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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8128013 No.8128013 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to Patti's kitchen, on this episode we will be doing food stuff and getting dickered, please join us!

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along,
bake-along, drink-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread

last thread >>8074717

>> No.8128025

that cat looks lean

>> No.8128031

That cat has a better life than I do.

>> No.8128034
File: 521 KB, 600x527, octocatgurumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the man (woman?) with the kitties?

>> No.8128038
File: 2.06 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160923_032338275-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 i assure you she is highly marbled, that is the wagyu of cats right there

k so i need to do a few dishes and im still deciding what imma do with this shit, this is gonna be a slow sunday cookalong srry

i baked a bunch of chicken i didnt want in the freezer a few days ago

>> No.8128044
File: 2.91 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160923_032758474-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it is feeding a whole family for days

me too m8

pic very related :)

>> No.8128049

You are using the veggie cutting table to cut meat. Are you crazy?

>> No.8128088

I appreciate your cat's manners everytime I see him next to meat just patiently waiting.

>> No.8128106


Are you Patti or is that the cat

>> No.8128127

> 8700x4893

that is so unnecessary dude

where'd you get that coconut drink with the bits floating around in it

>> No.8128185

Jarritos is good shit. I've never had their cola though. And the cats are cute as fuck

>> No.8128430


ayy op good to see you back, you are the one constant in my life

>> No.8128471 [DELETED] 


how fucking based can one op be

>> No.8128583
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OP you seem to pick up a lot of meat on the cheap. is it because you're a texasfag? I'm in nj and don't usually see prices that good. I don't even shop at high end stores either.

>> No.8128670
File: 221 KB, 1600x900, P_20160925_143608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw in the previous thread that an anon cooked a couple of these Cornish game hens. Instead of cutting the midget chicky into pieces I will be cooking these whole.

>> No.8128723
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Here is the brine the bad boys are currently marinating in. The marinade was made at 2:30 PM.
I'm considering baking or grilling one tonight and whatever method I use tonight I will use the opposite tomorrow after 24 hours of marination. And at 6 PM I began marinating a sirloin steak and a rib eye steak. This means within the hour I should probably start cooking them, even though they aren't for me.

So if anyone has any suggestions I'm open. Broil or grill?

>> No.8128726 [DELETED] 

Do you have a cat?

>> No.8128738


what are you on about

>> No.8128745 [DELETED] 

Patti is laying on a collection of one of the best comics ever. one of the few newspaper comics that are actually hilarious.

>> No.8128750


oh good eye, i know far side it's a great comic

looked all over the pic for far side stuff didn't see anything

>> No.8128758 [DELETED] 
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just made these homemade donuts

>> No.8128858
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As a matter of fact, I do. Her name is Loli.

>> No.8128917
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>> No.8128922
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This is Noobs, The Elder.

>> No.8128972
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This might be the cutest series of kot pictures yet

>> No.8129045
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srry yous fellers i had a lot of stuff to do, so getting the dry rub together now

im unstable

she knows the rules

maybe both?

got the drinks at fiesta, pretty good and cheap


lol wondered if anyone would catch that

Im curious what u do i can get those birds pretty cheap


>> No.8129139

Himalayan Pink Salt, nice.
This is my first time cooking these little chickys.
But with any poultry you can do just about the same stuff. Though with this bird being game I bet you can find some interesting game recipes you can substitute with these birds. Joy of Cooking recommends a currant jelly or rice filling, which is what I will hopefully be doing, but instead I will probably use the jelly for some croissants.
I haven't eaten this bird before either. So after I try them, you know. I'll know what to do better next time.
I'll probably coat one with oil and flour, and a little salt and pepper if I don't glaze it with butter while baking (or grilling). Because I want this bird to be juicy af.
You could braise the birds if you wanted. That looked like an interesting method of cooking. That, and smoking.

>> No.8129159
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With their size you could easily deep fry them whole. That would be an awesome thing to do. I was almost tempted to deep fry one but I have faith in my brine and grill, so I'm waiting until tomorrow to do anything.

I've seen your threads on here often btw, here's a little /ck/ something that came with the Information Library I thought I'd share.

>> No.8129178
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deep frying one whole sounds interesting, the small fragile bones is annoying

m8 i honestly thought the price was a bit high and when i opened it up i saw there is more ribs under the slab

you must get this silver skin shit off or yer ribs are not great, its annoying but important

>> No.8129195
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dry rub activated

also i have bought 1 artichoke, I have never messed with it was looking through recipes if anyone has an easy suggestion id be interested, i have a idea i guess if nothing else

>> No.8129221
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Hey OP, glad to see you and Patti are back.

Made this nice ham and corn chowder for a camping trip this weekend. Turned out really well!

>> No.8129231
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>falling for the Himalayan pink salt meme

>> No.8129233
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Another pic. I went camping with my folks cuz it was my moms 60th bday.

