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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 376 KB, 1280x960, 1463764953467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7771259 No.7771259 [Reply] [Original]

whenever i see a white person eating sushi, i just mash it all over his/hers plate

how are you dealing with cultural appropriation in gastronomy, /ck/?

>> No.7771274

Whenever I see japs eating salmon sushi I shoot them in the face for stealing my culture

>> No.7771280

Whenever I see a pajeet I turn 360 degrees and walk the other way

>> No.7771291

That didn't stop you from appropriating Swedish cucksheds.

>> No.7771293

Kill yourself.

>> No.7771295

Wtf? You realize that turning 360 degrees means you would end up facing the same way as you started, right???

>> No.7771303

OP's pic is far more interesting than his bullshit post.

>> No.7771304


>> No.7771306

>Cultural appropriation

It's 2016. We live in a global economy with technology that allows us to communicate with anonymous people all over the world (besides best Korea and Russia as of last night). I just accept that our cultural tribes are no longer a possession.

>> No.7771312

No it means you turn around, r-tard.

>> No.7771316

Well played newfriend, bet he didn't see that one coming

>> No.7771319

>That's the joke.

>> No.7771350
File: 66 KB, 800x774, aloha_snackbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im triggered by that highly sexual image you posted, shitlord. now post me a womyn in a burkha

>> No.7771353

You just got duped friendo

>> No.7771361

I'd culturally appropriate my dick all up between that white woman's titties desu senpai.

>> No.7771376

Reminder: Cultural appropriation is not real, it is a myth perpetuated by racists to cover their racism and disguise it as liberalism.

>> No.7771378

No you don't.

I embrace it - new flavours, new methods, new fusions.

Without "cultural appropriation", no culture - in terms of gastronomy, scientific advancement, etc. - would be where it is. The world, as it is, relies heavily on cross-cultural connections.

Now keep your fingers away from my food.

>> No.7771397

>I just accept that our cultural tribes are no longer a possession.

Said the white boi with no culture to possess.

>> No.7771440

When I see apes using food stamps that I paid for, I tell my cop friends to shoot another one.

>> No.7771452

>I live in a shithole with only two races
>can I play too?
No, please return to your 'go 'za threads

>> No.7771457

Said the colored fella who abandoned their culture and is now jealous that white people saved it

>> No.7771460

Wait, what happened with Russia?

>> No.7771464

Boobs spilling out...perfer smaller boobs

>> No.7771468

>i live in a shithole with only 1 race.
Feels great, desusenpaitachi.

>> No.7771487



>> No.7771489

they were banned. refer to /pol/ for more information.

>> No.7771490

I thought this was a cultural appropriation thread? They're stealing my potato salad

>> No.7771503

>white people don't have any culture

you don't see it because it is so mainstream. cars to get around? grocery stores? restaurants with a la cart menus? internet? evidence-based medicine? you do realize that most globbal cultural advancements are from white society since we have run the show for the last several hundred years, right?

>> No.7771525

>Wtf? You realize that turning 360 degrees means you would end up facing the same way as you started, right???
MOONWALK dumbass

>> No.7771531


>evidence based medicine

you mean insurance based medicine. where the better your insurance is the more unnecessary unrelated tests they run to pimp you for money.

the easiest/most influential example of white culture is capitalism.

>> No.7771535

When I see black people benefit from refrigeration, I take it from them by force and give them a stick with some ants crawling on it, their traditional delicacy.

>> No.7771541

>monkey person labels his slave-feed and jungle booty-shakes as "culture"
oh im laffin

>> No.7771549

no I mean medicinal treatments based on empirical evidence rather than eating a bunch of garlic or sacred herbs recommended by the village elders to treat cancer.

I agree with that last point. money makes the world go around these days.

>> No.7771580

Whenever I see a non-white using electricity I remind them that since their inferior race didn't discover therefore they have no right using it

>> No.7771582


>we can cure cancer

better off eating garlic a lot of the time

>> No.7771593

>"treat cancer"

learn to read english before coming to an english-language website and making an ass of yourself.

