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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 188 KB, 1200x800, slide_359488_4008550_free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7752804 No.7752804 [Reply] [Original]

Do we all agree that dark chocolate is a meme and that milk chocolate is superior because it actually tastes good?

>> No.7752821

No, grow up

>> No.7752832

Are 12 or a fat, middle aged housewife?

>> No.7752836

Good chocolate > Shitty Chocolate
Doesn't matter how dark or milky a chocolate is, if it' shit quality chocolate, it's shit, period

A lot of people with poor understanding of chocolate have incorrect ideas about whether dark is better than milk, based on their limited exposure to high quality chocolate

Protip: if your idea of good chocolate is lindt, your opinions are automatically invalid

>> No.7752837


>> No.7752844

Absolutely not.

>> No.7752846

Name some good chocolate brands that are available in America so I can expand my chocolatey horizon.

>> No.7752852

hersheys is the best chocolate.


>> No.7752860

Valhrona, Callebaut, and Guittard are all pretty dependable, reasonably priced, and widespread

Just start with those and then you can try fancier stuff later

Remember that a major "boutique" brand used remelted Valhrona for years and no one caught on

>> No.7752945

I have zero control when it comes to candy so I buy dark chocolate because I can only eat like three pieces max before it's just too fucking disgusting.

>> No.7752969
File: 25 KB, 371x180, lindt-bars1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my go to

>> No.7752976


Milk Chocolate leaves your breath smelly though. Probably from all the cane sugar added

>> No.7752988

>gourmet chocolate
you are being scammed, a $200 chocolate bar only costs slightly more to make than a vomit inducing hershey

>> No.7752993

What's wrong with lindt? It rates a solid above average in my book.

>> No.7752997
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>flavors of acidic dirt and rusty nails
No thanks

>> No.7753003

Milk "chocolate" is really chocolate-flavoured confection, not real chocolate.

>> No.7753012

You don't have to buy a 200 dollar chocolate bar

>> No.7753013
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who /rittersport/ here?

>> No.7753014


Its shit, just plain shit.

>> No.7753019

Do we all agree that American chocolate is a meme and that Euopean chocolate is superior because it actually tastes good?

>> No.7753025

You're probably trying to chew it rather than letting it melt in your mouth and savoring the chocolatey goodness.

>> No.7753031

The chili is fucking disgusting.

>> No.7753053
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>> No.7753075

Other way around. Dark choco is god tier. Milk choco need not apply.

>> No.7753152

Can we all agree that (thing I don't like) is a meme?
great thread OP
I suppose people that like things that you don't are also only pretending in order to look cool or some other literally autistic rationalisation like that?

>> No.7753381

why bother buying and eating sweets you disgust?

>> No.7753458

While I'm sure they're available /somewhere/ in Ameriland, I'd like to know if triple layer chocolate is common. It's my favourite.
Thin layer of dark. Thin layer of milk. Thin layer of white.
So. Fucking. Good.
So, then. Is triple layer chocolate common in the US? Like... could I walk into most American supermarkets and pick up a mass-manufactured bar of triple layer or no?

>> No.7753461

Nice answer!!!. (My sides...)

>> No.7753669

I've never seen it here

>> No.7753688

my nigga

>> No.7753697

Had a mix of dark and milk but nothing with all three.

>> No.7753698
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>> No.7753700


Only when you admit that the rest of euro cuisine sucks

>> No.7753708
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who /whittakers/ here?

>> No.7753719

Never seen those in stores, but if I did, would buy.

>> No.7753856

But the cut pieces are smaller.
The search continues for the secret of infinite chocolate.

>> No.7754140

Mein neger.

Cornflakes is based

>> No.7754147

Everybody has heard of it and it's easy to find in any supermarket.

>> No.7754150

Milk chocolate in itself is alright.
Most milk chocolates are disgustingly sugary tough.
While it's harder to fuck up dark chocolate, there are different qualities.
The best milk chocolate is lower in cocoa butter so that it isn't a melting mess and only slightly higher in sugar than ~60% dark chocolate.

>> No.7754159
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Chocolate with hazelnut fillings > *

>> No.7754160

fuck yeah thank you new zealand life

>> No.7754187

Those things are almost too pretty to eat.

>> No.7754189

Hahaha. No.

