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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7924147 No.7924147 [Reply] [Original]

Food everyone loves that you hate.
Pic related. Rubbery, shit tier, garbage eating ocean roach.

>> No.7924153

Everyone knows lobster is overrated af, no need to be an edgelord about it.

>> No.7924162

Seafood in general is fucking disgusting.

>get invited out to dinner
>it's a seafood place
>forced to be that guy who orders a steak that's buried at the bottom of the menu
>it's always shitty and overpriced
>the smell of the restaurant alone makes me nauseous

I can't even eat tuna salad.

>> No.7924176

I feel like scallops are the same way too. They always sound like a good idea on a menu but I'm always vaguely disappointed when I eat them

>> No.7924181

Funny thing is I actually like other seafood. Shrimp, scallops, crawfish, mussels. Lobster just doesn't do it for me.

>> No.7924182
File: 164 KB, 1000x513, bottle-of-yellow-mustard_shutterstock_2476881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking vile and there is no excuse for it.

>> No.7924185


>Hasn't tried seeded, hot English or German mustard

>> No.7924192

That has absolutely nothing to do with standard fare yellow mustard.

>> No.7924204
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What about Fish'n'ships or deep fried shrimps?

>> No.7924247

Piss of snob. Classic yellow mustard has its place

>> No.7924254

On brats and ballpark dogs


>> No.7924262

I feel for you.

Fish is good, but seafood in certain restaurants are literally shit, mussels that are grey, sand in the clams, i like it as long as it's properly stored up before being cooked, and usually it's not.

>> No.7924264

Cold pizza

Fuck it

>> No.7924265

You're inhuman. Cold pizza is the GOAT snackfood of leftovers. Rewarmed pizza is always soggy.

>> No.7924266

Scallops and oysters

They just taste like mushy blobs of water

>> No.7924352 [DELETED] 

Same, idk cold pizza just taste off to me, on the other I love cold fried chicken like I almost enjoy it more cold than warm

>> No.7924360
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>> No.7924366

Rewarm pizza in the oven to regain the crispy crust. Unless, that is, you eat that deep dish garbage.

>> No.7924373

i used to think that way until i had good scallops that were cooked perfectly
shit was divine
oysters are just ok though, don't get the hype. pretty good barbecued

>> No.7924375

Same, idk cold pizza just taste off to me, on the other I love cold fried chicken like I almost enjoy it more cold than warm

>> No.7924377


>> No.7924402
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>> No.7924456

>chemical-y tasting fudgy material coated in shellac

No thanks Jethro, I'll take zebra cakes, swiss rolls, and oatmeal creme pies over that shit any day of the week

>> No.7924469


>> No.7924472

hamburgers. Went to a trip to indonesia when I was young and had an "american" beef burger at a dodgy burger joint. Ended up getting severe food poisoning that lasted for a week and a half of non-stop diarrhea and vomiting. After I recovered, my body gags at the sight of a hamburger and haven't been able to eat one since. I can eat chicken burgers just fine though.

>> No.7924487

>goes to some third world place to get american food
>gets food poisoning
what the fuck did you expect, why dont you try a real goddamn burger

>> No.7924502

I'd rather stick to chicken burgers.

>> No.7924522

reminder that lobster was used as fertilizer until fishermen realized they could trick gullible fucks into thinking it was high class

>> No.7924982

Oh...see I've always eaten them raw.

>> No.7925020

don't overcook it then you faggot
children detected.

theyre very expensive for what they taste yeah, but theyre still fucking good

Mustard litterally opens up tastebud receptors and makes you taste food more. it's like horse radish and it objectively makes anything taste better when it doesn't overpower it.

its great on basically any deli cut.

deep dish "Garbage" normally has crispy crust unlike floppy newyork

this happened to me with breakfast sausage once. I got over it, You could do the same, but honestly the burger isn't worth it. it's amazing but it's too easy to fuck up, if you are an outsider you could go your whole life without finding some decent ones.

If you do get back into the game being state side, try the habit. if you had your experiance you did then there they would shut the place down.

>> No.7925024

reminder that whiskey is a poor-mans schnaps until someone realized they could trick gullible fucks into thinking it was high class
reminder that bacon is among the least valuable parts of the pig until someone realized they could trick gullible fucks into thinking bacon is some epic maimai

>> No.7925048


>> No.7925101



>> No.7925105
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Kek. Are you the mcchicken poster?