>> No.8129288

Eyy! Teen mom! I wondered how she was

>> No.8129895
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so got these bout done in the oven

>> No.8129898
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so trying a different recipe than id usually do, imma finish them on the grill but imma chill em first so to not dry them out on the grill

i have a few other things to prepare anyways im in no rush please be patient

>> No.8129899
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gonna bake some more freezer burnt meat for kittys, its helping me clean out the freezer desu

>> No.8129935
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My internet went out in phone posting fuck everything

This shits over cooked but I doubt there will be complaints if I chop it fine enough

>> No.8129944
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no complaints

>> No.8129957


I can't remember, are you from Houston or San Diego? Probably Houston if you've never cooked an arti, cuz SD is the arti capitol of the world. Anyhoo, I prefer to steam mine whole until the outer leaves fall off easily. Mix up some mayo, minced garlic, and some rice wine vinegar and dip the leaves in that and slather it all over the heart when you get to it...Nice kot! Btw, did you know that all calico's are female?

>> No.8129962
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peeled some potato

please do not bully the small tater

>> No.8129966
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im in houston, and yes that makes sense cuz my 'choke looks like a skinny clown compared to the ones in recipes, ill probably do what you said its like a recipe i was looking at, ill sub balsalmic vinegar tho i dont have rice vin.

and yeah male calico's are just extremely rare, I know Texas A&M would pay like $2000 about 20 years ago for one

>> No.8129975

Smorgasbord fit for royalty kitties served family style, warms my cold alcoholic heart so much

>> No.8129983
File: 433 KB, 688x731, 2016-09-26 03_36_27-_ck_ - fml - Food & Cooking - 4chan - Comodo IceDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also google is going full retard lately, they thought a paper plate stuck on a fence was a sign yesterday too


>> No.8129984

Look at dat wee tater, picked up a few with yesterday thinking of making half into chippies and the rest into mashed form
Lately been cutting new potatoes in half giving them a good rub down with oil and broiling them skin on with a few cloves of garlic they've been great

>> No.8129986

The tunes are dank OP are you the anon who shared the Oneofakind remix of the Bastion theme?

>> No.8129996

Whew, laddy, you did a lot a work on that arti! Us SoCalians just throw 'em in a pot, thorns and all.

>> No.8130001
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the internet made me do it m8 i swear

alright bout to do 45 things at once might be a minute

>> No.8130005


Those some nice fucking cattes, all fluffy and cute.

Also thank you for reminding me to bake my chicken I don't want to go bad, I threw it in the slow cooker instead but that felt...it worked but like baking would be easier.


What a shrimpy tater. What a lil baby tater. He going to cry to mommy idaho?

>> No.8130014
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these are the last of my potat's, will pick up more soon

thanks i dont think im that guy unless it was screwed and chopped

pls no bully

>pic is nuggers with franks and honey im busy

>> No.8130019

OP how do u get ur nugs to come out less greasy?
pls help me because the breading on mine always comes out a lil bad n ends up givin me heartburn

>> No.8130027
File: 733 KB, 2240x1344, 20160925_005551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder to all of you enjoying this thread: You could be in the Riverside county jail eating this. I took it this evening, and this is an actual meal served to the inmates. The "meat" isn't even real, it's soy based.

>> No.8130042
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m8 i would murk that meal right now, bet that carrot raison salad is dank, looks better than harris county

tbqh anon im constantly experimenting with fried chicken constantly changing variables trying to get that shit right, that batch was done in veg shortening, to answer yer question ive started using a wire baking rack witha paper towel under it, shake some oil off when you take it out, salt it, put it on the rack, ill pat the top a bit with a napkin wait a minute flip em and pat em again, i really dont want greasy ass chicken so ya gotta just experiment

>> No.8130045

I spent as coupl'a years down south of H-town in Kemah workin' for the man shooting off rockets at the Cape. Had me a sailboat berthed at a marina in Clear Lake. Good times, that. The pussy juice flowed liked nectar once the girls saw the boat. Used to catch blue crabs off the stern with a chicken neck. Damn, I miss those days...

>> No.8130051

>being anywhere in Riverside county by choice
even Temecula is shit now, why bother?

>> No.8130070

ur the best OP, gonna go choke the chicken while i think of all the good tendies i could be making

>> No.8130096


I live in Palm Springs. My kids were born here. I love this town.

>> No.8130262
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ghetto steamer

>> No.8130264
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mash in progress

>> No.8130266
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>> No.8130276
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gonna be pretty honest, it was food, the ribs werent like i wanted, i could not find an edible part on the artichoke despite 2 how to vids, I either overcooked it or i fell for a meme, the mash was on point, the beer was not great

2/10 would not bang

>> No.8130317

Not quite sure how Buffalo Bayou or No Label are still in business, their beer is pretty awful.

What'd you cook the ribs at in the oven?

>> No.8130335

artichoke looks undercooked no? they normally flower open a bit more

>> No.8130365

dude, you have to peel away nearly all the artichoke to eat it, you dont just eat the green leaves
watch pepin's video on preparing and eating them if ya want

>> No.8130371

heres the pepin vid, even tho he looks like he'd cop it hard in a french fag brothel, the man knows how to cook

>> No.8130458
File: 2.99 MB, 3072x2304, artichoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>8130335
when i make them i just boil the whole thing in salted lemon water until it is more done that what you have (basically until it is fairly dark green and the stem spot is softish and the outer leaves pull off easily), and eat the flesh off the bottoms of the leaves down to the heart, then devour that as well.

