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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 940x540, soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8157989 No.8157989 [Reply] [Original]

waterfags need not post

>> No.8158005
File: 1.30 MB, 1922x1081, club-mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is the best

>> No.8158006

Dr pepper marinated stuffed pork loin is greattt

>> No.8158043
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It's dew or die

>> No.8158304 [DELETED] 
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I'll take the clam juice

>> No.8158309
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I'll take the clam juice

>> No.8158346

Coke is grand, but I prefer Sunkist.
Cactus Cooler deserves an honorable mention.

>> No.8158366

>waterfags need not post

if that's how it is then canfags need not post either because fountain drinks put canned soda's to shame.

>> No.8158387

I always thought Welchs is the sound you make before puking.
Coca cola is shit and you know it. Try Afri Cola. Sunkist is way too sweet.
Fountains are a meme. I have no idea how you could prefer that to anything. It's glass bottles all the way!

>> No.8158390

>majority of fountains have an imperfect carbonation/syrup ratio set
>disappointed almost always

Nah, son. Ideally everything would be in glass bottles, but pouring cans into a cup with ice is just as good.

>> No.8158415
File: 262 KB, 300x700, the_fucking_best_period.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only correct answer.

>> No.8158621

how did pitch black beat baja blast?

>> No.8158643

>waterfags need not post
There's water in soda

>> No.8158649
File: 64 KB, 450x450, IMG_0635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking amazing

>> No.8158651

>afri cola
Never heard of it, never going to try it. Sounds like hipster shit.

>> No.8158652
File: 84 KB, 933x547, 2012-11-09-Screenshot20121109at3.05.00PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counties in yellow are the only ones which pronounce soft drinks correctly
>pop is your dad or grandpa
>coke is specifically one brand

>> No.8158654


>> No.8158666

It was crab juice.

>> No.8158685

Sure about that?

>> No.8158692
File: 57 KB, 600x393, IMG_2625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking best.

>> No.8158711
File: 17 KB, 262x262, cream-soda-262__03052_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is goat

>> No.8158713

Not my cup of tea, but it's fairly decent.

>> No.8159031


Blood Orange is like 10 times better.

>> No.8159108

mountain dew voltage is great

any kola nut soda recs?

>> No.8159140
File: 94 KB, 750x600, thepatricianschoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep blood orange is the nectar of the gods

i really wanna try the other ones, I can only find orange, blood orange, and lemon (and chinotto but wasn't a fan of that one)

>> No.8159153

>halo 3 game fuel top tier

This guy actually knows what he's talking about. For those who missed it, it was by far the greatest dew.

>> No.8159155

in the dewcision it did

>> No.8159162

It's the exact same orange Game Fuel that they have very year, but Halo 3 was just the first time it existed.

>> No.8159171
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Normally I feel indifferent about cream soda too. This shit is so good though.

>> No.8159172
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Was coming in this thread to post that while I've mostly given up soda for Canada Dry Mandarin Orange sparkling seltzer water I will on special occasions (mainly my birthday, thanksgiving, and christmas) enjoy this god tier carbonated sweet drink.

The one time I had Baja Blast it must have been a bad batch or something because all I could think when I had it was "This is what laundry detergent would probably taste like if you loaded it with sugar."

>> No.8159212

Dr. Pepper is clearly the best

>> No.8159213

it's pop 'cause it pops nigga get with it

>> No.8159220

What's funny is that I grew up in Texas and everyone I knew in school called it soda.

>> No.8159234

You can get baha blast at tbell dosnt need to be in bottles

>> No.8159236

Yellow is shitter Marxist fags

>> No.8159264
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>tfw love Pibb but living in California where it isn't sold in cans or bottles and the last few places to get it are Del Taco and random mom and pop restaurants if lucky

Wendy's used to carry it but the one near me stopped just like McDonald's did several years ago.

Dr. Pepper was a mistake

>> No.8159293

Used to drink soda like it was going outta style. Then I got kidney stones because of it. Haven't touched that shit in years, and I don't miss it.

>> No.8159384

Livewire and Voltage were my favorites.

>> No.8159389

I've only ever had Green Apple, but it's God tier

>> No.8159394
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CC Master Race

>> No.8159449
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Made a trip through Europe during Christmas. This stuff was pretty good. Where can I find any in the states or online?

>> No.8159473

Any good diet drinks or shit like that?

