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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7814368 No.7814368 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fat and need to lose weight, cutting calories below 1500 hasn't helped, I can only exercise a small amount because I have MS.

I get $200/mo in food stamps. What's a diet or meal plan I can afford that also tastes good?

>> No.7814372


>> No.7814385

If you aren't losing weight eating less than 1500 calories you're either a skeleton already or lying about your true caloeie intake.

>> No.7814390

But traditional cut oats, eat them at least twice a day with a knife full of marmite/vegimite/savory spread.

Cook them in water for 2 minutes in the microwave

>> No.7814392

Losing weight is the easiest fucking thing in the world. You literally have ONE equation and it's the ONLY one that matters.

Calories in < Calories out

Eat less and exercise more, you fat lazy fuck.

>> No.7814399

someone doesn't know what MS is like.

he's probably right about eating less though. you just need to keep at it, which you probably didn't do because you weren't seeing results, but you weren't seeing results for a while because without exercise you just won't for a long time. just keep eating less and exercise when you can, it'll take way longer for you than other people because you can't work out often. my dads disabled and I've talked to a few physical therapists about this. dedication is key sempai

>> No.7814409

I count accurately enough, and I'm a 200 lb manlet. Maybe a couple times a week I go over it, but never more than 2000. I have 11 different medications and I know that weight gain is an issue with a couple. I occasionally have to be hospitalized and get a steroid treatment that makes my stomach an endless pit. But that hasn't happened since the beginning of this year.

I have some steel cut oats in small portions that are microwaveable, I like them a lot. Especially with a bit of fruit. I'm already doing that, so I guess that's good? Minus the marmite, vegimite and savory spreads. They are 250 calories for each serving. I only eat one of these for breakfast, maybe a banana or something simple if I'm still hungry. I never eat just plain toast, even with a spread of butter or honey.

>> No.7814412

>take psylium fiber in water twice a day
>cut all carbs except for vegetables and fruits
>only lean meats and fish
>water, water, water
>Herbal teas can help satisfy you between meals, no sugar in them though.
>Take a CLA supplement and a Cortisol Support supplement ever day (check to make sure they won't interact with your meds, first. )
>exercise as much as you are able to
>Do lots of stretching every day (and/or easy yoga poses) if you can
>Keep a positive attitude, this is essential
>Believing you can do it is half the battle.

>> No.7814416
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>> No.7814420

For the last three weeks, for lunch every day I've had nothing but a low-sodium V8, a banana or Apple, and a small low-fat Greek yogurt. No breads or processed grains from Monday-Thursday. Just veggies and simply-cooked meats. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I am allowed a single bread serving each day, or a serving of pizza, etc.

I've dropped four pants sizes already, which is the best I've done in years. Good luck OP. I'm also exercising daily and only using standing desk while gaming. You can do it!

>> No.7814424

>cutting calories below 1500
Eat at a 200-300 calorie deficit from your TDEE. literally guaranteed to work according to the laws of thermodynamics. If you think it's not working its because you're doing it wrong.


Be sure you actually know how to count calories accurately. If you have to start keeping a food journal. Weigh what you eat in grams our whatever the measurement on the nutrition information is and record that to.

I lost over 80 pounds doing nothing but counting calories; didn't exercise a day. You can too.

>> No.7814425

>eating less than 1500
>oh but I eat around 2000 a few times a week!

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.7814428

Good man, personal preference was traditional as they have more texture and are cheaper by far. You can buy more. The savory spread was for taste and to get some hard to find vitamins and stuff.

Also, rice, shit load of it.

Also, the managers special section of your local market for discount meats.

>> No.7814429

You're probably right anon. Thanks for the kind words. I'll try my best to keep it up, but I'm still looking for some tips on my diet. Something that fills me up for a long time that is quick to eat is what I'm aiming for.

>> No.7814431

Ahhhh, the damn steroids.
It's me, >>7814412 again. I've struggled with the same problem. I don't have MS, but I have severs allergies and asthma, and I usually end up taking courses of steroids at least 3-4 times a year. Nothing will keep and/or add weight on you like steroids.
Just keep at, friend. You can do it.

>> No.7814456

I said "maybe a couple" and that means just once or twice, maybe. Some weeks it happens, some not. Sometimes I can't count the calories, particularly when eating other people's food and not knowing what and how much of something they included in cooking. I try to keep it suppressed, but I do occasionally want to eat more. I don't eat out because I can't afford it. All things considered, I'm tracking it as best as I can.

>> No.7814458

Rolled oats (or steel cut if you have time). Small portions of brown rice, brotein from your favorite source as long as it's not drowning in sauce or something. Keeps you full even if it does get a bit boring.

>> No.7814462


>> No.7814467

>cutting calories down below 1500 hasn't helped

Either you're lying or you're eating more than you think.

