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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 600x400, pasties-33[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7835469 No.7835469 [Reply] [Original]

>Family coming over
>Want to run a British theme
Do the British actually have any food worth making?
So far I've been thinking pasties or toads in the hole.
Manchester pie for dessert.

>> No.7835478

>Do the British actually have any food worth making?


>> No.7835502

>Americans can't even make an op without shitposting

>> No.7835504

I'm not even joking

>> No.7835509

>yurops cant even disband the eu without killing their economy

>> No.7835516

I like pasties. I'm not sure if shepard's pie is English but it seems like it would be and it's good too.

>> No.7835521

brit here, no, not really.

>> No.7835523


Shepard's pie is great. Get some nice bread to wipe up the plate as well.

>> No.7835529
File: 111 KB, 686x1418, British and European stock markets port Brexit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7835534

It's just a blip, Pip, the markets will come around and be stronger because of this move.

>> No.7835536

I was watching a documentary on medieval life and during one episode the host of the documentary had an English meal that looked really good.

Sorry I can't provide a recipe or the name of the documentary. But some kind of river fish, mushy peas, and simple pastries.

You could also just be basic as fuck and make fish and chips

>> No.7835537

Fries with vinegar would be top brit

>> No.7835544

Serve some Indian food. Thats basically British food, both in the past and with current day.

>> No.7835551

The good british dishes are things like fish and chips or pot roast and mash potatoes. Since we eat stuff like that here in the states too i guess you would just have to tell your guests that it's a british meal

>> No.7835552

Thought those were samosas.

>> No.7835576

>Brits are known for hating the EU
>Let them vote on it during a huge refugee crisis
Is the British PM the stupidest man in the world?

>> No.7835581

Roast beef and yorksire pudding, with brussels sprouts and roast potatoes. Dont forget the hot mustard.

>> No.7835597
File: 14 KB, 284x178, hpsauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make anything and then just put a bottle of this on the table and announce, "I say old chaps, looks like it's suppermas. Good thing, because I'm famished."


>> No.7835603

You want to know how I know you retards don't know anything about markets? Google "dead cat bounce" have fun UKIP faggots.

>> No.7835608

Oh, and it's you poor chavs that are going to take the ultimate hit. Lulz

>> No.7835611

He promised the referendum a long time before the refugee crisis.

>> No.7835618

>HP Sauce
It's made in the Netherlands, anon.
It's not British.

>> No.7835630

square sausage, potato scone, crispy roll, irn bru

>> No.7835645

Pasties are love, pasties are life. Use flank steak. Be sure to include swede. Ketchup & sriracha makes a good condiment (though not probably British/Cornish). Source: am from UP of MI

>> No.7835650

>HP sauce

Is this better than the HP potion?

>> No.7835703

Do you want to know how I know you don't know anything about markets? This is a recovery, not a dead cat bounce, the dead cat bounce has long been exceeded.

You remain faggots are the biggest joke around.

By the way Deutsch Bank is about to collapse because of the Brexit, I don't want to say i told you so, but I hope your mother gets cancer.

>> No.7835711

Yeah that's only because the eu gave the company a grant to move the factory there, yet another reason why the eu deserves to be hated.

>> No.7835752

>Using terms you saw elsewhere without any knowledge of what they mean

No anon, you are the stupid.

>> No.7835760
File: 636 KB, 1000x701, BritishFood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This'll work.

>> No.7835765

>If it's made in a country it must be from that country

So like, 90% of the stuff in your house is a traditional Chinese item?

>> No.7835773

Why should the EU be angry that the EU helped a company move within the EU? Do you get angry if a fish & chip shop moves to the next town over?

No, wait, you probably do.

>> No.7835788

That was a fucking terrible false equivalence and you should feel bad for posting it, yuro boy.

>> No.7835796

>Why would I be angry that foreign scum are actively harming my country just to spite us

>> No.7835808
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>HP sauce instead of gravy

>> No.7835814

This is bait.

>> No.7835830

>my country

It's an EU company that moved within the EU. The UK is in the EU. The Netherlands is in the EU. No harm done.

