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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8128603 No.8128603 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a chain grocery store, as a cashier and produce stocker, ask me anything

>> No.8128610

Why do you think anyone fucking cares

>> No.8128614

Can you afford all the latest games and consoles?

>> No.8128624


Because grocery stores are /ck/ related faggot

>> No.8128627

what channel is the weightlifting thing on?

>> No.8128651

No idea, I cant afford cable

>> No.8128652
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what aisles are cool ?

>> No.8128665

I see a lot of interesting people in bread, I saw a chick taking pictures of her pussy next to the English muffins. I caught a lady fingering herself in the you section once too.
So bread and toys if you want a good time

>> No.8128680

on my way thanks.

>> No.8128713

And the employees are typically minimum wage or just above it unskilled labor, what exactly do you want us to ask? How your tiny apartment smells?

>> No.8128722

How many calories of food do you reckon there are in your entire store?

>> No.8128728

Im gonna post some of my stories.

>Hotdog condom guy

>every few weeks this motherfucker comes in
>he's normal looking, clean cut, and around 40
>And every time he buys the same 3 things:
>every fucking time
But that's not the best part
>after he leaves the store, a few hours later one of the cart pushers will find a suprise
>shit covered lubed up hotdogs in condoms.
He is the reason most of our cart guys only last 6 months

>> No.8128752

At least 100

>> No.8128773
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How many old ass ladies waste your fucking life to fulfill the 4.28 requirement of payment with twenty dollars and a quarter, saying "I have so much fucking change", and then you give them back three pennies which is slightly more or less what they had to carry in their "heavy" purses

Seriously with all the fucking time old women waste digging to get exact change you'd think the American deficit would be solved

>> No.8128780

Which minority is the worst shopper?

>> No.8128791

I get at least 20 of them an hour when I'm on register, that's why I'm glad my manager is finally putting me in the freezer department full time after I train my replacement

>> No.8128806

From worst to best
>dot Indians
>old white folk
>white gang members
>colored gang members
>white people
>old black folk

>> No.8128819


>having unprotected sex with a hotdog

>> No.8128839
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>White gang members

>> No.8128845
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Do you have a hypothesis as to why they bother? I can't begin to understand it.

>> No.8128896

Because back in the day you can buy stuff in change, that's why. 5 cent coffee or what have you.

>> No.8128900

Like worst like they do it the most, or worst like they always get caught

>> No.8128904

>Hispanics higher than Mexicans


>> No.8128950

Wannabe Aryan brotherhood looking nuggets who get historaclly inaccurate Nazi tattoos and want to be hard, but their mom won't let them.
That reminds me of a story:
>It's a little after opening on a Tuesday, and I'm the only one on register.
>a family come up with some shit, and is paying with WIC
>WIC is basically welfare, but with checks for what your allowed to buy
>e.g. the most common check is for one gallon of milk, a pound of peanut butter, 12 eggs, and a half pound of cheese
>if you don't get everything listed, and only get 2 of the things, you can't get another check for whatever you didn't pick up
>The problem is, you can only get WIC approved brands, which are never properly marked.
>the lady and one of the 2 kids were fine
>the other kid was crying like his leg was getting cut off
>but the husband was a sight to behold
>he had 1488 tattooed on his cheeks
>The Aryan nation cross with white pride on his throat
>an iron eagle on one shoulder
>he was what Tumblr thinks every white man is
>And he was screaming at his crying kid, at the top of his lungs
>for the entire transaction
>which took 20 minutes because I had to send someone for different cheese twice, and different peanut butter 3 times
>just to get the WIC check to go through
Fuck WIC

>> No.8128958

Because they want to be important, and fail to realize they are not.
Also because they are going senile

>> No.8128974

Mexicans cant speak English, hispanic are just Brown Catholics
Just worst in general, not understanding that you cannot barter, trying to scam the store, and stealing. That sort of shit

>> No.8129017

How do you pick out a watermelon?

>> No.8129029

Why aren't you working at Aldi?

>> No.8129057

I have Tyrone from personnel pick it out for me
Because I'm not a britbong

>> No.8129143
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>not understanding that you cannot barter

I fucking hate this. I'm a bartended and Indians and Pakis always try to say "I give you $2" for a beer that cost 5. One even crossed out the total in his credit card reciept and wrote the amount he though it should cost, as if that changes the price at all lol

>> No.8129187

I had this one cunt
>comes to my lane with 2 sweatshirts and 3 cabbages
>the tags were ripped off the sweatshirts
> sigh and punch in the UPCs
>As I am doing so this goddamn Arab cunt INSISTING that it's 10 bucks for both
>they come up at 15 each
>she gets bartering with me
> lol no I aint losing my job over your jewishness
>the she claims that her friend came in the other day and it was 10 for both
>I explain that I cannot change the price, but if her friend has the receipt and you took the items to customer service, they will price match
>she gets upsetti, buys just the cabbages and leaves
>My manager come up to me and says if that bitch comes back, to tell her to get fucked, because she pulls this shit all the time

>> No.8130398

Unless something's changed in the ten years since I did my grocery stint, most of the big chains are union and have a pretty sick pay scale...