>> No.7814469

I'll work on the positive attitude, which can be a tad difficult with my life's circumstances, but I will have to try. I do stretch everyday, every stretch I know, but as far as exercising I can mainly only walk. I have to use a cane eventually because my legs hurt too much. I can't lift because my hands are fucked from an MS attack I had last July. I was 165 a year ago. I would have never guessed it would affect me so much in such a short period of time.

>> No.7814748

Even if you need to use canes you're still burning the calories when you move. My guess is you're somehow eating more than you think or just not burning many. You could try aiming for 1k for like 4-7 days and see what happens to your weight as a test

>> No.7814946

>or just not burning many
This. I know I'm not burning many calories - I have chronic pain 24/7 and there is no end in sight. I'm very sedentary because of this. I know it's not good. When I get too hot, my symptoms flare up, so any exercise in general is miserable and leaves me feeling miserable afterward.

Anyway, I came here for advice on what to eat. Haven't had much luck besides oatz and vegetables as answers.

>> No.7815008

>Haven't had much luck besides oatz and vegetables as answers.
Well you're not going to lose much weight eating oreos and pizza.

>> No.7815301

>cutting calories below 1500 hasn't helped

bullshit. you're most likely counting wrong or going crazy with your cheat days. you lose weight with your diet, not by exercising. running only burns about 100 calories per mile

but anyway, buy meats that are on sale. buy a bunch and put it in your freezer. cook them in the crock pot since it's easy and you'll have tons of meat. pork shoulder, pork ribs, and whole chicken are usually $1-3 per pound, although pork shoulders are typically around 10 pounds and you might not want to spend $20 on just one thing

buy dried beans in bulk if possible, or in large bags if not possible. they're cheap and full of fiber and protein

>> No.7815340

Weight loss is 90% about diet. You could literally lie in bed all day and not move at all, and you'd still be able to lose a significant amount of weight by simply cutting your intake.

I don't mean to call you a liar, but if you're actually eating under 1500 calories per day (assuming you're not a 4 foot tall woman), it would be literally impossible to not lose weight. Something's not right, you're either eating more than you think, or, well... frankly, I'm at a loss.

My best advice for someone who is also losing weight, keep it simple. Try to still eat the things you like, just limit portion size, and impossible, cook it yourself so you have more control over what's going in your food. If you eat nothing but leaves and oats and shit, it won't work because you'll be miserable and it won't be sustainable. Have pizza. Just don't eat the whole fucking thing. I'm having very good success, about 30 pounds down already, because I'm not depriving myself. Everything I'm doing, I could do forever. Sustainability is key.

>> No.7815354

This image is so irritating. What kind of poor family buys green onions? I seriously hope there aren't impoverished families out there eating whole cloves of garlic for sustenance

Also, no meat? Why no meat but a dozen eggs? Why parsley but no meat?

>> No.7815380

>cutting calories below 1500 hasn't helped

This is wrong
I am going through this right now.

>damaged throat
>very hard to eat food, lactose intolerant

I have a hell of a time getting in 1500 calories a day, most people just make crazy milkshakes
I cant

I went from 215 pounds down to 167 pounds in about 10 weeks.
>i have literally not left my house in 10 weeks
So no exercise either

Its also kind of funny, the days that I do eat 1500 or more calories I tend to lose more weight in the following days. When I fail to hit my mark I seem to lose less weight. I weigh myself every single day as to not end up like Richard Simmons.

>> No.7815383

How do you buy food? Have the grocery store deliver?

There's no reason you can't do pushups and situps, either. Or jumping jacks. Squats.

>> No.7815400

Living at home, just doing online community college. Lucky I decided not to take real classes this time around.

And I didnt mean no exercise in that way.
I have never cared about weight, and never exercised before.

But now that I have basically stopped leaving the house, the small amounts of walking exercise I did have has now stopped.
I did actually try to do some yard work, but with how little food I eat I almost passed out with true exhaustion. You can feel your body not getting enough sustenance over a long time, its a weird feeling.

>> No.7815452

I'd recommend intermittent fasting. Whether the insulin thing works, or not, it does help cut calorie intake. It takes a few days to get used to, but you'll end up preferring it. Currently, I'm having to eat 3 meals a day, due to a series of meds, and it's really frustrating.

You could also try keto, but that can be expensive.

>> No.7815458

eggs and beans are cheaper protein than meat, but all that other shit is nonsense for budgets. 7 fucking limes

>> No.7815465

>mfw shitting blood after drinking milk
I hope I never have to bulk

>> No.7815484

That's a silly picture. Kale, limes, fresh herbs, and expensive cheeses are a terrible way to spend your money at the grocery store if you are on a very tight budget. Take those things out and you could get some okay bits of meat and some other vegetables to go with it.

