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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7934333 No.7934333 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is reviewbrah talking about being gangstalked?


its at 1:18

>> No.7934356

As much as I like reviewbrah, he's always had a pedo vibe, so not surprising he'd get v&.

>> No.7934361

I got that rapey vibe too. Its 60% his child molester hands

>> No.7934370

Is wearing ill-fitting clothing part of his gimmick or is he just retarded?

>> No.7934371

His depression is actually schizophrenia

>> No.7934390 [DELETED] 


>> No.7934409
File: 320 KB, 1353x756, 8OXPkFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a group of women on reddit that are chasing down MGTOW youtubers and doxing them.
Probably had something to do with that.

>> No.7934411

hes a retard

>> No.7934417

Paranoid Schizophrenia. Go to any conspiracy theory site (ATS etc) and you'll find the mentally ill thinking they're being stalked. You also get people who believe those little pieces of lint or other debris are alien/government implants.

It doesn't matter what proof you offer that their beliefs are bullshit - it'll never work. They're ill, they're damaged goods and the only thing you can do is suggest that they keep seeking help.

>> No.7934441

I've never watched his videos before today. I just thought he was an underaged autist with a kinda cute awkwardness about him. Now I wanna punch him in the face, it's like he's patronising me through the camera.

>> No.7934449 [DELETED] 

He's become increasingly more self-aware and Flanderized as his channel went on.

Watch his old content.


>> No.7934461

Oh, to live like Dick. How I wish his way of being was legally practicable in my country.

>> No.7934462

His accent is much stronger here.

>> No.7934483

Societal Justice warriors

>> No.7934491

Woah I never heard about that, do you have a link?

>> No.7934502

I didn't know what MGTOW was until I just looked it up. Why do women have a problem with it? I haven't gone too deep into the thing but it's just dudes who don't want to date. Who cares

>> No.7934605

It's cuz they are usually fedora teir misogynists.
Most women dgaf about wizards on the Internet.

>> No.7934610

We might have the next Elliot Rodgers here.

>> No.7934622

If his story about someone following him and then rolling the car window down and filming him is true then he has a right to be paranoid. I wouldn't be surprised if it was true with his internet fame.

>> No.7934637

>Why do women have a problem with it? I haven't gone too deep into the thing but it's just dudes who don't want to date.
THat's exactly why. This is a threat to little princesses who don't want to pull their own weight in life but just find a man to hook onto and leech. When bored, kick him out, collect alimony, lather, rinse, repeat.

Normal, sane women don't care. The assholes get their panties in a bunch over the fact that they're not the most desirable life accessory to some men and they're afraid that this attitude might spread to their target list of male providers.

>> No.7934640
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so, a group of fedoras going after another group of fedoras

>> No.7934649
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There was thread on pol yesterday where a guy supposedly broke into his house a was going to force feed review brother weed brownies

>> No.7934666

had me legitimately concerned.

>> No.7934723

kek, no fucking way....really?

I thought he was high all the time, his eyes are glassy and red in all his videos

>> No.7934729


It's just a matter of when. I am interested to see what they put on this news front page "food reviewer snaps, Mother drove him to massacre"

>> No.7934736
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Yeah, but thread 404 before he posted proof. It was really creepy tbqh

>> No.7934739

Gee, I wonder why you can't get a date with that winning attitude of yours.

>> No.7934750

Is it true that his mom drive him to restaurants and he just sits in the drivers seat to review?

>> No.7934751

It's because of social justice warriors same reason he can't get a job

If not for feminazi scum (women as you cucks might say) he would be CEO of PayPal by now

>> No.7934755

Yes. You can usually see her purse in the backseat in most of his videos

>> No.7934757

I thought that was the jews?

>> No.7934767

The Jews are women, haven't you been red pilled?

>> No.7934770

that's pretty pathetic

>> No.7934774

I took the blue pill in exchange for being brainwashed by liberals (going to college, as you cucks might say)

>> No.7934780

a lot of autists don't drive for some reason. I can't figure it out though.

I'm sure he could pass a driving test and he makes enough money in 2 months to buy a new car.

>> No.7934783

there is literally nothing wrong with not having a car

>> No.7934784

I took the black pill hehe silly white boys ;^)

>> No.7934785

Oh yes those infantile and ineffectual SJW's and Feminist, the common enemy to humans.

>> No.7934790

Why is /ck/ so mean to reviewbrah? Hes harmless and his videos are somewhat entertaining.

