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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 876x493, Chork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7989134 No.7989134 [Reply] [Original]

>Panda Express may introduce new hybrid utensil- the ‘Chork’.

What the dick?

>> No.7989138


>> No.7989140


Our subjugation of Asia is complete.

>> No.7989142

That's a cool idea.

>> No.7989162

I want one

>> No.7989164

Panda Express went out of business years ago. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7989165

so they only have to stock one thing


>> No.7989171

this. changes. everything

>> No.7989184

Is this one of those "I don't like thing so I'll pretend thing doesn't exist and make sure everyone knows I pretend thing doesn't exist"?

>> No.7989187

Good, chopsticks are fucking retarded. And yes, I know how to use them.

>> No.7989204

Try learning to use them before passing judgement.

>> No.7989209

How come everyone here on /ck/ tends to be so aggressive?

>> No.7989214

Because it's 4chan, faggot. Maybe /r/food is more your speed.

>> No.7989224

I'm going there to spend my money because they have this.

>> No.7989229

That's not a good answer.
It's like going in the middle east and start fucking a goat because "duh it's the middle east"

>> No.7989235

Not even remotely similar, lad.

>> No.7989245

huh, then I don't get it.

>> No.7989247

No, what you're doing is like going to Iran and making out with a dude in public and then being surprised when you get stoned to death.

>> No.7989315

I remember when the guys who actually invented the chork were raising funds for it. Guess Panda Express put forth the dosh to back them. Good for those guys.
Unless someone else stole it and beat them to the punch. Then fuck whoever did that. Fuck them right up the arse with a big rubber dick.

>> No.7989337

>Fuck them right up the arse with a big rubber dick.

>> No.7989355

There is nothing wrong with actual chopsticks, it's the big stick I'm supposed to burry deep in my asshole while telling everyone how great I am that I don't understand, if chopsticks didn't come with public anal masturbation it would be perfectly normal

>> No.7989360


>> No.7989368

>being this young

>> No.7989369

Its like going to the middle East and watching tons of Muslims raping goats to prepare them for Ramadan and because muhhad says women are the most disgusting animal of them all and complain even tho both Muslims and goats enjoy it

>> No.7989376

I like it.

>> No.7989413

Those have been around forever, it's not new, just new to Panda Express. I distinctly remember seeing some early ass episode of Friends where they were all eating chinese food with chopstick-forks.

>> No.7989428

Name one Middle Eastern country where this is a common practice.

>> No.7989437

That shit has been going on in my country for at least 5 years and I live in a 3rd world shithole

>> No.7989494

Define 3rd world shithole. Where do you live?

>> No.7989534

>tfw the panda express here went out of business because the owner was a retard
I really miss that orange chicken.

>> No.7989551

Panda Express is underrated

It's pretty tasty

>> No.7989560


>> No.7989561


>> No.7989566

The orange chicken was the only reason to go there.

>> No.7989580
File: 22 KB, 265x300, 2irritant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morocco is not a Middle Eastern country, dipshit.

>> No.7989592

>tso good

Not as clever as "miso tasty"

>> No.7989595

Ask the school board to fire your teachers.

>> No.7989605

Because we hate you, fucknugget.

>> No.7989665
File: 8 KB, 259x195, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7989722


Ever hear the expression "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"?

>> No.7989727

Whenever those rapist keep coming from to live in Sweden palaces

>> No.7989760

Fucking mudslime.

>> No.7989773

It's the exact fucking same thing dipshit, being aggressive is what we do here.

>> No.7989779
File: 8 KB, 208x147, 1452672580085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eating with sticks

>> No.7989806

Morocco is in North Africa you colossal cunt.

>> No.7989932

Not common, really, but it's certainly far from unheard of in Yemen.

>> No.7990298

I call it a fuckstick.

>> No.7990322

>Being anything other than a land of human-on-animal rape, cannibalism and godless heathen
Try harder General Gobbldigook