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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 800x535, Australian_Aborigines_hd_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8025200 No.8025200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans so satsified with eating gross chemical HFC filled nutritionless excuses for food? Seriously your food tastes like poverty and waste material. Truly the plebbest of cuisine.

>white bread
>ground beef
Just wew lads. Wew.

>> No.8025202

See you and your thread on page 8.

>> No.8025210

>butthurt fat Amerifatty
Go eat a burger

>> No.8025212

[delet this (in spanish)]

>> No.8025221

>ground beef
You woudn't be using this term unless you were American yourself.

>> No.8025225

Ausfag would say mince or minced beef.

>> No.8025224

This to be quite honest with you family

>> No.8025228

I simplified my speech so that Ameriwhales could comprehend it

>> No.8025230

Oi cunt give us some of ya mince

Fuckin poof

>> No.8025231

What makes you think OP is an Ausfag? He seems more intelligent than a typical Ausfag shitposter

>> No.8025233

sounds like OP got bullied by some americans

>> No.8025235

Why's he posting aboriginals?

>> No.8025249

Who knows. Maybe he has a fetish for Australian women :^)

>> No.8025252

>Harambe is a woman

>> No.8025284

Same reason rats eat rat poison.

>> No.8025397

7edgy2me haha lmao great comment mate

>> No.8025594
File: 108 KB, 216x216, WIDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we get angry when the price of factory-farmed beef exceeds $1.99 a pound, why would we spend $19.99 a pound for beef that actually doesn't suck? Anyone who pretends they would do that must hate America and all Americans, and has obviously never even set foot here.
t.Midwest, which claims to speak on behalf of the entire USA

>> No.8025622





>> No.8025635

More like fat, NEET Amerifriend trolls his own countrymen by pretending to be something other than an Amerifriend.

>uses american sentence structures
>uses american terminology
>uses american phraseology

If it were one, I'd say 'well, maybe this is an EU national who learnt some English in America,' maybe even two. But three things? No. That's a pattern.

OP is an obvious American.

>> No.8025641



still doesn't negate the fact there are jelly yuropoors all over ck

>> No.8025650

projection so hard

Amerifats always trying to be the best at everything

the only thing you're good at is having type 2 beetus

>> No.8025661
File: 359 B, 16x11, us.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This exactly.

It's why /ck/ needs flags.

>> No.8025676
File: 193 KB, 400x300, 600full-my-profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That won't change anything.

No shitty little flag icon will ever make me an American in their eyes. Being 300 pounds overweight and eating nothing but junk food is a prerequisite for American status. They'll just say I'm using a proxy because anyone who doesn't look, think, eat, talk, or feel EXACTLY like them must be trolling and insane, and certainly not American.

No matter what, I'll always be the America-obsessed Europoor ISIS terrorist, simply because I don't have a fridge full of plastic bottles filled with HFCS, and I didn't inhale a McDonalds meal from the front seat of my minivan with the motor running today.

>> No.8025680

I'm Euro and I like Americans. They're generally rather nice. That's why I called you guys 'Amerifriends' earlier.
Honestly, most of us don't really ever think of you, just as you rarely ever think of us. Some of us shitpost about you (I don't) and some of you shitpost about us and some of you shitpost about yourselves, occasionally pretending to be something other than Americans (like OP), but most of it is done in jest. Few of us on either side of the pond hold any real negative sentiment v the opposite side.

Some of us are befuddled by things you do that are alien to our own cultures, but no more than we do about each others' cultures and just as you are about things we do that you don't.

I think the differences are nice, interesting and nothing to be up in arms about. At least we can all unanimously hate muzzies together.

>> No.8025688

Liberal cuck - the post.

>> No.8025697

>hates muzzies
do you even know what a liberal is?

>> No.8025699

He's probably mad because you didn't say "afraid of muzzies"

If you hate them you obviously don't fear them enough

If you don't cower in your basement at the thought of running into someone who looks different than you, you might as well join the ACLU you cucked nu-male

>> No.8025726

For some reason I'm getting the feeling you think we should love anyone that looks different from us and let them live around us and ignore population trends or probabilities.
This is my first post itt

>> No.8025732

She was in the new Ghostbusters

>> No.8025749

For some reason I'm getting the feeling that you think people with brown skin, accents, or surnames that aren't on a pre-approved list determined by picking the top 200 surnames from 150 year old census records should be placed on a kill list and liquidated by men wearing tight pants and shiny boots

>> No.8025765

Why did the Americans are so obsessed about the European food and call us Youropoors? It's because they are jealous of our delicious varieties of food and recipes?