Been trying to ween myself off of sodas but I miss the carbonation.

>> No.8159852
File: 1.04 MB, 1936x2592, 2d37dc5eeeb8f5a80a2af6b06221e578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henry Weinhard sodas are the best. It's not even an argument. The black cherry cream is probably my #1.

>> No.8159903

YOU need not post.
It's one of the most popular brands of cola in Germany. My point was, there's tons of less well known brands out there that are much better drinks than coca cola, pepsi, or any other large scale international corporate crap.
>Marxist anything
You did the right thing.
Don't fall for diet drink memes. You have to get your tastebuds and metabolism accustomed to not being showered in sugar or sweeteners all the time. It will take you about one or two weeks I'd say, at the end of which you can't even stand the taste of soda anymore because all the sugar sickens you. When I moved out of my parents' house, I only drank water and unsweetened black tea for the first two weeks, and this is exactly what happened to me.
If you miss carbonation, you should get one of those Soda Stream machines for a 100 or 150 bucks and just carbonate your own water etc. Plain water can be great with some lemon, mint or other natural flavoring.

>> No.8160268
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I'm one of those elitists who mainly drinks seltzer and juice but when I do drink soda I go balls out. 85+ grams of sugar in a 20oz bottle.
On a different, semi-related note, why is Mountain Dew the soda of choice for junkies? Every time you see someone on public transit nodding off they always have a bottle of Dew next to them.

>> No.8160674

Was there a difference between the Halo 3 and the other re-releases?
>>8159162 says no but I remember getting super hyped for the first re-release (the WoW one IIRC) and then getting a bottle and being disappointed because it was not as great.

I don't think I've had a gamefuel since. Maybe I had the MW3 version, but I cannot recall.

>> No.8160704

If it's "citrus cherry," then it's the Halo 3 flavor.

>> No.8160902

If it's so popular and so much better then why isn't it mentioned often, or as well off as coke?

>> No.8160984

Children general

>> No.8161048
File: 986 KB, 1181x643, neytiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you have 3 freeway colas in the fridge and you already feel your heart race and have chest pains

>> No.8161450

Who /slice/ here?

>> No.8161627
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>> No.8161752

Mtn Dew is basically regarded as one step short of a full-fledged energy drink.
Are there more sugary/caffeinated sodas? Sure, but they aren't as easily recognizable as Mtn Dew.

>> No.8161760

the last gamerfuel dew i had tasted like goddamn cough syrup so forgive me for being skeptical

>> No.8161847

Vernors is literally shit.

>> No.8161853

Tiers for Ginger Ale? Hoping Schweepes will be Shit Tier, too much carbonation.

>> No.8161888

it's fucking god tier

>> No.8161894

Real mans pop.

>> No.8161996

Shut your dirty whore mouth.

>> No.8162019

>Start buying only "real" sugar soda/iced tea
>Everything with HFCS (except Mountain Dew for some reason) tastes terrible now
Corn subsidies were a mistake

>> No.8162025

>Mtn Dew is basically regarded as one step short of a full-fledged energy drink.
Except for the fucking part where it has a third to a quarter of the caffeine of actual energy drinks which if you weren't aware, are defined by caffeine.

>> No.8162034

They always tasted terrible.
I remember when they switched over and I thought they had somehow left soap or something in the cans before filling them.
Tried switching to a different soda (either from pepsi to coke or the other way around, cant remember anymore) and it tasted fine for a short while then suddenly it tasted like ass too.
I was so addicted to them I just put up with it until I finally gave them all up and started drinking water.

>> No.8162051
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>Low tier

>> No.8162144

grandfather used to drink milk and orange juice mixed together.

>> No.8162246
File: 47 KB, 420x420, IMG_2680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't drink anything else

>> No.8162247

Women love diet coke

>> No.8162250


Voltage is GOAT tier

>> No.8162255

This explains my huge tits

>> No.8162265

Canada Dry ginger ale or Stewart's orange cream.

>> No.8162268

What's the escalation from a Mtn Dew to an Energy drink? If I don't want an energy drink but I want something with more kick than a Mtn Dew, what is a household brand of drink? That means nothing obscure- if I can't find your soda in a grocery store, it doesn't matter how good it is for the sake of this argument.

>> No.8162270

Coffee? Don't buy energy drinks.

