something fierce.

>> No.8205745

But it tastes like heaven.

>> No.8206050

Get an egg sandwich at the cafeteria at work then that's it. It's fried egg, bacon or sausage, and cheese. I kind of worry it'll get really unhealthy for me

>> No.8206054

4 eggs scrambled and a cup of coffee

or a big bowl of oatmeal with a ton of blueberries

>eating bacon every day

>> No.8206430


>> No.8206447

>Oatmeal with protein powder and a banana
>egg English muffin

This has been my breakfast for years now. I eat 3500 calories a day for reference

>> No.8206452

i dont

>> No.8206459
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I will never understand the disdain people have for cold cereal. It's like my favourite thing.

>> No.8206471

>I kind of worry it'll get really unhealthy for me
It already has, friend.

>> No.8206490

Weekdays, I rarely eat breakfast because that means I would have to wake up earlier.

Weekends sometimes I make breakfast but a lot of times I wake up and I'm too lazy to do anything so I end up not eating until lunch.

>> No.8206492
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>sugar but no cream

>> No.8206519

Most col cereals are junk food. Just look at the amount of sugar in them.

If you make your own, that's another situation all together, but if you buy any premade that isn't overpriced hippie shit, you're buying junk food.

>> No.8206610

Normally I make a pot of coffee, and a couple pieces of toast with peanut butter. If I'm out of bread i have oatmeal stashed in the cupboard and will eat that. Once, I forgot to go to the store and was out of both bread and oatmeal, so I just had coffee.

>> No.8206612

Whats your point? Some folks like to put ketchup on well done steak. Those eggs look rubbery and shitty.

>> No.8206629

What's YOUR point?

>> No.8206630


>> No.8206674

I have a cup of coffee along a bowl of porridge made with 5 kinds of grains, chia seeds and vanilla protein powder topped with either raspberries or applesause.

>> No.8206683

homemade? which grains?

>> No.8206710

Store bought. It's a mix of rolled oats, rye and wheat flakes, barley and oat bran. It's got a nice mild and surprisingly soft taste and texture when cooked. I really prefer it over regular oats.

>> No.8206834

-3 egg omelette cooked in a bit of butter with grilled onions, jalapenos, tomatoes, spinach, and garlic in it
-2 pieces of shitty, Dollar Tree turkey bacon
-1 piece of double fiber bread with spray, 0 calorie, butter
-1 small glass of orange juice and ice water

I love breakfast. Don't usually eat lunch, so breakfast is pretty big.

>> No.8206891

I start off my day with a homemade coconut and a handful of activated almonds.

>> No.8208180

That you have shit taste and just because you like something doesn't make it good

>> No.8208196

Hot oatmeal cereal and maybe some yogurt

>> No.8208197

how do activate yours?

>> No.8208213

>3 am: just screaming

>> No.8208215


Hey, short chicks are best chicks

>> No.8208219

6 pieces of toast topped with cream cheese and Kalles Kaviar, Maybe 4 or so litres of milk to drink too.

>> No.8208223

Those are not over easy lmao

>> No.8208283

that's a fucking meme from that angry faggot's cooking video he does in his house why do I remember this

>> No.8208312
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Go suck a dick you fucking retard.

>> No.8208341


Are you qt?

>> No.8208844

Usually leftovers. I'm usually cold in the morning so I love soup soup for breakfast.

>> No.8208879


Whatever the heck I want. I'm a grown ass man and I can eat whatever the heck I want for breakfast.

Sometimes it's a few croissant breakfast sandwiches drizzled with honey. Sometimes it's leftover takeout from the day before. It really depends on my mood and whatever is left available in my house. MY house. I do not love in a basement or in an apartment like the rest of you.

>> No.8208889

Yeah, I live in an apartment, I can't choose what I want for breakfast!

>> No.8208902

How's that opportunity cost of owning a house treating you?

>> No.8208910

I don't eat breakfast, just make 5 cups of coffee and that'll tide me out to dinner

>> No.8208940

fry two eggs, make a black coffee, butter my toast, and read my phone's CNN app while slowly consuming before work.


>> No.8208946

You really drink 4 cartons of milk everyday?

>> No.8208949

I start every morning with a glass of ice water and a cup of green tea. Then I usually eat a bowl of oatmeal with chopped fruit or berries inside. Then a second serving of fruit or toast with peanut butter.

>> No.8208952

Are you adult enough to eat properly for breakfast, or do you act like man of the house all of the time?

>no wonder he lives alone

>> No.8209012

>eggs overcooked to fuck
>bacon undercooked and chewy
>dry fucking toast

looks pretty disgusting tbqh

>> No.8209021

>grown ass man

>> No.8209075

Those dudes are lame as shit...

>> No.8209094

I like them and I usually hate blacks

>> No.8209180

eggs overdone, bacon underdone, toast looks like you just kissed it to your asshole and your finger popped through in the middle
3/10 would drink the coffee

>> No.8209188

>I like them and I usually hate blacks

Their ghetto humor sucks, because they obviously aren't ghetto....

>> No.8209194

and he burns the toast too!