>> No.7835844

Yeah but if I went round someones house for dinner and they gave me a cornish pasty I'd be like Da Fuk!
It is not a dinner thing, it's an eat in a service station car park thing.

Roast beef and yorkshire pudding gets my vote.
With treacle tart or sticky toffee pudding and cold custard for desert.

>> No.7835845

Your ancestors would spit on you.

Traitorous little worm.

>> No.7835859

Terrible bait.

>> No.7835883

I'm not a bong fucktard. Enjoy the dissolution of the UK

>> No.7835885

Do you get angry when someone moves from Scotland to England, or from Northern Ireland to Wales?

Do you get angry when someone moves from Manchester to Exeter? London to Yorkshire?

Next town over? Street?

Like where's your limit for locality here? Can I demand the return of Wessex to the good people of Wessex, and demand to kick out anyone who wasn't born in Wessex?

>> No.7835961

>I'm not a bong
Ah, then your opinion is actually worthless.

>> No.7835973

starters board of warm scotch egg, piccalilli, soused mackerel, welsh rarebit and brawn with a parsley salad

watercress soup

fish pie with langoustines and scallops, or beef and oyster pie with a suet bottom crust and puff top

cheese board with some sort of cumbrian sheep's milk cheese in there

eton mess for dessert or rhubarb tart with clotted cream

>> No.7835974

Eel pie and piss-warm lager with a shot of gin in it.

For dessert: depression.

>> No.7835976

Again, your terrible false equivalence bait is poor.

>> No.7835978

Scotch egg or gtfo

>> No.7835980





>> No.7835981

Bangers and mash is great if executed properly

>> No.7835990

>false equivalence

UK is in the EU
NL is in the EU
An EU company moves inside the EU

England is in the UK
Wales is in the UK
An English company moves inside the UK

Sorry, not seeing the false equivalence there.

Anyway I'm off to sign up to the Wessex Regional Party, it's time to kick you filthy fucking foreign non-Wessexians out.

>> No.7836001

UK is not in the EU. Had you not heard the news?

>> No.7836003

Like I said, shit bait.

>> No.7836004

meat pies

>> No.7836008

HP is actually owned by Heinz, which is an American company. The Yanks were the ones who moved production of HP sauce to the Netherlands. The EU really didn't have a whole lot to do with it.

>> No.7836021


we're still in the eu for at least two years you dumb nigger

>> No.7836026
File: 199 KB, 1200x1140, How good has the EU been for UK jobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7836029

>Do you get angry when someone moves from Manchester to Exeter? London to Yorkshire?
>Next town over? Street?
Yes. Damn foreigners.

>> No.7836032

>UK is not in the EU

Got to invoke Article 50 and conclude the negotiations within 2 years. Until that's done, the UK is in the EU just as much as it was last Thursday.

I know. I'm not the one getting buttblasted because some jobs moved in the EU; it's actually meaningless whether a US company makes HP sauce in the UK or in NL or RO. But there's a bunch of sad Little Englander types who seem to think it matters, for some reason.

>> No.7836033

>Trying to change the subject

You are the lowest of the low, a mudshit is a higher lifeform than you.

>> No.7836042

>The UK won't invest any money into the UK so it's everybody else's fault.


>> No.7836045

Yeah, that's fine, I never said the EU was fantastic for the British economy. Just saying that the EU didn't make the factory move to the Netherlands, they just provided a foreign company with incentive to do so. The Americans are the ones who actually pulled the trigger.

>> No.7836064



even if you think i'm the guy you were arguing with, it's obviously you who brought up that change of subject

>> No.7836099

We'll just have to wait and see about that, bongo. Good luck! MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN!

>> No.7836123
File: 284 KB, 1343x3508, EU shill bitch tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shills are so cute when you try to antagonise.

>> No.7836181

It's your bed m8

>> No.7836182

Yes, yes, epic trolle my friend. You are one cool dude.

>> No.7836203



>> No.7836218

That doesn't even make sense, faggot.

>> No.7836232

I know but you did it anyway.

