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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 400x400, actually lovin it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8014642 No.8014642 [Reply] [Original]

I actually kinda like mcdonalds. Like, they aren't the best, for sure. But I like cheap ass quality burgers. They are the tastiest.

>> No.8014655

I don't think McDonalds has the best tasting burgers, Wendy's comes to mind and whenever I've had Burger King equivalents to McDonalds burgers (compare Buckdouble to McDouble) I preferred theres

However, there is just something about McDonalds...it has it's own taste, it's own smell, some unique thing that I can't put my finger on but know is there and sometimes crave specifically

>> No.8014659

Nothing special. Just decent cheap food. Works I like them too. Cheap food that doesnt taste shit.

>> No.8014661

>quality burgers

This is what Amerifats actually believe.

>> No.8014664

>ass quality
>definatly means something good.

>> No.8014670

How do I into comprehension?

>> No.8014680 [DELETED] 

I had a fantastic experience at my local Micky D's as of late.

After choir practice on Friday night, my friends Susan, Mikey P and good old Rusty (hoot HOOT! (that's our secret moose call lmao)) hit up the local McDonald's restaurant.

We thought we'd be absolutely crazy and try the Air, sea and soil burger like we'd seen on various Tube sites across the web. They gave us everything we needed and we headed down to the park to pit the devilish burger together.

It was a great night, good times were had by all and the food was delectable. My friends let me tell you, give ole Micky D's a try sometime! Sure they might look New and modern but by golly they're still servin' em up like they used to LOL!

>> No.8014689

I had a fantastic experience at my local Micky D's as of late that I really need to share on an open forum, like an itch that must be scratched.

After choir practice on Friday night, my friends Susan, Mikey P and good old Rusty (hoot HOOT! (that's our secret moose call lmao)) hit up the local McDonald's restaurant.

We thought we'd be absolutely crazy and try the Air, sea and soil burger like we'd seen on various Tube sites across the web. They gave us everything we needed and we headed down to the park to assemble the devilish burger.

It was a great night, good times were had by all and the food was delectable. My friends let me tell you, give ole Micky D's a try sometime! Sure they might look new and modern but by golly they're still servin' em up like they used to LOL

After I told my mom she made me promise to take her there on Sunday. Hey, I'm more than happy to... I'll even make it MY SHOUT!!

>> No.8014699



>> No.8014773

its decent. desu hating MCD is the oldest meme in the book.
>TFW eveyone says they hate it then go eat there

>> No.8014787

Hating McDonalds is the most hack way to try and prove you're "not some common peasant"

It's like going out of your way to say you hate Nickelback or Justin Bieber, no well adjusted person really gives a fuck and it just makes you look like a try hard

>> No.8014806

It's ok but I prefer Burger King.

One time I made myself a McGangbang and one of the employees started laughing. I said "they're popular in America" and she said "I know, but over there they're much bigger." I have no idea how that can be because finishing it made me feel like I clogged my veins.

>> No.8014820

It's ok.

>> No.8014875

Not everything is about some weird ass social ladder you think exists, autist.

Mcdonalds is full of preservatives and shit tier ingredients. They support producers that perpetuate animal abuse and they aggressively markey their shit, cancer causing food to children.

>> No.8014878

True, but few people who are actually into music would willingly listen to Nickelback or Justin Bieber - they would acknowledge the talent and skill applied in making that music, but they wouldn't seek it out.

As someone who is into good food I have no love for McD's, but they are a marvel of consistency, and their sandwiches manage to strike an appealing balance of flavors. Yeah, they overdo salty like fuck, but they always balance out fat with some tangy acid, and that works really well.

I stopped eating there not because I thought the taste of the food was offensive, but because I didn't like the way I felt after eating it. I don't like feeling thirsty and sluggish after a meal, and McD's left me feeling that way one too many times. Then I thought about it and was like: it shouldn't really be a surprise that food made from the cheapest possible ingredients can taste fine, but might leave you feeling weird after eating it. It is a big blast of salt, fat and simple carbs in one dose. I made the decision that when I felt like doing that I'd seek out a more pleasurable experience of it.

>> No.8014909
File: 59 KB, 490x836, Lemmy++shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the kid who listens to nickelback.

>> No.8014937

Yeah and burgers cost a buck and some pocket change. Surely you don't think Little Ceasars is going to be the best pizza you ever eat do you? No it's a shit tier, but it's actually ok and not bad for five dollars.

