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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8155976 No.8155976 [Reply] [Original]

>poor as fuck college student that barely makes rent each month
>my monthly food budget ranges from 15 to 40 dollars a month depending on how well tips are

Is there a feasible way I can subsist on this kind of budget while still being able to cook healthy food that'll last a month or more?

I'm struggling to afford cheap lean meats and ingredients for good pastas (make my own sauce, I'm not a fag). Vegetables and fruit are practically impossible given the current price of produce.

Any tips? Any of you guys on /ck/ ever have to live this? How did you succeed?

>> No.8155979 [DELETED] 
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I succeeded by making a massive Lemon Tart I could feast on throughout the month, be careful not to drop it.

>> No.8156024
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go to food drives, you'd be surprised what rich people will donate, stuff like name brands, speaking of brands, but store brand tend to be cheaper with similar result. I buy best value ric..everything when i can. Meats are indefinitely harder to get good deals unless u live at the super market and know when they mark down, so id recommend butchers, most times they are cheaper. Or be lazy and live on ramen soup

>> No.8156044

Be a college student. Eat only the cheapest noodles you can for 3 months.

After that, use your savings to live like a human for a month or so.

RInse and repeat.

>> No.8156104

Trader Joe's (I made quesadillas like every day)
The dollar store (canned fish/seafood there is interestingly good)
Asian markets (especially big bags of rice)

>> No.8156157

- Rice
- Beans
- Frozen Chicken Breasts
- Veggies w/ extra cash

No Junkfood, eat out once a month when you have some extra money.

>> No.8156172


You're just asking to be broke.

>> No.8156181

Large bag of rice
Many 99 cent bean cans
Goya Sofrito
If you feel fancy, SPAM
Some 99 cent vegetable (that's good for you)


>> No.8156184

>le /ck/ rice and beans meme XXDDDDDD


>> No.8156191

>Most of the 3rd world lives on literally rice, beans, chicken, and bread
>Somehow this is a meme


>> No.8156196

>le i'm from /ck/ so I recommend rice and beans XDDD

ebin, simply ebin

>> No.8156198
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>memelording this hard

>> No.8156218

>gets BTFO with 'le rice and beans OP XXDDDD'
>panics when called out on it and starts posting memes

>> No.8156236

i spend 40 a month on food. its easy if you have a little bit upfront (long term still averages out to below 40 a month).

aside from the typical stuff, i buy bulk popcorn kernels and tea. popcorn is extremely cheap in kernel form. you can buy 12lb bags for 18 bucks on amazon and they last me 3 months of eating 3+ servings a day. tea is also extremely cheap and its easy to substitute a meal with a warm mug of tea. i recommend not making pasta but instead making spicy and watery soup. the spiciness still makes it flavorful and the water makes it seem like youre eating more than you actually are. cabbage is also extremely cheap too and makes a great filler to just about anything. I can grab a pack of 20 tortillas for 33 cents and cabbage for 25 cents a pound and make ghetto ass microwave tacos out of them

ive also lost 100lbs in the past year doing this so that may be a plus if youre a fat fuck

>> No.8156268

There is an entire show dedicated to this concept called "I'm Starving with Louis" that was very popular online several years ago, but it was all taken down without any explanation.
There's a few episodes online still floating about:

In later episodes he spins a wheel to see how much he can spend (always under $10, often about $3 or less).

It was a brilliant show idea.
Wish someone else would take up the mantle and do a similar show.

>> No.8156294

Buy cheap carbs (flour for bread, rice, corn, oats, or whatever else is cheapest where you're at)
Buy cheap protein (make seitan, dry/canned beans, chicken breasts, again whatever costs the least per unit)
Dumpster dive behind the store for veggies. Most get tossed for cosmetic defects or minor rot on one end. Easily solved with thorough trimming and washing. Remember--when in doubt, toss it out. That last head of lettuce isn't worth two days of pissing out your ass and missing class/work.

Gardening is also a great way to supplement your diet if you have any space at all. Talk to homegrowmen thread on /out/ for bare minimum setups, and don't buy anything more complicated than a trowel or a rake.

>> No.8156782

There's literally nothing wrong with rice and beans prepared properly, specially if you're a poorfag.

>> No.8156792

I bet this stupid cunt got right up, walked away and didn't bother to pick up any of this shit.

>> No.8156797

If you had an Olive Garden nearby one of the pasta passes would have been great. Though I think they made it so you can't take out. It's not really clear as it says no online or ToGo orders. I'm not sure if ToGo is their way of take out in person.