>> No.8130526

>all this artichoke stuff
I'm sure people are going to hate this but:
cook the entire thing, thorns and all, in a pressure cooker, serve with melted butter to dip the leaves in

>and eat the flesh off the bottoms of the leaves down to the heart, then devour that as well.

exactly, if fully cooked you can literally use your teeth to scrape the flesh from the leaves

>> No.8131221
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hi /ck/ I'm drunk

>> No.8131225
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fuck now I have to rotate them all

>> No.8131231
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anyway some stuff from this week

>> No.8131234
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I give up on rotation

>> No.8131241
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ooooh, of course it works when I don't do anything

>> No.8131244
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this one is not from this week

>> No.8131245
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neither is this. sorry for instagram anons, my food, not my picture

>> No.8131281
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>> No.8131656

imo buffalo bayou and no label have some decent beers, this was not one of them tho, i did like 350f for about an hour then 300 for another 1.5ish hours

i may give it another shot sometime

>> No.8131678
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This bitch is ready to cook, as is the other one.
Now you can't see it, but this bitch is filled with a Jalapeno Pepper Jelly and Honey stuffing. The stuff on the outside of the plate is just swirls of flour and vegetable oil, which is later replaced with a pool of melted butter glaze.

>> No.8131684
File: 243 KB, 1600x900, P_20160926_144219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add some croissants and scrambled eggs with that silly little sauce art on the side (sriracha).

>But wait! Weren't there two?

>> No.8131692
File: 239 KB, 1600x900, P_20160926_152300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep fry the mother fucker.

>> No.8131706
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This was one of the tastiest things I've ever had in my life. I know it's hard to express just how seriously juicy and savory this meat turned out to be over the internet. So you guys are just going to have to trust me on this.

I plan to eat pic related tomorrow or tonight with some currant jelly on the side and maybe some kind of veggie dish, or maybe hushpuppies.

>> No.8131736


looks good anonkuns

>> No.8131787
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Fucksake it looks degrading for the chicken all splayed out like that. Cook it on its back and give it some dignity forchrisakes

>> No.8131904

I know I was mashed more than them taters when I heard it, made the comedown mad pleasant

>> No.8132886

Gotdam looks good anon


>> No.8132982

m8 this looks dank gonna have to do this, did you try to carve it or just rip it up caveman style?

was gonna cook something but mondays are shit Im pooped gonna eat some leftover beans and watch a show and deuce out, will cook tomorrow

>> No.8134179

looks tasty

>> No.8134822

this one does not look cooked

>> No.8134827


>> No.8136234


>> No.8136242

>i did like 350f for about an hour then 300 for another 1.5ish hours

I bought a half rack of St. Louis spare ribs on a whim, a little over 1 1/2 pounds. Planning on doing them in the oven at 300 for 45 minutes or so with a little beer for moisture and go from there until they're done. I have mixed emotions about pork ribs. They can be damn tasty and it's fun to gnaw meat off the bone but after an experience, I'm done for a while and don't want to eat them again.

>> No.8136429
File: 2.20 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160928_035353042-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need some fried chicken in my life

just bought some buttermilk and left it in a backpack for a day and a half, so im gonna make ghetto buttermilk with some vinegar and milk

>> No.8136472
File: 1.83 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160928_041249318-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is real food porn


>> No.8136473
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>> No.8136476
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makin my marinade with the faux buttermilk an egg, some pickled pepper juice, llouisiana hot sauce and a little salt

>> No.8136477
File: 1.90 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160928_045349835-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now imma put this in the fridge and eat some leftovers, ill finish this at lunch

>> No.8136841

Oh shit homie did you forget to cook that fucking thing before you ate it?

>> No.8136847

Ghetto buttermilk is all I use at work. No benefit to shelling out more bux when you can make it yourself. idk if there's a difference using it for frying but there's no difference when you're baking with it.

>> No.8137453
File: 2.29 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160928_155216564-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I;m thinking bout thos chicken

>> No.8137532
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im in a hurry so an easy side


>> No.8137535
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there is nothing healthy about what im about to do

>> No.8137597
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Game time

>> No.8137611

hello fello tx bro

>> No.8137654
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>> No.8137653 [DELETED] 

hope she saves you some.

>> No.8137725
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>> No.8137758
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>tfw you can't eat cuz u waiting on the one piece that wouldn't fit in the pan

>> No.8137775

Can you guys please post some more /ck/ cats?

>> No.8138002
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I cook with him a lot. He's sleeping now.

>> No.8138180
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Was good

>> No.8138196

nice work, always appreciate your seeing your threads. thanks!

>> No.8138224

he deep fries it in the next post

>> No.8138228

bless you HEB/Central Market and your bulk spice selections

>> No.8138498
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Now you have me craving sprouts.

Tonight is a "clear the pantry and fridge and freezer" type night. Actually getting chilly here tonight, so I'm making a soup my mom used to make for occasions like this.

Vegetable beef soup. Kind of.

>> No.8138509
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1475120151172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown meat. Add onion and celery next (and carrots if you have them. I have some in a frozen veggie mix I'll use tonight).

Kitty is too busy stuffing his face with dinner to look at the camera.

>> No.8138587
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1475121700760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once onions are translucent, add garlic. Cook til it smells good.

Drinking Easy Jack after finishing the Ayinger Urweisse

>> No.8138600
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1475121771274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add frozen veggies. I have these 2,gonna use half of each bag. I've used potatoes before too.

Have 3-4 cups of water standing by. And some beef bullion/concentrate. Or use beef broth if you happen to have some.