>> No.8130401

I hope you're doing this in conjunction with your studies and this isn't your full time job with no other prospects.

>> No.8130937

I wish I was union, because then I would have some protection against getting fired
Im working because I cant afford college, it's either retail or homelessness

>> No.8131275

Do you masturbate on scene

>> No.8131332

There's Aldis in the states too m8...

>> No.8131337

How many times a day do you imagine elaborate scenarios where you slaughter everyone in the store?

>> No.8131764

Fairly often, It's amazing to me that I have yet to bludgeon someone with a scan gun

>> No.8133210

When is the best time to buy produce?

How the fuck do I save money buying food?

>> No.8133367

A half hour after opening, because by then the produce department has probably gone through and tossed all the bad shit, and put fresh stuff out

>> No.8133391

Tell us about your co workers. Any hot ones? Fun ones? That sort of thing

>> No.8133661

damn i wish i could get on welfare lmao :D

>> No.8133768

would it be possible to work havin no contact at all with coworkers?

do you expect/give a shit about being treated as a human by the costumers or just care about your paycheck?

>> No.8133796

I found this way too funny.

Bread is the cheapest staple that comes precooked, makes sense the weirdos would be there.

>> No.8134054

HA! Unions for grocery stores don't protect you from getting fired if your contract has "fire at will"

They all have fire at will

>> No.8134105

Tap it, should have a nice hollow sound.

>> No.8134120

keep this thread alive because ive got a pretty good story from working produce, but ive a rehearsal in a few minutes

fuck op

>> No.8134125

>produce stocker

You might as well be working in the cosmetics department fucking faggot.
Get your shit together, toughen up and join the overnight grocery stocking crew.

>> No.8134127

I work in a ghetto of cincinnati

>> No.8134200

Are we talking about Injun Indians? Or grease face India Indians?
I can vouch for Injun being absolutely bro tier. The younger ones often ask me about liquor, but the older folks are like mystical injuns, the advice they give is so insightful.
India Indians are the stingiest and most nitpicking ever. They're even worse than Jews when they try to get a lower price, and often they try and return half eaten products for a refund.
Seriously, fuck Indians.

>> No.8134323


>> No.8134363

I have a few that are worth mentioning

>old man paul
An old sean connery looking guy, he had no problem telling the shitty managers that they're being assholes, also would buy a big bag of candy for the cashiers to stack on, he died not super long ago, but its not uncommon to see him at his register out of the corner of your eye if your closing.

A cunt of a woman who is openly shitty to everyone who she thinks is lower than her, even though shes one of like, 10 front end mangers at a fucking grocery store and looks like 300 pound sarah palin

>Paul the cart king
A vaguely pudgy 30 something man who is king of the carts, If you're cool to him, he will show you all the weird hidden things in the store that make your life a whole bunch easier.

Imagine the stereotype of the super cool goth chick, now make her cooler and really nice. she in charge of making sure that EVERYTHING is stocked, and knows all the local punk bands personally.

really quiet, probably posts here, know a fuckload about classic rock, comics, and fishing

Hates her job more than I do, knows how to not get fucked over by the system more than everyone else there.

>Shrek and donkey
The two loss prevention guys. Shrek is the definition of "I wanna be a cop, but I'm too fat". His black sidekick, Donkey, spend most of his time smoking grape cigarillos instead of stopping theft.

>Joann, the autist
An old autistic bitch who always leaves her register fucked up, people want to fire her, but shes been there too long.

Karla, Janitor
Been there longer than everyone else actually, former military brat who is no-nonsense as fuck

>zach, who has bad taste in videogames
Guy from the Midwest who is really chill, but still kinda figuring things out, got an xbone to play mincraft with youtube "celebrities"

>Karen, everyones cool mom
Brings cookies and snack for anyone who is half dad at work, really nice and will help you out whenever she can

>> No.8134365

>but its not uncommon to see him at his register out of the corner of your eye if your closing.


>> No.8134372

>300 pound Sarah Palin


>> No.8134381

has this guy not heard of dildos

>> No.8134398

It depends on your position, If you're the night janitor, then maybe you can pull off talking to noone. Otherwise, you're fucked and have to people.

I expect most customers to be no hassle, because they just want to get their shit and leave, but you can tell a shitty one from a mile away.
That reminds me of a story
>On register
>ringing out a guy who was buying $1000 of $20 giftcards
>a guy comes in behind him with just a 12 pack of bud light
>Halfway through the fuckload of giftcards, the guy with the beer gets upset and starts asking how much longer it will be
>He has been there for at most, 2 minutes
>there are other registers open with no line
>I tell him politely that there is no waiting on the register right next to me, otherwise it might be a few more minutes because I have to finish up with this customer
>He gets upsetti and goes to another register
>and then demands to have the manager called
>He starts screaming at the manager that I am a horrible employee and that he wants me fired, otherwise he'll never shop there again and call corporate on us.
>The manager straight up tells him to "Get the fuck out and don't come back"
>I learned that it was the third time that week that that guy had caused a scene
>He got B& from the store

>> No.8134406

Just slap a wig and some lipstick on a ham and you basically have her

>> No.8134418

how many times a day do you want to kill yourself? i say this as someone who also works in customer service

>> No.8134419

I work with produce too. I'm an afternoon guy for a tiny rural store with primarily old people as customers so I pretty much get paid for shitposting on my phone. Everybody is super nice though, I like working there.