Europeans are not poor, it's a myth.

Most of the Americans just never traveled outside their country nor ate in another place than their local MacDonalds and they are laughing and mocking the rest of the world without even knowing why they are laughing.
Maybe laughing and mocking superior people is their only way to feel better after eating 12 Big Macs and a bucket of KFC.

They are so good at eating and terribly bad at cooking, they should just stands at eating Big Macs.

>> No.8025780

>They are so good at eating
Obviously never dined with an American

They have a panic attack when the entree is served because it's not piled up to eye level and overflowing the plate, and also because they have quixotic notions of what "entree" means

They give the waiter the stink-eye over offering a drink that isn't water because "muh munnys worth" and also because wine is a scam

They have a panic attack over any course that isn't 99% CAFO trash-meat and 1% HFCS glaze and salt

They feel a rush of indignant rage when there are extremely common foreign words on the menu such as "pollo" or "fromage" or "Wurst", and they start raving about how the customer is always right

Americans are shit at eating. They don't love food. They love the sensation of being full

There is a difference

>> No.8025824

I was in Rimini one day in a pretty good restaraunt, when dozen of americans showed up. it was so fucking embarrasing to watch them order
>tons of godlike authentic fish and seafood dishes, pasta etc.
>they literaly ask for fried chiken right away
>black middle-aged man asks for watermelon
this is really baffling

>> No.8025913

>Honestly, most of us don't really ever think of you, just as you rarely ever think of us.
Two thirds of movie tickets sold in the EU are for American films.

>> No.8025923

Doesn't mean we're thinking about America when we're watching a movie. Do you think about Italy when you read The Inferno? Do you think about Austria when you hear a piece by Mozart in one of your commercials? Do you think about France every time you sauté a vegetable?


You just appreciate it for what it is and bollocks to its origin.

>> No.8025929

It's not that you don't think about us, Euro. We've become so pervasive and entrenched in your own land, you take us for granted. Very few of us read the Inferno or listen to Mozart, by the way. Dante Alighieri was a winy little bitch.

>> No.8025998

That's fine. It's your turn now. We had ours where many of our cultures were pervasive the world over and now you're having yours. And that's a-okay. So long as we work together to make sure that the muzzies don't have their day, it's all good. Bomb that black cube thing when?

>> No.8026009
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Laughing Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, all dem Olympic gold medals show USA is on the right track. How'd your nation do, desu?

>> No.8026025
File: 38 KB, 480x275, empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the british empire trumped the whole world in the olympics.

australia helped.

>> No.8026027

You're no longer an empire and you're no longer British. Enjoy your alasnackbar.

>> No.8026031

american here.

none of that happens here. the people that act like that have a reality show because theyre so weird it's fascinating.

>> No.8026032

>You're no longer an empire
because you say so?

>> No.8026037

>the olympics
oh yea, I was so sad that my favorite professional divers and gymnastics players lost. those are my favorite sports, dont give me any of those big 4 sports we have here in america.

>> No.8026039
File: 542 KB, 811x710, 12639755289251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this paranoid

Holy fuck no. Flags just breed shitposting.

Look at /int/.

>> No.8026047

>Europeans are not poor, it's a myth.
EU nation disposable income is a big fucking joke.

>> No.8026049

the fuck you on about, fool?

i only watched the women's gymnastics to see for myslef what a real woman looks like. pretty impressive, i must say.

>> No.8026125

Maybe the rest of the world is tired of visiting this board and seeing a "most recent US junk food" topic every 3rd thread.

>> No.8026150
File: 497 KB, 349x262, this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8026158

so make your own board instead of feeling entitled to invade ours.

>> No.8026168

Americans are too, it's just that we get attacked as "obsessed Europeans" as soon as we don't like shitty garbage

Wisconsin needs to be range banned

>> No.8026211
File: 74 KB, 850x400, quote-the-liberation-of-iraq-is-a-crucial-advance-in-the-campaign-against-terror-we-ve-removed-george-w-bush-90-69-98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we want to liberate you give you the freedom we think you deserve

>> No.8026237

>flags just breed shitposting

you mean
>i hope they dont find out i'm a swecuck

>> No.8026323

if anyone has a surveymonkey account...


