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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8131704 No.8131704 [Reply] [Original]

Find a flaw. Protip: you can't.

>> No.8131709

you have to trust that the vietnamese cooks making it have the most minimum standard of hygiene

>> No.8131712
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literally zero flavour

>> No.8131728
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You're shitting me anon, Vietnamese is full of aromatics, and I loaded this with chili oil. This is bun bo hue, not pho. Pho is still amazing.

>> No.8131748
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yea exactly aromatics and 'chili' and the fuckn shitload of beansrpouts literally has zero flavour
no girth or texture to any of their dishes

>> No.8131801

asian servers don't care to ask me if im underage or not so i always get drunk there

>> No.8131876

Vietfag here.

Vietnamese curry fucking sucks dicks.

>> No.8131888
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>Find a flaw
it's made by gooks

>> No.8131895
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>> No.8131902
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fite me

>> No.8132086


>The Health department is truly concerned for safety and not a scam to skim $$ from restaurants
You've never seen one episode of kitchen Nightmares?

>> No.8132092


Normal kitchens arent like that

>> No.8132104

Beans sprouts are shit-tier garnish.

>> No.8132105

Probably the fact that the restaurant is so sloppy it appears that someone's car keys wound up in that plate of bean sprouts in the back of the photo

>> No.8132112


>> No.8132853

Just stop, pleb.

>> No.8132875

Your hungry again in 2 hours

>> No.8132877


broth too dark

doesnt come with a serving of beef fat cooked for 7 straight hours that melts in your mouth

too many shoots

jalapenos don't fit with the soup, birdeyes fit better

no holy basil added on top (what the fuck)

otherwise it looks really good I guess

>> No.8132888

Aside from the soups (and even including many of the soups) viet food is the most bland shit ever. Which is fine for meals at home but Jesus Christ some of the stuff they will serve in a restaurant is just sad. And when the flavors are there they aren't even coordinated well. Just a few steps above flip food honestly.

>> No.8132892

Also beansprouts are disgusting give me some extra cabbage or something.

>> No.8132898

bud, your reaction image is made by gooks.

>> No.8132899

What the fuck is Vietnamese curry

>> No.8132915
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>literally water

>> No.8132916

>water with chili flakes
>bean sprouts
>boiled meat
>jalapeno slices

looks bad op

>> No.8132927

The noodles look too white
Take notes anon

>> No.8132932

>find a flaw
Those sprouts

>> No.8132937


are you guys retarded?

>> No.8132938

It's Aussie shitposting hour so probably.

>> No.8132949


>> No.8132951

>make OP dish
>dodge Charlie sniper fire from the kitchen to the dining room
>spill half the damn thing getting to cover
>it gets cold while you yell at Firebase for some goddamn 105s on that gook line
>fire support is spotty, hits your neighbor's house; none survive but the teenage son
>have to get up from cover, sweep the street for remaining VC presence, and establish a perimeter
>come back to dish
>fucking cold of course
>get to bottom of bowl
>Bouncing Betty
>both hands blown off, chest is a sucking wound, can't feel face
>get plopped on stretcher
>medics are running you to the medivac LZ
>It Ain't Me plays in the background over the clatter of M16/M1/M60 fire
>the last thing you see is the neighbor teen pop up from the remains of the hedgerow in a sunhat and black pajamas, screaming as he rakes you with 7.62
>next time you'll eat Japanese

>> No.8132960
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Nicely done

>> No.8133060

It's a copy of Indian curry but isn't as good until the local put their white rice noodle in
It's so easy to get overweight in here

>> No.8133119
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>> No.8133126

Wouldn't mind it if it cost less than 3 bucks.

It's literally Asian poverty food

>> No.8133142

I found a flaw.

>pepper isn't de-seeded

>> No.8133157

I can, and did.

>> No.8133158


>> No.8133187

I just started dating a vietmanese girl, and forgot I had an extensive Marky mark Vietnam folder. Feels bad to lose all that, but she has perky tits.

>> No.8133198

goddamnit i seriously hope trump wins so he can get rid of these fucking orientals

>> No.8133299

No place around here has holy basil - it's near impossible to grow in the u.s. from what I've read. You confused it with Thai basil.