>> No.8134435

7-8 times, sometimes more if the day is really bad.

>> No.8134669

what is the best cookie/packaged treat at the grocery store?

>> No.8134680

Dont let the thread died guyses

How ofter do you shop there yourself??

And any cool stories involving those co workers?

>> No.8134701

DESU when it come to the deserts they're all pretty low tier at my store, but I like the small pies the most. That being said, we have some bretty good pizzas that are cheap as fuck

I almost never shop where I work, unless I just got off shift and don't feel like going somewhere else.
I have a few stories, but I have a shift starting soon, so I'll share when I get back

>> No.8134826

I like Stocker,A long,long time from now I'll tell my kids about the stories of Stocker.

Btw which chain you werk at?If you want to disclose that info

>> No.8134879

How often do you masturbate at work?

>> No.8134975

Stocker is a pretty swell dude

Ill tell my baby brother about him

>> No.8135887

I used to work in the bakery department, was ok for a bit but desu its shit work. moved on to better things

>> No.8136355

Stocker a shit

>> No.8136375

I'm trying to apply to my nearest grocery store. I've never had any professional experience before, but after I graduated high school I worked a few years with my in-laws tiling floors and maintaining agriculture around several houses. What should I know getting into it?

>> No.8136858
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I'd judge you, but it seems god already has....

>> No.8136898

Why are honeycrisp apples so fucking expensive?

>> No.8136912

How many gypsies do you get trying to steal? I used to work at a mall and legit saw three gypsies walk in and have their kids stick things in their shirts/pockets/pants, basically anywhere that was slightly hidden.

>> No.8137114

Tfw gypsy's in America? You think you're in Eastern Europe? When was the last time you saw horse drawn wagons driven by people dressed in colorful clothing rolling down the road?

>> No.8137135
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>PC masterrace
>can't afford fucking cable

>> No.8137139

You know what a gypsy is, right?
Times have changed, most of the grubby little, thieving scum Roma drive 4x4s and mobile homes.

>> No.8137220

Gotcha! And the beggar at the subway entrance is a multi-millionaire who's driven to his begging post in a limo.

>> No.8137595

I work at Wal-Mart

Never, but i have thought about it

You will be treated like you're expendable, and customers will act like it's your fault when anything goes wrong

Because you touch yourself at night

Actually every day, my store is super easy to steal from, I used to take shit shift from it all the time before I worked there

Why would I even want cable? Netflix, Hulu, and piratebay are cheaper and better.

>> No.8137631

I'm about to head to the store. What meat is on sale this week?

>> No.8137635


>> No.8138184


Former retail jockey here. Can confirm that India Indians were the fucking worst to deal with, would always to try to haggle over the stupidest shit and try to combine coupons you weren't supposed to. And they always smelled like they bathed in curry. Fuck India Indians.

>> No.8138342

Has anyone ever tried to 'extreme coupon', if so, how was the experience?

>> No.8138364

Are you friends with your coworkers?

>> No.8138373

Have you ever thought about getting a real job?

>> No.8138402

How many folks that can't pay do you get at the checkout?

>I'll spare you the >be me part…
>waiting at the cashier at walmart, to buy some stuff
>couple in front of me, didnt understand their language, but it sure was not english
>really weird folks. Not the typical poor fatties or filthy folks, but kinda weird
>Guy didnt look happy with his wife
>they have to pay
>she inserts their credit card
>be bo beep
>clerk tells them it didnt work
>they discuss in their language
>OK, try it again
>be bo beep, same issue
>they discuss in their language
>OK, try it again
>be bo beep, same issue
>they discuss in their language
>OK, try it again
>clerk tries to explain to them that it's not working
>be bo beep, same issue
>they discuss in their language
>OK, try it again
>clerk gets manager how tries to explain it
>be bo beep, same issue
>they discuss in their language

finally, they pay in cash
I can understand that you try it again, when it does not work the first time, but I think the terminal even told them something like "no moneyz", and they certainly looked like that would happen to them often…

But anyways, I enjoyed the show, while silently laughing my ass off, and making zoological observations about the behaviour of the herd of landwhales at the next checkout lane, and wondering about how the hell sex works for those folks, because I cant really figure out how the hell anything shorter than a 2ft penis could have impregnated that beast, and how she had not yet eaten her offspring…

Oh, yeah, next question:
>any "good" fatty stories?

