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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 480x360, chick-fil-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8102460 No.8102460 [Reply] [Original]

Now that 5 years has passed since the protest, is it socially acceptable to eat at Chick-Fil-A now? Or will people still accuse me of being a bigot and lynch me and vandalize my car?

>> No.8102465

just drive thru it faggit

>> No.8102471

Did the protest significantly damage the economically?

>> No.8102473

They lost, so it's fine. Go eat and enjoy.

>> No.8102477

The econimal is fine.

>> No.8102496


My gay uncle even eats Chik Fil A. Most sane people, regardless of their beliefs, don't give a shit.

>> No.8102501


It actually increased their sales by like 45%. When the "protest" was fresh in the media, they had their highest sales ever for like a week straight.

Fags feelings aren't important the majority of people.

>> No.8102503

This just proves that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

>> No.8102505

Nobody gave a shit the month after.

>> No.8102602

The poultry community sure did, you anthromorphist.

>> No.8102638

Has Hiromoot ever eaten at a Chick-fil-A?

We need to make this happen.

>> No.8102643


>> No.8102750

An hiro is the new owner after moot said fuck it and sold the website.

>> No.8102759

I like to call him All-New All-Different Moot, or Earth 2 Moot.

>> No.8102773

I'm partial to Hiroshima Nagasaki personally.

>> No.8102779

>implying people remember random outrage #166

>> No.8102796

chik fil a is more popular than ever

>> No.8102797

I'm a fag and I eat there occasionally.

>> No.8102819

no, they keep spewing new hate towards gay's and trans whenever they get the chance, because they can now marry, they cut 10% off their employees for a tithe to the church and require them to repeat things in a cultish manner if you say thanks.

so the answer is if you have friends, you shouldn't eat there. on a side note you shouldn't be eating at Papa Johns either.

>> No.8102823

Gonna get me some Chik Fil-A sandwich, nuggets and fries tonight, and a burger pizza when they come back out just to piss off faggots like you.

>> No.8102860

>handing over your money to a corporation just to spite some anonymous dude online

A fool and his money.

>> No.8103074

the sandwiches are alright. sometimes the chicken is too dry though.

>> No.8103089

Dunno, he also gets the added benefit of eating delicious food.

>> No.8103101
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I remember the Chick-fil-A "protest." In my area, no one boycotted any of the restaurants on the designated day, but there was a counter-protest scheduled a few days afterwards and there was a huge line out of the drive-thru at the one I usually visit.

Not long after that, CFA passed KFC as the #1 chicken fast food chain and they have since expanded, even with one location in NYC.

To the CFA haters I say this: do you agree with everything your parents believe? Yet you still visit them on occasion, right? Well, there you have it.

>> No.8103112
File: 5 KB, 195x179, Frog Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when wife has a gay brother, and she basically follows him like a sheep in terms of what socio-political views to have. Despite that, and despite the fact that he still boycotts CFA today, she insists we get it regularly. lol

>> No.8103148

I like all new all different moot. Better than moot 2.
Maybe moot 52?

>> No.8103277

Despite living in the South now, I rarely go to Chik Fil A, and even then, mostly for the seasonal peach shakes. I live close to one but from what I hear there's always a line around the block for the drive-thru.

Occasionally my work will get a catering platter or something from them if everyone has to work their off-day for the holiday rush or they'll hand out chicken biscuits and jelly packets, but for the most part, I don't bother with it.

>> No.8103287

my parents spent hundreds of thousands of dollars raising me. chik fil a doesn't love me

>> No.8103510

>wife following her faggot brother's political opinions and not yours
>she insists you take her to cfa regularly
Behold, a cuck!

>> No.8103521

Chik-fil-a loves everyone, my son. It is simply that you haven't accepted Chik-fil-a as your lord and saviour

>> No.8103531

Frankly I was kinda underwhelmed. It's just a chicken sandwich. Waffle fries nothing special. Peach milkshake nothing to write home about either. The way the employees are required to talk gives me the creeps too.

>> No.8103574

I'm transgender and it's my favorite fast food place, most of my LGBT friends also really like it. Tasty food trumps some CEO's stupid bible views

>> No.8103583

Son, go to bed

>> No.8103667

how many hundreds of pounds is your wife?

>> No.8103672

>I'm transgender
stopped reading there.

>> No.8103723

Still the number one in sales among fast food places per store on average.