>> No.7934792

Get back to work eggy

>> No.7934805

what ever happened to him? Is he living in a van or under a bridge by now?

>> No.7934813

It was probably just some fans and Reviewbrah is overreacting.
His channel is egg white on YouTube. He got fired and now has no money.

>> No.7934833

does he have a soul

>> No.7934839

I want to merge souls with him

>> No.7934861

Do you mean to imply I subscribe to the MGTOW lifestyle? I do not. I simply explained why it upsets a subset of women. Who'd even want a date with the women upset over the MGTOW movement? I'll stick to the sane women, thank you very much. If this offends you you're not part of the group.

>> No.7935073

Has he ever considered that the person with the camera was a fan?

>> No.7935081

In the past week, I've seen one /pol/ thread and two /b/ threads of people actively stalking the shit out of him....both online and in real life

>> No.7935100

his eyes look extra JUST

>> No.7935112
File: 325 KB, 1274x712, vab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the green van that Reviewbrah is most likely talking about

Sp00ky if it's true

>> No.7935123

sounds like he's a paranoid schizo

>> No.7935127

>People saying he's crazy

He's a 4chan meme

There's probably some cuck on here, or /pol/ who's actually stalking in for the keks

>> No.7935169
File: 118 KB, 1680x1050, thiswebbyismine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is he going to get his own show???

what networks would be best?

Food, HGTV, CC, Adult Swim, Spike?

>> No.7935175

sounds like he's an armchair psychologist

>> No.7935192

>People saying he's crazy

He's not crazy, he just has autism and ocd. It's pretty obvious

>> No.7935245

No one needs your logical assumptions, Ockham.

>> No.7935276

What's the difference?

>> No.7935301

Asperger's is more likely.

>> No.7935309

>its not autism its [subset of autism]
Congratulations, you've tested positive for autism!

>> No.7935501

is that a star of david in the passenger side of the van?

>> No.7935536

Show me one screenshot.

>> No.7935549

there was a video where you saw her move her purse off screen.

recent, so look for it yourself, it was on the left side of the frame

>> No.7935551

Does he naturally speak that way, or is it affected?

IRL I've only met one (young) person who had a genuine, old-timey NY accent.

>> No.7935555

you made the claim, so you show me, you fucking faggot

>> No.7935564
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people in some parts of new york, and jersey do have such accents. It's not completely dead.

(I moved to tri-state area some years ago)

>> No.7935565

not him anon, i was just trying to help. if you are this lazy i'll go look for you.

>> No.7935574
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THen please go look and post.

>> No.7935576

>alone in the wilderness
that documentary is fantastic i recommend you all watch it

>> No.7935587


thought he might have deleted it heh.

>> No.7935594

wow thanks anon for being a pretty cooool guy

>> No.7935596

THanks by the way

>> No.7935603

>Why is /ck/ so mean to reviewbrah?

Because /ck/ is primarily made up of special snowflake gay men, weeaboo women, and stay at home moms who all consider themselves professional cooks when really they're not, this is why people here lose their mind when people have "fast food shill" threads. The very idea that people eat fast food or junk food threatens the very one thing they consider impressive about their "personality", in that they identify as a "foodie".

>> No.7935610

I think you are very confused about /ck/ demographics

>> No.7935742

I don't think he's autistic. However, I am, and while I do drive, I'm not very good at it.

The reason we're bad at driving is the same reason that we're bad at interacting with people: we can't predict what normal people will do in a given situation as easily as other normal people can. It causes a panic reaction, or at the very least anxiety, which makes driving very unpleasant.

Couple that with anxiety disorders, which many autists have, and it's a train wreck (not literally - more of a car crash).

>> No.7935760

I'm autistic too and I drive just fine and panic-less.

Are you maybe.. a grill?

>> No.7935766

It's not that the driving process is difficult for them. It's more a problem with things like breaking down in heavy traffic or speaking to another driver after a mild collision etc

>> No.7935768

I am not. I do have all sorts of anxiety disorders which feed into it, so that might be it.

I'm just all fucked up.

>> No.7935771

im a little autistic as well and I LOVE driving, it's one of my favorite pastimes. I do get overwhelmed pretty easily in certain scenarios though like i'll panic if I have to go over a bridge or ill freak out in traffic thinking I might run out of gas before I make it to a gas station.