>> No.7815497

You have to keep closer track than that.

Think of it like this, a 500 calorie deficit per day will result in a 1 to 2 pound per week loss, which is a small amount to keep track of since a person's weight fluctuates wildly during the course of the day/week/month. If 500 calories per day is the difference between maintaining and losing 1 pound then eating 2000 calories 2-3 times per week, for whatever reason, will reduce your weight loss to 1/2 to 1/3 of that 1 pound.

Track more closely or eat more conservatively on those occasions where you don't know the caloric value. Not saying that your meds can't be or aren't a contributing factor but you may just not be eating at an accurate enough deficit.

>> No.7815506

the single best way to lose weight is to get your body stressed out to the point of a constant adrenaline. adrenaline burns fat like a motherfucker. dont eat and only drink very little water. you will literally pee out your weight the same day. as to how to increase adrenaline? idk you have to have an overactive brain like me to do it.

>> No.7815541

Medication has calories too.

Also count all drinks and powdery stuff (sugar, instant-cocoa, instant-coffee) Be aware of hidden sugars in lots of stuff.

>> No.7815554

I only drink water. Medication having calories is new to me though, I never thought of that. I take over 20 pills/capsules a day.

>> No.7815590

>pee out weight
You're talking about rhabdomolysis or something like that.
Breaking down of muscle.

That's not very fun because your urine becomes red.

Weight gain of medication is mostly because they can make you hungry.
There's also the few that make you retain water really well which increases your water weight.

> Maybe a couple times a week I go over it, but never more than 2000
So it isn't 1500 calories, and I have a feeling you're actually going over 2000 because you clearly don't count accurately enough.

If you're also restricted to just sitting on your ass all day it does explain why you're so heavy.

Count more accurately and do not go over 1500.
Not "a couple of times a week", never go above it.
And limit portion size.
Small portions through the day.

I don't think you're physically a well-functioning judging from your posts.
It sucks.

>> No.7815605
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 13227100_812740022195239_6686693603528812934_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're lying OP.

I've been eating a 1500-2000 calorie diet for six months now. This is me; the pic on the left was taken in January at 215 lbs, and the picture on the right was taken at the beginning of this month at 180 lbs.

You are a fat fuck who either isn't counting your calories properly, or you're "rewarding" yourself by over-indulging on your cheat days.

Get your ass to /fit/, read the sticky, join a gym, and control yourself.

>> No.7815611


Gastric bypass....

>> No.7815709

in the before pic you were getting dangerously close to redneck serial killer mode

>> No.7815712

Ketogenic diet

Low Carb high Fat, Well help keep the water weight down and keep you filled.

Not saying its great but the only place that ive seen with a decent FAQ to answer any beginner questions is r/keto. Look into it but it seems like it would benefit you.

>> No.7815718
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>he isnt god mode skeleton

>> No.7815719

hunger != laziness. It's a natural addiction mechanism. If you can just stop earting you are the one with mental and genetic problems.

>> No.7815733
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American Education xD
That prolly can mean he is very short :^)
Mc Kill urself

Alright OP,
You're very short as far as I can guess, your bodyfat must be on the clouds. 1st off I'd say you should go to /fit/ and not /ck/. Here most advice you'll get is from fat american fucks who know nothing about nutrition.

My word on it is basically IIFYM (if it fits your macros) + calculate the calorie intake you need.

Find things to do to keep you off being a fucking NEET + loser who only carves food because he has nothing else to do all day.

Anyway, going to uni & 1 hour gym-a-day keeps me 10% bodyfat just by unconscious fasting.

>> No.7815746


>If you can just stop earting you are the one with mental and genetic problems.
Eating less is not the same as not eating at all. You put less fucking slop on your giant fucking plate, not skip your meals.

>It's a natural addiction mechanism.
It's not an addiction. It's a complete and utter lack of self-control and personal responsibility. Even now, RIGHT NOW, you're trying to shift the responsibility away from yourself and onto some vague concept like "nature".

Nature didn't make you fat. Eating too much fucking food made you fat.

>> No.7815881

I had surgery recently for cuahings disease. Made my muscles super weak and my bones as well as made me bloat up. But op if u can please hire a personal trainer and start working out. Tell them of your limits and theyll adjust. Also follow theyre diet plan. Which is most likely going to be almost no carbs lots of thrilled chicken steamed vegetables fiber supplements and eggwhites. And also maybe isopure zero carb for meal replacements. Ive been in the same position as you but after going at it like this i lost 6 kilos in 2 weeks.

>> No.7815903

>calls /ck/ fat
>follows IIFYM

>> No.7815923

>You are a fat fuck who either isn't counting your calories properly
He isn't, he has already admitted he eats more than 1500 numerous times a week.

>> No.7815929

Fasting doesn't cost anything. You can do it if you are poor, if you are rich, if you don't have time because you are busy.