>> No.8138606

Added some spaghetti sauce (you can use just tomato sauce, but meatless sauce at least has a few more seasonings), and a can of Rotel or diced tomatoes, whatever is on hand. Water/broth, black, white, and crushed red pepper, oregano, bay leaves.

>> No.8138609
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>> No.8138756
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Done. Simple, cheap, not that glamorous. Served with sourdough

>> No.8139255

that actually looks really good right now

>> No.8139722

Very nice, we've got a nice drizzle going on atm here in Philadelphia, soup might be good tonight.

>> No.8139746

I recall that you tried a couple of methods to make fries. What was the best method?

>> No.8140364

would eat

>> No.8140640
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Thanks guys, here's mine

>> No.8140656


Looks good. Nice and easy too. I swear the veg prep sometimes keeps me from launching into a stew like that

>> No.8140706
File: 146 KB, 486x831, cat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods are asleep, post /ck/ats

>> No.8140716


>> No.8140727
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Cat is the only cure

>> No.8140735
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>> No.8140774

>I wonder how long ago those furballs were in their litter boxes, flinging their turds around before they hopped on your counters next to you food.

>> No.8140848
File: 210 KB, 2170x1851, catto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evil deranged cat

>> No.8140859

and /ck/ots

>> No.8140893

I have those same glasses

>> No.8140961

You should check the stats for human fecal matter around your kitchen sink.
You probably have tiny unseen particles of your own feces all over your face.

>> No.8141044

>Kelley's Honey
>Not Walker Honey Farm honey
Pffft... Pleb.

Btw you ever tried Texian beer? Charlie foxtrot is fucking delicious.

>> No.8141551

Who ya eating with?

>> No.8141635
File: 2.19 MB, 4160x2340, 0929162216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy kitty.
Not much prep, just the onion, celery, and garlic. Rest is frozen.

>> No.8142184
File: 1.97 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160930_051426955-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been up all night attempting to fix stuff, so went to whaterburger, it looks meh but it was a bit better than meh

>> No.8142186
File: 2.66 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160930_241113227-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also counterfeit gummi bears

>> No.8142192
File: 34 KB, 720x960, clancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're posting out kots, here's mine...

>> No.8142194

There is never a bad time for Whataburger.

>> No.8142214
File: 52 KB, 960x720, clancy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he ded...

>> No.8142226

how old is this my god its got 3 teeth

>> No.8142239
File: 312 KB, 2048x1536, clancy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, probably close to 10 at this point.

>> No.8142297
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>> No.8142801
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posting in kot thread

>> No.8143635
File: 2.52 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20160924_214620858-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna drop a few picks from last weekend while thread was dead

me and a drunk friend decided this when our original plans were interupted

>> No.8143638
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>> No.8143645
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>> No.8143650
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the luther

i would be lying if i said it wasnt fucking delicious, no condiments, meat chz bacon donuts, the donuts were generic and it was still damn good

>> No.8143838
File: 84 KB, 960x720, sndrbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I finally got around to making those St. Louis style spare ribs. (with southwest bbq sprinkles)

>> No.8143845

>8944-60(...).jpg (2.08 MB, 6000x3375)
>2.08 MB
cook with cats

are you trailer trash ?

>> No.8143850
File: 107 KB, 960x720, sliced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't exactly tender but they weren't as chewy as I thought they could be. The seasoning was pretty good, as well. ZANGY!

>> No.8143890

Found the autist who complains about image size on every fucking /ck/ and /a/ thread he can.

Get a better fucking toaster. My 3 year old smartphone can load those dimensions just fine. There is even limit on size and OP is just halfway there for Christ sake.

>> No.8144941
File: 3.73 MB, 8000x4500, IMG_20161001_051018088-8000x4500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just soome leftovers tonight will do something later today

>> No.8145026

>Justifying toxoplasma gondii

Enjoy your mental illness

>> No.8145033

That's a fine orange kitty

>> No.8145038 [DELETED] 

never change my love.

>> No.8145078
File: 3.50 MB, 8000x4500, IMG_20161001_070108644-8000x4500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made the kitters some chicken, kitters fuckin love chicken

>> No.8145099
File: 28 KB, 600x800, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99 proof peach liquor
Sweet jesus yes.

>> No.8145898

>delicious food
>the Far Side

There's not a single thing about the OP image that I don't like.

>> No.8146023

You must think clowns are slaughtering everyone because one mainstream media source and your buddy on Facebook mentioned it.

Think for yourself and read a bit.
Here is an article explaining correlation logical fallacy and media hype skewing results.

For clarification my cat is not allowed on my counters because he has a food problem and eats anything edible (and some unedible) until he sometimes vomits. =(

>> No.8146063


How is Teen Mom Slut kitty doing? She looks well.

>> No.8146672
File: 1.54 MB, 2560x1920, 1001161332c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else have a chinese waifu who makes them lunch every weekend and buffet during the week?

>> No.8146708 [DELETED] 

Yeah I call her New Tak Luck

>> No.8146736

Choose tamarind Jarritos

>> No.8146799

Is she fat and ugly?

>> No.8146804

her daughter is

>> No.8147494


>> No.8147613
File: 91 KB, 702x397, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stolen habanero powder?

That mama cat is over the moon for you, I think.