>> No.8162282
File: 228 KB, 1300x864, Drug-addict-drug-users-in-the-old-cellar-Stock-Photo-drug-addiction-heroin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to get off that stuff, my man. Diet Coke is a drug for many as I'm sure you're aware. Even if the stuff doesn't cause cancer, it can't be good to consume so much.

Two of my close friends and my father all fell hard for the stuff and couldn't go a day without even having some for breakfast, let alone all the drinks throughout the day.

>> No.8162283

I don't know where in the world you can get a satisfying coffee in a can (Japan?) but I don't think anyone in North America actually drinks canned coffee.
I think you see plenty of people drinking coffee on buses though, so I'm not sure why you've singled out Mtn Dew.
In any event, it all comes down to marketing. People drink Mtn Dew because it is marketed as an energy drink lite. Is it a lite Energy Drink? No. But how many people do you think actually make that distinction?

>> No.8162289

It's full of sugar but like the other anon said, the caffeine amount keeps it from being one. Honestly, I'd just brew my own coffee and put it in a thermos. My kidneys can attest to the bullshit energy drinks will put you through. Or some vitamin b12 or whichever one gives you energy. Just not energy drinks. Seriously.

>> No.8162291

Maybe Mountain Dew Kickstart? The flavors I've tried though taste like caffeine- like, you can tell there's more than just some sugar in there. Best advice I can give you is to avoid any kind of routine energy drink use. Consuming caffeine as a substitute for sleep will fuck you up beyond belief.

>> No.8162306

>people actually drink energy drinks
I just carefully dose pure caffeine and inject it directly into my veins, works pretty well for me.

>> No.8162787


>Soda pop

It's called soft drink

>> No.8162887
File: 64 KB, 1536x1024, o-MOXIE-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moxie is fantastic

>> No.8162931
File: 32 KB, 480x640, GEDC1468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no better beverage.

>> No.8162932

Power ranking

Pomegranate and orange
Blood orange

>> No.8162945

This. If you call it anything other than soda, then you're fucking stupid or you're from Minnesota.

>> No.8163040
File: 304 KB, 652x829, BakingSoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll have soda
>recieve this

>> No.8163212

>Zapata county
>Kennedy county
This map is pure garbage.

>> No.8163399

Because it is only available in Central Europe and because it has a lot more caffeine than coca cola (25mg per 100ml).

>> No.8164246
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please stop holy shit

>> No.8164255
File: 67 KB, 300x357, dutch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birch beer! Grew up on this stuff.

>> No.8164259

Limonata is my fav but this is second

>> No.8164275
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>> No.8164277

I was thinking the same thing. Voltage should be where livewire is and vice versa.

>> No.8164525
File: 27 KB, 470x470, Pina1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh hombre

>> No.8164540


Lime is the superiorest flavor of Jarritos.

>> No.8164603


>> No.8164637

What on earth does that taste like?

>> No.8164644

This except melograno y aranciata rossa.
There is literally no better carbonated beverage on this planet. There never has been and there never will be. Jesus would drink this if he were real

>> No.8164645
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>> No.8164649


I've never had that specific brand but birch beer is kind of sort of root beer-ish but not.

>> No.8164691

Ah. Does it taste sweeter or like, you know...more 'spiced'?

>> No.8164827

>waterfags need not post
you do realize soda is mostly water, right?

>> No.8164852

tamarind and pina
no better thirst quencher when high as fuck

>> No.8164866

It's the sugar tariffs, not the corn subsidies.

>> No.8164871
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I miss it.

>> No.8164875
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>kidney stone general

>> No.8165347
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>family business stocks weird sodas
>tried literally every single one
>walk in to a rocket fizz
>literally rows and rows of sodas I've never tried before
god damn I've been living a sheltered soda life

I try to not drink regular coke and stuff though, since too much soda is obviously bad for you. Keep it usually to water, tea or lemonade. Soda's usually every couple of days

>> No.8165424

pic related best soda
also i have not read the thread yet so i dont konw if its been posted

>> No.8165427
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and i forgot picture nice

>> No.8165433

i like their blue and green flavors more but cream soda is high-tier, also jones is the best brand objectively followed by jarritos

>> No.8165458


Thread over nothing beats these. Spics make the best soda

>> No.8165644

Not bad, but the cola is better.

