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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7951689 No.7951689 [Reply] [Original]

anyone interested in helping start and contributing to a /ck/ sticky? I imagine it would consist of general cooking advice like certain criteria a for different types of meat, or seasonings specifically involving in what regional cuisine they're basics in. basically anything to stop /ck/ from becoming google and the overflow of "my chicken is to days old can I still eat it?" threads. maybe a few decent info graphs and tips on plating, any other ideas or is this board just junk food general now?

>> No.7951700


No, I'm not interested. I think the idea is stupid. All those things already exist in easy to access forms. Why spend the effort to re-invent the wheel? Especially when it's almost certain to be worse than what's out there already?

>> No.7951707

who cheated on you? it's just a suggestion to get rid of all the stupid googlable questions people shitpost here all day. pretty much every slow board has them as well

>> No.7951718

>who cheated on you?

>it's just a suggestion to get rid of all the stupid googlable questions people shitpost here all day.

I don't question your motivation, anon. I question whether or not it will do any good. If someone is too lazy to google a simple question then what makes you think they will look it up in the sticky? Especially when, as I already stated, this information is already all over the web?

>> No.7951733

see sticky

>> No.7951757

>the overflow of "my chicken is to days old can I still eat it?" threads
link to a single thread of that nature

you're in over your head, anon. pull out now.

>> No.7951772

It sounds like a good idea.
There's a few of us who chat on (our unofficial /ck/) irc channel and this has been the subject of discussion a few times.
I think it would be easy as most techniques are pretty objective and the basics never really change.

>> No.7951809

People come to /ck/ to ask questions because (for some reason) they trust our expertise. For all they know, because /ck/ is on 4chan it's full of people who know how to cook and can give them no-BS information on how to learn it properly. Why should they go to allrecipes to find conflicting information when /ck/ can tell them how to spice up their ramen?

People often argue that a sticky would be impossible to implement properly because it wouldn't go into enough detail to be helpful, or it wouldn't be able to cover every type of cuisine, but a sticky isn't meant to be a comprehensive guide. It's not for the board's regulars, it's for sad crossboarders who don't know the first thing about the topic.

/ck/'s sticky would best serve the board by answering our most common questions to cut down on stupid threads we've had a million times. We could even say shit like "stop asking us for recipes, there are a million sites for this, use google."

Those poor ignorant fucks who come to /ck/ for guidance will have a better idea of how much we can do for them once they read it. And people DO read stickies, I see it all the time. Yes, there are people who won't, but that doesn't invalidate having a sticky in the first place. It's like saying "People will always commit crimes and get away with them, why bother having police?" Because even though crime will always exist, having cops at all deters people from raping and murdering in the same way the sticky would deter people from asking how to learn to cook for the first time.

>> No.7951829

Make /ck/ Cooking Again

>> No.7951837

The problem here is that /ck/ is full of soda, guzzling junk food addicts and weebs.
Every thread turns degenerate or into some /a/ tier circle jerk.

>> No.7951841

Simple question: How do I cook?

>50 words or less

>> No.7951851


Until the board rules are changed to outlaw fast food shill posts, this place will always remain a quagmire of non cooking neets.

>> No.7951857

There is a good argument for splitting the board into two, one food and one cooking.
I'd like to see it happen as I can't abide junk food threads and YT shills.

>> No.7951860

>People come to /ck/ to ask questions because (for some reason) they trust our expertise.

That's a flawed premise.

>>Why should they go to allrecipes to find conflicting information when /ck/ can tell them how to spice up their ramen?

They shouldn't go to allrecipes at all. That's a shithole of useless information just like this board is. Want to learn to make good ramen? Find a Jap site and use google translate. Why fuck around with amateur hour bullshit when you can go straight to the source?

>> by answering our most common questions to cut down on stupid threads we've had a million times.

Again, I think that's a great idea. In theory. I don't think anyone will bother to read the sticky, they'll just ask as they always do. If they're too lazy to google it, what makes you think they'll bother to look for and read the sticky?

>> No.7951892

oh great, it's the sticky fag again

>> No.7951906
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No it isn't.
I'm the sticky fag.

>> No.7951971

yeah this is my first time posting about le sticky

>> No.7951984

i hate to be the one to say this but lurk moar faggot