>> No.8147633

I like to pick out some organic veggies at the grocer and then use the U-scan and enter them as the cheaper non-organic variant

I'll hopefully have some pics later today. I like to make enchiladas on sunday once a month. Please look forward to it.

>> No.8148901
File: 2.44 MB, 7420x4173, IMG_20161001_205846531-7420x4173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autismo post incoming:


this looks dank

m8 really I just make sure to double fry sometimes triple fry them if im not happy with the crispiness, i used to do 1 fry then stick them in the freezer for 10 or 20 minutes then do a second fry, make sure the oils hot on second fry. really id say just experiment with different methods and fry thicknesses to find what you like most

aw sheeiit, needs mor food on cats lol

>his cat doesn't give itself showers daily

i got that honey cuz it was decent honey on sale, i dont use a ton of honey, waiting on my buddy to start harvesting his bee hive too. I have never tried that beer i think ive seen it

i tend to only eat it after 3am but its good stuff usually

look pretty good

lol its too sweet for me

she is alright its about time to get these kittens out of here

married to the game friend

theyre all pretty good i try not to drink too many sodas

i am usually not a thief i accidentally put in the wrong code and realized when i got home, i got em for like 75 cents, crime does pay m8, and yeah shes gonna get a reality check when the kittens are relocated, ill feed her but probably not gonna be getting baked chicken every night

am looking forward to, I been wanting to try making enchiladas wat filling you do?

here is a torta cubanos from a place i went to with a friend lastnight, was really good couldnt finish it

>> No.8149296

You're a good man OP.
I'll raise a toast to the dogstar this evening for all you Texas cats.

>> No.8149311

I don't even have an account on kikebook. But justify your nasty animal to make yourself feel better. You are probably an overly emotional female that not only lets your turd flinger near your food, but in your bed an on your furniture as well...filthy. When did millennial girls become such pigs?

And nice cherry picked source. Why do you think pregnant women are advised against scooping cat litter? I would be redundant for your benefit and tell you to enjoy your mental illness...but obviously I'm too late.

>> No.8149668
File: 3.22 MB, 7420x4173, IMG_20161002_134126581-7420x4173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bout to go to the store i want to try something new i have a few ideas if i get any suggestions i might roll with it i feel very uninspired

>made kitters a special casserole

>> No.8149909

Make gumbo. I made some today, nothing like spending 45 minutes stirring roux and sipping beer to relieve stress. For me, anyhow. Still on the stove bubbling away for another hour.

>> No.8150057
File: 1.31 MB, 2008x2244, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lots of walnuts but I never eat them by themselves, so I figured I'd make a delicious mushroom soup using a recipe I found online (at walnuts.com, no less!) The ingredients are as follows:

> 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil (I used closer to 2)
>1 pound fresh mushrooms
>2/3 cup finely chopped shallots (I couldn't find shallots so I use a small onion + 1 clove of garlic
>1 can (14 ounces) regular strength chicken broth (I used the gel stuff you get in a jar)
>1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
>1 cup walnuts
>1/2 cup milk
>Salt and pepper to taste.

Let's get started. First, I chopped the onion and sauteed it in the oil.

>> No.8150059
File: 1.04 MB, 2056x2116, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Next, I chopped up the mushrooms and added it to the onions after they cooked for around 10 minutes (I wanted to get a little sweetness out of them)

>> No.8150064
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x2240, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was at this point I realized I should have added the garlic before the mushrooms so that they could cook in the oil at a higher temp. I found this worked as a compromise.

>> No.8150070
File: 1.21 MB, 2048x2272, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Next I blended the walnuts in the milk. I added a little extra water so that it would slide out easier and none was wasted.

>> No.8150073
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x2240, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After adding the walnut puree to the soup, I turned up the heat and added the chicken "broth" and thyme.

>> No.8150076
File: 640 KB, 2048x1152, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Time to get a boil going to reduce out some of the excess water...

>> No.8150078
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And after some salt and pepper, we are done! I served this with some grated parmesan on top. It came out pretty good, but I think I could have reduced it even more so. I have more now so there is a bright side.

>> No.8150111

Looks tasty!

>> No.8150177
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i would like to try that I cant stand the texture of mushrooms but id like to find a way to like them besides fried with ranch

got some groceries and was forced to try these tacos de trompo, i rate them a 5/10 but only $1 a piece

>> No.8150185


The texture remained pretty...mushroomy still. Try finding a recipe that blends them up. I think I originally was going to use a recipe that blended the end result but I wanted some texture.

Your pic looks good, what's the sauce made of?

>> No.8150248
File: 3.18 MB, 7420x4173, IMG_20161003_241705251-7420x4173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably tomatillos, the cucumber onion mix in the bottom right was insanely spicy

ok here the groceries i got dont judge me

>> No.8150260
File: 620 KB, 1888x2396, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Oh the human is back with more food
>I smell beef
>Maybe I can sneak some onto the floor while he plays with all those round things he bought
>Ah fuck he's holding that rectangle in front of my face again
>Better play it cool for the time being
>I'm gonna have so much meat

>> No.8150272 [DELETED] 

The texture issue comes up often with mushrooms, I think some of that comes from improperly cooked shrooms, to be honest. They require care that most recipes never afford them in the first place because they aren't in fact a vegetable even though most recipes treat them as such.