And somewhat this >>7752836

>> No.7754241
File: 43 KB, 700x700, ghriardelli-chocolate-semi-sweet-chocolate-baking-bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghiradelli isn't really meant for snacking but its pretty fucking good semi-sweet. I use it for all my baking because its price to flavor ratio is pretty high and you can find it everywhere.

Fuck you chocolate hipsters and your shitty imported French garbage thats overpriced to hell.

>> No.7754243

>Fuck you chocolate hipsters and your shitty imported French garbage thats overpriced to hell.
What if we're not from a third world shithole though?

>> No.7754261

Then you are paying normal prices for mediocre chocolate. The French aren't even great at chocolate they are just autistic as fuck and people mistake it for skill.

>> No.7754281

Lmao@you while eating menier for dessert and poulain for snacks

>> No.7754298

I think its the other way around

>> No.7754388

I used to think Ghirardelli was good, back when I thought Toberlone was fancy

What a naive child you are

>> No.7754392

Your friend in the fridge.

>> No.7754411

love it.

i put the fruit-based ones in the fridge when its hot.


>> No.7754420

I can agree with you, OP.
Then again, according to this thread, I've never had good chocolate.

>Romanian friend regularly gets chocolate sent to him by his family
>usually Belgian or Romanian chocolate
>gives me some whenever I go over to his place
>best chocolate I've ever had in my life
>he says it's relatively cheap to buy over there, but mailing it is the real pain
>tfw no one to buy me European chocolate
It hurts to live, fampai. I can't go back to eating filthy American shit. Hershey's makes my throat feel coarse and American Dairy Milk is a meme.

>> No.7754443

couverture chocolate > all other

>> No.7754446
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>> No.7754452

I've never had hershey's (I'm french) is it that bad?
My standart for bad chocolate is milka (too sweet) how does it compares?

>> No.7754456

Hershey's has a key chemical that gives vomit its distinctive flavor added, this isn't a joke, I am actually being serious

It became traditional back in the days when American mass manufacturing tech had surpassed American supply chain tech, so rotten milk was an expected component of chocolate bars. For many flyover scum, rotten milk garbage chocolate was the first and best chocolate they had ever had. Needless to say, if this were to have been changed, mass armed revolt would have ensued. So it stayed that way, forever. Because being a regular normal guy and being grateful for the garbage fed to you by a megacorp is the Real American Way, and seeking out improvements is treacherous Aaron Burr Osama Bin Laden pure evil.

You can look this up on your own if you don't believe me. I don't expect you to.

>> No.7754458


cadbury > milka > dogshit > Hershey

>> No.7754465

I did look it up because that sounded impossible but it seems you're right.
I'm speechless.

>> No.7754472


>> No.7754478
File: 244 KB, 600x317, mjolkchoc-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marabou chocolate is best chocolate.

>> No.7754484

You are probably just eating dark chocolate wrong
Buy some good, bit more expensive stuff
Take a block, put in your mouth and just let it melt instead of chewing on the chocolate like a filthy plebeian
I like both but pretty much every time people have told me they don't like dark chocolate is because they don't fucking know how to properly enjoy it

>> No.7754494

Ah, the good old "if it's famous, it's shit" reasoning

The mantra of 4chan.

>> No.7754497
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seen it a thousand times
/v/ is particularly bad

>> No.7754498
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>> No.7754499

can't he just mail it with like $5 of dry ice?

>> No.7754504

best brand, gute Wahl

>> No.7754506

Stop samefagging and go and watch your Transformer, you pleb fuck.

>> No.7754512
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>> No.7754538

Yeah, he could but I feel awkward asking a friend for candy that his family sends him.

>> No.7754543

I'm glad you admit it.

You must feel really small having lost so hard.

>> No.7754545

>Americans trying to talk about being cultured
>Americans trying to pretend they understand chocolate
>Americans pretending they know what good chocolate is
>Americans going to home-chocolatier basement conventions to try out the latest craft-chocolate made by nu-males in the local basement micro-chocolateries.

>> No.7754558

>Americans going to home-chocolatier basement conventions to try out the latest craft-chocolate made by nu-males in the local basement micro-chocolateries.
Goddamn, this isn't real is it? Surely no one is pretentious enough to go to a craft-chocolate convention.

