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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 750x750, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7871007 No.7871007 [Reply] [Original]

how do you like your coffee /ck/?

>> No.7871010

Black as midnight on a moonless night.

>> No.7871013

Black is true patrician.

Why dress it up? Just take it for what it is.

>> No.7871026

I get confused when it comes to coffee, there's all these different brands and stuff. I do like black though.

>> No.7871043 [DELETED] 

I hate niggers.

>> No.7871045


It's not that complicated. If you drink coffee regularly it's not that hard to try different things and find what you like, and coffee hipsters are not really judgmental of someone with different tastes, so you shouldn't feel pressure about your order when you go to a coffee shop.

>> No.7871049


>> No.7871058

Black as the nigger we're being forced to call Mr. President for the next several months.

>> No.7871064

What are you talking about? I've picked up countless women in coffee shops when ordering black.

>> No.7871085

1/4 unsweetened coconut milk
3/4 coffee

thats not very black though anon

>> No.7871086

So half cream, half black then?

>> No.7871090

black, no sugar. don't know why people consider it something special (be it good or bad) drink whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.7871104

Flat white, no sugar

>> No.7871129

Dark with two teaspoons of sugar because I'm a pleb.

>> No.7871135
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>> No.7871137

Aaaaalways black, personally. I don't see the point of tasting it with shit in it

>> No.7871146

twin peaks is fedora now?

>> No.7871160


I doubt he got the reference.

>> No.7871168

The older I get, the more I enjoy my coffee with a splash of dairy. Never with sugar though.

>> No.7871170

As a white male, i refrain from drinking coffee or tea.
It's not part of my culture and i respect that.

>> No.7871194

Black dark roast and sometimes I add a little hazelnut If i want it to be sweet.

>> No.7871197


Cold and black like my heart.

>> No.7871209

You shouldn't speak english either.
English is by and large a cultural appropriation of German, French and nearly 100 other world languages.

>> No.7871210

I don't drink coffee.
I drink tea. About 1-3 cups a day, black in the morning and green for the rest of the time.

>> No.7871219

Black most of the time. Sometimes I add a splash of milk, especially in the morning.

>> No.7871220

I prefer tea. Pu-erh, oolong, green, yellow, black. Russian Caravan, bergamot, Assam, Keemun, pekoe, matcha. When you boil it right down, coffee can't hold a candle to the complexities and refinement of tea.

The greatest empire the world will ever see was founded on tea. Where coffee has only one mode- "stimulate!"- tea can relax, energize, or even send you to sleep.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy coffee on occasion, when I require a brute uplift and I care not how I feel in two hours (or if I sleep that night). But tea opens up a range of possibilities that coffee can never match.

Basically, coffee is for plebeians who have no time for subtleties. The refined autocrat will always prefer tea.

>> No.7871221

Preferably without some asshole throwing coffee beans all over the table

>> No.7871223

Down the drain where garbage belongs

>> No.7871236


>> No.7871248

I don't like Coffee, I just drink mineral water instead. :/

>> No.7871264
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The sweet petite bad-girl with frizzy brown hair and cherry popped lips barista brewing any mixture of honey, cinnamon, white chocolate, caramel, and hazelnut with steamed milk.
Cute cappuccino making babe brewing for me and sneaking glances at me from behind the counter. Yet I never tip because coffee is addictive and expensive enough.

>> No.7871275

Very strong, splash of half & half or cream, pinch of salt.

>> No.7871305

Beat poetry. Love it!

>> No.7872840

What's your favorite brand of coffee /ck/?

>> No.7872844
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>> No.7872845


It completely depends on what local roasters are around wherever I happen to be living. If you're not buying freshly roasted coffee you're doing it wrong.

>> No.7872846

Black at work

A teaspoon a sugar at home

>> No.7872851

Black, brewed with an Aeropress.
1 tsp of white sugar too.

>> No.7872859

Lots of cream, lots of sugar

>> No.7872864

weak and white - like my men

>> No.7872869
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Anybody else use palm sugar? A pretty accomplished chef I briefly worked for told me about it and it's a life changer. It's a little less convenient because you have to grate it like it's nutmeg or something, but it's much better than white sugar or any of the usual sugar alternatives.

>> No.7872871

Generally I drink it black, but if it's shitty coffee I'll add some cream.

>> No.7872875

Dark Roast, plus milk and sugar, and a splash of Bailey's.

>> No.7872897
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>> No.7873013
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>> No.7873078

question for you cu/ck/s: what's some decent discount/bulk coffee? Guy at work used to get free bags of Starbucks because he worked there last year. Can't get them any more, but we want to keep using our coffeemaker.

I'd just get a decent brand if it were just for myself, but we'll be making 1-2 pots per day for 3 people, so I'm wondering if there's a brand that makes decent stuff in a larger container for a good price.

