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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 173 KB, 405x405, american-diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7814764 No.7814764 [Reply] [Original]

>not sure this is the right board

I have decided to fully change my diet. I am not planning on "going on a diet" I want to change the way I eat as a whole.I have decided to try to get back to as natural of food as possible. Does anyone on /ck/ have experience trying to eat a diet 100% free of processed foods? Ive started making my own bread, buying as natural as possible of foods. Sorry for this post bing so scattered.

>> No.7814770

So you're processing food yourself? Why not just restrict calories and stop being a middle aged woman?

>> No.7814775
File: 3.37 MB, 4608x3072, goza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great first post!
Try the 'go 'za diet, it's cheap, healthy and delicious.

>> No.7814776

Sorry OP, I have no experience like that. I was born a male.

>> No.7814780

Making your own bread is seen as processing food?

>> No.7814784


ive done it as much as i can. fresh fruits instead of juice or candy. meats, veg and whole grains. the hardest part for me is bread. i probably cheat on something once a week if that. i eat a shitload of food and i have a 27in waist.

>> No.7814786


Yes, are you retarded?

>> No.7814830

This is the board for that but you can also take this to /fit/

>> No.7814838


>> No.7814847

I've attempted something like that
Although the food was only apart of it
I also included exercise, more sleep, and better personal hygiene
I call it "Operation Aryan"

>> No.7814915

more like operation neckbeard amirite

>> No.7814924

s a v a g e

>> No.7814927

When you go to the store, just buy ingredients, avoid boxed and bagged shit as much as possible. Obviously stuff like pasta and rice are boxed/bagged, but just look at the ingredient list, if it looks like the plot synopsis of war and peace then don't buy it. Google meal and recipe ideas and most of all just get your ass in that kitchen and cook.

>> No.7814930

Dont try to change overnight. Start slow.
My GF and I started having meatless mondays, and try to reduce our intake of fat, animal proteins, and junkfood in general. After about a year our habits are healthier but theres still a lot to go

>> No.7814948

you fell for the b8, m8

>> No.7814955

If I say Monsanto, will your head explode?

>> No.7815780

Dieting is more important than exercise

>> No.7815829

If I say "shit tier junk food made with automotive wiper fluid and wood chips in order to cut costs and avoid using expensive ingredients such as actual food that people eat" would you actually defend this?

You should give this a read:


>> No.7815856

This post is dumb

All you have to do is not buy whatever it is that you consider processed foods and congrats you are 100% free of them, I'm not sure what advice you are looking for here

Not eating out is ""almost"" a must. Avoiding all products in the grocery store with added sugar is a good way to kickstart your quest. Just read labels m8

>> No.7815873
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>Just read labels m8
according to our resident ham planets, the more unpronounceable chemicals in the plastic bag of junk food you're inhaling, the better it is, because science is kewl! dihydrogen monoxide lmao, if you don't think pic related is appealing, you must be some kind of vegan extremist healthism nazi

>> No.7815898
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Not really, it's just that their brains are so addicted to sugar and emulsifiers they think anything without it is unsatisfying. Some are SO addicted they have to add a fucking cup of vinegar to their macaroni salad to cut the sugar content


>> No.7816088

How much do you weigh?

>> No.7816119
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unprocessed foods almost don't exist, and if you don't want to process your own, that means you are going to have to avoid canning and the like. you are basically fucked. Anything thats not paleo is processed in some way or other. bread (even bread you bake yourself (even if you use unbleached flower its still processed)), noodles, hell about the only thing you can really eat now is beans and rice, which are pretty fuck yeah thankfully, for your diets sake. after that it boils down to never buying meat unless you're sure it hasn't been treated with hormones and rstb, it doesn't really matter what theyre fed, though that can affect the flavor and nutrition. its the preservatives that make it "processed". over all it seems like a lot of work for no effort. but the lack of bread and switch to beans and rice as a starch, especially brown rice, should dramatically up your fiber intake. just make sure to sprout the beans so you don't get gout later in life from eating so many. Vegetables are not my forte, tons of companies slap organic on it but that doesn't mean its free of pesticides or grown in a way that isn't processed. I Recommend dropping the requirement on processed vegetables as long as they are vegetable like in appearance.

Heres more info on why gmo doesn't matter most of the time if you are skeptical.
for the health effects of gmos themselves
for the health effects of organic food.

>> No.7816130
File: 48 KB, 599x367, BnhFp2nIQAEg39X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetables are not my forte
Gee, we never would have guessed from reading your insane ass blasted rant about how sprinkling a pinch of store-bought iodized salt over a cut up plate of fresh vegetables is literally identical to eating nothing but deep fried twinkies all day because you get triggered by the word "processed"

how much do you weigh?

>> No.7816141
File: 245 KB, 778x693, how it feels to chew 5 gum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post
I think you've lost the plot, kid. How often do you eat frozen dinners slathered in velveeta cheese and HFCS?

>> No.7816143

I would have taken a Natural News link more seriously. Science, you dumb nigger.

