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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7842363 No.7842363 [Reply] [Original]

If the government says it's fine, it must be fine. What other feces fed products do you like to eat, cucks?

>> No.7842370

Plants eat shit too

Just saying

>> No.7842371

Circle of life yo

>> No.7842376

Like a senile old man, you seem to have wandered away from your containment board; allow me to bring you back to your room, it's this way >>>/pol/

>> No.7842418

lmao...they eat shit off the bottom of ocean floor anways...thats what fucking shrimp do....you then in turn eat that shrimps shit yourself

>> No.7842423


/Pol/ is a board of peace. Do not slander it you boardaphobe

>> No.7842425


i butterfly my shrimp faggot

enjoy your shit

>> No.7842427

>Eating asian garbage seafood in the first place.

I only eat gulf shrimp.

>> No.7842430

Not yet it's not.

>> No.7842433

>implying bottom feeding seafood doesn't eat shit already

>implying that shit's nast af

>enjoy eating sea spiders/roaches. that's what crabs lobster shrimp, all that shit is basically.

may as well have it eat pig shit. bacon flavored.

>> No.7842445


>> No.7842454

Sounds familiar. This post definitely proves that the horseshoe theory is nothing but true.

>> No.7842465

eat shit

>> No.7842477

You can't joking about religion. Be careful.

>> No.7842536

>Eat sea roaches
>Get repulsed when said sea roaches eat shit

really niggas?

What would you feed a fucking sea roach? Filet mignon?

>> No.7842545
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This is like being outraged at finding out that IKEA meatballs contain horse.

No kidding, America was going to ban them and fine IKEA outrageous sums because of trace amounts of horse meat in their meatballs.

Even though horse is a higher quality meat than pork. I don't get it.
I could get it if you were spiking premium kobe steaks with low-price meats to reduce costs, that'd be fraud.

But how is adding a MORE EXPENSIVE meat to a very cheap product a problem?

>> No.7842550

/pol/ is a board of peace

lord Kek is on our side, so watch what you say heathen

>> No.7842565
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Yet another reason not to eat seafood.

>> No.7842716

No, he's obviously terrible enough to have come from /lit/.

>> No.7842753

>Even though horse is a higher quality meat than pork.

Wow sounds like I need to run out and try some horse.

>> No.7842801

>removing the tastiest part
Can you even cook?

>> No.7843419

Insects and shrimps are biologically further away from each other than rats are from cows, just saying. This pleb as fuck meme seriously needs to end.

>> No.7843427


he has a point though. shit eating scavengers.

just admit they are tasty and move on with your life. if crab/shrimp/lobster were bad for me i would have died a long time ago.

>> No.7843436

Shellfish like oysters and clams are literally shit filters, but still highly coveted food.

>> No.7843443

See >>7842370
Plants eat shit too. Pigs also eat shit.
If something is like a roach because it eats crap then most of the food you eat is like a roach.

Only a pleb with no knowledge of biology who can't think for himself would fall for this stupid meme.

>> No.7843618

Lots of animals eat feces and horse poop used to be a fertiliser for plants, so I guess there's too much feces-fed products to list.

>> No.7843629


plants don't have a gastro-intestinal system you fucking niggerfondler.

>> No.7844280

Literally the first google search result: http://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://www.researchgate.net/profile/John_Benzie/publication/12485376_The_Complete_Sequence_of_the_Mitochondrial_Genome_of_the_Crustacean_Penaeus_monodon_Are_Malacostracan_Crustaceans_More_Closely_Related_to_Insects_than_to_Branchiopods/links/0c960531dfe40d0a0a000000.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm2T_48aZ_8Porx69Dh_yhyYTn_nRg&nossl=1&oi=scholarr

>> No.7844287

I'm sure Americans will be fine with it as long as the shrimp are at Wal-mart prices.

>> No.7844732


that is just the most ignorant bullshit i've ever read.

>> No.7844742

t. shiteating plant

>> No.7844917
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>> No.7844933

He's doing it "ironically." The retarded thing is that when you ironically parrot the most egregious offenders of that which you're criticizing, then you end up arguing only against a strawman.

>> No.7844941

Fuck outta here, cunt. Don't shitpost like you're on /pol/ and then tell other people to fuck off for calling you a fag. The irony of you saying "go back" is palpable.

>> No.7844956

What is fertilizer? How does it work? What is it made of? Shit. Absorbed through the roots.