>> No.7815932

we're not talking about health, here. we're talking about losing weight.

>> No.7815948

It's weird, because during the week I have been sleeping so much and on my cheat day I actually stayed up really late no problem.

I wish I could figure out what it is I need to do to get more energy when I get home. I haven't been able to work at night after getting home from work.

>> No.7816225

MS made my dad lose weight. No idea what's wrong with you

>> No.7816228

lol gwyneth

"a family of four can easily eat for a week on this 3400 kcal!"

>> No.7816231

>Medication has calories too.


>> No.7816234


1500 calories is 2-3lb weight loss a week assuming you actually are fat. Exercise means very little.

I was 306 lbs on March 31 and weighed 260.7lbs this morning.I did 500 cal/day for the first three weeks (which was hard as fuck) and probably keeping at about 1200 avg over the rest of the time, and haven't exercised once because I hate it and am lazy.

A fat-free Greek yogurt with a tiny sprinkle of bran cereal on it for breakfast

Skip lunch

Can of soup and a piece of fruit for dinner.

That's the core of my plan. Just get a box of bran, 7 prepackaged yogurts of different flavors, 7 different cans of soup, and a bunch of bananas and that's your whole week of eating. I've cheated a lot in the last month but am still on track, and plan to get back to what I listed above Monday-- and even start exercising.

>> No.7816236

MS will be reversed in your lifetime with CRISPR

and when I say in your lifetime, I mean basically right now.

Cheer up, it gets better. For so many people, it didn't get better. For you, it does.

Leave 4chan, you don't need people talking to you negatively like in this thread.

>> No.7816238

>I did 500 cal/day for the first three weeks (which was hard as fuck)

you don't ever do this. starving yourself makes you lose weight less quickly as your body downregulates your metabolism

>> No.7816256


I made it three weeks at that level and had hunger pains the whole fucking 21 days. It was rough. I understand your point. The weight has been coming off fast for me, though.

However, another reason you don't do it is that you can give yourself gallbladder issues. Crash dieting effectively puts your body on a high-fat diet, and people who lose a lot of weight quickly often end up in gallblader surgery even after getting thin and healthy.

1200 calories a day is not that hard. But lower than that is tough.

>> No.7816275

First things first, calculate your TDEE http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
Figure out your caloric deficit
Figure out your diet whether you want to do classic low fat high carb or a slightly easier high fat low carb, going high protein is just a more expensive high carb diet.
Buy a digital scale
Weigh everything and track your intake on myfitnesspal
If you plateau either eat less or fast for a day to break it.

Since you're a fatass do low impact cardio like walking, swimming, biking or use an eliptical - don't want to fuck your ankles and knees up by trying to run around the neighborhood.

>> No.7816281

man, my girl broke up with me one time, and i didn't eat a single thing for 22 days.

pretty much felt like life was over. i haven't told my current gf this, but we've been together for 5 years and if she leaves its gun in mouth time

>> No.7816321
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"Will be reversed" is not the same as "has been reversed." I remain skeptical, but I have heard stem cells are great. Oh, I'm broke so I will just have to live in agony anyway.

Anyway, so someone mentioned that medications may have calories. I did some internetting and here are the medications I take followed by the calories for 1 dose:

>lyrica 150mg x3 - 67 calories
>hydro 7.5 x3 - 0
>klonopin x3 - 0
>ferrous sulfate 325mg x2 - 210 calories
>lamotrigine 100mg x2 - 50 calories
>magnesium oxide x1 - 370 calories
>wellbutrin 150mg x1 - 130 calories
>risperidone 1mg x1 - ?
>tecfidera 240mg x2 - 170 calories
>naproxen 500mg x2 - ?




Please tell me this is wrong. Altogether, that's more than 1500 calories in a day. According to sources I found, which could absolutely be wrong, these are the calories associated with one dose of each. Mostly found it on the MyFitnessPal website, so I take it with a grain of salt.

Do I have any hope? I NEED this medicine, I can't stop taking it or my life is hell. Is this wrong? Can someone clarify this? God damn internet.

>> No.7816332


Yeah, it's pretty easy. Just figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate-- how many calories you burn just by existing-- with an internet calculator.

Then understand that a pound of fat is 3500 calories.

A 1k calorie deficit under your BMR is 7k calories a week, or 2 lbs of fat lost 1500 deficit is 3 lbs a week.

Of course, as you lose weight, your BMR also goes down, so it requires fewer and fewer. At 300 lbs my BMR was about 2600 calories. Now at 260 it's about 2300.


Women? Horrible creatures.

>> No.7816341

I can empathize with you from a former relationship. The more you deprecate yourself, the less your partner will be attracted to you. Get a therapist and have a talk. If the only thing standing between you and Death is your current girlfriend, you need to work some things out and get help. Relationships don't last forever. Just because it ends doesn't mean it's your fault.

