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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 625x350, chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8190121 No.8190121 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best brand of chocolate bar?

>> No.8190144

That's a subjective question, anon.
The dumbest kind of question.

>> No.8190146

I just want to stop being a Hershey man.

>> No.8190178
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>> No.8190185
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So good.

>> No.8190188

Eating Hershey's is like eating a candle. D+ Chocolate tbqaphwyfam

>> No.8190192

anything but >>8190178

Specifically, a Dove bar.

>> No.8190273


>> No.8190287

Gubor is bretty gud

>> No.8190294
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>> No.8190385

How can Americans eat this vomit? Do they not know any better?

>> No.8190491

Non-fancy, regular chocolate bars you can just pick up at the store or from a vending machine?

Mars/Milky Way (depending on if you are from Clapistan, Bongland, or Canada)
Reese's Cups
Coffee Crisp
Cadbury Dairy Milk

>> No.8190494

Cadbury Dairy Milk

>> No.8190499

Tastes like vomit

>> No.8190503

We have high quality chocolate even at places like Walmart. Hershey is just the cheap shit you can find anywhere. It's the equivalent of a Kinder Egg.

I've eaten chocolate in Germany and Amsterdam and it's no better than California chocolate.

>> No.8190514
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>> No.8190530

>Muh microchocolateries

>> No.8190577

>white chocolate has 32% cocoa butter

shit I need to try this

>> No.8190622

American detected. Absolutely disgusting. Its like a chocolate flavored flaky wax candle.

>> No.8190636

Pop rocks made chocolate?! Wtf where have I been all these years?

>> No.8190645
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>> No.8190649

There is an Israeli company called Elite that makes the closest variation I know of.

>> No.8190759


>> No.8190790
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Utterly uncivilized

>> No.8190793
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GMO wax simulator.
These guys are pretty good. I usually settle for them because they're easier to find.

Pic related is my favorite murrican brand.

>> No.8190796

>It's a retard doesn't know what a GMO is episode

>> No.8190802

Does anyone here actually like Lindt?
I don't think it's horrible, but it's not worth its price at all.

>> No.8190819

It is bad, and I'm an ameriturd.

>> No.8190820

Glyphosate's cause cancer.

The problem with GMO isn't that they're modified, it's specifically what they've been modified for.

>> No.8190832

Are you a writer for naturalnews?

>> No.8190957

I tried some Italian chocolate/hazelnut bar and it was the best chocolate I've ever had. it had a complicated name though and I can't remember what it was, anyone know?

>> No.8190976
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I do, bought one of these on a whim a couple weeks back
it's almost inedible at first but becomes strangely addictive
it's almost like chewing coffee beans

>> No.8190982


Are you a fucking retard? The guy is saying that the types of molecules in the food are difficult for the body to process. It's literally the same fucking thing as trans and saturated fat being bad for you and something one should generally avoid - the liver doesn't break it down efficiently and it puts stress on your body.

>> No.8191039

Exactly. They've been modified to tolerate Roundup, a herbicide that kills everything. Think agent orange and you're getting real close. They've also begun using neonicotinoid pesticides on them, one of the primary factors in bee colony collapse, as well as who knows what harm to humans in 30 years.

>> No.8191045

why eat chocolate prepared in this way?

I mix cocoa powder, water, aspartame, and vanilla extract into a thick chocolate slurry, and eat that. Much tastier and healthier.

>> No.8191049

Hershey's cocoa powder is the best.

>> No.8191139

>this triggers the europoor

>> No.8191152
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buck fifty at aldi

>> No.8191259


Glycophosphates haven't definitively been proven to cause cancer. The most recent studies have shown this.
>World Health Organization
>European Food Safety Administration

While I think that GMOs need more research, it's damaging to conflate Monsanto with GMOs as a whole. There are university labs all over the country doing good work e.g. increasing nutritional content in food.

That's a false equivalency. GMOs as a WHOLE aren't shown to damage people.

>> No.8191282
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Those made by the Dutch.

>> No.8191302

Depends if you're going for something that tastes good, tastes good and is good for you or if you are going for something that's just good for you and probably won't taste well on it's own

>> No.8191315

That sounds pretty tasty and I'll have to try that myself but keep in mind that chocolate that's prepared that way is crunchier and harder so some people prefer the texture

>> No.8191324

it tastes like chocolate ice cream.