>> No.7836335

chicken tikka masala

>> No.7836348

roasted red pepper soup man, the real stuff not that shitty roasted red pepper and tomato soup that seems to be everywhere

>> No.7836402

>FTSE 100

Try FTSE 250, hon. Fucking leavers can't stop weaving lies.

>> No.7836822

just make any kind of food from any country but throw out your spice rack beforehand.

>> No.7837100

>Manchester pie for dessert.
I'm British and have never heard of this. What is it?

>> No.7837287
File: 27 KB, 343x343, 1449463527441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laffed.

>> No.7837586

That doesn't even make sense, you skirt wearing dog fucker.

>> No.7837587

Oh you remainer traitors are just the cutest little things hen you get btfo.

>> No.7837865

He promised a referendum when he first got elected in 2010. The 2016 referendum was literally nothing but the product of him dragging his heels.

>> No.7837868

You clearly haven't been to cornwall and had a proper pasty.

Not that I rate it above yorkshire sunday lunch, but still.

>> No.7837873

Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings. Just dont serve that shit rare. Cook it long and slow on a bed of onions, roast your veges, make your onion gravy.
Maybe a rhubarb crumble for pud

>> No.7838119

If you want actually pleasant food which can be classified as british, I could only suggest following some tom kerridge recipes.

>> No.7838273

Probably meant this

>> No.7838549

Toast sandwich

jellied eels

>> No.7838590

What is beef wellington?


>> No.7838613

FTSE is higher post-brexit than it was in 2015. Don't worry, once we're done saving Europe we'll save your minority-infested shit hole and make you great again.

>> No.7838630

A french dish

>> No.7838642
File: 108 KB, 640x428, 15893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do an Afternoon Tea - sandwiches (cucumber, salmon, beef and mustard) with the crusts cut off, sausage rolls, cheese scones, little pork pies, bakewell tarts, shortbread biscuits, english cheeses and crackers, scones with cream and jam and a giant pot of tea.

>> No.7838670
File: 22 KB, 265x300, 2irritant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The French named a dish after the English General who defeated their empire.
Oh Lawdey....

>> No.7838674

Why should I even read something that isn't typeset properly?

>> No.7838701

You're not out of the woods yet boi. The result of 1 week is not indicative of long term consequences, so it would be unwise to celebrate now, on the other hand rightwing authoritarian types have never been ones to take the long view. Remember, you just had your temper tantrum and have yet to pull the trigger. Let's see where your at after A50, that is if you actually have the stones to do it. Markets right now are treating you like an an hero on /b/, even Bojo bounced out. You lose either way m8, your victory is either pyrrhic and you sink your economy, or your leaders give you the finger. Sad! I for one just keep your bullshit on your side of the pond. We're busy coping with our particular strain of your types on ours.

Make them a full English for brekkie

>> No.7838747

Traditional sunday roast
Beef Wellington
Steak and Kidney Pie
Roast lamb

>> No.7838761

Sunday fucking roast nigger, anything less is blasphemy

>Chicken Tikka Masala
>Toad in the hole
>Beef Wellington
>Shepard's Pie
>Full English breakfast
>Lancashire Hotpot

You also best be bringing dessert
>Bakewell tart
>Banoffee Pie
>Battenberg Cake
>Eton Mess
>Spotted dick

>> No.7838762
File: 73 KB, 413x395, 1466657368135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7838763

they fucked up his family name and tarnished his reputation. no one things about wellington without thinking about the food. The french work long term.

>> No.7838769

You sound like one of them old timey fast talkin' reporters.

>> No.7838783

While the French are credited with the preparation of steak wrapped in pastry, the name is unrelated to the Duke of Wellington and was probably not even named by the British.

>> No.7838790

I just want some MP sauce...

>> No.7838810

>citation needed*

>> No.7838821

>Do the British actually have any food worth making?


Pasties are ass. They don't even brown the meat, and they're seasoned with salt......and pepper.

Serve them whatever you were going to have, and skip the "brit" food.