>> No.7754601
File: 27 KB, 480x342, 1086014119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even a good illusion, you can clearly see the leftmost piece magically get longer as it slides upwards.

>> No.7754632

It's probably not as bad as the memes say, but I'm Murrican so it's familiar to me. I doubt you'd enjoy it because their milk chocolate is very sweet, and yes, it does have a sour taste unlike any other chocolate I know. Probably an acquired taste.

>> No.7754774
File: 237 KB, 598x792, 1464043910038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just because two people think a certain type of chocolate tastes similar doesn't mean they're the same person.

>> No.7755211

It's on par with any mass produced European chocolate

>> No.7755222

I like dark chocolate but what does chocolate preference have to do with age? Maybe YOU need to grow up....

>> No.7755358

I imagine it's the fact that youngsters are often preoccupied with the changes in their palates as they pertain to perception of bitter flavors

You see this with beer and coffee threads too, a child in his late teens or early 20s who can't stfu about how he totally never enjoys sweet flavors now that he's a real grown-up

>> No.7755374

It has more to do with the fact that OP calls something he doesn't like "a meme" and something he does like "actually tastes good". Pretty childish.

>> No.7755390

i like to drink whiskey and eat dark chocolate and chew unflavored tobacco. the reason is, my personality is lackluster and i have no invested interest, hobbies, or refined skills, so i use consumables as an augmentation to my persona in order that i not be a completely hollow, uninteresting husk. this allows for me to maintain a desultory feeling of superiority over others; my waning self-awareness may actually allow for me to believe i am better than them as a result of my more niche taste in consumables with sincerity.

>> No.7755391

garbage ingredients

>> No.7755395


>> No.7755401

Is it just me or have they massively changed the ingredients in UK chocolate in the past 2-3 years.
Yorkies and Double Deckers taste comparatively shitty now and are a waste of calories

>> No.7755406

>drink whiskey and eat dark chocolate and chew unflavored tobacco


>> No.7755555

The real deal is fantastic, but there are a few cheap knockoffs on the market.

>> No.7755561

Good candy, mediocre chocolate.

>> No.7755638

They have such a high fat content it's like eating wax. The real deal is so good when it melts

>> No.7755689
File: 118 KB, 1080x1920, 1464884572097_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quint quints!

>> No.7755710

When will the "I eat bitter food therefore I am an adult" meme die off?

Let me guess you also prefer your coffee black?

>> No.7755727

You mean the Mast Brothers? There's an entire blog post that rants on about them being frauds.

>> No.7755738
File: 35 KB, 425x520, 719lUNwzsCL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys arent eating chocolate

this is chocolate

"milk" and "dark" are not reality thats a additional flavoring

also your chocolate has been heated and processed to make it shit

>> No.7755762

Nigga, HATING dark chocolate is a meme at this point

>> No.7755904
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Better than any

>> No.7755915

dark chocolate is the chocolate equivalent to grape flavored medicine. I'll only eat that shit if there's no other candy available.

fuck your dark chocolate.

>> No.7756177

I actually like hershey's

>> No.7756196
File: 160 KB, 1200x1158, pod1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is chocolate
lol @ this pleb

"natural" in that context just means not dutched (alkalai processed), it's still fermented and roasted. also with such shit-tier chocolate, you're quite a bit better off if it's dutched, just about the only thing worse would be hersheys brand "raw cacao"

fyi, this is what chocolate looks like

>> No.7756202

>not making your own chocolate


don't call other people kids if you don't make your own chocolate.

fucking kids.

>> No.7756210

>electric stove
stopped watching, sorry I just can't take anyone seriously if they have an electric stove

>> No.7756238

There's nothing wrong with lindt you stupid fucking contrarian faggot, jesus christ.

>> No.7756290

I am one of the people you're generalizing.
You are mostly wrong but still, very impressed by your post.
I award it one out of one conceited smirks.

Replace tobacco with tea by the way.

>> No.7756313

I would stick with lindt and not ruin what you have if I were you, after I tried Valrhona and Michel Cluizel everything supermarket-tier is just disappointing.

>> No.7757483

Pick one and only one, faggot.

>> No.7757491
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>I'll take my chocolate as bitter as my ipa

>> No.7757494

Whittakers master race reporting in

>> No.7757498
File: 26 KB, 634x358, cadbury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this actually good? Because if need be, I'll fly to Europe just to eat one.