>> No.7771599

Marijuana can cure cancer

>> No.7771615


yeah we can "treat" a lot of stuff. just give them opiates and run a bunch of useless tests to milk them for all their money while they slowly die.

better off eating garlic and/or buying street heroin

>> No.7771617

Or most pastries, cheese, sausage, pickled anything, butter, the list could go on...

>> No.7771618

exactly. that's why I smoke marijuana every day and eat a head of non-gmo garlic and a tablespoon of turmeric every day. it really deactivates my inhibitor enzymes and activates my almond thymus. It's really clean and refreshing.

>> No.7771626

I dunno about all that but as a cigarette smoker i had to pick up weed smoking to counteract the tobacco

>> No.7771628

>almond thymus
amygdalae would have been a subtler choice.

>> No.7771629

keep generalizing. when you get a treatable form of cancer, go ahead and eat a bunch of garlic to make it go away. I heard turmeric and marijuanna also help.

>> No.7771632

sorry, I haven't taken a basic nutrition class to make me an expert on health food. I'll have to buy someone's book to read up on that.

>> No.7771636


sure all those things are cool but if you really think about capitalism its a mindset developed by white european merchants that has literally brainwashed billions of people around the world and shapes every waking day of your life and your fundamental existence/purpose in life

>> No.7771644


>nuke your entire body
>make you feel like shit
>give you a bunch of pills to blur your mental faculties
>slowly drain your life savings/retirement while you wither away and die

rather smoke pots and leave my kids some money than live in crippling post chemo pain and die broke

>> No.7771647

>health food


Please tell me this is just continued shitposting... please... I need to retain some faith in humanity today.

>> No.7771652
File: 1.42 MB, 5000x4859, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice commento

>> No.7771653

Sounds like a fun way to get your nose broken anon

>> No.7771660

Or lose a finger.

If it's on my plate, it's fair game.

>> No.7771661

>Whites invented the Internet
>and every other cool thing ever

>> No.7771662

yes, it is sarcastic shitposting. I thought that was obvious.

>> No.7771668

It's hard to tell here sometimes. Memes have become so status quo that I hear 4chan's bullshit spouted factually out in the real world.

>> No.7771679

1: go back to Tumblr
2: realize you're on Tumblr
3: end your life in which you believe cultural appropriation is a problem.

>> No.7771684

>mash it all over his/hers plate
he said to himself, as he began to perspire

People sharing food cultures is good, it brings different cultures closer together. It's better than how people used to look down on another culture's food.

It's literally impossible to have "no culture"

>> No.7771690
File: 14 KB, 277x182, images(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up you nip dong rat. I could plan a cha-kaiseki menu better than you any day.

nip cuisine is such simplistic drivel that you could be a master chef in its ways by accidentally spilling soy sauce, diluted vodka and fish stock into a skillet full of leftover meat scraps and a spot of oil. put it on a square plate with a maple leaf and you're the goddamn iron chef!

calling the use of Japanese culinary "appropriation" is like calling holding you dick to aim when you pee "innovation" -- it's literally the natural result that happens when youre an alcoholic who has soy sauce, oil and fish stock laying around.

>> No.7771706

I live comfortably and can drive less than a mile and buy tons of different foods from all over the world. Same with booze. Capitalism is okay with me

>> No.7771709

i'm asian, do you really think i don't know how to fight? lol.

>> No.7771710

You just confirmed it

>> No.7771712

All that waka hiya shit ain't fighting bro

>> No.7771714
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1039, 86c52c5f65ee93540f55ae9c2f2e9d7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no culture to possess.
look at all these cultures we possessed...and conquered, raped, destroyed, undermined, enslaved and outright dominated.

we possess and possessed many cultures.

>> No.7771716


>> No.7771721


>my mom paid for me to get a blackbelt in taekwondo when i was 12
>i know how to fight

>> No.7771839

i would fuck up any one of you in a matter of seconds

>> No.7771844
File: 15 KB, 385x216, ngbbs53174dabbc8c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7771845

Okay, Wang chun.