>> No.7838837
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, Sunday_roast_-_roast_beef_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Med-rare Roast Beef
>Vegetables roasted in duck/goose fat (potatoes, parsnips, carrots)
>Homemade yorkshire puddings
>Buttery mashed potato
>Brussels Sprouts
>Other veg of your choosing (broccoli, cauliflower, peas, etc)

British food is, on the whole, pretty shit.

But the British sunday roast is simple, and absolutely delicious.

>> No.7838840
File: 195 KB, 1600x1200, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit nigger, i forgot the gravy.

>homemade gravy made with the juices from the roast

>> No.7838872

>medium rare
>homemade puddings
keep kidding yourself pal

>> No.7838875

>Pasties are ass. They don't even brown the meat, and they're seasoned with salt......and pepper.
Pasties are literally miner food, back when the common man labored away all day and needed to nosh on the go.

>> No.7838876

What's wrong with either of those?

>> No.7838885

The picture clearly isn't medium rare, or homemade yorkies. It was the best I could find, there doesn't seem to be any decent sunday roast pictures

>> No.7838902
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>> No.7838949
File: 25 KB, 604x453, 534908465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homemade puddings

>Go to carvery
>Get ALL the meats and trimmings
>"Would you like a yorkshire pudding?"
>It's the size of the fucking plate

>> No.7839245

It didn't even occur to you that maybe us brits took the dish from the french and renamed it something patriot. You blithering idiot.

>> No.7839253

You must be a yurocuck who doesnt understand freedom.

>> No.7839267

Do it, op.

>> No.7839276

Stop telling other countries theyre bad for not being cucks fag.

>> No.7839283

>Implying sheep herding isn't a hobby

>> No.7839297

Beef looks great and the potatoes look good too but

>gravy too watery
>the hell is going on with that deformed yorkshire
>mangetout instead of green beans or peas
>chopped carrot instead of whole roasted
>lamb's lettuce, literally why?
>no fresh horseradish sauce

>> No.7839323

Kys. Pasties are love. Pasties are life
*Nods in agreement* the reason they have the turned up edges is so the miner didn't have to eat that shit with his filthy hands.

Yooper from up thread.

>> No.7839335

Disrespectful little shit

>> No.7839686

This t b h

>> No.7839703

Someone explain what the hell this is. I'm a cook, not an economist.

>> No.7839918

>*Nods in agreement*

>> No.7840454



They're best left in the mines.

>> No.7841932

Alright, OP here.

I'm going to make toad in the hole + shepherd's pie for lunch

then treacle sponge pudding for desert

then manchester tart for tea

>> No.7842422

its some dumb shit

>> No.7842442

>Med-rare Roast Beef

That beef is clearly not medium rare.

>> No.7842451

>I'm going to make toad in the hole

For the love of God, whatever you do, use the best quality sausages you can find. As you're in America, you will almost certainly need to go to a real butcher to find anything close to a suitable sausage for a good toad in the hole.

>shepherd's pie

Protip: Worcestershire Sauce

>> No.7842462
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>> No.7842463
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>> No.7842469

I got a bunch of nice sausages from the butcher

>> No.7842470
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>> No.7842476

was that twitter thing left by some flirty server?

>> No.7842480
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>> No.7842482

the fuck is treacle

>> No.7842486

A pale version of molasses

>> No.7842489

isn't it just syrup

>> No.7842492
File: 265 KB, 1620x1080, full_english_breakfast_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7842497
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Treacle is black m8

You might be thinking of Golden Syrup?

>> No.7842500
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>> No.7842504

>I'm not a bong fucktard
I always assumed telling others how to run their country was a distinctly european thing to do

>> No.7842505
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>> No.7842506

>Treacle is any uncrystallised syrup made during the refining of sugar.[1][2] The most common forms of treacle are golden syrup, a pale variety, and a darker variety known as black treacle. Black treacle, or molasses, has a distinctively strong, slightly bitter flavour, and a richer colour than golden syrup.[3] Golden syrup treacle is a common sweetener and condiment in British cookery, found in such dishes as treacle tart and treacle sponge pudding.

