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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7945671 No.7945671 [Reply] [Original]

Europoors will defend this

>> No.7945695

what does that have to do with yuropeans?

>> No.7945703

Why would Europeans defend Clappyfats being pants-wetting scared of everything?

>> No.7945716

>what does that have to do with yuropeans?

Nothing. It's trolling.

>> No.7945721

I wouldn't know, i'm too busy here eating real cheese.
Unlucky, USA.

>> No.7945725

>1 post by this ID

>> No.7945731

>defend this
What? The freedom to choose the milk you like?

>> No.7945753
File: 22 KB, 265x300, 2irritant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know how to link properly
Newfag or just Summer?

>> No.7945771

What you on? Link works fine.

>> No.7945794
File: 2 KB, 136x91, palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't a link, anon.

>> No.7945802

Let me clarify, they will defend drinking raw milk despite this. And then they'll also rant about how unhealthy American food is. But let me guess it's "le Jewish conspiracy"?

>> No.7945807

>despite this
Despite what?

>> No.7945808

>they will defend drinking raw milk despite this

Yes, Europeans will defend drinking raw milk despite Burgerfats being pants wetting scared of it.

>> No.7945822
File: 16 KB, 450x349, Louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to do with the antibiotic ridden, mass industrial produced, GMO corn fed shit-mutants you diabetic retards call dairy cattle?
Unpasteurised milk is perfectly safe in my country thanks, you soda chugging fucktard.

>> No.7945831


It's safe in every country. Just like eggs.

The difference isn't the food, it's the mindset of the people. Americans had widespread adoption of refrigerators long before anyone else did. We're so used to it that many of us are afraid of not refrigerating things, even though it's not always needed. Ditto for pasteurized milk.

>> No.7945860


Actually over here in the Netherlands you're only allowed to buy raw milk directly from the farmer, because it has been proven time and time again that in national distribution raw milk has far higher incidences of food poisoning than pasteurized milk.

Hell, we only allow raw milk cheese out of tradition. The number of mass recalls of raw milk soft cheeses are just plain silly.

>> No.7945909


>Monongahela, PA

>> No.7945924
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Looks like a link to me

>> No.7945943


We have a quite similar thing in the states, raw milk is banned from interstate commerce. Basically as soon as you make the distribution chain long enough, fuckers start cheating and their cows are treated like shit.

But if you buy direct from a farmer I see no giant risk, just ask around, and look around, and do your due diligence. I actually would like some raw milk to make ice cream with, and raw cream to freeze into cubes and have long term for my coffee.

>> No.7946062

Doesn't freezing cream kind of fuck with the texture? Or is that just milk? I mean, I freeze butter with no side effects, I'm curious to try it with cream, if you say it's fine.

>> No.7946074

Yeah but they literally come on here and say pasteurized milk "isnt real milk"

>> No.7946265

>too busy trolling that all american cheese is overly processed slices

>> No.7946283

tfw the government makes me feel like a criminal and I have to make shady deals with weirdo farmers to get raw milk to make cheese.

>> No.7946289


Tons of your shit comes with

>Imitation American cheese

American cheese wasn't great to begin with and then someone went and made an imitation of it out of pretty much plastic.

>> No.7946331

>I see pictures of processed slices all the time so that must be all there is!
You're so smart and worldly and totally not embarrassing ignorant :^)

>> No.7946409

Warm creamy milk? Yuck, why don't you just cum in my mouth desu senpai

>> No.7946437

To be fair, we have cultured this in yuros. Yuros have looked up to the superiority of the US for so long yet known so little about us. When they finally got the internet and were able to talk with us person to person, they began to take our enthusiastic appreciation for things no matter the origin as validation. They then learned they could market the hell out of their goods and come up with some arbitrary standards, then trade mark those standards to try to prevent anyone else from producing anything similar, even if a person whose family has been making that sort of thing for hundreds of years is no longer a member of their shitty country, and some people will buy into it.
Now it's just fake it till ya make it.

>> No.7946564

Yum yum unpasteurized milk is much richer and creamy that the shit sold at stores

>> No.7946577

Open wide!

>> No.7946608

Netherland is the asshole of european food production though. Sure, a lot of shit flows through, but most of it is just awful.

>> No.7946624

I was out of town, im not anymore

>> No.7946627

Sorry I was on my phone

>> No.7946634

Medical professionals disagree

>> No.7946862

>Cow pox
>TB (you read that right)

There's a reason the FDA doesn't recommend drinking raw milk.

>> No.7946872

and I'm sure you cook all your steaks to medium-well like they recommend, right?
and fry all your eggs to hard?

>> No.7946918

>between 1993 and 2006 more than 1500 people in the United States became sick from drinking raw milk or eating cheese made from raw milk.

So 115 people annually. A 2007 CDC survey estimated ca. 9.4 million Americans consume raw milk regularly. So 0.0012% of people who consume raw milk become ill.

Conservatively, let's pretend 70% of Americans consumed only raw milk products (223,230,000). This means 267,876 Americans could become ill.

Even with this poor extrapolation, you can see raw milk could have an impact on American health... but why not regulate things like sugar in food and exercise first?

>> No.7946957
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becuase raw milk is a competitor to big buisness. where as sugar and corn syrup in foods they sell is a staple. they use the health angle to push down raw milk but wont lift a finger to stop anything approaching the health concerns of our countries processed shit, and that results in hilariously awful, like so bad you want to fucking cry, situations of stuff like ms obama's movement to change school lunches being underprepared for corporate assholery, resulting in miillions of kids being forced to eat like a cookie and some milk because it technically fit into the health scheme and there was just no healthy replacement available for all the shit they could no longer serve children.

Monsato owns litterally all of our countries food, and the only people who seem to oppose them tend to be yuppies equally as brain dead as their detractors, scared over "GMOS" and progress. literal modern day Luddites that think the environmental ramifications of GMOS are so awful theyre worth rolling over tons of existing wildlife and rain forest for new farmland. It's pretty fucking obvious the answer is in the middle of the massive assholes and the small ones but no one cares about being moderate in this country any more, the country is in an upswing of extremism with people taking increasingly polarized views of everything imaginable. It wasn't very long ago when people just called vegans vegetarians as a whole, and now we have raw vegans and paleos and the like. I'm sure theres some psychological I'm differnet and better than you shit going on here, but a lot of the underlying issues really don't boil down to that. It all revolves around fighting an enemy at any cost, Just look at sjws, theyre basically parodies of it.

Odds are if things get bad enough we might end up like post revolutionary france. A reactionary swing so hard that it just wasn't sustainable and broke the fuck back down till napoleon got ahold of it.

>> No.7947182

Drinking raw milk is one thing, but people who eat raw milk yogurt are truly retarded.

Lets set up a high temperature culturing environment and see whether the e-coli present can produce small enough amounts of Shiga toxin before the acid kills it. Lets feed it to the baby too, if god wants him to live he won't get sick.

>> No.7949278