If some fedora wearing faglord calls you a bigot, do you even care? After all God does hate fags.

>> No.8103728
File: 9 KB, 239x232, 1474177624479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"marriage is between a man and a woman" some guy's opinion
This is how some peoples minds actually operate.

>> No.8103731

>what if people judge me for eating something?
This is SJW thinking and I do not approve of it.

>> No.8103732

ding ding ding

news sources were repeating "chick fil-a" a thousand times an hour. Of course sales rose.

>> No.8103734

>someone disagrees with a company's use of income

it goes both ways

>> No.8103741

Haven't eaten there since. I am gay. They do not really want my business, so I won't give them any of my money.

It's a shame. Chick-fil-a makes some good fast food.

>> No.8103744

>Or will people still accuse me of being a bigot and lynch me and vandalize my car?

That was happening ever? hm. ok. Well, yes, I hope it happens to you .faggot.

>> No.8103745

What is this in reference to? I must have missed it.
If a company was using their money to fund ISIS then it would be reasonable to avoid said place.

>> No.8103747

Good. We didn't want you gaying up the place anyways.

>> No.8103772

capitalism; go fuck yourself

don't go there to eat but don't believe that your opinion matters more than your money

>> No.8103774

they want your money.
the opinion was really just that of the owner and not that of the company.

does that change your opinion?

>> No.8103776

too bad it's Sunday Christ fag

>> No.8103779

>What is this in reference to? I must have missed it
>will people still accuse me of being a bigot and lynch me and vandalize my car?

>> No.8103853

A gay man sat in front of me and told be he liked the way I ate my sandwich. Im from Texas and shot him, as is my natural right.

>> No.8103858 [DELETED] 


why wouldn't you hate fags?

if you don't treat them special, they do stupid shit like attack your business.

homosexuals are fucking worthless and i eat at chic-fil-a all the time, it's probably the best fast food out there.

you're clearly some kind of faggot that needs to get thrown off the top of a building.

>> No.8103910

Upper Midwest fag here,

Vacationed in Virginia this Summer and tried some Chik'Fil'A

It was okay, nothing special. The service surprised me, i'm not used to having a fast food person actually bring the food to my table.

The sandwich was decent, the fries sucked.

>> No.8103927

>To the CFA haters I say this: do you agree with everything your parents believe? Yet you still visit them on occasion, right? Well, there you have it.

if my parents funded the abuse of fags then yes I would not visit them

>> No.8103932

>if you don't treat them special, they do stupid shit like attack your business.


what business treats them special, why arent they attacking companies like taco bell or wendy's then?

>> No.8103940


I'm a giant faggot and I eat chick-fil-a all the time. Who gives a fuck.


>if you don't treat them special, they do stupid shit like attack your business

I don't think it's treating gay people special, but equal. Feminist and BLM are the ones that expect special treatment. Gay people just don't want to be shit on/limited for their sexual preference.

>> No.8103958

If gays don't want shit on themselves, why do they stick their dicks in butts?

checkmate, queerosexuals.

>> No.8103964

>is it socially acceptable to eat at Chick-Fil-A now?
Are you retarded? When was it ever unacceptable to anyone but liberal maniacs?
This is true, I started going there just because I heard about how butthurt faggots were getting over it.

>> No.8104486

I started eating there during the whole gay marriage controversy. Not because I'm anti gay or whatever, they just came into my radar and the food is miles better than the other fast food gacks.

>> No.8104517
File: 25 KB, 333x500, 1473373098436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does ChickFilA taste and is it worth it? They are building one here in NV and it's going to be a hassle since it's the only one and in a huge neighborhood. Is it worth going?

>> No.8104538


The chicken is well seasoned compared to other fast food places. Basically everything else is pretty shitty though, including the bun that chicken comes with. Just get plain chicken, try out different sauce packets, and see if you like it enough to get it again.

>> No.8104541

So you would recommend just a normal chicken burger with sauces? How much would a combo come out to be?

>> No.8104550

remember him?


>> No.8104567

Yummy. They have a great Cobb salad and then I get the superfood side which is really tasty.

One of the few fast food places i go to

>> No.8104581

>chicken burger

foreigners get out

>> No.8104586

It's a burger according to the picture >>8103101

>> No.8104593


Nope, that's a chicken sandwich

Go back to whatever shithole country you came from.