>> No.8138571

I work in the deli section of a big grocery store and there's this one woman spilling over the sides of her mobility scooter that comes in two or three times a week and does nothing but ask for sample slices. Sometimes two or three of something she likes but she'll get slices of almost everything and if she bites one and doesn't like it she'll just leave it on top of the bread in front of the display cases.

If she's eating meat and wants to "try" a cheese and there's no open cheese slicers, she will scream obscenities and call everyone retarded fucking jews and mexicans and monkeys and try to roll her cart behind the counters (it's never been wide enough, why does she keep trying) until a cheese slicer becomes open and I can give her a cheese slice. If she makes me slice eight or nine different cheeses and then wants a slice of ham and all the meat slicers are being used, rinse and repeat.

We have to humor this orb because the last time the managers told her to leave about eight months ago she argued so hard she went into cardiac arrest. Seven paramedics had to roll her onto two stretchers roped together with electrical tape.

>> No.8139053

Cashier here for a few questions for people,why the hell do most of you not admatch?
Bananas are 3lbs for 99c and a dozen large eggs are 99c as well right now in my area.
$5 could get you some good stuff and its healthy food!

>> No.8139253

>paul the cart king
>not calling him Paul mcCartking

Also, if you would add yourself to this list;

>> No.8139919

Yes, it was surprisingly not terrible. The lady was really polite and her kids weren't trying to play on the goddamn bag carousal .

Whatever is about to expire is always what is put on sale, also pork.

Sort of, there are only a few of them that I would actually want to hang out with.

Real jobs aren't real in my state.

So fucking often, they're always mexican or weird.

I have a fatty story
>Be on 20 items or less
>A woman who can only be described as actually a perfect circle with legs comes in with her brood
>She actually had a gut reaching past her knees
>And of course they had more than 20 items.
>the entire time I was ringing her up she was SCREAMING at her kids, who weren't actually doing anything
>The total was almost $300 in just tv dinners.

>> No.8140094

To be honest, I don't know how to do it without sounding like some uber jew at the register.

Do you just like...show them a printed ad from a different store and get them to change the price on the spot?

>> No.8140111

>asians are low on the list

they watching the items ring up like a hawk, and yell if it's not the right price (or when they think it's not).

And they also buy expensive produce (like cherries) and then complain that it's too much and have you take them off. Fuck asians.


>> No.8140136

well i didnt meant some shit like that. that is a form of human contact even if aggressive or unpleasant. what i meant is when someone pays as if he was using a self-service machine.

>> No.8140219

Trust me you wouldn't sound like a jew for something like that,only when you're bullshiting about the price like this >>8129187 lady did.
Pretty much yeah,you could bring in the ad and show us it.The cashiers have the ads at the register if you don't have it with you.9 times out of 10 I have the ad memorized except on Wednesday when they go into effect.Just let the cashier know that 'this' or 'that' is an admatch when you get up to the register when its your turn.

>> No.8140274

Are we talking about the ads that the store put out or a rival store put out?

I have no issues just pointing out that the ad said X, it's just every once in a while I see a sign saying that they honour competitor stores' ad prices and it feels weird to go in and ask for a lower price there instead of just going to the rival store.

>> No.8140276

>Tfw closest op has ever come to having friends or people caring about him is tripfagging on an anonymous image board and begging for attention
jesus fuck why do people like you exist

>> No.8140299

Ads a rival store put out.
Say that a rival store has bananas for 3lbs for 99c but WM prices are 56c per pound,we will honor the other stores ad so so long as its the exact product on the ad. Make sense?There are limits however on what we can/can't admatch,like on the ad it says buy 3 (lets say bar s hotdogs)get the forth free but on the ad it doesn't have the price of the item,we can't do that.

>> No.8140312

>exact product
So with your bananas example if it doesn't say what kind of bananas they are, I might not be able to get them matched because they could be different breeds?

>> No.8140320

If its bananas it should be fine,unless you want organic bananas admatch to the normal banana prices then it won't work.Sorry if I'm confusing you.

>> No.8140565

do you find people living in little forts in the aisles of food like so often seen in movies

>> No.8141046

Not OP but I haven't.
Anyone want to hear crazy/funny stuff that's happened where I work?

>> No.8141113

I am willing.

>> No.8141167

Explain the grocery store hierarchy. What job to the scrubs have? Whats the most luxurious position (besides manager)? What's the most attractive department in your store? Ugliest?

>> No.8141202

>stocking toilet paper aisle with 2 other employees
>customer grabs paper towels & leaves
>comes back a few minutes later,"hey there's dog poop over by the shampoo isle"
>go over to 'guard the spill'
>HUGE pile of poop,me and 2 others giggle and laugh at it,one even snapchats it
>slowly realize its not dog poop,lets the maintenance guy clean it
>they call to do carts,do them and go to get water from break room
>we could all smell the stench from down the baking aisle,do a double take to make sure
>he has shit smeared all down his pants,all of us want to vomit
>tell management,trail him from a distance to make sure nothing else happens
>he goes to self-check and is not to happy that shes wearing gloves while helping him,he leaves without issues
Man the amount of puns I used that day were hilarious,he shat not even 10ft from the bathroom

>> No.8141209

>he goes to self-check and is not to happy that shes wearing gloves while helping him,
W-was it intentional? Did he have some kind of fetish for dirtying things and people?