>> No.7816360

This, I lost 15 lbs over winter because I started eating oats for breakfast and didn't pig out on snacks because I was full

>> No.7816367

I took a look at the site and entered the information, I'm definitely trying to eat less than what it shows, but I have no clue about my medications having calories. Research seems to show they do, but I'm not positive. How do I lose weight if my medicine alone has 1500 calories a day?

>> No.7816370

this bitch is shopping at whole foods you can get more than that for $30, also where in the constitution does it say the government is supposed to feed you?

>> No.7816383

I'm not sure that it says that anywhere in the Constitution, but what else do we do? Starve? Die? I mean, that's pretty much the options considering employers won't hire you when you have a major illness like myself. Liabilities and such.

>> No.7816387

there's calories and there's kilocalories. dietary calories are counted as kilocalories, in usa written with a capital c. so Calories are actually kilocalories.

>> No.7816405

Avoid tedious nutritional reductionist. Eat only whole plant foods you prepare at home. You can definitely be strong at the grocery store once a week. And it's cheap if you know what you're doing.

>> No.7816435

My grocery store (aka Walmart) is like 20 minutes away and it hurts to shop. I usually only go once or twice a month.

>> No.7816440

I'm confused and a little worried about this. Do medications seriously have that many Calories?

>> No.7816450


I doubt those numbers are right. Some sugary oral solutions might have a few hundred but I seriously doubt those numbers.

>> No.7816456

>i can't exercise because i have ms!!!!
I have Parkinson's AND lupus and I still exercise and maintain a healthy weight. You just haven't found an exercise that you can do. That's okay. It took me a while to find one, too.
Here's what ya do, friend-o: buy a pedal machine. Not a full bike. Just the pedals. You know the ones, right? They're just a pair of pedals with a wheel in the centre and a tracker to count your calories/distance/speed etc.
There. Now you can exercise while you're watching TV, doing stuff at your work desk, cutting veg or sitting down anywhere. I have three, one at my couch, one at my work desk and one at my office desk.

As for cutting to 1500kcal isn't helping, I'm finding this surprising and presume you're lying or horrible mistaken on your intake. I eat, give or take, 2800kcal daily to /maintain/ my weight. 2400 is enough for me to lose about a half kilo per week.
What's your height and current weight, Anon/ette? I'm 183cm/6ft and 80kg/176lbs.

>> No.7816467

5'6" and 205 lbs. I was 165 lbs last July, but after having several MS attacks and several more medications, I noticed the weight gain. Especially after Prednisone and SoluMedrol steroid treatments. Also, I said that I do exercise in small amounts. Whenever I get hot and sweaty, my symptoms flare up and I feel miserable. Even if I do nothing, getting hot still triggers my symptoms.

That being said, appreciate the pedal machine suggestion - never heard of it. Since I have no income I'll have to do some tricks to get that. If what I read is true, my medication is roughly 1500 Calories a day. Can anyone else relate?

I selected the same medications I am prescribed. I doubt the numbers too, but I can't disprove them. MyFitnessPal is recommended by pretty much everyone...

>> No.7816513

it's called a hand bike. i recommend them to people more than any other exercise device. they have adaptable ones that can go under your desk or mount to desk to be used for hands.

No. Medicines have negligible calories. Guy is trolling himself or something. Please don't be stupid /ck/, where would 210 calories in a 325mg pill come from? It isn't POSSIBLE for 325mg of ANYTHING to have even TEN CALORIES!!!

MS already has been reversed. It happened last week. Why doesn't someone with MS know this but I do? fuck man.

>> No.7816556

>Why doesn't someone with MS know this but I do?
Sorry that I don't have cable or read news articles on multiple sclerosis. Take it with a grain of salt. Once I'm cured, then I'll believe it. Otherwise I'm wasting my time with false hope. And 4chan.

>> No.7816583

>Also, I said that I do exercise in small amounts.

Last year I manage to lost 40lbs in 5-6 months, I also eat "normally" on cheat days which were there once every week.

IMO the biggest factor for losing weight is intensive exercises that lasts for at least 45 mins, I hated exercise and I tried to stop doing it for a week to see how it turned out while maintain my weekly eating routine, I didn't progress much that week, or any other times I tried to cut down my exercise times.

tl;dr If you can't/cannot exercise, you simply have to NOT have any cheat days until you are done losing weight.

>> No.7816590

I've seen the phrase "cheat day" too many times in this thread. I don't have cheat days. I mentioned I sometimes go over 1500, but it's because of situations where I can't count the calories (like mommy's chicken noodle soup). Sometimes get a gnarly stomach pain that only food can help. I've tried Tums and water, but that didn't stop the stomach pains.