>> No.7844980

I live in rural MI, in an area that produces 90% of monsantos seed corn (their research facility is here), and boy howdy, should you smell the air when the farmers are fertilizing the fields. What does it smell like? Shit. So the next time you reach for a Dorito or any other corn based product, including anything with corn syrup, you're eating shit. But go on blame the big bad mean Libby lib libtard 'germunt for what ever perceived slight; reach for your Doritos, take a drink from your 'Dew and shitpost on the net; you are still literally eating and drinking shit. Which is fitting for your lot.

>> No.7844982

Just curious, what is your level of education?

>> No.7844991

2 bachelors and a Masters degree; literature, philosophy the former, accounting the latter. From the University of Illinois. Do you not understand how plants work? What's you education fuck boi?

>> No.7844992

no they're not you dumb amerilard

>> No.7844993


>> No.7844995

As if chicken is any "cleaner"

>> No.7844996

They're not what? Filters or nice food?

Not american either...

>> No.7845000

That was hard.

>> No.7845002

Shrimp are bottom feeders, why would it be surprising that they eat shit? Does the shit come in the food? I don't understand what OP is trying to make us think is happening.

>> No.7845004


Play stupid games.
Win stupid prizes.

the 'GO BACK TO YER POL CONTAINIMENT BORD LOL" is exactly one of them.

Just one mere mention of the word 'cucks' and the worms and amoebas all crawl out of their crevices to post shite.

>> No.7845034

>University of Illinois

>> No.7845041

Using the terms 'cuck' and ''SJW' are useful signafiers in the same way that rolling the battle flag of the army of norther Virginia from the back of your beat up pick up is: it allows the rest of us who aren't mouth breathing retards to know who is to be derided, avoided, and if it ever "happens," who to put 3 rounds of 5.56 in. You mad?

>> No.7845043
File: 230 KB, 916x711, ck never change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quaker uses Round-Up™ as a desiccant.

Bisphenol-A is in shit tons of food and kitchen utensils/containers , to the point where every person in America has detectable levels in their blood.

Teflon is straight up poison.

There's probably lots more.

>> No.7845047

Where did you go to school boi?

>> No.7845057

Trump University, cause Phoenix wouldn't accept you, I'd bet.

>> No.7845060
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Hey look, coalburners

>> No.7845078


>> No.7845084

Nothing like that delicious crude oil, am I right?

>> No.7845090

You're certainly not wrong.

>> No.7845861

/pol/ is the containment board for homoerotic fan fiction about black people. I don't know where they put racists these days.

>> No.7845876

Do you really think they put parts of horses in there that could still be sold?
It was either scraps or meat from horses not meant for human consumption in the first place.

>> No.7845891

>flouride in water
we really care about your teeth, yo, for real

>> No.7846038

The government can do no wrong. If you don't like it then you're a racist.

>> No.7846046

Plants eat shit too

>> No.7846385

A shit ton of vegetables grown in the US use recycled human waste as fertilizer

>> No.7846509

>What other feces fed products do you like to eat, cucks?

no mention of tilapia yet? pretty sure they get feed poop for dinner, especially the ones farmed in china

I remember seeing a show about a farm in america and they were feed a mix of old tilapia poop and feed

>> No.7846531

>Drinking flouride
>Helping your teeth

>> No.7846697


You really should, it can be pretty good.

>> No.7846937

Why do you all act like you know what are you talking about?

>> No.7846958

Not only did you double-click reply, but your post is a total non-sequitur. Great job, retard.

>> No.7846975

As long as they are tasty and free of pathogens, it really doesn't matter. I'd go so far as to say that all manufactured food, at some point in it's existence, comes into contact with something that you wouldn't want to eat.

>> No.7847163

this guy gets it

youre eating a sea insect ffs. It spends all day eating shit. Thats what a bottom feeder is. Thats why jews dont eat them.

>> No.7847170

/pol/ is the board of peace

>> No.7847229

pretty bad news since sea food is consumed with its bowels.cooking it alone wille difuse the shit in side them in the muscles and all.
people will deny the source but we definitely know why food poisoning will rise in the next 5 years.

>> No.7847251

Are american this retarded?

>> No.7847310

Because it would be cannibalism?

>> No.7847450

you jest but /pol/ opinions are more common on reddit than they are on other chan boards.