>> No.8156802

If you have a Walmart and many stores nearby, compare all the ads and use Savings Catcher.

Walmart usually has meat discounted. I got one of those 5lb 80% chuck beef tubes for under $9 once.

>> No.8156814

He actually died, anon.

>> No.8156892

From what?

Overdose of stupidity?

>> No.8156921

He starved to death.

>> No.8156941

Don't know where you live granted and how far you are from a market but browsing near-expired meat and bread sections are almost a hobby of mine

If they have a membership type thing you can get for free, I often can get marked down shit for even less

If you aren't hopeless with a knife, buying and cutting up a whole chicken will get you better value than buying individual packages of breasts and thighs

I get potatoes for what, 79 cents a pound

A cup of rice, 1/3 of lentils and the same of dry beans with some chicken can be the core meal for several days and aside from the meat is really cheap per serving

Pick up a 20 pound sack of flour for like six bucks, get some baking powder and salt and you can cook bannocks on the stovetop

Canned sardines that cost like a dollar on saltines and some come in flavored for variety (avoid Bumble Bee in mustard)

Apples can be fairly cheap in the right circumstances

Clearance ground beef with an onion an egg, and crushed up cracker or bread crumbs can make for meat loaf

Come across some cheap, tough meat that's good for stewing a good long while

Get tortillas and you got all sorts of Mexican recipes to build

A lotta niggas eat oats. Less refined, ie not-Instant oats will take longer to cook and won't have any added flavor but they'll be more substantial

Find an Asian joint and pick up organ meats like tongue

>> No.8156971

To make your own sauce is like your entire budget.

Ex-Homeless person here (drugs are a hell of a drug)

If I were you, I would eat canned tuna and canned chicken chunks. It's not the cheapest, but you can buy these at Aldi for like $0.59. If you have a hotplate in your dorm (I was homeless, I didn't go to fucking college, I don't know whats there.) you can grill it up with sauce packets snagged from Taco Bell.
Speaking of Aldi, go a couple hours of the store opening and ask if anything has been marked down. I bought a box of hot dog buns for 25 cents each once. Don't have an Aldi? Don't know what to tell you.

Beans and Rice are easy.

Walmarts that have deli's are basically free food. Ask for a small bag of chicken or whatever and walk around the store with a bunch of shit in your cart while eating the food. Ditch the cart with the empty bag.

If you live near a Golden Corral, go on a Sunday (easiest time, but you could do this any time of the week if you are stealthy) when it is packed. Walk through the exit. Wait for a couple to leave and snag their table. Waitresses most likely wont notice, all they look for is your drink. Make two plates. Eat one while you stash food in your jacket/backpack from the other plate. Keep doing this until you leave. I did this every Sunday. I would often leave with a couple pounds of cooked steak and a bunch of other shit I couldn't afford.

If you are in the U.S., you can buy foodstamps from other people for 50 cents to 75 cents on the dollar. I'd get about $60 worth of groceries for $30 this way and I only bought the basics on sale.

Dumpster diving is legit.

Also, you can help out at a local food pantry or soup kitchen and they will usually give you free food.

>> No.8157053

I suggested it in another budget foods thread, but cornmeal.

Bring 4 cups water to boil with a teaspoon of salt mixed in. Reduce heat, and slowly stir in 1 cup of cornmeal, trying to avoid lumps from forming, if you can.

Stir frequently for a few minutes until it is thick. It is very filling, amd is dirt cheap. You can add things to it for flavor if you want, such as a splash of milk, a dab of butter, a bit of sour cream, some cheese, etc. I'd recommend sour cream, since you can buy a container of it for a low price, and won't blow through it like you would butter/milk for other uses.

1:4 meal to water gives you a lot to work with, food wise. Not exciting, but you won't go hungry.

For vegetables, hit up ethnic markets. You can usually find really good prices on fruits and vegetables there. If you don't have any nearby, keep your eyes peeled for manager's special and reduced price sections where they dump food that's about to hit the sell-by date.

For meats, you could try organ meats, if you can stomach them. Usually nutrient rich, and quite cheap since no one seems to want to eat them. If meat is too costly for you, lentils and beans are be a cheap protein alternative. Dry lentils and beans will get you more mileage than canned.

>> No.8158217

Something something 14-40$ of booze

>> No.8158222

food banks anon

>> No.8158722

Does your campus have cafeteria styled meal halls? If so, have a friend use any guest meals to swipe you in a couple times to scope out the place and find out where the best points to sneak in are.