>> No.8141214

That's sad. My grocery store bakery (Big Y) is DANK.

>> No.8141217

this nigga gets it. Worked as a stocker at costco and a few chain grocery stores. but thank god out of retail now.

>> No.8141237

I have no idea,he may have had poop on his hands and managers say to use gloves when something like that happens.
We don't know if he had HIV and they want us to stay safe.
We think he pooped his pants,pulled them down,continued to shit,pulled them back up and just continued on like it never happened.

>> No.8141304

I have a few others
>working self-check one day a a month or so ago
>old lady riding a motor scooter comes through with an american flag mounted on the back wearing a "make america great again" hat
And another
>this whale of a woman comes by like 2-3 times a month
>ALWAYS arrives buy one of those medical transport bus things
>on a motor scooter thing in a size I never knew existed
>"wait don't those have a weight limit?"
>believe she lays on a twin size mattress mounted on 2 scooters welded together
As a fatty in the process of trying to lose weight this makes me ashamed to be fat

>> No.8141340

I guess it's a matter of those people coming here and absolutely not wanting to integrate. Hate it.

>> No.8141343

Grats on self awareness and self improvement.

>> No.8141346

>old black folk master race

What is it with these coons anyway. It's like they have this magic switch and when they reach age 45 they suddenly go from being the lowest form of animal filth to being the best nicest wisest people you will ever meet. I'm not even racist because it doesn't have anything to do with skin color. I'm strictly talking about behavior.

>> No.8141349

It could be that only the reasonable ones live that long.

>> No.8141351

Thanks,I'm eating better and it really helps that I get a discount on produce.
I've noticed a drop in my weight since I've been working there,I hate eating alot of process stuff and been trying to get my mom to make more homemade stuff.

>> No.8141367

Don't forget the cardio. It's no good to just lose the fat; you gotta replace it with muscle. 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week, and you'll change your whole life. Literally: when you have good cardio-vascular health the world is a different place,.

>> No.8141376

I'll try that,thank you for the advice!

>> No.8141417

Also guys the best time to go buy groceries is around 11am-3pm.
By 5pm-7pm its usually packed as hell and all the discount meat is gone.

>> No.8141549

He's probably keeping loose to sneak dynamite/drugs into jail for someone he knows that's doing time.

>> No.8141562

I worked as a county deputy for a while. Every once in a while a group would come through. Was constantly dealing with their shit. usually moved on after a couple of weeks. They had a hard on for Wal Mart.

>> No.8141962

its nearly back to school time in australia, the absolute worst time to work at the checkouts

>> No.8141988

>would it be possible to work havin no contact at all with coworkers?
Not OP, but I work third shift stocking. Everyone ignores me but the night manager and store manager.

It's nice sometimes, but also sad to be so isolated.

>> No.8141996


my ex girlfriend and I broke up last october. I miss her dearly and think about her quite frequently. She has been recently drunk texting me more and more although I am not sure how to respond. So far, I have been being a little bit more honest with my feelings however I am worried that it is a mistake. We met back up during valentines day last year for a tahoe trip and had a great time with pretty good, intimate, sex. I have been dating a new girl for a few months and this just seems wrong. I like this new girl a lot and she is very good for me. The ex is successful and would promise me virile offspring that could live a really good life between the two of us while the new girl would offer a half-step down in most things. I love them both but the my love for the ex seems to be based more around the time we spent together. I am not too sure what to do and judging by my exs' rhetoric, this will hit a deciding point soon. I always wanted her to grovel back and shut her down but my decision seems more opaque now that it is actually happening. Not quite sure what to do.

My question is: How dirty is the produce actually?
How much effort should one put into washing it?

>> No.8141998

Theyve invaded BART recently. I want to spit on them so badly

>> No.8142019

Not OP but:Not much effort, just scrub it with both hands under cold water to be safe.
My store carries fruit/vegy cleaner and it has instructions on it.

>> No.8142064

because their skin is very sensitive, so the stems have to be individual straightened during processing, needing more labor and time so they don't get punctured and go rotten. Also, the trees they grow on don't have a single harvest season, they have many small harvests throughout the season, again, needing more labor.

>> No.8142554

Worked in a shop before going to uni and once had a woman scanned through a huge shop, then realise she had no cards or money with her. Since we didn't have a line at the time we literally got her to call up her husband at home for the card details, and did it all manually. I didn't even know you could do that.

>> No.8142637

I would classify myself as that one weird fuck that clearly has some sort of problem, but noone can quite figure out what it is

People pretend that I'm not even there all the time, its something that you get used to.

I wish, that would actually make work fun

From top to bottom
>Assistant manager
>Human resources
>Department managers
>customer service managers

That being said, cashiers probably get the most abuse overall.