I got over the texture from eating a lot of raw mushrooms and appreciating their spongeliness, as well as learning how to properly cook them. Sauteed in foamy butter properly, and flambeed with cognac makes them a fucking delicacy. You have to brown them properly and cook off the moisture that they'll give off initially, so for many recipes I actually cook the mushrooms separately and add them in later (i.e. for Bourguignon). Mushrooms have a huge variety of applications though, there are myriad ways to utilize them. I've seen dried porcinis used to dust a plate before and it worked.

>> No.8150302
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>> No.8150430
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to the person that deleted all their posts, come back m8 i needs ya pls dont go m80

>> No.8150441
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>> No.8150468
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'cumber salad

>> No.8150725
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>> No.8150739
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>> No.8150748
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Was good had an extra chop

>> No.8150935

So many buzzwords
>not building up your immune system by living in filth
Do you even want to be there to repopulate after omniresistant bacteria decimate our species ?

>> No.8151708

I linked a study (not obscure, it was a NYT link referencing a USA University stufy) about how the risk of scooping litter to women was exaggerated.

But keep dropping those buzzwords, you OCD faggot who makes himself sicker by living with zero bacteria.

>> No.8151754

>Hiroshimoot complains we're consuming too much bandwidth
>OP always posts these massive fucking pictures of his cat

Optimize your images, OP, please.

>> No.8151764
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>> No.8151771

>563 KB, 7420x4173
i ain´t even mad

>> No.8151777

looks like shit. you should make them as large as allowed.

>> No.8151817
File: 1.56 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8151831

Ancient grains noodles. Fresh jalapeño, and ranch dipping sauce from dominos. Fresh carrots, and beans. Salsa.

>> No.8152051

vacuum your fucking carpet

>> No.8153433

is that orange peel?

>> No.8153991
File: 3.69 MB, 8500x4781, IMG_20161004_053107943-8500x4781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some cake donuts for dinner call the police

>> No.8153999
File: 3.20 MB, 8500x4781, IMG_20161004_054053278-8500x4781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the recipe i used it is easy but super easy was is pushing it, next time i will try yeast donuts this is my intro to donuts

it said to cream the shortening until smooth i am not julia childs so i just mixed it real good

>> No.8154006
File: 3.11 MB, 8500x4781, IMG_20161004_054625625-8500x4781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now im mixin and siftin and pouring in my ghetto buttermilk in no specific order, ji am not a fan of mixing dough type stuff there has to be an easier way for a poorfag

>> No.8154017
File: 3.65 MB, 8500x4781, IMG_20161004_055634109-8500x4781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not good with dough a lot of it was wasted cuz it got stuck all over me, i dont have a donut cutter or a rolling pin so i did it by hand im sure it will be fine lol

>> No.8154021
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>> No.8154027
File: 3.68 MB, 8500x4781, IMG_20161004_062808076-8500x4781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a quick glaze from the google, let em cool a minute and dipped

>> No.8154030
File: 3.84 MB, 8500x4781, IMG_20161004_062929942-8500x4781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im not gonna even play, these were damn good for 20 minute donuts, gonna give a few to some coworkers later

best thing is I learned how easy it is to make donut glaze, i can put that shit on anything i am gonna get the beetus, night

>> No.8154649


>> No.8154691
File: 30 KB, 170x170, Qmn84Ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking cat anywhere near food or where you cook it

>> No.8154733
File: 291 KB, 597x411, guy fieri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessing the /ck/ittens are named after this guy

>> No.8155282

is that a dragon dildo?

>> No.8155289

>op is slowly building a cat colony

>> No.8155763

what kind of oil did you fry in?

>> No.8157061

that looks decent for 20 minutes desu

>> No.8157971

this looks comfy

>> No.8158195

Looks perfectly alright to me. Might even be slightly on the chubby side, but nothing at all to worry about.

Nice cat, 8/10 would pet.

>> No.8159898
File: 3.16 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20161006_035730296-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok gonna do some stuff, this aint all for tonight i have a mexican theme going for the next few days

>garlic unrelated thats for something else dont worry bout it

>> No.8159919

Cook the cat

>> No.8159945
File: 2.74 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20161006_043007374-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m80 what if i cook a possible.....cat-astrophe

anyways fellas im a bit dickered been sippin dat whiskey imma make some mexican sloppy joes, i have a recipe, imma try to make it happen

you ever fucked with tomatillas? you gotta get the husks off and rinse the gooey film off, its very exotic i know

>> No.8159953
File: 2.59 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20161006_044136392-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so recipe is down there, it said buy 12 oz of salsa, it doesnt specify what kind really, so i am going to make some roasted tomatillo salsa verde
will it work i dont know im sure itll be fine lol

i will link the salsa verde recipe ive been workin with lately its dank



>> No.8159968
File: 2.34 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20161006_051737502-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

electric boogaloo

>> No.8159972

huh? didn´t you say garlic unrelated?

>> No.8159984
File: 3.34 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20161006_053533288-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if im being fact checked here then yes garlic is always related, the other 2lbs of garlic is unrelated, top secret vampire business ;)

this is some good salsa if you got a blender and want some good salsa hit that link up i swear i am probably not rick bayless


>> No.8160058
File: 2.86 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20161006_062140920-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok cleaned the blender making another sauce so many sauces

>> No.8160076
File: 1.83 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20161006_062914675-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a pretty simple avocado crema sauce, just avacodo, sour cream, lime zest & juice xtra cilantro, pink meme salt and freshly ground black pepper

>> No.8160082

This looks like something I'd like to eat while this hurricane swallows me up. I mean that in a good way.