>> No.7816600


dude it's over and done. there was a new test last week where they stopped a woman from dying on her literal deathbed and now she's recovering.

it's done. we figured it out. we solved it. it's in the past.

it's just a matter of how long it takes to get to you, which won't be very long. the "ethical" barriers surrounding stem cell research are about to fall like dominos worldwide; people will not accept a world in which diseases like MS can be cured but aren't.

>> No.7816620

You're hungry and the medicine cocktail is probably burning through your stomach causing pain. Weight loss is important and should be taken care of but you really should do it when you are feeling better and are less dependent on the medication/talk to a doctor and not 4chan autists about what a good exercise plan would be for you

>> No.7816649

you might reduce some symptoms of MS with a leafy green rich diet, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLjgBLwH3Wc

>> No.7816676

>quack shit

please don't send people with MS shit like this.

>> No.7816711

Terry Wahls is a clinical professor and not a research professor. Her claims about diet and MS count for precisely jack shit.

>> No.7816714

I've been on my medications for a year, some more than two years, I'm going to be dependent and not feeling well for the forseeable future. My doctors tell me to walk, which I do as much as I can on days I'm well.

I am already aware of the stem cell developments with multiple sclerosis, but things are very misleading and again, I dislike false hope. A published study verifies that the stem cell transplants did work for reversing MS in about 35% of the patients, the other 65% stayed the same or their MS got worse.

"While promising, the treatment is regarded as extremely high-risk, which places limitations on its widespread use. There are high mortality rates associated with the procedure; one patient out of the initial 24 involved in the clinical trial died from liver failure. It should also be highlighted that 30 per cent of the patients did see their symptoms worsen, likely because their MS was already too far along."


High mortality rate. Hmm...

Thanks! I'm checking it out right now. Fresh leafy greens are inconveniently a good distance away. Are there any that freeze well? Something I didn't make clear at the start is that I have chronic pain in my hands, so cooking is limited. TV dinners are great, but I do watch the sodium content in them. And yes, I do pay attention to the caloric content, it's usually 350-400 for the ones I eat.

>> No.7816726

Thanks anons, I'm not falling for the MS Curing Food Plan meme, I'm just trying to change my diet to lose weight. There are definitely some truths to vitamins and essential fats and such, but taking them won't cure it.

>> No.7816749
File: 913 KB, 1218x2643, fit-diet-plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ usually comes up with good diet plans. This one is made for when you are trying to get big, but if you don't need that, then just cut out some of the things.

>> No.7817139
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Fatfag reporting in. Also a beetusfag
Cut down big time. Rye bread might be your best bet. You can get BOOST shakes as meal replacments.
>eat like a bitch
greens, fruits, and lean meats. don't spruce em up too much.
don't drink anything else. including aclohol.
>get off your ass and excersise
light jog/walking for 30 mins every morning will change your life.
also drink water before every meal

>> No.7817223

eat one ham and cheese sandwich a day for a month then see how much you lost.

get used to being hungry. you need to get yourself addicted to the hunger high. or you should talk with your doctor about getting referred to a nutritionist.

>> No.7817461

You need more calories. Anything below 1500 is dangerous. The fact that you aren't losing weight at that amount means you have been eating at that amount for too long, and your body has learned to sustain itself at 1500 calories (likely to the detriment of your organs and muscles). throw in a moderate cheat day (2200-2500) on a random day every week and try cutting at 1500-1700 the rest

source: same thing happened to me. I weighed 320 initially, lost weight to 200 on a 1500 calorie diet, then stagnated. I tried going as low at 1200 a day and still wouldn't get skinnier. Started eating 2500 and exercising and the weight flew off.

>> No.7817471

What kind of exercising?

>> No.7817488

I was seriously just walking a couple of miles a day and doing bodyweights (pushups, crunches, bridge, and pullups) twice a week, yet it made a huge difference.

>> No.7817754

> went from cute to mediocre
damn fampai

>> No.7818962

I can't do a light jog. I need my cane after like 200m. Nevertheless, I do still walk for exercise even if I have to use my cane. I pretty much go until I can't, which isn't far, but chronic pain is an obstacle.

Exercising is the hardest part. Mainly looking for food recommendations. If calories in < calories out, then I need as few calories as possible to lose weight (according to most people in this thread). I don't really care if it's unhealthy, once I get back down to around 160 I'll start getting "healthy".

>> No.7818966

Rice and Eggs you stupid fucks don't go around buy organic limes and fresh tomatoes

>> No.7819688

Any recipes you want to share that actually taste good? Yes, beans and rice and oats... the oats are simple enough, but using beans and rice I have difficulty making them taste good.