>> No.8133303

No placemats

>> No.8133309

I don't think I've ever been to a Vietnamese place outside of Vietnam where it was run/owned by a pure Vietnamese person. All the ones I've seen in the US are run by Chinese or half-breed Chinese/Vietnamese mongrels.

>> No.8133350

Last three times I ate Vietnamese food, I got food poisoning. I'd say that's a huge flaw. (and it was from three different restaurants.)
I've been eating Viet food most of my life, but this is starting to turn me totally off it, unless I make it myself. Why can't their restaurants maintain health standards?

>> No.8133353


vietnamese poo in the loo. and even have no poo bins.

>> No.8133394

ching chong chong lol

>> No.8133400

Pics of tits or GTFO

>> No.8133406

Flaw: You bastardized a bowl of pho and not enjoying without condiments or snapping a pic of it unadulterated.

>> No.8133408

>Ordering pho
>when you could have ordered bun cha or grilled pork chop with rice

You fucked up.

>> No.8133413

Not here. We have the biggest Vietnamese population outside of Vietnam. It's legit. In fact all of them are legit and there's a ton of them.

>> No.8133421
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Bun Rieu > Pho

Prove me wrong, you can't.

>> No.8133454


when I was in Thailand people used the terms interchangeably.

good to know they're actually different plants.

I can get Thai basil at my local asian grocery (fresh of course), love that shit

>> No.8133590

Malay food > Viet

Too bad you ameriniggers got Viet refugees instead of Malays.

>> No.8133596

Nah you keep your gook muslims

>> No.8133599
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>find a flaw
Cilantro in overwhelming amounts ruining the dish

>> No.8133602

Viet food is boring as batshit. It's no wonder yanks have a boner for it.

>> No.8133610

That salad your friend is eating looks weak. The stew looks nice though

>> No.8133619

No you misunderstand, I'm not saying Malay food is bad, it's just not worth the trade off of having a bunch of gook muslims shitting up our country.

>> No.8133645

Will agree.
Cilantro reminds me of soap or something.

>> No.8133663

i'm sorry for your genetic disorder, i pray science finds a cure

>> No.8133736


The two cuisines are different enough from each other that I don't see one as a direct substitute for the other.

Both have a lot of great dishes.

>> No.8133781

No tripe in there

>> No.8133784

durty bowl

>> No.8133822

Pho is good, but only when pronounced with a hard o and a MAGA hat on.

>> No.8133939


Fuck off faggot. Pho sucks. I don't give a fuck if Grammy Nguyen makes it or some shitty hipster hole in the wall.

Its all the same shit. Why do people insist on shilling for this trash?

>> No.8134031

>getting this butthurt on pasta

>> No.8134209
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>> No.8134450

I'm surprised /viet/ is being hated on.

>> No.8134502


>> No.8134557
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>Be hungover
>and very hungry
>go to Pho place
>order a large bowl with all the good stuff like meatballs and tripe
>throw in their jalapenos, limes, sambal chilli etc
>eat it very quickly
>along with a bottle of sake and their ice water
>at home in less than 5 minutes
>shit like my lower half is a squirt bottle full of acid and glitter
>10 straight minutes of my toilet bowl imitating an orange juicer

>> No.8134647

lol what were you drinking the night before. Tequila?

>> No.8134711
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>squirt bottle full of acid and glitter

>> No.8134796

you sir are correct

>> No.8134797

It gets trolled on from time-to-time. There's this fag that got dumped by a Vietnamese chick so he proceeded to shit on every Vietnamese food thread. There's also this one Aussie from a music school that shitposts about it too. His schoolmate made a thread on /ck/ since the school kept getting banned from 4chan. Old timey /ck/ers are used to it and it is mostly ignored.

>> No.8134809

the noodles are fucking disgusting

back to your rice fields, peasant.

>> No.8134844



your /hm/ is leaking, you literal faggot

>> No.8134973

There's also people who have a higher standard for cuisine, even SEA cuisine. Let's face it, there's a reason why viet is never going to compete with JP, Korean, Thai, or Cantonese.