>> No.7816153

How much do you weigh?
cutting out a kind of food is retarded. You make selections based on the individual healthyness and desirability of the product. Cutting out an entire kind of food is ridiculous, and the only reason you think it isn't, is because you're already (partially) doing what I do; Eat processed foods that aren't shit.

Feel free to stop projecting whenever it gets to tiresome. I'll never fail to be disappointing in humanity every time someone takes a swing at me with information that's not only wrong, but they'd have no way of knowing either way. Beware of the Psychic 4channers guis. they can read ur brains.

>> No.7816163

No, just bad taste, your inability to cook is not a reason for me to change my eating habits for your delicate fee-fees

Stop pretending it's normal to want to get your diet from a grey powder, Mr. Kickstarter Futurist huckster

>> No.7816171

Twinkies aren't an entire class of food. They're not even food.

>> No.7816289

there goes that projector again.

>> No.7816299

The entire argument is that of a molecule in food is also present in something that is not food it is bad. Now on a carbon/water based planet, you dun fucked up.

>> No.7816368
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>> No.7816395

So how exactly is processed food bad? I mean calories is all that matters.

>> No.7816409
File: 73 KB, 800x450, 357209bc-6596-4801-b86e-e81c2fa92ea7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My diet for the past 3+ years has been 100% real foods. No refined grains, added sugar, or vegetable oil. It gets easy once you get used to it.

I never understood why people have to sperg out when they hear 'processed food'. Yes, most foods, even whole/real foods are processed, but you know what he meant anyway.

Some people care about their health, not just weight

>> No.7816413

But if you just want to lose weight, you shouldn't care about how natural a food is.

>> No.7816436

100% agreed

One thing to consider is keeping weight off, however. Once you start eating exclusively real foods your tastes change and you start hating the idea of eating junk foods, which tend to be really high in calories. You could count calories for the rest of your life and fit them into your macros but be hungry and unhealthy

>> No.7816452

It's kinda like when doctors tell you to stay away from fat and sugars

Ultimately they know that fat and sugar in and of itself isn't bad for you and is part of a normal diet, but calorie dense foods tend to be fatty, sugary foods so for people who habitually overeat, steering them away from calorie dense foods and towards calorie poor foods is a good guideline when dealing with someone with weight issues

Similarly there isn't (at least so far) any known problem with processed foods, but they tend to be high in sugars, fats, and salt but low in fiber so saying "stay away from processed foods" means you're likely to compensate by eating more whole grains, fruits, nuts, veg, and meat. The mantra that processed foods are some unholy abomination rings hollow but for the uninformed it can be a useful tool for weight loss

Sort of like when we teach kids about the Civil War and say it was fought because of slavery. Because even though it was multifactorial and more subtle than that, saying the origins of the war was slavery is as close an approximation you are going to get when dealing with people who don't know anything about American history but need to start somewhere

>> No.7816473

This guy gets it.

>> No.7816483

You should read up on the damaging health effects of processed grains and high PUFA oils

>> No.7816493
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>You should read up on the damaging health effects of processed grains

>> No.7816661

No, idiot. The "argument" is that, because a group of high school students were tricked into signing a carefully worded petition designed to provoke a knee jerk response to anyone who didn't read it carefully, that logically it follows that all food is equally wholesome and that, ironically, reading labels is for chemophobics who believe crazy things like propylene glycol isn't delicious and desirable.

It's OK to have standards on food and drink that isn't IPA and imperial stout. This doesn't make you anti-science any more than not wanting to read another Ayn Rand novel makes you anti-business. Your eating habits are revolting, and nothing you can say will ever change that, because this isn't about semantics, and when half the ingredients have a sciencey-sounding name it's very reasonable to look further into why they're in there. It usually turns out that your local bakery isn't using that shit, only the white trash snack cake manufacturing facility 1500 miles away whose chief accomplishment is selling cakes that taste like Pepto bismol but have a shelf life of six years.

>> No.7816683

You are one butthurt fool, good intentioned, but foolish nonetheless. You would do good to loosen the tinfoil and start applying okham's razor when thinking about "tough" issues.

>> No.7816690

It's Ockham's razor, and you would do well to remove your overly tight fedora before the brain damage becomes permanent

>> No.7816692


>> No.7816696

It's actually a pork pie, but I'm your world of overly emotional arguments, I wouldn't expect you to have a nuanced understanding.

Also, this, faggot.

>> No.7816698


Better fix that before you destroy my argument based on spellcheck.

>> No.7816723

Spell check? Anyone with a popular science tier familiarity with science knows that there are a few accepted spellings of that name , and okham isn't one of them

This is the inevitable outcome of short attention span Twitter kiddies who pick up a few science is kewl catch phrases on the atheist YouTube channel and decide to fight for the religion of scienceism, without a real understanding of the value of science (protip: it's not "to make me feel smart in an anonymous internet argument)

Enjoy your little debbie snack cakes, now with more GRAS-listed garbage to cut costs and make substandard, stale goods somewhat (if you're desperate) edible

>> No.7816768
File: 481 KB, 578x549, 1445324414726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for someone championing the value of science you sure are shitting on the scientific studies declaring GRAS-listed garbage as safe to eat, never mind the implication that producing cheaper more plentiful food is somehow a bad thing. You're literally fear mongering because things sound sciency, I don't understand your position at all, and I don't think you do either. Now I'm not saying wonderbread is tasty, but it's not going to murder you in your sleep

>> No.7816784

>if you prefer high quality food you hate science, anyone who isn't inhaling a bag of cool ranch doritos RIGHT NOW must be afraid of what I pathetically refer to as "normal food"
Keep on tipping , m'lord

I raise my glass of soylent to thee!