>> No.7757504

Once the Americans bought the company a few years ago they changed the recipe to cheaper ingredients and it went down in quality.

They also closed the charity factory and fired everyone.

Try it but it isn't anything special any more, fucking Americans.

>> No.7757509
File: 38 KB, 460x342, america fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I should just resort to homemade chocolate then.

>> No.7757510
File: 56 KB, 700x700, 678564654678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is good. any sea salt dark chocolate really.

i'm not much of a chocolate elitist though. i didn't even know that was a thing until i read this thread.

>> No.7757513

someone please definitively tell me what is not a meme so i can get on with my life

i'm really hungry and i can't wear any clothes because they're memes too

i took the internet seriously and it is killing me

>> No.7757516
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You should just eat your chocolate and relax

>> No.7757517

I pick candy thanks.

>> No.7757521

>literally tastes like vomit

>> No.7757557

I've had this in America and in my home country. I can say personally that the American version is slightly less shit than Hershey's.
The same thing back home tastes much better, it's my standard baseline for chocolate.

>> No.7757581
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Finally a thread I can love. I cannot stand dark chocolate. Hate people who ooze about it. "It's so healthy, Dr. Oz says so."

Dark chocolate is fedora fodder ad nauseum. Though an occasional Chunky reigns supreme.

>> No.7757783

mein Lidl neger

>> No.7757789

I agree, but all the pretentious assholes on this board have posted their opinions on it already.

I will continue my life enjoying milk chocolate like the man-child I am.

>> No.7758379


>> No.7758387

As long as there's peanuts/peanut butter, I don't care

>> No.7758441

Sugar addiction. It fucking sucks.

>> No.7758452

>Sugar addiction
>buys bitter shit
Why not just get actual chocolate and not pseudo adult meme candy?

>> No.7758516

First post best post

>> No.7758559

IMO, dark chocolate peanut butter cups are better than milk chocolate peanut butter cups, but in other cases, I like both dark and milk chocolates just about interchangeably depending on my mood.

>> No.7758576

90% was a bit too much but I got used to it by the end of the bar.

70% is my sweet spot.

>> No.7758623
File: 66 KB, 1000x848, cote-dor-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this brand, especially their brut

>> No.7758632

oh hell yeah

>> No.7758687

I'd take a 99c milk chocolate bar over a gourmet, world-class dark chocolate bar any day of the fucking week. Dark chocolate is bitter-tasting shit for pretentious faggots and meme hipsters who choke down shit-tasting food in order to seem refined.

>> No.7758707

>he thinks price has anything to do with "good"
some cheap choc is good
some cheap choc is shit
some 'spensive choc is good
some 'spensive choc is shit
how much it costs doesn't reflect its quality at all

>> No.7758738


Fucking this

>> No.7758751


>my taste is infallible and i can easily detect good chocolate
>doesn't mention even 1 good chocolate

>> No.7758798

I wish there were some proper chocolate blind tasting competitions. All they need to do to make it blind is get someone with a milling machine to create anonymous tablets from bars. Fucking trivial.

Experts like to delude themselves about their objectivity though unfortunately.

>> No.7758824

>buy chocolate
>tastes good!!!
>must be good chocolate
>buy chocolate
>tastes bad!!!
>must be bad chocolate
that simple, my newfriend friend
like all foods, one person's taste in chocolate != another person's taste in chocolate. what's important is that you buy/eat what you enjoy its flavour, not because of how much it costs or what some other person says you should buy/eat

>> No.7758861

I think sea salt and dark chocolates great.

That Ghiradelli bar fucking sucks though. It's like saw dust with just a bit of chocolate. Flavorless almonds fucking everywhere and hardly any sea salt.

>> No.7758909

>Valhrona, Callebaut,
Those are not better than Lindt. Those are on the same bottom tier.

>> No.7758917


lindt is pretty good and cheap though you stupid fucking nigger

if you have a better cheap chocolate alternative please add some substance to your posts or go back to posting in fast food threads

>> No.7758994

i never said it wasn't good and cheap
my first post itt was >>7758707
do you think i'm someone else or something?
>have a better suggestion
no, because it's all subjective, which was my point. if you think lindt is good and cheap and you like it, then buy it and eat it and enjoy it. my mother worked for lindt before i was born, though
but if you want to know what brands of chocolate i like, i'll tell you that, but i wouldn't ever tell anyone what i like > what he/she/you/they like/s.