>> No.8135033

Nah, gook ((((food)))) is just flavor of the month hipster shit.

>> No.8135047
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>> No.8135147



But bun bo hue is better than bun rieu.

Bun bo hue > bun rieu > pho

>> No.8135206

>f5 sodium

Enjoy retaining all that water and stinking like broth.

>> No.8135212


>smelling like your food

shitskin detected

>> No.8135268

weeaboo food

>> No.8135733

Bun bo hue is god tier.

>> No.8136204
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>he thinks it's pho
it's bun bo hue you plebs

>> No.8136205

Fatty detected.

Cantonese, ESPECIALLY the stuff that gets peddled as such in the west is literally full of fat and sugar.

It is why burgerfats such as yourself find it so addicting. Or more precisely, it is precisely because you burgerfats find it so appealing that it has developed that way in western markets.

Go back to Golden Corral and eat some more wings with 'plum' sauce you overweight grease and sugar addict.

>> No.8136516

>Only know Pho before coming to Vietnam
>They have like 5 dishes that are just as good as with Pho once you know what to eat
Bun thit nuong, Canh bun, Bun Rieu, Bun bo huey, Banh canh gio heo, Banh canh cua etc
And then holy shit their home boiled pork with fish sauce is fucking addictive

>> No.8136547

There's no qt in the picture

>> No.8136558

"what! /ck/ recognises Vietnamese dishes! I thought their palettes were ruined by the over salted over sweetened lard infused dishes they constantly eat"

*reads thread*


>> No.8136562
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Every time, you fucking idiot.

>> No.8136565
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>Vietnamese foods
>No Com Tam - Broken Rice
Triggered my autism

>> No.8136592

O shit, I'm moving to Hanoi next week and this thread has me hyped as fuck.

>> No.8136612

the dichotomy between cilantro, pickled carrot, pâté, and grilled pork on French bread is heaven. I can get bahn mi's for $5 by me.

>> No.8136614

Have fun out there bro. Eat your way through Vietnam, get in the trenches.

>> No.8136622

There's a Vietnamese-Cajun restaurant that just opened up near my job but I haven't tried it cause I don't know shit about Vietnamese food, what do you recommend me /ck/?

>> No.8136639

Bun bo hue. Make sure you know how to garnish and what condiments to use to get it where you want it.

Bahn mi

>> No.8136650

Thanks man, i'ma be tounge deep in them trenches ;)

>> No.8136678

>the dichotomy between 5 things
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8136680


Vietnamese-Cajun sucks dicks.

>> No.8136788

That he doesn't know what dichotomy means and probably doesn't know what a lot of words mean

Should probably have just said "I like all these things together"

>> No.8136828

had it once, was really not a fan

not sure if the place sucked or if the taste just wasn't for me but it had a really nasty sweetish, anise-like taste to it and I hate anise

>> No.8137137

Not what he intended, clearly, since it means contrast or division between 2 things.

>> No.8137254

Dichotomy can be used to describe taste right

>> No.8137263

P R A H A ?

>> No.8137369

Anthony Bourdain had Parts Unknown show in Hanoi and it featured Barack Obama in there eating Bun Cha.

>> No.8137571

Where do you live

>> No.8137882

>ctrl + f banh mi
>0 results

>> No.8137922
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I'm back again plebs. I am obsessed with this restaurant.

>> No.8137929

Well get something better / different asshole

>> No.8137948

he clearly got it with meatballs this time you fucknoid

>> No.8137955

Well fuck me in the goatse, damn. I'm going to go eat my fucking cat now.

>> No.8137964

Post menu

>> No.8137968
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I had pho with meatballs on Saturday. I love living in a city with tons of Vietnamese places

>> No.8138001
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>There's no qt in the picture

>> No.8138004
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>> No.8138005
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>> No.8138008


>> No.8138011


>grey, pallid meat, shit-tier bean sprouts, hunks of jarring peppers that don't match the dish floating in murky dishwater served up by a woman who literally spent 4 minutes scratching her own rectum and not washing afterwards


>> No.8138043

It's been far too hot for pho lately.
I'm looking forward to winter so I can enjoy it regularly again.