>> No.8026378

You are missing out. Mcdonalds is bad, but its for people who don't know any better. You can't really get good food for a reasonable price in densly populated areas in the US, you have to head to the country to actually fresh produce/meat, but i'm told the same problem occurs anywhere else in the world. When you move to urban areas, you sacrifice easy access to fresh food. Mcdonalds food is okay, it is passable and makes money because people like things that are fast, and easy. Nobody claims fast food is a good example of american cuisine. It is just "fast" food. You are missing out on some good food by not wanting to try american cooking because of a fast food chain, and a spoof you saw on TV.

>> No.8026386
File: 42 KB, 604x453, eb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8026404

Whoosh: the post

You literally just did what I was talking about

>> No.8026420

The United States and the retarded people living in really looks and act like in that movie, Idiocracy.

Everything in America is a fucking mess, the people with low education and no manners, the disgusting food, the ni***** and more.

I wonder how many time it will take to make them realize that they are not a first country anymore, probably never they are so blind and dumb.

ProTip: having a credit card and using the money you don't have to buy MacDonalds and dumb shit is not being rich, it's being an cretin.

>> No.8026454

Canada, here. Food standards here and in the US are awful. Our produce is tasteless and flabby, our meat is pumped full of all kinds of shit, everything is saturated with corn syrup.

Whenever I go to Europe, I'm amazed how much better everything tastes there. Even the fast food places taste like actual food. We really need more regulation in North America. It's not even just a matter of health, our food would taste so much better too.

But no, we'd rather crank out tons of shit we don't need, import everything, and fill everything with chemicals. It's pretty disgraceful.

>> No.8026462

We have regulation, it's just controlled by huge agribusiness

When retards on the internet passionately defend their fundamental right to be lied to by corporations, you know we're beyond hope

>> No.8026467

Oh I'm sure this thread won't go full /pol/

>> No.8026484

Perhaps I should have said "we need BETTER regulation".

That is a big problem, yes. I'm not anti GMO or any of that shit, but there are companies that do hold a ton of sway and have their own profits in mind, rather than the quality of our food, that is a fact.

Our food could be so much better than it is, but it's not, basically because of corruption and legal bribery, and that's a shame.

>> No.8026525

Welcome in The Jewnited States of America.

>> No.8026537

>Please big government help us!

>> No.8026543

>I like eating food that tastes like warmed-over dogshit and contains more chemicals than actual food

You'd think with as fat as your typical alt-righter is, they'd want our food to taste better.

>> No.8026587

I too enjoy paying a lab to analyze every food I buy because muh free market. Fuck regulations! They're for nanny-state libruls! The consumer is responsible for not getting poisoned!

>> No.8026615

I wonder who can make a bigger compelling argument to big government? You? Or the millions from corporate lobbyists? The game is rigged, yet you continue to operate like it isn't hoping for a different outcome.

You are insane.

>> No.8026622

This. Political nihilism is the only sane choice.

>> No.8026642

>there's no perfect solution so let's just destroy everything and go full Somalia

>> No.8026676

> E X P O S E D

>> No.8026717

Ignoring the problem only makes things worse. You want X but you can't have X because the system in place allows Corporation Z to block X.

You can either: operate pretending that the system is working the way it was intended and then be surprised when it doesn't or either change the system or operate the system the way it really operates.

>> No.8026758

Who ever said I wanted big government? I believe the crux of my argument was that the system we have is fucked. I just want better food.

What would you propose we do, then? Change the system? Because that ain't happening. Too many people at the top benefit from the system being fucked.

What I am saying, though, is that other governments have managed to get this right. I understand that the government's here and in the US have a giant clusterfuck to unravel when it comes to agricultural regulation, but it could be done. It just probably won't as long as people accept it and, in fact, defend it.

>> No.8026779

How is it "ignoring the problem" to call out libertarian retards who want to abolish the FDA and turn the USA into the land of melamine baby food and gutter oil?

>> No.8027279

Americans are cattle, consuming the feed their masters fill the trough with.

>> No.8027494

how's 8th grade going, edgeboi

>> No.8027505


What if we want to abolish the FDA and replace it with something less corrupt and more effective? What then, hyperbole-boy?