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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 1007x545, Chocolate Chip Cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8060437 No.8060437 [Reply] [Original]

Biting into what you thought was a chocolate chip cookie & it turns out to be a God damn oatmeal cookie is the cruelest deception imaginable

>> No.8060450

Chocolate chip oatmeal is god tier you pleb. Get the fuck out of my /ck/.

>> No.8060464

>not eating white chocolate macadamia


>> No.8060465
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>> No.8060467

i love oatmeal :(

>> No.8060476

>not being able to enjoy the flavor of an oatmeal cookie

what are you, 6 years old?

also this

>> No.8060487
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>chocolate chip oatmeal is right next to the oatmeal raisin

>> No.8060504

>he doesn't like oatmeal cookies

clearly pleb taste

>> No.8060505


White chocolate IS for faggots, though you are somewhat redeemable with a taste for macadamias.

I do get bummed when I realize what I thought was a chocolate chip cookie is an oatmeal raisin, and I will pass on the oatmeal raisin....but if I know I'm getting or being offered an oatmeal raisin, I will sometimes take it.

>> No.8060514

I literally can not imagine why this is such a common problem
The only thing raisins and chocolate chips have in common at a glance is color, and even then it's not like they're exactly identical. Beyond this, oatmeal cookies are CLEARLY and OBVIOUSLY oatmeal cookies and not generic cookie cookies and anyone with at least two functioning lobes in their brain should be able to tell immediately when they see an oatmeal cookie that it's not chocolate chip and vice versa. Can someone explain the origins of this spicy meme to me? I feel like the entire world has been trolling me from day 1 on this shit.
It's like someone eating a chicken sandwich and going "WOW THIS WASN'T A BURGER??!"
There's no way this is the cookie's fault

>> No.8060534

this x10000

>> No.8060544

In America cookies come from bags with a keebler logo on it
It's actually pretty hard to tell them apart without eating an entire cookie
You know how americans call everything a "meme"? It's because all food comes from the same factory and is made of HFCS and corn-based stabilizers, with infinitesimally small variations in artificial color and flavor, according to "brand" (note: "brand" is also illusory and the differentiation simply exists to flatter people's conceit that their demographic is special). So when a new product comes out, officially marking the existence of a new demographic that didn't previously exist, it is a "meme" and is resented strongly by the nativists who eat the same crap as everyone else but believe they are personally responsible for the preservation of American culture as instantiated in a MacDonalds cheeseburger (now made with more real cheese flavouring)

Anyway you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that cookies are made of real things like oats, sugar, and chocolate chips. Sure, there are trace amounts of that in our cookies, but only enough to meet the FDA-mandated legal minimum to say "oatmeal" on the box. It is my freedom to be lied to by megacorporations. Why do you hate science? Water is a chemical.

>> No.8060555

Both are great.

>> No.8060637

>Confusing a burger with a sandwich is unlikely
It's nice to know some people dont leave the house

>> No.8060641

This afternoon seven year old neighbor girl and her friend rang my doorbell and handed me a small plate of oatmeal cookies. God tier cute and delicious. Fuck your chocolate chips.

>> No.8060802

Do children frequent your home with no adult supervision often?

>> No.8060807

Not often, but it happens. Many of my neighbors are friendly with me, and a lot of them have kids. The kids end up being similarly friendly.

>> No.8060814

Meanwhile the father of said children was rummaging through your bedroom stealing all your jewellery.

>> No.8060878

Only pussy faggots hate on oatmeal cookies and being a baby that doesn't like raisins is pleb material

>> No.8061357

Oatmeal cookies fresh from the oven is like if crack, cocaine, and ecstacy were all running through your system at once as you nut im the Underworld chick's ass.
Don't you fucking dare diss such ambrossia, you lowly mongrel.

>> No.8061980

Both of their fathers are people I have beers with every now and then. Not quite bros, but good guys I enjoy hanging with every now and then. It's nice to live in a place where you and your neighbors get along and everyone looks out for each other. And little girls running around being cute and handing you cookies doesn't hurt, either.

>> No.8062008

Wow. It was a semi humorous observation about a chocolate chip vs oatmeal cookie. Get over yourself. You fuckin terrorist

>> No.8062046

>In America
>you know how Americans....
Serious question, why is the rest of the world so obsessed with us when they've probably never even been here?

I don't say France is terrible because I've never been to france. I've HEARD it's terrible, but that's all I can say.

>> No.8062153

We are easy targets because let's face it, Americans have become so entitled and spoiled that a majority of us really are embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.8062755

I thought this was mostly exaggerated online but it is honestly the case. I've had relatives come over from Europe and they would not shut the fuck up about "how Americans do X" for days on end and laugh at their own "Americans" jokes

>> No.8063009

No, it's biting into what you thought was an oatmeal cookie & it turns out to be a God damn chocolate chip cookie

>> No.8063145

Oatmeal and raisin is fucking god tier cookie,
Your childish palette is just shit

>> No.8063249


>> No.8063258
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>> No.8063335

Reported to the FBI enjoy being gangraped you fuckin pedo

>> No.8063361


>> No.8063375

it's spelled "plate" you fucking morons

>> No.8063386
File: 626 KB, 579x585, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white chocolate macadamia
>calls others a faggot


>> No.8063391
File: 122 KB, 500x281, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an American talking about America has never been here

>> No.8064415

>around Christmas a couple years ago
>co-worker brings in cookie tray
>spots what looks like chocolate chip
>upon closer inspection it's oatmeal
>no big deal
>takes a bite

>> No.8064709

If you're American and you actually believe anything in that post then you're 100% clinically retarded

>> No.8064761

>God tier cute and delicious
The cookies or the girls?

>> No.8064779
File: 45 KB, 740x721, 1471169332591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuh uh I'm totally from here

>> No.8065156

How in the fuck can you seriously be so retarded that you can't differentiate between chocolate chips and raisins?

Besides raisins are good. Fuck you.

>> No.8065161

sick that sounds like heaven

>> No.8065167

>people have no control over their regionalisms
Yawl, yawl. Look I'm a born and raised slave state hillbilly!

>> No.8065184

>bite into chocolate filled pastry
>it's actually vegemite