>> No.8191431
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>all the plebians ITT

>> No.8191448
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Who the fuck...

>> No.8191455

Spotted the Monsanto shill.

>> No.8191457

>it's damaging to conflate Monsanto with GMOs as a whole.
But I've done no such thing. My post was about a specific modification, not GMO as a whole.

>> No.8192573

>muh scandi minimalism

they sell shit and milk as national cuisine, no fucking way does their chocolate taste good

>> No.8192576
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best chocolate you can find

>> No.8192582
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Got these from the 99 cents store a few years ago. Haven't been able to find them since. They truly were the GOAT

>> No.8192599
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Personal favorite is pic related.So smooth and creamy.

>> No.8192857
File: 112 KB, 182x300, S-Caramel-Truffle-Gable-Window-300dpi_website-182x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alter Ego caramel truffles.

I usually don't give a fuck about organic shit either, these are just too good.

I think "orgasmic" is a fucking retarded way to describe food but it's the only thing that comes to mind eating these.

>> No.8192882

For Aldi chocolate, the 86% stuff is not too bad.

>> No.8193048

Freia 70%

>> No.8193071
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I recommand you this one

>> No.8193207
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>> No.8193214
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>le aldi chocolate is good meme

>> No.8193228

Isn't that for hot chocolate?

>> No.8193234

lidl master race

>> No.8193527

Green and blacks.

I'm waiting for you to start an arguament.

>> No.8193541

I like Tony's Chocolonely

>> No.8193568

>part of Kraft/Mondelez

>> No.8193575

Craft can buy a vegetable producing company if they want to, I'm not going to thing vegetables are suddenly crap.

>> No.8193706


>> No.8193763

this pretty much

visited their plant in France on a tour and that shit is amazing

nothings come close since ive had it but im not a full on expert of chocolate

>> No.8194037
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>> No.8194586
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>Not eating chocolate with shards of metal in it

>> No.8194591
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I posted the wrong thing.

>> No.8194605
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no contest

>> No.8194820
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Jesus christ /ck/

The answer is CLEAR

>> No.8195311


They literally don't know how to make chocolate properly. They tried to make it like the Europeans but couldn't get it right and gave up, this resulted in what we know as Hershey's.

>> No.8195324
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I don't know, but I am currently addicted to Maltesers.

Also I am still sad that Cadbury Clusters has been discontinued, now I don't know what brand of clusters to replace it with.

>> No.8195360

>Coffee Crisp

This chocolate bar is really nice, but I'm not sure if they sell it outside of Canada.

>> No.8195411

White chocolate is the best

>> No.8195494

The best stuff is what chocolate shops use. It's big bars or in chips. Examples include Callebaut or Valrhona. It's a lot better than supermarket chocolate.

>> No.8195545
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White chocolate is fucking awful.

>> No.8195618

Just bought some safeway brand 85% cacao made in switzerland chocolate. Pretty decent for 2 bucks. Definitely better than hershey's by a long shot.

>> No.8195620

We're talking chocolate, not candy

>> No.8195687
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>> No.8195738
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Gota agree with Cadbury Dairy Milk, burger who recently got back from bongistan here, the Cadbury there is 1000 times better than the Cadbury shit we get here. Also these things are amazing

>> No.8195768

Is Ritter good? Haven't tried one yet but I eye then every time I go to trader Joe's

>> No.8195810

I can down a bag of these in one go.

>> No.8195819

Available at almost every shop:
Ritter Sport
Of course there's better but I only eat chocolates like once a month

>> No.8195838

What does hersheys taste like? I've never tasted it but from what i've heard it sounds kinda like the chocolate on those very cheap rice cocolate bar things that taste slightly of vomit.

>> No.8195862
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>> No.8195880


That's switzerland cultural misrepresentation.

The actual mexican chocolate is called IBARRA.

>> No.8195882

What in the name of those are FUCK!?

>> No.8195949

that's nougat, not chocolate

>> No.8196075

these fucking suck

cheap, cloying and overly sweet

>> No.8196077

It used to be much better. Before Kraft took over.

>> No.8196080


taza is made in massachusetts

also who the fuck cares it tastes good

>> No.8196388
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