>> No.8209226

>Black person creates an eccentric character for comedic effect

Oh, he must be trying to be "ghetto"

>> No.8209269
File: 216 KB, 605x605, Great hair, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white person white knighting

Oh.....yea, that's normal.


>> No.8209279

You sure have a lot of pictures of guys with blue hair.

>> No.8209284

Make sure your form is good and make sure to eat 1g protein/lb body weight

>> No.8209288

Pointing out your idiocy is hardly white knighting, faggot.

>> No.8209295
File: 69 KB, 960x720, Nice blue hair, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you quit posting them on the net, then people couldn't use them to mock you...

>> No.8209301
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Nice cat, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem upset.

>> No.8209314

>calls other people fags
>has multiple pictures of dudes saved to his hard drive

>> No.8209343
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>all this butthurt

>> No.8209358

I think you're the one who likes his butt to hurt, friendo

>> No.8209369

I dip canned tuna in 200g greek yogurt while laying in bed and eating it with a spoon and then finish the whole thing with vegetable leftovers from the evening before, my pillow has tomato sauce stains

>> No.8209394

6 pieces in toast as in 6 slices of bread? And then 4 liters of milk? What the fuck are you?

>> No.8209408

Swedish, I'm guessing

>> No.8209424

eggs fried in oil and butter

I must eat about 60 eggs a month

>> No.8209710

me too anon

>> No.8209815


What do you do with the two spare egg yolks?

>> No.8210155

If it's a workday it's usually a scoop of scrambled eggs, a scoop of hashbrown, and I alternate between the bacon and sausage depending on which looks better that day. Sometimes I'll skip lunch and get like a half pound of bacon and a bagel and make a sandwich. Sometimes I just get granola.

On my days off it's more like brunch, because it's whatever I have available as hash on toast with vodka/orangejuice close to noon.

>> No.8210495

>Black coffee
>2 crispy basted fried eggs with herbs
>lightly dressed greens
>occasionally chicken, turkey, or imitation sausage

Weekends usually something more elaborate or I just go out

>> No.8210559

I don't like that you seem to be bragging about that bullshit.

>> No.8212247

If I forget to prepare the day beforehand
>Mug, as much oats as you'd like but will rise
>Add water until just underneath the oats
>Microwave at full heat for minute and a half
>Top with some almonds, berries, syrup w/e

>> No.8212277

Cutting season:
1 whole egg + 4 whites
One toast
Black coffee

Regular season:
2 eggs scrambled or omelette
2 toast with avocado.
Oatmeal with cranberries.

Pretty easy and straightforward, I've tried different types of brekky over the years, adding ham, bacon, other fruits, etc. But I found this one works best and doesn't make me feel like taking a crap as soon as I leave home.

>> No.8212286

My skelly 5'6" friends were still around 125 or so...

>> No.8212297


>He doesn't love in the basement

Lmao fucking loser I bet you don't even have cake by the ocean

>> No.8212307

4 eggs (scrambled, omlette, soft boiled, you name it I did it. Variation is key)
4 slices of bacon
(1 avocado)
1 aeropress worth of (freshly ground) coffee. Sometimes tea.
1 bowl of fruits with frozen berries (thawed during the night), nuts, seeds and coconut oil

Yeah that's about it.

>> No.8212315

hot cereal STEEL CUT ONLY, no instant shit
with fruit cooked in
either cranberries or rainsins or apple chunks
spiced with something like salt, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, nutmeg etc.
spoon dipped in maple syrup or honey and stirred

>> No.8213399


Exact same way you do. Eggs nearly every day, thats assuming I wake up in time. During work days I skip it entirely and just have black coffee and wait for lunch

>> No.8213485

I don't have a set plan for breakfast, it's usually whatever is easiest / I feel like at the time.
If I have leftovers I might eat them. Leftover rice means fried rice for breakfast. Might make some bacon and egg muffins if I have them, or just some cereal/toast. Hell, I might only have a banana or not even eat if I'm in a hurry.

>> No.8213607

>hurr ur basemetns dwellings

Manchild detected.

>> No.8213609
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>> No.8214384

Totally agree with you. Those same people then turn around and have a breakfast that is like 150% cholesterol and 50% fat of DNB alongside caffein.

>> No.8214397

Toast and a drink of tea...then i forget to eat for like 10 hours and realize all i've had was water and a drink of milk all day

>> No.8214408

Im never hungry in the morning, if I have time I do a tea session, if not I'll have a coffee at uni

>> No.8214500

Either toast with some nice bread from the bakery, or some boring ass cereal. And a big fuckoff cup of english breakfast tea. Plus a multivitamin pill but that's not really food.

>> No.8214661

>eating breakfast

>> No.8214725

Enjoy your low blood pressure and stomach inflammation.

>> No.8215759

Ikr? He should ONLY be reading Breitbart, Drudge Report, and browse /pol/ for his news

It's time for you to leave

>> No.8215990
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what a shit thread.

I heat up one of these for breakfast. been doing it the last 4 years every day.