If you wanna be a full dipshit, take your backpack and empty a couple plates of food into plastic containers to take home. The only people I ever saw get ejected by doing this were obvious as fuck, ie scraping food into containers in full sight in the center of the dining area. Dunno the penalties at your college, but I only saw people get escorted out or forced to pay for the meal when caught

Consider also visiting/contacting your student services and seeing if there are stocks of donated food or meals you can receive

>> No.8159980

lentils motherfucker

>> No.8160295

Lentils are hella good. I like to make lentil burritos.

I'm really surprised with how cheap bundles of fresh spinach and kale are at my local Walmart. I never knew you could get kale for 80cents and spinach for a dollar respectively, it's dirt cheap for stuff so good. I live with my dad as an adult, but I've started buying some of my own food. I like to eat spinach out of a bowl as a snack.

When I move out and live entirely on my own, I see myself sticking to this healthy / frugal way of eating and drinking.

All the unhealthy junk food stuff is expensive.

>> No.8161372

Or poach the whole chicken and don't even worry about cutting it apart

>> No.8161380

salt and pepper are your friends, they make your 1 dollar steaks edible

>> No.8161463
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Whole grains and raw meats (pork and chicken limbs mostly).

Don't fall for the ramen meme.

You'll burn through your stash fast and realize you wasted your money on palm oil fried noodles and salt.

>> No.8161469

Chicken thighs and leg quarters can be bought in bulk for very little money. A cheap way to get some protein in your diet, and versatile for cooking so you get some variation and have less risk of getting sick of your staples.

>> No.8161666

Potatoes, cabbage, onions are mega cheap and healthy fillers. Add whatever else. Get some greens and a protein.
Rice and beans. Just eat like a medieval peasant.

>> No.8161789


This guy has done the hard work for you.

Check out the MasterCheap and Live Below the Line challenges.


>> No.8161796
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Take up fishing as a hobby.

>> No.8161808

I think you need to stop posting, anon. The memes have infected every fiber of your being.

Either that or actually come up with something cheaper than rice and beans as sustainable eating. Which I'm sure you won't do.

>> No.8161863

Can I use corn flour instead of flour for breading fish?

I got some free fish fillets yesterday and I have some bread that can be turned into crumbs, some eggs and milk but no flour. I have corn flour, so can I just use that or is it going to be too sticky?

>> No.8161883

That bit about the whole chicken is actually pretty smart. Get into using every part of the animal

>> No.8161916

This is a great strategy if you are LEGIT broke/homeless. You have to let humility go and just live like a bit of an animal. Also, CHURCHES!!! I've never been homeless and come from money and blah blah, but these types of things are fantastic to know either way. Churches are just fantastic. Most churches have huge pantries for homeless/food drives/donations, blah blah. You could legit walk into a church and ask the receptionist or whoever is there for some food. Be polite, be kind, try and make yourself look as presentable as possible vand you'll usually get rewarded.

That's more of a homeless suggestion than just having a super small budget.

This also.

>> No.8162000

Microwaved cabbage tacos.

That sounds fucking awful

>> No.8162020

eating 3 servings of popcorn a day sounds like hell on my gums and asshole

>> No.8162076

5 dozen egg box from walmart for like 1.58 with a generic brand multivitamin, and iron supplement so you dont get malnourished and die. that'll last me almost a week

>> No.8162136

>20 tortillas for 33 cents

Don't make shit up.

>> No.8162171

Where do you live, faggot? If we don't know where you are we can't give decent advice. The internet is worldwide you know.

>> No.8162205

60 Eggs - 4.20 (blzit)
Cheese - 2-5 dollars
Rice - whatever

Coupon like a mother fucker and prepare to live on omelets, it got me through school. Quick and one of my favorites was

>3 eggs, beaten with a dash of milk or cream
Into pan
>cheese, medium salsa, and chopped black forest ham
Normally in that order, I'd do 2 slices of cheese, 2-3T of salsa, and 4 slices of ham (thinly scliced)
>Paprika, Garlic Powder, Red Cayenne, Chili Powder
Sprinkled ontop after its been removed from the pan

Rather cheap to make in bulk, and they're pretty tasty. I have lived off of 20 bucks a week food budget on that for some time, adding in a multivitamin is key to making eating like that sustainable though

>> No.8162479

My friend has an unlimited food pass at ASU so he uses his guest pass to get me in. So far I haven't starved thanks to him.

>> No.8163253

You spend more than rent and food. Cut that out.

>> No.8163349

>living anywhere where tortillas are more expensive than that


>> No.8163716

That should be fine. From what I know, some slavic people use cornmeal instead of flour for fish