>> No.7842510
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>> No.7842512


>> No.7842515

>Enjoy the dissolution of the UK

Not happening. Stop believing media bullshit

>> No.7842516

I think they're just promoting their food stall

>> No.7842518
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>> No.7842524
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>> No.7842526
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>> No.7842528


>> No.7842531
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>> No.7842534
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>> No.7842537

>not Hollands

Niggers have such shit taste

>> No.7842541
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>> No.7842544
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>> No.7842552

I'd eat it

>> No.7842553
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>> No.7842560
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>> No.7842635

I don't know how I feel about this.

>> No.7842640

is that corned beef

>> No.7842641

It looks good.

>> No.7842662

I like Scotch Eggs
I like Pasties

I'm just not sure I want to combine the two.

>> No.7842665

Typical remain fish brain.

>> No.7842668


>> No.7842673

The British stocks have recovered to pre-Brexit levels while the Euro stocks are still tanking.

>> No.7842681

You will need less salt for your next dish.

>> No.7842684

If it's a scotch egg then what do you think?

>> No.7842685

>Scottish egg
Why do Americans do this? Why do you turn scotch egg into Scottish egg? It has absolutely fuck all to do with Scotland.

I have seen that Jas Townsend make the same claim.

>> No.7842688

Not him, but it's also a pasty, so frankly the filling could be fucking anything.

>> No.7842692

Are they British and visiting you from overseas? Or are you British? Because it's the former, don't bother. Just make some local dishes instead.

>> No.7842695

Yeah but a scotch egg pasty will logically be a scoth egg filling.

>> No.7842707

Sure but a pasty will logically be a pasty filling; you don't *traditionally* get pork in a pasty.

>> No.7842722
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>> No.7842727
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>> No.7842733
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>> No.7842739

But it isn't a Cornish pasty, it is a scotch egg pasty, it will be a scotch egg filling, a steak bake will be a steak and gravy filling, a Cornish pasty will be a Cornish pasty filling, a meat and poato pasty will be a meat and potato filling, a chicken curry pasty will be a chicken curry filling.

You aren't going to order a scotch egg pasty and get a fish filling, you would have to be extremely stupid to order a scotch egg pasty and expect anything other than a scotch egg filling, I mean does the name not give it away clear enough?

>> No.7842745

Bloody paddies, why would they hoard such a thing to themselves? Revenge for the potatocaust?

>> No.7842746
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>> No.7842747

If a Scotch egg pasty is a cross between a Scotch egg and a pasty, why would I make any assumptions about the composition of said item? Other than it's *likely* to look like a pasty and have an egg in the centre? I mean if it's a "scotch egg pasty" why isn't it covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried?

>> No.7842749

marmite's fucking nasty

>> No.7842755
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>> No.7842759

>marmite's fucking lovely


>> No.7842760

But it isn't a cross between a pasty, it is a scotch egg pasty.

>I mean if it's a "scotch egg pasty" why isn't it covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried?
Because it is a scotch egg pasty.

Why do I feel like I am getting epically trolledXD?

>> No.7842762
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>> No.7842764
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>> No.7842766
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>> No.7842768

>it isn't a cross between a pasty
>it is a scotch egg pasty.

>Because it is a scotch egg pasty.

Nice non-explanation. "Scotch egg pasty" is a cross between a Scotch egg and a pasty: there's a hint in the name. It isn't an actual thing, you see.

>> No.7842770
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>> No.7842774

You're some sort of foreigner, aren't you? You're a yooper trying to apply what you think a pasty is to the situation, aren't you?

>> No.7842775

>no 'za

>> No.7842790

Fucking hell dude, he's right and you're shitposting.

>> No.7842794
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>> No.7842796
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>> No.7842799
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>> No.7842800
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>> No.7842812
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>> No.7842843

>what you think a pasty is to the situation

Well it's not a fucking Scotch Egg now is it?

A pasty is a pasty.
A scotch egg is a scotch egg.

A "scotch egg pasty" is an abomination. At least now though I know precisely how I feel about it; it's fucking stupid and an abomination to both pasties & scotch eggs.