I think if reviewbrah did drive nothing bad would happen and it might even loosen him the fuck up a little bit.

>> No.7935780

you have link to archive?

>> No.7935792

I should rephrase: I like driving a lot, it's very relaxing, but in traffic I freeze up and start to freak out a little bit. It's especially bad when I have to take unprotected left turns or change lanes on a packed highway at high speed.

As usual I'm good at things until people get involved, then I fuck up.

>> No.7935797

>I think you are very confused about /ck/ demographics

Nah, the things that trigger /ck/ have been long tested by me to come to this conclusion.

Wanna know what makes /ck/ even angrier than fast food? Saying a mothers cooking sucked. Women (likely some amount of moms), gays, and weebs. No straight male gets offended over that to the level people do on this board.

>> No.7935801
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VERY confused.

No, we dont like Fast Food Shill threads because they arent even disguised as anything. They are blatantly an ad, pushing some lame 'hip' sales pitch, and telling us 'what a good deal' it is. When a thread is made every 45 minutes about it, theres a fucking limit.

Posting a Timestamped/Not Googled image of Fast Food along with actual discussion on flavor, preference, etc. That would be a different story. I dont need some NEETShill trying to sell me shit food that a lot of people get addicted to like heroin.

>> No.7935802

Hf autist here, 120-200 oz of beer a day and 5 bowls. Can't call it high functioning really.

>> No.7936953

Aspergers is more likely

>> No.7937026

"demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight."

This kid doesn't know jack shit about definitions... including the definitions of bellicose and stalking.

>> No.7937028

Browsing 4chan hasn't been kind to his psyche

>> No.7937043


more like NEETS and mamas boys not actual women

>> No.7937049


I'm autistic, but I still Drive. I also work in a car shop, am a secret getaway driver and stunt man for movies.

I also enjoy getting cucked and telling people to never talk to my wife's son again.

>> No.7937059
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He repeats certain words over and over as if the company that made the food he is reviewing gave him a bunch of buzz words that they wanted in the review.

Here is the word cloud from this review. All positive of course.

It is more and more obvious this guy is just shilling constantly.

>> No.7937096

Wrong you are. Reviewbrah gf it is.
Heard him say he had a gf in VORW radio show once.

>> No.7937118

Why doesn't he tell people if it's his mom driving him places? Is he embarrassed about it?

>> No.7937135

>word cloud
Bet you also wear coloured trainers pmsl

>> No.7937160

Uh, word cloud exists for that very purpose.

Every single human uses key phrases and words more often than others, and on a larger scale groups of people who associate with one another

Also pretty much all of those words are not "positive" by default
"expensive" could be saying something is too expensive
"zing" could be saying there isn't enough zing
"flavor" could be saying there is no flavor
"spice" could be saying there is too much spice
"thicker" could be saying he wished it was thicker

Stop being a literal retard, faggot

>> No.7937214

Guys who don't GTOW are financial-cucks.

>> No.7937232


>> No.7937240

Reviewbrah is kind and cool and wouldn't hurt a fly.
Let him be!!!

>> No.7937570

unless you've got a source, gonna go with reviewmummy being a good parent, humoring reviewbrah

>> No.7937574

>wouldn't hurt a fly.
The only question now is what type of gun he'll use.

>> No.7937598

no you are stupid

>> No.7937784
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>> No.7937907
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>> No.7937914


>> No.7937920

>implying radical feminist women are the ones looking for male providers to latch onto
Homie these people are likely dating chicks. The women who live as you suggest (gold-diggers, basically) have NEVER heard of MGTOW and think feminism and social justice are ridiculous. Guaranteed. Get off the internet once in a while.

>> No.7937922

reminder that his mom drives him to every place then they switch seats for the review

>> No.7937924

You talk like an enlightened fedora regardless

>> No.7937928

>special snowflake gay men

>weeaboo women

>stay at home moms

Why are you on this board? You're just projecting infantile assumptions about what you think about cooking.

>> No.7937953

>implying it's radical feminists and not stay at home moms that are throwing that particular hissyfit

>> No.7937963

no its just radical feminists

>> No.7937972

I am usually on KC but when I visit 4chan I come to here or /o/ and I think a lot of the people here are male chefs/cooks/food industry workers and fat guys who just love food. Awesome crowd honestly. I never heard of a woman here. Not that they aren't allowed or anything, just what the fuck kind of woman would be on 4chan.