>> No.7771851
File: 12 KB, 500x294, 1465447829284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7771904

Whenever I see a nigger, like you, I run.

>> No.7771932
File: 1.82 MB, 320x240, Bunk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>serious responses

>> No.7772101
File: 27 KB, 250x341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>activates my almond thymus.

>> No.7772109
File: 162 KB, 800x651, john-oliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7772116

I find it fascinating how angry people get at the idea that modern progressive values are expected of people living in a first world country

>> No.7772281

>Lying SJWS: Be internet tough guys.

>Honest Based Folk: Eat the evidence.

>> No.7772295
File: 1.12 MB, 604x606, 1465686580205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you dare talk about cultural appropriation, nerd

Pic related

>> No.7772513

I find it fascinating that people are bewildered at others who hold on to traditions and beliefs they were raised around.

>> No.7772518

I find it fascinating that you don't understand this isn't /pol/

>> No.7772521

It doesn't surprise me to hear about a Saudi beating his wife or a Paki setting her daughter on fire or an Amazon jungle man who thinks the earth was created by owls

It is a bit unfortunate that people like this exist in first world countries, and yet, just look at Texas or Oklahoma

It's a failure in our education system

>> No.7772526

Whenever I see a Christian in a halal butchery, I secretly spit in his meat before serving it.

>> No.7772537 [DELETED] 

Da Bibble is da only edumacation I'd be needin' becuz Jesus says to kill all the faggots and protect the little babbies from dem ebil abortion cultists at Planned Perenthood.

>> No.7772553

Wow, where have you been the past 12 years son?

>> No.7772557

you think he fell for it but really you fell for it.

>> No.7772572

What if you're the one falling for it?

>> No.7772595
File: 615 KB, 2560x1800, Screenshot_20160611-205727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started it.

>> No.7772603

Wouldn't be the first time somebody had been hoisted with their own petard.

>> No.7772604






>> No.7772607
File: 235 KB, 425x624, yVUdf46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it fascinating that you don't understand this isn't tumblr

>> No.7772626
File: 1.07 MB, 2064x1548, 20160611_210726_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just make my food american.

for example:

>> No.7772632

damn that looks good.

>> No.7772645


>> No.7772658
File: 284 KB, 1000x1361, dantes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does no one have any shame any more?

>> No.7772699
File: 293 KB, 600x834, 1 (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not cultural appropriation if you're taking something from a superior culture.

>> No.7772806 [DELETED] 

I agree, more white women should get surgery and try to look asian

They can also try being less fat but I hardly see that working since white parents basically tell their kids that they're winners no matter what and working hard is for robot kids with no souls

>> No.7773213

that looks amazing

>> No.7773268

Got any more pics of her? I want to lick her nipples...*drools*.

>> No.7773280

Why is skin shameful to you? Why are you afraid?

>> No.7773302

If you read between the lines that's essentially the justification they use to take aspects of white culture.

>> No.7773307

There is nothing wrong with skin, but public decency helps make civilization possible. People who ignore this are uncivilized. Niggers, basically.

>> No.7773348

not that guy but lechery is annoying

>> No.7773351


>> No.7773357

because koranne said women have to cover up in public. this is why facebook bans the female nipple.

>> No.7773360
File: 29 KB, 349x642, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7773361

it's offensively excessive.
makes me feel like I have to do something about it.

>> No.7773364

patriarchy: the post.

>> No.7773366
File: 57 KB, 665x427, 1463224076605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern progressive values are expected of people

So is that all people, people born there, people who have lived there more than a year, or something else?

Naive outlook when you have free-ish global movement of people.

>> No.7773369

Who taught you to be like this?

>> No.7773374

>shitskins all abandon their cultures until white people said it was ok to like them again

ayy lmao,stay cucked

>> No.7773377

probably not his wife's son.

>> No.7773380

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7773384


>> No.7773386

Or check this out; kill yourself now and save everyone the hassle.