>> No.8142678

>tfw this has happened to me before
Mobile payment should be a thing already.

>> No.8142722
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Stocker, have you been raged at yet as a result of the migration to chip readers? If so, any good stories?

>> No.8142754

Every fucking day, I fucking hate the chip.

Also, I just got fired today. I called out 4 days in the last 3 months because of illness, and apparently that was too many. Who wants insider information about wal-mart and how to fuck them out of money?

>> No.8142774


holy shit dot indians are so true, I've been in lines more than once held up for ten minutes by some woman dressed up like princess jasmine with her shawl wrapped prune mother haggling over sale prices before deciding one of the vegetables are bruised and walking halfway across the store to replace it and then coming back and asking about the store loyalty card and then being the slowest credit card user on the fucking planet

>> No.8142779

sorry to hear that. Sounds like a not great job, though. I'm sure you'll get something better soon. You seem p smart from this thread.

>> No.8142780

This guy does

>> No.8142786

I work at a pet store and we got the chip reader and it hasn't been so bad. Just takes a little longer but if the customer isn't a retard and has used one before it doesn't take much longer. Though it occasionally asks people for there pin even if the choose credit and they for some reason don't know it so they can't pay.

>> No.8142876

yeah what inside info do you have

>> No.8142896
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>Who wants insider information about wal-mart and how to fuck them out of money?

Lay it on me, brotha. Got a walmart 10 minutes away by foot.

>> No.8142912

jesus christ

>> No.8142916
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>Seven paramedics had to roll her onto two stretchers roped together with electrical tape.

Good lord.

>> No.8142923

Why do they not ban this woman from the store if she's such a huge problem?

>> No.8142990

Discrimination/potential lawsuit I think.

Obese people have very bad emotional control.

>> No.8142994

What the fuck.

>> No.8143024

>harassing & acting in a threatening manor towards employees every time she comes in
That's a reason to ban her,not because 'muh discrimination'

>> No.8143029

I work in the Seafood department of a Grocery Store
ask me anything along with OP

>> No.8143047

Here's what you do, find the gay black crippled employee in your store, station him near her when she comes in. She unloads on him, you scream out "MUH RACSIM, MUH DISCRIMINATION, MUH CIS SCUM"

Boom. Ban that racist, cis scum, ableist bitch for life.

>> No.8143053

How long do you wait before you dispose of product?

>> No.8143057

Are there always worms in the fish?

>> No.8143061

Depends on what it is. If I'm running the department (and typically I am since I'm the manager), then I'll never keep fish in the case for longer than 5 days. If it's on sale then it's guaranteed fresh.

If it smells or even looks slightly off, I toss it. No question.

There are certain fish that are super prone to worms. Typically it's the bottom dwellers that are wild caught.
The worst ones are Amberjack and Hagfish. It's always fun to pull them out when they rear their ugly heads

>> No.8143062

>Depends on what it is. If I'm running the department (and typically I am since I'm the manager), then I'll never keep fish in the case for longer than 5 days. If it's on sale then it's guaranteed fresh.
>If it smells or even looks slightly off, I toss it. No question.

Good man.

>> No.8143066
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not hagfish, Monkfish. Where did I even get hagfish from

>> No.8143070

Almost every time I go to the grocery store, I find something on the shelf that's past its Best By date. Why does this happen?

>> No.8143078

Five days is wayyyyyyy too long for fish to be sitting out bit frozen

>> No.8143095

In my case it's because my co-workers are fucking retarded and don't pull stock from the merchandise case when it's passed due. They don't even bother checking, leaving me to do literally the entire inventory by myself and I can't be at work 24/7, much to the chagrin of my managers

For the rest of the store it's probably because your store is slow and let's face it there's a lot of shit to go through in the average grocery store.

Five days is the absolute limit. Unless the fish is some retarded, over-priced fish that doesn't sell well at all (e.g. Cobia select cuts which are sold by the piece), then we sell it long before 5 days. Even then we try and demo/"give samples" of the fish before 5 days.

here's a tip. Always, always always buy your scallops frozen. They're guaranteed to be fresher than what we have in the case. In fact, the scallops in the case are the exact same as the frozen ones. We just defrost them and put them in there.

>> No.8143147

You let old ladies shortchange you AND give them change back? WHere do you work so I can make money off you and your cashiers?

>> No.8143155

There's a Jewish guy who looks like a perfect caricature of a Happy Merchant sans-yamaka who comes in whenever we have tuna for sale.

Typically our tuna sells for $7-$10 per steak. We also have something called "tuna nuggets" which are smaller pieces we cut from the steaks. We never sell tuna nuggets because they sell for $2.99.