Nickelback has three good songs, How You Remind Me, Saving Me which is just a slightly altered version of the former, and Burn It To The Ground which has a riff that wouldn't have been out of place on a Pantera record

>> No.8014943

>Nickelback has three good songs,
*In my opinion.

>> No.8014954

>comparing nickelback to pantera
Screencapped for cringe threads

>> No.8014961

I gave you 3 reasons to hate mcdonalds besides "not being some common peasant"

Your post has 0 relevance to what I said. This is how you remind me of what I really am anon.

>> No.8014968

Sure I love the taste of McD's, but I feel soooo guilty afterwards.

>> No.8014972

>burgers cost a buck and some pocket change
>pizza... not bad for five dollars
That's really the crux of it - how low are you willing to go when you totally want to cheap out? I think that is a function of what options you have. When I want something to eat for little money I never have to settle for lackluster burgers or bad pizza because a dollar and change buys me a plate of fried pork Chinese dumplings, a couple spring rolls or some vegetable fried noodles. $5 and change buys me a few great tacos or an equally good Vietnamese sandwich. If you have great cheap out options you don't have to consider the mediocre ones. If all you have are mediocre ones that's what you'll be eating when you cheap out.

>> No.8014989

Pantera was good friends with Nickelback

>> No.8014997


>> No.8015010

Their burgers taste like nothing at all.
The only thing that has taste is their ketchup and mustard. It sucks that we don't have good fast food burgers in Germany. We only have burger king and mcdonals. They are equally as tasteless and the size of their burger meat is depressing, its as thin as a salad slice. But the buns from Burger King look nicer than mcshit's

>> No.8015098

"Cheap ass"
You being a mong today m8?

>> No.8015244

it's a special kind of acid they bathe the fries in

>> No.8015716

>cheap ass quality
it's cheaper to actually go buy a good burger and enjoy what you're eating.

>> No.8015726

Top kek.

>> No.8015751

Yeah, I usually head over for a shake and the 20 chicken piece when taco bells been burnin me up too much.

Homestyle burger also kicks ass.

>> No.8015820


>> No.8016176

And americans are confused about the obesity problem

Nigga eat a vegetable for fucks sake

>> No.8017007

I worked there as a manager for 8 years. Hating McDonald's is part of who I am at this point

>> No.8017037


that shit used to make my car alcohol sensor go off and no other food i ate did that (i tested it)

>> No.8017054

Old dinky Chinese restaurants do pork fried rice well regardless of quality of restaurant. Avoid seafood at all costs at dingy Chinese restaurants though. Especially fucking calamari, what a mistake that was. Was out for 2 weeks.

>> No.8017198

we have pizza hut though! the only establishment where I didn't pay my bill. never tasted something quite as bad as it before.

>> No.8017322

McDonalds provides a value mid-day snack if you need one. I'll stop there and pick up a burger and some fries for $2 and change if I need a little bit more to power me through the rest of the day. Or if I'm really hungry for a small snack at like 10 PM or 11 PM, I might go out to get it. Can't really beat that.

But I don't really like it as an actual dinner or lunch.

>> No.8017332

Going to McDonald's in an hour or so. What should I get? I'm very hungry.

>> No.8017343

A great question, my friend.
Why not try a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, hot, fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola!

>> No.8017346
File: 103 KB, 1280x740, 1466555470730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8017351

>full of preservatives
meaningless. Preservatives aren't inherently bad for your health.

>shit tier ingredients
Their ingredients are on par with any restaurant that costs up to $20 per person

>They support producers that perpetuate animal abuse
90% of restaurants

>they aggressively markey[sic] their shit, cancer causing food to children.
Pure emotion.

>cancer causing
Practically meaningless as you consume carcinogens constantly. Any food from fast food to 3 Michelin starred restaurants can contain carcinogenic ingredients.

>> No.8017355
File: 3.51 MB, 2640x2280, Big_Mac_hamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Mac

>> No.8017356
File: 2.39 MB, 2800x1620, McD-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post higher quality images next time.

>> No.8017357

Sounds like you just BTFO my mom

>> No.8017359

Most dingy Chinese restaurants order their food premade from the same distributor. That's why their menus are always the same and they taste pretty much identical apart from whatever sauce they may have bought to put on it. They don't actually cook most of their food.