>> No.8160117


That's a fuckton of garlic, breh. Love tomatillos, i like to roast them in a pan until they're black.

>> No.8160183
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a vegetarian "shepherds pie" for my gf and her parents last night. I like how evenly the potatoes browned

>> No.8160185

What did you put in it?

>> No.8160203


mashed potatoes

>> No.8160234

>99 FRUIT liquors

omg i'm in junior high again thanks op. i forgot all about that shit.

you always make me want to snap some pics of my dinners but i'm usually too drunkt o remember.

>> No.8160241
File: 36 KB, 400x370, 1474167080431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP still hasn't learned that he needs to resize his pictures to <500kb if he wants a decent following in these threads

Fucking faggot, don't even bother if you can't stop uploading 3.6mb pics

>> No.8160275
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>> No.8160285
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>> No.8160292
File: 3.61 MB, 10000x5625, IMG_20161006_074921656-10000x5625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 im sorry i dont understand could you elaborate

>tfw you realize your cooking looks like shit

>> No.8160300
File: 3.65 MB, 10000x5625, IMG_20161006_082302002-10000x5625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma be str8 this was not as good as id hoped, it was decent and imo a good recipe, but the recipe called for good fresh chorizo and apparently i got the worst chorizo available it was like a paste not the best for this, fml oh well

>> No.8160307

I love your threads OP

>> No.8160312
File: 157 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-6-16 at 10.33 AM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your steamer was not providing enough heat. A way I have done it which is mad easy is:
just chop the top of the whole thing (don't worry about the leaves around the side), cut the stem enough so it can stand upright, stick it in a pot with a lid, put around an inch of water (you can add salt, spices, whatever you want) in the bottom of the pot. Cover, (you can put the stem in the pot too, the center of the stem is edible) cook.

It is done when the leaves on the sides pull off with very VERY little effort.

You can also use this method in the microwave, I remember doing that as a kid.

To eat it, you pull off each leaf, dip the base of the leaf in garlic butter or whatever, and scrape the "meat" off each leaf (there will be a small amount of meat on each one). Once you get to the center, toss out the papery tiny spiky ones and the hair on the heart, quarter and eat the delicious heart. You earned it!

Here are some big kitties, because nothing else to contribute.

>> No.8160326
File: 193 KB, 1600x900, IMG_20161006_092859292-1600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8160366


imo that kind of chorizo is best when cooked until it's crispy and crumbly, I guess they wanted you to make a patty? Strange.

>> No.8160419


>> No.8160463

Salsa verde is the best salsa.

>> No.8160531

That's gonna looks the exact same coming out of you tomorrow.

>> No.8160559

Oh fuck yes, I knew you were the PBR guy. Fucking love your threads, I've been around since you started making em. That counter and the signature pbr, I missed it.

>> No.8160893

Please somebody get all these non food related cat pictures off of this board.

>> No.8161329

oh my

>> No.8161480

Just mashed potatoes?..

>> No.8161485

Aww! So lovely!

>> No.8162680
File: 1.74 MB, 5000x2812, IMG_20161007_040804845-5000x2812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i was gonna do something else and realised these leftover chops need to be cooked first, have an idea for em im not gonna do a cookalong tho its nothing exciting

>> No.8162704

No he's right, I didn't cook it long enough. I figured 45 minutes at 400 degrees would do the trick but I was wrong. I had to pop that thing back in the oven for another 15 or so and it turned out all right. But you're right, I did deep fry the other hen, since there were two.

>> No.8162709

There seemed little point in carving with a knife after cooking it. If you wanted to spatchcock your poultry or remove all the bones then yes, you could carve it, preferably before cooking. But since there was little meat on the wings and legs and most meat was the breast and everything else was just bones I just 'caveman' styled it, more-so as I ate it.
Honestly, a brine is the way to go. And to add, if you deep fry you only need roughly 2-3 inches of oil, and it takes no more than 15-20 minutes to cook while flipping between intervals at 350-375 degree heat.
Good luck :) i didn't know this thread was still up.
Thanks by the way for the feedback.

>> No.8162724
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Looks fucking awesome, needs more cowbell though. Did you get the itis?

>> No.8162753
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Frying or grilling fish whole is an experience. I bet that tasted great.
If it means anything to anyone, you can find a large ceramic bottle of sake at your local, high quality liquor store for roughly 15 dollars if you're ever looking to pair your Southeast Asian meals with something oriental.

I just bought myself these two cast iron pans last week. First meal was pic related (sausages, not hotdogs - and scrambled eggs scrambled in the sausage fat, I raise blood pressure).
I'm looking forward to keeping these skillets for decades.

>> No.8162768
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>I'm samefagging pretty hard here for the sake of the thread
I've got this little 8" inch skillet and another 10" skillet, the sizes make a huge difference.

I'm thinking of buying some lamb cuts next time the store restocks fresher selections. I'm kinda in the mood for some kebabs or gyros, maybe a shawarma. I'm just wondering where I can buy the right bread. I think it's pita bread? I'll probably make my own.