>> No.8104596
File: 228 KB, 1280x850, 1470338857314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a great idea!

>> No.8104602
File: 24 KB, 425x76, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it's both.

>> No.8104607

that chicken in that picture on that sandwich is not ground.

>> No.8104748

>ground meat

>> No.8104764

>upset about their ideology
>still calls gay people fags

you really are fucking retarded.

>> No.8104824


>> No.8104839

>a hamburger is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of GROUND meat

So it's not a fucking burger julio

>> No.8104873

>a hamburger is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of GROUND meat
Said no-one, ever.

>> No.8104889


What kind of shitposting is this?

>> No.8104946

No one in their right mind ever gave a fuck

Exibit gAy: https://youtu.be/sO-msplukrw

>it's an edgy 14 year olds from /pol/ are tired of /tv/ so they invade /ck/ episode

>> No.8105090

what the fuck is it about this dumbass fringe groups that make them want write their own shitty songs


>> No.8105123
File: 22 KB, 265x300, 2irritant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wikipedia is an authoritative reference and is a suitable source and citation to use in debate.
Millennial dickhead detected.
Go and fuck yourself,

>> No.8105142

awww did I hurt the libcuck's feelings?

>> No.8105147

I just believe you are a faggot in denial.
When do you plan on coming out, you raving homo?

>> No.8105160
File: 82 KB, 876x493, boycott-protest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The supreme court ruled in favor of gay marriage, so the SJWs moved on from chicken sandwich boycotts to gamergate tweeting and BLM road-blocking.

Their quest to find the most useless social movements must continue ever onward.

>> No.8105197
File: 22 KB, 544x496, Cd_gNktUIAALJER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not searching a fucking academic database for some jackass on 4chan, besides if you weren't the one who posted the screencap I wasn't talking to you anyway.


>> No.8105212

This. They could be ran by Satanists or believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and I'd still eat there because it's damn good food. Only people who need something to complain about/feel sorry on behalf of another group of people care about that nonsense.

>> No.8105248

the chik-fil-a owner/ceo/whatever gave money to religious right groups who lobbied against gay rights. obviously if you disagree with this action it's perfectly reasonable to not give money to his business

>> No.8105251

>My gay uncle
Have any steamy stories from childhood about Uncle Paul?

>> No.8105274

Hope this ends in suicide.

>> No.8105284


Not really. He's been happily living with his partner (or whatever the correct term is) for 30+ years. :)

>> No.8105449


If anyone calls you a bigot, just point out that the Chick Fil' A CEO apologized.

>> No.8105477


Nah I'd rather be called a bigot and just act smug about it. Thanks for the heads up though.

>> No.8105647

>Behold, a cuck!
Don't talk to me or my wife's brother EVER AGAIN!

>> No.8105720

>Now that 5 years has passed since the protest
Nah. Nahhhh. Can't be that long...

>In January 2011, the media reported that Chick-fil-A was co-sponsoring a marriage conference with the Pennsylvania Family Institute

What am I doing with my life

>> No.8105730

>Or will people still accuse me of being a bigot
They're faggots, why do you care?

>lynch me
Kill them first.

>vandalize my car?
Dash cams and sue them.

>> No.8107671

Americans do not have dash cams

>> No.8107739

Hey you fuck don't disrespect the spaghetti monster, R'amen.

>> No.8107984

Holy fuck, it's literally over 5 years ago.

I haven't done shit since then.

>> No.8108468

did you actually read the article? he didn't apologize at all.

>> No.8108793

You're 4 years late buddy, nobody cared after Mitten's humiliating defeat

>> No.8108914

/pol/ types in a nutshell, folks
in that time frame I got a job, got my driver's license, took some college classes, learned new programming languages on my own, and started work on a video game
what *did* you do for the last five years?

>> No.8108936

>lemonade in the OP pic
best drink

>> No.8108946

Drugs and loose women.

>> No.8109036

I'd imagine there's a shitton of /pol/lacks here due to the obvious hormones in pre-made food and such.

>> No.8109042

>got my driver's license

Why do people on 4chan act like this is a huge deal?