>> No.7820390

Buy good quality rice and wash it well then eat it
Eggs you can cook and then season them if you want

>> No.7820412

I still haven't figured out how to make beans other than black beans taste good and have a good texture. There are just too many different ways to prepare them and people swear each one is the right way. you get a better taste if you don't throw out the soaking water and just cook it in that

rice is easy though. cook in 1:1 water and chicken broth. if you suck at getting the texture right when cooking it on the stovetop, look into baked recipes. cooks illustrated has a good one for wild rice that makes really fluffy rice. should work for brown as well.

>> No.7820903

Water ratio depends on the type of rice

>> No.7822662

Why did she buy 7 limes?

>> No.7822705

Eat more vegetables and fruits, drink more water, cut out processed sugars and breads, count your calories better. Keep it in a journal if you have to.

>> No.7822879

Let's get this started, boys.

>> No.7822886

She should have bought 'go 'za instead

>> No.7822891
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>> No.7823458

Just dont eat more then a fat mans plate at meals and move. Literally just add movement to your day. Non movement = fat

>> No.7823512

Well this is a thread full of bad advice.
How many times per day are you eating?
Which meals are heaviest in calories?
What times are you generally eating?
How much water do you consume?

The issue isn't so much the calorie intake, you're doing fine consuming between 1400-1800 per day. Anything below that will be starving yourself, causing you to store energy and slow down your motabolism. Your goal is to burn energy. And you honestly can do it with your usual activities and a good 15-20min of exercising. What you're consuming and when can be an issue. The bs about not eating is a good way to plug your system. You should poop once or twice a day. You should never eat within three hours of your bedtime.
You should try to drink a gallon of water every day. Avoid consuming it with the actual meals, it's just going to get in the way of digesting. Instead drink it starting a half hour after breakfast, stop about a half hour before lunch, start half hour after lunch, stop and start the same for dinner.

Breakfast is a priority, eat within a half hour of being awake to boost your metabolism. A cup of black coffee will work as a laxative and wake you up. I drank it a few years back to help aid regularity, but honestly I don't care for it much.
Oats are fine, I generally eat them uncooked with plain Greek yogurt (cheap kind is fine, it combined with nuts will replace breakfast meats. Bonus is that the cultures will help your gut) pumpkin seeds(cheap af protein) and a small spoonful of jam (I make my own with less than half of the sugar called for but bought will do fine). This is more to flavor and prevent any cravings for sweets, and if you keep it tart that serving won't put you over the edge. My breakfast tends to be around 350-400 calories, and you may change the ingredients to keep from getting bored.

Next is a fruit about 2-3 hours after. Apples are my favored choice for price, shelf life, and fiber. I'll have to do a second post.

>> No.7823552


TLTR continued

Lunch should be about 2 hours after snack. I generally do a small version of my previous dinner, usually proportioned the night that I cooked it (I'll actually do a few and store one or two in the freezer, in case I eat out one night). A couple ounces of meat, with a 1/3 cup lentils/brown rice/quinoa/any potato, and 1/2-1cup of vegetables.

2-3 hours is snack time, grab a fruit (I forgot to say that a granola bar or some nuts are best with the fruit between breakfast and lunch. This snack you will probably be full after the fruit alone.

Dinner:4oz of meat max, 1/2cup rice/lentils/quinoa/any potatoes.
Only water after that.

If you ever feel like dessert or candy on the go. A single date with plain Spanish peanuts is a cheap and healthy substitute.

Hope this helps you out. I used to keep track back when I first started. I found out that I wasn't consuming enough (800-1200 calories during my work days). I felt weak, had no appetite, and working out after work made me feel sick when I drank water after. Don't listen to the "I lost weight be eating less" and "keep from getting hungry" crowd. I lived that and even if I looked skinny, I was a wraith. It wasn't remotely healthy, and when I started eating I was still storing. I gained easily 35 lbs in my first month of muscle building. And it took awhile for good muscle tone to start showing. You'll do fine getting trim if you just do the many small meals and a light workout routine. (stretch, butterfly kicks, squats, jumping jacks, resistance, are all good followed by a cooldown jog).

>> No.7823576

this kind of diet is very hard to pull off because it only works when you count perfectly
if you are buring 1000 calories a week (because you are not excercising because of MS) when you are counting 1500 per day and you 'accidently' eat 2000 calories one day, you just cancelled out the half the week
if you did that twice in one week you just cancelled out the WHOLE week
it's needs to be absolutely perfect if you want to lose anything
believe it or not, the sedentary diet is not easy

>> No.7823599

You got MS, why lose weight? youll turn veggie soon enough.