>> No.8216036
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>"I'm a grown ass man"
>fatty detected

>> No.8216744
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Hot chicken and waffles or an eggs benedict

>> No.8216746

1 fistful of - bran cereal, almonds, yoghurt

Eggs, fried potatoes, bacon/sausage

>> No.8216748

there's no girls on the internet, faggot

>> No.8216756


Crack the eggs in a bowl. Pour in a bit of milk, few tablespoons/egg. Use an actual whisk to scramble the eggs - none of this forkbullshit. Use butter and not oil or any other non stick cancer. Cook. constantly stir so no part overcooks They're done when they're no longer gooey. They'll cook a bit more on the plate because they're still hot.

Your eggs literally make me want to dry heave because I know what they taste like.

>> No.8216762

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Hydrolized Whey Turbo Chocolate Flavor Protein shake mixed with Milk.

3/4 Cup of oatmeal soaked overnight in 1 Cup of milk.

>> No.8216767

Usually whatever was left over from last night.

>> No.8216769

How's life being insecure working out for you? Just remember. It will never get better for you.

>> No.8216785


why do Vegans eat vomit

>> No.8216848

I haven't eaten breakfast regularly in 5-6 years now. If I do eat breakfast, it's something prepared, usually pancakes or waffles.

I haven't eaten lunch regularly for some time now either. Provigil + water + dip keep me sated until dinner.

>> No.8216872

i dont eat breakfast. i have a cup of coffee when i wake up but then i dont eat until mid after noon

>> No.8216876

two cortados when i have to open

>> No.8216877

You're right, but it's really a great technique. I had experimented with a few recipes before I found this one and now I don't make scrambled eggs any other way - it's simple and super tasty.

>> No.8216894
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>eating breakfast
Is /ck/ literally filled with fatties?

>> No.8216917

I feel like that's backwards for some reason...stop that.

>> No.8216933

Kys. Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.8216945


>not eating breakfast cause muh dieting

Is /ck/ literally filled with fatties?

>> No.8216962

3 or 4 cups of coffee and if I don't have work some more coffee and some brandy

>> No.8217468

How's your cholesterol?

>> No.8217472
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>> No.8217474

I try not to eat until 7pm every day. when the gf sleeps over I make normal american breakfast, home fries, scrambled eggs, bacon, juice.

>> No.8217519

>binge eat 5000 calories at night
>wake up with regret
>"I will not eat until 7 pm. Bah."
>7 pm
>binge eat 5000 calories
>rinse and repeat

>> No.8217523

2500 calories. my maintenance for the level of activity I do

>> No.8217586

Getting the mail isn't activity, anon

>> No.8217589

If i'm in a hurry, fruitless muesli, with my own mix of dried fruit and yoghurt.

If i'm not, then either eggs or avocado toast with tomatoes.

>> No.8217593

I do an hour of weights 3-4x a week. I should eat closer to 3000 kcal if I desired more muscle but I'm just keeping it lean while avoiding cardio, which I hate

>> No.8217595

>eggs and toast for breakfast
>cereal or oatmeal for lunch
>eggs and meat for dinner
God damn I fucking love breakfast so much I eat it all three meals of the day.

>> No.8217615

>fruitless muesli
>with fruit tho

>> No.8217625


I have a sulphate allergy, most commercial dried fruits are treated with sulphate preservatives. So I buy the ones that arent.

Plus muesli mixes usually have sultanas in and i fucking hate sultanas.

>> No.8217633

Ignore anons. Looks tasty. Fresh apple is so good in cereals.

>> No.8217641

Anon can't drink wine?

>> No.8217652


I can only have about a glass. Pretty much any pre-made fruit product and a couple fresh fruits is a no-go for me. I know all the preservative numbers I can't have off by heart.

>> No.8218972

>spray, 0 calorie, butter

>> No.8218976


>> No.8218978

small bowl of cinnamon chia/flax oatmeal (sometimes chai or other spiced flavor) with a cup of coffee with creamer

get the long satiation with oats and the caffeine from the coffee
shit's cash yo

>> No.8219090

I don't.

>> No.8219195

Surprised it took this long for someone to post this

>> No.8220694

pretty this: youtube.com/watch?v=CAJEC8dWq68

>> No.8220724

Mah nigga

>2 cups instant coffee, black, 1 sugar each
>1000mg vit c, antidepressant
>4 cigs
>1pack instant oats, with a spoon of peanut butter

Usually followed by cigs and coffee as the day goes. My body hates me, my brain hates me, my coworkers hate me. Find out how with these 4 easy steps

>> No.8222791

>Skip breakfast
>Have 1L of lemonade
>Have 1 teaspoon of honey with pollen
>Have 1L of black tea FTGFOP with ginget, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper and star anise. If I feel i need extra calories i splash some milk in it

>> No.8222950



>> No.8223347

>2 pieces of bacon
>2 eggs
>Coffee with half & half and splenda cause I'm a weak faggot

Keto going good, really do stop feeling hungry after a while of it.

>> No.8223357

I bet you eat lunch, fatty.

>> No.8223687

depends what's in the cupboard at the minute im eating some 20p home brand noodles