>> No.8138049
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>> No.8138066
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I can't.

live a few blocks away from a hole in the wall authentic viet joint. I've had the whole menu, nothing compares.

>> No.8138098

I have a Vietnamese grocery store near my house that sells western basil, holy basil, and thai basil. They all taste pretty different too if you ever had them. I use basil a lot, so I always buy all three. I use the western stuff only in western cooking. The holy basil I use for pad kra pao gai (thai basil chicken) with some eggs. It tastes peppery. The thai basil I use a ton of, because green curry is my favorite dish. I love the lightly sweet, minty taste it has.

>> No.8138584

Do you have the recipe?

>> No.8138597

They served you the end part of the pepper which looks like shit, there's your flaw faggot.

>> No.8138614


thai basil is really tasty.

>> No.8139036

I love Yeo's soy milk.

>> No.8139040

Is that a bowl f fucking worms dude what the fuck

>> No.8139068

Regarding soy sprouts, they are pretty hard to get fresh where I'm from. Are canned ones ok for soup as well? I never bought them because they are quite expensive (2$ a can) and I fear that they are too mushy this way.

>> No.8139087

Ate this shit for the first time a week ago. Cold noodles and too much fucking mint. What's the point? Is it supposed to be refreshing or something? The chili sauce was the only thing that made it remotely edible. I probably would've been happier just drinking the sauce. Never again.

>> No.8139208

I spent an entire month in Vietnam and the food is absolutely trash.
Some soups, grilled seafood and nem variations are decent to exceptionally good, but everything is laughably bland and repetitive. And those meatball/sausage things are repulsive as shit.

Hell I actually threw up once when they had me taste some weird fish soup. That thing was vile.

And most of the time I was eating homemade meals.

>> No.8139447

This. It's the gook equivalent of cotton picking nigger food. It's fucking garbage.

>> No.8139450

I've excreted more appetising dishes.

>> No.8139454

The point is you got gooked.

>> No.8139480



>> No.8139551


>> No.8139657

malay food>thai food>>vietnamese food>cambodian food

>> No.8139902

Where is this?

>> No.8140063

plebs everywhere in this thread. Top kek.

>"what is that? Worms?"
>"cold grey meat"

Kys famalam.

>> No.8140083

New Orleans.

>> No.8140242

Fuck... so far away....

>> No.8140271

The last time I had pho I within 20 minutes I was doubled over in pain in the restroom having diahrrea that I kid you not had the same color and smell as the broth. Now every time I smell pho it reminds me of my shit.

I've worked with Vietnamese folks, and I will tell you by and large they are not concerned with hygiene, let alone food safety. One of the most backwards places in Asia. I wouldn't be surprised if the cook hadn't showered or washed their hands in a week.

>> No.8140579

You're retarded. They have an open view of the kitchen. Everything is clean and fresh. I bet half of the people trolling in this thread have never tried Vietnamese because they rely on Mommy for food.

>> No.8140876

Open view != Clean hands

>> No.8140887

I can't do the tripe, I just hate that texture

>> No.8140944

What's the name of the place? Just moved to NOLA, would like to have some pho

>> No.8141460

I want open view of how they wash their hands after shitting.

>> No.8141467

>tfw I had pho for the first time last week and it was fucking delicious

I was wary of it because I thought it was a soup, but it really isn't

>> No.8141666

>Homemade "meals"
Congrats you found a place that sells frozen chicken tendies in Vietnam

>> No.8141690

how isn't it a soup?

>> No.8141695

>You've never seen one episode of kitchen Nightmares?
A lot of the nightmare kitchens don't get inspections for months/years and/or they actually fail the inspections or get citations in the past that they just brush off, which is a symptom of management doing a very shit job.

A lot of the places on Kitchen Nightmares barely function as shitty fast food joints to begin with so their shit standards would get the wrath of Gordon no matter what, even if Fox is doing their best to make a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.8141715

Pho Cam Ly, uptown

>> No.8141883

it has japalenos

>> No.8142018

I was at relatives'.