>> No.7842844

>disagreeing with someone is shitposting

back to your tumblr safe space

>> No.7842847

No anon, shitposting is shitposting and your bringing tumblr into it means you know you're just shitposting.

>> No.7842849

No, it's a scotch egg pasty, why are you being so obtuse about this?

You are an America, aren't you? Your usage of pasty demonstrates it.

>> No.7842863
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>> No.7842867
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>> No.7842870

>You are an America, aren't you? Your usage of pasty demonstrates it.

Uh, yeah sure. Using the word "pasty" is a dead giveaway isn't it?

>it's a scotch egg pasty

Oh look there you go; you're American.


Sorry xir I didn't know you were so upset.

P.S: NOW I'm shitposting.

>> No.7842886

Your weird usage of pasty is what outs you as an American, especially the way you use it as a fixed thing and not simply as the umbrella term for a type of food.

Americans only have a single type of pasty derived from the Cornish pasty so pasty is synonymous with that while in Britain a pasty is a type of food with considerable variation, so a scotch egg pasty is just another type of pasty.

Considering that this is a British food thread it's obvious which usage we are going by.

>> No.7842890
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>> No.7842896

Yes, yes, epic shitposting friend XD.

You sir have earned this upvote. May the narwhal bacon in the morning XD!

>> No.7842915

I feel like I should know what the hell this is, but I don't. I went to Scotland on holiday frequently as a child and teen too, so this is extra puzzling.

>> No.7842926

black (blood) pudding, battered and deep fried. I can only eat 1 or 2 slices, not a whole cylinder

>> No.7842933

I have a can of this literally 20 years old. It's still good.. I should empty it because the can looks great and would make a good pencil holder

>> No.7843040

9/10, needs either curry or mushy peas

Huh, guess my first guess was right. It doesn't look like any black pudding I've had, which is quite a few. Much more granular than my acquisition. I love the stuff.

>> No.7843073
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Make a pie with suet pastry preferably steak and stilton (is bloody good) serve with buttery mash and some seasonal veg.

http://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Steak-and-Stilton-Pies proper English food and best pie you will ever eat. Finish it off with some bakewell tart or apple pie and homemade custard

>> No.7843751

You seem to be under the impression that this isn't just a shitposting thread.

>> No.7843955


>> No.7843972

Fishing regulations keep you and everybody else from overfishing. Stop being a dickweed.

>> No.7844172

What the fuck do Brits really eat toads?

>> No.7844214

is this actually in english?
>chicken tikka marsala being british
really nigger?

>> No.7844216

you complete fucking idiot just cook a ROAST DINNER

>> No.7844256

Chicken tikka was invented in Britain

>> No.7844264

You don't even understand it yourselves.

>> No.7844271


gee i dunno maybe because 'scotch' means 'related to scotland'

>> No.7844337

By a Paki.

Not British

>> No.7844340
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>> No.7844589
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Fuck me you are right it is a shitposting thread

>> No.7844607

Uncultured swine.

>> No.7844842

I live in Manchester and I have never heard of a fucking "Manchester Pie"

>> No.7845024


>> No.7845130

toad in the fucking hole m8
with shit tones of gravy and peas
and have eton mess for dessert, you seriously can't cock it up

>> No.7845318

That look exactly as a empanada from south america

>> No.7845381

why are you stealing our foods

>> No.7845617
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>No salt'n'sauce in sight
>Do you even Scottish?

>> No.7845646
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>> No.7845650
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>> No.7845656
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>> No.7845663
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>> No.7845674
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Fuck that looks, you dirty ned.
>Not special brew though
I need to get back to Newcastle..

>> No.7845690

this isnt british
why is there sunshine

>> No.7845735
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>> No.7845767

Is that a king rib? I though they where Scottish

>> No.7845782

piemash with a strong ale you fucking weak faggots.