>> No.7937990
File: 81 KB, 774x1032, 5PZIe8E[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Reviewbrahs farts smell like

>> No.7938009

Knew this guy was insane

>> No.7938021

Look man I'm married and honestly, my wife browses this board...most nights I throw her cooking in the trash cause she can't cook and she gets the recipes from you guys. Me and the little one go out to Wendy's for some frostys and burgers.

>> No.7938023


>> No.7938038

>fat guys who just love food

Guilty as charged.

>> No.7938073

>Awesome crowd honestly.

>soccer moms who refuse to post OC but rage against junk food threads
>australians and brits who are only here to call American food garbage when they can't even order a taco in their "country"
>weebs who think ramen noodle soup is impressive


>> No.7938136
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>> No.7938380

>he's describing the food using adjectives

>> No.7938498


With the exception that he used every word positively in his review. Even "expensive" was couched with the explanation that it was high quality.

>> No.7938503

But that's literally and objectively wrong? He said the ridiculous layer of crunch took away from the taste and left the core chicken tasting less flavorful as a result.

>> No.7938509
File: 4 KB, 160x106, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally and objectively
back to your room its tendie time adam

>> No.7938771

what vid?

>> No.7938776

Hopefully this is the last we'll see of this little shill.

>> No.7938892


He said it had a nice layer of crunch early in the video. He said it was so amazingly and wonderfully crunchy that he almost wished it was grilled chicken.

He was doing product placement and suggesting that grilled chicken from the same establishment is great as well.


>> No.7938907

That's... not what he said at all, you colossal fucking retard?

>> No.7939116

He calls someone taking a video of him harassment and stalking. Clearly he's not ready for internet fame.

>> No.7939118

>and she gets the recipes from you guys
Bullshit detected. We don't post recipes, mong.

>> No.7939125

I used to like the board a lot better when it was slow and a thread on a particular dish or style of cooking could stay up for a couple of weeks. It is a good crowd though. There are tons of male industry workers and also a bunch of people who just like eating. Honestly when I started frequenting this board, I was the latter, but partly because of the influence of this place I became a cook. It's a really great place to learn about obscure foods as well.

He clearly meant everyone except the United Statesians.

>> No.7939616

>does a detailed explanation of flavor
>washes it down with Monster

>> No.7939911

Highly doubt it.
Seems like the detached from mommy/daddy type.

>> No.7939918

Dude is being stalked irl by the leaf
yet looks to be doing fine.

>> No.7939936

Reviewbrah has fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.7939962


>> No.7939975

>Reviewbrah has fetal alcohol syndrome
he does have the facial appearance of that

>> No.7939983

but he talks with such eloquence though!

>> No.7939989


for you

>> No.7940005


>> No.7940033

>but he talks with such eloquence though!
I was simply agreeing with that guy. I knew only one person my life with it, granddaughter of a family friend. Grandma was raising the drunk daughters spawn, who had the exact same face, eyelids, nose, mouth, all of it. I didn't realize til now. She was kind of like the mentality of a 12 year old and really never looked any other than that. Reviewbrah seems very high functioning, I agree, but he's odd enough to still fit I mean the age is obviously old enough to drive, but he also seems very immature at the same time.
I've seen a few of his videos, and he's nice enough. I'm not picking on him. I think he underestimated the depths of flavor in the Pepsi 1893 though!

>> No.7940044

Can somebody explain this meme to me? It looks like such a fucking waste of time.

>> No.7940047

fuck, wrong thread, but maybe somebody will still answer?

>> No.7940209

>le eats one frozen pizza a day man

He's also linked to /fit/ anyways, but really I'm triggered by people who eat bad food/don't cook.

I don't mind his videos though, I mean he doesn't talk about things like mouth feel or texture but he's less obnoxious than other food reviewers.

>> No.7940223

that's creepy as fuck famfam

>> No.7940398

High dining. Court food. Sure, it takes a long time and a lot of effort, but it looks great.

>> No.7941994

Hi guys im autistic too we should make a club

>> No.7942710

it looks good and reflects skill. there's your answer

>> No.7943870
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Reviewbrah is /fa/

>> No.7943898

and /fa/ dresses like retards

>> No.7943914

literally the first time i heard some one use this was at work.

this fat chick with pink hair and cat eye glasses called one of my friends a mgtow because he wouldnt date her.
hes straight up 6 foot tall white dude with blue eyes and blond hair, why would he settle for a fat mexican troll doll