Or am I just stuck with a large bin of Folgers if I don't wanna shell out $?

>> No.7873684


shut the fuck up

>> No.7873702

I usually drink it black because I usually don't have cream or milk at home.

on a related note, how do you guys usually make coffee for yourselves? I use a pour over because it seems like the simplest and fastest way to make it.

>> No.7873732

The phrase its fedora

>> No.7873758


>> No.7873771
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>Basically, coffee is for plebeians who have no time for subtleties. The refined autocrat will always prefer tea.

>> No.7874297

Like my sexuality
It depends on my mood

>> No.7874460
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>Mfw amerifats actually drink coffee with cream instead of milk

>> No.7874463

I drink it black on workdays, with Bailey's on the weekend.

>> No.7874475


What the fuck is wrong with that, it's just a creamier part of the milk. How i do it, black coffee, hot or cold, splash of cream. So takes less liquid, so cools down the coffee less.

>> No.7874504
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>> No.7874680

>how do you like your coffee /ck/?

Like my black people. Just a a few shots.

>> No.7874891


>> No.7874898

Black and room temperature, but ideally iced.

Have had it all kinds of ways at cheap and expensive cafes. I don't hate it but don't understand why people love it and how simply serving it can support a business.

Ideally I'm getting it cheaply and served in a way where I can just gulp it down for the effects. I used to doctor it up with sugar and cream and other stuff, but that never actually made it good just better.

>> No.7875030

Black like my fedora

>> No.7875147

My grandma actually has a coffee cup that big that she uses every day

>> No.7875251
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I found a vacuum coffee pot at a thrift store today.

It's a Cory DRU3. It seems to be in good shape.

Anything important I should know before trying to use it? I have read you should not use them on electric burners, but I have also seen several people on youtube doing it.

>> No.7875255

I take my coffee...

>> No.7875262

decaf. Caffeine wrecks me.

>> No.7875265

>Entire thread is HURR DURR BLACK IS 4 FEDORAS
Why are the literal children in here so angry that not everybody needs to dump sugar into everything

>> No.7875271

Half and Half is the proper addition to coffee if you add anything at all.

You should take our advice. Americans are to coffee as England is to tea.

>> No.7875287

>rusty french press that's 15 years old and will one day kill me
>Enough coffee grounds to make three cups.
>a cup of scaldiing water.
>Let sit past the 30 minute mark when the flavor starts to deteriorate and it goes cold
>drink cold

>pour more water into soggy coffee grounds
>strain out more coffee
>nuke to kill festering viruses
>have a panic attack and start throwing up because of caffeine toxicity level being reached and also rust

>> No.7875290
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Tied up in a sack and shipped over from an exotic country.

>> No.7875294

90% caffeine and shot directly into my eyes, anything less is for plebs who only want sugar

>> No.7875295

Despite their name, they aren't very good at cleaning up crumbs

>> No.7875299

Milk just waters it down and tastes shitty. Have you ever tried coffee or espresso with half and half or cream? It's fucking delicious.

I used to drink a large cup of coffee with heavy cream every morning, made a great breakfast substitute.

>> No.7875300

Black as my wife's sons real father

>> No.7875314

Black, but low acidity.

Typical grocery store coffee is Colombian origin, which is pretty acidic.

>> No.7875323

Electric burners will heat the glass unevenly and greatly increase the chance that it explodes shooting hot water and shards of glass all over the place.

>> No.7875373

why mang

>> No.7875377

What about those flat glass top burners on new ovens?

>> No.7875378

Very strong and black with a couple ice cubes so it's not scalding

>> No.7875573
File: 67 KB, 900x900, portable-gas-stove-butane-burner-with-1-range[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or how about one of these? Since I do not have a gas stove.


>> No.7875586

I don't. Cause I'm not a poftah cunt that needs something to stay awake.

>> No.7875708

Dark almost burnt coffee paste simmered in a deep pot for hours. Add fuck ton of sugar and sometimes milk. served cold with ice,
I fucking love Oliang.

>> No.7875812
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>he doesnt know theres coffee without caffeine

>> No.7876135
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>> No.7876198

Happy mug does wholesale I believe.

>> No.7876773

Lol, I never even noticed.

>> No.7876785

decaf still has caffeine in it you know

>> No.7877539

wtf is mineral water?

>> No.7877571

Black with ~5ml water added after brew

>> No.7877748

Yes, just like homeopathy contains active ingredients..

>> No.7877769

Nah, the decaffenation process isn't perfect. It's still enough to hurt people who don't deal with caffeine well in the cases of some brands.
It's not like decaf is a breed of bean. The do something with co2 gas to treat the regular beans