>> No.8165775
File: 109 KB, 128x507, Virgils_RootBeer1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweeter, i'd say rootbeer is better in generall, only drank birch beer once though. Also, virgils rootbeer best rootbeer.

>> No.8165796

>apparently everyone calls it coke in my city
>no one does this, ever

>> No.8165814
File: 202 KB, 300x730, PDP_Fanta_Pineapple_16oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple sodas are fucking god tier.

>> No.8165842

Acidic cola marinade for whole chicken breast.

A side of Ice cold Poison makes this the perfect meal for a deathrow inmate.

>> No.8165919
File: 1.38 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_2279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.8166137


god yes

>cherry vanilla
never that good

>> No.8166687


What? Dude Virgil's is the worst. I would take the cheapest store brand root beer over it any day of the week.

>> No.8166696

Thanks for not including us in the stupid category, buddy

>> No.8166712

Where do you get those? I personally prefer Lulu Cola, but boing stopped doing those IIRC.

>> No.8166715
File: 132 KB, 150x600, Mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the good german shit, yo.

>> No.8166865
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Do Minnesotans pronounce it "poop?"

>> No.8166958


Like root beer but not quite. I find it actually is more "spicy" but a different kind of spice. Less than a sasparilla, though.

>> No.8166984
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>> No.8166985
File: 86 KB, 411x530, 1437463924824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your friend says he doesn't like Faygo

>> No.8166993

someone doesn't like the color blue.
Also the MW3 gamer fuel was the best, faggot

>> No.8167008

Its all about Faygo nigga

whoop whoop

>> No.8167064

Docta peppa plz

>> No.8167099
File: 3.39 MB, 1512x1144, Mystery-Coke-Machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all about the mystery soda life. Put in three quarters and hope for the best!

>> No.8167106

What, you don't have a Food Maxx around?

>> No.8167118

I really wish root beer was more popular here in the UK.

>> No.8167127


I thought you guys all hated it because it tastes like some kind of medicine you have?

>> No.8167128

Exploring the Seattle Haunted Soda Machine

>> No.8167132

can is also great for plinking!

>> No.8168499

This fucking bear

>> No.8168965

Eh, each to their own I guess. Although I will admit it is kinda pricy for what you get.

>> No.8168970
File: 71 KB, 132x410, IMG_8938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any kiwis in this thread? I spent a month in NZ and literally drank this on the last day, only to find out it's the best soda I've ever had. If any of you broke bitches ever go to NZ, get this.

>> No.8169162
File: 177 KB, 326x339, reeds_premium_brew_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8169925

best soda

>> No.8170069

Only the best desu senpai

>> No.8170074
File: 24 KB, 640x640, fanta fruit twist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goat carbonated beverage

>> No.8170268

>get used to drinking sugarfree sodas/energy drinks
>love them now
>real sugar drinks taste like syrup now and make my mouth feel like shart
>want to try lots of exclusive/novelty sodas but so few come in sugarfree so I know they'll taste like ass

Life is suffering.

>> No.8170296

I know the term has been run into the ground but if 'first world problems' was ever appropriate it'd be this post.

>> No.8170302

>Drinking genetically modified bacteria feces

>> No.8170381
File: 161 KB, 420x504, ANTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling any non-cola soft drink "coke"
What the Christ

>> No.8170403

It's the south

>> No.8170437

is any soda better than boylan's black cherry?

also, what's the best root beer?

>> No.8170499

it really is
how do you get it?

>> No.8171247


Lived in Texas for 4 years during college.

Everything is 'coke'.

You want a Dr. Pepper? That's spicy coke.

You want a Crush? That's orange or grape coke.

It was like nails on a chalkboard when going out to eat with anyone from the South.

>> No.8171271


>> No.8171278
File: 218 KB, 309x345, thebottles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite brand of seltzer?

>> No.8171296
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Master Race on display.

>> No.8172284
File: 56 KB, 528x526, 72334_1159599077392914_1308047473145571521_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it stays this time.

>> No.8172765

I've heard that complaint before, but I love it.

>> No.8172776

I tried Mango Heat or whatever the other day

It was fucking horrible

>> No.8172833
File: 48 KB, 450x450, IBC Cream Soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior cream soda incoming

>> No.8172845
File: 404 KB, 2000x1339, sprecher soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best gourmet soda coming through lads.

>> No.8172893

Too soon sadly.