>> No.7773387

wouldnt you like to know

>> No.7773544


>> No.7773625

>the easiest/most influential example of white culture is capitalism.
You're very welcome.

>> No.7773631

The advocation of heightened and increasingly unfettered sexual desire and gratification garners a psychological outlook perfect for keeping us jogging happily on the consumerist treadmill.

The most subversive thing about it is how participants feel rebellious for assisting in their own enslavement, simply because of the culturally internalized dichotomy that maintains liberalism=creativity=freedom, while conservatism=routine=servitude. Anybody who adheres strictly to either side of this artificial spectrum is never going to shake out of the system that created it.

>> No.7773653

This is an example of how cultural appropriation can be a problem:


>> No.7773679

does this grill not have nips or something?

>> No.7773746


>> No.7773806
File: 54 KB, 535x462, 1465395123996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7773851

>how are you dealing with cultural appropriation in gastronomy, /ck/?

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>diz iz muh culture you cunt eat it

Come back when the whole world fucks up your dishes and claims to cook the "original X country food"

>> No.7773859

Are you a bear?

>> No.7774033

Treatments exactly like that in places with a national health service. Get fucked yank.

>> No.7774058

They never were to begin with
New cultures are born when old cultures collide
Both the "hurr refugees and immigrants are destroying muh culture" and "boohoo cultural appropriation" people are fucking retards

>> No.7774091 [DELETED] 

So I what you are saying is that anyone who posts stuff like this >>7772109 must be an Islamic radical

Good to know, I always just assumed they were Trump voters, but a backwards ignorant bigot is a backwards ignorant bigot, regardless of brand

>> No.7774107

When the fuck did I click on /lgbt/

>> No.7774136

Thank you for pic.

>> No.7774170

But refugees and immigrants do destroy the existing culture by changing it into something different and undesirable.

I'm not sure why it is so bad to want to maintain your culture if you are white.

I grew up in Toronto and always heard about how multicultural and great it was, but all I saw were enclaves that allowed immigrants to pretend they weren't in a new country and not mingle with the rest of the Canadians.

People moved to Canada because life was better there, but they only interacted with people of their own ethnicity. And somehow this is a great celebration of multiculturalism and we should pat ourselves on that back for it.

I don't subscribe to any party and have beliefs that occupy the range of left/right, but I can really see how demagogues like Trump are becoming more popular. People are getting sick of this hypocritical social engineering and being told we must change or else we are bad people.

We have a great culture. not perfect, but great. A progressive, safe society is not the natural evolution of civilization - I think the nutbar Islamic societies or violent tribal societies of S. America are as natural as ours. The thing is, we cultivated a good society because of our ideals and history, and suddenly we should change this to let in people from societies that hate gays, women, etc.? Fuck no. We have to protect what generations worked hard and bled hard to create.

>> No.7774179

This picture will never not make me laugh

>> No.7774204
File: 20 KB, 250x320, Green-Lantern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have to protect what generations worked hard and bled hard to create.

posting an overly wrought, too long to read, reply on a Thai Bicycle Club image board is a good shot across their bow, bro

keep fighting the good fight and try not to bled

>> No.7774226
File: 460 KB, 500x366, really now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do destroy the existing culture by changing it

>> No.7774661

ty based anon

>> No.7774666

It means turn around and go the other way dumbass.

I prefer diamond blade knives, diamonds are the hardest metal.

>> No.7774668

She doesn't want shitskin on or in her body, my white Brazilian friend.

>> No.7774671

I fucking love how American "chinese" think sushi is their culture.

>> No.7774702

Right? And you know the Chinese are the only ones who care. The Japanese could give a fuck.

>> No.7774703

Unfortunately noone wants to appropriate Polish food.

>> No.7774715

>could give a fuck.

>> No.7774733

what if he identifies as a moonwalker? fucking cis shitlords i swear

>> No.7774734

>Said the white boi with no culture to possess.
Said the white boi with no culture to possess.

>> No.7774787

We laugh at foreigners who cook spanish food.