>> No.7925122

Tuna - hate it, cant even watch someone eat it and Im not the type who gets grossed out easy. (I once drank someone elses "Vodka Vomit", yes I was drunk too)

>> No.7925163

>breakfast cereal
>cheap cheese
>chain pizza
>mac & cheese
>chicken/turkey sandwiches
>BBQ sauce

>> No.7925175


I don't get it, it's fishy taste is pretty overbearing, and here in the NW, it's always paired with hipster shit, or cooked on cedar or some other nonsense

I'll just stick with whitefish and Ivar's, thanks

>> No.7925268

I hear you. People love the shit out of it and I think it's just ok.

Hate soda, hated it even more when I was a kid. Also hate most high proof alcohol like whiskey and vodka. Everclear tastes better to me because it's flavorless.

>> No.7925281

>reminder that whiskey is a poor-mans schnaps
They taste nothing alike you absolute retard

>> No.7925333

indonesians eat doges homie. also i should mention they have no cooking standards and are filthy muslim fucks in general.

>> No.7925386


i also don't like seafood. i feel for you anon. strange thing is i loved it when i was a kid.

i absolutely hate everything about sushi. seaweed makes me gag. wasabi tastes like hot garbage.

>> No.7925633

>wasabi tastes like hot garbage
Wasabi has taste? Every time I eat it my tongue catches fire and my nose turns into the fire brigade spraying mucus everywhere.

>> No.7925647

You're not supposed to eat a spoonful at a time, foolio.

>> No.7925680


>> No.7925858

I agree on whole, raw tomatoes, but pureed tomatoes are so versatile.

>> No.7925868

Mustard, beans, all vegetables, every fruit except oranges and bananas.

>> No.7925874

Seeded mustard is GOAT, I cook mussels in it and it tastes great and adds a nice texture to the sauce

>> No.7925889
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>> No.7925901

reminder that they fed it to prisoners because they thought it was shit for ages

>> No.7926317
File: 264 KB, 1200x900, abortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble with most fish. I've been trying to build up my tastes for them since there's so much variety but I'm still working on it.

>piss of snob
What is this, your favorite dish?
Fucking plebeians

>> No.7926338

I used to not like seafood but I've taught myself to like it as i have to go to Japan occasionally

I used to suck on the seaweed sheets while working so i became so used to, add bonito to lots of sauces and sprinkle seaweed on things. Also drinking miso soup every day.

Eventually i went from downing the soup to just drinking it, I can eat sushi without feeling ill now and the seaweed doesn't make me choke. I also pick out the bonito and enjoy the flavour. Other seafood stuff feels mild in comparison generally so I just accept it and enjoy it.

>> No.7926478

I heard about this shit - a prison kitchen is pretty shitty, especially back then, so naturally the prisoners would get pissed. I'm sure those cooks didn't give a fuck

>> No.7926491

the majority of beef and chicken and any products containing them
mussels clams etc
most beans

>> No.7926495

Peanut butter

>> No.7927720

fun fact, thats called conditioned taste aversion and its a psychological thing that is meant to prevent you from killing yourself by eating poison over and over. in modern times its just an annoying thing that gets in the way of good food, i had it for some shitty beef jerky and had to force myself to get past it because i knew that i was missing out on good food.

>> No.7927733

Damn dude, what do you eat

>> No.7927746

This has to be true
>ate an entire ackage of peach rings as a kid
>puked like mad
>never ate peach rings again

>ate pizza and skittles as a kid
>got sick because I forget
>puked like mad
>never ate skittles again

>drank two four lokos in an hour as a dumbass
>puked like mad (too much sugar, man)
>never drank four loko again

>> No.7927768

fruit for some reason. idk why. every type just makes me want to spit it out right as I put it into my mouth.

>> No.7927772

*excuse me not skittles, they were runts

>> No.7927774

Olives, and by extension nearly all Greek food.

>> No.7927801

oh you fucked up.
I hated these fuckers for a long time. More moons than you've been alive likely.

Than I tried roasted plum tomatoes.
acquire tomatoes
mix one part salt, one part pepper one part sugar

Cut tomatoes in half, add mix to taste.
bake at 350F until only barely any fluid is left. and you've got a shiny tomato

If you like that umami leave the juice in, it takes longer though. maybe lower the heat.

really concentrates the flavor

>> No.7927806

fishy overbearing.
ah I see you've had overcooked spoiled salmon

>> No.7927816

Potato salad.

>> No.7927839

>he hates cosmic brownies
Did you drink the cosmic brownie shake or what?

>> No.7927844

I don't mind lobster but if i'm getting shellfish I want crab.
Nothing better than some good crab legs with butter sauce.