>post in fast food threads
i never have

>> No.7759203

45~55% cocoa solids -- god tier
30~45% -- good tier
55~70% -- okay tier
<30% -- bad tier
>70% -- nigga what are you doing tier

>> No.7759373

Doesn't matter, Hershey is no longer categorically chocolate, much in the way Kraft singles are not cheese.
Since they've swapped to vegetable oils it should be listed as compound chocolate.

>> No.7759383

>they've swapped to vegetable oils

I know they did this in China and Korea, but did they do it in the States too?

You can't swap out cocoa butter with palm oil and still call it "chocolate" in Canada or the U.K. because of the strict laws regarding what is and isn't chocolate.

>> No.7759445

holy fuck
i looked it up
butyric acid
i thought it was just me that thought it tasted like vomit, but it actually fucking does, jesus christ, so glad i don't live in america

>> No.7759451

don't know if it's the same in America, but in Australia cadbury will always be god-tier, which is a shame because the company is a load of assholes.

>> No.7759456
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>so glad i don't live in america

not as glad as we are

>> No.7759465

all good man, feel free to stay there with your shit-tier chocolate

>> No.7759472

Looks like they've went back to cocoa butter or maybe I was eating one of their varieties when I saw there was vegetable fat.

>> No.7759486

Hershey's isn't the only chocolate in America. Don't be fucking stupid.

>> No.7759494
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>liking chocolate at all
I respect your opinion but disagree with it

>> No.7759499

Dark chocolate actually has health benefits.

I don't like either but I'd consider milk chocolate inferior just because it's basically hardened sugar.

>> No.7759503

>americans have such weird food customs
>chomps down on lutefisk

>> No.7759506

>eating gypsyshit chocolate

>> No.7759535


I think Romanians are kind of cute, what with all their putting tapestries on walls and their funny dances.

If only they'd stop stealing shit and being migratory.

>> No.7759546


Personally I don't understand why people even like chocolate.

>how do you like your sugar?
>just fuck my shit up

>> No.7759730

dark > white > milk

>> No.7760462

>he's never had good quality 85%

>> No.7760479

I think they're cool because they get 11 year olds to be all flirty and a bit touchy to distract you while they rob from you, which is fun as long as you're able to keep track of your valuables.

>> No.7760494

When i was growing up, this is the only chocolate my mom woukd buy, because she would use it to make other things... i used to sneak bits of it, and eat it just like it is, which is why my preference has always run towards darker chocolate. I am always comparing it to the ome i loved as a kid.

>> No.7760502
File: 32 KB, 450x450, k2-_f414edd2-9e31-435b-ac13-dc5a8c059fcf.v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a fag i forgot the fucking picture

>> No.7760512

What's in those, and where can I get them?

>> No.7760520

Is that... milk inside chocolate?

Holy shit. That looks amazing.

>> No.7760521

>literally only ever tasted this for the first time when i was 19, moved out and working

my teenage pocket money could not justify more than a mars bar, but jeez did i miss out on quality chocolate nearly my whole life

>> No.7760541

You... eat baking chocolate?

>> No.7760552

I did when i was a kid, and every now and again when i am nostalgic, and cooking something with it, i will eat a piece.

>> No.7760556

Does it taste good to you?

>> No.7760561

I get why you would say that, it is undoubtedly more bitter than most people would enjoy, but for me it is a nostalgic taste. So yes, i enjoy it. But that is not to say i don't enjoy other chocolates.

>> No.7760590
File: 349 KB, 1500x1500, boite-rectangulaire-750g-chocolats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be French
>Don't like chocolate and sweets in general
>Out of ideas for my woman's birthday present
>Decide to get a pack of "luxury" chocolate from where I live

I only tasted a few because she didn't want to eat it all on her own, and oh fuck if it wasn't her present I would have ravaged that chocolate, me who usually don't like it.

If some are curious : http://www.puyricard.fr/en/

>> No.7760595

Advertising your website, eh?


>> No.7760598

fuck me I though ck had spoiler.

>> No.7760669

Haighs is the best. Cadbury is still pretty good but yeah it's run by cunts