>> No.8142742

>don't get inspections for months/years
>fail inspections
>ignore citations
How does this happen without the restaurant getting shut down?

>> No.8142752


>> No.8143010

There are a variety of reasons why a filthy restaurant gets to stay open. None of them excuse the fact that they get to stay open but you can see how it happens.

Sometimes they barely pass, sometimes they get their shit together long enough to clean up the place to pass inspection, sometimes the inspector just doesn't care, sometimes the inspector can be bribed. Also a lot of places just basically call you ahead of time telling you that there's a "surprise" inspection coming up, and sometimes you can just take a good guess as to whether your place is going to be up next within the week just by looking at the list of recent inspections on the public county health inspection website. Sometimes the restaurant could fail a certain aspect of the inspection and are allowed to stay open but have to keep a warning sticker on the door until it's cleared up in a follow-up.

Also some businesses lobby for more lax inspections because it costs them money and regulation is a government waste, blahblahblah. Totally unrelated, the departments that usually do these inspections are underfunded and understaffed 99% of the time, if not 100%.

Another thing is that Fox forbids the restaurants to clean up their kitchens before the cameras arrive. A lot of people (aka. butthurt owners) say this is scummy behaviour and ruins their image, etc. but I personally don't see much wrong with that because Fox doesn't forbid normal cleaning, just that they don't want the restaurants to just go full on scrub mode so that they look shiny and clean when the cameras arrive and hide the fact that it's a filthy hellhole 99% of the year. If the kitchen shows up as filthy on camera when Gordon gets to it, it was probably filthy loooooooooooong before they applied to Fox.

>> No.8143035

Health inspectors vary in how they run the show. I've seen a place get shut down for rat droppings because the inspector wrote down each individual dropping as a separate individual violations. Meanwhile across town another inspector sees droppings, gives one violation and they get to stay open.

>> No.8143208

Had pho like this next to the embassy I work at. Shits aight senpai

>> No.8143474

that looks delicious

>> No.8144631

Thanks! I'll check it out!

>> No.8144662

>actually using the bean sprouts

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8144676

Anyone know what the best Pho places in Houston are that aren't in Bellaire

>> No.8144679

get off my ridge vietcong bastards

>> No.8144714
File: 1.93 MB, 1276x720, ab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone watch this episode

>> No.8144719


Obongo is left handed?

>> No.8144720

looks and seems much better

>> No.8144722

OMG ROFL redpil here to

>> No.8144733
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Texture famalamps

>> No.8144735


the last 4 out of 5 presidents are left handed

>> No.8144740

Yes, but only when it refers to a contrast or division between two things, not five.

>> No.8144765

looks good 2bh senpai i aint no critic wood eat

>> No.8144828

I m on my way to Vietnam right now, niggaaaaaaz.
Stay jelly, plebs

>> No.8144846

It's not Thai

>> No.8144882

Why would that be the restaurants fault and not the customer who (as you can see) has put bean sprouts into his noodles?

Are you a retard?

>> No.8144886


It's a noodle stew

>> No.8145108

Ramen >>> pho or any viatnamese soup.

>> No.8145343

Have fun senpai.

>> No.8145554
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I'm back again you filthy plebs. This food is crack.

>> No.8145579

plus some cafe sua da

>> No.8145596

Looks bland.

>> No.8145598
File: 1.95 MB, 3024x4032, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spicy as hell.

>> No.8145604


There's no depth or body to the heat. It's still bland

>> No.8145610

Its ca phe sua da

>> No.8145612

You're a fucking idiot. Because you can taste it right? Please tell me more about the food that I'm eating and you're not. Retard.

>> No.8145872


Care to name some superior noodle soup? Not that I entirely disagree with you. Pho is usually pretty subtle on it's own.

>> No.8145963

Where to even begin? It's just a beef/anise broth with subpar noodles and veg. Virtually every other kind of Asian noodle is superior even the generic stuff like soba. If you want something interesting try some tonkotsu, seolleongtang, laksa, or just thai curry noodles. At least you will get veg more exciting /fitting than fucking jalapeños and breansprouts. Also everything listed goes well with a soft boiled egg soaked in soy.