>> No.8162868
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youtube reccomended this and i aint mad at em shits dank


this is one of the better simple meals ive made in a while

chop was dredged in cheap parm, egg, then panko, shallow fried in cheap olive oil

corn was canned, sauteed a bit then added a bit of mayo, sour cream, cayanne chz salt pepper, and a sprankle dankle of chili powder

>> No.8163286

I am NJ as well.. i shop at shoprite 90 percent of the time and am lucky if fucking chicken thighs are under 3 dollars a pound.

>> No.8163290


>> No.8163401
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I want poorfags to leave

>> No.8163568

Good to know, I was the anon who thought you were eating a goddamn raw bird. I would've thought that much time would cook it too, but poultry is weird. These days I don't even leave the bird intact if I roast them; I bone them out, and they cook so much better that way. Screw presentation.

>> No.8164095

I'm having trouble convincing my mind that this would be delicious. I've been made to eat too many panko chicken patties out of the box in the past. But I've never tried panko with anything else, and this was all a long time ago. You gotta fill your plates Ooooooooppppiiiiiiiie.
>Corn looks kinda dank no lie

>> No.8164215


m8 she helps me cook and we dont wear gloves or hairnets

i refuse to name them lol, I need to get them out of here in the next week they are getting frisky, wish i had room inside for one but that would be too much\


i used canola, its what i usually use for basic shit


she is def on the verge of obesity, she was a dumpster cat when i found her and she still hasnt learned that she doesnt have to eat everything in sight

yeah i like to broil em for the salsa, some dang good salsa

lol it looks good, is it just mashed potatos cuz that would be funny

drunk time is best time for snapping pics, also dat name field :(

thank u friend

ill try it again eventually, dem some big kitters

naw they called for fresh chorizo, which is like the consistency of ground beef, i just cheaped out and goofed the dish

yes m80

lol thx, i may move soon so im sure nobody will like me with different counters:(

im not gonna lie there should be more food on cats, but shush


ya id just rip into it myself, will try this eventually thx

it was darn good and yes i kicked my friend out pretty soon after we finished eating lol

looks good and yes cast iron stuff is p great, I want to expand my set, really want a dutch oven to take camping and stuff


it was pretty good the parm adds a extra crunch ill be using it again, i ate a 2nd chop btw, permabulk mode

>> No.8164218

I get that exact same chorizo, it's pretty good

>> No.8164510
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>this fucking autist again

you're almost as bad as the sausage guy

>> No.8164556

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY it all looks like shit OP i'm going to kill youre cats

>> No.8164601

It's the nature of posting from mobile. Edit the photo in the mobile photoshop and resave the picture will work.

>> No.8165049
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Sounds good, have some pork chops in the freezer I should use.

Making potato leek soup. Been in a soup mood in this threads, I swear I cook other things.

Ending thread theme

Drinking El Gose from Avery, pretty good sour. Kitty doesn't like the low of 35F tonight, so he's sticking to the couch.

>> No.8165161

Cooking potatoes in chicken broth, with some fresh thyme and a bay leaf. Also doing the bacon.

>> No.8165220
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>> No.8165246
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Take off bacon for later. Reduce heat to barely simmer on potatoes. Drain grease except for 1-2 tbsp. Add onions, cook for a bit. Then leeks. Once they start to go limp, add garlic.

>> No.8165252
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Ran out of gose, switched to Bells Best Brown pint.

This beer is REALLY good for chili. Or batter.

>> No.8165295
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Add leeks+garlic into potatos and broth. A good bit of broth cooked off, so I added another 1 1/2 cups or so. More thyme and another bay leaf.

>> No.8165329

I've fire roasted then with the husks on. Then afterwards I tear the husks off and chop the tomatillos up for salsa.

>> No.8165336

What does this bitching have to do with the topic or cooking? Nothing.

>> No.8165345
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There is a local farmer who brings tomatillos to the farmer's market I frequent. What else is a good use for them besides salsa?

Added 1 cup of heavy cream.

>> No.8165349
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After 10 minutes, scoop out 2 cups of soup and let it chill for 5 mins.

Then, use a food processor or blender with appropriate setting to turn it into this smooth purée. Put it back in soon, let things simmer for another 15 mins.

>> No.8165370

neato threado

>> No.8165382

m8 ill make a new thread in a while so you can finish just got home gimme a bit to chilloot and read a few saucy wikileaks


the cat haters will go batshit crazy if there are 2 fml threads at the top

>> No.8165555 [DELETED] 

Your kitter looks like mine would if he were short-haired. Great kot.

But let's be real: true potage parmentier should only contain potatoes, leeks and water.

Just kidding only faggots do that shit, your soup looks delicious as fuck. I should make some soon. Hope you saved that bacon grease you drained btw.

>> No.8165588

Your kitter looks like mine would if he were short-haired. Great kot.

>But let's be real: true potage parmentier should only contain potatoes, leeks and water.

Just kidding only faggots do that shit, your soup looks delicious as fuck. I should make some soon. Hope you saved that bacon grease you drained btw.

>> No.8165648

NEW THREAD >>8165645


>> No.8165652

forgets to sage...fml

>> No.8165908


>> No.8165910


>> No.8165984

just seeing this thread now, but that sound's cosy as fuck anon, hope you had a nice trip and happy birthday to your mom