>> No.8109058
File: 8 KB, 268x188, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots get butthurt and ask normal people to help them try to bully a restaurant
>normal people tell faggots to fuck off and buy record amounts of restaurants food

>> No.8109065

>nyc chick fil-a
>diverse workers and customers
>everyone walks away satisfied at the transaction

only regressive major deblasio got buttmad

>> No.8109090

Chick Fil A is mediocre

>> No.8109110

Socially, perhaps. But why would you put that crap in your body? It makes McDonalds and Taco Bell look like health food. Christ.

>> No.8109114


>> No.8109331

I skipped over the Chick Fil A shit for awhile because they are homophobic fuck boys. Whose business is it if your customer wants to suck on a cock before, during, or after enjoying your fast food chicken meals.

That being said, I finally went for a quick lunch two weeks ago. Umm... Very fucking good.

Spicy chicken sandwich with Pickles, a RIPE tomato slice or two, pepper jack and I think a little bit of mayo. Tender chicken, juicy. Waffle fries were pretty fucking good. They have those heinz dip or squeeze mini ketchup trays(baller condiment.) And I got a hot coffee(weird combo but I was dragging that day.)
Coffee was hot and full of body.

I'll be back. 7.50 for a solid hot and seemingly fresh meal.

>> No.8109342

it has mixled with our blue ocean

>> No.8109370

It's a sign of independence, and American culture puts as a milestone and sometimes a rite of passage.

>> No.8109389

Marriage is a union to bind a man to a woman so that he will protect and provide for her and their children while he in return has some confidence that the children are his.
Sodomites don't need to marry. The idea that they have a "right" to it is ludicrous because they can't have children without the help of someone outside the marriage.
For sodomite marriage to make any sense at all it would have to be a trio which includes a member of the opposite sex.

Sodomites do not even like marriage. There are numerous leftists that admit the only reason they push it is that they think destroying that institution is a good thing.

In women married to each other it is observed that they have a much higher rate of divorce and domestic violence.
In men it appears that there is less domestic violence and divorce but there are two things to consider here: if men slap each other they probably don't call the cops. Gay men give zero fucks about fidelity. They will mutually agree to fuck other men as if that is fine.

>> No.8109396

>is it socially acceptable to eat at Chick-Fil-A now?
>actually caring what SJWs and faggots think
>actually thinking SJWs and faggots will do any of the things you are spooped about

>> No.8109401

>t. someone with no actual gay friends

Stop spouting retardation.

>> No.8109457
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>> No.8109466
File: 72 KB, 900x1200, 539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 5 years ago
>thought that Chik-Fil-A was getting boycotted because abloblobloo they hate the gay
>don't give a fuck
>5 years later
>talk about it with friend
>turns out they actually have money to gay-away death camps

>> No.8109500

I'm an atheist but I still eat there so I really don't care.

>> No.8109583

they catered my gay male wedding and aborted my fetus cause he was het. so go ahead and eat their chicken.

>> No.8109595

marriage, from the point of view of civil society and govt, is a contract entered into by 2 consenting adults, which brings certain legal protections and some responsibilities. if the law recognizes marriage contracts, then any 2 people who enter into one must have their marriage recognized. all other meanings for a marriage are determined by the couple and by social norms and customs. equal protection under the law is the great invention of the Englightenment, and works perfectly. anything else is Taliban, Al Qaeda, the spanish inqujisition and IsiL.

We wont recognize 3 people in a marriage becuase the division of property and custody becomes too complex. there is no benefit to society from recognizing it. yet.

>> No.8109614

If you're afraid to eat somewhere because someone in the company has an opinion then maybe you should fuck off to San Francisco.

>> No.8109625

The government shouldn't be involved in marriage at all. They have done a great job of ruining it so far. Really, I think them adding sodomite marriage would be less harmful than what has already been done.

But the idea that it's just about "love" or some shit I think is truly dangerous. Women took the focus off of the purpose of marriage, children, and made it about them. Their being Princess for a Day. Their divorce. Their alimony.

We will all be much better off if society regains a focus of sacrifice to provide a better life for its children.

>> No.8109759

That's the outrage, anon.

But of course the people crying about SJWs vote Trump, and his VP avidly supports conversation therapy. So what's a few suicides to them?

>> No.8110601

What happened with Chipotle? I love their tacos and burritos.

>> No.8110605

Thats different, they created a health hazard in their shitty overpriced food.

>> No.8110616

Nothing. There are still lines out the door at every one I see

>> No.8110627

Realtalk, preparation for gay sex takes a long time. If you get shitdick, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8111188

>There are still lines out the door at every one I see
That's not what I asked. This is literally the same answer you give for Chick-Fil-A which would then render this very thread a paradox.