>> No.7816801

good start, but remove fat from your diet as well. You don't need it. bread, beans, skim milk, non-fat yogurt, lentils, are all great for you. aspartame can help sweeten food as well, if you want the sweetness w/o sugar.

>> No.7816835

Natural sugars are perfectly fine.

>> No.7816837
File: 30 KB, 286x246, 1435030950275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not what I said, did you see the part about not liking wonderbread? I'd rather have shit from my local bakery that actually tastes like something but that doesn't matter to you because you're being deliberately obtuse because your position isn't consistent. If it tastes fine then something with a bunch of sciency sounding words in it is fine to eat. This whole thread is about whether or not it is OK to eat and you're trying to turn it into something else because of some sort of personal crusade

>you don't know what science is for
>I understand science
>proceed to shit on science because I don't actually understand it and am scared of its babies
>refuses to address the central argument
That is you. That is what you sound like, a child

Now check these dubs or fuck off to your vegan farm with all the other anti vaxxers

>> No.7816886

Ive tried doing what OP has mentioned (I am on week 2 of it) but I am ALWAYS FUCKING HUNGRY. why? I dont understand why i am constantly starving, it coincided with me starting back to working out again so it may be my metabolism.

>> No.7816892

It's your metabolism.

>> No.7816918

I don't see dubs, faggot

The reason it's impossible to have a rational conversation with neckbeards like you is that you're unable. You see the world as a war between your value system, and value systems that don't perfectly align with yours. Anyone who disagrees with you must hate science and fear what you personally love

Let's try an analogy. I don't want to live in a neighborhood where the liquor stores have bulletproof glass and all the restaurants are cheap shitty fried chicken joints. Now, instead of discussing why, you scream "racist! that's what Adolf Hitler would say! Why are you afraid of fried chicken and liquor stores with bullet proof glass? It's because you're racist!"

This is the same argument as "science is kewl if your diet doesn't consist of shitty junk food you're afraid of science"

A reasonable person (not you) asks: what does it say about the cake that there's propylene glycol and tetrasodium pyrophosphate in it? What might that indicate? What might we conclude about a neighborhood where store owners have to put up bullet proof barriers?

But you don't care about thinking things through. You care about discrediting the person you disagree with. That's not science. People like you give science a bad reputation.

>> No.7816937

>Natural sugars are perfectly fine.
other than lactose from milk and yogurt, avoid sugars, natural or not.

>> No.7816938


Been that way for a couple months now op. Was trying all different sorts of diets, "back to old school" and natural as possible, didn't get the results I really wanted until I went keto/paleo.

The diet book that really laid it not for me was Wheat Belly:Total Health by Bill Davis. Basically his restriction is eliminate all grains (no more bread or rice senpai) and his foundation for the new food pyramid is meat, fat, and bones.

You don't have to keto as you can still eat potatoes and other salad type veggies but still no loading up on carbs or ever seeing them as your staple food again.

Has been great for me, clear headed and energetic all day, losing fat slowly, mood feeling up too.

>> No.7816946

I went from eating fast food every damn day to eating from home only, it helps OP not only with health but wallet as well

>> No.7816948

Why? Recommended amount of sugar for a male is around 20g a day, getting that much or less from any means is perfectly fine.

>> No.7816978

I'm guessing you want to eliminate artificially preserved foods in your diet.

>Learn to kill, clean, and preserve you're meat
>Learn to Garden
>Learn to dry, smoke and pickle

/out/ would be the board you're looking for

>> No.7816996


This is everything I'm looking to do right now.

>> No.7817003

I thought you were gonna go full retard, but yeah you're right

>> No.7817004

Glucose, sucrose, maltose and fructose have no adverse effects on health.

Also, sugar from fruits and vegetables isn't any different from refined sugar. It's literally the exact same chemicals. The only reason people keep going off on "sugar from fruits" is because they are too scared to accept the reality that sugar has never been convincingly shown to have adverse effects on health other than dental health. "Sugar from fruits" is some sort of brain fart to avoid basic logic. If sugar is really so bad then fruits should be avoided and low-sugar vegetables should be chosen. But that's nonsense because sugar is harmless. The only thing you do when isolating sugar is removing the other nutrients, so obviously you cannot live off of sugar and you'll get more nutrients by choosing whole foods. But that doesn't translate to refined and added sugar having a negative effect in the context of an otherwise nutritionally adequate diet.

>> No.7817275

I am 100 percent certified as preservative free all natural foods consultant

Our advice of a person is to not eat processed foods and to get all foods inspected of a certified foods investigator as unprocessed status. Complete required paperwork forms and most foods can acquire certified status as cooked in less time before food becomes spoiled due to rotting.

Source: online certification and afternoon seminar attendee