>> No.7845810
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>Southern fairy confirmed
>Not delicious fried black pud or haggis
>Not getting gravy, curry or sauce

>> No.7845855

This, >>7845782 should fuck off

>> No.7845977
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>Reminder a retard will end up as your President


>> No.7846206

>propaganda fear-mongering

>> No.7846304

To be fair, a lot of the stuff is heavy on the meats, carbs and fried foods while low on veg... but just roast carrots, pears, mushrooms and onions in the oven with oil, salt and pepper and you got yourself a veg side dish. First anglo-indian curry was 250-300 years ago. I'd count that as British and it allows for creativity.

Literally 600+ years old recipe:
Take sage, parsley, hyssop and savory, quinces and pears, garlic and grapes, and stuff the geese therewith, and sew the hole that no grease come out, and roast them well, and keep the dripping that falleth thereof. Take meat jelly and dripping and add in a posset; when the geese be roasted enough; take and smite [cut] them into pieces, and that that is within, and add in a posset and put therein wine if it be too thick. Add thereto powder of galangal, powder-douce and salt and boil the sauce and dress the Geese in dishes and lay the sauce onward.

If you cant cook for shit:
>Tea and crumpets
>Fish and chips
>bangers and mash (you can get creative with this one)

Then you got your classics like roast beef, kidney pies, spotted dick, a host of cheeses and plenty of interesting drinks (dont forget whisky!).

If you make an effort you have everything you need in this post.

>> No.7846419
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>when sophie gives you a slice

>> No.7846733

Choose one?

>> No.7846962

No it doesn't, you fucking moron.

>> No.7846968

It's actually funny, I just got off of a 24 hour ban for "breaking rule 3", and the post it linked to saying I did, didn't.

Naturally the anti-British shitposting thread hadn't even been touched by our A+ moderation team.

>> No.7846972


>> No.7846989

Walk on by Euro scum, go and defend the directive stating water isn't wet somewhere else, you small cocked sister fucker.

>> No.7849079
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>> No.7849126

Scotch eggs were invented in London. The pernicious Scots have since (falsely) claimed by popular myth their invention.

>> No.7849161


i don't care, scotch is still a contraction of scottish.

>> No.7849380

Man there's a lot of butthurt in this thread

>> No.7849466

>British food looks like **THAT**? Imagine.

>> No.7849495

>Roast beef and yorkshire pudding
>Shepherd's pie
>Beef Wellington
>Cornish pasties

Not the most romantic or fancy but they're delicious and filling. Great "comfort" foods.

>> No.7849497

need more of this 2bh

>> No.7849571
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>> No.7850129

>manchester pies
>posts currypuffs
Fucking britbongs

>> No.7850181


>> No.7850230

Still makes it British. Otherwise the only British things would be haggis and whiskey.

>> No.7852018

Do you really call the butchery a "carvery"?

>> No.7852080

I think a carvery is a restaurant that handles its own butchery.

>> No.7852396
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Carvery is like a buffet style for a roast dinner. You help yourself to veggies, sides, gravy etc. and there is normally a chef carving a selection of hot meats. Normally a limited quantity of meat, but free for all on the rest. At least that's my memory of Toby Carvery (the biggest chain in the country).

>> No.7853331


>> No.7853410

also, its always shit

>> No.7853422

that's some pikey roast dinner u got there senpai.

>> No.7853448

I actually like em. One near me is in a converted stately home that still has all he art work and features on the walls. The roast potatos are usually overdone though, but eh.

>> No.7854647


>> No.7856389

Yorkshire puddings are the shit. Dunno, roast beef, fish and chips? We mostly eat Italian or Indian over here

>> No.7856393

Also as a Scotsman I have to say that haggis is amazing. All these people who say it's disgusting have probably never even seen it, never mind tried it.

>> No.7856414

We need flags on this board.

>> No.7856582


yeah haggis is probably the food with the greatest gap between how intimidating it is and how generally inoffensive/appealing it is. a friend of mine had like half a kilo of it when i told him it was fucking potatoes. then i told him it was haggis and he puked. he had just inhaled three fucking bowls for fuck's sake.

it's just very savoury and peppery and comforting.

>> No.7858111
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>> No.7858288

Any good appetizers/finger foods from Ireland and UK, preferably Scotland?

>> No.7858472

Fuck I'm already craving some empanadas just by seeing your pic.