>> No.8017360

Why does the fish fillet look so good but when you get it it's like somebody accidentally your mcdouble meat into a breaded square

>> No.8017363
File: 863 KB, 2448x2448, 1471337706360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must just be you, anon.

>> No.8017364

There's a Chinese food place near me called Great Wall. It looks like one of those places that sells meth out back and turns you into the next "sweet and sour pork" if you upset them.

>> No.8017367

I actually laughed out loud.

But really just look how plain that is. McDick's could do better by putting some of that salad they put on McChickens in there and buying frozen fish sticks to replace that fish square with.

>> No.8017376

Ever tried the Double f-o-f?
It's delectably good!

>> No.8017379
File: 116 KB, 646x484, mcdonalds-double-filet-o-fish-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.8017386

Calamari from cheap Chinese joints is possibly pig anus. Not even lying.

>> No.8017387


this fucking picture, is like, a work of art. You could put it in a museum and call it "America"

>> No.8017391
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>> No.8017395
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, 1471342760847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8017398
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>> No.8017425


jesus christ, someone was fucking high or tired or it was their final day on planet earth.

>> No.8017426

Too bad they don't fill you up whatsoever and have a shitload of calories. They taste good, but i don't feel like becoming a fatass because i had to eat three burgers to feel full.

I would rather go get Chinese. It taste even better than Mcdonalds and there's always leftovers.

>> No.8017430

That looks twice as good as the single fof. And not just because two patties.

>> No.8017431

only for for the nuggets senpai

>> No.8017439

>mcfats defending their church

>> No.8017442


what the fuck stop

>> No.8017448

>going against dishonest and emotionally loaded "arguments" means you support the other side

Where did I ever say in my post that McDonald's is a quality product or their food is good in any way?

>> No.8017451

It is good though, right?

>> No.8017452

No. Why do you keep assuming that I think McDonald's is good?

>> No.8017454

You're defending it with passion on a food and cooking forum.

>> No.8017456

>getting this butthurt over a mcdicks thread

>> No.8017477

Not everything is black and white. Just because someone argues against something doesn't mean they support the other side. When someone makes poor, faulty arguments, I tend to think in terms of whether the arguments are bullshit or not, not where my "allegiance" lies. This problem is more clear in politics. If you're having a hard time understanding how anyone could argue against someone who holds the same views, think about it in those terms.

What makes you think I'm mad or butthurt?

>> No.8017482

I 100% believe you. I still dont know what I was thinking. First of all, Chinese calamari is already mediocre even at good restaurants (compared with Italian), but the fact that I got it at at mediocre Chinese restaurant just, fuck, boggled my own mind
Kek makes sense
That's basically every restaurant where I live. Shit sux man.

>> No.8017488

I unironically do too, but then i've grown up on disgusting tinned food and was never bought anything 'expensive' like that so it still tastes far more luxurious than it really is to me. I usually order from the $1 menu, multiple things from that is usually better than a meal.

I'm also too impressed by Subway, something about the flavor when you bite into a soft juicy BMT just gives me a boner.

>> No.8017489

Your passive aggressive pseudointellectual bullshit, that's how I know you're butthurt :^)

>> No.8017496

That's fine. If you feel that way, you feel that way.

>> No.8017505

>that shit used to make my car alcohol sensor go off
I don't doubt the two are highly related, but I think you've got your cause and your effect mixed up

>> No.8017556

Look how chill this guy is
Not a single fuck given
10/10 poster

>> No.8017566

I would probably buy him a beer in real life.

>> No.8017567
File: 529 KB, 658x960, 1463886678411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so soft?

It's like biting into a salty sponge with ketchup on it

>> No.8017584

>trying to call someone out for being passive aggressive
>use le passive aggressive I'm totally not mad smiley




>> No.8017592

No he didn't.
You're just having trouble letting a bullshit argument on the internet go.

>> No.8017594

samefag harder you cringy fuck

>> No.8017604

Nigger I'm not even involved that was my first post in the thread. It's common knowledge that :^) means "I'm butthurt but trying to play it off"

>> No.8017617

I'm not involved either but am grinning while stroking my neckbeard.
Atheism 1 Religeon 0

>> No.8017653


>> No.8017740

Rallyburgers are a million times better and not much more than a mcd's value menu burger

>> No.8017752

your mama suck my big dick

>> No.8017754

Nice trip.
Is /ck/ a flyover board to you?

>> No.8017895

I honestly cant think of a fast food chain that has worse burgers than McD.

I mean I really cant think of one at all.