>> No.8111195

If that's what you want to call a dumb shitty bait shitpost, sure.

>> No.8111564

>blah blah blah muh anti-SJW blah blah blah muh Trump

Fuck off

>> No.8111969

Actually in this case there was a big counter protest. Cfa is based near atl and is a big southern fast food place, and beloved by people here. Everyone got together and went in support of hating faggots or free speech or both.

>> No.8112045

Either nobody gave a shit or went there even more out of spite.

>> No.8112064

nobody gave a shit like 3 weeks after the protest started

>> No.8112072

not a fag but chick fil a is pretty based and their workers seem less degenerate than most fast food places

>> No.8112076

>be on foodstamps
>live in an expensive ass meme city

>> No.8112094

Mootwo or Jackie 4chan.

>> No.8112136

No one really gives a shit. Just like no one really gave a shit about the Oreo's fiasco. Heck, my mom hated Chik-Fil A because it was for "bigots", but now she really doesn't give a shit anymore. Just eat what you want.

>> No.8112160

Actually the moved onto trannies and pissers

>> No.8112165

desu there are lots of smaller towns where public transportation is shit and filled with niggers and bums.

Being able to move around without getting cucked by some fag bus driver is like letting a crippled man walk

>> No.8112166


>chicken sandwiches and waffle fries are for bigots

Great reasoning there.

>> No.8112169

Drugs, lose women, actually got a job, and tried programming and game design but too lazy.

>> No.8112172

or traditional aryan wifeys trying to please their man

>> No.8112255
File: 32 KB, 600x600, gay dubbbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having not eating somewhere because sjws hate it

Nigger their business went up for a reason.

>> No.8113016

my feminist and liberal girlfriend loves chick fil a

even still, stop caring faggot

>> No.8113201

>oy vey muh gays
fags can rot in hell for all i care

>> No.8113207

yeah, from the point of view of a postmodernist leftist.

from a sensible point of view, marriage is the institution that unifies a man and a woman to create a family unit, the very same nuclear family which is the foundation of all of western civilisation and which provides the best possible upbringing to children.

that's the sole reason why marriage has all these tax benefits and shit like that. faggots simply do not deserve any of those.

>> No.8113243

The amount of faggot enablers in this thread is too damn high

>> No.8113998

>The sandwich was decent, the fries sucked.

This. Waffle cut fries are shit.

>> No.8114015

This. I'm a tranny and the food there is delicious as far as fast food goes.

>> No.8114024

I'm gay and voted against same-sex marriage. Sue me.

>> No.8114069

I still boycott those fag bashing assholes.

Once a week, every Sunday I refuse to go.

>> No.8114324

No it isn't, you might as well kill yourself for living in a country that supports the murder of children

>> No.8115465

I'm bi and I wanna know why

>> No.8115498 [DELETED] 

who gives a shit. all my gay friends eat there cause they think it's delicious and dont get butt blasted (no pun) by some CEO's opinion.

>> No.8115617


I really like waffle fries for some reason. There must be some part of my childhood I don't remember that causes it.

>> No.8117482

Is KFC still cruel to chickens?

>> No.8118584

>even with one location in NYC.
NYC here. There's at least 3. Personally I think the serving sizes are too small for the price.

>> No.8118636

>butthurt faggots

Faggots are always butthurt.

>> No.8118641

I'm guessing you aren't actually threatened by the prospect of getting beaten up by faggots, so I believe this is a bullshit pol troll thread

>> No.8119799

Is there any fast food chain or restaurant that we should legit boycott?

>> No.8120807

Same here lad.

>> No.8120815

This. The nuggets are god-tier. One time I accidentally won a Chik-fil-a chicken nugget eating contest. I wasn't trying to win, I was just there for the all-you-can-eat nuggets.

>> No.8120831

i support the murder of children, as long as they aren't gay or jewish or black

>> No.8120890

There's a difference between:
We dont really care for homosexuality and, there might be feces-borne bacteria in your food. As ironic as it seems.

>> No.8121600

>I was just there for the all-you-can-eat nuggets.
details please.

>> No.8121661

I believe states should have the right to limit marriage contracts just like some states allow cousin marriage and others do not

>> No.8122577

no memes, tell me about the limitless nuggets.