>> No.7774802

>Spanish food
Moor food*

>> No.7774815

t. Alberto Barbosa

>> No.7774978

Fuck them. Pierogi are life itself.

I especially enjoy the potato and bacon ones. But the mushroom ones are also very good.

>> No.7774998


that looks fucking disgusting. Why does all asian food only have slime as a texture?

>> No.7775005


what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7775011


>All I did was shit in your ice cream bro, it's no big deal and isn't ruined

>> No.7775015

nothing wrong with that guy. he's a man. if you think there is something wrong with that post youre either a woman or a faggot.

>> No.7775017 [DELETED] 

I will concede that there are some cultures worth preserving

Ironically, the ones that complain loudest about immigration aren't those

>> No.7775018


*nods*...you're right friend *shakes hand randomly* :)

>> No.7775020

so it's the latter then.

>> No.7775022 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 320x240, lance_cumson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as you can thee by the fact that I am talking about my thexual attraction to boobth, on a food and cooking forum, I am totally not gay!
Sure thing bro.

>> No.7775027

if you look at op's picture then wonder why someone would ask for more then I assume you aren't attracted to women.

>> No.7775031 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 400x218, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god those are amazing

>> No.7775042 [DELETED] 

>needs to announce his sexuality to strangers "just in case"
>unable to figure out reverse image search
So what I'm gathering here is that you're an elderly, technically illiterate, deeply closeted gay man.

Congrats on finding your way to 4chan, I guess.

>> No.7775045
File: 499 KB, 245x240, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ almighty

god does exist

>> No.7775072


>> No.7775194

If there was a god she wouldn't have tainted herself with a metal pimple on her lip.

>> No.7775210

Yeah maaaaaaaaaan. Those doctors and surgeons are all like, just part of the corporations man.

I bet you also think vaccines cause autism.

>> No.7775212

Enjoy wasting away in your "queue".

>> No.7775220
File: 32 KB, 244x203, 1436827159139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out

>> No.7775264

You do know that most doctors themselves would not undergo chemo therapy and it's only known to be effective (as in a very very high remission rate without the cancer coming back) for like 4% of cancers

But the doctors and insurance companies make a lot since it's an expensive treatment

Why do you think the doctors always try to guilt trip people who don't want it

>> No.7775343

one of my wing chun instructors is a black guy whose spent his entire life learning different kinds of kung fu, should I as an asian guy bitch at him for stealing my culture?

>> No.7775419

You probably should. Lord knows you are next after whitey destroys itself. I only hope you can learn from >our mistakes.

>> No.7775434

>capitalism its a mindset developed by white european merchants
Jews aren't white.

>> No.7776160

nice trips, satan. I knew I'd find you on /ck/

>> No.7776162

>>Said the white boi with no culture to possess.
>Said the white boi with no culture to possess.
Said the white boi with no culture to possess.

>> No.7776168

>destroy the existing culture by changing it
>not mingle with the rest of the Canadians

well fuck off then

>> No.7776492

Praise the Kek!

>> No.7776496


>> No.7776501 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 250x166, 1463454313670s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problems here
No problems here
No problems here
No problems here
>Isn't it interesting how white people don't like spicy food?

Also food and cooking

>> No.7776510
File: 66 KB, 522x360, 1427400688571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


minorities can't be racist and white people are pure, concentrated evil demons who do nothing but rape, pillage, enslave, and eat mayonnaise all day in their golden mansions build on sacred forgotten Indian graveyards. There is no way, tumblr, the salon, the huffington post, kotaku, obama, hillary, bernie, or reddito could ever be wrong about these obvious facts

>> No.7778335

>being this new

>> No.7778339

I like it how this /storm/ tier shitpost was left but the original post, obviously complaining about racism, was deleted

>> No.7779055

That's wrong though. Dragonforce is the hardest metal. Retards like you are a diamond dozen.

>> No.7779059

>no on wants to appropiate Polish food
Guess all those stands selling Polish sausages at fairs and festivals don't exist.

>> No.7779695

>I'm asian! That means that I have the right to be offended for all asian cultures!

Yeah, okay white boy.