Every fucking time we have tuna for sale this guy does the same exact thing
>curls his lip
>looks from the tuna to me a few times
>says "Dat toona theyah... it's lookin' a bit...blecghkch..."
>smudges the case from jabbing it at every word
>the tuna looks fine, bright and rosy like it should be
>"Yoah nat gonna be able tah sell dat soon. I'll buy it from yah if yah cut it inta nuggets for me"
>blah blah "I can't make that call sir I'll have to ask my manager"
>Walk to my manager, he already knows exactly why I'm coming in
>Shoot the shit
>Go back
>"Sorry sir, my manager says I can't do that."
>"Shoah ya can, just don't tell 'im!"
>"Sorry, but what my manager says goes. What else can I help you with today?"
>Gives me a look of contempt only a jew who was denied a deal could muster up
>Skulks away
every fucking time
even when I had literally put the tuna in no less than an hour prior, he still says it looks off.

>> No.8143160

forgot trip, friendly sage

>> No.8143194

You should just be like "now that you've expressed your interest in this piece of fish I have no incentive to lower its price"

>> No.8143256

>phonetically spelling out the jew york """"""""""""""""""english"""""""""""""""" pronunciation
It's yarmulke. Not yamaka. Yarmulke.
((Yard -D) + (Mulch - CH) + (Keks - KS)) = Yarmulke.

>> No.8143462

no one care

>> No.8143508


>> No.8143971


>> No.8145878
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do you guys regularly erase/change expiration dates like us guys at the warehouse and delivery side of things

>> No.8145915

Can I ask the roticery to make vegan versions of their food for me? Thanks

>> No.8145921

No, because the packages start to bloat

>> No.8145927

do you lock your dumpsters or can ppl dumpster dive?

>> No.8146007

If you are working corp though they have to go through their devision to do that kind of thing and that normally means conducting an investigation, a union member can be there kind of like a lawyer to call out bullshit, give you information, and advise you. they aren't going to make or break you in most situations but they are going to give you an edge you wouldn't otherwise have.

>> No.8146012

I pull the shitty outer leaves of the lettuce or cabbage off before I bag them and throw the waste in those bins you guys leave lying around. Is this not strictly allowed? No one ever comments but I've yet to see other people do it.

>> No.8146022

technically speaking you are stealing as those items are sold by weight. I dont know why anyone isn't stopping you, if its a local grocery nobody cares, if its corporate someone is going to get mushroom stamped for letting you do that.

>> No.8146040

>technically speaking you are stealing as those items are sold by weight.
Well, I'm throwing the shitty parts away, not keeping them. Everyone throws them away at home anyway.

I've noticed the produce workers go through the fresh herb packets and throw away rotting/dried out leaves. These packets are priced and marked by weight. They don't get weighed at the register. Is this stealing from whatever schmuck buys that packet of mint?

>if its corporate
idk what this means, I do it at farm fresh and food lion. Would a regional HQ actually notice or care about someone regularly throwing away <20 cents worth of useless produce?

If these "corporate" places want my shekels so bad they would do well to set up a discount stand like the independent azn markets do otherwise no one is going to buy their overpriced rotting fruits and veg. Or would that video late health codes?

>> No.8146059

I don't bag my produce (like cabbages and shit) unless I'm getting a bunch of a single item. Is that weird?

I just hate having a billion fucking little bags to throw away.

>> No.8146073

Same here. If its something where I'm removing the skin/outer leaves anyways, I dont need to waste plastic to bag it.

>> No.8146098

there is only 1 kind of banana. bananas are a clone plant and all commercially grown bananas are the exact same.

>> No.8146121
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lol you're fucking wrong, there are fuck tons of different varieties.
There is one primary commercial cultivar for big ass, bland, yellow bananas but just because it's the most common doesn't mean shit.

Also red bananas > bland yellow bullshit

>> No.8146324

why are you human garbage? Have you fucked any of the teen cashiers/baggers? If you could have any real job what would it be (be realistic)?

>> No.8146336

>idk what this means, I do it at farm fresh and food lion. Would a regional HQ actually notice or care about someone regularly throwing away <20 cents worth of useless produce?
it means that they are a huge company and are extremely no fun allowed, observing everything kind of thing, exactly the kind of company that would fire you for eating something they where going to throw away and then charge you for stealing if they thought you had anything to take. it has nothing to do with sense or logic. its exactly the kind of motivation that makes DRM a thing despite how fucking pointless it is.

>> No.8146533

If it's less than 10 bucks, the loss prevention won't do shit, so stealing is easy. Also the loss prevention only have a 4 hour online course for training, so most dont know how to do shit.

You can generally get a cashier to give you a discount if you are polite. If it's less than 20 bucks off per item, we can do it without a manager.

If you want something cheaper, just fuck up the packaging and take something out of it, and then take it to customer service and claim you found it like this and you want to buy it, but you want a discount. 9 out of 10 tine you'll get it for 30% off.

They don't actually check your receipt unless you have a big ticket item like a tv.

If you have a blue polo and black slacks, no one looks at you twice, not even employees, so use that to your advantage

No one watches the cameras.

They only call the cops for stolen credit cards, stealing electronics, and sometimes for counterfeit money.

They dont train the cashiers how to spot Fake money.