>> No.7823878

>cutting calories below 1500 hasn't helped
You are not exempt from the laws of thermodynamics

>> No.7823898

>literally get 200$ a month in food stamps
>buy bunch of dumb shit every week
>still have money left over

>> No.7823900


Thanks 90s mom science

>> No.7823910

>We conclude that increasing meal frequency from three to six per day has no significant effect on 24-h fat oxidation, but may increase hunger and the desire to eat.

intermittent fasting seems to be the best for weight loss. despite the name, it doesn't mean going a day or two without eating. it just means every day you have an 8 hour window where you eat. like 11am-7pm and outside of that window you consume no calories, you just drink a ton of water.

>> No.7823920

Most annoying thing about that for me is even if you're going to waste money on limes for some reason, it's cheaper by a lot to just buy pre-bagged limes than to buy 7 individual limes at any grocery store I've ever been to. Usually it's like $3-4 for a bag of limes rather than like $0.99 each for individual. So assuming her store is priced similarly (though it's probably more out there in LA) she literally wasted $7 out of $29 on limes. That is a quarter of her budget. ON LIMES.

>> No.7823935

That's just one study. Most evidence shows that eating more frequently has at best no effect, however people who eat more frequently tend to be at a healthier weight while people who eat 3 times a day are more likely to be obese.

>> No.7823967


People who drink sugar soda vs diet tend to be thinner too. So by your logic I should replace my diet soda with normal soda to help lose weight, right?

>> No.7823989

I didn't apply any such logic, you are reading things that were never written.

>> No.7823996

>cutting calories below 1500 hasn't helped
sure it hasn't fatty. remember to count each twinkie you shove down your fat gullet as a twinkie and not a rice cake next time.

>> No.7824029

OP: measure your portions. Say you eat cereal. Pour your typical bowl, then put it in a measuring cup. This will reveal how much you really eat. You can use a food scale if you want to be autistic. Package portions are always really small, portions you eat tend to be 1.5x-2x that. Understand? You think you ate 1500, you actually ate 2500. Measure dem portions.


Retard detected. Meat is fucking expensive and eggs are cheap protein. Green onions and garlic are not expensive (maybe 60 cents) and add a lot of flavor.

OP pic is retarded, but you're equally retarded.


Kale is cheap and has a lot of vitamins.

If I were poorfag I'd rice, beanz, eggz, oatz, kale, broccoli, onions, garlic, canned tomato products, potatoes, nanas, and sale chicken.

>> No.7824034


>on a cut
>not eating veg

An entire cup of sauteed greenz is like 100 cals. A potato is about 110. Two eggz is 140. =filling cut meal for 350 cals.

>on /ck/
>eating canned soup

>> No.7824051

Eggs are not cheap protein. Whole eggs are 66% calories from fat, so first of all they are not even protein, they are fat. Secondly, the price per protein is more expensive for eggs than meat, and most meat is more protein than fat.

>> No.7824065

Cut out carbs, cheese and sugar entirely no soda and juice drink water only look in to paleo diet or ketosis also get omega 3 fatty acid foods or pills and braggs apple cider vinegar. Eggs help remove fat from your system. Im in the same boat i need to lose 20 lbs before i go to boot camp im on ebt as well. Also if you are missing meals your fucking something up. Calories dont matter. There is also the military diet witch works

>> No.7824070

Get some bcaa

>> No.7824525


Eggs are $2 for 12. Chicken is at best 1.50/lb, usually 2. Other meat forget it, $3-12/lb.

2 eggs costs 16 cents. The equivalent in chicken is ~ a tenth of a pound. The eggs would have 12g protein (livestrong). Chicken has 65 g protein per half pound (sfgate), 14g for .11 lb. BUT the eggs also have vitamins which aren't in the chicken. Reminder this is cheap chicken...chicken being the cheapest meat, so this is a best case scenario for meat. I find two eggs more satisfying than a tenth of a lb of chicken personally. It's roughly equivalent and eggs do not deserve that much hate from you.

>> No.7824728

Now let's try that again in real life units

>> No.7824742

I've seen whole chickens on sale for $1 a pound and pork ribs and shoulder on sale for $2 a pound. I do live in the part of the us that produces the most pigs, so that might explain cheaper than normal pork prices, but we don't raise chickens here
also getting a whole chicken is better than just getting chicken breast. it's worth it to make broth

>> No.7824749


Why? Are you incapable of doing the conversion? I thought you were proud of your education system....but what good has it done you?

>> No.7824810


Sorry, want it in cubic picameters and tertiary deca-litres?


Whole chicken is $1/ lb but it's such a pain in the ass, and you end up with a ton of bones which are heavy, so the price per the meat part is more anyway if you subtract bone weight. I find thighs the best value. Yeah, I don't see much pork for 2 unless it's managers special.

I can get fancy cage free non hormone eggs for 2-2.50/dozen, meanwhile the only chicken under 3/lb is that frankenchicken. So we could talk quality as well.

>> No.7825903

maybe they should learn how to hunt, fish, garden to supplement their food stamps.