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File: 487 KB, 612x774, restaurant-business_may2011-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7765135 No.7765135 [Reply] [Original]

just inherited $250k.... what kind of restaurant should I start... wuz thinking Italian but I really like curry and sushi, but I think Italian would be more profitable. thoughts?

>> No.7765139


>> No.7765145

why u lauf at my dream, u maingy faggot

u come to my store, I serve you poo poo platter

>> No.7765149

How about you don't and actually keep your money. If you have no vision already, you're already fucked. Not successful restaurant owner ever started their business by asking what to do on an Internet forum

>> No.7765151


Impossible to provide any useful replies without more information.

What's your locale?
What are your skills?

It's a business, so treat it like one. What you like isn't relevant--instead, worry about what the customers like.

>> No.7765153

>classic image.jpg

>> No.7765156

none, take out enough to clear your current debts and like 5-10K for play money and put the rest in a large cap IRA and don't touch it again.

You will loose literally all your money if you invest in a restaurant

>> No.7765164
File: 179 KB, 862x862, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start a burger kitchen, use the finest frozen Australian waygoo beef you can find.

>> No.7765184

>inherit a quarter million dollars
>decide to throw it into a restaurant
>no restaurant experience
>expecting to be in the black
>actually deciding what kind of restaurant to open based on the type of food you like, as though you're going to eat there every night

Sounds like a plan, OP. I can't possibly see anything going wrong.

>> No.7765193

>just inherited $250k.... what kind of restaurant should I start
you should start by tacking another zero on to that sum of money, then start thinking about being a restaurateur.

fuck, son. your hoods are going to cost $250k easily.

maybe you should use your 250k to go to catering school, then a reputable business college, then build a reputation in the industry, then start applying for loans at banks for large sums of money to open a restaurant.

>> No.7765197

Most restaurants do not make any profit for the first 4 years with many going bust before that, $250k would be a struggle even for an experienced chef.

>> No.7765198

>Just inherited $250k
Buy yourself a a parking space in London for 2 years.

>> No.7765210


Keep the menu small and make sure most dishes incorporate the same basic ingredients. Italian would be profitable if you could do God-tier food to beat out competition/meet most people's high standards for Italian.

I've always wanted to open an Aisan dim-sum restaurant,

>> No.7765213
File: 41 KB, 505x800, 1440928341141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy yourself a a parking space in London for 2 years.

>> No.7765235

Don't open a restaurant you goddamn idiot.

That's pretty much throwing your money away.

>> No.7765237

>how to throw a quarter million down the shitter in one simple step

Do yourself a favor and put that money to an actually good use.

>> No.7765243


better off learning to day trade than pissing your money down the toilet on a failed restaurant

>> No.7765248
File: 65 KB, 1576x1332, soda_addict.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is irony?
Hello, USA.

>> No.7765252


>make employees like each other
>how to manipulate dumb niggers, spics, felons and drug addicts
>remember you own them if they don't pay child support they will go to jail
>why minimum wage should be even lower

>> No.7765256

Get a vending machine.

>> No.7765634

Please don't do it.

1. 250k is not NEARLY enough to start a restaurant. Your equipment for the kitchen alone could easily cost that. Then there's the actual space, all the furniture/decor, all the plates, glasses, silverware etc etc etc.

2. Much more importantly, restaurants are fucking money pits. You will not make money. Even if you have a great concept, great execution, and great management you will make very marginal profits. If you want to make money, do something else. Literally anything else would be better.

3. If you have no concept, you will fail and lose all your money.

4. If you don't have a lot of experience in the restaurant industry, this will be a complete disaster.

>> No.7765650

>Inherited money
>wants to start a restaurant

Apex lel. Restaurants have one of the highest failure rates of any type of business out there. Most fail within their first year. Unless you really have the skills and experience you need, you WILL fail. Catastrophically, in all likelihood.

If you want to work 120 hours a week for eight months and then be bankrupt, sure, go ahead. Otherwise do what >>7765156 this anon says. Pay off your debts, take some out to do something fun, and invest the rest.

>> No.7765668

Watch all the episodes of Kitchen Nightmares and do the opposite of what the failing kitchens do

>> No.7767733

Don't. Start a small food truck business if you really want to try. This is much more reasonable for that amount of capital. See how you do with that before you dump your whole inheritance on a restaurant.

>> No.7767741

sounds like a great way to throw your parents' money in the trash. restaurants are a terrible investment.

youre better off buying a ferrari because at least you can resell that.

>> No.7767749

>inherit $250000
>put it in bank
>live off it for 20 years


>> No.7767825

Restaurants are very risky businesses
Usually new restaurants are started by someone getting an investor(who is very rich if that wasn't obvious) or someone already having a dream of a specific style they want

But your case, you want to just randomly start a business because you suddenly came into money is a very bad idea. Because if it fails, you're left with nothing.

>> No.7767848

>thinking $250,000 is enough to live off for 20 years
>thinking cash isn't depreciating

unless you live in a developing country, this is barely above thinking a restaurant is a good investment.