>> No.8146539

Do you hate asking "how are you doing?" as much as I hate being asked it?

>> No.8146540
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How did you know?

>> No.8146550

How much have you stolen so far?

>> No.8146553

A soda and a case of beer that was on the bottom of my cart. I was going to buy the beer, but the cashier didn't notice it so I didn't say shit

>> No.8146618

>If its something where I'm removing the skin/outer leaves anyways, I dont need to waste plastic to bag it.
Dude why are you letting yourself get cabbagecucked? Peel that shit off and bag it

Fuck yeah red bananas are the best. Wish they were more popular in the US than the cavendish, for now they are considered exotic and as such there's a premium price. They gotta be just about brown before their peak though. My old roommates would give me shit for eating "rotten bananas" until they tried some.

I guess the stores are corporate, though they aren't national. Whatever they're in a 75% black part of town I get the feeling nobody there cares enough to notice or stop me.

>> No.8146678

>>WIC is basically welfare, but with checks for what your allowed to buy
>>e.g. the most common check is for one gallon of milk, a pound of peanut butter, 12 eggs, and a half pound of cheese

does anyone ever get rice, beans and potatoes? I imagine that'll last quite a while

>> No.8146693
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>> No.8146721

>They gotta be just about brown before their peak though.
I don't really like over ripe bananas honestly, for the basic cavendish I eat them about 50/50 green yellow. Reds as long as they're not stiff, though the reds definitely hold up to ripening was better, they never get that mushy cloyingly sweet taste like the yellows, plus they actually have a flavor instead of tasting like cardboard.

They're 99¢/lb around here which didn't seem too bad until I realized I was paying like 3x as much as the yellow bananas lol. Worth it though.

>> No.8146723

>does anyone ever get rice, beans and potatoes? I imagine that'll last quite a while
Of course not, poor people, in general, are fucking retarded.

>> No.8146767

Damn that thing is thick

>> No.8146805

Great story

>> No.8146813

My ex gets wic, it's cool to get help like that. We would get everything on the check and I would cook it. The store would have labels under the food that was wic approved, we never had trouble. Sounds like your store is ran by fucking idiots.

>> No.8146848
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>tfw doing the price match thing then giving the difference in cash to the employee 'cause I'm just desperate for human interaction and bored, and not because I need to save money

>> No.8147172

>My ex gets wic, it's cool to get help like that.
Yeah dysgenics is really cool :) incentivizing women to fuck dudes who can't even feed their own kids is cool.

>> No.8147617

Not OP but I had to work at a grocery store for a year once and WIC is purely fat single mothers who are also often coalburners/shitskins.
They were also ALWAYS loud and arrogant and tried to buy organic milk and all kinds of dumb shit.
Any woman that is a single mother is the most putrid type of human excrement, and if you actually needed that as a couple, then I'm sure you're both lazy welfare-mooching subhumans.
Thankfully you probably have tattoos or poor oral hygiene so it's easy to mark you as low-IQ peasants and keep my distance from you as a decent and functional human being.

>> No.8147652

sounds like a perfectly acceptable way to make a woman useful

>> No.8148906

Any QT girls?

>> No.8148936
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Not OP but a lot of the cashiers where I work are qt3.14's

>> No.8148952

a guy I know says the only difference between different grades of ground beef is how many times you run it through the grinder. Is this true?

>> No.8149596

no. At least where I work, the different types are made from grinding different cuts of varying quality.

the higher the quality of the cut, the higher the quality of the ground beef.

>> No.8150250

He probably gets a kick out of people finding his shitty hotdog leftovers.

>> No.8150305

>weird hidden things in the store
Give us some examples m8

>> No.8150324

>what is a wordfilter

>> No.8150368


this is a lie, because hotdogs are too soft to go up your ass.


>> No.8150369

You'll have to ass-kiss. Not literally, but you know what I'll mean when you experience it for yourself.

Any person the owner/managers hate, you hate. You will encounter constant doublethink nearly every hour you're there for. Escapees from the nearest home will slowly walk into the store that they have been shopping at for years and ask for shit that they know damn well where it is, but they only want conformation from you because it helps them know that their end isn't looming anytime soon.

>> No.8150499
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How aware are you guys of creepshotters? Do you even care?

>> No.8150572

Either you live in a rich neighborhood or you're retarded. All stores are run by idiots. My manager, I shit you now, had an office decorated with goddamn dolphin posters/cutouts. Like the shit you'd expect on a kindergarten classroom wall. Also a twilight poster and an avatar (pocahontas smurfs) poster.

Fuck working in stores.

>> No.8151931

What's the most commonly purchased food item?

>> No.8151940

Generally, canned chili and jars of chicken fat.

>> No.8151960


>Asians so far from worst

Maybe it's just because you cashier/stock shelves but Asians in any scenario where they can haggle or fight over specifics (meat/seafood/prepared foods) are universally hated by anyone and everyone that has to deal with them

>> No.8152025

Why is there so much gossip, it seems, in grocery stores?